Thursday, October 13, 2011


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Thanks to ALL OF YOU LADIES AND GENTS for your Birthday greeting and good wishes. I wish I could have a party and invite all of you.
What a blast that would be. We would never stop talking long enough to eat my cake;)

Hoda said...

OK what kind of cake are you getting WANDA?


The sun is out today and it is a beautiful autumn day...

I am off to yoga and my dentist phoned to tell me my appointment is tomorrow not next week so I have to do tomorrow's errands today.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all.

Hoda said...

Glad DENNIS is coming home today LINDA.
Safe Travels to LOLLY AND JACK also to JUDYE.

Costume Lady said...

HODA, don't know about the cake. No celebration until the Wright Sisters decide to come back home from the beach...probably next week.
Capt. Father Gene fixed me eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast and will fix me steak and fresh mushrooms for supper. He is also watching the shop for me ALL DAY. He is a keeper:)

Late for GG's again:(:(

movin said...

Have a great day, Wanda and the rest of you.

I've got to take care of business around here.

Later .....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

NatureNut said...


Sorry, wasn't on puter yesterday--got home late & then on phone w/TX.

Just got back from Staples--took old Dell Jarrett up to download files from hard drive that I don't have on any back-up.Decided to get an external hard drive which should have tons of additional space for the future. Now I'll be able to do Xmas cards on time hopefully---many newer addresses were in a Word label file!

We have warm 73° and gray day. I thought high was supposed to be 61°-DUH!

Gotta get on phone w/Chamber of Commerce to try & find info on Photo Studio that did Sherry's wedding. Emailed them & got no reply.

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are back in Albuquerque . Heading east on I 40.

Linda said...

Just got Dennis home and settled!! Great to have him home! :) He's tired.

I am off to get all his prescriptions filled.........

Have a great rest of your afternoon!

xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Drive this morn was very scenic...the rest of the way not so much!

Lolly said...

Yea! So happy Dennis is home!

hedgie said...

Loretta, great that you will be able to retrieve all that data!
We've got the 60° temp.....:(
Lucky you with 70's.

Lolly, are you staying in Albuquerque tonight?

WHERE is Judie????? Is it time for a red alert? Know she had to go to the big schoolhouse today....just hoping that the black panthers haven't taken over!!! Will try an email.....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my lovely eagle budlets.

Wanda, I sang to you on Facebook so I will spare you on here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

hedgie said...

Hurray, Dennis is home! I bet you are both tired, Linda. Take a nap before you fix him a nice meal, okay??

NatureNut said...

Just sent a really cool owl email out. Also sent to E_M yahoo so all can view.
Lolly, as I said before, I'm loving your trip!!! Let me know if you ever need the sub periscope, & I'll send! LOL
Dear Hoda, you had mentioned not having red falls leaves in BC. Somewhere in old puter I took a pic
last fall of only red red maple leaves that fell off the tree at Chelsea.Will put it up when I find it.

hedgie said...

Email from Judie---she's okay....busy giving and grading exams!

hedgie said...

And, of course, that wears her out!! Falling asleep in the evenings!

Kay said...

LYNN, happy to hear JUDIE is aOK ! Falling asleep in the evenings, eh ? Ahem, how shocking. This is one of those sleepy days for me---fell asleep 10 minutes into The View this a.m.. Decided to watch Anderson Cooper for the first time this afternoon. Looked interesting to me. Dealing with men who are cads, as in bigamy. You guessed it, I nodded off within the first few minutes. Arrrrrggggghhhhhh.

LORETTA, I love watching that owl in flight ! Thanks for sending it via E-M Yahoo. Our potted owl and her fluffy little family provided some pleasant moments today, too.

LINDA, glad Dennis is home. Hope you both get some good rest and that this brings an end to the current headache.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread...

I am Back! As I thought, it wasn't a big deal because, Carla, the person who gave me the breathing test, was very very patient and gave me all the time I needed (meaning she called time for breaks quite often) CT looked good per pulmonary dr He gave me samples to use for a month of a new drug that could lessen my coughing and wheezing........ Qvar inhalant to take 2 puffs 2 times daily and remember to rinse mouth!
I need to go back in 4 weeks to see if it has done the trick.
Had a cup of coffee and 1 left over piece of cake! Ready for a quick nap ♥

Mema Jo said...

