Tuesday, October 18, 2011


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

Kathryn complains that all of her remote controls, etc., lose their battery compartment covers. I remember that happened in my house when there were children present.

Well, I went into my room last night to discover my TV remote was not only missing the cover, the batteries were gone. Hmmm, Hunter was just in there. Wonder what he needed batteries for? It isn't that we don't have a bounteous number of batteries in the kitchen drawer as it is.

Oh dear, Kathryn is rushing around to get out of here. There is a terrible traffic mess on I-95. And it is raining. Lovely.

magpie said...

Lovely report on Soup Kitchen, Wanda....
I know why you can't get to bed earlier: You have so much on your late each day and still make time for us ♥

magpie said...

Safe traveling wishes for Kathryn, Shirley
And everyone else going out on the wet roads

Oh dear, that poor pie all smashed up on the Garage floor, Lolly :(

But glad the rest of all the activities went so well. That was SOME HUG from Jacob wasn't it ??

magpie said...

Got more to do than I left time to do...
'cause I did not get up at first alarm ding ding ding...

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone...
will say so long before I leave for work...
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Wild Animals Loose


stronghunter said...

Kathryn says she has her lunch with her, so she's covered if the commute takes that long. I don't miss commuting--and I did not have to do the I-95 drive.

Lori O. said...

Ugh - I debated on that wild animal story. It ruins my day, and lot's of other people's, too, to hear that lions, bears, tigers, etc., are being shot - won't write the rest of it.

Lori O. said...

Boy, SHIRLEY, Hunter has a difficult time pulling anything over on you! LMBO

stronghunter said...

They have called in Jack Hanna to help with the animals.

Lori O. said...

Thank heavens for Jack Hanna. Wish they would have called earlier. So upsetting.

DanaMo said...

♥ Jack Hanna!

stronghunter said...

It is really a sad situation.

stronghunter said...

They have closed the schools and told people to stay in their houses, and those on I-70 to stay in their cars.

stronghunter said...

Hunter said he took the batteries out of the TV remote to put them into a cable remote. I reminded him that there were batteries in the drawer. Of course, no one could expect a kid to go downstairs and get a battery when you can just steal batteries from a nearby controller.

Lori O. said...

Hunter is going to be full of stories about how his grandmother used to catch him doing things. He'll love you more for it!

DanaMo said...

Gonna try to put Lori on in the car, usually a fight for WQCM vs WASH! LOL

magpie said...

Oh dear it's time to go

Hope you can each find someone to Smile ☺ at today, someone that really needs some of your Inner Joy...
Start by Looking in the Mirror ☺

Everyone be careful..on dry or wet roads, sidewalks, staircases...well, you get the picture

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

LOL, DanaMo!

Be safe, Margy.

Anymore cookie deliveries? :)

hedgie said...

Good "yawn" morning.....Liesl woke me up shortly after 7! Guess she had to go bad! And I was sleeping SO well... :(

Terrible story about the animals....Jack said that there was no choice but to kill them. Can't see to tranquilize in the dark...and some were in attack mode. Tragic.

DanaMo----did you see Jack when he was at The Maryland Theatre?? I took Carolyn and my gd's!!

stronghunter said...

It has been a little while since Hunter decided to redecorate parts of my bedroom when he found a bottle of white out. Fortunately, bottles of white out are small.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly....so sorry about the cheesecake pie. I'm sure Jack felt really bad.

Wanda, sounds like you had a great evening despite low turnout. And too bad that GG's injections aren't giving her more relief. I wonder why?? My friend Ann gets really good results.

Linda said...

Another day already?

My how time flies! A work day for me today and I hope my dubby behaves himself while I am away.......

Shirley - Think of how quiet and boring your life might be this first year of retirement without Hunter and Kathryn!! Maybe this is God's way of easing you into it! It's funny because you remember going through all this before, but at a different time and pace of your life!!

I won't have time to catch up, but wanted to wish everyone a joyous day today! Make it the best it can be! Hope everyone stays dry!

hedgie said...

Today has been labeled SWAD.....severe weather alert day. Sounds dire, doesn't it?? Even tornadic activity possible. STAY SAFE everyone!

Shirley, news said that there was emergency construction work on 95....HOV lane restrictions lifted.

hedgie said...

Linda, hope your workday goes well, and that Dennis behaves himself while you're gone!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning ladies. I hope no one has any severe weather.

Sorry about this long list coming up:

Lori you sure do get up early WOW!

DanaMoGuess you did not need my help figuring out what to wear today. lol

Lolly Sorry about the pie. I sure am HAPPY about one thing that Jack is ok. I remember had long pants on when I was a kid. Dad, Mother, and me had come back off a long drive to a doctor for Dad. They were so tired they
went right to bed in the day time. I wanted to help them so I went to the car and unloaded it. There were
glass pop bottles some empty and some still full. I carried several at a time. The car was parked on
the carport. One of the full bottles dropped and broke pop going everywhere. It scared me!! I continued to carry in the rest and went to pick up the broken bottle and used water on the porch. When I then went back inside Dad was getting up to use the bathroom.
He said, "OMG what did you do?" That scared me! I thought he was mad at me for cleaning out the car. He said, "Honey-yelling for Mom get out here now!!!" I'm wondering what all the fuss is about. He said, "Dana come here to Daddy honey." I did and it was then I seen my pants leg was all wet and my shoe was all red. The bottle did not even cut the pants
but when he pulled the pants leg up to see. A piece of the broken bottle was sticking in my leg and had taken a big chuck out of my leg. My Dad being a nursing assistant at the VA hospital went right to work. Mom is yelling, "Lets get her in the car to the hospital." Dad said, "No I can take care of this." He was my hero!!!! He took the glass out,
cleaned the wound, put medicine on it and pulled the wound together.
He put these white things he had across the wound in many places. He told me, "You will have a scare
but this way it won't be as big of a scare as stitches would have made it." Today I still have a little scare and often throughout the years when I lost my Dad.
I would look at the scare and remember my HERO!!
No the pants nor the shoes could be saved. They became trash.

