Tuesday, October 18, 2011


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

I didn't get a call on my Mom last night, so I call her this morning. Maybe she didn't have the CAT Scan yet.

Oh MARGY, good morning if you check in before I get back from reading! Sure miss JUDYE, but, of course, will see her Monday!

Lori O. said...

Great, I feel better knowing that you KNOW I'm here. Let's get some coffee and read back. ♥

DanaMo said...

oh DanaWV my heart is breaking for your Rosie. I hope and pray that she doesn't lose her own desire for life! So very sad. I hope they find out what happened to cause Dale to not have O2. So so sad.

DanaMo said...

Lori what is the situation with your mom? Do you have to go to Pittsburgh?

DanaMo said...

Lolly that cake sounds delicious! I want some ☺

Lori O. said...

DanaWV, thanks for the prayer list additions...will try to put it all into one list later. God bless you.

LYNN, so glad that your friend John is in GTown. Such a huge difference between big city hospitals and local small town facilities. If something ever happens to me, make sure I don't get stuck in Frederick! So glad you're going to Georgetown!!!

DanaMo said...

Sure wish the list wasn't limited for NCTC, but I certainly understand, I guess.

A teacher at school who viewed the nest with me from the cam was extremely jealous that I am going! I was teasing her, I was acting like a kindergartener! LOL!

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, I didn't get a call last night, so I will call this morning and see what's up. She had my brother call me and told him, I don't care who you call, just make sure you call Lori! Sweet.

DanaMo said...

I don't know Lori...my dad would not go to Hopkins when he had his lung cancer! He wanted to stay here in Hagerstown and you know, they really did him well! He was adamant. Kinda funny really. He is VERY stubborn. He really is upset about having to have surgery. He didn't want that to be the dx. When he gives his health history he doesn't even tell them he is a lung cancer survivor! He is too much!

Lori O. said...

Your Dad sounds like a fighter, DanaMo, and that is GREAT!

DanaMo said...

Of course I was worried that something would show up when he the CAT scan, that happens so often and sounds like something like that happened with Rosie's Dale? You hear so often that a person goes in for a simple procedure and it turns out bad. That's what I was most worried about yesterday. It was like the unspoken worry. I think it was on everyone's mind, but no one would put words to it.

DanaMo said...

And my brother is estranged from the family right now, my only brother, with makes this whole thing so much worse. I have some really bad thoughts towards my brother and what he has put my parents through. He posted to FB yesterday that he was in NYC! I wanted to scream at him! He doesn't even know, I don't even have a cell number for him. It's killing my parents!

Lori O. said...

Missing the cam and our eagles!

That Buddy is amazing! I hope he didn't get sick, THELMA!

Lolly, I hope your cake fetches a huge sum. I sounds delish!

KAY, hope you are resting now. We'll be here if you get up again. ((((first of the morning BIG HUGS)))).

LYNN, we'll be up for you tomorrow morning. I hope you have time to jump on before you leave.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having an early cup of coffee while running the dryer and the dishwasher.

I think we will be off for a Saturday adventure soon. I don't know much, but it is a train ride to admire the fall colors.

Susan had posted the link below on my FB wall. Interesting story.

Hawk Rescued

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Shirley.

An autumn train ride sounds like a beautiful way to spend the day. Will you be taking Hunter and the family?

Still need to get back and read your link about your friend from yesterday. She sounds very special.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Wanda's Denise!!

stronghunter said...

It will be Hunter, Kathryn and I, Lori. It is something Kathryn found. I do not know all of the details. Last night, Hunter said he did not want to go, wanted to "stay home with Grandma," he said.

This afternoon there is some kind of car thing and a school carnival. I may decide to go to the mall instead. Not sure. We really need some new towels, and sometimes Hunter and Kathryn need time for just the two of them.

Lori O. said...

Ah, but how sweet Hunter wanted to be with you, Shirley...or is there an ulterior motive? :)

Lori O. said...

I think I will work on clearing out and cleaning up my Christmas room in the basement. Somehow, extra furniture & junk ends up in there throughout the year. And, I don't put it there!

stronghunter said...

He probably wanted to stay home and play X-Box, Lori.

stronghunter said...


T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Hey T-Bird!

Can you email me your address so I can send Buddy a tug I made him. I know he was a baaaad boy yesterday! Hope he's feeling okay.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Saturday Morning Eagle Friends.

I see I only have this thread and a few on the other side to catch up on. So I will do that.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Buddy has learn't how to
open the refrigerator. Ok that
boy is just showing you all.
If you get hurt and need anything
"I am the dog to get it for you".
Like the dogs they train to help
people open things SICLMBO=
sitting in chair laughing my butt off.

Thank you Hedgie-Lynn/e for posting
about Buddy. I really, really needed that laugh.

T-Bird said...

Lori, I sure will. Dana, Buddy is glad he could amuse you. LOL

T-Bird said...