Wnda - if we can get on the grounds and get Judy to the Gift Shop and Cafe it
would be Monday the 24th. I do need to get a reply from Steve to my email.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay, I just want to say that you have been through a whole lot and it is going to take a while for your body to mend. Don't beat yourself up for dozing off! Your body lets you know when it is time to rest.

hedgie said...

Geesh--serious tornado warnings for Culpeper Co. and Fauqier Co., VA----Shirley, so glad you aren't at work anymore! It's moving toward Bealeton.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My daddy used to call Andrew - Fauquier Farley from Culpepper, Virginia!

Kay said...

SHARON, thanks for the pep talk. I needed that ! Too easy for me to grow impatient with the slow recovery. I've always hoped I'd not be one of those old geezers who sit around nodding off all day, so hope it doesn't become a habit !☺

JO, that sounds like a very satisfying trip to the doctor ! Hope the new med is perfect for you !

stronghunter said...

We are under a tornado watch here.

I have already had Hunter take Lucky and Luna to the basement. (Would not want to have to rush a blind basset hound down the steps at the last minute.) George is in his carrier and Flash is going nuts because his Luna is in the basement.

George is waiting in his carrier.

With two cats who hate each other and a blind basset hound, I try to prepare ahead.

stronghunter said...

Fence guy came and did measurements and gave me an estimate. Much more efficient than the other guy.

Vinyl fencing is way too expensive. I think I will probably go with wood except for chain link across the back where the ground gets very wet. Part of it is in an official wetland area.

Sun shining and raining hard here.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, hope the "watch" doesn't turn into a "warning" ! I can see why it takes some time to get the whole menagerie downstairs. Glad todays guy made more sense where the fence is concerned---the review on the other guy was kinda scary !

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has just left for home driving down I-95 from Triangle. She says it looks very dark and threatening.

stronghunter said...

Got some rainbow pictures. Hope that is a good sign. Will be glad when Kathryn gets home.

hedgie said...

Sharon...why did he call Andrew that???

Lori O. said...

Shirley, you're a good pet Mommy and smart for doing it ahead of time. Stay safe.

LYNN, glad to know Judie is okay...sorry about the busy part, Judie. Thanks for checking, Lynn.

JO, I'm so happy your doc visit went well, or great! Prayers answered!
My Mom was on Qvar - don't know if she still is or how it worked for her, but I can ask her if you would like.

LINDA! Yay, Dennis is home and you are happy. It's a great day. ((Big Hug))

Wanda, that Capt./Father Gene is definitely a keeper. You are a blessed woman. I hope you're having a wonderful birthday, so far. The steak & mushrooms sounds delicious.

LoLLY, in my head, I thought you were home already. Stay safe and snooze while Jack drives. :)

KAY, (((Big Hugs))) just because you're you. Rest when you need to. ♥

Loved the owl video Loretta sent. May use it tomorrow on our website.
LORETTA, are you working the festival this weekend?

Off to bed for me in a about two minutes. Lynn, what are you recommending for nodding off to now? LOL

hedgie said...

Kay, not to worry----you will get over the nap phase soon enough!!!
Unless your sofa is a catnap sofa like mine and Chritie's seem to be!!

Shirley, glad you have those preparations just in case!
Good news on the fence, huh? I was going to ask if you had checked into Long Fence...they seem to be quite popular.

hedgie said...

Getting VERY foggy here.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgie, Andrew's last name is Crisco (my maiden name) and my last name is Farley so Daddy was giving him a Farley name! And of course he said it in a Northern Virginia accent.

hedgie said...

Ouch....was at the sink filling Liesl's water dish and she jumped on the back of my bad crashed into the cupboard. Just what I didn't need!

Lori, don't understand your nodding off question...???

Kay said...

LYNN, the sofa is okay, but I'm most often drawn to the recliner in front of the TV. They're both in the second and largest bedroom, aka Seth's room. My den when he's not here. I guess I'm more het up over missing shows I think I want to watch than anything else ! :)

hedgie said...

I must be totally dense today, Shar---I still don't get it! Was Andrew born in either Fauquier or Culpeper counties??? Don't get the connection!!!

stronghunter said...

Ouch, Lynn. Hope you are okay.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No connection Lynn. Daddy just liked the way it sounded. :-)

Kay said...

Ouch, LYNN ! That's why I haven't been able to have Malcolm around much lately. He's too exuberant ! I'm scheduled to have him next Thursday if I'm up to taking him for short walks. Then we'll both retrieve Seth after school. It will be good to get back to some of my routine activities !

hedgie said...

