Monday, February 27, 2012


New week thread.


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Jewels said...

hahaha that whiney Kyle Busch has to go to the tale end of the field for tearing off a tear off on his windshield!! Yea!!!!

Hoda said...

Thanks MARGY about the copy and paste...I will try it right now

magpie said...

You could also put save your comment over to Word pad or something like that...

all done here now, signing off and logging off....

Good Night all Night Owls still gracing our presence...
xoxo ♥

Jewels said...

Wes is being hooked up to Dialysis. Don't know anything else yet.

Hoda said...

Prayers for Wes JEWELS...I hope they can bring him recovery and health...

Hoda said...

It has been raining steadily at the nest...I could hear it...

Lolly said...

Fell asleep and have been asleep for almost hours. Jack woke me up and I am heading to bed. Will catch up on the blog tomorrow.

Night all! Sweet dreams! I will!

Jewels said...

Thanks Hoda!! Goodnight Lolly!

Lolly said...

That was supposed to be 2 hours. LOL Do not have my glasses on.

Nighty nite!

Lolly said...

Nite Jewels! Do me a favor! Hug your Momma for me. Be sure she knows it is from me!

Jewels said...

Will do Lolly!

Hoda said...

JEWELS how late are you working tonight...are you on till the morning? Incredible work you and MARGY do...

Jewels said...

Dale Jr finishes 2nd!!!!! Good enough for me.

Jewels said...

Hoda, I get off at 6 am. five more hours to go... aww, thanks, I am proud of what I do... always wanted to be a RN like my momma, but this comes in a close second. :)

Hoda said...

The wind is blowing a storm it sounds like. Belle is sleeping through it however.

Hoda said...

It certainly an essential service you provide and it takes a special character to be able to do it...I see your Mother's common sense and practicality in you and I am sure it must help when dealing with the public, or the professionals either for that matter.

Jewels said...

aww thanks!!! I am very glad I have my mother in me. She makes me proud! It does take a special character to do this. In more ways than none, its very rewarding. But I tell you, we all who do this has a bit of a crazy gene in us!!! LOL

Hoda said...

I would think you would have to keep it light somehow so you would not crack from the pressure. I also think you would have to be very strong to pull people out from their panic mind set...KUDOS to all who work with you and of course to you too...

Jewels said...

we all have a sense of humor to get us thru.. lol

Hoda said...

Alright I will call it a night.

Good night JEWELS and I hope the remaining hours are not too stressful.


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Jewels and Hoda!

Lori O. said...

Can hear the wind blowing at the nest and can barely make out a white is really dark! Is that Belle on there, Hoda?

Lori O. said...

Jewels, so sorry you have this late night/early morning shift and that it's a long one! Prayers for Wes and all of his family. Have you heard anymore since learning about the dialysis?

Costume Lady said...

I don't really have a fav. driver, Carolyn, but Dale coming in second is good enough for me too! I was a fan of his Dad:)

LYNN, my therapist didn't make me walk BACKWARDS today...I think he wrote me off as "a hopeless case!"

He asked me if any of the exercises hurt, told him 'no', then he said I need more advanced exercises for them to do any good!
OH, NO, MR. BILL, when does it all end. Wouldn't surprise me if he has plans for me to run a MARATHON OR EVEN A TRIATHALON!!
Truth be told...I am begining to like the exercises:)


Jewels said...

Good night Hoda, pleasant dreams, thanks for the prayers.
Good Morning Lori!! No news since then, I pray that means good news. :)
Good Morning Wanda! Yes I loved his daddy too, Mom met Dale Sr! Had her picture taken with him!

Lori O. said...

Goodnight, Wanda!

Jewels, it's pretty quiet around here -that's a good thing. Just the cats and me. I'm just moving around, drinking coffee, trying to get ready for the day.
I hope it's quiet there for you.

Lori O. said...

Jewels, prayers for WES as I begin my day. Is Charlie at the hospital?
Off to the shower then the car...Tuesday is my long day of meetings. UGH.

Jewels said...

Lori, Charlie is taking their mother there later this morning. depending on how things go, they may stay the night there and come back later Wednesday.

Jewels said...

hope your day goes smooth and the meetings are not too rough on you!

Lori O. said...

Almost ready... Have a great day Jewels! I'll check in a little later see how you're doing.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Jewels and Lori,

Goodnight, Wanda! So proud of how well you're doing with the PT!

Jewels, praying for Wes and the whole family. Glad everyone made it to the destination OK. Prayers for the doctors, too!

Really super to see Lynn here earlier! Hope the gooey cupcake filled just the right spot! Emma says thanks for the hug, and "Rrrruff, ruff!" back at Liesl!
I'm sending (((HUGE, ALL-NIGHT HUGS))) to you, Lynn! Love you!!!
I'm glad that Jr. came in 2nd--works for me, too!

Lori, I am SOOOOO glad that Bobby and LeRoy found a furever home TOGETHER! Have you heard from their new family again?

Judie, you had me laughing, too!
Love your sense of humor! Thanks for the night light. The moon was showing through the clouds here, but wasn't quite bright enough to see by. It's still raining here, and the air smells SOOO fresh and clean! LOVE IT!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lori, hope your meetings aren't too long, or too boring!

