Monday, February 13, 2012


New thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you so much, Steve

we are always ready....
weather should be settling out a little hereabouts, Thank Goodness!

Hope you have a good work week....

magpie said...

another round of

Happy Birthday to Mattie Jane, Hope this is Your Best Birthday, Ever! xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Belle is off the eggs...

Bird Girl said...

Steve, thanks for the new thread!

Mema Jo said...

Happy to come over, Margy to this new fresh thread.
Thank you Steve!

It is Mattie Jane's 14th b-day!

Wow 2 eggs exposed and where did
the Eagles go ????????

magpie said...

And Shep shadows and then flutters down to tend to the Royal Eggs

Mema Jo said...

Shep in at the 11:00 position
Very quickly settled in on the eggs...

Shep has this down really well..

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you, Steve.

I see there has been a changing of the guard. Good boy, Shep.

Prayers for John, Claudia, and Charlie.

Do hope Lynn is still feeling somewhat better. Encouraging to see her come in the door.

Mema Jo said...

Just received call from Hospital that John is in the operating room - kids are in the waiting room - Torn aorta being repaired.

Bird Girl said...

Positive thoughts for John and his family!

magpie said...

That's the major pipeline, the Aorta..
God Bless and Guide these surgeons with John's heart in their hands....

Mema Jo said...

Hi Judie - Our gal Lynn is sipping water

That is the good news!

Mema Jo said...

Ironical enough is that John's sister (being of same age in 70"s) had the same repair recently!
John's wife a few years back lost her life to Cancer!

Mema Jo said...

From Robyn:
Robyn Ann Schonhans

Tori is currently sitting in a chair, alert but tired, a little is a lot at the moment. The trache is still on for today just waiting for an OR. Tori hopped on fb but her hands are being difficult at the moment but gaining strength daily
2 minutes ago · Like

She is really doing great ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread
Praying your work day is a good one.

Prayers for John as he is in surgery now God. Thank you for getting him there and for YOUR HANDS THAT ARE AT WORK. Prayers for the family in the waiting home.

Prayers for Claudie..God has HIS timing!! Remember my cousin Rosie had the same thing. Sugery removed the tumors. She is going through chemo though. Whenever I call and talk with her she is so upbeat. With all that has recently happened to her. God Lives Within Her^j^

Mema Jo prayers for you also as you wait to hear the news about John and for when Claudie has her surgery.♥

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Dana

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slept really late this morning. I am back on my regular meds and feeling great! Was so comfy in bed. Did have an interruption in the middle of the night....Annie throwing up. She did a lot of that yesterday. So, Jack and I were up, with bright lights on, cleaning the carpet at around 3AM. Groan....

Lynn, so glad to see you on here this morning. Keep taking those sips of water, frequently. Will be happy when you are able to eat and keep it down!!! You need that water and nourishment!!! came to the right place.☺ Prayers going up!

magpie said...

and Thanks for another update on Tori, Jo...

Lolly said...

♪♫♪ Happy Birthday, Mattie!♪♫♪

Oh, I remember being 14....just a few years ago. LOL

Lolly said...

Well, what do you think? Is the final count going to be two eggs? IMHO...I think this is it, and I am very habby with two. Shep is going to be a good provider, but two is a good number for him to feed.

Mema Jo said...

I would be very surprised it there would be another egg at this time....
Two is Terrific!

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time


Lolly said...

I have not had breakfast and it is getting very late. Need to get with it!!

Have a great day!

Oh, and MARGY, I never did decorate the shield. LOL The doctor said I only need it at night. Jack isn't very nice about my shield. Says he can not love a one eyed woman. ☺ However, I know better!!!

movin said...


Good Morning, everyone.


Cloudy and cool today in So Cal ... 30% chance of rain too.

I'm still marveling at how much my vision is improving day-by-day, so it's still a beautiful scene outside to me... and clearer, and more detailed. [:~D]

Eagle at Norfolk; two eagles now on the Sauces nest.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Costume Lady said...

I can't remember if we ever had only 2 chicklets. We have had 3 and just 1...anyone remember?

Costume Lady said...

JIM, I know what you mean...each day, I can walk and feel better than the day before!!
I thought it would be months before I could walk this well.
We have both been so blessed~

Kay said...

Nice new thread ! Thank you, STEVE !

LYNN, so happy to "see" you today ! Thankful you have your dear daughters nearby and that Christie will be along this afternoon to assist you. Here's hoping and praying you'll feel better with each passing hour !

JO, John and Claudia are in my prayers !♥ Thanks for the TORI update. Love the progress she's making.

