Sunday, November 06, 2011


New evening thread.


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Hoda said...


Kay said...

Wahoo ! Thank you STEVE and thank you, HODA !

HODA, the pictures I'm referring to are on DANA's profile/blog. I'm not a FBer and do so appreciate it when the gals post photos here !

Hoda said...

KAY thanks. The picture I spoke of was my promise to try to take a picture of the eagles visit.SHIRLEY taught me how to do it and I totally forgot!!! UGH...I find too much going on and I get so excited when I see them I focus on them and forget the rest. It is almost that I forget to type even!!!LOL

hedgie said...

Hi, Kay and Hoda and Wanda! Glad you joined me and DanaMo.

Wanda, love the ultrasound!!! Did you say that the baby will be named Neveah???

Kay, glad you and Seth enjoyed your weekend. I've never had to sit at the "bar" at Bob Evans, but have at Waffle House!

Sure glad we have a new thread. The old one was getting a bit burdensome!

Hoda said...

OH KAY I get it. You were refering to my request to Friend DANMO on FB. I visit her blog here too.THANKS

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Steve for the new thread. Very much appreciated.

Hello HODA and KAY!

I missed the visit but got to read the fine reporting by Lynn & Hoda.

Glad you had a great time with Seth, Kay...and the bonus time outdoors. ♥

hedgie said...

My steak was sure good, even if a bit earlier than usual. Had a baked potato and sliced tomato with it.

Hoda said...


hedgie said...

Hi, Lori! What did you do fun today?

Lori O. said...

Oh LYNN, nothing fun. I've been clearing out my Christmas room. I still have to organize all my ribbon, but I'm thrilled with how it's going! Sorry about the Redskins, but at least it wasn't the total blowout I was expecting!

Lori O. said...

Lynn, I laughed when you said leaves weren't up to your knees, yet! Everyday I consider mowing/mulching leaves and think I'll get more if I wait until tomorrow. I'm determined to make these leaves doable!

Kay said...

LYNN, your dinner sounds good. I had the 55+ chicken fried steak, smashed taters, steamed broccoli meal at BE, so will just have tomato soup tonight. Hadn't had chicken fried steak for about 5 years and now that I've had that craving fixed I won't for another 5. Their 55+ meals are just as large as regular except that you don't get a salad. Too much food and I wasn't a clean plate girl !

Kay said...

LORI, do you have a McMansion ? What a luxury to have a Christmas Room ! I have a Christmas box !☺

Hoda said...

Good moon light at the nest tonight.

Hoda said...

PRAYERS for LYNN, towards the end of the day I find myself thinking of you and the coming week and your trip for the consultation with the doctor and then the time setting for the surgery. I think of you and wish you GOD'S LOVE GUIDANCE AND GRACE. HAPPY HEALING THOUGHTS COME YOUR WAY LYNN.

Hoda said...

Does anyone know what they cross a potato with tomake a blue potato? I bought blue potatos from the organic health food store today...I had never seen such a thing before...

Hoda said...

I have not seen a post from PAULA saying she is starting on her trip back...I wish you a safe journey PAULA and NICK...Check in when you get in...

Kay said...

Blue Potatoes

Check this out, HODA.

hedgie said...

Reposting on new thread:

LOCALS: Can you help????? A Hampshire Co. Animal Control Officer just lost her house and 3 dogs and all her belongings to a house fire. She needs clothes, shoes, linens, toiletries, etc. Debbie wears med-large tops and large (size 16) pants, size 7 1/2 shoe; her grandson is age 5 but tall and wears a size 5 and child's 13 shoe. They also need food supplies, they have a double bed where they are and a queen size blow up bed.. so linens and blankets for them. Please do NOT send money.
Contact Libby @ if you can donate. She will get donated items to Debbie.

hedgie said...

Liesl is wanting some lap time. BBIALW.

Kay said...

LYNN, hope the locals come through with everything the Animal Control Officer needs. Wonder why no money ?

Hoda said...

THANKS KAY very informative on the blue potato link. They taste good. They are a bag of different sizes andd shapes. Come to think of it the health food store does not sell genetically altered produce...these however are BC grown...I will phone them...

stronghunter said...


Just found out that Rus was in Columbus this weekend. Knew that he was going to a wedding in Ohio, but did not realize it was in Columbus. he drove out and took picture of the house we lived in when we were residents of the New Albany area. Lots of changes since we lived there.

stronghunter said...

Will came over and mowed the grass this afternoon. He had to retrieve the mower from behind all of the stuff Tom put in the garage.

stronghunter said...

He brought along West, the Jack Russell. I'm sure West got plenty of doggy exercise.

Kathryn and I had to leave to attend a party, so it was Will and the dogs for most of the afternoon.

