Friday, February 24, 2012


Windy evening thread.


DanaMo said...

WOW it is really blowing here in Hagerstown. Hope our egglets are okay tonight.

Hoda said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Thanks DanaMo for the call over

Belle is tucked in and asleep, facing six and a half.

DanaMo said...

Yes, thank you Steve!

Linda said...

Thanks for the call over DanaMo!!

I was not only stuck on the old thread, I was stuck on the wrong side of the split!!

I had wondered where everyone went.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!

paula eagleholic said...

I sent Sandi a text...only thing she doesn't have is internet, phone tv and lights are all good.

Tallked to my friend at Rehobeth, and he said storms were fierce, thunder was really loud.

Wind is starting to pick up here as well..,,

Gonna go fix some grilled cheese and bean soup!

DanaMo said...

I'll take a grilled cheese but skip the bean soup please ☺

Linda said...

Beautiful bouquet of Flowers, Lynn!! How thoughtful of Megan!!!

Margy, when Dennis tapped the trees, he said the sap immediately started flowing. Not a drip, drip like last year, but a steady flow!!

Hope they don't get blown away tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Okie Dokie Dana!

paula eagleholic said...

Got my laundry going to.

Had to smash an 8 legged critter in the basement, one of those big ucky ones! First one I've seen all winter.

Hoda said...

I went to light a candle so you all would stay safe in this storm...Thanks for the update on SANDI PAULA., I will take the bean soup please!!!LOL

Kay said...

Thank you for the new thread STEVE ! Just caught up with the old. Satisfied myself that Belle and Shep are doing fine---thanks for the good news about their Friday visits !

LYNN, love your cyber bouquet from MEGAN ! She's so sweet and thoughtful ! Hoping you see some improvement soon and as the antibiotic begins to kick in !

Wind is ferocious here today, too. Many downed lines in this county and the one to the north. Hope my electricity doesn't go out, but I'm prepared as it seems to happen all too often !

Went to Julie's for a scruptious spaghetti and homemade sauce dinner. Now ready to relax in front of my Friday shows.

Prayers being said for all in need and I'm wishing you all a good evening, a restful night and sweet dreams ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread wish they were working right when we get a 2nd page.

Thanks for the call over. (:

Hoda said...

Belle wakes up looks around and tucks right back in...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for a new fresh thread..Hope you
enjoy your weekend.

DanoMo - I heard you!!

wvgal_dana said...

This avatar is my Steelers watch. It had the pink band but it broke. No one could find a pink band so a smaller black band is on it. I am still hoping to find a pink band.

grannyblt said...

I'm headed to the basement to bed early tonight.Daisy Rose,my dog,is fearful of the noise the wind makes. We have it here too in western PA along with a blowing rain/snow mix.
Went to lunch with friend and on towards home drive in the farm/woodlands we saw a flock of over 50 turkeys.I've never seen so many at one time.

Sweet dreams to all.

paula eagleholic said...

I have plenty of soup, Hoda...yummy

Lolly said...

Dinner is over here. Tonight chicken and steamed veggies. Trying hard to loose a few pounds that have snuck up on me. Evil, nasty calories...hiding in all the food I like. I should definitely me more picky!!!

Will be happy to hear from C/A. They could be snowed in somewhere!

Joseph's basketball season is over, now the tournament starts. They won tonight, play at 10 in the morning. Guess we will go but gas prices are eating us up running to Denton.

Lolly said...

Loretta...when you get on..I have seen several items on facebook that people are crafting out of items they have found in the remains of their homes in Bastrop. (Melted down, unknown items)Sad, but they want something from their old homes in their new.

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting idea Lolly...I would probably do that.

magpie said...

Beautiful Bouquet, Lynn...
There ain't nuthin' quite like Megan Flowers !!!

Wow, Thanks for the New Thread, Steve, You are Correct about Windy !

Thanks DanaMo for the alert...Sharp Eyes !

and once again, Paula thanks for the information from Sandi...
We'll miss her...Mornings won't be quite the same !

magpie said...

good to see that grannyblt stopped by but sorry about the scary weather in Western PA....
50 turkeys - fabulous!

laundry going here too, no basement,
no "ucky" 8-leggers...☺
but I have thousand leggers from time to time :(

JudyEddy said...

