Saturday, November 26, 2011


New thread.


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CarolAnne said...

Thanks STEVE,
I was just sneaking a peek when I saw it, have let them know over on the old post.

Enjoy your weekend!

T-Bird said...

Yes, a new thread. Thank you Steve.

T-Bird said...

My FB isn't different either Hedgie.??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Sitting at Sissy's having breakfast with Sissy, Tom, Andrew, Kelsey, Mattie, and Justin. Life is good.

CarolAnne said...

Hee Hee - announced the new post and then went and posted on the old thread. - geesh!

My son is very happily involved with his son doing whatever is "in the moment". They alternate bath night, and my grandson always remembers whose turn it is to give him a bath.

Son actively participates in gr.sons imaginative play too. This weekend they were 'firemen', wearing their coats as their fireman jackets, & lining up chairs for their firetruck. Just two kids having a ball! Was a joy to watch!

hedgie said...

Hey, Shar---what's on Sissy's menu?? Did you see what CarolAnne fixed?? I had Toaster Strudel....kind of a weak substitute for all the yummies others are having! But I'll hit the eggs tomorrow for sure, along with the bacon!!

hedgie said...

If you are on FB, check out Diann's post last night of when her daughter Teresa was playing with the Marine band---right after high school. She served for 20 yrs.!!! She is little Max's momma!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this new fresh thread
Thanks Steve & thanks CA for the call over.

I checked out our Name Poll - and it is like Judy announced - 50-50!

Waiting for a visit from one of our girls - The one whose son was sick and they weren't able to join us Thursday.

hedgie said...

Better is the YouTube:

At about 9:30 into it, she is interviewed!

hedgie said...

Jo, Caro sent you an email!!!!!
Enjoy your visit.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Good Morning Everyone (:

Was reading post from Thanksgiving Day. Seen where so many had such great family times.

Lori I loved the upside down Christmsa tree. Getting to see it really made a difference.

I read where Russ is watching
a dobreman. For someone that
is over in Afghanistan. God
Bless Russ's heart. That is
a wonderful way for him to
serve our country. Helping
that person like that. Tell
Russ's "Thank YOU" some me
please Shirley.

Shirley is Flash feeling
any better?

Mother and I did make it out to Thanksgiving dinner. Sorry I did not come online Thursday. I stayed with Mother till late. Watching the Ice Age, and Peanuts with her.
She did good at eating. Later at home she did get sick. I am glad I had stayed. By the time I got home I just wanted the bed.

T-Bird said...

50-50 Oh my goodness. Too bad we don't or didn't, appoint someone a tie breaker. Do we flip a coin or do eny, meny, miny, moe? I'm pretty sure that is spelled wrong but you all know what I mean. : ))

Lynne2 said...

Hi Dana, glad you and your mother had a nice day together but so sorry she got sick...

wvgal_dana said...

When does the voting stop?

Lynne2 said...

Midnight toninght Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

Mother called me a little while ago. Said she tried to peel an onion. She can't do it. So since
my hands are bad. She is going to ask my brothers wife. She does a lot of canning. To come in and peel her some onions and potatoes.

I am hoping maybe his wife can shade some light on what is going on with Mothers hand.

I thought corpal tunnel but then she says a spot in her arm on up hurts when she tries to peel it.

She got sick after eating some yesterday. I spent from morning till late evening with her. Got home in time to catch Blood Blue..ha ha on me I feel asleep.

wvgal_dana said...

That should be Blue Blood with Tom

CarolAnne said...

WVDana, your Mom should get those bags of minced/chopped frozen onions. My Mom (87) swears by how handy they are, and they do taste fresh.

CarolAnne said...

WVDana, she should also try those steam bags. I place a few potatoes in a bag, steam them for a few minutes and then the skins just peel right off in your fingers. Then you can use the potatoes however you want.

CarolAnne said...

Thanks for all the comments on the gingerbread pics. Sort of a Thanksgiving tradition. Though in the past I have given the kids & grkids gingerbread houses to decorate. Went with the gingerbread men this year and it seemed to work out well. Everyone could do their own.

hedgie said...

Good suggestions, CarolAnne!!!

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon everyone.

Good cooking tips on the blog this morning. Thanks CAROLANNE.

Very happy to read LYNN had a good walk...Good on you and PROUD of you.