Lori O. said...

Hello Hoda and Shirley!

Kay, LOL on the McMansion! My house is small. Christmas room is in the basement - the former owner's office. It's only maybe 8' x 10', so you can see the importance of keeping the clutter out!

stronghunter said...

Interesting article about blue potatoes. I ate some blue chips at the party this afternoon.

stronghunter said...

But they were corn chips, when I think about it.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lori!!

Hoda said...

I love blue corn chips SHIRLEY. I do not buy them often but love to eat them with hummus.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Glad you saw a visit to the nest this evening. The time change made me miss it. I was at the grosssssery store.

I have a good news report, an answer to prayer. The baby that I have asked prayers for..the granddaughter of a good friend that is having seizures. Well, God works in mysterious ways. Turns out the neighbor of theirs works at the hospital where the specialist doctor is located and knows him. (They could not get in to see him until Feb) Well,Thursday they got a phone call from the neighbor saying "Can you get here by 2:30?" Tina, mom, said yes! Called Ky at work and they said "Go!" They got the baby there. The doctor is pleased with the med she is on for the seizures. When she has them again they will do more testing. They like the doctor and all is going well.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, don't know if the wedding was inside or out, but Rus was sure lucky we're having such good weather ! Doggone it, if we'd only known you could have hitched a ride for a stay with me !

Kay said...

LOLLY, that is such wonderful news regarding the baby with seizures ! Thanks for letting us know !

Hoda said...


Kay said...

Hmmm, blue corn chips are really good with any mexican food, for nachos or just with salsa for a snack ! Years ago when my son was teaching at Texas A&M he sent me a College Station newspaper article. A group of senior citizens had returned from a trip to NM and wanted to file a lawsuit against an Albuquerque Mexican eatery. Seems they'd been served "strange blue chips and funny looking black beans"---several of them had some indigestion and figured it was due to that "spoiled" food ! That's a suit that went no where !!! ☺

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, awesome news about the baby. You just never know... AMAZING!

magpie said...

Encouraging News, Lolly...
hope all continues to go well
xo ♥

magpie said...

Thanks for the New Thread Steve....
e've been a'chatterin' a LOT since Friday

hedgie said...

Wonderful news about Ky, Lolly! Yes, the Lord works in mysterious ways!!

A former nurse colleague was just telling me this past week that she was having an issue, and the PA specialists couldn't see her until Feb. Her sister works in a clerical position in a Cincinnati hospital with a specialist in the field....and she got her in with him within days!

I love blue chips---potato, corn and tortilla!! And some of the tortilla's have sesame seeds in them---delicious!

What a scandal at Penn State (where that same nurse colleague used to teach!!). WOW-----keeps sounding worse as the day goes on. Surely hoping it doesn't bite Joe Paterno in the arse.

hedgie said...

Shirley, great that Will did your yardwork for you! And what a cinky-dink that Rus was in Columbus! What did Will think of the fence???

hedgie said...

Lori, I try to stay on top of the leaves because I hate them getting crushed into the gravel driveway. I did notice today that the redbud completed dumping it's load today---and they're still green leaves!

magpie said...

Aaaaah, Lori, you have TWO more days of glorious freedom !

I was able to catch snippets of Prairie Home Companion this afternoon....liked what I heard !
Mountain Stage after that, on our WV NPR station, was also awesome !
Kathy Mattea and other fine performers ♪ ♫
have to catch up from prior thread

Anyone interesting in trying to see a moon or two at Jupiter, look to the lower left around its 8 o'clock spot, hope your hands are steady.
Jupiter is down and to the LEFT of the Moon, the brighest object you can see !
and I THINK and HOPE I saw Venus on the Western Horizon after Sunset...the Planet of L♥ve you know. It's already out of sight now

hedgie said...

Kay, I don't know why no money wanted......strange, huh???

hedgie said...

Margy, you do know that Kathy Mattea is a native WV'ian, right?

magpie said...

Sure do, Lynn
Cross Lanes, not far from Charleston

magpie said...

Not disturbed at all about the pic of the baby, so exciting !
this IS grateful avatar month, always welcome new life ♥

Lolly said...

Wanda, LOVE your avatar! What is it, boy or girl?

Lolly said...

Time to go prepare some dinner. Not inspired. lol

magpie said...

I don't know if you are coming bck tonight or not:
Wonderful pictures !!! Thank You! ....looks like your boys and maybe Annemarie were part of the ceremony? I am so interested to know, and also what the text of your Toast was...looks like your Father is reaching into his pocket for some speech notes? Maybe?

magpie said...

hope your Mother is doing better, saw where you said earlier she was not well today

magpie said...