Home from a great dinner with family had the famous CHIP Chicken its is one of Petes and shorty best meals its baked chicken with potato chips topped with cheese and broccoli So dang good I am so full That is the only thing I order there and their mashpot are the bomb too green beans are fresh also Now I need to go get a shower and get ready to watch Fringe I will check in in a bit

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

with the roaring of the wind, glad that we are- at least on here - ALL in for the night

magpie said...

my sister in law has a leap year birthday coming up, as my brother Fred describes it,
it is her 720-month birthday

Lolly, it's an "0" aka ..Decade ..birthday, ☺

Poor girl, she'll be celebating in Naples Florida...☺

JudyEddy said...

The dolphin in the pic is HOPE the baby she is growing big time She loves to go up to the window when people are there they moved her from her outside pool and put a big sea turtle in in Bailey and Hope will be introduced to Winter and Panama in the next couple of weeks they are going to email me on the day because I want to be there to see it right now they are in side by side pools They are doing the echoing thing now should be so exciting to see them get to know each other That is four dolphins they have at the aquarium

JudyEddy said...

OH and our skys are so clear and just looks sooo pretty jupiter, venus and the baby moon are so cool I wish I had a good camera to take a picture I should call Angies she probably would shoot me LOL

NatureNut said...

A nice new Thread!
Good evening everybody! Worked late and go in Monday to Exhibit shop after an AM dental cleaning appt. Doing more Dinosaur panels!Yippee!
Haven't read previous thread. Have to get up to Paula's for dinner!!!!
Love both of those, but Fubby already fixed one of those frozen Chang dinners.He CAN read instructions when he has to! ☺
Sorry to hear about bad storms already! Hope everyone is safe and sound.
Go to Park in AM--gotta check internet weather, as there's only car race stuff on around hear! Have to get my earmuffs out.
New pics I have are duplicates of some on blog, so I never posted them, but I did get good forceful looking buck at Chelsea Wed.

wvgal_dana said...

Waiting for Gifted Man to come on...GREAT show.

magpie said...

Loretta...did the buck still have antlers ?? You sure do work a lot, glad you have Sunday off

JudyE, great, sounds like great food fare, and the report on the dolphins....
glad you saw the Celestial trio...things are either too cloudy here or Venus and the Moon have slipped out of view, Tomorrow will look even better ! The moon might be between the two planets then ...can't say for sure

NatureNut said...

Lolly, that's a great idea! I'll have to ask Sherry if they saved anything strange! One project she is having a jewelry repair guy do, is clean up as best he can, the links from her MD bracelet that she bought in Solomon's Island, MD.
She's going to have them as pendants and give to the special people who have helped them after fire.(I want one, too!) She had a new bracelet sent to me that she got at Xmas. We also visited there and got more goodies!
If I can brag just a little, her company had a week long meeting in Arizona about a week ago.Some of the overseas office (Amsterdam) folks also attended. After the Friday night dinner, they gave out awards.Some people got them for projects Sherry had helped them with and she said she felt like leaving. But the Biggest, called 3rd Dimension Award + $200, was given to her!!! The person doing the announcing mentioned that her house had burned down and in 2 days, she was online & working!!
She thinks the big wheels who hardly acknowledge anyone know who she is now because of the house!

NatureNut said...

Margy, yes he had antlers~~that's how we knew it was a boy!!LOL

stronghunter said...

Listening to the wind blow. Wow!!

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to Sherry, Loretta. A well-deserved award. I don't think I could have done what she did.

paula eagleholic said...

Good for Sherry!

I got to see the moon and planets on the way home...clouds finally cleared out...and saw a touch of color at sunset.

JudyEddy said...

I am squeaky clean and smell so good Shirley I put the pic on today on facebook and shared to you wall I wish I had the ones from the last time I went lots of good ones but you get the idea of the place they have lots of construction going on still and wow the place was so crowded since the movie opened YOU can delete the post after you look at the pictures if you wish

JudyEddy said...