Snow here this morning.Sitting at 32 degrees...not bad for the weekend weather.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, I'm feeling so sorry for your Mother. Whether it is arthritis or some other ailment causing her discomfort, I can feel her pain. I got a really bad case of arthritis in my hands a few years ago, and I couldn't wash dishes (I tossed out my dishwasher) or bathe myself, it hurt so badly. Eventually got said that he could give me cortisone shots in my hands the next time that happens, but it never happened again, thank goodness. I take a celebrex every night and that keeps the pain in check. Very expensive, but there is now a Generic for that, haven't tried it yet, but I have a bottle on hand for when I run out of the Celebres.

DanaMo said...

Aric's batch of cookies are in the oven. I don't think I've ever made 3 batches of those cookies in a week. Whew...I don't think I will be making more until Christmas break!

DanaMo said...

If you are allergic to sulfa you may be allergic to Celebrex, I am.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and see new thread so glad I check first before I started to read some

Costume Lady said...

CarolAnne...I always have a bag of chopped onions in the freezer. I cannot peel onions, due to a condition that I have in my eyes, so my hubby, Gene, buys a 5lb. bag and peels and chops them for me and I do have a few bags of store-bought frozen onions for when I run out of the others. They are so handy...just reach in grab a pinch or a handful and Voila, no problems!

DanaMo said...

Hey Jo-I'd love to come to the Market in Sheperdstown, would you meet me? Not this weekend, but maybe next?

Costume Lady said...

DANAMO, good to know about Celebrex and Sulfa allergy. I've often thought of giving GG some of my celebrex to see if it would help her back...good thing I didn't, she has an allergy to Sulfa! When the doctors tell you NOT to share your pills with anyone else, they have a good reason for telling you that!!

JudyEddy said...

One more time I put this on Thurs oops
Loved the pictures of sunset this am there wow stunning I posted a comment on DanaMo I looked at Lori to see if she had some on but not yet I guess

JudyEddy said...

My facebooks isn't different I just dislike the drop down Sort thing on the right side Why does it keep getting changed to highlighted not most recent How does FB know what is hightlited for me or important I want most recent I keep have to change it

hedgie said...

Turkey sandwich devoured! You would think I hadn't eaten in a month!!! But it HAS been 11 mos. since I had a good holiday turkey sammich!!!!

DanaMO posted on FB that Adam and Aric both have strep....poor guys. :(

Hoda said...

On my Facebook I can not get the people on chat menu...I have not had it for a few days now...any ideas as to how to get in touch with them to tell them of this problem?

wvgal_dana said...

Megan getting a visit from Cornell---awesome!!!

Good ideas about potatoes in steam bag. I do know she knows of the onions frozen.

I would go in do it but I am hoping that my brothers wife. Has some idea as for what might be wrong with Mother. She does work at a rehabilitation place.

wvgal_dana said...

Lori I bet that black vulture
you seen was you little guy.
He is back to say Hi (:
Thanks for helping take care
of me.

wvgal_dana said...

I read where Russ is watching
a doberman. For someone that
is over in Afghanistan. God
Bless Russ's heart. That is
a wonderful way for him to
serve our country. Helping
that person like that. Tell
Russ's "Thank YOU" some me
please Shirley.

Shirley is Flash feeling
any better?

Lynn so happy you got to sleep in your own bed.

Lori I loved the pictures you posted on your blog (:

Wow JudyE I don't know how
people make those pictures.
Thanks for bringing it here
to the blog. That way we
all get to see it. (:

Great the Americans will
reach USA soil Saturday. That
was posted by Lynn on Friday.
ty Lynn...I hope the 3 of them
have learned something from
this experience. So happy they are
getting HOME!!!

JudyEddy said...

I just checked and Beau is in the lead just by one vote 22 to 21 not 51% to 48%

DanaMo said...

On FB...I think that is just the way the sort is going to be from now on. Just have to check it when you sign on to be sure you are getting most recent stories.

Yup, both Adam and Aric have Strep. Was going to take Adam to the doctor last Saturday, but no one answered the phone. Found out today that they let it go to the service on Saturdays and the service faxes every 30 minutes. Well at least I know for next time. Then Monday he (Adam) didn't seem to bad so I sent him. When he came home he had a fever, kept him home Tuesday and just sent him Wednesday long enough to take a quiz and turn in a paper. I thought he seemed better, but since I was taking Aric to Urgent care I thought I would drag Adam along...glad I did. Sorry that was kinda long.

