Saturday, November 19, 2011


Weekend thread 1.


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CarolAnne said...

Thanks Steve,
Trying to round up the others
Have a great weekend!

DanaMo said...

have to go to the grossery store too. Today or tomorrow, not sure which. But Monte does the shopping and I go with him, so it's not as bad! ☺ He loves to do the shopping, but he likes me there for company.

Saturday, November 19, 2011 8:44:00 AM
Blogger DanaMo said...

I gotta get my stuff for Thanksgiving!

Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
I am so excited about Thanksgiving guest list at GG's. ALL of our family will be there, including my granddaughter, Jillian and her boyfriend, Aaron, Jayden and his parents, Rachael and Robbie, and Rachael's sister, Jessie and baby Nevaeh. My girls are bringing some casseroles,etc. I need to think of an easy dessert.

Costume Lady said...

DanaMo... I gotta love a man who loves shopping!:)

Lori O. said...

YEAH! CarolAnne gets the Call Over and NEW THREAD ANNOUNCEMENT!

Thank YOU, Steve, for the fresh, new weekend thread. Have a fabulous weekend with your family.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning again

Good to hear from Wana and her TG plans

Took a walk on the beach...Nick went in the water LOL

Gotta go wake John...will check in later

DanaMo said...

Oh wish I could go for a walk on the beach! Lucky Nick brrrr,....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning eagle budlets! I am heading to Charleston this afternoon for a dinner and speaker meeting, then I get to spend the night with Andrew, Kelsey and her family.

Lolly said...

♪♫♪ On the road again.....♪♫♪

Good morning! We are off and running!

Wanda, your TG sounds fabulous. Have a wonderful day and give GG a hug from all the momsters! We love our resident mother momster!

We are off and running....gotta find a bite of breakfast!

Lynn, hope you had a good nights sleep and feel even better today!

Love you all....bye!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Hoping you have good plans for Thanksgiving.

CarolAnne thank you for the call over.

Was on Lori's blog looking at a blog she follows. They had beautiful pictures of birds with the names of them on it.

CarolAnneWhat are your plans for Thanksgiving?

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda sounds like the Thanksgiving Feast at GG's will be a large family gathering...nice (:

wvgal_dana said...

See Lolly checked in...they are looking for some place to have breakfast.

Lolly if you get snow you will have to hide the boys "treasures" in the snow lol Give them a note to start them off with for the dig.

CarolAnne said...

WVDana, Will be spending TG at the cottage where the guys are deer hunting. Bubby will come home on Wed to get the TG food & me. Son, DIL & gr.son will be there. Daughter & family are going to in-laws in Minn. Mom is going w/my bro to his daughters. All his family will be there-4 generations.
We will do turkey gotten during turkey season, plus all the other fixins!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I did my cinnamon and honey. Ate my small breakfast.

Will later today or tomorrow (love that On Demand" will catch where I fell asleep and did not get to see my man Tom. Missed some of my other pics too.

So I am going to take a nap now.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - sunny day makes me and my cats happy! They really get toasty warm sitting in the sunshine
Everyone is getting their plans in order for Turkey Day....a lot to be thankful for this past year - mainly
the friends and support a person gets on our blog.

Want to read previous thread... BRB

Costume Lady said...

CAROLANNE, having dinner at your cottage sounds so perfect. I would imagine you will have some snow on the ground to complete that "Postcard Scene"?

DANA, taking your Mother out for Thanksgiving dinner sounds like a great way to spend the day...sandwiches later. You have it planned well!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am busy today and work tomorrow. Not sure how much I will be on but will try to scan the Blog throughout the week at times. Glad you know the owners of the doggie. He didn't bite Thelma. Maybe he knows good places and not so good. Glad he has a home though. OK off to get some things done.

Hi Lynn and Liesl

Costume Lady said...

Hope you had a big breakfast (not a cheeseburger) and feel well enough to go out and blow leaves off the deck, for the umteenth time...BUT, DON'T YOU DARE!!
Take care..Love You♥

magpie said...

ohh just saw some kind of bird fly over the nest...think it was kinda of little, anyone else see that ?

Good Morning More Eagle Pals...

C130 just flew over here a short time ago...

magpie said...

Happy to see you here this morning, Wanda
A late night without a late-night Wanda like a night without Moonshine ! ☺

did we miss one from Andrea also?
can't remember right now...

magpie said...

I think being at cat at Jo's would be a very nice life to lead...Meeeow....