WandaI thought GG was having not a shot but the microwaving???

WandaLet us just hope he was shy and didn't tell you he wanted a lipstick for his girlfriend. ( :

ShirleyThat is quite some story about the animals
which of course someone opened those cage door and put the animals and the towns at a high risk. Terrible the shooting of the animals! Although wasn't this
at nighttime when the police had to be there? Without help although terrible to shot animals they probably had too. Glad Jack Hanna is to help with the animals and anyone else.

ShirleyWhat became of the batteries? Did Hunter take them and why? Okay read down further
and found out. Hunter wanted batteries for a cable remote. ha ha Grandma ain't so dumb!!!
Shirley isn't your tv that you found the cover and battiers gone downstairs?

Oh I see where Hedgie-Lynn/e has added even Jack Hanna said that there was no choice but to kill them. Can't see to tranquilize in the dark and some were in attack mode. per Hedgie-Lynns/e comment.

Linda Have a good day at work. I know you are going to worry about Dennis. Whether he will
overdo while you are not there. Linda that is normal for one to worry.

wvgal_dana said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning eagle budlets.

Got pretty devastating news from Kris in Australia. The oncologist told him on Saturday that he has 3-6 months to live. Nothing they have tried is working for him. CANCER SUCKS! Please pray for peace for him and his family.

Kris Anderson's blog

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Or better yet, pray for a miracle because we know they can happen!!!

wvgal_dana said...

SharonSorry about the up date you have given us about Kris. Yes there can always be a God given MIRACLE. That is always part of my prayers. I will also pray for him to find the peace he needs with this and his family and friends too. I include you lady in those prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I didn't hear the rain last night but I can see the wetness
on the deck. Everyone has scurried off to work - hope all have a productive day.

I am waiting for 2 bright rays of sunshine to come in the door - Kristen & Jenny. Going to the basement again!!!
I think some very old unused Christmas decorations will be taken by them or pitched. Well here is one of them - BBILW

Lolly said...

Good morning! Lazy morning here, thank goodness. I am ready to be lazy!! Might even work in the yard today!

It was 49 this morning, up to 54 right now and heading to the upper 60's. A beautiful day!

Terrible about the animals. Thank goodness they are trying to tranquilize now and just awful that they had to shoot some.

Well, U-Verse sent the wrong box for the TV. We can watch the TV here in the family room, but we can not record. So, another box will be delivered tomorrow. Grrr!
But, very happy we can watch the Rangers game in comfort tonight!

Lolly said...

Linda, how is your dubby doing, attitude wise? Hope he is adjusting!

hedgie said...

Oh, Sharon, so sorry to hear Kris's update. Yep, Momster prayers for a miracle for him!

Jo, sounds like good progress being made in the basement. Your girls are so great to do this job!

hedgie said...

We had a little rain during the night, but have had sun this AM....getting cloudier now, tho. I've been taking care of trip chores.....holds on papers, etc. This afternoon will be wiping down the inside of the truck, cleaning the windows, and scraping the windshield to get off that stupid overspray the painters got on it. Bought a larger razor scraper than I had, so it should work---I hope!!
Of course, that work can all be done in the garage.

Lolly said...

Jack was able to burn Monday morning. They lifted the burn ban because of the recent rain. Expect it to be activated again soon if we do not get another good rain. We accumulate a lot debris, branches off trees, etc. Glad to get rid of that pile that has been sitting there for months.

Lolly said...

Definitely prayers for Kris, prayers for peace...and prayers for a miracle. Read his blog, it is so sad, but what a strong person he is.

Lolly said...

My neighbor across the street was give just a few months to live. She is now 7 months past the longest times she was given. She has also been working in her yard! She has been preparing jams and jellies, too. Bless her...she brought us a basket of goodies. Prayers that Kris will be blessed as well.

Hoda said...

Good morning. It is an overcast day here and there is a sense of I must hurry!!! I do not like this feeling of being in a hurry so I decided to stop and check in with you all. An earlier Yoga class this morning and on to autobiography later on the day...
I am touched by the story of your father DANA WV and that he knew what to do about your leg.
Prayers SHARON for your friend in AUSTRALIA...It is hard to let go and the doctors have been known to be wrong...
I di dnot click on the link with the animals, will do so later, I hope the chap they called in can manage to save a few...sorry for the ones shot.

I am off to start my day. Love you all and look forward to reading the blog when I come back.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,


The temp in So Cal this A.M. is hanging at 60°, and it doesn't appear now that it will get better...foggy.

Weather Channel says it will top 70 though.

How are you all doing??

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Eye appointment BBL

DanaMo said...

Prayers for Kris Sharon. St. Peregrine!

Lori-got to hear 1 song 1. REO though so one of my favs. I'll miss having her in the car though next year when I drop her at Goretti.

Lunch break here, kinders out at recess. The rest of the day in school is smooth sailing. Only have an hour when they come back and they go to specials. But I do have class tonight.

Got dressed by myself this morning, DanaWV! Thanks!

Costume Lady said...

Busy day for everyone, including me. GG hair do day:)
63° here in Nestville and it is as warm as it's going to get...cloudy and rainy most of the day:(

DanaMo said...

Rain hasn't started here in Hagerstown, but it sure looks like it's coming!

DanaMo said...

Too cute have to post:
"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to determine whether or not they are genuine." ~Abraham Lincoln

hedgie said...

ROFL, DanaMo!! That's a good one! Gotta share it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

DanaMO, I had never heard of St. Peregrine before today. Thank you for sharing that and I shared it with Kris too!

hedgie said...

I put a nice pic of my eldest gd on my blog. Getting to be so grown up!

DanaMo said...

WOW! Hedgie where does time go right. How old is she?

Also love the pictures of Leisl, I know I have looked at them before but it brought a smile to my face here at school ☺

hedgie said...