DanaMo said...

Glad you didn't share your Celebrex. I put it together when I saw that it had Sulfa and Adam is allergic to sulfa. Figured out that must be why I reacted to the celebrex. I guess he gets the allergy from me.

Wow I'm tired. I might have to go nap.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann's daughter Teresa...truly wonderful her years of service
in the Marine band.

See Paula is at "Paula's Paradise" on Friday.

Thinking so much of Linda. Feel so badly for her. Prayers that she can
allow her Mother the Peace that she wants. If it is what God's wants. May Linda feel our love and prayers for her that God is surrounding her with HIS LOVE.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry DanaMo that Aric and Adam have the strep. Glad you caught in and the can take the medicine and get better.

hedgie said...

I see that the CA WalMart pepper sprayer has turned herself in. Imagine that!!

HODA---sorry about more snow! You have email!!

CarolAnne said...

Heading out soon.
Hope the rest of the holiday travelers wait until tomorrow to hit the highways. lol

Been a great long weekend - hope its the same for the rest of you.

See you, when I see you.

wvgal_dana said...

So that happened in CA huh Lynn? I had heard something about it. Wasn't sure where it happened at.

Daughter said their friend was in line Thursday night waiting for a store to open on Friday morning. A lady and husband on up in front of him. He heard the husband say you stay in line. So you won't get sick I will go get you some breakfast. He came back to where she had never gotten out of line. The crowd started yelling at him and causing a seen. The reason I'm telling you this. Is because Daughter and her boyfriend went to where their friend was in line. Told him they would go get him some food and bring back to him. He is saying, NO NO NO,". Then told them what happened up in front of him.

People act so crazy on those days when they have specials.

wvgal_dana said...

I think WalMart could have alimented that situation of ever happening. They knew how many Xbox 360's they had so say they had 20. You start at the beginning of the line asking who is here for the 360Xbox and give the the tickets for it. Some stores do that so there is not a rush.......which a lot of times pushes the first person in line and possibly could get trampled on. Some other stores have used this technique and it works great.

wvgal_dana said...

Not saying the lady was wrong for using pepper spray-she was

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon, Eaglebuds!!!
Sorry I didn't get on last night, but as usual konked in front of TV.

Sorry to read DanaMo's guys have strep.Crummy for a holiday. And hope WVDana's Mom feels better. Prayers for Linda & Mom.

I didn't tell you my mini-recipe experiment on Thursday.I use the gravy envelopes & have always had an overload of turkey ones. So I didn't buy any at grossery. After food in oven, checked my bin of gravy packets and NO turkey!Found a couple cans of chicken noodle soup and drained out broth w/strainer. Thickened w/corn starch & Fubby said that was the best gravy he's had!! Guess I'll have to serve chicken noodle casserole! LOL

hedgie said...

Been watching taped shows.....National Dog Show from Th.: LORI---Liesl barked at the bully the whole time he was on camera!!!
My HS was on It's Academic this morning, and won the game....but had to laugh when the team captain, maybe a Vietnamese boy, pronounced SIOUX as "see-ucks!"

Hoda said...

Off to yoga. See you all later. HUGS TO ALL.

Lynne2 said...

Just got the word from our neighbors down the street that a DNR officer is sitting in wait at our back gate to the property. A poacher has killed a deer...he's hunting back there on a AMT. The DNR is waiting to catch him when he tries to come back and get it. He has already cussed out the neighbors. the poacher, that is.

Lynne2 said...

OMG Lori! That's crazy! They shouldn't be shooting that close to a house! Be careful....I was going to take the dogs out in the field, but maybe not right now. No one is SUPPOSED to be here hunting but who knows where the poacher might be....

hedgie said...

Funny story, Loretta!!!! I knew there was a good reason why I always keep bouillion on hand! Works in a pinch, too!

Lori O. said...

Since that post disappeared I should explain that there was a hunter firing at deer next to my property...though he was only 100 - 150 feet from the house.
I'm beginning to think it's a Windows 7 thing that's causing these disappearing posts...but Kay has W7 and has no problems. Hmmf.