Great avatar Glo has...
and I like CarolAnne's also..this should be a fun avatar week....

okay back to earning my salary

Godo Day Wishes Everyone, it is so spectacular outside, wish I could work from outside !

ttfn xoxo ♥

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

Feel guilty just checking in to report and not catching up, but I know you want to know how things are going.

Arrive in Ft. Lauderdale safe and sound. Had dinner with my brother and son and visited my Mom last night. She is so heavily sedated, it was as if she wasn't there.

I have to meet with my Mom's husband at 1pm to iron out some family problems..........of course I have to mediate between family members AGAIN!! He is not happy my oldest brother (the one with the problems with drugs, etc) is allowed to see Mom.

He is threatening to put an order for no one to be able to see her, but I feel I can resolve this pretty easy with Art (step-dad). He loves me :)

I'll spend the afternoon with Mom and see how the day progresses. They want to put in a pic line to give her nutrition because they fear a feeding tube will not be good this soon after surgery.

So we will see......

Beautiful windy day here today, so that is good.

Love and miss you all.... Will be in touch soon....

Praying I will have time to catch up with what is going on here and praying Lynn is ok! xoxo

Linda said...

Oh yeah...... I am sleep deprived!! Hoping I can catch up on that tonight!! xoxo

Lolly said...

About 1 1/2 hours to go. See gorgeous Mts with snow. Have seen some snow on the ground in the shade.

magpie said...

Thank you Linda...
we're all holding our own, so to speak...

waiting to see Lynn pop on, but Carolyn AND Liesl are with her at home this week-end...

Take are now, hope all goes smoothly, prayers for improvement for your Mother xoxox

magpie said...

I think Texas is going to be getting some Rain Maybe ??

also..I forgot to put out the ISS alert for this was, nice and bright....

CarolAnne said...

CostumeLady - guys have reported no snow there yet, but possibility of it tonight. If its still around when I get there will post some snow pics.

Lynne2 said...

oh Linda, I so wish you didn't have all of this to deal with. Prayers that all can be resolved without any undo drama. Thanks for keeping ups posted.....we are here for you!

Wanda, is Gene hunting this weeekend?

Lynne2 said...

LOL Jo! We have a 2 dogs and 2 cats cramming into the "sun spots" in the living room! Daisy got possessive of her spot and snapped at Puddles when she came near her.

We are having some major issues between Daisy and Puddles these days....

Lynne2 said...

bringing this over for Lynn who hasn't seen the new thread yet!

Had a really nice call from Glo!!!
Great surprise!

Bill and I tried changing TG routine to eating out about 7 yrs. ago......did not suit us. Food always was lacking, and no leftovers......we only did it once!

Lynne2 said...

Ya know, as I was reading back last night (before I faceplanted) I have to say it's adorable how Truder has now become REM. Now I wish I had thought of that before the voting because Rem, or Remmy, would sorta be a cut name!

magpie said...

I am stuck indoors today, so YOU have listening-and-watching-for-Tundra Swans duty!

Lynne2 said...

I know that the official Purple Light vigil for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness isn't till tomorrow, but I vigiling early with my purple lights!

JudyEddy said...

Didnt check for new thread just ran up on it reading Duh me Thanks for the new thread STEVE and I was saying must be a slo day then saw a new thread

I saw another eagle today YEAH right the street is another eagles nest in a cell phone tower at one of the parks we use to go to it is FREEDOM park Cool Beans I didn't get a picture I went to the park before I cam home for lunch and I got my 7-4 back starting next week I didn't ask for it it is just back so now I will have to get up early

KAY cool thanks for the info on the great backyard on facebook I just went and joined it

Lynne2 said...

Our friend Dave's mother, aka Mother Carlyn as we call her.....geesh. She had a Dr appt Friday to follow up on a CT scan she had done last week. There are suspicious "things" on her pancreas. Cysts, tumors?? Not known yet but follow appt for THAT issue is on Monday with a different Dr. She is 80, and last year was diagnosed with a type of leukemia that is supposedly common in the eldery, and not very dangerous....can't think now the name of it.

Lynne2 said...

Did you see the pictures JudyE, of the eagles on the towers?? Are they near you?

OOH MARGY....I'm heading out with the dogs here shortly for some playtime in the field and I will be listening!!!!

JudyEddy said...

