Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends.

New thread.


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Lolly said...

Wahooo! Thanks Steve and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Our dinner was great! Did the full blown traditional meal! Now some have gone to a sports bar to watch the game. Go Cowboys!

Hoda said...

Glad dinner was good LOLLY and that the family is enjoying their time and making opportunities to their satisfactions...
OK LYNN is taking a nap and LYNNE 2 is busy with family so I will say GO COWBOYS!!! SHHHHH don't tell LYNN I said that. I hope you are not playing LYNN's Team.

Lolly said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Hoda and all monsters and dadsters!
Love you all!

Lolly said...

roflmbo! You rock, Hoda!

Lolly said...

House is so quiet, Laurel and Joey are outside playing with the boys. All I can hear is the fire!

hedgie said...

I'm back!!! Jess is here with me.....and what came in when she and Carolyn did???? A STINKBUG!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!! It has been dispatched down the drain. First one in weeks and weeks!

Sounds like everyone is winding down post-feast! Glad you're all having a nice family day.

Absolutely NO light on the nest. :(

Miami 16-Cowboys 10 in the 3rd qtr. Bet JudyE is rooting for the Dolphins!!! :)

Hoda said...

I am glad they are not playing yor team LYNN...Go away stinkbugs!!!
I just finsihed eating and have to get my tea. I leave for Conditioning classin under two hours so I had better stop stuffing my face.

JudyEddy said...

see new thread Thank you for the new thread Steve I hope you had a great day with family I am still at Angies and just wanted to pop in for sec just got dishes done

hedgie said...

19-17, Miami.

hedgie said...

Nail-biter ending......

hedgie said...

Dallas wins by one in last 3 seconds of game........:(
Congrats to Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Had a great dinner with Ajay's family...brought home the prize. :)

Gianni is here and eating some lucky charms at the table. She's spending the night while her Mom goes out BF shopping.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL true to form, she's picked out all the marshmallows!

Hoda said...

What a wonderful treat to have Giani for a visit PAULA!!!

LYNN thank you for saying the result of the game.
Congratulations to LOLLY her family will be even more excited and happy tonight as they went to a sports bar to watch the game...

DanaMo said...

Watching Dayton Basketball with Aric :) ☺

grannyblt said...

I hope everyone is stuffed today...I sure am. Took a turkey sandwich to Mom, but she wanted to nap. I hope she eats it for her supper.
check out my FB pg and see some of the pictures of the Turkey Trot that is run in my daughter's neighborhood every Thanksgiving, despite the cold and snow (in Anchorage) The local tv station was there and one of the grandaughters got to run with a head cam--what fun.

Hoda said...

Diann I saw the picture on FB and it is great. THey all look so happy.Big smiles.Thanks for sharing.

Hoda said...

Sorry my last post was to LYNNE Doolan not Diann...hoping Diann is getting better.My bad!!!

Hoda said...

Off to Conditioning Class...I have got to remember to bring water...BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, this has been a good day. Good food, good company. I am so grateful to be living in Bluefield again!!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Lynne1! Great pics of the Anchorage clan and doings!!!! Know you wish you were there. Hope your Mom ate her sandwich!! So good to see you spending a little time with us on this grateful day!!!!

hedgie said...

Sharon, are you full to bursting and ready for a long nap??? That's how I feel. And, I am also SO glad you and T-bird are home where you belong!

hedgie said...

Jess and I just watched the Ice Age TV special. Love those characters!! Just had to give her a healthy dose of cough medicine.....getting over (?) a cold....a very irritating cough!

Mema Jo said...

Oh My, I am so full of all the good delicious Thanksgiving meal - My girls outdid themselves!
We did stay until after dark - we ate right at 5:00. The tables were full with 20 family guests!
Lynn, I am glad that Jess is with you &
I bet that Liesl is happy too!

magpie said...

Sounds like there are some nice ittle "sleepovers" taking place tonight, Jess at Lynn's; Gianni at Paula's...and others here and there I hope

Also sounds like many have enjoyed their Thanksgiving Day...Hope it has held special magical moments for all...

Well, tomorrow might be BLACK FRIDAY but it's also RED FRIDAY
God Bless Our Military, with Thanks EVERY DAY for all they do

Continuing to pray for Wellness Amongst Us...