JUDIE----tornado warning now for FX. Co.!

hedgie said...

Okay, Shar!!! Lots of neat sounding names in VA! Many of them Indian and many English!!! Tho' I suspect that Fauquier is French!

hedgie said...

LOL, sofa has recliners on both ends! Christie and I have identical ones, except in color. Seems like whenver either of us sits on the sofa to watch something, we fall asleep! Suspect they are stuffed with catnAp!!

hedgie said...

As if Louisa Co. hasn't had enough with the quake, now an old plantation house under renovation has lost it's roof to a tornado.

Lori O. said...

Lynn, since I'm going to bed, was asking if you can recommend any TV shows I can nod off to - like those that you fell asleep while watching this morning. :) Apologies. I'm tired.

Kay said...

LYNN, LOL the catnAp ! Hate to hear about tornado touch downs and damage. Hope Kathryn made it home and that SHIRLEY's household is safely tucked away in the basement. Anxious to hear from her. Did you make a lot of headway on the Retiree invitations ? How many folks are in that group ?

Kay said...

LORI, twasn't LYNN who fell asleep in front of the TV today, but Moi ! It doesn't seem to matter what the show is---TV puts me to sleep all too often ! Can't say what may be on at this time of day in your market---Good Luck ! Catch some good zzzzzzz's. {{{{{LORI}}}}}

Kay said...

Time for some dinner and news. BBL, she said with great optomism ! (SP.?)

Hoda said...

Good DENNIS is home and LINDA is getting medication at the pharmacy.

TORNADO does not sound good though...I hope it stays as a warning and not go up to watch...Stay safe everyone.

I am very glad JUDIE answered your email LYNN I was worried since it was brought up yesterday, and I do not want to become the worry person for the missing momsters and dadsters.

KAY be patient with yourself and it is OK to nap like others have said...

Hoda said...

I came back from errands and a good yoga practice but it was a long practice as he overshot the class...
Lovely day here today and the colours are much deeper in their tones and it is really warmer than most of us think, we practiced yoga with heat off and open windows.

stronghunter said...

Tornado warning here now, but the problem is in the southern part of the county.

Hunter and all of the animals are in the basement. I am waiting for Kathryn. She's almost home. Also trying to cook dinner. Getting dark and menacing. I may head down to the basement soon, but would like to see Kathryn come in the door first.

hedgie said...

Hoda...the tornado warning is owrse than a watch. There was a touchdown with the plantation damage (also porch columns gone) in the same county as where the earthquake did so much damage. :( Did I ever tell you all how very much I love old plantation homes??!!! THink I have toured every one that is open to the public in VA!

Lori, like Kay said---doesn't seem to matter what show I'm watching--I can fall asleep in the blink of an eye, literally! That's why I record EVERYTHING!!!

hedgie said...

We send out about 150 invitations. Less than half of the people attend. Sad. The ranks are thinning every year, too. So many long gone, as well. But I guess on a percentage basis, we probably have a better turnout than the union/hourly folks----there's probably still about 1000 of them and they're lucky to get 100!
I am about half-way through printing them out! So far, so good! Can only do 10 at a time so that the pile doesn't end up on the floor!

Mema Jo said...

Well you all have doubled your posts since I was last here! I will read back in a minute but

Red Panda Sleeping Alert

Hoda said...

So what you have there is a warning...oh my STAY SAFE EVERYONE...Too much for the same county that got the earth quake...

JudyEddy said...

I made it to a hotel went a little over 500 hundread miles and boy and I bushed

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

I see that MemeJo hasn't heard from Steve yet I will rmemind you all that I added my cell phone number to the list that I sent around it is where the address is not where the phone number is so I am gonna go get something to eat

the map I had google would have taken me on 301 instead of I75 its about 59 miles longer on 75 but I like it no little towns with speed traps like 301

Total miles they said about 700 plus the about 60 added so I got this trip whooped already I will wake up with out alarm and leave after a nice breakfast I am at the Blarion it is almost near Columbia I keep forgetting that the hotels are spread thin next time stay at exit 145 this I is 111 Ok my precious eagle buds I bid you a good night I may try to check in my room is at the other end of the court yard I have a nice pool and court view down stairs I wanted facing parking but none

JudyEddy said...

I did a quick read of the blog YEAH LINDA has her honey home I see nurse him back to health tell him to take it easy from now on life is to short as I know you already know that

JudyEddy said...