OK I am off to TV land I don't want to go to work tomorrow

Got a email from Joey the lawyer here is what he said I didn't know what some initials stood for and he answered me back here is is note

FCE stands for "Functional Capacity Evaluation". It is a test that takes about 3-4 hours to determine how much you can lift, carry, etc.

I'm on standby until you need me.

Joey Oquist

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello windy evening thread!

Hoda said...

Belle awake and stands up over cup. she looks down on the eggs and digs in cup...turns towards four and looks around and backs up towards the railing, around eight position, and does a poop shoot and back down in the nest, she is over the cup and digs and faces four and settles back in.head is tucked again in her wing.

Hoda said...

LORETTA great story about SHERRY. Good on her!!!

Hoda said...

Belle is up turns to eleven and sits ont he eggs, she tucks back in again and is asleep

Linda said...

Time for Tom Sweetie, Lynn! ♥

stronghunter said...

Judy, thank you for sharing the pictures on my FB. I had already showed some of them to Hunter, but not all. And Kathryn hasn't seen them.

magpie said...

Box of Rocks is on the way, not breakable and expensive like the XBOX. Swinging Bridge Specialties

magpie said...

Great award for Sherry, Loretta, that is wonderful, thanks for bringing that to us here. and Wow, late for antlers...I know we've seen some with antlers on Pix Pa late and into springtime, guess it's a hormonal thing. Hope you can post that one on the Nook

magpie said...

I'll be typing in my sleep here if I don't quit now

Good Night, Precious Pals....
Prayers for Wellness amongst us all...pets and people

(( Hugs, Lynn ♥ )) to go with those prayers

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Linda said...

Loretta - Brag away!! Great news on Sherry! You should be proud!!

Thinking of turning off the laptop and curling up on the couch for the rest of tv night!!

Wishing you all restful and peaceful sleep tonight.

Healing prayers for all in this roost and beyond......

...especially Lynn!! xoxo ♥

Night ♥

Judie said...

Lowreeda, congratulations for Sherry. Such a nice gesture with the pendants, also.

Ah, thinking of Lynn as it is Tom time.

Any recent word from Red or Mrs. Red?

Apparently the sandperson is anxious to depart. So, the night light is set to turn on at 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all and hope all will be safe during the windy night.

Mema Jo said...

No reply from Bill on the message I sent
Maybe later

I hope no one has blown away tonight
It sure is a windy one out there

Good Night to those already gone....

stronghunter said...

Haven't heard from Bill on Scrabble, either, Jo.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Lynn Love you♥

Mema Jo said...

Blue Bloods was very good this evening
I hope Lynn was able to view it OR
maybe she recorded it to watch tomorrow

I am almost ready to go down the hallway

Shirley - Are Kathryn and Hunter home yet? Did you enjoy the quietness ?

Costume Lady said...

Bedtime here...just want to wish all of you a GOOD NIGHT.
Sleep well.
Prayers for all
Especially Lynn♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for all especially Lynn
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

NatureNut said...

Really getting later than I thought, so gotta hit the hay.
Hope to finish some pics tomorrow.
Prayers for health and well being for all, especially our Lynn.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Have completed yet another tray of slides. What a slow tedious job! But every picture is a surprise. It is sad that so many have deteriorated over the years.

Loweeeeeda! Congratulations to Sherry! That is awesome!

Lolly said...

This is a quote from the bear update.......... "It was a non-bear day for us, if you can believe it. Counting on the Den-Watch Team to keep the data streaming in. Rearranging and filing to restore some sense order to the WRI. Today’s highlight was an eagle at the suet feeder where the pine marten was the other day. The eagle was young enough to still have a few brown feathers mixed in with its white head and tail feathers."

Now, can you imagine an eagle at your suet feeder? The idea of such blows me away!

Lolly said...

It is time for a nice hot shower. I am feeling chilled. It is 44. Jack was watching the STARS in the study so no fire for Lolly tonight. Now that is sad!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Prayers and loads of love going in Lynn's direction!!♥

Hoda said...

Belle is tucked in and is facing five and has been so for over an hour now. It is a very quiet night at the nest except for the strong winds and I do hear some rain.

Hoda said...