Think I'm gonna call it a day here.
It's been a long one! Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems.
Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
Special prayers for Wes, and of course, for Lynn!--Praying that you will have a really, really good and restorative night's sleep tonight. Sleep tight, everyone.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you SO much! :o]

Lori O. said...

Checkin' in, Jewels!

Jewels said...

I still here!!! hAd a busy moment.... now its slowed off.

Lori O. said...

A busy MOMENT? That's not going to keep you awake for long! Still have your Mountain Dew supply?

Lori O. said...

Before we both get busy, please, please give your Mom a hug for me and let her know I love her & prayers are constantly being said for her. (((Big Hugs))) to both of you!

Jewels said...

Lori, Mt Dew is gone... three bottles, well actually two and half. LOL Poor Marg, she said save her one if Ihad one left. FOrgot to ask, Margy?? Did you get your apple?
I am reading the news trying to stay awake.
I will give mom a huge hug from you. Thank you for the prayers and hugs!!

Jewels said...

Well, I just got the news. My Brother n law Wes Man didn't make it. His wife was with him, three of the four daughters were there as well. Just talked to my neice that wasn't going until later this morning...she needed to hear my voice. My heart is heavy, so heavy.

Jewels said...

Wes was 53 or 54 yrs old. Charlie called to ask me about our daughters. Does he tell them now or when they get home from school?? If he tells them now, they won't go to school. if they go to school, he is afraid one their cousins will call them or text them. Ugh...this stinks!!!

Lori O. said...

OH JEWEL! I'm so sorry.

Lori O. said...

I won't even begin to advise you, but I'm here for you. How sad that he had to die in a hospital, but at least his family was there.
Big Hugs, Caro!

DanaMo said...

So sorry Jewels. Very sad.

Jewels said...

Thanks Lori and Dana... this is so hard. I hate this.

Sandi said...

Morning LORI, DMO, and JEWELS! Just glancing back a few comments to see why JEWELS is on so early and read the bad news about your brother-in-law. I'm so sorry to hear that he died at the hospital! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family, JEWELS.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Lori O. said...


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Sad Morning, so sorry to read of Jewels's brother-in-law's death...
Hugs, Love and Prayers go out to the entire family...

wvgal_dana said...


WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Eagle Fans and Sycamore Palace.

CAROLYN soooooo sorry to hear about WES. Hugs to you and family.

I see we had a smooth switch already this morning with SHEP in the seat.

magpie said...

hope your looooong day of meetings goes well and swiftly

Best wishes for a Good Day for all our TEACHERS.....

and also to everyone else...

(( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

I wanted to thank you, for saying you can check some Astronomy things from my posts...those links are awesome that the others have shared.....I am rather simple and basic about a lot of it...

ISS should be making a good flyover tonight...check your "local listings"

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, Jwells, DanaMo,
Sandi, Margy, WVsUSAn, and those coming in.

WV sUSAn said...

Hi WVDana, Margy, Lori, Sandi and lurkers.

Going this morning with my BFF who is having surgery. Damn colon cancer. She has a great surgeon and I am sure of a great outcome. Positive thinking.

magpie said...

Best Wishes, Hugs, Prayers and Love, Susan, for your friend...
Prayers for the Medical Team, and
God Bless You for being there with and for her ....

wvgal_dana said...

Jewels so sorry about your
brother in law Wes Man. Prayers
for his family and friends and You.

Jewels give Lynn a hugs for me please. It sounds like she has lost a lot of weight so make it an "easy hug". Praying for you Sweet Lynn.

WVsUSAn praying for your friend
having the surgery today. Dam
cancer :(

Lori hope the time flys through
your meetings.

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, her sis will be there but I couldn't have her there alone, ya know. Friends for many years. My nephew is doing the surgery and he's the best. Thank you. <3

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks WVDana, just too much of that nasty cancer around.

magpie said...

Awesome, Susan.....♥

wvgal_dana said...

My cousin Rosie heer daughter recently had colon cancer surgery. Then the chemo or rad. She is now cancer free. Praise God!

I hope that is the case for your friend WVsUSAn.

WV sUSAn said...

She retired last year from teaching many years. Such a dear and beautiful soul. Today will be a good day.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

Carolyn,sorry to hear the bad news about Wes. I think you should tell your daughters before they hear it elsewhere. My daughter found out her grandmother died on Facebook (not my Mom). In her grief, my niece posted her loss before the whole family was notified.

WV sUSAn said...

Very happy for your cousin, WVDana. I'll be on here soon telling that about my BFF. )

wvgal_dana said...

Went to help Mother yesterday. By the time I got home I had put in an 8 hour day. Man I was beat!!!

When I got out of the car at home. I was greated with "A Gift From God". A beautiful starry night sky. Just filled with such lite beauty. Gave me such a peaceful feeling.

grannyblt said...

Susan, prayers for your friend having surgery today. My Mom had successful colon cancer surgery 5 years ago with absolutely NO reoccurrence.

magpie said...

Hear the cardinal at the nest

Time for me to get ready for work, it is saying ♫ ♫ ♪

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Eagle Pals
xoxo ♥

T-Bird said...

We've got a new thread.

T-Bird said...

We've got a new thread.

JudyEddy said...

I love getting my daily picture now the one today is to dye for Image of the day

Eastern Seaboard at Night

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...