Lynne2 said...

Lori, this disappearing post thing of yours is CREEPY!

wvgal_dana said...

I'll say so too Lynn..I went to read what Lynne2 was talking about that Lori said. It wasn't there. That is crazy I have Windows 7 I do believe.

Mema Jo said...

I've been hiding all day! Not lurking- just hiding! lol



Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to go to Mass
Will be back later and hope you
get some eagles in the nest! ♥

Jewels said...

Its official!!!! I am a member of the momsters!!! Thanks Jo!!!!!

DanaMo said...

Hey Jo, did you get my message from earlier?

I thought about going to 5:15 but I like the music better at the 9:00. What parish do you go to? Are you ready for the new words?

DanaMo said...

Welcome Jewels!

wvgal_dana said...





DanaMo said...

Oh Loretta that is too funny about the gravy!! I find you can pull anything over on people if they don't see what you are doing in the kitchen! :)

I'm heating leftovers now. Waiting to go out and take a picture of the house lights.

I need a big wreath for my door.

hedgie said...

Lynne----what did Lori post about hunters??? I don't see it!!!

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...


wvgal_dana said...

I need to take a nap so that means I will probably for sure miss the eagles.

I just can't stay awake anymore.

Be back later


hedgie said...

Okay, now I see that she posted again and it shows!!!! Lori and Lynne, feel so bad for both of you having to deal with unscrupulous hunters. So far so good here. Shots, but no visible sign of anyone where they shouldn't be, so far!!

JudyEddy said...

the male I think Looks like we have a spot on side

JudyEddy said...

I got to pic of the spot on side

DanaMo said...


wvgal_dana said...

Well I got one picture lol

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Did you get a picture of that JudyE? That was weird.

wvgal_dana said...

Very weird DanaMo like it has been fighting something maybe another eagle!!!!!!!!!

DanaMo said...

Yes, that's what it looked like. Battered. If it had been raining I would think that it was from being in heavy rain, but we know it isn't raining so that is very strange. I hope we get another look at that.

wvgal_dana said...

Everyone put their pictures on your blog or hopefully in the album so we can see what is going on with the markings on this eagle~!!!!!!!!!!! PLease

Sandi said...

Just happened to log onto the still cam and saw an eagle on the nest. I also noticed the dark spot on the side of its neck - had never seen/noticed that before.

JudyEddy said...

I did get three pic they are in album big spot on side wonder what it is Hey maybe another eagle LOL LOL Kidding

wvgal_dana said...

My picture time is 4:55pm

wvgal_dana said...

The tail feathers are even different!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

to hard to make it out but there is a mark in the ablum

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo did you get any pictures???????

JudyEddy said...

4:55 and 4:56 and spot shows

Lynne2 said...

OK, that's weird. Just saw the pictures. Was it REM?

With mating season getting underway, there is always the possibility that another male will try to take over. I worry now that we have decided to name REM.....

hedgie said...

WOW!! That wound looks huge.

wvgal_dana said...

DID DANAMO GET ANY PICTURES???????????????????

JudyE if you bring up 2 screens and go to last then hit previous and bring up a picture of our male facing the same way....tail is different???.....

DanaMo said...

That's not just a "spot" that looks pretty big.

DanaMo said...

I did not take any pictures. Sorry. I think they would have been the same.

DanaMo said...

I'm still looking at the pics, but wow...

DanaMo said...

That looks like a gash!

DanaMo said...

That looks like a chunk of feathers are missing.

wvgal_dana said...

I went into previous pictures and that is our male eagle...I don't know what he has been fighting with. I do believe he has been in a "fight"!!!!!!!!! The spot is on his head but at the side there is a couple of marks like "talon" markings grabbed him. Just thinking out loud here.

DanaMo said...

Oh please I can't go through another season of "drama"!
You saw a spot on top of his head DanaWV?

JudyEddy said...

I feel sort of bad if he is hurt

JudyEddy said...

Shep is in the lead now thanks to our newest member

JudyEddy said...

I can't wait till he gets a name

wvgal_dana said...

And here I was just going for a nap....look at all the excitement I would have missed!!!! lol

That eagle has been fighting something; another eagle, great horned owl, some other kind of raptor I would guess.

DanaMo said...

I kinda thought the tail feathers didn't look like REM

DanaMo said...

