Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends.

New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Angie is here to get Jordyn

paula eagleholic said...



Mema Jo said...

Beautiful Belle stands alone

JudyEddy said...

both gone

JudyEddy said...

thank you Paula for all you did with the voting

paula eagleholic said...


hedgie said...

Came back in time to see one miniature eagle......I think the still cam has shrunk.

Mema Jo said...

Well we SPLIT
Didn't feel a thing

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...


paula eagleholic said...

Catch ya later, heading home, then to the beach.

Have a great evening!

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

hve a great weekend, Paula. Hope you're not coming home in awful traffic on Sunday.

JudyEddy said...

Cool come back and the eagles are back

JudyEddy said...

both in middle beaking or looks like he is trying to peck her head

JudyEddy said...

both moved to 5

JudyEddy said...

looks like one is moving a stick both moved to 10ish

JudyEddy said...

almost looks like one is sitting one the others head

JudyEddy said...

picking at egg cup

hedgie said...

Considering the long absence, glad that they are sticking around for awhile!!!

hedgie said...


Safe trip, Paula!

3 American lads release has been expedited and they will be back in USA tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Right - where do you think they were
at Thanksgiving??

Mema Jo said...

As the saying goes -


Safe trip Paula and maybe don't come home until Monday late! Enjoy!

Hoda said...

I came in just in time to see both eagles...I am very happy.

I read back they made several trips to the nest this afternoon...what a delight.

GOOD NEWS LYNN...thank you for telling me that the three lads will be back in the USA tomorrow. I am relieved, worried this morning when I read the paper work was not moving fast enough and that they were still in custody.

Very good yoga practice and I feel blessed. The town is with positive energy and there are many at the Occupy Nelson site...they are negotiating with them to clear the premises...the issue now is the homeless people who seem to have taken the movement can Nelson help the homeless is what it is at.

Hoda said...

Thank you for the excellent reporting on the EAGLES visit.

Mema Jo said...

I think the Homeless have joined in
at most of the OWS movement sites.

I too am very glad for the young boys traveling home as quickly as possible.
Their parents must have been having
hissy fits and conniptions - will like to hear what the young men have to say for themselves. I hope they have taken it very seriously and were scared during their incarceration. A lesson learned & not to be repeated!

Hoda said...

You are so wise JO...Your last post about the lads and their experience in an Egyptian is the stuff that makes nightmares for me. I had an uncle opicked up by the secret police during Nasser's years and what he said was not good...the court ordered him put under house arrest and it was all political and lasted for years...I am glad they are free of it.

Lynne2 said...

So glad the lads are on the way back to the US. As Jo said, they are very lucky, VERY lucky, and hopefully a lesson was learned.

Well, I am finished all of the major projects and my body is yelling at me. UGH!

I just love the windows being open all day!

JudyEddy said...

Me tooo I have my windows open soooo nice My elec bill was only 69.47 this month will be lower I hope next

JudyEddy said...

I need to go get a shower and heat up my TDay leftovers BBL LM

Mema Jo said...

I just finished my Thanksgiving left over meal - delicious!

Lynne2 said...

well folks, we're heading down the road to friend Kathy's house to have dinner with her and my In-Laws. Last minute thing, as they will be leaving tomorrow to head back up the mountain. Didn't want to drive in the Sunday traffic, can't blame them!

Hope everyone had a good evening!

DanaMo said...

Good for you Jo!

Have fun Lynne2.

I went out briefly to Lowes and ACMoore, I was gone less than an hour. That's how I shop!

Hoda said...

ENJOY your evening LYNNE and STEVE.
Opening windows is an experience that will have to wait a few months for me!!!

DanaMo said...

Never did take a nap today, guess I will go watch tv in bed and see what happens.

magpie said...

Wow Jo....You really put the alert out !!
(three hours ago...)
I came home form work and was trying to get the computer up to watch for a visit, BUT...nothing would open and I couldn't even turn the thing I just had to hit the off button...Dinosaur must know his days are sadly being numbered...

Yahoo on a visit though!!
Great Reporting....!

Good Evening Eagle Pals ...

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

So...I undid all the rest of the garden things, saved some seeds, and once thought, while digging up some plants..wonder if these are perennials...Too Late Now !

magpie said...

Hope y'all saw Venus tonight!!!

Mema Jo said...