WANDA, reading "I thought it would be months before I could walk this well." causes shivers of joy up and down my spine !

Also tickled with JIM's report on the eyesight. LOLLY will be singing the same tune very soon ! Yeah !!!!!

Shep continues to amaze ! God given animal instinct and a few nudges from Belle have turned him into quite a guy.

Have to get ready to go to the urologist now as it's time for a ye olde kidney follow up. Don't expect to hear there is a thing wrong with that system. Were it not for the ortho issues I'd be 100% !


Judie said...

Jo, thank you for the update on John and wishing the surgery will be perfectly successful. Also, thank you for the Tori update. She is an amazing young woman.

Jim, so happy your eyesight is greatly improved. Now you can really see the eagles soar.

Sorry about Annie, Lolly. Went through that with our last two as they began their decline at ages 16 and 17.

Wanda, how's things kickin your way? How's GG? Jayden? Capt. Gene? Need my GG fix!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Wow only about 6o comments to read everyone must be busy

JudyEddy said...

YEAH Lynn I see was on good to hear from you

Hoda said...

Goodmonring/ Good afternoon everyone...

Good to see you on LYNN...

Prayers for John and Claudia JO.

Sorry to hear about ANNIE getting sick LOLLY.

YES INDEED...two eggs is a good number...

WANDA I hope the knee is doing well.

Prayers for RED'S surgery on Wednesday.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so proud of our Shep and I am so grateful that I can feel pride towards him instead of hatred. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now I have another resentment to work through but with God's help, we got this!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, we have never had 2 in the nest, you are's been either 3 or 1

JudyEddy said...

Prayers and healing thoughts to Carolyn's Charlie with the Cellulite

PRAYERS for JO's sons father in law John and daughters sis in law Claudia

SHIRLEY hope that Hunters toe is healing good and he is in minimal pain

ANDY thanks for the heads up on the George movie I love that man

MATTIE I hope you have a great Birthday Oh 14 such a marvelous age

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE...GG has been doing exceptionally well. Denise brought her up to see me while I was in the hospital (may have already told this) and when I got up to show her I could walk already (day 2) with a walker, she cried and hugged me, thinking it would be a long time before I could even stand, much less walk.
I put 2 weeks worth of pills in those little baggies and Gene gave them to her daily and fixed her something to eat.
She is still doing VERY well. I'll tell her you asked about her♥

Getting ready to go to the Fitness Center to go on to my next step in therapy ~

JudyEddy said...

Great news about TORI in chair one step and one day at a time

JIM fantastic news about your sight

WANDA will be runing before you know it and doing hurdles tooo

JudyEddy said...

I am amazed I am caught up slo morning I see all the snow is melted on the ground also at the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, glad to hear GG is doing well!

Costume Lady said...

I'm glad you remembered that, PAULA...I think 2 will be extremely fun to watch as they interact in days to come:)

Costume Lady said...

Hey JUDYE, I am looking forward to dancing one day soon:) I will need to run, once second GGrandson is born and walking:)

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to go out the door and meet up with Jennifer - she wants to look at bedding and so do I. I am due for a new comforter.


JudyEddy said...

Its time for me to go back to work just got off the phone with Angies she was hoping I was home for lunch see you about 6 need to by some cat food and litter and other stuff

Hoda said...

This is so awesome A Proposal that has a lot of class!!!

movin said...

Yes, that's right, Wanda & Judy. We have been blessed with effective treatments and the promise of complete cures to our ailments.

Prayer really works, and modern medicine is often something like a miracle in itself.

C(°?°)3 Jim

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eaglebuds! Busy in AM, so just finished reading most of previous thread.This one's next!


Glad to see Lynn wrote a few! Hope all the new meds work ASAP. Enough Already!!!
Prayers for Lynn, Charlie, Jo's childrens' relatives, Red's surgery on Wed.,Hunter's toe, and hope Wanda's new knee is up and kicking soon! ☺ ♥

Sandi said...

Hi all, busy day at school. Have done some speed reading in an attempt to catch up. Hooray, LYNN has been on today and is sipping water!!! GREAT NEWS! As WANDA knows, baby steps for now, the dancin' comes later! Hope the meds are kicking in! JO, prayers for those in your family who need them! No news about a 3rd egg, so it looks like 2 eggs it is. That sounds like the perfect number for the first year with this new pair - I like it!!

Sandi said...

Oops, forget to check the box to send posts to my email.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!


14 is a wonderful age! ♪♫♪

Enjoy your special day & May all your birthday wishes come true!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I shared a couple of pics from the album with Sarah from NCTC so she can use them for Valentine's week. I hope no one minds.

Linda said...