Belle just woke up looking around yet did not get off the cup. She looks up to the camera and towards three and then on to nine. She gets up fans her tail feathers turns to face noon and settles back on the cup...

Hoda said...

Now she tucks her head back in and is asleep. Wid sounds very stron...It comes in gusts.

hedgie said...

Wow....took a bit to find you! Sofa lived up to it's "catnAp" reputation. Missed the ends of all the shows so will watch them tomorrow. Heading for bed. feeling good now...hoping I feel the same way in the morning!!!

Bless you all. Will read the new thread in the AM. Wind is fierce---lots of debris hitting the roof.

G'night, one and all!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Hoda!

Just got caught up here after getting Emma to bed for the night.
So very glad that Lynn felt well enough to get on here and say "Howdy" earlier! Can't tell you how sorry I am about the rotten stink bug! YUCK! Glad to hear that the swelling is down, though. YAY for an improvement!
Love you! (((GIANT HUG)))!!

Hoda, I really appreciate your commentary about the nest happenings! Been having to get lots of work done, and haven't been able to watch as much as I would like.

So glad to see that Lynne2 was here, too! Can't wait till Sunday!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, you mentioned gas prices--boy, don't get me started!

Put $30 worth of gas in my car today, and it only filled it 3/4 full! Mobil at a nearby station was the lowest price of the major brands--$4.15/gal. for regular!
An independent station was $4.11, but not nearby. Highest price I've seen for regular is $4.43!! Wonder where it will end.

Well, better call it a day. Prayers nonstop for healing for those who need it, for everyone's safety, and for all creatures--especially our eagles & eggs!
Lynn, hope you sleep well tonight, and feel like a new woman tomorrow!
Thinking of you constantly. ((HUGS)) for you and Liesl!
Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems.
Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

Belle is up digging in the cup. Settles down facing ten. Looks towards nine and then tucks in again... not for long...strong gusts of wind and here she is trying to tuck in again.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow! Lynn, I'm so grateful that you are feeling better after your nap! Good night!

Prayers for everyone's safety with the winds blowing so hard back there! Geez, sounds like our Santa Ana winds! G'night, all. :o]

Hoda said...

YAY LYNN checked in...Thank you LYNN.♥
Sleep well.

Hoda said...

Beautiful avatar LYNN.

Hoda said...

Goodnight Andy also...I am glad you are getting things done and remember to also take relaxing time.

Hoda said...

Good night...prayers for tomorrow ♥, which is today already back east...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Looking at the still cam, Belle is tucked and no drama at the neat. I love no drama!!

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

LYNN, I'm so happy that you checked in and felt good!
That's wonderful news.
I'll pray more that it continues! (((Big Hug))) ♥

Lori O. said...

Here is the latest NEST WEATHER info on the wind, etc:

A chance of rain and snow showers before 7am.

Mostly sunny, with a high near 45.

Wind to 25 mph, with gusts as high as 46 mph.

Lori O. said...

Time to go. I have to go with Kate to her Mom's house and be there by 7 in order to take her sister's blood sugar levels...then we're moving Ann to Kate's sister's house. Maybe her mom will be happier when Ann has moved - again! Ann is the one with Downs. It's been a challenging week!

Have a great morning everyone!

I miss you already! ♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

We have had a dusting of snow here, really fits the description, looks like powdered sugar on the car winsdhield
Think the Royal Palace got some of that too....

Sorry I missed Lori being here....Best Wishes on your Day today, Lori ♥

Blackwater cam is back up and running ☺


magpie said...

looks like the Royal Eagle has a little dandruff...LOL

not sure which parent it is....

Happpy ☺ to see that early morning post from Lynn ♥

magpie said...

Hoping everyone is catching a few extra z's this morning....

can't tell you how many times I hit the snooze buttons on my alarms

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One...

got a package to get ready for mailing...
will be watching the nest but not


Sandi said...

Morning LORI, if you're still here. I'm back!! Got a taste of the withdrawal Lynne has been going thru, except I had a computer with no internet and she has had internet with no computer! Once the new thread started, I was "lost" b/c I had no way to get to the blog to check the box that sends comments to my inbox. I can check emails with my cell but not access the internet (old phone).