That is just too cool that I can take my lunch at the park during season and watch them its is just a couple of blocks from work on US 19 same road That park as a nice lake on it too That is where I saw the eagle fly across the road and almost got hit
That park is the park that is spread out the swings are no were near the slides silly set up It has nice exercise stuff outside All of the park in PinellasPark now has exercise equipment now

JudyEddy said...

I have the news paper article from Fri in my driveway that is how I found out about it so I drove there before I cam home for lunch tooo cool and saw the eagle while I was driving flying away so only got a pic of empty tower but now I can go daily if I want so so close

JudyEddy said...

Eagle in tower Freedom Park..

ok lets see if this shows the storey or not

Lynne2 said...

yep, the link works JudyE, what a cool picture!

JudyEddy said...

you know th odd thing is that is not the picture that they choose to put in paper I will scan it in my puter later after work to see if I can get it on blog It is of the male sitting in a tree with same article just not the ealge in flight Odd that they choose another picture to print BBL bye

hedgie said...

DUH--missed all of the call overs....not taking time to bring over all of my misplaced posts to here---if anyone wants to, go back and take a peek!!! I have to start reading all over again---like I said, I'll NEVER get caught up!!!!

Heading for sofa for a nap----pills are kicking in......getting a little loopy! BBL.

magpie said...

I'll bring this onver for Hedgie from the other thread:

"Hedgie Said:

When Carolyn gets home, I finally get my dressing from the drain hole removed and get to take my first shower!!!! Looking forward to that!!
AND, their lunch was at Bob Evanas---asked her to bring me home some strawberry shortcake: sure hope they have some!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011 12:59:00 PM

Kay said...

LYNN, hope Carolyn is back with Strawberry Shortcake ! Can't imagine Bob Evans not having it. Boy Howdy, can I relate to the joy of taking that 1st shower after surgery or medical procedure ! Feels soooo good. 1st time I've heard you say shower--every night you "head for the tub" and I envisioned a tub only.

JUDYE, a cool back yard ? Facebook, not me ! I'm puzzled. Good pic of the cell tower Eagle. Love to see that amazing wing span.

LINDA, happy to get your report, hoping for the best for your mom, some good rest for you and success with Art ! How is the jaw/ear feeling ?

Lolly said...

We have arrived. Snow on ground. Going to grossery!

Kay said...

JUDYE, in a post on the old thread you mentioned Hwy 19. In my Tarpon Springs days it was the most treacherous highway in FL. There were bumper stickers saying, "I survived driving on Hwy. 19. A friend's father was killed walking across it in Port Richey. Have they done anything to improve it since the late 70's ?

Kay said...

LOLLY, glad you had a safe trip. A treasure hunt in snow ? Good luck !

hedgie said...

Have had my shower---delightful! Now time for a nap! BBL!

Lynne2 said...

YAY for your shower Lynn, and have a great nap!

Kay said...

Aw, LYNN, how sweet it is ? Hope to see you after your siesta. We need to know if Carolyn brought shortcake home !

Kay said...

Think I'll put my feet up for a while, too. Translation: see you after my nap !

Lynne2 said...

I have posted some pictures of Daisy playing with her Aunt Lori Tuggy on my blog....Hope you are lurking Lori!

Puddles had other ideas....

magpie said...

They're great, Lynne...
and thanks again for the Reminder for Sunday, purpose for Pancreatic Cancer research

leaving work soon, see you all later in a bit

Enjoy your evenings....

xoxo ☺ ♥

Lynne2 said...

oh joy....regurgitated deer poop and dirt on the floor. Thank you for sharing, Puddles.

Why do I have dogs????

Lynne2 said...

Glad you like the pictures! Isn't Daisy a hoot? She makes the craziest expressions!

magpie said...

Daisy's colors are James's dog Harley had...

ok, signing off now, will catch
later on from home

xoxoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

I have been busy running this afternoon
No nap :(

Getting ready to head out for Mass


Lynn - 1st shower - bet you feel like a
new woman

Lynne2 said...

Got us signed up for oil. Got in at $3.65 per gallon. Asked if the radiator in the unfinished room/bathroom could be turned off as I see no point in heating that room that is completely unusable, since they have never gotten around to finishing it. But was informed that "even though the room is not finished, the plumbing must be kept from freezing in there so the radiator cannot be turned off"

Hmmmmm. To me this translates as...

it becomes OUR financial obligation to pay to heat a room that they have failed to make available to us.

It just keeps getting better and better around here. The list of laws they are breaking is AWESOME!

CarolAnne said...