Good Afternoon.

In MAJOR catch up mode as yesterday I was gone all day.

So sorry to hear Lynn is so sick. I still have to read back to learn more. Praying for you, gal... ♥

This was on Robyn's FB page:

Robyn Ann Schonhans
52 minutes ago
Tori is in the OR getting her trache and should be up soon

Praying all goes well and that this step makes a huge difference for Tori.

Shep is up, stretching and rearranging things...

paula eagleholic said...

Shep up moving some sticks at the 9....tail and wing stretch....gentle egg roll...and wiggles down facing 3

Linda said...

And Shep settles back down on the eggs again...after his stretch

Linda said...

♪♫Wishing Mattie a very Happy 14th Birthday today. May all your wishes come true ♥ ♪♫

Mema Jo said...

I've returned from being down street with Jennifer. She found a spring jacket and a pair of jeans.

I really wasn't looking for anything
special so therefore; I didn't bring
anything home.

Need to read - hope all is well

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Linda for Tori's update.......

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - people or bird pics being
shared - just wondering....

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Mattie!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!! ♫♫

paula eagleholic said...

Big shake on the cam...Belle in the attic, I presume

Jewels said...

Good afternoon! I have talked to mom. Still feels lousy. She did try to eat a little something for lunch and wad going to go to bed. Christie was there. Charlie is home from the hospital. They were ready to admit him but blood work came back negative for infection. He was told to lay down with his leg above his heart. Gonna be hard to keep him down!
I was awoken to the smoke detectors all going off. Unsure why. Good that it woke me up, but I reset one and went back to bed since they all went silent.
Great news on Tori. Prayers for John and Claudia, along with Tori, Mom, and everyone else!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird pics Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Update: Received call from the kids around 2:30 p.m. and said they could go up to see John within the next hour. He has had surgery and the next 48 hours are critical - Will keep you posted ♥

Hoda said...

Oh JEWELS...a lot going on in your life PRAYERS indeed...

Mema Jo said...

Jewels! Lay low! lol Love ya ♥

I want your Mom to be her old self very soon! I am sure you do to! Well that is what everyone is praying will happen.

Mema Jo said...

Great Sharon! Hope we will be able to see a finished project! ☻

My feet are going up for a few........

Linda said...

Poof Shep

paula eagleholic said...

Shep up and off the nest....hear calling....then sounds like HP in the tree....shaking

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in the nest

Linda said...

Belle Returns

Lori O. said...

Sure looked like the cam was being used for HP again, Paula!

Hoda said...

Changing of the Guard...Shep takes off and eagle chirps from up above. Belle in the she comes

paula eagleholic said...

Wiggle wiggle...Belle incubating

Hoda said...

LOL You All!!! I thought Belle was simply saying "Don't be gone too long and get me a good fish" I did not think HP at all...LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

If this tree's a rocking, don't come a-knocking! :)

Hoda said...


Hancock Foundation reporting had the same impression as you all...bonding in the tree they report...

Linda said...

Oh, LYNN - I am so so sorry you have had such a horrible time of late and ended up in the ER yesterday.

I just don't understand the severe nausea. That wouldn't come from a UTI, correct? So what is causing that?

Please know you are in my prayers constantly and I surely hope you get to feeling better very soon. Love you ♥

JO - You are so right about never knowing what a day can bring. Will be keeping John and his family as well as Claudia in prayer.

JEWELS - Thanks so much for all your posts through the day yesterday about your Mom, keeping everyone informed. We do love and care for your Mom and sure does help to know what is going on! Praying that Charlie can "stay down" and rest that leg and heal quickly as well. Take care of yourself, too. You probably can't afford to get run down right now. ♥

Lolly said...

Peeking in, mainly to check on Lynn. Do not like hearing she is still not feeling well. LYNN, we are loving and praying for you!!!

It is cold and wet here. We like wet! We got a little over 2 tenths of an inch. The snow that came down did not last long and quickly melted, since then it has been dripping.

Jack went with me to run errands. Took my old set of dishes (Mikasa) to Goodwill. They were excited to get them. Wonder if they were as excited when Jack took my coat last year. LOL Stop that, Lolly! I was going to forgive and forget!!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Sharon, good one!

I need to be able to video that once, and put it on youtube, LOL

DanaMo said...

Hello all!
Home from school and making Valentines.

Mema Jo said...

Update - Surgery is over - the kids visited - they are now home with their
2 boys. The aorta valve was replaced - not just the tear. This can happen due
to high blood pressure - straining.
I only talked briefly with them as they
were just walking in the door.

Thank you for prayers on such short
notice - they worked! THANKS!