Lori, he seems fine this morning. Thanks for asking.

Lori O. said...

It's pretty quiet here now. Everyone should be getting up soon on the East Coast...still early for Andy. Lolly's going to the big game today.

Lolly, I forgot to tell you that I was watching a TV show on one of the Nat'l Geographic channels about meteorite hunters and these guys had to turn over all the chunks of meteorites they found to a special program at TCU! It was cool.

T-Bird said...

I'll catch you all later. Make a good day.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann glad you used the medicine
and got some sleep. Have a great
family gathering today.

Paula I see the guys will put the
flooring down next week. So maybe
you and Nick will find an eagle

Kay that was one of the things I
told my sweet Rosie. That I have
a special group for prayers; "the
eagles and I am putting her and
the family on the list". She said,
"Thank You".

See she has been hospitalized a lot
these last 4-5 months. A doctor she
goes to did not make her feel better. So she changed doctors
"Thank God she did". The new doctor found she had pneumonia. Plus he found she had blood clots in her legs. He put her in the hospital. It was while she
was in there the new doctor found
this "spot on her brain". That was
September. We had talked about Dale
going in the hospital for the minor
surgery while she was in the hospital.
I even talked with Dale about the
surgery. It was an in and out same
day surgery. One of the girls or his sister could take him. So I was waiting for Rosie to call me. About what they found out about the "spot on her brain".
No call so I just told myself "no call must mean good news". I had even emailed Dale but it is not unusual for him not to email back.

When Rosie had to make the decision to take him off life support. While she was in the hospital (a different hospital than Dale was in). She had her daughter and his sister with her. They had been with Dale. She did not call me she was just to distraught. Still everyone is in unbelief of why he didn't receive the oxygen he needed and that he passed away.

T-Bird said...

Dana, for some reason I couldn't respond to your last entry on FB. I sure will and hugs back to you.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry how that typed out. It did NOT look like that in the comment box.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Thelma for some reason fb was acting up.

wvgal_dana said...

Did anyone hear the news that they are cutting health insurance on WalMart workers? I am hoping I heard wrong!!

T-Bird said...

Well we've had our first sick dog (unlike Buddy with his iron stomach). Hairy has vomited. He must have gotten some of that picnic they had yesterday. I just wish he could have been outside. He did it right on the lazy boy, not even on the floor. That is okay, I'll take the good with the bad. Oh well, that's the price of having dogs (I hesitate to call them dogs because they are like children). God says, "here is you hint Thelma, it is time to clean the Lazy Boy."

Lori O. said...

Oh Thelma, I'm sorry. I hate when something like that happens. What kind of dog is Hairy?

hedgie said...

Morning all. Rushing around here with last minute stuff. Want to get out and get the errands run sooner rather than later, so I can hopefully get to bed early tonight! Will have to get up around 5:30 tomorrow.
Lori, won't be on to say goodbye cause I want to pack up the puter tonight.

Poor Hairy! Poor Thelmaa having to clean up! Glad that Buddy seems unaffected by his grand buffet!

Shirley, where is the "leaf" train?? Have fun!!

hedgie said...

DanaMo---I had my chemo and radiation done locally.....consult with Georgetown verified that what I had been started on was appropriate. But I do prefer getting the info from a big hospital with research and clinical trials and teaching in their forte.

paula eagleholic said...

Spectacular morning all!

Just gorgeous here...saw a kingfisher out front

Time for a beach walk , nick has been doen twice already!

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning! Need to go dry my hair and start getting ready to go to the game. You might know....I have a cough now. Groannnnnnn! Will take something for it before we leave.

Interesting, Lori, about the meteorite hunters!

Gotta run....have a great day!☺♥

magpie said...

Speaking of Meteors...not meteorites..there was the Orionids this morning - no I did NOT get up to look....but, there might be stray ones overnight tonight...

find Orion, and gaze away!

Hope you feel better Lolly, and anyone else with something or other going on, including all the Pets Amongst Us!

Nice, Paula...kingfisher..they'll likely be around for more of whatever they were there for earlier !

Shirley and the Gang! Enjoy your day also, another Adventure, way cool...

sorry about the doggy throw-up Thelma...hope Hairy will be okay, and that Buddy remains ok!

Oh, Good Morning Eagle Pals !!!
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Sure praying HARD for so many today and everyday, gosh we are going to keep God mighty busy these days ! HE can handle it!

got the oil changed, and outside of car washed, inside vacuumed...will do windows and the rest later...for my Precious Cargo Monday morning... that would be Dana and Wanda....

someone I know needs a short Panda Nap, I just looked in the mirror and figured out who it is!
going to meet some long-time pals a little later for lunch...
must try to look my best !

ttfn xoxo
Best Wishes for a Good Day

Mema Jo said...

Good morning friends. After all of these splits. we are still going strong.
It is Saturday - but I had to look at my pill container just to be sure.