You know Megan will have more for you in the spring.
Margy - don't know if you read or not that CORNELL gentleman was coming to
visit Megan today! Isn't that great!

magpie said...

DanaBo, I mean DanaMo - LOL

Megan's message at her last market day, was
"See you the last week of November with Evergreen Wreaths...."

but, I don't know whether Saturday and Sunday...or just Sunday...
maybe Jo knows...
but this will continue through December so maybe we can hook up between now and later....
I can't go this week-end...

magpie said...

Sure did Jo....wasn't sure if I was supposed to be quiet or not
Really wonderful that she and the family have had this most unusual experience !!!

Who better should it happen to, our works-every-day floral girl !!
Heck I can't remember what her moniker is, been so long since I've seen it !

magpie said...

Yes, My Megan Flowers are my most prized possessions in the Spring and Summer, and into the Fall Jo.....

I do have to tell you all this:
James's New England Asters are still blooming and I did NOT undo them, I am so pleased about it !!!

magpie said...

Some of the best news I read last night and this morning, was Lynn's Tub Bath, and Bed-Sleep....
and a nice working visit from Jess, and that breakfast !

Mema Jo said...

Shepherdstown Farmers Market

Every Sunday 9 - 1:00pm
Last market to be Dec 18

Lots of baked goods from the "Cookie Lady"

Sunday, November 27 at 10:00am at Shepherdstown Historic District

magpie said...

That's perfect, Jo...Thank You....

And I think I recognize that Wreath on your avatar, expert craftswomanship !

magpie said...

Three nice little Thanksgiving blessings, from yesterday:
1) co-worker Tom delivering the Greatest Food Fare to dayshift 911'ers
2) Tom Sweetie showed up here at 4:45 with a Plateful of More Thanksgiving vittles
3) Upstairs neighbor gal ringing doorbell at 6:00 wanting to make sure I had Thanksgiving Chow, she had been cooking all day, and knew I did not have much family close by...

I must tell you, folks, I was so tired after work last night, I did NOT make it to my family's gathering, might catch up with some of them at least Saturday...
I was just slam wore out...

God is Good, My life is Blessed...

magpie said...

Hello again
I just gave DanaWv a ring a ling...she's okay, sends her love to everyone...

She spent yesterday until late in the day with her Mother, they went out to eat at Ryan's here in town, and Dana then spent today with her Mother also...
I'm sure she'll check in, but short story, her Mother is still in quite a bit of discomfort, joints and muscles...and
the gallbladder might be a problem, "More to Be Revealed" in the days to come.

Dana was just leaving
"People's "- Hah! that's what CVS USED to be called....and on her way home now...

So - Love to you all from Dana...

xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

I found videos on The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell on the internet...I am watching intelligent.

hedgie said...

Margy, good to see your smiling face! Good that you had neighbors looking out for you yesterday, as well as ol' Tom at work! I was relieved that he was providing a meal for you all---I was trying to figure out a way to bring you and Caro leftovers from Julia's without gyping the rest of the crew---and knew that it was impossible!!!! So Tom solved my dilemma!!!!

Liesl is making it clear that her day is done. Just had her last outing, so now for a little lap time before I put her to bed. She is sitting in front of the playpen with a very beseeching look, so BBIALW!

Mema Jo said...

lol I often say "I am going to Peoples"

I am listening to 97.1 Christmas
Music "Do you know what I know"

Wish my Christmas cards that I ordered
would arrive......

Margy that you for my card - Apple pie was delicious looking!!

stronghunter said...

Hi Hoda,

Just noticed your mention of Joseph Campbell. I found one of his videos in my ninth grade cabinet when I was the lead teacher for ninth grade.

I figured I would watch it while I was working on my room. I quickly found out that I could not do anything else while I was watching. I had to use too many brain cells to follow him. But he was fascinating.

I had used some of his ideas in one of my graduate papers, so I was interested.

But the video was way too advanced for ninth graders. It was about heroes.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, didn't mean to imply that a video about heroes would be too advanced for ninth graders. Mentioned that part because I thought Hoda might be familiar with the video.

I saw Megan's FB post about Cornell. How exciting!

magpie said...

You're welcome Jo...
"Michael's Special's "
I did like the look of that sparkly pie ☺ (and thanks for your thanks on Thursday too, I did see that ☺ )

Hi Hoda, Shirley, Lynn and Liesl!

