Saturday, November 19, 2011


Weekend thread 1.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 505   Newer›   Newest»
JudyEddy said...

too late now I guess

JudyEddy said...

everyone flew the coupe again I swear I took a shower OR DID I LOL

JudyEddy said...

I bet STEVE will be upset when he hears about the camera I wonder why there is such issues with it over the months Did anyone let him know yet???????

JudyEddy said...

97 the number is 97 people that voted wow that is alot huh I noticed that we were over 190 memebers the other day

JudyEddy said...

Ok I guess since I am feeling deserted I am heading out to go look at the cell phone tower EAGLE before I go to work see ya later

DanaMo said...

oh my name isn't winning :(

DanaMo said...

Don't forget to vote, it's close!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just have to say that I ain't now and can't ever imagine feeling it with the name Beau. Just not willing. I am sorry.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Glad to read there were Eagles in the Nest, disappointed that the live cam is down :(
doesn't take long to get spoiled

Thanking Lynne2 for sharing the information about November, being Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month to us, the avatars for that are beautiful...

Lori : I could see right away that your Eagle was purple...
Wonderful !

God Bless all our Cancer patients, and survivors...and may cures be discovered....

Lynne2 said...

good morning!

UGH...stupid live cam!

It looks like the new name may have been chosen, but I guess we should wait for the official announcement of the new name for our new male from Paula just in case there were any glitches or anything!

The process that we have all gone through since the loss of Lib, the death of Paddy O'Joy and the arrival of Truder...up to now...has been a very emotional time with everyone coming to terms with things in their own time, in their own way.

In the beginning of the choosing of the names, it was fun to me. Each person coming up with a name and a reason, and there was some (what I perceived to be) good natured bantering back and forth amongst everyone about the suggestions. But then feelings got hurt, and some unkind things were said.

While not everyone will be thrilled about the new name, a vote was what we wanted, and a vote was done, and a name appears to have been chosen. I truly hope that whatever anyone thinks, that there will be no upsetting remarks, nor any type of "gloating". I'd rather the male have no name at all than see any more unkind things happen on here!

magpie said...

How about that, our Nurse Lynn, coming on with information for CarolAnne regarding the condition that her nephew Benjamin has...

It is soooooo good to have our Resident Nurse Back !!

Lynne2 said...

hey Lori, just went back to see you purple!

magpie said...

and many thanks to Paula for an exremely professional task on bringing the voting process to all of us...

Lynne2 said...

yeah Margy...that was good. Never considered about the hormones playing a part in the whole thing.

magpie said...

I can still look for those purple light bulbs, will find, and put in the light outside for the rest of the month....

xo ♥ (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Agree, Lynne,
Lynn is so sharp !!!
and so are You !!

Best wishes for a good day, Eveyone...hug your loved ones and pets (wish I had a few pets to hug) ...or yourself !

I'll be hugging James a little later on...

God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah Margy....I'm about as sharp as a MARBLE! Have fun with James today! Maybe he'd like to see Daisy's pictures? Might make him smile to see her silly face!

Lynne2 said...

I was going to get a purple light Margy, but I investigated the fixture out front and geez, it's old, high, and GLASS! Not any easy change. And our one out back no one would see. But I think I have a string of purple Christmas lights I an rig up in the front window!

magpie said...

that sounds like a good idea, Lynne, the string of purple lights;
I might be getting James down HERE Monday, as he has no school all this coming week, have a couple of things I would to show him, including Daisy's pictures, thanks for the idea !!
By the way, it was a day like THIS that I heard the Tundra Swans flying South last year, I am remaining hopeful to hear and / or see them !

okay, off to the rest of the day now...
nice chatting with you !

Sharp as a Marble ??? Don't you talk about my friend that way!
Need I remind you of all your Veterinarian and Naturalist information you bring to all of us ??
Consider yourself reminded !
xo ♥

Lynne2 said...

yes ma'am.

Steve is going fishing at Loch Raven Reservoir today. Sure wish I could go too. But my cough...not gone yet, and it's a mile walk in. So sad because it's a great birding place and 2 years ago, we saw 3 TUNDRA SWANS!!! They came flying right in! Didn't get pictures, I don't think. I'll have to check back and see. It's a great place for birding...they have seen eagles there!

Lynne2 said...