I do need SUNSHINE !

JudyE should arrive in Shepherdstown late today if her schedule is going as planned. She should be calling someone soon. Whomever gets the call Holler at us..

hedgie said...

Ain't no sunshine here....:( What is with this cloudiness???
Better not rain after I get the truck washed!!

Mema Jo said...

Wow! That first comment of mine flipped
me over to the sign in page with my account - just had to click on it and
came right back over.

Mema Jo said...

Need to eat my banana and peanut butter


hedgie said...

Either my palm sweats a lot or my waterproof bandage ISN'T! I've got prune skin!! At least the sucker isn't bleeding anymore.

hedgie said...

Lolly, did not know that REDSKIN QB extraordinaire Sammy Baugh came out of TCU!!! Slammin' Sammy....before my time, of course, but a great legacy with the Skins!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e hope the hand is BETTER. Drive safely rushing on those errands.

Awww Wanda Margy says you and me are precious cargo ♥♥♥ Hope you have a nice panda nap.

Thelma sorry about Hairy's accident.

Mema Jo do you "SEE" sunshine???

Lolly hope you feel better for you fun day.

Paula Nice doesn't get in the water now does he???

hedgie said...

Catch you all later this afternoon.

Linda said...

LYNN - Of course your palms sweat!! Silly Girl!!

WVDana - Thanks for the additions to the prayer list and so sorry to hear about your dear cousin Rosie. How awful.

KAY - Glad to see your smiling face anytime of the day ♥.

LORI - Any news on your Mom?

DANAMO - Any news on your Dad yet?

THELMA - Locks for the fridge for sure!! Sorry Hairy is getting sick now. Ugh!!

LOLLY - Hope the cake is a big winner!! I am sure it is a yummy one!

Hoda said...

Good morning all.

Have a GREAT day LYNN I am glad the palm is not bleeding anymore,but the wet is not so comfortable!!!

WVDANA Samia and her husband are doing fine so we can take them off the prayer list. Thank you for having them there for so long. I appreciated having them on the prayer list, and it has helped a great deal. Need to say THANK YOU TO GOD and make sure I do not only keep asking...So please take them off the prayer list...

here is a link to where I am going to be today. The Canadian Federation of University WOmen home page. If you go under Executives and Committee Chairs you will see my name.


I will leave here and go help set up for our meeting and then go to a Resolution Committee meeting and then to Yoga and then a phone call with a friend for an hour...should be back by 5:00 PM my time which is 8:00 PM EDT.

ENJOY the day everyone...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yes Nick has been swimming lol

Mema Jo said...

Keep the blog rolling - I will return but
maybe not until after 5:00 Mass.


Linda said...

Have a Good Day, Jo!!

We'll keep the fort down till you return!!

Kay said...

Gotta get in here quick while I can still say Good Morning !

Hoping to see a report on LORI's mom and DANAMO's dad--guess it's still too early for much news.

Sorry to hear Hairy got sick. Is he too small to have opened the fridge, THELMA or SHARON ?

LORI, thanks for the early morning hug--I collected it late morning, but it sure felt good !!!!!

HODA, great news on Samia and hubby ! We love striking names from the prayer list---mission accomplished ! Thank you, God !

JO, is JUDY due in late today or late Sunday ? If today, do you all have plans with here Sunday and Monday ? Hmmmm, peanut butter and banana, sounds good !

Kay said...

LINDA, good to "see" you ! Hope this is a dandy, problem free day for you and Dennis !♥

movin said...

Good morning, everyonE.
Be the first to post on the




C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

DanaMo said...

Wow what a day. At Adoration at 8,hospital by 9:15, special mass for a special Sister celebrating her Golden Jubilee, 50 years of religious life, luncheon, LAX clinic and back to the hospital. Then to the liquor store and the grossery store. In my pj's and in for the NIGHT!!

DanaMo said...

Dad did really well. Surgery was at 7:30, I was allowed in recovery around 9:30. He went up to his room around 10:15. When I went back at 3 he was in pain and had just gotten a dose of additional pain meds and by the time I was leaving he had taken his glasses off and was ready to get some sleep, he hasn't slept yet so I hope he finally is comfortable enough to sleep.

Hoda said...

Judy Eddy posted on your Wall.

"Hello its Angie , Judy Eddy's daughter hacked in on her page haha, she wanted me to inform you she will be leaving her N.C. "tomorrow" sunday morning its a 5.5hr drive she will contact you sometime in the afternoon, pass the word please, I am so excited for my mom that she is getting to meet some of you and seeing a Eagles nest. Take care,"

I just got in and found this on my facebook email so I came here right away...I will go back and read and then post about my day...HURRAH ANGIE AND JUDYE AND THANK YOU

T-Bird said...

I can't get over to the new thread. Can a straggler help me?

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6/15/24 scout solo

Scout shows up and stays for a while