DanaMo said...

Good morning! Anyone awake?

Sandi said...


grannyblt said...

GM all. I've been up a couple of hours thanks to Sweet William and Daisy Rose. The wind died down but it has been snowing to beat the band==probably a couple of inches in these two hours.
Belle was alert and the nest seemed snowfree when I last checked.
Gasoline went up 5 cents in one day this week. I am sorry I didn't stop to fill up on Wed. I am considering a new vehicle as I am driving a '96 Chevy s-10 that I've had for over 10 years. I was considering a small SUV, but with the gas prices am reconsidering.

Congratulations to Loretta's daughter for the award. She has had quite a year.

DanaMo said...

Hi Lynne1. I feel your pain at the pump. I drive a Suburban! Over $100 to fill up. Lousy gas mileage but we need it to drag our trailer around!

Sandi said...

Morning DMO, MARGY, and LYNNE1!

LYNN, I am so happy that you felt well enough to check in yesterday! I had really missed your smiling face (not that I've ever even seen your smiling face, but that's how I imagine you)!

LYNNE2, I am so excited that you will be back online with us on a regular basis as of Sunday!! PAULA emailed me and said the DELL is working great with its old/new hard drive. I was a little worried when I gave it to her that, if the tech guy was wrong and the problem wasn't the hard drive, PAULA would put a different one in and the computer still wouldn't work! Glad it was an easy fix and that the computer is finding a good second home.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning all the eagle Buds out there

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

on the news a gas station in Orlando is 595 a gal highway robbery Reading backwards

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA great news with you daughter and keep on bragging we love it

Sandi said...

JUDY, did I read correctly that today is back to work day for you? Did you enjoy your staycation??

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE on a suet feeder can't image it Looks like a light dusting on the nest of snow

Any RACE FANS rain is in the forecast and they may start the race early but by only 10 min 50percent chance

LORI I hope everything went smoothly with the move with Ann

JudyEddy said...

YEP SANDI back to work and yes I did enjoy it but got my body clock turned around I did get to bed at 11 last night but took a while to fall asleep and am I tired now Don't have to be to work till 9 today 9-6 for the next two weeks

magpie said...

Welcome Back Sandi!
Wow, glad things got up and running so quickly for you....

WE would have had a little Withdrawl ourselves to go through

Hi grannyblt, Daisy and Rose too !
DanaMo, JudyE,,and anyone else I might be missing while I post....
See the dusting of snow on the Royal Nest?

And we have beautiful sunrise colors with the clouds in the EAST here in Martinsburg.


magpie said...

like powdered sugar on the nest too...

JudyEddy said...

caught up on the thread yeah it wasn't a lot to read now going to watch news going to rocker and LM

Belle looking around I think she is waiting for Shep she did call out a bit ago but no shep

DanaMo said...

We used to be huge race fans. My parents have done Daytona several times. I've done Bristol, Dover, and Martinsville and the old Rockingham. My driver was Terry Labonte who is retired. Ever since he retired, I just haven't been able to "get into" it like in the old days. We still turn it on and will watch, but it isn't as exciting when you don't have a fav.

magpie said...

Headless Fish at BWE from yesterday has been quickly consumed it seems...

magpie said...

Hot diggity, package weighs in at 8 ounces, flat manila envelope, I can use THREE of my Raptor stamps...
sister-in-law leap year birthday, she will be "15" or 720 months ☺

magpie said...

will do a Golden Eagle, Osprey and Northen Goshawk...
stamps are every bit as fun as stickers !

Best wishes on your return to work, JudyE - I'm working today also..we'll suffer together ☺☺

Sandi said...

LORI, sorry to read that things didn't work out with Kate's sister Ann living with her mom. Sounded like a good plan, but I guess it was just too much for her? At least there is a plan B - where was Ann living before she moved in with her mom? Hope all the moving isn't too difficult for Ann - I'm sure she likes having her normal routines and they have obviously been upset, and now will be again. Challenging situation for everyone!

magpie said...

grannyblt Lynne1:
from my NY Naturalist friend for you:

"I did get a report from
Dunkirk Harbor if your friend is still interested and there is very
little activity there now. Probably the fewest birds that many people
can remember because Lake Erie didn't freeze and the birds were
spread out all over."