DanaMo--thanks! Jess is 17!!

DanaMo said...

Very pretty young lady!

stronghunter said...

Hi, back home now.

I had an appointment with my cardiologist as a follow-up on the EKG I had done recently. When I went back to the primary care doctor, they said that it was possible I had had a small heart attack. Therefore, the trip to the cardiologist. They did another EKG, but my cardiologist does not see any problem and does not think I have had a heart attack.

However, because I am sometimes short of breath, he is doing some follow-up testing. A nuclear stress test and some other things. Does not sound like there is any cause for concern, though.

DanaMo said...

Glad to hear that everything is okay with your heart, Shirley.

well kinders are due back any minute and it's time to pack up and go home. Then it's on to class.

Mema Jo said...

Your Dr visit sounds like very good results and that precautions are being taken as to your health.
I don't need to return to the Retina
Specialist for 1 year. There have been no changes and that is good!

Sharon - prayers for Kris to have a miracle!

Mema Jo said...

So so sorry about your pie Lolly
What is it with these Dropsy People -
Wanda drops GG's b-day cake and Jack
drops the b-day Pie. I best be
careful what I pick up.

My eyes are still a little blurry.


hedgie said...

Shirley, great that the cardiologist is not concerned, but f/u testing is wise. Do you know when the nuclear stress test is scheduled?

Jo, good on you, too, as Hoda says!!! Another year's clearance is great!!

Well, I have scraped the windshield, but light isn't right in the garage to see if it worked or not! Need sunlight, I guess. But inside windows are cleaned....now to wipe down the dash.

Thanks, DanaMo---Jess tends to be a perpetual pouter....her expression was a bit better than usual!!

hedgie said...

BTW---Kay is not MIA. She had auto tune-up to tend to today!

stronghunter said...

It is in mid-November, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

But not on my bowling day.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly wonderful about your neighbor. 7 months past the given time. God has other things for her to do here for now. God Bless her.

Shirley glad doctor is being careful.

Mema Jo clear for another year. Way
to go lady !!

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley---by all means, don't ruin the bowling schedule if at all possible! Don't blame you a bit!!! How DID you bowl yesterday??

Kay said...

LYNN, thanks for letting our buds know I'm okay. Thought they might think I'd been cornered by a cheetah or a grizzly. LOL. That is a sad situation in Zanesville with much to be revealed. The owner was a despicable man who has been arrested and jailed on animal cruelty charges more than once. I believe he was demented and decided to exact revenge on a community who shunned him and his penchant for collecting wild animals, with no evident purpose in mind. Unfortunately, one of the first things our current governor did upon taking office was overturn a recent ruling doing away with the keeping of exotic animals by such individuals. I like Gov. Kasich about as much as LOLLY likes Perry !

Kay said...

Yes, my Envoy was in for a "routine checkup" and declared to be in excellent health. God bless my GM dealership for their honesty---all systems checked, didn't even need an oil change or lube. Next time. I did have them replace the three 5 yr. old wiper blades, so they got a little something out of the call. The Envoy is a jewell--2006 with only 26,000 miles on it ! I'm like the little ol' lady from Pasadena !!!

Kay said...

MARGY, so glad you had a talk with the bowlers upstairs and hope they don't relapse into old habits. They need to live in a ground floor apt., huh ?

LOLLY, sorry to hear about the pumpkin pie mishap, but it's good it wasn't the one Joseph asked for. Years ago, as a young newlywed I dropped one of my mil's apple pies on her kitchen floor. One less pie for my first Thanksgiving in the family. She was very kind--no expletives used !

SHARON, will be praying for Kris'es comfort and for a miracle to boot !

Kay said...

LORI, Jack Hanna was called immediately. He had just given a speech in Altoona, PA and took off immediately for Zanesville, arriving at about 5 a.m.. I heard him talking to our CBS affiliate on the 11pm news as he drove toward OH. He joined his zoo personel who had been there since about 8 last night. He and his crew were in agreement with the Sheriff as to how the situation had to be handled in the dark of night. Of course, the loss of animal life is distressing to us all, but human life and welfare had to be the first consideration. Law enforcement and local residents knew this was an incident just waiting to happen. However, nothing could be done until it was too late.

Lolly said...

LOL....well, I let one loose! And, I usually do not!☺

Think I am getting a sinus infection...we shall see. My head started hurting last night and my throat is raw. Dern! I have been so healthy for so long and this is something twice this last month!Grrrr!

Have been out in the yard...piddling. It is 67 and sunny. So nice! Jack is making repairs to the fence. The posts had rotted, but it was just too hot this summer to work out there. Have been saving jobs for this kind of weather.

Lolly said...

You are so right about my feelings about Perry. I think the nation is wising up as they hear more about him.

Kay said...

Looks like I "tuned" in just in time to hit the afternoon lull---or I've turned you all off with my blabber. Wish I could express myself concisely and succinctly, but too late to change this ol' dawgs spots ! Latah, y'all......

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to eat with gs and Alexis..


Lolly said...

Yes, Kay, you are like the little ol' lady from Pasadena. We put about 20,000 a year on a car.

hedgie said...

There's Kay!!! I'm right there with you on the mileage....2008....20,000 miles! Amazing what a difference not commuting to work every day makes!

So how long WAS the exotic pet ban in effect, Kay? Surely that jerk didn't accumulate all these poor animals in a little bit of time.....and, of ocurse, the laws are so weak and punsihment so ineffectual when they ARE charged with cruelty.....ARGH! Don't get me started.

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope you feel better fast. Sinus infections are NO fun.

Kay said...

LOLLY, that's what I used to do, until Stan became so ill. I love to drive and for years traveled almost solely by car. I've criss crossed the country many times all by myself, since for so long we lived in Ohio while all relatives were in Arizona. When I moved back here I did it alone so I could visit old friends and relatives all along the way. Never dreamed I'd quit logging so many miles on the highway. Now I drive back and forth to Eileen's in MI a couple of times a year, but fly to Lee's home in NJ. It's just an hour long flight and it's a two day trip for me to drive it. I'm not into marathon driving days anymore !

hedgie said...