So sorry to hear of the Animal Control Officer's house fire in Hampshire County and loss of everything...including the three dogs, so sad.

stronghunter said...

I think Will liked the fence, but it will require more use of the Weed-
Whacker. However, he can let West get all kinds of exercise. West actually belongs to his roommate, but Will seems to be very attached to the little dog.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! I just returned and a new thread is like a breath of fresh air!
Thank you Steve!

magpie said...

kinda knew it might happen, James has a little pal in his neighborhood who mostly lives with his father, but was at his mother's today and she lives near it was boy pal day today, I will see James Monday instead.
Spent the time outdoors, at the train station, in a local cemetery, and at the Fish Hatchery in Leetown, saw kingfishers and blue jays

Best wishes for a good night, think Paula and Sharon are traveling, or maybe finished their journeys...not sure about anyone else...

I'm missing Jo !

ttfn xo ♥

hedgie said...

Shirley, is he a Westie??

You may not have too much weeding to worry about along the inside of the fence if Luna and Flash decide to be perimeter pacers!!!

magpie said...

Oh My Goodness...ESP Jo,
you finished posting before I did !
Hello !!!

hedgie said...

Margy, sorry for your disappointment, but I know that you know how important it is for James to make friends. Good on him!

stronghunter said...

West is a Jack Russell, Lynn. He is named for Adam West.

stronghunter said...

Sorry you did not get to see James today, Margy. But good that he got to spend the day with a friend.

hedgie said...

Jo, et al---reminder: CBS is running behind, so The Good Wife and CSI: Miami will be delayed----somewhere around 1/2 an hr. late!!!

magpie said...

Yes, I agree...there are virtually no children in James's neighborhood, and this little chap and he have pretty good times together. Sometimes the three of us go out together, but this wasn't one of those times.
Thank you ♥

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley----he was Batman, right??

hedgie said...

Please tell me that the dog wasn't dressed like Batman for Halloween!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

WOW, so sorry Taitlyn but what an unselfish thing for her family to donate her organs for others. God Bless them!

Oh geez, riderless horse....MUST MAKE SURE GIRTH IS TIGHT before riding. Hopefully rider not hurt too badly.

Lolly, that is fantastic news about your friend's granddaughter!

How absolutely awful about the AC officer loosing everything to the fire. I sure hope there was insurance. Glad she and her grandson were spared, but very sad for the poor dogs.

Lynne2 said...

aw Margy, sorry you won't get James Time til tomorrow.

magpie said...

Thanks Lynne....I hope the boys spent lots of time outdoors today!
beats television and Play Station time !

magpie said...

I was looking for the burial site of a good friend that died in August, did not find that, but...
did find a portion of the cemetery where many young children were buried, most of them...babies.
I've been there before...a few years back.
Certainly....gave me a lot to think about

Lynne2 said...

Children's graves are so sad...

I hope they played outside today too! Sure was a BEAUTIFUL day. Wish I had been outside more!

Hoda said...

The nest is so clear in the moon light. It looks good actually, earlier there were shadows that looked like eagles.My imagination is strong.

hedgie said...

It's truly haunting to see the number of infant/young children graves in old was so very precarious back then for little ones.

I'm going to go soak my knee in the tub. BBL.

DanaMo said...

Wanda that is a beautiful picture! Congratulations.

Yes, Hoda, I thought we were already Facebook friends, but send the request. I will accept.

magpie said...

some of these, appear to be pauper's graves.....the cemetery has taken care of their burial, some have no headstones.
Most seem to be from within the last years, or more recent.
A young couple was there today, placing one pink and one white rose, on an unmarked burial site.
It is clear that many of the parents do visit, they have left many things at the graves.

DanaMo said...

My toast, "My parents have taught me, my family and my friends so much , through their example, of what the Sacrament of marriage should be. They have shown love and devotion to each other through all the joys and sorrows that daily life brings. They have lived their vows devoted to one another . We are grateful for the love they have shown each other and us."

My dad had me do some surprise shopping for him this week. He was being silly when he got up and said he needed to say a few words. He kept pulling things out of his pocket saying no not this, and he'd pull something else out and say, no that's not it. Then he told everyone how when he and mom got married he didn't buy my mother a wedding gift. He said that off and on over the years Mom would say how Uncle Carmine or Uncle Joe bought a little something for their respective wives on their wedding day. So then he pulled out his "little something" for my mom which sent her crying! It was very sweet.

Sorry for the long explanation.

magpie said...

I know what you mean, Lynn, about the older cemeteries...Hedgesville Cemetery is like that... and Green Hill...
I was at Rosedale today

DanaMo said...

Oh Margy, Annemarie was a server, and the boys brought up the gifts during Mass. It worked out very nicely that all 4 of them were together even though Annemarie was serving. I think she asked to be the cross bearer so that she would be in the offertory procession with her brothers.

magpie said...