Funny, yesterday all my co-workers were looking at the Black Friday Sales papers, today, they were all ooohing and aaahing at the dogs and cats on the Animal websites....

magpie said...

really IS exciting about Cornell visiting Megan's roost...
They ARE the TOPS in my book!
Thanks to all for sharing the information....!

magpie said...

a little lap time, how sweet that sounds, Lynn....and a playpen!
That's nearly as cute to behold ♥

stronghunter said...

Hi, Margy!

No Black Friday shopping for me. I have accompanied Kathryn occasionally in previous years, but neither of us wanted to do that today. And we have no desire to wait in a long line outside the door of a store at midnight.

magpie said...

Lynn, thanks again for wanting to bring us some leftovers...
at the end of our shift, we packaged up all of Tom's leftovers, and surreptitiously tucked them into our own little hiding places in the refrigerator...and we all ate well again today !
( We knew that the evening shifts had already had their Family Meals )
but we did leave some of the desserts out in plain sight !

magpie said...

Me Neither, Shirley !!
and thing is, most of my work pals were merely daydreaming...
none of us had much money to spend...

I went out ONE time three years ago and bought a set of nice pots and pans, for myself...and then six months later I unpacked them ☺

magpie said...

I don't know about Joseph Campbell, but he sounds like someone whose works I should get acquainted with....
and I hope to do so before too long

magpie said...

Hope that Susan was able to enjoy Thanksgiving, Shirley...I know I read that her friend had to work at Target later in the evening..

Medevac flying in overhead, that has been going on a lot this week
Prayers for the patient...and the flight travels...

stronghunter said...

Glad to hear that Tom Sweetie took care of your Thanksgiving goodies, Margy.

I was happy that we could stay here at home and celebrate with most of the family. Only Susan was not here. She planned to have dinner with James's sister. But she was here on Wednesday.

We had an impromptu trip to the movie theater Wednesday night.

magpie said...

been reading a Dell Yearling Book, "Following Fake Man," set in Maine and Boston...I guess it is sort of a kid's book, took me awhile to sink my teeth into something after "The Help."

Jo, there surely is some beautiful Christmas music to listen to, WCRH in Williamsport has some beautiful selections also...
I wait until Christmas Day to listen to Handel's Messiah here at home, and then I play it until Febuary

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY, you are so right, I can not listen to the videos and do anything else at the same time. His thoughts and ideas are very challenging to my mind and they require that I focus so that I can understand what he is saying. He is a very good speaker however and so far I am able to follow. I listened to two of his tapes and there are four more to go...
You used his ideas for your thesis?
What did you wirte on do tell...this is AWESOME...

magpie said...

What did you see Shirley? Maybe you mentioned it before and I missed it...

oh, and glad Susan had some time with you, and James's family (nice name, James ☺ )

magpie said...

we're clobbering Shirley with Questions....
I too am waiting to hear about Shirley's thesis !

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY I am not familiar with the grade nine video on heroes and Joseph Campbell. It would require a student who is willing to go beyond the entertainemnt value of heroes to see theri symbolic and metaphorical value.

Hoda said...

HI MARGY I am very respectful of the fact that yesterday you recognised that you were very tired and looked after yourself and returned to your roost instead of pushing through to travel to see family. As you said you will do so at a later date.You respected your own inner voice. That is GRAND.

magpie said...

Thank you, was a tough and emotional decision to make...
I went to bed for several hours and then got up for a short time, had a peek to see how our Momsters and Dadsters were doing....
and then back to the pillows

paula eagleholic said...

Evenin all1

At the is mild

Looking forward to spoitting some birds tomorrow...doing some outside work


paula eagleholic said... were talking the other night about the visits last5 fall....when the cam came back on in Nov...I recall we didn't see them for around 3 weeks ...and we were all wondeeing if they were going to uise the nest...

Hoda said...

the three students arrested in Cairo has left Egypt. THe 21 year old is out. The two 19 year olds are still there waiting for their flights.

Hoda said...

My last post should have read THE FIRST of the three students...

Hoda said...

I am glad you made a safe trip PAULA. I hope you spot some birds tomorrow and then tell us about them.

Mema Jo said...

Happy you had a safe journey, Paula.
I'm hoping the GHO greets you this evening.

magpie said...