Lynne2 - that is so sad how uncooperative they are. Isn't there a way to drain the plumbing lines into that room so it doesn't require heat?

CarolAnne said...


CarolAnne said...


CarolAnne said...



CarolAnne said...


NCSuzan said...

CaroleAnne, thank you for the blow by blow. It was a short visit!

NCSuzan said...

I came in as REM was flying out!

Hope everyone is feeling good today!

CarolAnne said...

Don't know how the others can look and report at the same time.

Must be an acquired skill! :o)

DanaMo said...

The cookies taste fine. No one is the wiser that I put too much salt in the batch. They are a bit of work and 2 day cookies to make. I posted a picture of the cookie on my blog. These are Italian NY cookies.

DanaMo said...

Looks like I missed the visit! Dang. Had to take Adam to the Woman's Club in Hagerstown. He is working the lights and sound for the Goretti fall production.

Kay said...

CAROL-ANNE, it is an acquired skill. I recall thinking I'll never be able to do it, but after a couple of times it all clicks and you do it. Looks to me like you did a stellar job the first time outta the box ! Just missed the action. Perhaps they'll return for that was too short.

HI SUZAN ! It's a slow day on the blog. Guess most are very busy getting set for the holiday.

LYNNE, hex on your landlords once again ! Egads, they're cads. Love seeing Daisy with the tug, but ugh on Puddles for rolling in the icky stuff !

Just wanted to check things out here before shutting down for a while. Almost time for grandson Seth to arrive for dinner. Mac n' cheese in the oven. Never knew a kid who didn't like it ! Have a good evening y'all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

CarolAnne said...

Impressive cookies, glad they turned out.

I'm lucky to master slice n bake!

DanaMo said...

They are a family favorite.

JudyEddy said...

I cam home from work to my puter being off I guess it went down while I was at work and then when I turned it back on it went down two more times right in a row I guess my issue isn't gone away was just not showing its ugly face since I picked it up Here is a picture of the eagle at the tower in St Pete Angie took for me today Love my kid

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I also put this pic on the FB Backyard Bird count page too

hedgie said...

Hello pals---again.

No strawberry short cake.....seasonal itme. :(

We just finished dinner----steak on the grill and mashed taters! Hit the spot.

Now time for sofa.

Oh, yes, I have a shower---in the bathroom. But I do NOT like showers....I am a soaker. There was no tub here when I bought the house, so work friend had an old claw-foot that he had taken out of a rental home he was re-habbing, and gave it to me. Bill got it sandblasted and re-finished it and it has been in my basement for 19 yrs.!!!! Prized possession---just like my Grandma's!

Lida, glad you hare safely landed....sorry about you having to step in and referee right off the bat. Prayer's for your Mom and you and the family.

The purple avatar is lovely, sorry about the new tumors found on your friend. :(

Will check back later.

JudyEddy said...

Ok ladies and gentleman must have been another slow day only 26 comments for me to read since i was home for lunch Now I am not complaining just saying LOL

JudyEddy said...

KAY US 19 is now a lot better they have made it almost interstate like no read lights on it at all they have builts bridges over all the cross roads so there are lots of access roads I THINK THE CALL THEM FLY OVERS They are still in process of doing all the way up several year project but it is a lot nicer

JudyEddy said...

CAROLANNE I type without looking at the key board that's why I say spelling and misplaced words don't count when the eagles are present I find it exhilarating my heart is usually in my throat I still get that way

DID YOU ALL TELL CAROLANNE what her prize was I know I have lots of wax and poopsoot facials left over LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I am heading to the rocker to watch the news I rewound I love the DVR it is the best ever and I love it I can see eagles daily now I can't wait for tomorrow and guess what I want to buy a better camera and I need binoculars since mine broke up there and didn't return with me Angie said for me to wait till after Christmas

JudyEddy said...

Odd the puter is now being good and I told ERIC today at work it has been good except a issue with deleting pictures when I do they delete but the stupid recycle bar stays up and doesn't go away until I logoff and relogin and that is a PIA He said it may be time for a new puter one issue and then another and he considers mine old I got it in 2007 It is a 2006 one and he thinks it old I guess I don't know computer ages OK since all are away and I want to watch the news BBL LM

Lynne2 said...

My goodness, it IS slow here today! Is everyone out Christmas shopping or what!

Costume Lady said... that you brought up the subject, YOU can tell CAROLANNE, we won't mind at all:)

CarolAnne said...

Ha Ha - you don't scare me - WAX or Poopshoot facial - its the season of giving - I'll just pass it on!