I had forgotten about that! I must not have had my camera, although my mind is telling me I did. I think I took pictures but they didn't turn out very well, so I deleted them. Had to be the case, I have other pictures of us from that day. And it was NOVEMBER 09!!

magpie said...

I saw and heard my first flock ever, Lynne.... on December 6, 2006, at night, they sailed across a full-moon lit night....I just happened to step outside, and heard them a'comin from a ways off...
Magical it was !

magpie said...

sorry about your cough...
hope maybe you would just hear them from HOME today...
Hope Steve catches some BIG Ones...

hope you feel better....
okay, leaving this spot now...
was sending some emails and now I am finished computering until much later on


Mema Jo said...

Good morning! It looks like the rain is
headed into the valley. I think the rest
of the leaves fell and now there is such
a look of bareness. After hubby's coffee he said he will do one more scoop of the leaves. I do hope it warms
for the rest of the week with all the Thanksgiving get-togethers. The size of some gatherings, the outside deck or yard is needed for the overflowing.

Glad we have the still cam up - Thanks
for the blow by blow reporting on this morning's visit.

Lynne2 said...

very bare here too Jo. Only good thing about that part of the season is that bird watching is easier.

hedgie said...

Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes!
A bit gloomy here, but no rain. Yep, Jo, leaves do seem to have just about finished falling. Really not TOO big of a job to do out there this next go round----just hope I can get Charlie or Donald here to do it soon!!!

I taught Carolyn how to make Eggs Benedict this morning. Yummmm!!!

Lynne2 said...

OK, what are Eggs Benedict? I don't think I have ever had them!

hedgie said...

English Muffin halves topped with Canadian Bacon slices, a poached egg and Hollandaise Sauce! SO very good!!!

Lynne2 said...

little catastrophe here this morning...

as you know, I have my certain "nature" room. I also have a little pair of inexpensive (think they were about 12 bucks) little binos. Not very powerful, but good for the distance between there and the feeders and back yard.

Well, I accidentally knocked them off of the windowsill, and both top parts of the eyepieces came off. I was able to get the one back in, but the other just won't go. UGH!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOOO sounds very yummy! May have to try that this coming Weekend of Thanks!!

WOO HOO, I am off on T'day with pay! And we are CLOSED on Friday! But I can take one of my vacation days! Then Sat, Sun, and Monday off too (as long as no one wants me to work for them Monday) so I'll have a long weekend...and will be looking for things to do!

hedgie said...

Time for my shower. Not feeling real chipper yet this morning...went about 8 hrs. without a pain pill which probably wasn't too smart......

Lynne2 said...

In-Laws coming down on Tuesday, not sure if they'll leave Friday or Monday. Dinner at MIL's sister and her hubby's house. Taking a side trip on the way to stop at Loch Raven along the actual dam to see if we can spot some birds!

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn, take a pill.....please. Have a good shower and we'll see ya later, gator!

Hoda said...

Good morning.Good breakfast in LYNN's ROOSt. YUM!!!

Cold here 23 degrees...

Off to yoga and I will see you all later.

Not as busy a day as yesterday, thank heavens...

Mema Jo said...

For November


Lynne2 said...

beautiful Jo!

Hoda, wow, up and at it again...whew, you are like our Energizer Blogger!

Lynne2 said...

Wondering how Linda is doing....

and how Lori's mom is.....

Lynne2 said...

on the Great Backyard Bird Count FB page, a woman in Vancouver, BC. has posted a picture of a PAINTED BUNTING!!!! THAT sure isn't where a Painted Bunting would be found! They are summer residents in the TX, OK, KS, LA areas and overwinter in Central America!

hedgie said...

Lynne, maybe Steve can get the lens to pop back in. Gotta have those binos in the nature room!!!

A long weekend sounds like just what you need, kiddo!

hedgie said...

Wow----birds are going all kinds of unexpected/unusual places, aren't they??

Had my shower.....all fresh and pure! And pooped! Still need to brush the choppers and then a nap before game time. Sure hope we scalp those Cowboys!

hedgie said...

BTW---Nov. is also Lung Cancer Awareness month----gray/pearl are the colors.

Lynne2 said...

It is Lynn? Geesh, didn't know that!

Oh Lynn, I fear that in Lolly's absence I will be tho only one on the blog rooting for the Cowboys...sorry! LOL!