Headed to's been a good day...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! Thank you Steve for this special day's fresh thread. I am hoping
that your family had a blessed day.

hedgie said...

WOW------just had an absolutely delicious tub bath!!!! Felt SO good...and Jess didn't even have to pull me out!!!

hedgie said...

Paula, will Gianni settle down easily for you?

Margy, hope your visit with extended family was pleasant. Sleep tight---you've had a long day!

Jo, so glad you only had to enjoy and not do the work! Isn't it great??

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Gianni went right to sleep...she has her baby doll, her pillow and her blanket ☺

Hoda said...

I am back and we are haveing a SNOW oh my is it coming down...unexpected the roads were dry. Nelson has lots of hills and I found myself very gratefu to follow a sanding truck down a couple of them and the up hill parts were already done. I am grateful they do a good job clearing the streets and keeping them safe. Only two more conditioning classes and then I will see what else to do...Find something for January...things slow down a bit around here for Christmas. Many have their Christmas lights already up I noticed tonight, but I was keepng my eyes onthe road and those who would like to cross the street infront of me...All is good THANK YOU GOD.

Linda said...

Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends!

I do not have time to update now, but wanted to tell you all I love and miss you terribly.

Things here have been very difficult and stressful. My Mom isn't doing well at all. The thinking is she won't be able to be weaned off the respirator. Lots going on and it isso sad to watch her suffer though this.

Hoda said...

OH DEAR LINDA...I am soooooo sorry and so grateful at the same time. She is lucky that you are with her and that you are advocating for her and there to hold her hands and tend to her needs. GOD Bless You LINDA.Prayers go up for your mother if she decides to transition, or if God Calls her to HIM may it be without fear and with love. If she decides to pull through she is blessed with a wonderful daughter and the knowing of love.

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from Angies a few min ago What a nice day it was

JudyEddy said...

Can home and puter was off Up to its old tricks again Last time it wend down was Sat

JudyEddy said...

I am so tired I will have Jordyn tomorow Angie wants to work but won't get her till about 9

JudyEddy said...

So I will say good evening and I hope each and everyone of you had a nice day with loved ones and if you had to work just know it was appreciated by others I am sure

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


stronghunter said...

Prayers for you and your family Linda. So sorry that you are having to go through this.

Do not forget to take care of yourself.

Linda said...

Thank you, Hoda. That was so beautifully said.

I know you all are praying and supporting me all the way!

Good Night dearest ones. xoxo

NatureNut said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Steve!!
Hope everyone had a great dinner!
Yum Yum. Still don't have enough room for pie. Might be a midnight snack!

stronghunter said...

We had a very nice Thanksgiving with Will and Rus and Rebecca having dinner with Kathryn, Hunter, and me. Rus and Rebecca brought Duke. (I suggested it.) Duke is a very sweet doberman who has been staying with him while his owner is in Afghanistan.

I was very impressed with how sweet and gentle he is. It seems he was in a training program for police dogs, but he was kicked out because he was just too darn sweet to be a police dog.

Flash got a little jealous and growled a few times. I think he is in pain from his bad joints. I am afraid we will need to take him back to the vet. Kathryn gave him one of his pain pills.

Will did not bring West (the Jack Russell). He said he figures it is just as well.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Linda...prayers for you ... Hoda said it so well.

Hoda said...

It sounds like a great family gathering SHIRLEY. You must feel good in your heart.

NatureNut said...

Linda, prayers for you and your Mother. Please take care of yourself, too and know that your Mom must really love that you are there! God Bless

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter had to make a quick trip to CVS.

They saw lines at Target, H.H. Gregg, Toys R Us, and a full parking lot at WalMart. They said that the police are at Toys R Us.

Shudder. I do not want to be out shopping now.

They also saw a huge meteor when they walked out to the car.

Lynne2 said...

evening all! We are finally home!

Linda, I'm so sorry things are going so badly. My heart is breaking for you. Hold on tight to God's hand and know we are here praying for you all.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it was very nice.

Rebecca's mother and brother are coming for Christmas. It will be good to meet them.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night.

I will see you later.

Night light has been turned on. Stay safe out there.

Lynne2 said...

Sounds like fun for everyone else today and glad two of our special momsters have have the joy of their granddaughters for the night!

Shirley, Dobies are awesome dogs! Sorry Flash is ailing, though.

NatureNut said...