Hoda said...

MY OH MY!!! I need to stop and not move for a while.
I have noit read back since I logged off last night and I just got back in again now...I left at nine in the morning and it is after four thirty in the after noon and it was a full day.

Three craft faires and people are so very talented. The streets are festive and people were busy between craft faire shpping and voting in the minicipal elections. I had already voted for in the advanced polls so I did the three craft Faires in between meetings for the Conference for WOmen that CFUW is planning for 2013...The Theme is FRONTIERS...we are in the prelimenary stages of planning but lots of good ideas.
I attended the regular monthly CFUW meeting and luncheon. Two of the women I invited to attend joined the organisation today and I felt pleased about that as one of them is in her 30's and wanting to meet people in Nelson.
I also find myslef in charge of organising and collecting monies for the CFUW Christmas Brunch to take place in two I have to get a move on with this section and I already organsed the venue and the a good price, HST, which is our Harmoized sales tax, also a two dollar donation to take to the soup kitchen all for $20.
I am hoping to have a 100 people there and we ask them to bring none perishable food donations to take to the food cupboard also...
The streets are very icy still and I am glad to have put my ice grippers on my boots and I have my ice grippers on my trekking poles also so I felt pretty comfortable walking places today...I could see my breath all the while that I was out and that makes me laugh.

I will go read back and I will come back...

Lynne2 said...

ah CaroleAnne, the coveted Poop Shoot Facial....makes the skin look just Mahvelous!

Hoda, whew! Sit down and have some tea, will ya! Glad you are being careful on the ice. I have Ice Grippers too, love them!

Lynne2 said...

going to head for a hot shower and then some green tea and if I can convince my Stubby, maybe a Hallmark movie later!

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, you were missed today!
Did you get an e-card from me? I think my (fairly new) email address my have kept the card from going through. I subscribed to that card site using my old email address and they wouldn't accept a much trouble when you get a new addy:(

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, yes, to your question about Capt. Father Gene~

magpie said...

Lovely report from Lynn!!
Oh, steak on the still my heart !!
Sorry no shortcake...
Bob Evans used to have a BOSS bread pudding with praline sauce...they discontinued it...guess there were not enough ME's in the market

Hello Eagle Pals !
Glad a couple of you saw the very very short visit by the Eagles

Lolly said...

We are here! In the 30's and snow on the ground. Have made up beds, bought grosseries, and presently having a glass of wine in front of a fire. See animal tracks in the snow! A bear! Lol

magpie said...

Hoda... you are Whirling Dervish II, with Lynn being Whirling Dervish I
what a day!
I can kind of picture you, with those ice grippers on your boots, and the walking poles...
guess they work! I've seen those kinds of things (for shoes) in the crazy catalogs that come often
and wondered how well they work, guess they work pretty well !

Wonder what kind of wildlife Paula has seen today ?

magpie said...

Wanda, how neat! A sleeping bag from Lori !!!
I think I have a junior sized one here, will check it out and see if I can pass that on as well...
I also have a Teletubby Blanket...
eager to share...

magpie said...

Step by Step I am getting ready to switch to the New Old Computer from Lori....I grilled my co-worker geek pal about a lot of things today....
I do think that I shall have to Memorialize the Dinosaur in a glass case somewhere...he has been such a pal and brought me into precious contact with ALL of YOU.....♥

back in a few, have some emails to grind out...
xoxo ♥
PS - sounds nice Lolly, REALLY ? Bear Tracks? or BARE Tracks...You are NOT Snow-Skinnying it are you ??

Lolly said...

Jack and I had a great dinner of rotisserie chicken and baked potato sitting in front of a roaring fire. And, a bottle oh wine! :). Bought an apple pie "to support prom". Lol. Their coach was there and told me what a rotten bunch they were . Lol. I can post if I walk over to the glass door.

Hoda said...

Well I am caught up.
It sounds like lots of good things are happening and LINDA did check in. My concern was her being the mediator again so soon after her arrival.
WANDA I di not get a ecard from you but sometimes my computer puts things in spam and then deletes it...
MARGY the ice grippers work pretty alright. There are some on the market which do not really do the job or break easily. The set I have had I have used for two years and I am hoping to get this third year out of them too...
LYNN shower is good and changing dressings is also a positive. Sorry no cheese cake.
DANAMO I am glad the cookies turned out alright...let us know how your son likes them...I still think of your excitement about the look on his face when he heard the ingredients.