Lynne2 said...

I sorta got the lens back on, not to stable, but I can see pretty much. Just saw a dove that looks NOT like the others out there...going to do some investigation, maybe just a juvie Mourning Dove. Lots more pattern on the wings and tail. Tired to get a picture but they are so skittish that they flew off as I tip toed out through the sunporch. Put some more food down to get them back!

Mema Jo said...

Never knew there were sooooooo many shades of purple.

magpie said...

let me know about those binocs...
I have TWO pairs of the little ones, will be happy to share...


Wanda's will be tickled about the Painted is her grandson Brandon's favorite bird!

Lolly said...


Good morning! Enjoying my coffee with a beautiful view! No announcement on Rem's name?

Lynn, we are not going in to town to watch the game. You will have to post the scores!

Jack has gone in to buy a paper.

magpie said...

Thanks also to Lynn for letting us know about Lung Cancer awareness this month also...

the avatars today, are so lovely...

magpie said...

I thought of putting some New England Asters up, some of the Purple ones I have seen this year...but went to an Awareness site,and picked this butterfly

magpie said...

looks kind of like Camou Purple...

sounds great, Lynne...your days off..Happy Thanksgiving in Advance.!

also, like all of us, hoping to hear from Linda, and also how Lori's Mother is doing...

xo ♥
Wish we could do some purple links and alt symbols on here

magpie said...

I'm sure Paula will give us the official totals as she has promised...when she completes her OWN things at the Paradise and when getting the chance to do so...

magpie said...

Pill, Nap, Rest and Root for the Redskins, that order !
That's a COMMAND not a recommendation ☺

(( Healthy Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Enjoy your day Lolly
and Same Wishes for Everyone Else!

Berkeley Springs, here I come...

ttfn xo ♥

Lolly said...

Have I said lately......I love my iPhone! Would love to change to purple.....TCU. Colors!!!

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday Everyone. We're getting some Spring temps!!
(Sorry I never made it back for Good Nights--konked in chair, as usual)

Have read back some & saw CarolAnne's comment about Benjamin. Prayers he will get the best help ever.Description reminded me somewhat of Rainman---brilliant, but socially challenged.

Hope our dear Lynn is getting more comfy on her couch & Liesl does NOT jump on you!! ☺

NatureNut said...

YUM, just read about Lynn's breakfast.
Wanted to mention that I learned yesterday NO tundra swans seen or heard yet at Park. They may be slowing their flight, or could be taking a little different route. I was so hoping to see some, but they sent the eagle in their place!!!!Yippee.

FuzzleMT said...

EAGLE ALERT on the still cam -

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!!!
Gosh, it took an act of Congress to finally get me back here! My I.E. was quirky or completely down yesterday again. I think Earthlink is messed up again, and that affects I.E. Did a lot of defrag on my laptop last night, and tried Firefox this morning, and managed to get back here! YAY!!

Prayers for Linda's Mom continue, also for Linda and the whole family.

Prayers for your 10-year-old nephew Benjamin, CarolAnne!

Good to see that LYNN is doing well--do NOT skip any pain meds, lady! We do NOT want you feeling puny! It is indeed good to have our resident nurse back! Hope that someone can find some strawberries for you!

Oh--need to switch my avatar to something PURPLE. Back in a minute!

magpie said...

I see that Eagle, Irene !!!

magpie said...




FuzzleMT said...

Belle? the eagle is alone -

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the Eagle in Nest alert

magpie said...



Mema Jo said...

Can't confirm or won't even try to say who it is

Sitting at 10 looking down over side

Ms Bookworm said...

Back again--is this purple enough?

Mema Jo said...

Andy - still cam - eagle alert!

Mema Jo said...

Still in nest at 10
Looking up and off to its right

Mema Jo said...

I got a good pic for the album

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Jo! Yippee!

Ms Bookworm said...

Is it Belle? That's my guess.

Ms Bookworm said...

Looks like they've made some real progress on the "crib rails" lately.
The nest is shaping right up!

Mema Jo said...

I promised myself Not to Guess - But I
am glad to see the Eagle
Looks as though another may be ready
to come into the nest ...

Mema Jo said...

The nest does look good

Looks like a good bit of fluff is in the egg cup

Been there for 10 min

Ms Bookworm said...