Paula, great you have a little room mate tonight! And I love your avatar!!!
Don't think I'll hit any stores tomorrow. Think I'll check some spots online to see if they do sales, too.

Lynne2 said...

I think the whole starting the shopping on Thanksgiving night is abominable. It's a family day, and I feel bad that the employees of these places are making people work. BOO HISS.

Lynne2 said...

going to sleep off my gluttony. Have a good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Why is shopping day after Thanksgiving called black Friday?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Well, just finished getting most of the dishes cleaned up. Very thankful for our dishwasher! Will empty and reload it in the morning.

Sounds like everyone had a wonderful day today, and a delicious dinner with family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving, Glo and Delphia!
Great to "see" both of you here!

Lynn, I've added Diann to my prayer list--Ouch! Torn meniscus is sure no fun.

Well, I need to go keep Kubby company. We taped "Little Women" earlier--it's the version with June Allyson and Elizabeth Taylor.

Saying many extra prayers for Linda and for her Mom. Sorry it's such a tough situation. ((HUGS))!!

Actually, have said prayers for everyone, and for all creatures, too. Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling the security systems. Sleep tight, everyone.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!!! :o]

Hoda said...

Oh it is called Black Friday because it balances the books of the retailers and puts them in the black as opposed to the red.Wikapedia told me so!!!

Lynne2 said...

Supposedly, Hoda, because it's the day of the year that most retailers go out of the "red" and into the "black" financially.

OK, done catching up and REALLY going to be now!

hedgie said...

Heading to bed. Long day for my first one out and about.

Linda, please feel our arms around you and know that we are with you in spirit. God bless you all as you deal with this difficult time. Just let your Mom know that it IS okay if she wants to go. We love you.

Prayers for all. Peaceful sleep, and sweet dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Linda - we have all been so concerned for you and your mom. This is a very difficult time for you but know that prayers for you will be said. God will wrap His arms around you - I pray you
will feel them holding you. ♥

Hoda said...

JO and LYNN Bless you for the posts to LINDA. It touches my heart. God Bless you both.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Friends
Love you one and all
Prayers for all of you & your families
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Just a quick peek in! Lynn, sounds like you are doing well. Glad you got out and had a tub bath! Yea!

Linda, so sorry to hear your mom is not doing well. Prayers for peace for her.

Sitting here in front of the fire. Boys went to bed long ago. Tomorrow going to wolf creek pass to let the boys do more sledding though they have done well here at the lodge. Weather is holding up for safe travel home sat and sun.

Judie said...

Thank you, Shirley, for leaving the night light on. I may have been the one stumbling around.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Thanksgiving thread.

Linda, please know that you and your mother are in our prayers and that each of us is here to support you.

It seems that most everyone has had a very nice day and for that I am thankful.

Restful sleep for all, including me, as I must now begin the final three weeks before giving birth to another semester of wannabe adults.

Hoda said...

I am thinking it is time to sign off and see about relaxing to get some sleep.

I missed hearing from WVDANA...did she take her mother out to dinner or did she pick up the meals and go to her MOM's house?

I know gratitude that it was a special day for all of us.

Good night, Sweet Dreams.
Prayers for Love and Compassion, Health and Peace for all on our blog and for all in the world.

Costume Lady said...

Good day after Thanksgiving:)
Our family had a most wonderful day, first time we have all been together. Only one person didn't show up and that was because he had to work:(
Denise took some lovely pictures, but I am having a difficult time getting them posted on my blog???

It is FACE PLANT time, so I will say ..

Costume Lady said...

This avatar shows me holding the PUDDING CAKE, for which CAROLANNE gave us the recipe. It was soo good and very easy...had no left-over

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Wonderful Eagle Family!

Sure am glad I'm not out there shopping with the masses! Did some online, though.
What a long night...fell asleep on the couch around 8 then woke up at 11, laid down again at 2 and woke up at 3! And, here I am.

Hope everyone had a beautiful Thanksgiving and that today is just as nice.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori!
I'm not out there shopping and I have no intentions of going out there!

Lori O. said...

I had Kate email pictures from my camera to me, since I can't get Windows 7 to load them, and was able to put pics on my BLOG of the Upside Down Christmas Tree and my "BELIEVE" tree, which Perry & I planted.

It was a slow process putting the picturess on. I think everyone is online posting pics from Thanksgiving.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo! How was your Thanksgiving?