It's a beautiful post, DanaMo...
and a lovely toast...
Thank You ♥
What was the "little something"??

DanaMo said...

Aric is safely back at UD! :)

magpie said...

I thought so, DanaMo...I was comparing pictures and clothing!
Beautiful, perfect!

PA Nana said...

Hey, just checking between games.
Doubt I'll be back tonight so my wish and prayers are for all of you. God bless!

magpie said...

When I was ushering on a regular basis, I got to choose those who could present the gifts, and I loved to watch them as they approached the altar....

PA Nana said...


magpie said...

Hi Diann,and God Bless to You also,
and Jim ! Enjoy your games....

and...good that Aric is safely at his OTHER ROOST Dana

DanaMo said...

I found a very dainty Rosary bracelet in gold. It was perfect. I found it on Tuesday and the sales lady told me she would hold it until Saturday when they were having early bird specials.Got a great sale price at JCPenney on Saturday. Gold was 70% and I had 2 coupons. It has a small cross and a Miraculous medal and 5 beads.

Kay said...

DANAMO, a beautiful toast for your parents ! So, don't leave us hanging, please, what was that little belated something your Dad gave your Mom ? How nice of you to be his Secret Shopper and I'll bet you had fun doing it, too !

magpie said...

that sounds Perfect, DanaMo!

I see where on your profile...that you also make rosaries....

Kay said...

MARGY, I know how it goes with a young grandson. Seth and I have an agreement, if something with a friend comes up for either of us, that is what we are to do. We have many Saturdays and other times ahead to be together. Hope James had a blast with his friend and that you two will have your usual good time together tomorrow after school !

magpie said...

Thanks Kay....
it is the way it should be....

back a little later, working on some snail mailing things

xox ♥

Hoda said...

OH DANAMO Lovely and you were not at all long. I, like MARGY would like to know what was "the little something"...sweet ever so very sweet...

DanaMo said...

Yes, I do. I make cord rosaries. I made them and had Andrew bring them with him to Australia for World Youth Day and again this time, Aric took them to Spain and brought them to the final Mass and had them blessed by the pope.

DanaMo said...

I also have made them in the past with beads but haven't done much of that in recent years. I did alot years ago, actually made Adam's rosary I gave him for First Holy Communion, so that was 10 years ago!

Kay said...

What a meaningful gift, DANAMO ! No wonder Mom shed a few tears ! Again, you have a beautiful family and that includes your parents. Glad your brother at least checked in--another blessing for your parents and giving hope that a reconcilation miracle will take place soon !

Hoda said...

Perfect gift...even more sweet than I could have imagined.

DanaMo said...

Hoda and Kay-A very dainty gold Rosary Bracelet.

DanaMo said...

Okay all, I'm beat and going to watch tv in bed! You are all in my prayers as well as your family and friends who need special prayers tonight.
'night all...

DanaMo said...

We all keep praying that something good will happen with my brother.

Kay said...

This ol' gal is going to retreat to the recliner for some TV time. Translation: I am going to be catching some zzzz's soon !

Praying for the many we have on our prayer list as well as others in need. So much to give praise for, too ! Wishing you all restful sleep and sweet dreams !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

Isn't today the day we are supposed to be voting on the male eagle's name?

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs. I'll see you tomorrow.

NatureNut said...

Well, more football tonight! Some of my other fave teams!
Sports buddy at Park said they removed some of the seating at Redskins Stadium. Ticket sales went down. I remember when you had to be on waiting list for years to get any season tickets!
The good old days.


stronghunter said...

Lynne, I think it is the last day to submit names.

NatureNut said...

Lynne, I think Paula's E_M email said vote on Monday & to send in your names if they didn't appear on her list. I resent 2 of ours--they weren't there. Duh

Lynne2 said...

oh, DUH....Hello my name is Lynne and my favorite color is clear! thank you Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynne. See you tomorrow.

I will be busy. Have a doctor's appointment.

hedgie said...

DanaMo, sounds like a perfect gift, and your toast was absolutely adoring!!! Job well done all around! Know you can rest well now that it is all behind you and Aric is safe "home."

hedgie said...

Hi, Diann and Lynne....sorry, but it's the Ravens I'm rooting for.

hedgie said...

Loretta, I thought it was the open/general seating that they removed seats from (as in gate sales)....????

magpie said...

Paula will let us know on E-M about when to commence voting...
I think that was stated early early on...
but yes, names submitted through November 6 - that's TODAY.

Hoda said...

Well tonight we are headed for 21 degrees...yet it does not speak of snow.