Damn I wish we would have had the live cam

JudyEddy said...

Well I love getting off at 4 I went to the park and no eagles but every other bird was there If I didn't have a nature call issue I would have stayed longer next time I go before I leave LOL

wvgal_dana said...

You can go to the pictues and use the number thing at right corner to enlarge the pictures.

I had two screens up the one with the pictures just taken. Plus one other screen where I could bring up an enlarge along side the pictures just of our male eagle standing the same way but taken another day. I feel for sure it is OUR MALE.

JudyEddy said...

Hey LORI I get the post emailed to me which ones are you missing and I will seee if they are in my deleted file before I empty them Looks like only 11 comments today

wvgal_dana said...

Me either DanaMo untill I did the two screens and did the enlarging.

JudyEddy said...

I did see the spot and you can sort of make it out in the picture I posted I thnk

JudyEddy said...

Looks like they aren't coming back so I am going to get something to eat Angie and Carl are at a hotel on beach and she wants me to stop in Its their anniversary

DanaMo said...

okay, I'll go with that. I was comparing as well but you guys are better at this than I am. I can't tell. I'm not saying it's not him, I just can't tell that it is him! LOL Very decisive right?

Lynne2 said...

I'm with you DanaMo, we could do without more drama, but it's a very real possibility

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE thanks for getting 3 pictures you sure are fast!!!!


hedgie said...

Sure glad you all got pics.....DanaMo, good that your puter isn't totally dead!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well DanaMo this has certainly brought us to be ready and wanting to WATCH THE NEST. FOR THE NEXT VISIT....TO SEE IF THE MALE HAS THOSE SIDE MARKINGS.

wvgal_dana said...

LYNN did you go in and enlarge the pictures? If so do you think it was our male???

DanaMo said...

You would have to put me in rehab for withdrawal if my computer was totally dead.

JudyEddy said...

I deleted the one pic because it was the exact same time frame as the other so I only got two but you can see the top a tiny black sopt if you enlarge it ok bbl

hedgie said...

Oh, yeah, you can definitely see the spot on his head.

JudyE---cute that your daughter and SIL want you to help celebrate their anniversary!!! Who has Jordyn??

wvgal_dana said...

Now I am not talking about percentage. If the number in the poll show each had 50 and someone voted for 1. Shouldn't the poll show 51 and 50?

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is at her house with Amy a good friend of theres is staying the nite with her Being I work I can't do the over nite thing

JudyEddy said...

I keep saying I am leaving but here I still sit DUH moment I guess

hedgie said...

Sandi, glad you stopped in. You have email!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I need to go lay down for awhile. Hope I will get back in.

If you don't mind say a little prayer for me. I am missing Ed so badly. I thought yesterday it would hit me. Didn't know if would be now.


Lynne2 said...

of course Dana....I'm sure you are missing him very badly.

Lynne2 said...

well, Steve got the word from Ken today that he'll be returning to FLA next Saturday for the remainder of the winter. So, the work ends for Steve. I had been hoping that he'd hang around through the Holidays, but no such luck.

God help us.....

hedgie said...

Danawv, just focus on the happy, and not the sad. That's what Ed would want you to do.

Lynne, that sucks.....surely there HAS to be something good just waiting for you all.....wish I could snap my fingers and make it happen NOW.

DanaMo said...

I'm sorry DanaWV, thinking of you ♥

hedgie said...

Well, well, well....abbreviated NBA season will start Christmas they really think they are giving us a gift?

Mema Jo said...

2 pics 4:45 & 4:46pm of male eagle

What is with the mark on his lower left side of his neck feathers? Not the spot on his head........

DanaMo said...

That's what we were trying to figure out Jo. Looks like a chunk of feathers are missing.

JudyEddy said...

JO we don't know it looks like a wound

DanaMo said...

Fight? Without the live cam it's really hard to see clear. I even tried enlarging the pics but it's still hard to see clear.

JudyEddy said...

Wow we both answer almost at the same time

hedgie said...

A big gash, IMO, Jo.

JudyEddy said...

I still haven't ate yet Just don't know what I want Think I will go to get a Sub BBL

Lolly said...

Hellooooo! We are in Amarillo and still traveling. Jack is not ready to stop yet. We have had a glorious week!!!
Have read just this thread. Read that the naming runoff Is close. Read that Rem is injured! Yikes!