I remember that too Paula!
Even Steve was getting concerned about it...
sometimes...even the Eagles think about "moving to a new place"...

Glad you are at your Paradise Roost now !

magpie said...

I emailed the text of your post about Shepherdstown Market, to DanaMo...

Hoda said...

So good to hear that LIESL did not stray too far off her routines when she was gone for LYNN's surgery. I was wondering if she was going to become unruly...but noshe loves her MOMMY too much and what else is there. I like the imge of her communicating with you LYNN about getting her lap time.

magpie said...

Oh, I spoke with my friend who knows Nu..
yes, he has long hair! And not much taller than I am...
I told my friend to tell him what a thrill we have watching him work on that nest ! ☺
Maybe he will wave to us next time ! Swoooon

magpie said...

It's about time to close things down, waiting on one load of little James clothes to finish drying, to pass on to Wanda for the Clothes Closet

Thanks again, Eagle Pals, for your friendship and all the wonderful things you share with us all...

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us, with Special Thoughts and Prayers tonight for Linda and her family..

Good Night...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

You made good time, Paula! Eyes to the skies tomorrow!!

Shirley, it was Lynne who was recounting the nest visits from last fall. But I do recall our trepidations.

Margy----the playpen has been in use ever since Liesl arrived! My dining area is a nursery!!! ALso had it set up there last Dec. for Mai---tho' she only stayed in it a few weeks before she climbed out!! No such worry with Liesl! It IS coming down in a week or so. Will see if she will sleep in just her bed---and stay there!!! If not, then bed will be in the crate downstairs! She doesn't seem to mind it at all when I have to go somewhere. I have not trusted her in the playpen when home alone in case she decides to try to chew her way out----I don't THINK she would, but just don't want to tempt fate!

hedgie said...

Oops----comment about nest should have been to Paula, not Shirley!!!

Yes, Shirley, do tell-----what topic did you use for the thesis? AND what movie did you and Suzi see?

hedgie said...

Goodnight, sweet Margy! Sleep tight!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry Lynn thought that was your comment

Heading to bed to read

(((Hugs for all)))

hedgie said...

Managed to doze off during the news. :( Guess that's a hint! Tub time and then to sweet bed.

hedgie said...

See you all tomorrow. Another spectacular weather day predicted here, but nighttime chill has set in now---40° already.

Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

Well, I guess it is about that time.
I was shopping on cyberspace & just finished an order.

Anxious to see some photos from Wanda's full house over the holiday. I hope it wasn't too much for GG and that she loved it!

DanaWV Praying that your mom's discomfort can be diagnosed & fixed.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy the tub and the bed, Lynn

Hoda - I think you'll be closing things
tonight. I am saying

Good Night and God Bless
Prayers for everyone
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Goodnight JO, LYNN and PAULA and everyone else who has already gone to bed...Sweet dreams.
I look forward to hearing from you all tomorrow.
I just finished watching my third hour of Joseph Campbell THE POWER OF MYTH and I thnk I should give it a rest. My mind cannot follow much more.

Hoda said...

Well I am almost ready to call it a night.

I will turn the night light on in case any of my eastern friends wake up for any reason and for ANDY coming in from the west...
God Bless and I look forward to visiting with you all tomorrow.
Prayers for us all and our loved ones and neighbours and for Peace in the world.

Costume Lady said...

For some reason, I cannot get my photos posted.
Will try again tomorrow

Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm getting here SO late, I'm not sure, but I think it's actually EARLY!

I DID get the work off to the Doctor OK, but daresay my eyes don't really want to focus as they should. That reminds me--I have a question.

I have switched over to Firefox, since IE was giving me so much trouble. When I used IE and had the blog on screen, down at the bottom was a little "zoom" thing, and I was able to enlarge the blog so it was easier to read. It seems that Firefox doesn't have that, so I'm trying to figure out how to get it, if that's possible. Anyone know how?

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I am, as they say, slam wore out! This is one of thpse nights when I just can't get to sleep.

Think I'll go get some milk and see if that helps.

Prayers for everyone have been said.
Prayers for all our favorite critters, too.

Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling the security systems. Sleep tight! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning should be up soon.

Andy, you were up so late last night! I feel your pain. I always enlarge the view on the blog, too. Sorry, I don't know FireFox, but in IE, there's a VIEW menu at the top of the screen where you can also enlarge by clicking ZOOM or text size.