He also says for us all to be watching for the Northern-bound Tundra Swans to be passing through


magpie said...

Two parents two babies at Blackwater

look fast

magpie said...

those eaglets are one week old today, I think....

JudyEddy said...

I use to be a diehard fan Wouldn't miss a race on TV at all and watched all the pre show and all the different things that were on then just lost interest if I am home and it on I will watch but just not the same I have been to Daytona 5 times Atlanta GA two times and Went to North Wilkesboro the last race they had also
MY most fav driver was Ernie but collected all drivers I loved DAVEy ALLISIOn and Alan Kulwicki Got started on races at local tracks Alan Kulwicki had the Hooters Cup tour down here and went every Sat nite with friends to races went to Orlando Bradenton and New Sysmara beach all over Fl and Ga on Fr and Ga but grew out of it also I guess

magpie said...

don't think I can call in late due to Eagle Nest Watching....

Prayers for Wellness, and a good, safe comfortable day for all

might be able to "see you" from work

(( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

ttfn xo

JudyEddy said...

They are so stinkin cute fuzzy little things I can't wait for ours

magpie said...

Hope Shep brings in a Whale of a Fish from the Potomac for breakfast for Belle, or at least tells here where the good fishing spots are !

JudyEddy said...

That should have been Fr and Sa not GA

JudyEddy said...

Ga isn't a new day of the week LOL

JudyEddy said...

When was the last switch I don't recall reading it Has she been on nest all night???

JudyEddy said...

I see an occasional snow flake at the nest

JudyEddy said...

back to the rocker I had just seen the email hit my folder so naturally I had to come back

JudyEddy said...

WOW the truck race had one heck of a finish with a bad wreck

JudyEddy said...

BELLE still in the nest just looking around She is oh sooo pretty

DanaMo said...

Just completed 2 online courses to get my SMART Certified Lesson Developer. I'm excited and could keep going, but of course each one costs $$. Maybe after it's all completed I will get some gigs and make the money back. That is my hope. I just love my SMART board so much that it seemed like a good next step. I love technology that I can do this online. That's how I got my masters and found it awesome. Some people don't like it, but I can't imagine sitting in a classroom after doing things online.
We will see how far I get over the weekend. I guess I will ask "permission" from Monte to keep going. Depends on funds I guess.

JudyEddy said...

Great news DANAMO on the completion of the 1st course and I wish you luck on any endeavours you may do in the future

JudyEddy said...

Belle is getting her do all a mess in the wind Geese going by the nest

JudyEddy said...

Wind doesn't seem as bad now as it was I actually have the sound back up

WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Sycamore Palace and eagle fans. Anice quiet nest....ahhhhhh

I see Jewel and cubbies resting and Honey and Lucky on their respective opposite side of the den. They are a funny pair.

Thrilled to se LYNN made a visit last evening, and feeling better. woohooooo

SANDI is back on line and LYNNE2 to follow soon. Looks like a great weekend!!

JudyEddy said...

winds are getting gusty again so forget my last statement I guess that was just a lull in the wind earlier

JudyEddy said...

63° now but cold front comin in and our hi will only be 60° and off course rain this weeknd

JudyEddy said...

Mornin SUSAN YES a nice quite nest except for the dang wind

WV sUSAn said...

JudyE, we got a light dusting of snow. Lori posted weather and nest is suppose to get 45 MPH gusts. Dang

Going to a Mardi Gras part this evening. Lots of great costumes and Cajun food. yummers

WV sUSAn said...

JudyE, we DANGED at the same time. hahahaha

Sandi said...

Time to get ready for tennis @9. So happy to be back with my eagle friends online! Paula's was the only cell number I had so I could text her. Couldn't email anyone b/c my momster/dadster spreadsheet with everyone's emails is saved in my gmail account which I couldn't get to. Think I'll put a copy of it on my desktop so, in case of a similar outage, I can email folks from my cell.

Will check back later - HAGD all!

WV sUSAn said...

HAGD Sandi, enjoy tennis.