DanaMo said...

I'm good Lori. Fell asleep watching basketball last night, finally gave in and went up to bed. Thought I was going to have quality time with Aric watching the Flyers, but feel asleep at halftime. LOL! Woke up and decided it was time to move to the bed.

DanaMo said...

Sorry you have to explain, who is Perry? Why is it the believe tree? Is there a special significance?

Lori O. said...

It's light enough outside. We could see eagles at any time!

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, Perry was my husband who passed away six yrs ago next month. We planted the tree about 2 months before he passed away. We actually bought it on the way home from our wedding but never managed to get it in the ground. Anyway, I never thought there could be true love for me, until Perry, so I found the "Believe" sign and put it up as a reminder.

DanaMo said...

Aw...Lori, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how difficult that was for you, to find true love and lose it, and what a difficult time of year...the holidays must be very hard.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

T-Bird said...

Happy Black Friday.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pal Ladies...
and any lurking Gentlemen...

Lori, beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing with us
(( Hugs ♥ ))
Those beautiful red leaves on the Believe Tree are really saying on the tree a long time, wonderful...

Hey, it Black and RED FRIDAY...and so far, EAGLE-LESS Friday

DanaMo said...

Thanksgiving pictures are posted on blog.

Working on school stuff. Why you ask? I don't know, I'm always working on school stuff. Looking for fun things to do with the kids.

magpie said...

Beautiful skies this morning....I saw Saturn in the East....
and Mars just directly overhead...
look for VENUS making a great appearance after Sunset in the West/Southwest....tonight

Moon all gone, went "new" this morning, it should be back out Saturday or Sunday in the West, near Venus after sunset ☺

magpie said...

Many lovely reports of a good Thanksgiving day ...

so very sorry Linda's mother is struggling, and Linda as well....
sending my wraparound loving wishes and prayers to go with all of the rest of yours...

(( Hugs ♥ )) for Linda and Family

magpie said...

also wishing to hear from DanaWV on how things went for her and her Mom yesteday...
(( Hugs for Dana also ♥ ))

I'll have to check in on the rest of the news from work...

Gratfulness Avatar continues, James and a Hot Red 1964 Chevy from a year or so ago...

Wanda: Great Picture of you and the Pudding Cake !!

T-Bird said...

What a heart felt story Lori. (((hugs)))

T-Bird said...

Lori, it's been four years since Donna died. January 7th it will be five.

magpie said...


Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

God Bless Our, Everyday...

Wear some RED !!

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

(( Hugs ♥ )) T-Bird....and all the family too ♥

God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Margy and Thelma!

I feel so bad for Linda. Prayers for her Mother to pull through. This has already been too tough of a year for Linda. ((BIG HUG LINDA))

T-Bird said...

I'm so thankful to have a holiday, this year, that isn't burdened down by grief. It takes what it takes to get to that point and it is just for today, just for this moment, it seems to be able to change at any moment. Celebrating those that are still here is the way to go for me.

Lori O. said...

I'm so sorry, Thelma. It is especially hard around the holildays. Perry died on December 21st, so I understand how you associate everything this time of year with that time. You know I'm always, always here for you. (((HUGS)))

Lori O. said...

Oh, I'm so happy you have found a great way of coping, Thelma! I bet Sharon and Buddy help, too! :)

Lori O. said...

Gosh, it would have been so wonderful if I had known you, my wonderful blog family, when that happened; but, I think I come through everything okay. Time does great things...except for the gravity and metabolism slowing part. :)

T-Bird said...

Awfully cold and froggy this morning. I don't think froggy is even a word, do you? : )))

DanaMo said...

Since I don't have a radio in my kitchen it's great to listen to WASH FM live :)

T-Bird said...

I sure would like to see some eagles this morning.

magpie said...

that is a beauteous avatar!
and that word reminds me of SHIRLEY:

Shirley, sounds like a great day for you yesterday, and YAY for the fellows seeing that Meteor !

magpie said...


Your words....are wise and comforting....
strong words to live by..
xoxo ♥

Hope the Eagles make some daytime visits today....

magpie said...

sure you have lots of busy things coming up with your school work for December....
Advent being the first to get things rolling...

When I grow up, I want to be a kindergarten student in your class! ☺

DanaMo said...