Mema Jo said...

Did the valentines turn out to be
beautiful? Your young students are
quite proud of themselves, I'm sure.

Lolly said...

Did you do the hearts today, Dana? Really curious of the out come!!☺

hedgie said...


Lolly said...

Egg roll!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgie, how are you?

Lolly said...

Hey, there Lynn! Feeling any better this afternoon?

hedgie said...

You've all been quiet today!
I am feeling a little more human at the moment. Christie fixed me a bland cheese quesadilla for lunch and I ate almost half! Then I went to bed and slept so osundly that I never heard her vacuuming and stuff! My girl done good! At least if I start to feel like company, the house is presentable.
Hope you've all had a good day!

Westminster Dog Show starts tonight, concludes tomorrow night! CNBC. 9pm or MN.

DanaMo said...

The Tissue hearts came out pretty good. As someone said, some of the kids did really well and made very nice hearts, others, not so much!

I made lollipop roses and super heroes for my students.

Lolly said...

The little ? gives her away. Can not sneak up on us. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I am needing prayers for my Mopsy and me. She is not doing well. Hardly eating, she had some chilling happening yesterday. I keep waiting for God to intervene and not make me make the choice to send her over the Rainbow Bridge but not happening yet. She normally stays in the same room with me but now she is having to stay right at me, laying under my desk right at my foot pedal. So freaking sad!

magpie said...

Prayers of course for the Petster Mopsy, and the Momster, Sharon
( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Glad you got some good zzzzz's Lynn...
Hoping each day is 100% better than the one before...
make that 1000% better...
or a million %
xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Good to read surgery is over for John, brand new aortic valve....
and praying for these next critical 48 hours...and then some

Hoda said...

Loose white feather on Belle's left wing.


LYNN good to hear you and I am glad you ate...YAY Christie...and Carolyn Toon...

magpie said...

Whew! Relief....

Belle and the Royal Eggs shall have a much warmer weather night on the nest....

Hoda said...

JO Glad the surgery went well and that there is good results from it all.
Prayers continue for healing...

magpie said...

any idea what could be going on with Mopsy, Sharon?
The IN-house Veterinarians here might have some ideas.....
I'm so sorry....

magpie said...

Lynn, we were quiet...
But we all could not WAIT to hop on and look for YOU....
Thank you so much for checking in....

magpie said...

Hope Everyone's Valentine's Day Plans hold something very special for each of you ♥ ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie, I think a lot of it has to do with her being 19 years old. Her hips hurt and she is unsteady with them and I think her little body is just getting worn out.

Lolly said...

Lynn, you have two very special daughters. You done good!!! Glad you are feeling a wee bit better and very happy to hear you ate a little. Laurel called after my last post and have been on the phone talking with her. Daughters are fantastic!!!

magpie said...

Carolyn/Jewels will be clocking in very soon, like right now at work...

Hope that Charlie behaves! Maybe you can send an officer out to make sure he has that leg elevated, Carolyn !!! A "Welfare Check" ☺
Glad no infection was found....

Lovins' to you and your night...
Whitney Houston CD goes in your mailbox at work TUESDAY..
xoxox (( Hugs ♥ ))

Robyn said...

Jo, this is Bobbi. Robyn just called me and said she thinks she was talking to your son today at the hospital. She is on the road right now but would like you to give her a call if you can. Hope everything went well for his father in law.

magpie said...

oh dear, Sharon...
I am sad....and hope Mopsy makes a rebound very soon...and that she can be in comfort....
((Nuzzling Hugs ♥ )) to Mopsy...
Thank you for the answer....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And on a much lighter and happier note, I am going to Becky's for cake and ice cream for this most awesome 14-year-old we have! :)

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Jo----what a miracle that they got John into OR in time!!! Hoping news remains good as I read on.....

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) for Sharon and her petster!

Margy, (((hugs))) for you, too. Received my large print card today. Thank you!

magpie said...

My gosh Lolly!! USPS rocks!
I am doing my best to keep the Postal Service in business...just bought some new stamps today...
the post card stamps, are Hawaiian shirts! But I have 29's and 3's to use up first... ☺

magpie said...

I slipped an email to Jo that there is a post on here for her from Robyn...

hedgie said...

Judie and Lolly, Christie and Shannon are going through the elder cat vomiting issues, too. Poor Ashes---vet can't find any reason or is what it is.

Lolly said...

My cam is still running, but it looks like the picture is frozen. Hmmmmm?????? Whoops, she moved. She is just in such an awkward postition.

magpie said...

Enjoy the Birthday Party for the Teenster, Sharon !!!
And give her all our Lovings and Huggings...xoxox ♥

magpie said...