Mema Jo said...

I've read back and see all of your questions........ Maybe we just have a
little fighter here! You are all saying we need to see Belle - right?

Dana - I had to look up the word ---
consubstantial ....with the Father.
Reading a big controversy on it's use.

Hoda said...

When REM first arrived he had dark on the side of his neck. PAULA saw it anc commented on it earlier. It could be the lighting and or the angle to the camera that is causing the confusion and allowed for more dark feathers to be noticed. He has dark on the side of his neck...

DanaMo said...

Jo- I'm anxious to go to Mass tomorrow and see how everyone feels about it all. Fr. Marty did use the new words on Thanksgiving day but it was a small congregation. St. Ann's has a habit of being very vocal so it should be interesting. We've been doing the singing parts for about a month now so I am getting used to that part.

DanaMo said...

Jo-I'm not sure why anyone would have issue with the word, it is more closely translated to mean what we profess to believe. What I read makes me feel pretty good about the change.

DanaMo said...

Hoda...when REM arrived last spring? Or earlier today ? Did I miss something? I'm confused. This is the first time I noticed this "wound or marking"

Mema Jo said...

Dana - We have also been learning the song responses & they are down pack! And each week we would go over the new wordings...
The is the only one I really can't spit
out without looking at it in print!
And I had to read a bit just to be sure
what the context was for the word.

DanaMo said...

Good for you Jo! I still have to use the pamphlet in the pew!

I know I've read several things about the changes and it's only starting to make sense and sink in.

Hoda said...

DANAMO, I saw the dark on REM's neck when he first arrived to the nest last spring. There were even a comparison picture that PAULA(???) put up showing the difference between REM and LIBERTY. I looked at the pictures of tonight's visit in our album, I think it is the angle of his neck that shows the dark feathers. I do not think it is a wound.

Mema Jo said...

Pics of the nest on 11/25 do not show any dark marks - seems they just showed up this evening 11/26.
Belle was with him 11/25 pm hours & everything looked ok

All you morning birders get a good
look and we'll be looking for your report tomorrow am hours.

Lolly said...

Margy, we saw lots of Magpies but did not get a pic!

DanaMo said...

Huh...I don't ever remember there being markings on his neck. I will have to go through the album. I only remember the spots on his head.

DanaMo said...

What was the date on those pictures, Hoda?

JudyEddy said...

Maybe with the wet weather it has moved his white feather around to expose the dark I sort of do remember darker spots a while back

Hoda said...

DANAMO, it was a posting of two seperate pictures one of Liberty and the other of the intruder bird. In colour, when people went to the nest to observe what was going it was in the spring. I wished I had the exact date. I am leaning towards saying PAULA posted them. She will have to verify or negate my recollection.I went in to try to find it now and I could not find it...sorry.

magpie said...

Welcome Almost Home soon, Lolly...what is your landing date and time ?
Glad you saw some Magpies...guess I'll have to do some Westward traveling to see some !

Good Evening Eagle Pals....

appearance of the REM you are talking about is giving me lots of questions inside....

Welcome Aboad, Jewels! So glad it is Official... !

magpie said...

oh well I mean ABOARD, can't type yet..

magpie said...

Funny, Carolyn and I have a co-worker who brings in lots of home-cooked meals...

Will say when something is good (which home-made always is at his place...and also from mother and mother-in-law) says
"It's Off the Hook" and
"It's Official..."

magpie said...

Lots and Lots of Outside Christmas lights have appeared suddenly

magpie said...

Poachers and Unsafe Hunters:
WOOF ! Big Woof !
It makes hunting look bad...though we ALL know conscientious hunters...including many of our loved ones...

makes me unhappy...
and worried for everyone's safety....we had such a call Friday, lady said shots were nearly hitting the side of her house...

magpie said...

also makes me worried for the DNR officers trying to catch them...sometimes it turns out bad....
hope all will be well with your person there near your property...
Also, so sorry to hear that Steve's employment is going to take a downturn......

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Sandi Roberts!!

New Momster! Welcome to our Nest!

magpie said...

Golly Neds, Lori...I am wondering if I should return the PC and all the fixin's you gave me....
I can do that....we need you here !!!

JudyEddy said...