Tomorrow morning is my "new knee" morning as Wanda says. Sure HOPING the ortho injects in. Swelling has greatly decreased but the pain hasn't. I'm tired of taking so much ibuprofen!

wvgal_dana said...


hedgie said...

I have got to tell you.......LEAVES are the pits. :( Carpeted here again.

hedgie said...

Just got word that a former co-worker my age passed away---his wife found him dead in a chair from a heart attack. Sad.

hedgie said...

Dana, I saw it on FB amd posted a greeting. If it wasn't on Jo's list, then Chrissy didn't submit it.

Kay said...

LYNN, that is sad. No warning signs, just here one moment and gone the next ? May he rest in peace.

hedgie said...

Monday would have been my folks 69th.....Daddy didn't live long enough to reach the 28th....

hedgie said...

Kay, she said he hadn't felt "well" for a couple of days, but no specifics.

Judie said...

Oh my, Shirley is without batteries but has acquired a new interior decorator who favors white, Kathryn had to take a day trip to work, Joseph had an upside down pie birthday, Lynn had an early wake-up, Dennis dubby was abandoned by Linda, the soup kitchen may have had fewer customers but a good time was had by all, DanaWV took a walk down memory lane, Jo had a holiday give away at her place, Hoda has yoga'd herself and polished her writing, DanaMo had to dress herself, GG got her "do" done, Kay got a tune up and all her systems are working, and Lolly has taken to piddling in her yard.

Judie said...

Lynn, sure hope the injection produces instant pain relief. Just in time for the beach.

Prayers for Kris. May a miracle occur.

Shirley, so glad the cardiologist is being careful and making sure you are okay.

Hope Jo is having her usual good time with Alexis. Wonder if she's still a vegetarian? She can really keep an eye on things for the next year.


wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e you have mail

wvgal_dana said...

When I sent Chrissy a card. She sent me back an email of laughter and hugs. She said, "How did you know?" All happy and she loved the card; it had a ladybug walking on it. She told me it was the perfect card. Told me all about the bunch of ladybugs she had had around the house. She just loved them. She was so very HAPPY.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Shirley, LOVE the Hunter stories...you should keep a journal!

DanaWV, that's a precious memory of your dad, even though you were wounded!

Glad Kay is safe...so sad about that jerk and the wild animals.

Missed these yesterday...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LINDA'S DENNIS, and a very special one it is this year!


wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lynne2 how are you doing and how is Steve?

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/eWas he a retiree?

Lynne2 said...

we are hanging in there Dana!

Lolly said...

It really is sad for one to pass away suddenly, but a the same time. What a way to go! No hospital, not lingering pain! That is the way one of my uncles went. He was sitting in his chair...next minute my Aunt Ruth realized he was gone.

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

My delete...I stuttered!

Mema Jo said...

Vegetarian = chocolate chip pancakes

She didn't mention it but what do you think?

Lots and lots of rain. I dislike night time driving in the rain with oncoming

Putting my feet up before Criminal Minds
comes on..... BBILW ♥

magpie said...

Goooood Evening Eagle Pals.....Rain has moved into the Panhandle...

My 2001 Blazer has 135,500 miles on it, but it had 65,000 on it when I got it in 2005.

Nice picture of the granddaughter, Lynn, and hope that injection helps a bunch tomorrow

Sorry to read of the report on Sharon's friend Kris....and will continue for pay for that miracle
Hope Granny Riffe is going much better tonight also !

magpie said...

I have exactly four minutes left of the British Day to wish
Chrissy and Frank a Happy Wedding Anniversary ♥

Mema Jo said...

20 or more wet noodle lashes for Jo
for not remembering to send out the word
about Chrissy and Frank's anniversary

At my age I can truthfully say that
I am getting forgetful.... I do need
someone to take over the b-day/anniversary monthly announcements

magpie said...

Jo ! No !
You are doing a Fabulous Job !!!

magpie said...

It's a lot of work no doubt...if I take Lori's computer and get into the 21st century, I would be happy to help out though...
but right now Dinosaur would make a mess of things !

magpie said...

I had a good LOL at work when I read this post:
" I am waiting for 2 bright rays of sunshine to come in the door - Kristen & Jenny. Going to the basement again!!!
I think some very old unused Christmas decorations will be taken by them or pitched. Well here is one of them - BBILW "

I thought you were talking about yourself as a "very old Christmas ornament," then I realized "one of them" was one of your daughters arriving !

magpie said...

I also told Wanda she has a lot on her "late" these days, I surely meant "Plate."

computer is doing ghost printing, have to shut "him" down, and I need a bath anyway

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

Choco Chip Pancakes......dreamy!

Enjoy your feet-putting-up night JO
Love You !!

xo okay later 'bye

Lynne2 said...

ooohhhhhh did someone say CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES????? MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

Lynne2 said...

have to share this, so beautiful...

Couple married for 72 years die holding hands

Mema Jo said...

Margie I reread my comment and it certainly can misled a person...
Nope, I am still here...

Hoda said...

I am back. I have not read up on the blog yet. Long day and I had only managed a cup of tea towards noon so I was hungry. I had my lentil soup and am now having cheese adn crackers, Grueyer on Rye...and I find it a delicious supper...
I hope everyone had a good day and I will go read the blog with a cup of tea...the best kind of company to have, tea and the blog...BBL

Lolly said...

Scotty is singing Natl Anthem!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, so sorry about your cheesecake! Don't blame you for saying a BAD word! I'm sure Jack was sorry!

Sharon, so sorry about Kris :(

tragic story about the man and the animals in Ohio. You would have thought if he loved them he would try to give them to a zoo. The man definitely had something wrong upstairs!

Lolly said...


Costume Lady said...