I hope we hear from PAULA and SHARON soon. Sharon does not usually chek in in the evening, but maybe I will see her on FB...I wish them both a safe journey.
Glad ARIC made it back safely to Campus Residence.

Hoda said...

SHARON is on Face book which for me means she is off the road. WELCOME HOME SHARON.

hedgie said...

LOL, Hoda----Sharon is on FB from her phone more than from her puter!!!

Good night and wishes for sweet dreams to all turning in.

Not supposed to be as cold here tonight....and by Tues. we MAY be close to 70°!! I'm hoping!!
I wish I could mow and blow NOW---no air stirring, bright moonlight!

I have a noon lunch date with a friend tomorrow, and then must get in some grosseries....there MAY be time to get some leaves taken care of after that, I hope!

hedgie said...

Almost time for The Good Wife. To the sofa I go. Will check back later.

magpie said...

I got some neat Train pictures today for Sharon ☺

Hoda said...

OH LYNN I had not thought of that...

magpie said...

the Choo Choo Train, pictures, that is, Sharon !
Slow your heart rate down !

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo a Sunday thread with lots of comments...not that I'll get them all read tonight!

Home safe and is everyone?

paula eagleholic said...

oops sorry, forgot to post that!

paula eagleholic said...

Love blue corn chips and tater chips...UTZ makes a 3 chip mix, regular, sweet potato and blue potato...really good.

paula eagleholic said...

will have to find DanaMo's pics of the anniversary party...beautiful toast and surprise present!

Birds today...eagle, heron, kingfisher and redheaded woodpecker!

Glad to hear of another visit tonight!

Skins lost again? BOO

Oh Hoda, 21°...that's cold!

magpie said...

Welcome Home!
I saw Kingfishers today...and would die to see a red-headed woodpecker!!

NatureNut said...

Exciting football on now.

Lynn, you're probably right about the Redskins seats--not necessarily the season holders.
Paula, you've seen some great birds! I don't think I've ever seen a redheaded WP.
Highly likely I will konk out in the wonderful loungechair, so Prayers for All & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Hoda said...

Welcome home PAULA. You saw so many birds. I hope you and NICK enjoyed your weekend as much as we thought you were enjoying it.
I like it when it gets cold and I continue to feel warm. I feel very brave then!!! LOL It is very comfortable in the flat...

Mema Jo said...

Returning from The Good Wife - the plot is thickening somewhat.

My body thinks it is 11:45 and not 10:45. Have my bedclothes on but not ready yet.
I am going to Snavley's Christmas shop
tomorrow with 2 of my daughters up on RT 11. They think I need new ornaments since they are my basement cleaner-outers and they tell me I don't have any decorations.... I knew I should have gone down and supervised the clean up! It will be fun to shop for some new things.

Mema Jo said...

Just wear those warm wooly socks, Hoda and you won't get cold.

Weather was good for you Paula - Will you just keep the Paradise open year

Just last week hubby and son went down and turn off the water and winterized our beach property.

magpie said...

funny about the Christmas ornaments Jo ☺

Watch that birdy clock! Best just to take the time-keeping battery out for an hour or however long...
unless you want to cycle through 11 birdies at once !
♪ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ Boing!

magpie said...

had a red-headed's nest behind the VA Center which I watched for two years... but have not seen them in a few years, and it is not in a good birdwatching place...

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread although it is quickly beginning to look like an old thread.

Too much to catch up on -- you all have been exceeding the speed limit once again.

GWU trounced Bowie State. My student had to leave the game. Emailed it was a cramp not an injury sustained in a fall. Good news, of course.

Wish the Redskins had won but it is what it is.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the dark and for Andy coming in late from the West Cost. The sandperson has started on his voyage to insure restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

But Have fun Jo

Going to close it down here for the night....

Prayers for Wellness,
for comfort for losses and troubles...
and Thanks for Momsters and Dadsters Friendships ♥

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

JO it is great that you will get to have more fun buying more Christmas Decorations...Enjoy, I like your attitude about the cleaning of the basement.

My body tells me that it too thinks it is time to call it quits but it is only eight in the evening and if I go to bed now I will be up in five hours and then what!!! When I sleep earlier I can not sleep more than five hours...

Mema Jo said...

Hi & Bye Judi

Good Night to all and God Bless you
Special prayers for Dana WV mom to be well. Prayers for all our needs and
Thanking You for all of our blessings.
((Hugs)) for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Geesh, that must be why I'm tired! It's after midnight, LOL

Going to hit it, see ya in the am

I probably won't get the poll up until tomorrow evening!

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, forgot to say

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Lolly said...

Have been reading this evening and then gave myself a manicure. I am with you...I am ready for bed NOW!

Thanks for checking in, Paula. All the mother hens needed that!☺

Lolly said...