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼orning Eagle Buds Lori and DanaMo and all who are up Boy its been a long time since I have been up this early Back to 7-4 after today

JudyEddy said...

I downloaded the Internet windows 9 last nite and had to un install it It took my favorites away it took my blue back arrows away Also changed my home page to bing and something else so I just uninsulated it what a PIA Then when I google that it took my back button and fav away It showed lots of other with same issue so I just reversed it

JudyEddy said...

now I have my fav back and all looks same for some reason Bing didn't get uninstalled so I just moved it down the to the bottom of the fav bar so I don't see it

JudyEddy said...

I can see the nest now was sooooo dark (black) when woke up

JudyEddy said...

come on eagles I can see the nest really good now no colors yet

JudyEddy said...

stepping to kitchen for coffee watch them show up

JudyEddy said...

ok I guess they didn't show up while I was refilling my coffee cup and puring my travel mug up

JudyEddy said...

I can't figure why Bing is still there after I uninstalled the package of 9 what a PIA it was

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....☺

oh, choosing a new avatar:
My White Blazer....It has taken me so many important places, and often with Precious Cargo aboard! For that I am MOST GRATEFUL...

If I say nice things about it....maybe it will keep on chugging along for awhile

JudyEddy said...

I still have google I did download a tool removal also but uninstalled it after it did nothing also but added more crap and I dislike having my favorites up in the right corner with a stupid black star and the blue back arrow was gone all together and the top of screen was black where it was suppose to be Did anyone else have issues with downloading the explorer 9 I hope I am not forced to download it When I go on the Ustream it tells me to update but I still can view them so I am not doing it again

JudyEddy said...

ok that is enought ranting over it this am I don't think they will show up in time for me to go to work at 7

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Margy

JudyEddy said...

OMG did any of you peek at the vote it is 50 50 now 21 to 21 votes we need a tie breaker last time 44 people voted I think

JudyEddy said...

I'm leaving this avatar up for a while I am thankful I have my son back

magpie said...

some, but not a lot of, clouds in the East hereabouts, should make for a colorful sunrise !

magpie said...

though, we would rather be watching Eagles I think...

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to close my window last nite 60 this am

magpie said...

Hi JudyE, YOU were part of that Precious Cargo in the Blazer on October 24 ☺

Good Morning to Lori, too, hope you're not having problems posting...but I know you're out there somewhere....

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Judy E and Margy!

Posts are disappearing so will post sparingly to avoid tossing computer out the window! LOL! I'm here, though...and so is LOUD FloBear.

JudyEddy said...

come one eagles I only have maybe 10min before I have to leave the latest I can leave is 10 till I don't want to be late I don't think waiting to see the eagles is a legit excuse for being late I don't recall that being part of the list of buttons to choose on the phone number that you can when you think you will be late LOL

magpie said...

at a break time at work when I can go outside, I do a little birdwatching near the quarry by our office,
yesterday was watching crows, a catbird, and a wren....

JudyEddy said...

I would normally be walking out the door at 20 till but I will linger a few more but I don't thnk its going to help I ususally get to work and sit in car a few min finishin g up coffee before I walk in

magpie said...

Understand that Lori...
I was thinking about the menagerie too...just what they are all up to at this hour ☺

I hope you have a good day, yay, today and tomorrow, still days OFF

magpie said...

Have a good day at work, JudyE - I too have wanted to call in LATE for Eagle Watching !

JudyEddy said...

well I think I will go ahead and leave HEY sunrise gets earlier each day RIGHT??????

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

well not really, it gets later, and sunset gets earlier...

we are approaching the "shortest" day of the year around Dec 21 or Dec 22 - the shortest DAYLIGHT day of the year..

magpie said...

The sky in the east looks like it is on Fire...Pink and Purple is very beautiful !

magpie said...

Oh my...color, and it is rather pinkish at the neat !

magpie said...

IF the eagles would show up, they might like pinkish too !

think it is because of the fiery sunrise in this area

Lori O. said...

I just took some sunrise pictures, Margy. Very beautiful this morning.
That's so great that you have a place where you can do some bird watching and really relax during your work breaks.

magpie said...

Yay Lori...I bet they are beautiful pictures....

I have been hoping to catch some Tundra Swans flying over when I go out, but no luck....yet...
I remain hopeful.... ☺

magpie said...