One of my boss sent this to me

Walmart funny

magpie said...

okay Sandi! Welcome Aboard...

Bravo, clap clap clap!
I was all koo koo trying to get joined up in May 2008... since I had no idea what I was doing, but Paula babied me along and got me through the wickets...which aren't difficult for most people !

Thanks for the Good News, Jo !!

Mema Jo said...

Watching the Hallmark movie - lighthearted and Christmasy......

Hello Margy
I am anxious for the nest visitors report tomorrow morning - I am thinking all kinds of things....... ♥

hedgie said...

Judy, we haven't had any wet weather in over a week, so don't think that has anything to do with it.

And even if he had dark spots in the spring, they have not been there anytime recently.

I think we all know, Margy......but we just don't dare to think it.

Lolly, your on-the-road time is drawing to a close tomorrow, right?? And then I know how busy you'll be---so hope you relaxed a lot!!!

magpie said...

joined at the hip (and heart) in our concerns, Jo....
Enjoy the movie....
I am so hoping any wet weather holds off Sunday until after Megan's Market debut for Christmas Season 2011....

I can't go tomorrow, but DanaMo and I were talking about it earlier....

magpie said...

guess I am going to go look at the pictures....

hedgie said...

Hurray, Sandi!!!!

Jo, has CarolAnne "joined" yet???

magpie said...

Congrats on that walk to get the papers today !!
did you happen to see, on Thansgiving day, the article in the Joural about the [WV] Roadside Wildflowers Calendar??
I got one two years ago, and ordered one for this year...I want to enter that contest !!

Dames Rockets pictures on Route 219 was grand prize winner...
but a redbud picture from Morgan County is one of those featured in the calendar

magpie said...

also, I am disappointed once again no EAGLE in the WV DNR Calendar for 2012 - this year I AM going to write to them and have work on their artists' talents to get one painted ! and Published !

magpie said...

Can Anyone on Here Paint ??

JudyEddy said...

Yeah I paint

Walls LOL

Sandi said...

Thanks for the quick acceptance of my request to join the group! After my glimpse at the eagle on the nest this afternoon, I really wanted to be able to see the photos that were taken. But now that I've looked at them, I have only questions (like all of you) and no answers. Guess this new mystery will keep me tuning in to the still cam until the live cam is back up and running! =)

JudyEddy said...

I got rid of by bing and MSN I fugured it out on my own Yeah me was easy just went in the security IE and got rid of add ons

magpie said...

Well if we can round up a Painter amongst us, I'm sure an entry for the DNR Calendar could be made..the artist does NOT have to be from WV....
but the Painted Eagle/s should be....

Nice try, JudyE- you had me on the edge of my seat !

be back later, have some pictures to go look at...

magpie said... should have fun looking at ALL the many picture albums....

magpie said...

before I disappear and then I will stop...

CarolAnne, I read with great interest your information about the soreness in your hand, and its resolution..... I think I can relate...'cause I believe and so does the orthopedist...that is what my finger problem is...arthritis
and Venison Bacon, never had that, but sure would be interested in having some !

and last night I heard one or maybe two cats crying....I had to go outside and really listen to make sure it was not a lost child in the cold and darkness....
it was cats.....

Lolly said...

stopped to eat. Still traveling. 274 miles from home.

magpie said...

Glad that JudyE got those pictures...can tell from the left foot talon, that it looks like R.E.M.

what in the world has he tangled with...more to be revealed...

Praying for Belle's Safety....

Lolly said...

Lynn, CarolAnne said she is already a momster. Welcome Jewels aka Carolyn and Sandi!

Lynne2 said...

The poacher did not come back for the deer, so DNR officer marked the antlers. Will be difficult to have the head mounted now by a moral taxidermist. Many complaints from the area from the landowners about this guy. I pray for everyone's safety. He cussed neighbor Dave out and he's a cop. His wife later had to chase him off with her gun. He has apparently been hunting in the quarry property, the Soldier's Delight Natural Resource Area and points in between on private property. No doubt he is the one who killed and dumped the buck up the street here.

JudyEddy said...