Heading to the shower and my comfy pj's. Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

For those who asked about the sex of the baby...not known, yet. December 7 will be the day we will find out. I would LOVE for this child to be a girl!

Hope I can get up early enough to see the eagle pair, once again. It is so exciting after being denied their presence for so long!


Hoda said...

THANKS PAULA for doing the vote...We will wait till the evening...have a good day at work and don't work too hard.

OK it is now 9:00 which means really ten so I am going to sign off.
Good night and God Bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,
Thank you, Steve, for the new thread.

I have been laying low today. Miss Emma wasn't feeling well this morning--she had a VERY growly tummy that you could hear clear across the room. She threw up some liquid, too. Got her to spend a lot of time in laps today, and she took several long naps. The dog park was closed because it rained here, but wouldn't have been an option anyway, with her feeling less than 100%. Fed her about 1/4 cup of her kibble by
2:30, and it stayed down. Gave her another 1/4 cup at 4:00, and that was OK too. She ate another 1/4 cup at 5:00, and is still fine. She had no diarrhea, but pooped a LOT this morning, then none later.
Drank a lot of water this afternoon, and it stayed down. Hoping she'll be fine in the a.m.
Don't you just hate it when our furbabies don't feel right?!

DanaMo, I know exactly where Stefano's is--they are GREAT!! My former doctor is in that shopping center, and my bank is just around the corner. Small world!

Lolly, great news about the baby with seizures!

Lynn, so sorry about the AC officer who lost everything in a fire--especially her dogs! Prayers for her, for sure.

Prayers for WV Dana's Mom, too. Hope she is feeling better by now.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Wanda, what an exciting picture! So habby for you!

DanaMo, glad the celebration went so well, and that your Dad was feeling so well! Thank God!

Well, think I'm going to head to TV Land for some mindless watching. Have said prayers for everyone, and for all our favorite critters. Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Yep---I fell asleep during CSI....but it was recording, so it's okay! Wish I had had a blanket on me, tho'----feeling kind of chilly.

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo---I was worried that something special might get thrown out---surely hope that none of the missing ornaments were of sentimental value. Enjoy your shopping excursion---I'm not familiar with that shop.

Paula, glad your weekend was full----how did your floor work go?

Hoda, what kind of heat do you have in your flat?

Andy, sure hope Emma is A-OK by morning. Yes, it's hard to deal with a sick pup---they can't tell us what they feel like. :(

Gee, Wanda---now I am wondering who told us that their ggs was going to have a baby sister named Nevaeh....hmmmmm!!!

Turning in. Goodnight, dear ones. Prayers for all, but especially for Taitlyn's soul and her family.

DanaMo said...

Well Andrea that is cool that you know where Stefano's is located. You will have to go in some time and tell them that you are a "cyber" blogger friend of mine! So cool!. They do a great job with the restaurant we ate there several times when we were there this summer. Wish I would have known you were so close we could have met!

Good morning early birds! Not really ready for a new week. Blah...Better check my lesson plans and see that they are complete.

DanaMo said...

Paula-glad you made it home safe and sound! Did Nick get to romp in the sand. The Flying Labs are jealous.

Glad to hear of the good news for the babies. There were two different stories right? I get confused as I read through, I should have taken notes. It sad but true that often times it's not what you know, but who you know, to get the immediate attention you want and need. Glad they were able to get that attention!

Kay said...

G☼☼d M☺ring DANA ! Back to the grindstone after a glorious weekend, huh ? Aw, but you get to work with all those K Kuties ! That's not so bad !

Avatar change in this month of thanks. Here is Julie Kay, my stalwart second child who does so much for me here in Columbus. She isn't often this serious looking, but there is something I like about the look and the intensity in those beautiful brown eyes !

I'm up way too early for our nest so started the day off with the Potted Owls in Africa. Found mom and one chick snoozing at 11:30 something, but second chick busy preening. He stopped once in a while to stare around and looked at times like he'd like to jump up on the pot's edge and take off. That will happen all too soon ! They are so cute ! Not nearly as much fun to watch as the eagles are, however !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay & DanaMO!

Lori O. said...

Kay, love your avatar of Julie. Another beautiful daughter!

DanaMo, enjoyed your pics of the anniversary party. Looks like an occassion that will be a good memory forever!

Kay said...

DANA, two babies ? Yes, there is the dear little girl who has seizures that LOLLY gave us hopeful word on. And, there is WANDA's precious great-grandchild in utero. I think that's it, hope I'm not forgetting any babies currently on our prayer list !

Kay said...