I'm a wee bit afraid sometimes that I am going to type

Dadsters, not so much a worry, unless I type Dudsters...

I'll sure try to be careful....

Would like to know how Hunter (which I sometimes time as Hunger) got along today....maybe Shirley will have time to check in ...


Muzzle being applied to the Magpie Mouth at this time...

Best Wishes for a Good Evening, Friends...
xoxox ♥

DanaMo said...

Oh Sharon, I'm so sorry for Mopsy that is an awful hard decision and one that we never want to make ourselves.

magpie said...

How is the sore throat today by the way?
Hope all things went well, with ALL our School Teachers today

magpie said...

Jo's gotten the message from Bobbi...

Medevac coming in to City...taking someone somewhere where they need expert care.....God Bless Them...All..

ttfn as stated earlier

xo ♥

hedgie said...

More good news as I read...Tori has her trach!!!! AMEN! Hope it went smoothly...need to keep reading. Don't think I'll ever get to FB.

hedgie said...

Linda....yep, a UTI CAN cause severe vomiting.....and with that diagnosis, I feel a bit reassured, if that makes sense, because I had greater fears. Just a weird UTI as there has been no burning or frequency, etc......just a definite lack of output which I've been complaining about for several weeks....duh!

FuzzleMT said...

Glad you found out what it was and are healing, Lynne -

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynn! Glad you are feeling good with your diagnosis. Hope the meds do their trick right away!

hedgie said...

Sharon, so sorry about Mopsy. I pray that if it is her time, she goes peacefully at your feet. Love our dear dogs SO much....always hurts to realize that their time is so much shorter than ours. (((HUGS))) and love.

Give Mattie birthday hugs from all of us!

Well how cool is that that Robyn and Jo's son met at UMMC!!!! What a small world it is.

Must tell you that Charlie's 9 weeks on life support in '05 resulted from this cellulitis condition in his bad leg. Sadly, he is a non-compliant anything can happen. Dr. should still have put him on antibiotics to prevent things from worsening........ARGH!

Lolly said...

It is that time of night. Have to "tilk" my laptop to see Belle.

Mema Jo said...

Small world down at UMMC! Just wish
that Charles knew that Robyn needed
a big hug! I have to talk with Robyn later, but what a coincidence.

Glad to see more and more comments from you, Lynn! ♥

DanaMo said...

Stuffy head, sore throat, ear aches, but hey it's just a cold. A woman's cold, not a man cold! LOL

Lolly said...

Off to heat up chili and cornbread.


DanaMo said...

BTW the lady from the Archdiocese was in my classroom all of 3 minutes! Geez...

JudyEddy said...

WOW slow day on the blog today did my shopping at work Cat food and everything I wanted to pick up yesterday and didn't have the ATM card did it all in 15 min punched out at 530 and was in the line and out the door at 545 I hate shopping get in get out and get on with your life they say applies here so sorry about Mopsy SHARON ((((HUgs)))) ok gonna go find food I am hungry I was a bad girl I bout donuts Krispy Creme but only 6 and they are haunting me so need to find other food and not them

JudyEddy said...

Belle is moving

hedgie said...

Peanut butter toast down the hatch! Wish me luck.

Herky-jerky cam view.

Heading for sofa. BBL.

JudyEddy said...

Herkey jerkey moving like a ghost

JudyEddy said...

rolling eggs I can see the eggs back on them BBL LM

Lolly said...

Egg roll, saw to loverly eggs!!!

Mema Jo said...

Belle's position is pointed towards 6:00

She still has the small white feather
on her wing....

DanaMo said...

Yum...PB toast is one of my favs. Good luck Lynn hope you are able to handle it.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Prayers for John that all continues to go well after surgery!

Glad you are feeling a bit better today Lynn, and I hope this trend continues!

Great news about Tori!

Sorry Annie is vomiting Lolly. Usually goes hand in hand with HyperT. Hopefully she just ate too fast!

Sorry about Mopsy, Sharon. Never ever an easy thing, but one of the greatest things we can do for our pet children is to relieve them of their suffering when there is no chance it will get better. Always the worst when the heart and mind are still so alive and the body just wears out. Stay strong.

Lynne2 said...

I hope Charlie is behaving and gets better very soon. We wouldn't want to have to threaten him with Eagle Canes!

DanaMo, UGH! Sorry you are ailing! You know the routine, lots of water, Advil, juice...blah blah blah....hope it won't last too long!

JudyEddy said...