Next thime I go away I will bring a mouse pad LOL none here and the mouse is a PIA I have a gentleman in the room with me

JudyEddy said...

The computer room not my room I just thought after I sent it it sounded like he was in my room LOL

Hoda said...

Good thing you explained your entry about a gentleman in the room with you JUDYE!!! HA HA HA...

JudyEddy said...

They have you on a timer I just noticed I had to verfy my address the city I log on with google from wasn't hard at all not like face book is I will not attempt to even log on since I did last year they make you identify peoples pictures its a PIA sometimes and I can live with o out face book but not the blog Ok looks like I am alone as we usualy are LOL but as we know the eagle communtiy talks to themselves quite a bit and no spell check on this so excuse all the boo boo I hope wveryone has a wonder full evening in case I don't check in

and remember you can text me on cell Later gators

"Be kinder the necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"♥♥♂♥♥☺

Hoda said...

Who is looking after JORDYN when you are gone JUDYE?

JudyEddy said...

HODY HODA I seee you here

JudyEddy said...

ok 5 min and counting I will try to be back

hedgie said...

ROFL, JudyE----I was going to say that you sure do work fast!!! Glad you are settled for the evening, and hope you get a good sleep. You've made excellent time. Will you get to June and Terry's tomorrow afternoon? If you are already to Columbia, imagine you are well more than halfway, right?

Hoda said...

Did JORDYN understan what it means for OMA to go on holidays?

Hoda said...

It is true LYNN is right you made some good time and it sounds like the trip was good...the truck is functioning well and you are safe checked in with or without a man in your room???!!! KIDDIN'!!!

stronghunter said...

Quiet here now. Watching Jeopardy.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening!
Must be senile citizenship!!Jo's B'Day was yesterday & Wanda's today!
Happy Days to all.

Linda, see that Dennis is home!!Hooray for you guys! Take it nice & slow & just rest!

Been on phone & email---no luck yet on old Photo Studio---now I must contact Better Business Bureau, but their phones stop answering early! "Tomorrow is another day!"
Gotta eat din-din~~~

paula eagleholic said...

It's a new Happy Birthday Wanda thread!!

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if Steve is on vacation this week?

paula eagleholic said...

Birthday eats sound great Wanda!

Just got on this new thread....gotta get caught up.

Glad to hear Dennis gets to come home today!

stronghunter said...

Now it is pouring, but I think we are safe.

NatureNut said...

Lori, which Festival are you speaking about? (I know--poor English)
Is PRAD underway??? Think that's a State thing at Solomon's.We're a bi-county commission-PG & Mont known as M-NCPPC. Green monkey wrench is logo on signs.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY Is Kathryn home yet? Did you have to go down to the basement for a while or did it go away?

DSK, Dominique Strauss Kahn, is not going to be charged in France. The case was dropped. Now to the Civil Law suites.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you had a good day traveling, JudyE....that was a funny post about a man in your room!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is here. She and I did not go to the basement. We called Hunter up and had a nice dinner.

The dogs were very restless, so we fed them. The cats were in their carriers, so we let them wait a little while.

paula eagleholic said...

I got home at a decent hour tonight, Nick has been fed and so have I.

Have to do my taxes tonight, they are due Monday. I had to wait on some estate stuff before I could finish them....

hedgie said...

Oh-oh....thundering here. Better get Liesl out again before it starts to pour.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Lori ask your mom about Qvar - my
doc has me trying it out for a month and then re-evaluate my breathing. Just wondering if she sees a difference by using it.

Kay, you can be my Nap Buddy if you want. I have become very loyal to my afternoon nap! lol

hedgie said...

House fire on scanner----struck by lightening.
Earlier they were saying that the fog was thick that cops were having trouble seeing where to turn onto roads. Guess this storm will dissipate that!

Mema Jo said...

Paula, when I called over to him I got his voice mail; however, I went to his phone through the main desk and she didn't say he was out. She did tell me that Thelma was out for the day sooooooooo.... I am still waiting. I thought maybe he had to run it by someone else for the decision. If no reply by Mon or Tues this upcoming week I will call again.

Mema Jo said...

I have had some thunder also, Lynn.
Not raining just yet here in the valley

stronghunter said...

Thunder and lightning here. A break in the rain, so a chance to let dogs out.

JudyEddy said...