OMG, I hope Jo's family doesn't find her hanging on the Christmas tree this year! I love old ornaments, but Jo doesn't fit the criteria:) Oh, we do say misleading things, at times and turn out to be so funny! Part of our CHARM:)

As I was going into town to take GG to get her do done, a doe ran out in front of me and although I could see her coming, I couldn't stop in time and hit her in the hind quarter. No damage to my car except for a crumpled plate on the front. I couldn't tell if she was badly injured because there were cars coming toward me and some behind me. Didn't see her when I came back home. Scary:(

No word from Judy, yet? I think she will be pleased when she finds out that Jo got us permission to go onto the grounds of NCTC and can visit the Gift Shop.

Survivor and then Criminal Minds coming on.

Lolly said...

Okay, gang, I have bathed and all comfy. I am ready to spend the night watching the Texas RANGERS play ball!!!! Go Rangers!

I will be back.....later!!!!

DanaMo said...

More rain...Home from class. Terrible driving home in the dark and the rain on a country road. Yuck. Glad to be safe and sound and in my pj's.

Criminal Minds tonight. Time to snuggle up, may have a beer too.

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, Im sure you and Jack were both devistated over the mishap with your Special pie. Sorry!

Yesterday, at the Soup Kitchen, Gene and the lady who made our pies, were trying to put a little of the filling from the coconut custard into the chocolate pie because one was too full and the other wasn't full enough. Well the whole custard pie fell into the chocolate pie and Janice was going to throw it away, Gene wanted to keep it. Brought it home and it was DELICIOUS...I kid you not!:)

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, nothing wrong with chocolate and coconut!

hedgie said...

Another good Jeopardy night for me.

Lolly said...

Sounds good to me. Love both kinds of pies....mix 'em together..Wow!

Mine was mixed with glass on the garage floor. Not so good!

Game is starting. Go Rangers!

hedgie said...

Yes, Dana, he retired in '06.

hedgie said...

BTW----no email from you in my inbox.

wvgal_dana said...

not a link Hedgie-Lynn/e did you check your yahoo email??????

hedgie said...

Very sad but nice story, Lynne.

Choco chip pancakes sound awful to me! But guess they ARE vegetarian....just not vegen/vegan (sp?)!

hedgie said...

Paula, if the guy was charged with cruelty, etc., then his "love" was very distorted, right? I wonder if the abuse history figured into the decision to kill on sight??? Maybe they were afraid the animals would be out for revenge against humans.

hedgie said...

No, Dana....I usually only check yahoo mail every few days. It is not my primary email address.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I just heard about the cruelty charges...and the federal time too. Guy had something wrong upstairs!

Hoda said...

OH I now understand the talk on the blog about shot animals...sad sad sad...CBS internet has a photo of them laying dead one after the other...the guy who released them must have been very troubled...

What is with Lindsey Lohan??? I am amazed as the only headline she seems to be making is going back to court and then back to jail I find this rather sad also, such a waste...I saw it on CBS also.

SHIRLEY I am glad you did not have a heart attack...the conversation with the doctor must have been unsettling to you.

LYNN I hope the knee feels better soon,could you get someone to help with the leaf issue...?

JO Is a Christmas tree ornament???Pardon? Say what? I had to go to that part twice to understand the comments and LOL it is funny leave it up to JUDIE to find the humour...I did the same thing with the Abraham Lincoln quote DANAMO and alos with LOLLY piddling????PARDON ME??SAY WHAT???

My tea is good.

hedgie said...

LOL, Hoda! You'll get used to this lingo----just stick with us, kid!!!

Did you see the pics of Lohan's dental woes??? Looks like drug user teeth, IMHO.

hedgie said...

Oh, Hoda, I think knee will be GOOD after an injection! I may have more reason to need help with leaves in a couple of weeks than my klnee....:(

Mema Jo said...

Going to the TV - BBILW

Hoda said...

Prayers for healing and health come your way LYNN...I thought the knee would be stressed with all the bending and climbing and walking of dealing with the leaves. When you have your surgery you will be under MOMSTERS ORDERS to not over do it with any of the outdoor work what so ever which means getting someone else to do it...Sending you much love and wishing you well.

magpie said...

oh yes,

Shirley: Sounds, like, so far, so good, and Steady as She Goes....
It's comforting to know that you seem to have some pretty top notch health care providers
and a pretty good ticker too !

magpie said...

chocolate and coconut in a pie together ???
oh Yeah!

I'm sure there is some calcium in there for good measure !

magpie said...

It's really hard to put into words the thoughts that surround the whole wild animal tragedy in Ohio....
I think of how the children there are managing their thoughts and feelings about it, and surely difficult for those that had to put the animals down.

magpie said...

sorry to read about your former co-worker, Lynn.....
can only hope the end was peaceful and painless for him

magpie said...

The Holiday Stealing season has begun in Berkeley County....reports taken in the last few days:
stolen riding mower
two chain saws
a few guns
four televisions...

magpie said...

you know, the liquid white out is phasing out in favor of those little wheelie things:
Bic White-Out E-Z Correct,
almost like little tape segments...
pretty sure you would be safe with some of those around,
doubt if Hunter would have much fun decorating with them

magpie said...

I'm working 7-5 Thursday so have to pretend it is 10:33 instead of 9:33 pm

headed to bed soon here

Prayers for Wellness...
amongst all of us and our Pets

Hope the rest of the evening is good, warm and cozy for everyone

Good Night, Precious Pals...
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

WANDA!!! OMG....thank the good Lord that the deer accident wasn't worse for you!

Lynn, so sorry about your former coworker passing.

Oh Margy, they said on the news the other day that "they" whoever "they" are, are expecting a big increase in theft and burglary this Holiday season due to the economy. Sorry to hear it's happening already. They were telling people to be extra cautious with purses, money, packages, etc.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, that is amazing about your neighbor! WOW!

Think I need to head to bed. I swear I have never been so tired in my life as I have been in the last couple of weeks....UGH. Don't think the back and knee pain is helping.