I did get a video on 2-10 of them in the attic mating or this is the link to it I don't think I put it on the blog I did on the Facebook fan page just saw it there

Hp in the Attic sounds like he is killing her LOL or is that him yelling LOL

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO I hope you get over your cold soon When ever I feel one coming on I take the Nasty Zican stuff it seems to help YUKY though

JudyEddy said...

I still haven't figured out what to eat BBL

wvgal_dana said...

SHARON I kept waiting for God to take Little Man in his sleep. It just never happened. God let me know that Little Man had done his faithful job. Of caring for us and giving us all his loving. So now it was my turn to pay the little fellow back and stop his suffering. No matter how hard it would be on me. I took him to the vet. She said the medicines he would be put on. Which would make him sleep all the time. I said,"That is no life for Little Man is it?" No she said. I said I know what I have to do. Give him "THE GIFT OF LIFE THROUGH RAINBOW BRIDGE BECAUSE HERE ON EARTH TRUTHFULLY THIS WAS NOT A CARING LOVING LIFE FOR HIM." SHARON GIVE MOPSY THE GIFT OF LIFE THROUGH RAINBOW BRIDGE.♥♥ Yes it will be hard do it but he will love you even more♥♥

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - have a donut

Hoda said...

Good to read several entries from LYNN and glad you had another small meal.

I am going to head off to yoga and will be back later...

ENJOY the evening.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda where do you take your PT at?

magpie said...

I love going to doctor's offices that have Guideposts in the waiting room...

Here's a snippet I liked:

"When you're Down, Look UP, God is there...."

Hello More Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

USPS has the most beautiful, red and white "Love" stamps out...
45-cent "Forever Stamps" appropriate...

magpie said...

and the issue I was trying to read, had some articles about losing a beloved pet....
guess I need to go and just hang out in the doc's office and read it cover to cover...

magpie said...

Lynn, I hear ya' on the wish for antibiotic for Charlie....makes perfect sense to me....
and You would know....

magpie said...

Heard a Robin singing powerfully in a tree close by this evening before sunset, but could NOT locate the rascally Robin...only could see Starlings in the tree...

Maybe Tomorrow !

wvgal_dana said...

Margy they have Guideposts online.

magpie said...

WV Magazine March issue, has an article about Turkey and Black Vultures....mentions the convenient fact that they have no head feathers...makes it easier for them to feast on animal carcasses....
not so with Bald Paula surmised Belle might have gotten her smudgies from several weeks ago

and juvenile T-V's have black heads.

Judie said...

Oh dear, well, I hope Charlie will be a good do-be and be doing what he should. UMUC - a small world indeed.

Good news about Tori.

DanaMo, hope you feel better soon.

So sorry about Ashes and Mopsy. When time, giving them a peaceful transition is such a small human price for all they give us for so many years.

Ah, Lynn, I see you think the problem has been identified. We all hope so and wish you quick relief. Never knew UTI could cause vomiting.

Wanda, please do give GG my best along with a great big huge giant oversize really-big hug from me.

Margy, can you send the medevac to carry me away so I don't have to go to the big school house tomorrow? I promise I won't be any trouble!


magpie said...

see that Dana, thank you....I will have to backtrack and try to find that issue...
I get the magazine every month:
but only for the last two years.

I also finally renewed my subscription to Astronomy
Magazine, after it dropped in price by $20 ☺

magpie said...

another Medevac coming in right now Judie...and you know what? I know some of the local flight medics...I'll see what I can work out...

Mema Jo said...

Guess you knew that pneumonia causes
vomiting! I didn't know it until it happened to me.

Mema Jo said...

Blogger Cop just made me sign in!
I do not have google email !

Mema Jo said...

Liesl, I bet you are having lap time during Jephrody. That is how it should

I need a break - really do!

I bet Mattie's party is rocking!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, sorry to hear about Mopsy....hope she improves...if not, you need to take her to the vet to see what is wrong.

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't know about the pneumonia, Jo, but I did know about the UTI's...went through that with my Mom...

Lynn, glad you are starting to feel better!

wvgal_dana said...

I don't understand Charlie knows about
cellulitis and his leg. I can not understand....He would want someone he helped through the fire department to follow doctors orders. He should be setting an example for others.
Let's say he helped to get someone to the hospital that had cellulitis. Then another day they get a call from same address for same thing cvellulitis. I would think Charlie would become frustrated towards the person (maybe not saying with patient there) but later to the other guys.

DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone, but it is just a cold. Nagging, but it will be gone soon enough. I am rarely sick so I don't want to complain.

Going to go watch the dog show!

Night all!

JudyEddy said...