BELLE is whining, looking around.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE getting up Sehp in with big fish

Sandi said...

YAY - a fish for Belle, brought in by her man!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Opened up the cam just in time to see Lib arrive with a fish for Belle.

She is eating at 5, he is standing just left of the cup

Sandi said...

Morning SUSAN! OK, I'm outta here!!

paula eagleholic said...

She is wolfing it down...he finally approached the eggs, does a slight roll, and wiggles in

JudyEddy said...

Paula said LIB

Sandi said...

Morning PAULA! Thanks for keeping me in the loop last night!! Look at me, pulling a MARGY! I really AM leaving now to get ready for tennis!!

WV sUSAn said...

SHEP was whining and BELLE arrives with a fish!!! She's not ready to share and is about to be blown away.

paula eagleholic said...

She opens up her wings now and again to steady herself

JudyEddy said...

That was a nice size fish for him compared to one in past that I have seen

JudyEddy said...

poof belle

paula eagleholic said...

Off she goes, I think with the rest of the fish

JudyEddy said...

she made fast work of that fish gone already was hungry

paula eagleholic said...

Good to see you back online Sandi

WV sUSAn said...

I need to watch more closely. BELLE is off with the fish.

Funny, Paula... Lib

WV sUSAn said...

I think I was a little cornfused. lol

WV sUSAn said...

Need to shower and then go decorate for the party.

grannyblt said...

Thanks Margy for the NY report. I think we are going to try to go to Niagra Falls this spring after I get my card or passport and will go through Dunkirk. Thank your friend for me too. ooxx

paula eagleholic said...

Yep, I said Lib know I meant Shep...old habits die hard!

Little dusting of snow here too...

Okay, gotta go hit the shower, working til 4 today.

JudyEddy said...

I saw I gave him a new name Sehp key error LOL

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is moving flugg around him

magpie said...

sure will grannyblt...
he's a good guy, very knowledgeable...hope you can make it to Niagra Falls....

Good Morning More on-the-go Eagle Pals...xoxo

magpie said...

Royal Nest is a'swaying....I missed the delivery from the is was Cold, and sounds like it was Tasty

okay, six computer screens, three mouses and one keyboard up and running, guess I better earn my pay

xoxo ♥ ☺

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is hunkered down the nest is swaying big time LORI's forcast holds true Well its time for me to head to work HAGD SYAL

WV sUSAn said...

Quick egg roll and back down.

WV sUSAn said...

Must go decorate for the party. BBL

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Gee, an eagle at the suet feeder. How good is that?

Probably no other birds hanging around with that eagle there.

stronghunter said...

Shep calling.

stronghunter said...

Nest swaying.

Shep off at 3:00!

stronghunter said...

Belle in.

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, not Belle. Shep still at the nest. Could not see spot at first.

As her new job as store manager, Susan just had a woman show up for a job interview.

The only problem was that Susan had no interviews scheduled. It turned out that the woman did not know what children's clothing store she had the interview scheduled for, so she asked Susan to give her the names of the kid's stores in the mall.

Oh my goodness--you really need to have more information before you go for a job interview.

stronghunter said...

Eagle calls. Both at nest.

stronghunter said...

Feeling all alone here this morning.

stronghunter said...

Both still at nest. Shep on eggs. Belle at 8:00ish.

stronghunter said...

Wind blowing her feathers.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley never feel alone someone is always lurking (:

wvgal_dana said...

Imiagne that an eagle at the suet
feeder. I bet that was something
to see.

Loretta that is so great for Sherry.

DanaMo I am so happy for you about
your 1st course completion. Hope
you get to take more. (:

Margy that was so funny "about I guess calling in late for watching eagles" lol

stronghunter said...

Hello, Dana.

Shep has poofed.

Belle eating.

Eggs uncovered.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi good to see you made it back.

Switch at nest

stronghunter said...

Belle settles in on the eggs.

DanaMo said...

Taking the easy classes that I can take online over the weekend. Have now completed 2. I hope to complete 8 over the weekend. The first 2 were only 20 minutes each, I'm not sure if they will get longer or not. I think some may be as long as an hour. Much of the stuff I already know so far so that makes it fast and easy. As the content gets more difficult it may take longer. Plus there will be at least one face to face, which will take a while because there are none currently scheduled for my area.