LYNN....prayers for great relief with your "new" knee procedure tomorrow!

Good night, and prayers for all!

wvgal_dana said...


NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds, been searching online & for phone #'s & calling phones that only have voicemail!
While I was at work, Fubby got call from man I had left a message for about the Photo Studio that did Sherry's wedding. Got the right guy from his name as former owner from BBB.Thinkl he'sd now on Eastern Shore. He told Frank name of lady who bought that studio in College Park.He said all files should be in storage & he gave her our phone # & told her the situation. Lady, please call! She has a simple name, too, but can't find anything as far as phone # or co. in MD associated w/her. If she doesn't call I can try BBB again. DUH Enough about detective work~~~

BTW, I forgot to mention last night that I did see one monarch at Park TU. Flying high,and South & didn't come down when it got over the butterfly garden. Saw one there a week ago, but it made a U turn & started heading North. Fellow there said maybe it's the same one! LOL
Since it was so cloudy today, really thought I might see some deer or foxes at Chelsea, but only one deer w/horns when leaving. BOO

NatureNut said...

Happy Anniversary, Chrissy & Frank!

Thx from tip, Margy! Altho you have probably hit the hay.
Re; loose animals, Fubby told me about it & then saw that animal owner had let them all go & then committed suicide.Terrible story. Hope some can be rescued. When people are in trouble, WHY won't they ask for help!

hedgie said...

Wanda, so glad that your run-in with the deer was a relatively gentle one. Did I tell you that the first time Charlie took Jess for a night driving lesson last week, a deer hit her....no injury to the deer or damage to the car---but it was a lesson of it's own for her.

hedgie said...

Loretta, as of 6 o'clock news, there were only 3 animals still eluding the authorities.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Margy and Lynne. Rest Well. Same to DanaMo who probably won't make it back to us tonight!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Margy and Lynne. Rest Well. Same to DanaMo who probably won't make it back to us tonight!

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy---don't know who took Jess's pic---probably her girlfriend.

Judie said...

The sandperson has arrived. I have begged a few moments before sleep.

Wanda, so glad the accident with the deer was not serious for you and GG. Hopefully, the doe was only scared and bruised.

Lynn, very sorry about your former coworker. Prayers for his family.

Okay, okay, okay. I KNOW tomorrow is a school day. Just two more minutes!

The night light is on for anyone needing to arise in the dark and for Andy coming in late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

hedgie said...

Night, Judie!!! Have a good day at the schoolhouse tomorrow!!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, dear girl, I've gotta confess----I have never beem a good patient! SO....be prepared to sit on me!!

NatureNut said...

Back again. Got a treturn call from Sherry. She had just landed!!! Supposedly went to Boston today, so I thought.From Austin, plane was supposed to go to Detroit. But NO--after 2 hours it went to Atlanta.After a few more hours wait due to wind & a transfer it just got to Boston now!

So sorry about Lolly's pie!!!
Have read of some med. news~~happy to hear Shirley and Jo have passed their tests! Hope Lynn's knee shot works. Wish I could get those! I'm getting tired of taking Aleve & having it do nothing. Too bad xrays don't show a problem! Won't complain about small potatoes.

Sharon, prayers for Kris. Lynn, so sorry about losing your co-worker. That's what happened to my Chicago G'ma. Grandpa came home from work & she was sitting in her rocking chair. I was in early 20's.
Gotta tend to laundry~~ if I don't return, Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for ALL---TONS for Lynn ;>)

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie_Lynn/e prayers going up for your shot and God to give you peace through it all. Oh Just a thought Norma always told the ones going to the dentist to "pinch themselves" lol so maybe when he/she goes to give the shot pinch yourself lol HUGS

NatureNut said...

P.S. It's 70° out & drizzle!! Heat wave??

Hoda said...

LYNN it does not surpise me that you would not be a good patient...you know too much so to speak and you do push the limit. You are greatly loved and my post about MOMSTERS ORDERS was about telling you we care about you very much and want the best for you always...so if we have to have our battles, over you taking time to tend to yourself, well I guess we will have battles and there will be healing and I am sure you will not want to cause us all anxiety attacks so you will co-operat...{{{{{HUGS}}}}}


Mema Jo said...

Wow You all have been talking up a storm - tv shows over - need to read
back about 50.. BRB

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO CHRISSY & FRANK!!! (Probably should say BELATED, given the time difference!)

Oh, Lolly, sorry about the smashed pumpkin pie! Bet Jack felt really awful about it. Sounds like the Birthday celebration was super.
Glad you're getting cooler weather! Saying prayers for your neighbor...Prayers for you, too--that you'll shake the infection that's trying to take hold!
Sounds like P.C., the new kitty at Laurel's, is enjoying the cozy accommodations on the porch.

Prayers continue for Lynn (Hope your ortho. appt. goes well. Sorry to hear about your former co-worker. Prayers for his family.).

Prayers for Granny Riffe, Dennis, Darth, Margy (hope the finger is better!), NC Susan, GG, Lori's cats & kittens, and Kris Anderson (hoping for a miracle!).

Shirley, glad your cardiologist is not concerned about your ticker, but it's good he will do follow-up testing, just to be sure.

Jo, glad your Retina Specialist has cleared you for another year!

Lynne2, good story about the couple who died holding hands.

Wow, Wanda, glad the run-in with the doe wasn't a serious one! Glad you & GG are OK, and hope the doe is, too!

hedgie said...

Loretta, I bet Sherry is exhausted. Poor gal. Hope she sleeps well---probably has early morning meeting/seminar, right?

Pouring here still, too, but temp is down to 61°.

Hoda, I will TRY to be good!!! I know you all care!!! You will have your hands full of me!!!

Jo, shows were good tonight!

hedgie said...

Andy, good to see you popping in earlier than usual!! Have you gotten another pile of work??

And I notice that I missed Jim's post earlier this afternoon! Hey, California Jim---whatcha' up to??