Its almost bitch black at the nest I do see a little white head and the tree branches And I did have three donuts Bad me there are 3 that are haunting me LOL no way I have the chills from eating the last one you know that sweet rich feeling like no more and guess who wanted some JET she ate a small piece when she jumped on my lap and bit at it brave little cat Benny wanted no part of it but Jet did ODD HUH I am going to go watch Desp Housewives that I dvrd last nite BBL

JudyEddy said...

Belle has her back turned to us and I can see some white tail feathers So I guess we are talking behind her back LOL I know that was dry LOL OK now it is goodbye for a while LM and TV and I am still getting the shivers with the sweet donuts I am burping up YUK enough is enough I may by donuts every couple of years and that is enough I would only buy one at work but they just got these in again the plant is right in Tampa so they are fresh Bye again

magpie said...

It's WHAT black at the nest ??

LOL !!!

magpie said...

What's sad, is when patients cannot speak for themselves, about what hurts ... because...they cannot speak at all

Listening to Whitney Houston Christmas CD one last time before worktime Tuesday

xo ttfn Friends....

JudyEddy said...

THE NEST is black looking hard to see

magpie said...

I guess that is the way it is with our precious pets too...
but, you pet-owners...can often sense it I know....♥

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us all and our Pets....

JudyEddy said...

we need to install a street light in the area You can purchase them in Fl through your electric company My mom and dad had one in their yard also

CarolAnne said...

Evening all,

My heart soars with all the good medical news, yet skips a beat when I read of the sadder things. Prayers of thanks and prayers for all the rest continue.

WVDANA, thanks for the restaurant stories and JANET, your pkg is on its way.

Bubby has supped, now to shovel & salt the icy spots.

Wishes of rest for those headed that way, pleasant evening to all!

magpie said...

JudyE..your post at 8:01...

Hi CarolAnne...☺♥ hope the shoveling and salting task goes easy...
NO Tumbling allowed !!

paula eagleholic said...

LOl Margy, I caught it too, but I don't think JudyE did!!

JudyEddy said...

OK I did misspell Pitch funny lol funny I hope everyone will forgive me LOL back to DH

magpie said...

Oh it's okay Judy, I've done worse, but no one caught one I did a few weeks ago. I misspelled Public.

Jewels said...

you do not have to give me your cd, a copy would be perfect!!
Just gettng a chance to get on here. been steady this evening. Back is really hurting me. UGH!

magpie said...

been hearing Medevacs a few times here Jewels, I figured you folks might be busy...
I might make a copy for myself, but YOU get the original with the pictures, etc....
♥ Sorry about the back! the heated lap robe is in the closet if that would help....
darn it...we need an in-house masseuse there

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - where are you - in front of the tv - Alcatraz is one!


stronghunter said...


I have been pretty busy today. Got myself a perm awhile ago. The lady got my shirt really wet and was trying to dry it with a hairdryer. I finally told her that I would just take it as an excuse to go buy myself a new sweater since I did not want to walk around in a wet shirt and did not want to wait for her to dry it. (She had stayed late to do my perm anyway. I am sure she wanted to go home.)

So, I got a new sweater. And, since I had learned they were selling all of their winter coats for $20 each, I got one of those. After all, I had left my coat in the car and wanted to be warm while walking out there.

Happy birthday, Mattie.

Oh my, Margy. You misspelled public. That could be a tricky one. I try to keep from misspelling my own name. A "t" where the "r" belongs could be tricky too.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for John.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Claudia and Charlie, too. I have missed Claudia's problem.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head upstairs. I will be taking Hunter to the doctor tomorrow, so I will miss bowling. He has a pediatrician's appointment tomorrow morning and a orthopedic appointment on Thursday.

They are still deciding what happened to his foot. It might be that he jammed his toe back and broke a bone further up in his foot. I can see more x-rays are to be expected.

stronghunter said...

. . . an orthopedic appointment . . .

Judie said...

Wowser -- was really getting concerned about the difference between bitch black and pitch black. Don't remember learning that in any English class. lol

Good on you Ms.Shirley. You always have the bestest excuses for buying new clothes. Enjoy. Hope Hunter is doing okay.

The sandperson is creeping down the hallway so I must be quick.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness and for those slipping in from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

Jewels said...

aww you are too kind to me! A in house masseuse would be a blesing indeed!! LOL
None of the medevacs were a direct result from us. And our medicals have not bben serious enough I don't think to result in fly outs.
Thanks so much for the added prayers on ole hubby dear.

JudyEddy said...

Just got around looking at the video HODA that was a great video of the proposal I love how her knees went weak and she went down on her knees

magpie said...

Oh yes Shirley, I see what you mean as I type carefully around the r and t....