Margy, "dabamo'? LOL! Need some coffee this morning?

DanaMo said...

Yes, we do have alot coming up in kindergarten. Can't wait to get started. Picking the play parts, practicing, making our Advent wreaths on Monday. We use Mason jar rings, green clay, fake leaves and candles (which reminds me, they haven't arrived yet! Yikes!).

DanaMo said...

Very hard to find purple candles, I have to order them. I ordered 10 boxes so that should get me through a couple of years.

hedgie said...

Good Fri. morning, gang. Ehjoyed your posts....feeling sadness for and with Thelma and Lori, but love that you both are so strong and are such brave ladies. My love to you all......and to Sissy and the rest of the family as they, too, cope with their memories at this time of year.

SLEPT IN MY BED!!!!! Except for two pottie-breaks, 8 HRS. of sleep!!!! Perfect!

Commenta on your pics, Lori and Dana on your blogs. DanaMo, you have email!!

T-Bird said...

It sure is nice to see shadows at the nest.

T-Bird said...

It was absolutely beautiful in Bluefield yesterday. How about you all, what was your day like?

hedgie said...

Clothes on--check!
Dog out and fed--check!
Jess is still asleep!! Bet Liesl will find her as soon as she finishes eating!!

hedgie said...

Thelma, weather here yesterday was beautiful,too, and it is supposed to be again today!

Lori O. said...

I just saw a single juvie black vulture flying over...hoping it was my little guy!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody.

So I just learned this morning what Black Friday meant. Might have known before but somehow lost it through the cracks in my head!

Lynn, so glad you had a good night!

Love you guys. I am supposed to work 4 hours today but only had 1 job to type when I signed on. Andrew and Kelsey are coming this evening. Can't wait!

DanaMo said...

I am finally cleaning out the storage room. I cannot believe the amount of STUFF we have. I found an entire container of clothing that just went into a bag for Goodwill. It's been in there so long it's about 6 sizes too small.

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☺rning Eagle Buds Waiting for Angie to call to meet her to get Jordyn


JudyEddy said...

OH Lori so sorry for your loss of Perry I loved the red tree sooooo pretty and I like the upside down tree I have seen them bigger that way at stores but never a small one

Did you all see where the poor girl forgot the words to the Nat'l Anthem ;^(

JudyEddy said...

My DAD passed on Dec 22 2005

hedgie said...

Saw that, embarrassing. They should use teleprompters or cue cards!

DanaMo----bet Wanda's clothes closet could use those clothes----especially if they are winter wear!! You are a bundle of energy!

Sharon---hard sharing the boy with another family, isn't it? But at least you'll have him later!!

JudyEddy said...

Hey look at the shadow on the nest sort of looks like it could be a eagle I know its not but I can hope LOL

hedgie said...

Sausage is in the pan.....cinnamon waffles on the menu....trying to get Jess UP and out to get my papers.....this will be the last morning I don't have to make the hike....surely dread having to start doing it again tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

Lynn, so GLAD GLAD GLAD about your excellent night's sleep!

JudyEddy said...

Now I am getting worried Angies doesn't answer her cell home or work phone I was suppose to meet them at 9 or so Well its passed the OR SO I have called twice all threee numbers I may have to call Carls Cell I hate to because its his work phone

JudyEddy said...

Really neat that you got to sleep in your own bed There is no place like our own beds for a better nite sleep I say Congratulations LOL

Lynne2 said...

just saw this...

We apologize for the inconvenience. The EagleCam is presently offline. We do not have an ETA on a resolution. Thank you for your patience.

JudyEddy said...

Carol tagged me in a picture she took of a eagle near her house in Clearwater and it s on my facebook wall there is also another bird in the tree Neat tree it has the moss hanging on it tooo


CarolAnne said...

Taking time before family starts to stir. Many Thanks for the e-cards I have received - how thoughful!

Hoping prayers on Thanksgiving for those that truly need them are more powerful on a day of thanks.

The grandma that I lived with passed on Dec 21 at age 99, many years ago. Dad passed on Nov. 12 6 yrs ago. Miss them both alot, but have so many wonderful memories that I choose to dwell on. Have really special ones of the years Dad & I went out visiting as he played Santa. Makes the Christmas season my favorite time of year.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Boy, I slept like a pet rock last night! Must be the turkey.LOL

Lori, your Believe Tree is just gorgeous! SO sorry for your loss of Perry, especially right before Christmas, but extremely happy that you found TRUE LOVE, even though you lost it far too soon. (((HUGE HUGS!!)))