Sandi, every time you talk about your tennis it makes me miss it. Maybe this summer I will find a group to get back into. Of course I have to go back to the lowest level :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Woke up about 9:40 when Alice called me (Kels' mom). We have about an inch of snow and lots of wind. Getting ready to head to the mall to meet them in a few.

♥♥♥ and ((((HUGS))) Lynn!

Red said...

Good moring eagle friends, just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and well Hip replacement was suscessful and I am preently at a rehab place and will be here another week. Have a loaner laptop for today only and I hate the keyboard so I wont be on here long. Thanks for all the prayers.
Thank you Hegie for the card.
Catch you later

Lolly said...

On our way to bb game!! "See" you later!

Lolly said...

Yea Red! You have been in our thoughts and prayers! Thanks for checking in!!!

magpie said...

Hallelujah Red !!!
Thank you so much for checking in....hope all is going Great !!!
xoxox ((Healing Hugs ♥ ))

Judie said...

Good late morning everyone.

Thank you Jo and Shirley. Just thought perhaps I had missed an update. Hope Bill (Red) is okay.

Lori, know you've headed out but hope the transition today goes smoothly.

Shirley, suspect Kathryn may have encountered one of my wannabe adults. Too funny.

Nest is quiet. Sunshine there and sunshine here with lots of windy rockin and rollin.

Have a wonder day everyone.

Judie said...

Well, thank you Red! We continue to wish you a full and speedy recovery. Come back when you can.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yeah, Shirley, I'd hire that gal in an instant! NOT.

paula eagleholic said...

We have a Keurig here at work...had some Dunkin Donuts coffee...very good!

stronghunter said...

Hi Red. Been missing you. So good to hear from you.

I think you meant Susan, not Kathryn, Judie. Yes, I thought of your "wanna be adults" when Susan told her story. Not likely that she would want to hire that woman if she should return for a real interview.

magpie said...

I was a long time getting a digital camera...
I might not be such a long time getting a Keurig,, wonder if I could find one at Goodwill ☺
(Doubtful !)
we might try to pool our resources and get one here at the office

did I miss a Switch or can I just not see the spot due to the windy head feathers ??

stronghunter said...

It is so good to hear that the surgery was successful, Red. I just hope that the recovery is just as successful and you are out of the rehab place and back on the blog very soon.

magpie said...

Never mind oops sorry just found where a switch occurred

just ignore me....

stronghunter said...

Not sure, Margy.

paula eagleholic said...

Yay Red....glad you could check in. Happy you are headed home soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in with flugg...putting it on Belle, LOL

Mema Jo said...

Red was here! Wowser! Thanks for stopping by Red - loaner or not! We have all been waiting to hear from you.
In another week - you should be skipping!

Good morning friends. I saw both eagles
in the nest when I first signed on.
Great to read all your comments...

Paula with those goodies I can see why you go to work on Saturdays...
Sandi, I shiver when you say you are going to play tennis - Maybe I missed along the way that it is an Indoor Tennis Dome???
DanaMo - Go for the 8! You go gal!

paula eagleholic said...

Switch....Shep now incubating, facing 1

magpie said...

back to work

for an 8 hour day, from 8-4
I am officially 37-1/2 % complete...

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - glad Susan doesn't give on the spot interviews! I don't think the
woman shows an employable attitude.

Lolly - Off to the game - grandkids are more important then gas prices...

Sharon - have a great day with your son's future mil Enjoy all these
pre-wedding activities. Wondering if you did get the dress in the picture you sent us

magpie said...

missed that switch too, shame when work gets in the way of Eagle Nest Watching

Hi More Morning Pals...mid-day and Split time, not too far from now


Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Care to join me on the .......




magpie said...

forget about SPLITTING...
Linda is about to come here and tell us something about that ☺ Hi Linda...

Mema Jo said...

I am putting a suet out today!!
You never know what I will see at it!!

Was so very glad that last Evening Lynn
came on after her long nap to say she
felt pretty good.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...