We are all indeed blessed to be making travel plans and celebrating in all of our unique ways Thanksgiving...I will join you as I share a meal with a friend and I will say a prayer and a blessing of GRATITUDE.

magpie said...

I saw some residential Chrismtas light displays today...
too early.....
soon the countrysides will blossom with all these things

magpie said...

If I can find a good pair of those ice-grippers I will probably invest in them....
My Mother used to say, that HER Mother used to say:
" We can't afford to buy anything cheap..."
I understand that...
(as in, why buy things over and over again...)
We had lots of hand-me downs over the years.....

magpie said...

I hear "Puss and Boots" (the movie)
is pretty good...
co-worker's 4 year old daughter has been watching it continuously

For James it was that way with "Jungle Book" and I got hooked as well......

Will be happy to see more faces on here as the evening progresses.

Prayers for our dear Linda, and hoping the warm weather is a comfort during these difficult times...

and perpetual Healing Prayers for Lynn

DanaMo: Love the Cookie picture!

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

Make that
Puss IN Boots, sorry......

Lynne2 said...

I have a question....

At what point in the steeping process of making tea do you actually get the full amount of antioxidants it has? The box says brew 1 to 1 and half minutes. If you let it steep longer, do you get MORE antioxidants? I never take the tea bag out of the cup!

stronghunter said...

Bingo time here.

Hoda said...

LYNNE I steep my green tea for 2 to 3 minutes...

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello! Hope everyone had a good day.
After MANY months, I saw a big surprise this afternoon. Put pics in Nook. Wish it was a little brighter out--not much color. I like DST!!
BBL, gotta eat rest of din din ☺

Hoda said...

LYNNE I always understood that the darker the tea is the more anti-oxidants it has...

stronghunter said...

Never thought of that, LYNNE. Sometimes leave tea bags in, too.

Lynne2 said...

yeah, I like my tea really strong. So I just leave the bag in the cup! Maybe you DO get more AO that way!

Mema Jo said...

I have played 'catch up' Really prayed
at Mass for the Miracle for Lynn.
I don't see anything of interest on TV
Eyes too tired to read a book and I am
yawning - ! Almost 9 and I should wait for sleep but boy I need something to
jar me awake!

Lynne2 said...

Does anyone know which side of a turkey has the most feathers?

magpie said...

BOO! How's THAT Jo ... ☺

Lynne, could you re-post the link for the Purple Pictures....If not too much trouble, sorry I should have bookmarked it....
And I don't know about tea question.

Happy Bingo-ing Shirley Hope you win big....$ $ $

Praying with you Jo for that Miracle....xo ♥

CarolAnne said...


Lynne2 said...

Margy, there wasn't an actual link. I just googled Purple Lights! and Purple Light Bulbs, that sort of thing. Clicked on the one I wanted and when the big picture comes up I just right clicked, save picture as, then used it on my profile! If you like, I can pick some out and send them to you....

magpie said...

A side-trip to NatureNut's Nook might do the trick even better !!!

magpie said...

I'll go work on it Lynne...thanks...!!
I did NOT get to thw store that sells all color light bulbs....

Lynne2 said...

OH YAY CaroleAnn! You have now just won and SUPER Cala-Facial-icious Poop Shoot Facial!

CarolAnne said...

I'll be all beautilicious for the holidays!

Lynne2 said...

yes you will CaroleAnn!

Lynne2 said...

hey, love the purple ribbon!

Well, no Hallmark movie...didn't look that great. Steve has found a fishing oriented comedy on CMT.

CarolAnne said...

Okay Momsters - hope I'd never have to ask, but could use some prayers. 10 yr old nephew who is autistic is awaiting admission to a mental health hospital (either over Thksgvg or Christmas break). He has had therapist 5 days a week sinch age 5 and is mainstreamed, but can no longer function in everyday settings. Praying the hospitalization, while traumatic, will find some answers for him. Know if there is any help for him out there Momster prayers will find it.

Hoda said...

JO and MARGY I join you in the PRAYERS BIG TIME.

Lynne2 said...

oh wow CarolAnne, prayers indeed for your nephew! What is his name?

Hoda said...

CAROLANNE you have got it...such a young lad...God Bless him and help him and his family.he is on my prayer list.

CarolAnne said...

His name is Benjamin. He was originally thought to have Asperger Syndrome, but has slowly declined. Can't be touched, will only eat green items (ever see green mac & cheese-ugh, green oatmeal, though makes it easy to get him to eat green veggies), no loud noises, no multiple voices, etc.