JudyE, sorry too, for the loss of your Dad in 2005, also right before Christmas.

LYNN, Wow! You're really doing well,sleeping in your own bed last night, and so busy this morning! You just can't keep a good woman down. You go, girl!!
Just don't try to do too much, too soon! (((HUGS)))! Love you!

Ms Bookworm said...

I am in awe of the tremendous faith that you, Sharon, and Sissy & Tom have! I love your way of finding the optimistic point of view, too. Isn't it truly a miracle how God gets us through so much!!!!...Emma says a happy "Woof!!!" to Buddy and the whole pack at your roost!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta get to work here. Will be back a little later, when I'm able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Tanking up on high-octane caffeine, and about to get busy. Ta-ta for now! Happy red & black Friday! :o]

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all!

Great day for shopping, working, whatever...nice and sunny!

Fixed Gianni some pancakes for breakfast, got her dressed, I got showered, etc. and we met Ajay here at my work at 9:30.

At work now...will check in later.

PS Gianni is a bed hog! Had to move her back over to her side twice last night, LOL

T-Bird said...

Ms Bookworm-you don't know how much that means to me. (((hugs)))

T-Bird said...

I hope you all make a great day. See ya later.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this Black/Red Friday!
I've read the comments , looked at pictures on your blogs and then realized
I had forgotten to say hello!

DanaMo - you go full steam ahead!
Paula - I bet Nick doesn't take up as much room as Gianni!

Lolly - beautiful fresh snow this morning for you all to enjoy

Lynn - Tub bath last night - 8 hrs sleep in your own bed - WOW and tomorrow a walk to the Mailbox. Enjoy
Jess today and give Liesl some well deserved pats/scratches.

Mema Jo said...

Megan and her Hummers: We weren't going to deal with birders this weekend, but when a guy says he's from the Cornell lab of ornithology then we shall make an exception! Sharpsburg is really on the map!

hedgie said...

Moving right along......Jess has almost finished cleaning. Doing the upholstery now! She's a good worker once she gets started!!!
But she thinks my canister vacuum cleaner is awkward!!

Costume Lady said...

I see, from Jo, that Megan is getting a visit from folks at Cornell Ornithology people. They have my favorite birding site on the Internet. Anxious to hear about their visit and thoughts on Megan's feathered much excitement at Megan's roost:)

LYNN, it was good to hear that you were able to get in the tub...and made it upstairs to you own, comfy bed. A good night's sleep has done you are more like your old self, this morning:)

DanaMo said...

My steam is running out...whew...gotta push on.

hedgie said...

Wow, Megan IS in the big leagues now!!! THanks, Jo---I haven't been to FB yet!

Lori, it is cool to think that maybe the juvie TV is one that you saved!!!

hedgie said...

Interesting news item from Penn Hill, PA: a wild turkey crashed through a window into the dining room of a closed restaurant yesterday. It did not survive the impact. It did set off a security alarm.

magpie said...

and Megan will be selling her Christmas Greenery and Wreaths....
at market in Shepherdstown.....

very soon !!!!

magpie said...

Good Morning almost Afternoon more Eagle Pals...

Good to "See" you


Mema Jo said...

Hi Wanda - I was over checking out your blogs for pics! Your Wild & Wonderful has been hacked again....Don't know why they like that blog.

hedgie said...

Phoebe has layed her 2nd egg this morning!!!

Lynne2 said...

So, all I wanted to do was fix a curtain rod in the LR. This led to window washing. which led to STINKBUG killing as when I tilted the kitchen window in to wash the inside, they were stuffed into the corners. GROOSSSSSSS! then curtain washing. The windows are wide open the the fresh air is wafting in! GORGEOUS day! The nice breeze and warm, dry air will help dry the carpet fast...because steam cleaning the carpet is next! I've got some misplaced Spring Cleaning action going on....

hedgie said...

Jo, I sent Wanda an email first thing this morning about W&W, too. Grrrrr.........

hedgie said...

LOL, Lynne----it's called Fall housecleaning now!!!!!

Hoda said...

Good Morning/ Good Afternoon everyone.

What energy LYNNE. Good on you.