{{{{{{gLORI}}}}}} Good morning to you ! What's up for today ? Hopefully nothings "shakin" out your way ! There's enough of that going on in OK. Just wrote to a cousin who grew up in Prague where the quake was centered. I know one of her older brothers still lives there or nearby. No injuries reported, but lots of damage to homes. Anxious to hear from Joyce !

Thank you ! Of course, I think my daughters are adorable ! "Pretty is as pretty does" and they are truly wonderful gals !

Lori O. said...

Kay, I think Julie has gone to great lengths to be a great daughter. You are so fortunate that you decided to settle near her. I'm so grateful for the wonderful care that she has given you, especially when you were so sick. ♥

DanaMo said...

Sorry I disappeared for a bit. Working on my lesson plans. Just tweaking the ones from last year. Sent them to my school address and will finish tweaking when I get to school. Love my kinders but when there is so much going on during the weekend it feels too short to be starting a new week. Oh well. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. So much to do though! Geez...I can't believe we are at this time of year already!

Lori O. said...

I guess we'll be seeing Lee as your next avatar.
What's on your agenda today?
I'm so excited to have today and tomorrow off. Hope to finish off the Christmas room and organize all the ribbon. Then I move upstairs to work on my spare bedroom which doesn't even have a bed in it now!

DanaMo said...

Looks like we are traveling over Christmas. Not sure when I'm going to drop that bomb on my parents since it is such a difficult time for them with my brother and all, but fair is fair and we haven't been to South Dakota since 1991 according to my SIL. MIL gave Monte a real guilt trip and he decided it's a must do. Oh Lord help me.

Kay said...

Thank you, LORI ! Julie has been so dedicated. I know either of the other two kids would have been just as helpful had I moved to their area, but Julie is the one who needed me most and now the tables have turned !

Lori O. said...


Today: Patchy fog before 8am. Otherwise, sunny, with a high near 64. Calm wind.

Tonight: Patchy fog after 4am. Otherwise, mostly clear, with a low around 32.

SUNRISE - 6:46am

SUNSET - 5:04pm

Lori O. said...

Oh, D-Mo, it is so hard have your own family plus both your parents family...but, if you haven't been to his parents in 20 years, I'm sure your parents will understand. Better find your dogsitter now. :)

Lori O. said...

excuse my poor punctuation this morning!

Kay said...

Yes, LORI, I'll feature Lee in a couple of days and then run through the grandkids. They all represent what I consider to be my crowning glory in this life and I'm so thankful for each of them !

Oh, DANA, South Dakota in the winter time. You are brave souls ! Hope you're all flying out as the roads up that way can be mighty treacherous when the snow flies. I'd say your visit there is long overdue, however--1991--yep, it's time !

Julie, Hugh and Seth are going to WI for Thanksgiving--flying this time as last year there was a lot of snow and ice between here and there. Hugh's mother is no longer able to make her annual T'Day trip here, so they feel it's a must do.

Lori O. said...

If anyone has ragweed allergies, and who doesn't these days, here's some good news.

Ragweed Allergy pill success

Lori O. said...

Yeah, JUDYE gets her computer back today or tonight when she gets to check in again. Miss you, Judy!

Lori O. said...

If I disappear, FBear is making his LOUD moose noises that the time is really 7:17 according to his tummy, and therefore, it's time to eat!

DanaMo said...

I'll get the same dog sitter as last time. He did such a great job! I hope he is willing.

I know we have to go and I know my parents will understand. Monte has 3 other siblings though and my parents at this time only have me, so they will be alone for Christmas. It breaks my heart.

Kay said...

LORI, Velly intawesting news on that hope for help with Ragweed allergy ! Apparently not on the market yet, but keep checking with your docs about it !

Can't imagine how poor JUDY has survived without that computer. Thought she'd be over at Angie's and on hers, but of course she has been working the last two days. It will be good to "see" her again !

DanaMo said...

We will be driving. No way can we fly, too expensive for 6 people, we used all our points for CA which again I think plays a part of the guilt for this trip. We have taken many trips and have not been out there for a holiday. We have been out there, just not for a holiday. I can't remember when but we took the camper and drove out, took the kids all the way to Rushmore.

Kay said...

Oh, poor FloBear ! These time changes are tough on our four legged friends !

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, DanaMo and Kay

Lori O. said...

FloBear appreciates your sympathy, Kay.

D-Mo, My best friend, Pam, lives in Pierre, SD. I had a wonderful time there last summer.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, DanaWV and all lurkers! Step on in, it's cold out there.

Lori O. said...

Glad I got this new mouse or I would have REFRESH FINGER at this point! LOL

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

The nest is bathed in sunshine a bit of ahead of that sunrise prediction. I'm stepping away for a few--that should bring our beauties on for the rest of you to see !!!

Lori O. said...