CarolAnne said...

Though incredibly smart - loves fractions, can name all kinds of trains, has a scientific interest in things

Lynne2 said...

God Bless him CarolAnne. I sure wish I knew why these things happened. I hope the inpatient hospitalization will help.

CarolAnne said...

One of the things I have on my "Thankful List" - Momsters prayers & all the caring Momsters.


CarolAnne said...

Must call it a night.
With Bubby gone, have to do all the evening animal chores, etc. by myself.

Hugs to you all.

Tomorrow: Yea Packers (sorry Tampa Bay fans) :o)

JudyEddy said...

My computer has shut down several times tonight I had only email up with comments till just now OK will it stay up I am going to call cable company tomorrow and ask for a new box that may be it Can't hurt to try So if I disappear don't send out a SILVER alert LOL Looks like I may have to get a new one which I can't afford HMM I could just see about getting a used processor or what ever it is called I don't need a keyboard or monitor or speakers just the tower thing First I will call the cable co

Mema Jo said...

CarolAnne - Benjamin will be remembered
in my prayers with love. ♥

JudyEddy said...

I can't wait to see if I can get pictures of the eagles in the cell phone tower tomorrow I will go buy in the morning before work and after also

JudyEddy said...



See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Lolly said...

Have a great fire going. Enjoying the quiet evening but will be happy to see the boys! Jack days he wants to say " Joseph bring in more firewood!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn's Candles

Mema Jo said...

I thought Jack would be saying

Lolly get the Log!!

magpie said...

Yes, CarolAnne....
My prayers now include your dear nephew Benjamin....♥
(( Hugs ♥ ))
thank you for sharing this need with us

and don't work too hard....on those chores...

magpie said...

I meant to add earlier, both Lori, and Lynn have given me good clues and tips on retiring the Dinosaur, and many of you over the years have helped me to nurture and nurse this old bag-oh-bones computer along...
Thank You !!

JudyEddy said...

Poping in before denting the pillow
CarolAnne Prayer for Benjamin praying the hospital can help him

Mema Jo said...

I just did a Wanda's Face Plant

I am off to bed
Sunshine tomorrow I hope

Good Night
God Bless
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Lynne...are you still here...?
Is this Okay ??

Thank you for rallying us on about November, being Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month....with symbols of Purple....xo ♥

magpie said...

Welcome back Sycamore Palace Sycamore tree...!

Good Night Precious Pals....

Hope Sleep is Sweet and Restorative

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, our Families, Friends and Pets

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

beautiful Margy!

I just left for a while to watch the movie with Steve...pretty cute.

Hoda said...

WANDA, You are very thoughtfulk and very kind. Thank you for the Birthday wishes. I just got the card...{{{{{HUGS}}}}}with gratitude.

Hoda said...

I change my avatar as a Healing Prayers from Cancer...

Lynne2 said...

beautiful Hoda!

Heading to bed good night and prayers for all!

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, I'm so glad you got the card. I saw it and thought it was perfect for you.

I am going to take my leave now, before I do more face plants. I actually did 'plant my face' into the keyboard last night...I have always caught myself before I actually fell into the keyboard, but I went KERPLUNK last night. Must have been the Mountain Mama that I had, or was that the night before (we were toasting Lynn or trying to get her to PP)


Lolly said...

You will all just have to suffer looking at my avatar. I can not change it using my iPhone.

Sitting by the fire reading. About to go shower. I see that prayers are needed for a special little boy.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Got a lot done...had to do some more measuring and some prep..the kitchen and dining area are the hallway and half the living room done..we are all beat...hitting the hay

Hoda said...

Good night. I need to log off if I am going to relax enough to sleep tonight.

God Bless.

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. We have been watching a movie.

Another good night at bingo. I won another $100.00. Third time in a row. Not bad.

stronghunter said...

The people next to us must have won almost $1,000 though.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Finally looking at Tues. blog posts that I missed!

Kay, SO sorry that Seth had another trip/ more, and it's time for some medical investigating... :(

Had to laugh at Hoda's referencing Nov. 15th as the Ides of March!!

Can not even begin to thank you all for all of the love and devotion I feel after reading your posts from Tues.!!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! THANKS for loving me!!! I feel very humble.

I got through post 400......and am ready for the proverbial faceplant. Carolyn is snoring on the sofa.....not sure whether to wake her to send her up to bed or just let her sleep! But it's sleep time for me. See all y'all sometime later "today" since it is already Sunday!!!

stronghunter said...