I love google I googled something that was happening to me and talked with Matt today The day before yesterday while I was driving I thought my gray hair was flying on the side of my face and I kept trying to find the darn piece that was bothering me then I discovered it wasn't hair I was seeing light flashes on the side of my eye To find out its another part of ageing we might have to look forward to Matt works in the eye place so he told me that as long as it was white and I have always had floaters its just part of the floaters doing there thing also Getting old sucks LOL I just may make a apppt with the eye institute It doesn't seem to bother me now that I know its not hair but driving a nite it is odd I noticed tonight

JudyEddy said...

Well ladies and gentlemen that may be lurking I am running late with a hot date with the boob tube LOL

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Lynne2 said...

I hope the DNR officer happens to come across the toxic dump back there! WOOO HOOO!

Hoda said...

LYNN you have email...

hedgie said...

So why didn't Dave arrest him, Lynne?

Margy, saw the ad for the calendar, but didn't read any info. Have to admit that I was disappointed in the one I got last year......can't really pinpoint why....other than the fact that I was expecting photos, not drawings!
I am just not that into art of that type.

Oh, good for CarolAnne, Lolly. Sure hope she and Sandi voted!!

Lolly said...

Jack is listening to football . We expect to be home by midnight.

hedgie said...

Judy, those things can be very annoying, but it is wise to get it checked. Always the remote possibility of an early retinal tear. Any intense pain, get to ER immediately.

Lynne2 said...

Well, here's to wondering what tomorrow will bring with the eagles. I really hate the live cam being down right now....UGH. Too much can happen in 30seconds, that's for sure.

Sandi said...

Lynn, Having been a part of this group for about 3 days, I wouldn't think of voting to name the new guy! I'll abide by whatever name the rest of you choose!

Lynne2 said...

He is a cop in Laurel, Maryland, not sure the technicalities of what he is or isn't allowed to do regarding non life threatening issues outside of his own jurisdiction. I will find out. I know he is the one who alerted the DNR in the first place.

Squeezie said...

I am praying for Our Eagles!!!

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, you should vote if you want've been lurking long enough to be part of the process! I'm all freaked out about naming now.....I may just stick with REM until we can figure out what, if anything, is brewing here.

Lynne2 said...

hey Squeezie....thanks, we are too. Maybe he just hit a branch in the water while fishing today and it's not a big deal.

YEAH! That's what I'm going with....a branch collision!

Hoda said...

SANDI, once a Momster you are a full fledged Momster is what I was told. I understand the way you feel about voting and there is a sweetness in it. But if you wanted to vote do so tonight as the polls close midnight Pacific Standard time...three hours behind eastern standard time.

Lolly said...

Passed an accident, two big rigs. Looked like one cut back into the rt lane too soon.

magpie said...

I was thinking Branch collision too, Lynne.....and hoping Branch Collision !

Lynn, think the Painting rather than the photographing.....keeps it in the Artist's realm which is much more tricky than the Photographer's realm...just a personal opinion on that....
but I AM a Bear of Little Brain...
as Winnie the Pooh says....

Lynne2 said...

well, my brain is worn out and I need some rest.

Safe travels Lolly!

Good night, prayers for all.

magpie said...

I know, can tell, that we will be anxiously awaiting the official poll results from Paula.
She has worked so diligently and professionally on this process....
Bless Her Momster Heart!
Must remember that she is at the Paradise...but I am sure she will be taking care of business as best and as promptly as she can....

magpie said...

Lord Almighty - I have been hearing sirens all night, lots of Hail Marys going up and Signs of the Cross being made here...
Bless the Victims, the Providers...their families, and ALL involved in these emergencies....

magpie said...

Good Night Lynne and Steve...
Hope Sleep is Sweeeet, cozy and warm....

Watch, the SPLIT is about upon us....

magpie said...

Ditto! Safe Travels Jack and Lolly....
(( Hugs ♥ ))
PS: Can't wait to see Pictures!

Hoda said...

LOLLY do check in when you and JACK get off the road. Safe travels.

Lolly said...

I will be happy to change my avatar! Lol. Lynn, hope you have enjoyed him. How are you feeling?

Lolly said...

I have tons of pics of our sledding adventure. It was so much fun! We were going down a big hill in deep snow. A first for all!

magpie said...

Lynn gave me a powerful suggestion for a Turkey Sandwich...headed to make that now....

Lolly, that avatar has been quite the mainstay this week ☺

Are we there yet?
The SPLIT ??

no slipping and sliding allowed !

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...