IF, the skies are clear tonight at sunset....and anyone can get a good view of a low horizon in the West, Southwest.....Infant Moon just might be visible close to Venus...
but it will only be at 2% waxing crescent....hard to see it when it is that tiny !
But VENUS, is easy to see... ☺

Lori O. said...

Sounds like a lot of hunters are out early this morning. Sure hope they're using it for food, or donating to food banks.

magpie said...

I do too, is probably a lot of family hunting time....
I make some Soup Goop last night, with some donated venison meat...
will give some to Tom Sweetie...(because he gave it to me, was given to him....)
turned out good, put some cream of broccoli soup in it also ☺ and lots of vegetables...

magpie said...

Well time to put a screeching halt to my magpie-ing...
worktime looms...

Hope the Eagles show up during the day, better yet, very soon...

Best Wishes for a Good Day, for Everyone

"See You from Work "
xoxox ♥

Lori O. said...

Have a great day, Magpie! Sorry no eagles yet.

T-Bird said...

Good Saturday morning eagle peeps.

magpie said...


Great Eagle Visit Pictures from Last Night on the E-M album... !!! Thank You...that album is filling up, we'll be READY for that December album you have made ready for us ☺

DanaMo said...

I took pictures too.
I've been lurking for a little while. Dogs let me sleep until 6:30. Looking around to see what else I need to get accomplished today. Putting off writing out "progress reports". I'm the only one who still hand writes. The Archdiocese hasn't updated kindergarten in a gazzillion years!
Did you post pictures to blogs. I did. I'm going to check yours out too!

Sandi said...

Good morning to my new friends. Back from spending Thanksgiving with our families in Balto. and have been reading back thru yesterday. Ms. Bookworm asked about magnifying text w/ Firefox. There are 2 ways. Go to View, then Zoom, then Zoom In. Or, press Ctrl and the + key until you get the text where you want it (Ctrl and the - key reverses it). May I ask, what are the 2 names in the running for the new male? Guess I'll leave the still cam up for a few while I drink my tea, return emails, and check my Facebook, but I don't know how you ladies can stand watching it for long! Hope everyone has a beautiful day - it's supposed to be sunny and in the 60s here in Bethany.

magpie said...

Morning Sandi...glad you had a nice Thanksgiving...gee, you were only about 80 miles from us here in this part of WV...

The two names are Shep, and Beau, whittled down first from about 20+ or so, then to 10, now to these two...

Paula will post the official results after tonight midnight when time allows for her to do so...

Also to JudyE, your evening visit pics form 11-25 are great also!
I just had a closer look...

Pink Nest is on there...

better go, shouldn't be late

xoxox ♥

hedgie said...

Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes.
COLD one here.....32° brrrrrr!
Weak sun so far.

Slept very well again, but not as long as yesterday. I KNOW a nap will be in the offing later.

Getting ready to make the hike out to the paper boxes after I get my hair combed out and dried a little. Wish me luck!

CarolAnne said...

Hedgie, so good to see you adding more & more to your daily activities.

Hope all had a great Thanksgiving.
Started our day with coffee cup omelets & venison bacon. Our wild turkey w/all the trimmings went over well. We are all as stuffed as the turkey.

Rain now, forecast for next two days. The earth needs it before the freeze up.

Cleaning & packing up on the agenda for today.

Take care everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! Awakened early this morning by a strange BULLDOG noise coming from the west....LOL! Actually, it was gunfire. First day of rifle season here in the Free State. Daisy is NOT amused.

Lynne2 said...

oh wow, thanks for the tip Sandi on the Ctrl +/- thing! Glad you had a nice trip to B'more!

hedgie said...

Made it!!!! Not too bad considering how cold that air is!!

hedgie said...

CarolAnne---there you are tempting us again!!!!! Coffee cup omelet??? Do tell, please!!!!
Hope you weren't the one who had to clean that wild bird! Sorry the weather has deterirated, but thankful that it isn't snow for you to have to deal with!!!! My cam allowance expired as of last Fri. so haven't been able to "watch" your lovely paradise!

Lynne, sorry about the rude's been happening here now for almost a week. ARGH!

Lynne2 said...

Glad you made it Lynn!

Geesh, I don't know if these people across the street are crazy or what, but there is a LOT of shooting going on.....

Venison bacon? MMMMMMM...sounds good! I've never had that! CarolAnne, do you think wild turkey is better than farm turkey? I have heard that it is!