Ahhh---it's just SO good to see an eagle up close and personal again! It's been a LONG time since I last saw one!

Mema Jo said...

Andy - your purple is good!

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, this is a nice, long visit! I'm in hog heaven!

Mema Jo said...

Who's the most patient vulture in town?

Our eagle is!

Mema Jo said...

20 min visit by our eagle
Stayed in same position at 10
up on the edge of nest looking out and about

Ms Bookworm said...

OOops! Kubby just got home from getting gas in the car, and picking up a piece of mince pie at Polly's Pies. Will BBIALW... Is anyone else out there to keep Jo company?

DanaMo said...

Okay I haven't gotten very far, but I just want to say I didn't mean to start anything this morning with the name of the eagle. Just wanted to remind everyone to get their vote in if you have a preference because it is close.

Thanks to Paula for setting the whole thing up. I appreciate the time and effort put into it.
The polls don't close until midnight according to my understanding.

Ms Bookworm said...


Mema Jo said...

That's ok - Andy you have3 any vanilla ice cream for that pie? I love it
Go and Enjoy

DanaMo said...

BTW I swear I taste the salt in the cookies but I guess it's because "I know". LOL!

FuzzleMT said...

since I'm two hours behind, I haven't seen a live eagle in the nest since I left MA - WHAT A TREAT!
and since this is an odd time for a nest visit, I can only hope . . . and believe

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, hi, DanaMo! Guess I can take off for a few minutes now, since you're here! Yes, I think the polls are open until midnight tonight, aren't they?

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo - Cleanse your pallet and then taste them again - No Salty after taste
is there? They are so beautiful

Get a second opinion (someone who doesn't know about the salt)

FuzzleMT said...

no spot on the head - so it isn't (?) name to be determined

FuzzleMT said...

well, that's that -
I see a spot

Mema Jo said...

I think it is "soon to be named" visitor

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--is this the same eagle down at 5:00? Cam refreshed, and not sure whether this is a new one, or the one that was at the top moved!

Mema Jo said...

Adding some photos to E_M

Ms Bookworm said...

Can see a spot--must be REM.

Mema Jo said...

Andy same one

If you press on F5 key you can refresh
your pic before time is up - I do it with about 15 sec left

Ms Bookworm said...

Really need to run now--may miss out on mince pie if I don't hurry! No ice cream, Jo, but do have hard sauce! Hi, FuzzleMT! Will BBIALW...

DanaMo said...

REM at the 5:00 position

JudyEddy said...

Just home and see eagle YEAH in our nest

JudyEddy said...

Isn't the name BEAU offical now ?????

DanaMo said...


Mema Jo said...

Judy it really isn't official until Paula closes the polls and announces
it. Just a bit of formality.

DanaMo said...

No I don't believe so, the polls don't close until Midnight tonight.

JudyEddy said...

Any word on the live cam I will be able to read only a few comment during luch and so far see nothing on it I went to the Cell Tower and no eagle at lunch

JudyEddy said...

Thanks DANAMO for clarifying the time

Lynne2 said...

poor DanaMo....salt on the brain! You are right, you are probably tasting it cause you KNOW, but no one else will!

the poll ends on midnight, Sunday November 20th. Now, why am I too stooopid to know if Midnight on the 20th was midnight past or midnight to come?

Hello, my name is Lynne, and my favorite color is CLEAR!

JudyEddy said...

I am suprised my puter is still up I left all on screen when I left just to see if it would go down and it didn't

DanaMo said...

Maybe those people who voted for something other than the top two names will now want to change their vote to one or the other of the top names...they still can change their vote until midnight.

DanaMo said...

If they are so far off for votes they may want one of the other names.

DanaMo said...

Did that make any sense??? I tried to make sense, but not sure if I said what I wanted to say. LOL!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I love your saying with the color clear I stole it when I was in NC did something silly and said that with my name off course and everyone got the biggest kick out of the saying I told them it was not mine originally but they still loved it

DanaMo said...

Wish Belle would fly in.

hedgie said...

nap-check; snack-check; game on--check. 'Boys had first possession and didn't it's out turn!

Mema Jo said...

Just waiting and wishing
and waiting and wishing

That Belle will fly into the nest

JudyEddy said...

WOW what a super long visit I see

Mema Jo said...