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, WV Dana, forgot to mention that I enjoyed your story about your Dad!

hedgie said...

Well, I am heading for my bath and on to bed. Early morning again. Have to leave here at 9:15. A quick trip to WalMart after Dr., and then if roads have dried up, I'll run the truck through the carwash.
Prayers for all....and thanks for yours for me and my co-worker, too. See you tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda it is traumatic to hit a deer - I
am so thankful you are ok and that the car isn't damaged. Hoping that the doe
is running in the fields tonight - but
with a sore hind end...

I think our typos, incorrect spellings, and misread phrases give us a bonding and lots of laughter! I mean, what are you going to do when the cam is all blue. (that rhymes)

Ms Bookworm said...

Not yet, Lynn, but probably will before the weekend. Found out today that they are giving me a 10-cents-per-page raise. They also want me to mail back the originals they've sent to me, and bill them for the postage. Will have to revise my invoice for them tomorrow, after going to the Post Office.

stronghunter said...


I see that there was a collision with a deer for Wanda and GG. But not too bad, thank goodness.

Lynn is asking for help with being a good patient. I think we are up to keeping you under control, Lady.

Judie has class tomorrow. I hope it goes well and that the wanna-be's are growing up.

Sorry about the pie, Lolly. Poor Jack. I am sure he feels bad.

I do hope it was a happy anniversary Chrissie and Frank.

George is being very affectionate tonight. He spent the evening in his crate. Hated to do that, but when I have bridge, he makes a pest of himself, and if I shut him in my bedroom, he will take revenge by peeing in there--and not in his litter box, even though there is one available.

His own crate is somewhere in the depths of the garage, so he had to suffer the indignity of staying in Lucky's crate.

He is purring and being very sweet now. Maybe he needs more tough love.

Speaking of the depths of the garage, that is where my bridge table was. You would not believe what I went through to get it. I considered buying another one.

I am trying to wind down. I am very tired, but sometimes it is hard to rest after I have bridge. Think I will sleep soundly tonight, though.

Bowling--I am slowly improving. I have never been very good at sports, so small improvements feel good to me.

Mema Jo said...

I am heading to bed after taking some meds..

Good Night & God Bless
Prayers for many being offered
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

his happened in ONtario, Canada...an 82 year old woman fell inside of the Niagra Region Hospital. She was on her way up to see her dying husband. The staff told her, are you ready for this???, the staff told her to call an ambulance. She begged, they insisted. There was no local ambulance available and one had to vome from a neighbouring community, it took it half an hour. A doctor happened to be passing by and saw her on the floor and took her to emergency. She had internal bleeding and a broken hip...he was threatened with a reprimand!!! Her husband died!!!The Minister of health of the province has apologised and is investigating...I shake my head and feel sorry for her, I just saw her on the news...

stronghunter said...

My cardiologist is a personal friend. He once lived across the street from us--back in the day when I lived in a neighborhood of doctors and lawyers.

I sometimes hesitate about going to someone who is a friend, but there are advantages. And, I am not Michael Jackson and he is not Conrad Murray. I think we have more sense than those two did.

stronghunter said...

How sad, Hoda.

Lolly said...

Well, the Rangers lost tonight. Boo Hiss! LOL

I am heading to bed. Ate some ice creams and that helped my raw throat. Beginning to think this just might be allergies. Going to take a Zyrtec and head to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lolly. I am ready to head upstairs, too.

I expect my bridge friends are already asleep. They went through quite a bit of wine. We had fun.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the loss, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

I am going to head upstairs. See you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

Hoda said...

Sorry the RANGERS lost LOLLY. I hope you thought it was a good game though.

I am going to call it a day, sorry about the typos in my last post.

Good night sweet dreams and God Bless.

Costume Lady said...

I am ready to fall into bed. I feel like this day has lasted for 48 hours.
BTW, GG was not with me when I hit the deer...I was going into town to pick her up. I'm thankful she wasn't with me...she would have been upset.


Lori O. said...

Best Thursday Morning to My Wonderful Eagle Family!

Lot's going on here!

I really am getting the Holidays feeling already, then read MARGY's report about the Holiday Stealing Season...boo hiss! What a shame.

LYNN, I figure your pain must be pretty bad that you are looking forward to an injection. I sure hope it works. Can't tell you how many times I've passed out at shots and needles!

HODA, that story of those hospital workers telling that 82-year-old woman to call an ambulance was unfathomable! I'm still shaking my head.

LORETTA, good luck with all your detective work. Sounds like it's paying off. Prayers the woman calls & Sherry gets her pictures redone.

Lori O. said...

LOLLY! I read a report the other day about the massive Red Algae bloom in Texas because of the drought and the allergy problems it's causing for so many people. Maybe that's what is doing you in this month.

So thankful you're okay after clipping the deer, Wanda.

KAY, I want to buy your car if you ever sell it. My CRV is a 2009 with 52,000 miles! I eaglerly await the day I retire and a car lasts for 15 years!

Lori O. said...

I got my new laptop yesterday - and immediately put the green interchangable color top on it. WooooHoooo!
It's all set up, though I am on the old one this morning. I need to get a small mouse. Can't deal with those touchpads. I'll have to get everything off this one and bring it to the nest meeting if Margy can use it. I'm also looking forward to doing some cleaning this weekend and getting some donations together for Wanda's Clothe's Closet to take to the nest gathering. WANDA, do you think GG would enjoy our little gathering? I would love to meet her. :)

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley glad you found your bridge table.

Special prayers for GG about the doctor through the eyes of GOD finding the right spot on GG. When it comes to her next appointment for a shot.

Prayers for Hedgie-Lynn/e shot tomorrow.

Hoda that is sad about the 82 year old lady going to see her dieing husband and she fell in the hospital. Very SAD :( how they treated her. Call a ambulance when she should have been taken right away to their emergency room. You did not say or I did not read it right whether she got to see her husband before he died. Did she get to see him before he died?