Lori O. said...

Yay for LYNN making it to the mailbox and with her pretty hair, too!

CAROLANNE, I love your cookies are amazing!

Guns went off here right at sunrise and haven't stopped since. They sound like muzzle loaders, not real sharp like hunting rifles. Just hope it's for food!

Lynne2 said...

I think is not hunters. Wondering now if the neighbor cop and family are down over the hill practicing. Too regular, unlike first thing this morning.

CarolAnne said...

Actually best made in a soup cup - its how we make mini omelets - each can have their own version.

2 eggs broken into cup, stir to break up yolk/add dash of milk & seasonings: salt, pepper

Add ingredients of choice: shredded cheese, ham, onion, etc

Microwave on high 1 min 30 sec
then beat/stir egg mixture

Microwave 1 additional minute


CarolAnne said...

The wild turkey is indeed good tasting. Must be no additives to it or its feed.

I did not have to clean it. Guys do a really good job of that.

The venison bacon is very dry compared to other bacon - not what everyone would like.

Sandi said...

Lynne2, Ctrl +/- is a computer shortcut so it works with any browser or any file (.pdf, word, etc.) I even use it when I'm watching one of the eagle cams, like to see if there are spots on an eagle's head. Gunfire/hunting has been an adjustment for this city girl since we moved to Sussex County, DE. It's not uncommon for one of my 8th graders to take a day or two off from school in November to go hunting. I just ask them, when they return to school, not to tell me if they shot anything. The deer and rabbits can eat every hosta in my gardens and I could still never consider killing them!

CarolAnne said...

Re-issued camera pass, should have no expire date this time around.

CarolAnne said...

There are more cookie pics on my blog - you can see who gets the credit for decorating them. Its about four blog pics down on the list.

CarolAnne said...

Bubby is up and there is much to do as this week winds down.

Take care all, hope it is a grand day in its own right!

Lynne2 said...

In West Virginia, I think about half of the counties actually close schools for "Thanksgiving" break, but it's actually for antlered deer hunting week. Many people I'm sure still rely on successful hunting to put food on the table.

T-Bird said...

That sounds like a very promising walk. It sounds as if there is no stopping you. Do make sure you don't do too much. (((hugs)))

Lynne2 said...

I see Facebook has changed the look of the page again....

Lori O. said...

CarolAnne - very cool you got the guys in the family in on the gingerbread men decorating act! That was a surprise. :) Very cute.

hedgie said...

CarolAnne---thanks for the omelet info. Very similar to the omelets boiled in a baggie that we do at the beach!!
Nice pics!!!

Lynne, our county finally stopped the school closure for the whole week a number of years ago....and if kids miss scheduled days during the season, they must have a REALLY good excuse!

Thanks, Thelma! Not amazing myself as much as I am my kids, I think!!! I've always bounced back pretty fast!

hedgie said...

I don't see any difference to FB on my screen....????

Lynne2 said...

I've got the newsfeed, and to the right, the stupid advertisements, and the news ticker thing used to vary between the top and bottom of the ad column, it is now in it's own column to the right of that. So there are not FOUR sections instead of just 3

CarolAnne said...

Pssst . . .

STEVE has given us a new post/thread

CarolAnne said...

My son is very happily involved with his son doing whatever is "in the moment". They alternate bath night, and my grandson always remembers whose turn it is to give him a bath.

Son actively participates in gr.sons imaginative play too. This weekend they were 'firemen', wearing their coats as their fireman jackets, & lining up chairs for their firetruck. Just two kids having a ball! Was a joy to watch!

JudyEddy said...

Loved the pictures of sunset this am there wow stunning I posted a comment on DanaMo I looked at Lori to see if she had some on but not yet I guess

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!
Only have a couple of minutes to say hello--we're on the run today.
Didn't get here last night because I fell asleep with Emma in my lap. Don't want a silver alert going out!

Sandi, good to see you here! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! THANK YOU for the hint on how to enlarge the text! My screen doesn't have "view" anywhere, so you are my hero for that hint!!!

We're going out to breakfast, then will try something new--taking Emma to visit "Anaheim Coves"! Will take the camera, too. Prayers for everyone---I haven't had time to read back. Hope everyone's OK! Gotta run. Will check in later with an update! HAGD! :o]

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...