Rest well, Lynn. So glad you are in your own bed tonight.

hedgie said...

CarolAnne, definitely sending up big prayers for Benjamin. Perhaps he is starting to deal with the hormones vs. meds titration problem.....10 is a WEE bit early but NOT unheard of....hormones really mess up carefully managed drug regimens in adolescents---that is what my friend's autistic grandson has been going through for a number of years. THe hospitalization isn't fun, but it does help the docs get things straightened out more quickly. Poor Benjamin....please keep us apprised of how he is doing.
Goodnight, my lovelies.

stronghunter said...

Insomnia again.

Read back and saw your request CarolAnne. Definite prayers for Benjamin.

I hope everyone is sound asleep now.

Lori O. said...

Hope you got back to sleep Shirley. How are your critters?

Thanks Lynne for the reminder that November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Prayers for your MIL - hope she gets some info on her condition tomorrow.

Prayers continue for LYNN and hope that someone can find you some strawberries for your shortcake. My Mom always freezes them. ♥

Lori O. said...

I hope you can see that my eagle is purple! Rare breed! :)

DanaMo said...

OMGosh I just refilled the dogs water cooler and all three are trying to get their nose in! I posted a picture. Too funny, Boomer had to wait!

Good Sunday Morning to you!

DanaMo said...

When the cam is dark, the tree branch closest to the cam on the right looks like the back of an eagle. Do you see it Lori. One morning I thought there was an eagle there and then realized it was the tree. The white looks like the back, and going up into the black of the branch. I do have my picture small so that I can have both windows open, but in my view that's what it looks like.

DanaMo said...

OMGOSH I have no cam!!??

DanaMo said...

Well I was going to take a picture, but I can't "the selected item is not currently available".

DanaMo said...

The cookies for those of you who posted are delicious. They are almond flavored with almond paste and extract. The layers in between have raspberry preserves and are topped with a layer of chocolate. Very taste specific, but if you like them, you LOVE them. I sent Aric a picture and he clearly remembers me sending a whole batch to Andrew up at school. When I told him he would have a batch to send back his post showed that he was ecstatic!

DanaMo said...

Well it's lonely here. Everyone must be cozy under the covers...

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, I can't get the cam currently available, same as you.
I could taste your cookies just looking at the pic! Almond is my fave! What a nice Mom you are.

Lori O. said...

Back to the still cam which is up.


Lori O. said...

Sitting here waiting for the eagles reminds me to say Thank You to CarolAnne for your first solo eagle nest report last night! You did a great job. Thanks!

Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...


Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

Voting ends tonight right? I'm so ready to name our guy.

Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

DanaMo, Labs pic is cute. They are adorable. Wish I could see their smiling faces.
Seeing the cookie again you can really tell it would be a lot of work! Looks kinda like cake...yummy!

DanaMo said...

It actually is 3 layers of cake put together. You have to color and bake each layer in a 13x9 so it is three thin layers, then the raspberry goes in between and then after they are in the frig for a day you cover with chocolate and cut into square.

DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


Lori O. said...

I must have deleted the voting email after I voted, DanaMo. Now, you have me a jazzed to find out!

JudyEddy said...

OL I got up this am and now I can't get the live cam at all says contents not available I wonder if it has any thing to do with my puter issues i'm so frustrated

JudyEddy said...

I am installing Abode 11 see if it helps

JudyEddy said...

Installed it and still says currently not available darn it why me I hate puters

JudyEddy said...

I can get still but not live

JudyEddy said...

ok now I just read that cam is down BOY do I feel better

JudyEddy said...

Ok now do I take out the Abode 11 I had the Abode 8 and have both Do I unstall one Maybe I don't know anyone else know

JudyEddy said...

Cute picture Three dogs going for one spot

JudyEddy said...

I checked the poll BEAU is the winner 44 to 37 SHEP

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JudyE!

Glad you saw where the live cam is unavailable. What are you doing besides work, today?

JudyEddy said...

1 reply
Beau 19 44
Carson 0 0
Freedom 2 4
Potomac 1 2
Rebel 2 4
Shep 16 37
Shepherd 0 0
Sky 1 2
Spirit 1 2
Trooper 1 2

JudyEddy said...

I am going to go see the eagls at the nest before work and then at lunch hope they are there

JudyEddy said...

BELLE and Her BEAU I like it we should have added Her to it ya think

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...