Sounds like wonderful memories people have of those who have crossed. Love your symbolic tree LORI...I love the photos and even more love the clarity of your statement of finding true love in your husband. That goes beyond death and he is still with you in the way you are...

DANAMO thanks for the pictures and I am sorry MONTE is under the weather a bit.

THELMA you are a courageous and wonderful person...every morning you say make a good day, and it brings me a smile because it is a choice is it not? Lots in yoiu r life and you choose to make a good day...attitude is everything.

Loved the stories about your start of your days PAULA and LYNN...Too cute Little GIANNI hogs the bed!!! She is just trying to find her Grandmama!!!

You are making Terrific progress LYNN towards healing from the surgery. Do keep us posted as to the next steps to take...treatment and such

Simple quiet day for me. I head to yoga and then come back to start working on organising things...LYNNE and DANAMO an inspiration...DANAMO do you live close enough to WANDA to make her the donations of the clothes give away for her to donate to others?

JudyEddy said...

this was on one of the eagle pages on facebook I thought it was cute lets see if it show up on blog as a whole house

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•°*”˜˜”*°• From my house to your house •°*”˜˜”*°•
•°*”˜˜”*°•Happy Thanksgiving to all my bird friends•°*”˜˜”*°•

Hoda said...

LOLLY posted on Facebook that they have fresh snow...lovely picture. There is fresh snow here too.

DanaMo said...

Margy, where is the market in Sheperdstown? Will you meet me one day? Is it on Sundays?

Costume Lady said...

Jo and Lynn, thanks for the heads up on the infiltration of those adv. on my Wild and Wonderful. I've not been able to get a clue as to why and how this is happening. I need to CLOSE DOWN WILD AND WONDERFUL and just hope the ads don't pop up on other blogs!

Costume Lady said...

DanaMo, I think the market is on the main street, close to the Library. It isn't hard to find.

JudyEddy said...

Silly question you all may know at the Lake of the Ozarks cam there are two eagles or two nest are they both occupied through out the season????????

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn down for a nap and I need to get busy now LM

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just taking a quick work break for a few minutes.

Lori, hope that the juvie TV was your little guy! Could be!

Gosh, our Megan IS in the big leagues if Cornell is paying a visit! Cool beans!

Gracious, Lynne2! If you know what gave you all that cleaning energy, please send some my way! I could use it--gotta clean up around here soon!

Well, back to work now. Later, alligators!

stronghunter said...


Had a lot of fun yesterday with my family.

Today, I am having a bit of quietness. Kathryn and Hunter have gone north to join Rus at a model plane flying get-together.

Hoda said...

The three American Students have not yet been released. Slow paperwork and today is Friday so nothing happens on Friday and Saturday. They will likely stay in custody till Sunday...Their lawyers have seen them today.

Hoda said...

I am headed off to yoga. See you all later.

magpie said...

I'll have to double check...during the summer Megan was at Market on Sunday....
for winter...not positive, what day or maybe even both....Jo will know and I will know when I get home...
I would very much like to join up there with you....
will get back to you, I promise !

and yes, as Wanda said, is on the street "behind" the old fashion library just off main street near "the Wall" - the building with the big clock tower....

magpie said...

I do know....that when Megan finished up in early autumn, her message board said
" See You In November"

Lori O. said...

What is going on at Megan's? I've seen some post about Hummers there but I haven't been on FB in ages. Does she have Hummers nest there? I'm clueless/FBless...thanks!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I love the red car Margy pretty sharp

JudyEddy said...

LORI I wonder if she is talking about the phoebe

She is on nest now

magpie said...

can we do an Eagle Dance....???

would be really nice to see them today !!!

magpie said...

that should be the site regarding Pheobe...
she is one egg-laying hummer ! !
and has raised many chicks in a few years' time, lost a few

magpie said...

thanks JudyE
when I was a young teenager, that was a car of my dreams....

gots to get back to the other computers now

ttfn xoxoxox ♥

DanaMo said...

Just sat down with a plate of leftovers! Yum
Monte is on the roof putting up lights.

DanaMo said...

I think they actually taste better today since I am not hosting.

JudyEddy said...

HI DanaMo I have a plate I brought home from Angies I am eating for dinner tonight Miss Jordyn is still asleep I got all my laundry hung up from the past couple of loads I still have to fold one more to dry then I will fold all at once I am so lazy lately since I got back from vacation LOL

JudyEddy said...