ROFL Dana - that made as much sense as putting salt into a cookie batter and botching it! Love Ya ♥

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

came in from 10

DanaMo said...

there's our girl. Flew in from the 9:00 (maybe)

hedgie said...

And in typical fashion, our first possession we fumble and Dallas recovers.

JudyEddy said...

I love it I get to see both duing lunch they look busy BIG STICK HE IS MOVING

Lynne2 said...

OK in military time speak, midnight is 24:00hrs. Therefore, midnight on the 20th would be this midnight to come. Then the 21st would start at 00:01

JudyEddy said...

What his name has a big stick moving to 7 she is at 10 picking a rail

JudyEddy said...

bickering again I see

JudyEddy said...

Wow don't think i can keep up with the still lol

JudyEddy said...

she is picking at cup he is moving big stick at 3

JudyEddy said...

he moved it to 7

JudyEddy said...

that is the third move for the same stick

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo Big goings on in the nest

JudyEddy said...

maybe she is telling him not to put it where he had it and that is why he is moving it over and over he still has stick in mouth

JudyEddy said...

she is at 11 he but stick down finally at 7

Lynne2 said...

so yes, DanaMo, the voting could still be done, and since the 2 front runner names are FAR ahead of the other name votes, if those folks changed them, it could change things for sure!

JudyEddy said...

both on either end of nest 11-5

JudyEddy said...

his head is hidden under lower branch

stronghunter said...

Cowboys touchdown.

Mema Jo said...

Come on Redskins

JudyEddy said...

I love how nice the nest is coming together

stronghunter said...

Well, maybe touchdown.

JudyEddy said...

both working on cup

JudyEddy said...

head dwon still in cup

JudyEddy said...

both looked up as if someting is near

JudyEddy said...

unless that is the start of beaking again

JudyEddy said...

Belle working on flugg in cup and and boomerang is at botton

JudyEddy said...

beaking again

JudyEddy said...

she is at 10 he is at bottom just sitting now

JudyEddy said...

he is picking at cup she is at 10 still

Lynne2 said...

I am sorry to say that I wanted to check the live feed again and got sucked into some comments made over there.....

beaking is aggression, they say. And there are TWO males and Belle visiting the nest.

JudyEddy said...

both at top of nest just sitting he looks like he is getting in the cup

JudyEddy said...

not unless they changed postion he is in the cup

stronghunter said...

Score: D 7, W 0

JudyEddy said...

I just had a horrible thought do you this the remains of POJ is in the nest still where Belle burined it I know bad thougth but it just flashed in front of me sorry

JudyEddy said...

LYNN That is a good one what the forum is saying They have no clue I wonder does any of them live around there to go and see for them selbes

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, the remains of Paddy O'Joy, I'm quite sure, are long gone. Mother Nature's process would have taken care of that a long time ago :(

JudyEddy said...

still both in nest belle is picking near egg cup and he is at 5 ish

JudyEddy said...

she looks up and over

JudyEddy said...

I clocked the nest from my house a little over one mile and same as work little over one mile

JudyEddy said...

over a hour visit am I correct??????

JudyEddy said...

He just reached over and looks like he is pecking her back his feathers are extended out as he is doing it looks like a fight now beak to beak big time her mouth is open wide

JudyEddy said...

I graabbed pictures as they were doing it and I was typing also wow this is wearing me out LOL and I have to leave for work now BBL

JudyEddy said...

I will put picture on album when I get home

Mema Jo said...

Hey there I personally feel it is very Unnecessary to repeat what is read over on the forum since it is usually in total disagreement with our thoughts. We must stay away from any conflicts - it brings out nastiness!

Thanks...... ♥

JudyEddy said...

I hope the 16 people that voted for other names will revote on the two that are up in count I think that would be agreat idea that you all had And thanks to Paula for all her effort Now I do have to leave on that note I love how they are both just sitting there almost cheek to cheek

Mema Jo said...

They sure are making an afternoon out of it! Had come in at 12:27pm when Irene spotted him in the nest.

Off I go to check out this football game..

Mema Jo said...

Oh my how I wish I had some Mince Meat pie!!!! I only have pumpkin in the frig

Guess it will have to do!! As long as
it doesn't taste salty - you know what
I mean........... ! ♥

stronghunter said...