Wow, I got a picture/capture of that, don't know how to post it though. It was EAGLE in mid air arriving at nest! Very cool looking.

Lori O. said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There are TWO eagles in our nest!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sissy!


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I think Belle is in the forefront, or 6 o'clock in the nest at this time, and the other eagle is near the cup, but I could be totally wrong on that.

Lori O. said...

At least you have an idea which is which, Sissy. I haven't a clue with this light and unable to see the black spot on the male's head.

Lori O. said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am grateful for this still cam, but what I wouldn't give to have the live feed up. We are missing out on alot of action right now in the nest. But, again, I am very grateful for the still cam. At least we know they are there and working on the nest.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...



Kay said...

Aha, it worked ! I got back in time to see the second Poof ! I feel like RED---remember how he used to tell us he was going to take a nap so the eagles would show up ? Sure enough, most days that's just what happened !☺ I miss RED !!!!!

Hi SISSY, glad you were here to help LORI with the report ! Thanks gals !

Kay said...

Now we're up to 7am, so I'm leaving to catch up on my newspapers and get the day rolling in my nest. BBL

Lori O. said...

I've posted the picture of the Eagle Landing this morning on my blog.

Lori O. said...

Off to start making the most of my day off.


T-Bird said...

Good morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Animal Control Officer Debbieand grandson. May God bring in all the necessary items needed and more.

Great that the baby got to see and is now under the new doctors care.

Margy gets to see James today HAPPY FACE!!
So glad though that James had a friend to play with. Young James needs that type of interation also. Margy you are good to him.♥

DanaMo glad Aric is back safe and sound.
Your father is a what you said he did for your sweet ( :

Shirley the fence sounds and looks so nice. Prayers for your doctors appointment today.
Glad Will did the grass/leaves.

Glad Paula signed in and back it back home safely.

Glad Lynn2 checked in ( :

Jo enjoy today your daughters and shopping for Christmas ornaments.

Lynn enjoy your lunch with friend.

Hoda 21 degrees is COLD!!!!

Glad Judie checked in last night. Judie hope you and Darth are doing well. ( :

Wanda just love your avatar..hope you get the great granddaughter you want ( :
Prayers for baby and mother to carry safely and be born healthy. Maybe you already commented on it and I didn't see it.
When is baby due?

Andy hoping Emma is going to be fine. Poor little puppy dog..I know she isn't a puppy anymore but I still like calling her that lol

Kay nice avatar of your daughter Julie.♥

Oh DanaMo prayers for traveling for
Christmas to MIL in South Dakota. Hoping your parents won't be too disappointed.
I have had your brother on my prayer list was glad he made tha phone call.

Putting Julie, Hugh and Seth on prayer list for their safe travels to WI for Thanksgiving. I am sure Hugh's mother will be glad to see them.

Yes I am hoping JudyE get her computer back today.

Good Morning Sissy--in to see the

Good Morning Thelma cold in Bluefield?

wvgal_dana said...

Well the Steeler did not win their game last night. I did enjoy watching them play though. I can now watch an entire game (although last night did not see entire game) now so I bet Ed♥ is happy
about that for me. ( :

stronghunter said...

Good morning!


stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...


hedgie said...


wvgal_dana said...

I spent a long time in at Mothers yesterday. Went and got her food for her dinner she wanted.

Thank God her doctors appointment is tomorrow Tuesday. She has all the Aleve out of her system so the doctor can check her out good.
Hearing her cry out in pain was so heart breaking.
I think she might be having a circulation problem also. Her feet even though I put socks on her and
wrapped in feet in a triple blanket they were freezing. After she would rest some. I ask her
if she thought she could try and sit up. So her feet could get some circulation in them. She did
make it and after awhile said my feet feel nice and warm now. Is wasn't too long that she said
she had to lay down again. So I would help her and cover her because she could not pull covers
up cause fingers and hands hurt so bad. Then I covered her feet again to keep them warm. If I tried to raise her feet some it hurt her to bad.
She would not let stay with her last night. So I can't wait to be able to talk with her this
morning. I fixed her bed all up and did other things she usually does before going to bed.
Then I helped her into bed and pulled the covers up for her.

She did have a visit while
I was with her from her brother and his wife.
Her brother isn't in the best of health either.
They kept saying let us take you too the hospital. She kept telling them NO, I have my appointment
with my doctor on Tuesday. I have only one more day to make it.They tried to talk me into going
against her wishes and I told them I would not go against Mothers wishes.

So I am suppose to call them after her doctors appointment.

I did not sleep very well last night. I knew I would not with my worry of leaving her alone.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the eagle Alert. I seen them when they were in earlier too.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...



T-Bird said...

Grateful to have a visit this morning. I thought I had missed all the action.

stronghunter said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 295   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...