Sure would be nice to get a afternoon visit Jordyn and I did go to Freedom Park and it looked like the eagle were flying around I got a video but it is so far away looks just like two flying black things in the distance tooo far for my little 4x camera I an definitely buying a better zoom one gonna check out all the deals around first The people that were there before I got there said the eagles were on the tower earlier but I missed them sitting

JudyEddy said...

some one posted pictures of the eagles at the Friends of Ponca FB page and they bicker or beak like our two also They have them with pictures doing nestoration after dusk almost dark out

DanaMo said...

WEll I think I'm going to take a nap and see if I get a second wind or if I am done for the day!

JudyEddy said...

The Lafarge cam has it panned and the eagle is flying up and down the river or should I say around in a circle Cool

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, someday I hope to have a nice zooming camera!

Yesterday ('ll post pictures later) we stopped at Loch Raven Reservoir before heading to dinner. We saw a small flock of bluebirds, cormerants, seagulls, Canada geese, a GB heron, and 4 soaring RedTails! We ran into another birder who had seen 2 bald eagles earlier in the day!!

Lynne2 said...

Have a nice nap DanaMo....sounds like you and Monte are having a productive day too!

Lynne2 said...

Do you have a link to Lafarge Judy?

Have to steam the upstairs spare room carpet now....I'm almost done!!!

Lynne2 said...

OH, saw some yellow butterflies today! Yellow Sulfurs, I think.

JudyEddy said...

Lynne here is the link to it they are always paning around big time


NatureNut said...

Happy Friday Afternoon!
Will be digging in to leftovers soon, Yum.
I might as well have gone out shopping and getting mauled in the Mall, as it took almost an hour to order an item online!!!Amazon---have used them before, but forgot password, then it wanted last digits of credit card, but we have new one!!!, Etc, Etc!! Finally got my sale final!!!Was something I looked for til 4 AM, & Fubby found it in one try!


Mema Jo said...

I have had my feet up! It feels really refreshing. I am about to get my plate of leftovers! Hubby has finished the lights around the front window & we'll be checking them out this evening.
Pumpkins will be going into the garbage
or perhaps at the edge of the yard -
I think the squirrels had made some meals on them.

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

One foot up at 1:00
The other foot down in the egg cup

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Got some pics - Hope another visit will
bring back both of them
That was are 'soon to be named' male

hedgie said...

Jess and I have had a nap, too. Carolyn should be here soon to get her.

LORI----Megan has two un-MD breeds of hummers still hanging---I think an Allen and I don't recall the other. Lynne had made contact with some state officials who visited a couple of weeks ago and banded them. The word got out and she has had a lot of interest: and NOW CORNELL!!!!!! How cool is that??

Jo, squirrels AND deer would love those punkin's----just set them out back at the tree line!!!

Think I'll will ask Caro and Jess to plan NEXT weekend to do my decorating. Don't really think I'm up to the disruption tomorrow. You have NO idea what is involved with getting the stuff out of the crawlspace in my bedroom!!!

Mema Jo said...



Everyone is out there eating their
leftovers and missing our Majestic

Mema Jo said...


JudyEddy said...

cool I was outside and came in to see tow eagles

Mema Jo said...

Belle in front

Male in back

JudyEddy said...

both sitting beak to beak at 11

JudyEddy said...

bsth at 11 tail to beak now

JudyEddy said...

one is picking at the edge

JudyEddy said...

looks like T is picking a belle sitting pretty as always

JudyEddy said...

picking up stick at 2

hedgie said...

Pic on news of a squirrel who ate 10 crescent rolls yesterday.....So bloated. Weather gal from the tv station witnessed this on her deck. Now who in their right mind would feed a single squirrel that much? Sure hope he didn't die.

Mema Jo said...

Don't forget to hit F5 refresh, Judy

JudyEddy said...

i have grabbed a few pic

JudyEddy said...

looks to be beaking

paula eagleholic said...

eagle sin the nest!!!!!1

JudyEddy said...

one moved to middle other at 1

JudyEddy said...

to hard to tell who is who

JudyEddy said...

I dislike the cam so much no action so slow mo LOL

paula eagleholic said...

She is at 6, he is at 12

paula eagleholic said...

He's gone

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...