Sounds like the Hunter Toe Event is going to take some time to figure out...sorry you have to miss bowling...the alley will miss their Cyclone....and your alley manners!
but goody, new "do", new shirt, new coat....might as well go for new shoes!

Hope all will be well with the Grandson....

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the
am ☼ at
Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - commercial break----

my daughter's Sister-in-law's sister - Claudia .Her cancer has reached her brain. Scans showed 3 tumors that are
pressing on nerves as well as bleeding into her brain.Good news is that the tumors are superficial and can be treated - chosen surgery to remove the tumors.
Thank you for prayers - ♥

magpie said...

I've gotten my best winter coats this time of the year...

"didn't hardly have to wear" the heaviest ones this year, there's one for you, Grammar Girl

See you there Jewels...
just can never tell what the workload is going to be...unless there are slick snowy road conditions !

Janet said...

good evening ya'll....

trying to catch everyone and if i miss someone, sorry!


SHARON; sorry about your furbaby...i know and most of us do, how deep that love is, how unconditional that love is, and how very difficult it is to let go. but letting go can be a gift....sending you lots of love and comforting energies...

CAROLANN; thanks will keep an eyeball on the mailbox!

work was slow, but i did okay. i went to my chiropractor today! i feel so much better! i was so stiff and "stoved up" (as one of my clients likes to say). lol

quiet evening here. its SNOWING. of all things! but 60 by the thrusday/friday again. ???????? i think ma nature is CONFUSED!

well to those who celebrate: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. i am glad to have you all in my life....its nice to come home and read what's going on, even if i don't post much.

good night one and all. good dreams...

Sandi said...

Evening all! Got home from school and my computer was "frozen." had to do a force quit and shut down. When I restarted, Windows wouldn't load. Called Dell, they had me do some over-the-phone diagnostics, and pronounced my hard drive as dead! $150 for a new hard drive to go into a 4-year old desktop or drive to Best Buy and buy myself a laptop???? Hmmm ... took about 30seconds to decide. Just got home and I'm on my new laptop! Woohoo! Not looking forward to having to reinstall Quickbooks and my printer and then transfer all my data from my external hard drive to the new computer, but am so grateful that son Brian convinced me to buy an external hard drive that automatically backs up the computer every Sunday!

Have not caught up with everyone's goings-on since I left school and too tired to do it now. Will see everyone in the AM!

magpie said...

Holy Smokes, Sandi...
glad you're back with us.

Janet: good to see you too!
It's nice, what you say; we are happy to have you with us too, glad you got the relief from the chiropractor...sometimes that is the way to go !!

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening Everyone! So much going on. Forgive me for not listing each and every one but know that I am thinking of you and hoping for recovery and pain free living. And the precious animals that are not feeling their best. I so wish they could speak to us and let us know what they need.

But good news also abounds. Lynn is feeling better and Tori was sitting in a chair. Wanda is feeling good. So much to be thankful for.

It has been fun watching the eagles. I am so excited for the eggs to hatch and watch the babies grow!

Sorry my visit is brief. It has become so diffficult to access the blog that I usually just click on the day and foolow the blog on the colored pages.

Please take care everyone. Lolly and Jim your eyes and Hunter his foot. Shirley I hope your legal issues are soon satisfied.

We have become a good size "family". It is nice to know such good people.

magpie said...

been working on a Scrapbook for the Boss....which was started seven years ago, in anticipation of her eventual of employees and things we want to post, stickers and words.....she has more or less "promised" when we get it done, she "might" let us have an aquarium, maybe only one fish, but we have already pre-named it "Berkeley."
Need to get this done before the next wave of new employees check in!

magpie said...

Drat, we're headed to that incorrigible dead-end 200 post mark :(
have to look up the spelling on some of these bad words

Best to say Good Night, now, Precious Pals...and read all about the rest in the morning....see what's up with Wanda and others near and dear to our hearts ♥♥♥...

Prayers for Wellness and Comfort, Amongst our Loved Ones, Families, Friends, and Pets...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxoxo ♥

magpie said...

Just missed you Suzan ...while I was clickety-clacking away

Good to See YOU too, hope all is well....

Good Night for now....

paula eagleholic said...

4 more to the split...will see your smiling faces on the other side


paula eagleholic said...

Belle is facing 11:30...all's quiet

Hoda said...

I am back from an excellent yoga practice and am caught up with the blog.

I can see Belle clearly...much better than last night.facing eleven and tail towards seven.

Hoda said...

Belle is awake and standing, fans tail wing and grooms light . She backs to seven and does a poop shoot. Two eggs clearly visible.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 377   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...