Hoda the video you had us look at. The couple that was married 72 years. They were put in ICU together. They were holding hands and he died and I think still holding hands she died an hour later. Made me cry and cry and cry. Ed and me was suppose to go together. Like in the movie "The Notebook". God had other plans for me. Ed went before me back Nov. 25, 2009. Ed and me always talked about going together. I suppose my journey will come after God has me do whatever on this earth it is that he wants me to do. With MY LOVING ED WAITING IN HEAVEN FOR ME. ME HIS LOVE. As I always signed my notes to him and it is written on my side of the grave stone Dana V. Meyer Your Lady Your Wife.

Good night to all. May God receive all the prayers from my prayer list whether people or his creatures and for anyone I left off God knows who they are.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo! I loved that quote you put on yesterday from Abraham Lincoln! I howled!

Lori O. said...

Hoping for a busy day at the Sycamore Palace Cyber Cafe. The coffee is on. It's Pumpkin Spice and very good!

Lynn said she would be up early this morning but as she says, she IS NOT A MORNING PERSON! I bet you're smiling, Lynn, just thinking you may get some pain relief today. :)

DanaMo said...

Good morning ♪ ♫ ♪♪

Lori O. said...

Hey hey, D-MO!

DanaMo said...

Oh Dana WV! I don't even know what to say. So sweet! I'm sure Ed watches over you on a daily basis.

The pictures on the news of those animals is so hard to even look at! Those beautiful tigers, oh my! Was surprised that OH law allows all kinds of animals to be kept. WOW!

Kay said...

Surprise ! Must have smelled the Pumpkin Spice Coffee and just couldn't resist it. I slept off and on all last evening in my recliner in front of the boob tube, so am wide awake early for a change. I'm also excited because this is a Malcolm & Seth day. The first since September 6th ! I feel strong enough to cope with a rambunctious dog again. Yeah !

So, G☺☺D M☼RNING, my beauties, gLORI and DANAMO !

Lori O. said...


How glorious to see you this morning. I was hoping!

Lori O. said...

KAY, how big is Malcolm? What kind of dog is he? I'm getting tugs ready to send out.

Kay said...

{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}, big early morning hug for the first time in weeks and weeks ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

D-Mo, I have your super large model for the 3 Flying Labs to give you on Monday! I'm so excited.

Kay said...

LORI, Malcolm is a Heinz 57 variety pooch--some have said he looks like a Carolina Dingo with some Whippet thrown in for good measure. He's a medium size dog, about 25 pounds, I'd say. I'll send you a pic via e-mail. He doesn't know he isn't a large dog--at the dog park he dismisses small dogs and only plays with the big boys n' girls !

DanaMo said...

OH Kay ♪♫ It's so good to see you this morning! I miss having you join us in the cafe!! Fun day with Seth and Malcolm! Yipee!

DanaMo said...

Oh thank you Lori! The Flying labs will love Aunt Lori for the wonderful gift.

I am very excited too!

DanaMo said...

Big dogs don't know they are big. Try having a 75 lb lab in your lap, and man, do they know how to take over the bed! The 3 of them barely leave room for the legs. Thankfully, 2 leave for the night after Annemarie and Adam go to bed, but with Aric gone, we have Frisbee.

Lori O. said...

Thanks, Kay. I remembered something about a Whippet, and that was the size I used in my head to make it.

It's so wonderful that you are feeling spunky enough to host Seth and Malcolm again. Seth will be grinning ear to ear.
AND, here's your
{{{{{Big first of the morning HUG!}}}}.

Lori O. said...

FloBear is a 75 pounder, down from his 85 pounds when I got him. He's a bed hog, too, with a bad tummy. Whew!

Wonder if Thelma's Buddy-the-wonder-dog is a bed dog?

DanaMo said...

Spoiled dogs! All of them!

Lori O. said...

Yes, and rotten!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Morning GLori, Kay ! and DanaMo and anyone lurking

Early start to my day, didn't leave much time to schmooze....

Kay! enjoy your Malcolm and Seth Day !

Lori: Don't worry about getting everything off the computer! I can come to your roost sometime or meet you another time.....Please!
Take your time for other important things that you have to do this week-end...
and Yes, I will take it...

DanoMo, hope it is a GOOD Day with the Kinders.

I'll try to watch and maybe talk from work...


Kay said...

Thank you, DANA, it's good to "see" you again, too. And, here is your hug, {{{{{{{DANAMO}}}}}}} !
And, your seven hearts in memory of Liberty, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Aren't the two of you getting excited ? I am and I'm not even going to be in on the NCTC visit next Monday !

magpie said...

I was going to say....


Best wishes for a Good, Safe, Joyful, and Healthy Day, Everyone
xoxox ♥

Lori O. said...

It's not a problem Margy...very happy to get things done and hoping it works out great for you.

DanaMo said...

I feel like it should be Friday. Today is going to be tough to get through. My mind is a day ahead.

Annemarie "shadows" at Goretti today. Say it isn't so, my baby is getting ready for high school. I think she is pretty excited. I look forward to hearing about her day.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Margy. I hope you have a good day too. I can check in from work now since they unlocked Blogger and FB on my computer. I am the official keeper of the St. Mary Catholic School Facebook page, and I have my kindergarten blog so they granted me permission.

Kay said...

{{{{{{{MARGY}}}}}}}, I'm giving mega hugs to everyone this morning ! I'm just so happy to be here with you---just like old times ! Loved reading about the latest offerings from Tom Sweetie ! He might not be a romantic interest, but he's a keeper. Glad you are accepting LORI's puter and hope it solves some problems for you ! How's that finger responding to the cream or ointment ?

DanaMo said...

I had an unscheduled visit from the Principal yesterday. Always love those! Thankfully all was prepared and going well in the classroom. We have like 5 unannounced visits per year and one planned. Yuck! One never knows what can be going on in kindergarten at any given moment.

DanaMo said...

Time to wake the kiddos!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 862   Newer› Newest»

6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...