Am looking at the still cam pics, the football game, and conversing with Will who came to do his laundry and mow grass.

Speaking of grass, Will said they found a bag of the other kind of grass lying on the floor at his work. He called the police, who came and took it.

stronghunter said...

Belle has poofed.

Lynne2 said...

oops, sorry Jo. I know comments have been made about the OC stuff here in the past and laughed about, but I didn't know they created any conflicts among our blog. I don't always get to read back every post since I've started working more hours. My apologies....don't know what possessed me. I've only made the mistake of going there a couple of times, way back and I will NEVER allow myself to be sucked into their comments again!

stronghunter said...

Belle has returned.

hedgie said...

Very cruddy game. Hope race will be better!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynne! ♥
I may have spoken out of turn...
You know - the Old Peacemaker! ♥

Lynne2 said...

no Jo, you did NOT speak out of turn. You are right, and a good Peacemaker!

Mema Jo said...

At 1:54pm the nest is MT

Lynne2 said...

OK, looks like my aforementioned dove is in fact a juvie! Found some pictures to verify. Makes me wonder though, out of a little flock of 15 or so, why only one would still look like a baby. Must have been a late bloomer!

Lori O. said...

LYNNE, loved the pics of Daisy playing with her tug. That was sweet of you to post photos. She looks like she's having a good time! Extra scratches for Daisy.

Loretta, how cool you had the eagle at work. Wish I could step outside at work and see a feathered friend! Plus you get great photo ops every day!

Lolly, hope CO is beautiful for you. You'll wake up in the morning and all the family will be there!! Have a wonderful, heart-warming time. Hello to ZACH!

Lynne2 said...

ah, there's our Purple Eagle! Oh Lori, she really does love her tuggy!

Lynne2 said...

well, I've done as much as I can do inside for the moment while still being able to chat, but I need to go outside now. Fill some feeders, walks some dogs, tidy up. Run to store (because I ALWAYS forget something!)


stronghunter said...


D 10
W 0

Halfway through the 2nd quarter.

Mema Jo said...

OK Skins - start to do your thing - you know SCORE SCORE - you can do it!

DanaMo said...

JO!!! No one else tastes the salt so it must just be me! LOL!

The recipe did call for salt, I just put too much!!!

I'm going to have to bring you some from my next batch! ☺

DanaMo said...

I'll leave out the extra salt.

DanaMo said...

okay now the kids are saying "it's not fair" that Aric gets his own batch of cookies. Oh yes it is!! LOL! Andrew got his own batch when he was away at school.

stronghunter said...

TD Skins!!

Lori O. said...

Trying again...remember to keep your candles burning...


hedgie said...

SKINS 7---Dallas 10......will be halftime in less than 4 mins.

stronghunter said...

Still anybody's game.

NatureNut said...

I haven't looked, but Fubby just said it might soon the 17 for Dallas. BOOO Then he switches to Nascar--Duh

NatureNut said...

JudyE--Love your tower eagle! Hope you see it a lot!

stronghunter said...

Injured 'Skins player.

stronghunter said...

Redskins sacked Romo.

hedgie said...

Carolyn headed home.....waiting for Christie to arrive. Probably unnecessary.....BUT, better to have someone here to make me behave, huh??!!!

stronghunter said...

32 yard punt return by Skins.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy being taken care of by your girls, Lynn. You have done it for them.

stronghunter said...

First down, Skins.

hedgie said...


stronghunter said...

TD Skins!!

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Keep it going! ♥

stronghunter said...

Skins 14
Dallas 10

hedgie said...

SKINS 14, DALLAS 10!!!!!!

stronghunter said...


Skins Lead!

paula eagleholic said...

Just stopping in to say hi...will get all but the small bedroom done

Hope everyone is doing good

Go skins!

hedgie said...

Washed my hair the last two days and mentioned that I would like it one stepped up to the plate. Washed it this morning....and just styled it myself! So there!!!

My ankles are VERY swollen---back to the sofa I go to elevate!! Sure looks like rain is on it's way. Gloomy....but warm at 64°.

NatureNut said...

Hooray, Hooray!!! Skins ahead!!!

hedgie said...

FIELD GOAL! 17-10!

Lolly said...

Just checking in. Thanks for the disgusting score. Have buried a treasure and made a map! More fun!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 505   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...