Dinner was excellent I had ribeye bakepot and beans and salad Just had to come back on the way to the room I pass right by the puter roon The hotel has a restraunt and bar in it the bar tv sounded like bad storms will check it out when I get to my room its drizzling out now and feels nice out
Jordyn will be in the school that she goes to Mon, tue, Wed I hope she understand I saw her Wed nite and told her it was going away Angie made a calander for her to count down the days I told Angie is she gives her any trouble just take her to my house and show her I am not home It couldn't hurt She was ok when Carl was gone 4 days

JudyEddy said...

that is tooo cool I didn't have to go through anything to publsh just had to log back on to google

JudyEddy said...

When I left I unpluged my puter and the cable connection I discovered when I did I didn't have phone at the house it took it all out Carl said he will be happy to go play with Norton for me I have a great SIL Angie is a luck gal

JudyEddy said...

Angie and I texted back and for the whole time through dinner

JudyEddy said...

I have only about 260 or so miles from what I can remember I think it is about 770 I think I always forget

Hoda said...

Good to hear that your supper was good JUDYE and that JORDYN has a calendar to count the days till OMA comes back...

Mema Jo said...

JudyE I am very glad to hear from you this evening and to know you did 500 miles is great traveling news.

I will still pursue getting us into the
NCTC Gift shop and cafe ! I may not get an answer until the beginning of next week. I will let you know! Have a restful night's sleep and a fantastic
breakfast in the morning.. ♥

Hoda said...

JO I like the way you think in regards Steve and answering you about visiting are patient and you have class.

hedgie said...

Hard downpour---seems to be easing up now.

JudyEddy said...

STEVE I PROMISE I HAVE BEEN A GOOD GIRL THIS YEAR AND SURE WOULD LOVE TO SEE OUR EAGLE HOME AND HOPEFULLY SEE BELLE AND TRUDER IN PERSON OR IS THAT EAGLE timer is at 7 min I guess it will just kick you off but I want to make sure I log out of google so I will say so long I may be back who knows we will see other wise I will check in in the am since it is so easy I have talked with so many people about our nest tonight at the restrant and bar area I told them just to remember and they can watch a varitey of nest Ok so they think I am a little batty driving all that way to see a nest LOL so long for now

Hoda said...

Good to have you check in JUDYE Good night and will look to your post in the AM before you leave.
Safe Travels.

NatureNut said...

Glad to hear weather has not caused bad troble at Shirley's. That was so scary on TV weather map, but I didn't think it was that close to you! I thought this kind of weather was mostly in spring!?

JudyE, thx for checking in about your trip!!!Sounds good!I want to go somewhere!! Like NCTC! Would have to run away from home---(Scrooge is getting worse about gas mileage!)LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Had thunder here right after I got home....just some heavy rain at present...

back to the taxes...

Lolly said...

Goooood evening! We are in Amarillo, stopped for the night.
Going to read back on the blog.

stronghunter said...

I was thinking the same thing, Loretta. This is supposed to happen in the springtime. Here we are getting earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Good grief!

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

So glad Dennis is back home with Linda and Riley!!

Scarey weather all around tonight...we had a pretty bad storm here, too.

I knew it was coming and also that the chrysalis on the day lily leaf was ready to open. So I pulled the leaf and put it in a critter carrier and brought it in. It emerged just as the storm started. If I had left it outside, it would have been clobbered by the heavy rains.

Lynne2 said...

Very proud of you Shirley for getting everyone ready and in the basement ahead of time!

Lolly said...

So, what else is new...Wanda is a year older, Shirley is in the basement, and Judy has a man in her room.

Lynne2 said...

Heading to bed, good night and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

About to fall asleep. Time to head upstairs. I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

How nice, Lynne. You were able to save the newly hatched butterfly. It would not have done well in the pouring rain. Now it needs to head to Mexico.

Lolly said...

Will be looking for the butterflies, Lynne. You did give them my address, right?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I have been working on transcription, but want to say hello before it gets too late.
The doctor sent me about 3 weeks worth of reports this time. Need to try to finish them by tomorrow afternoon and send them back to him.

It has been HOT again today, but I think it is supposed to cool down a bit tomorrow. It's still 80 here right now, but is supposed to get down to 63. Hope they're right!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WANDA!!! Hope you have been having a really special day today!

Shirley, I'm glad the weather has settled down somewhat at your place. Glad Kathryn got home OK.

Linda, it's wonderful that Dennis is home with you and Riley! Bet both of you will sleep better now.

JudyE, sounds like you're making really good time on your trip! Prayers for your travel safety.
Get a good night's sleep so you are rearing to go in the morning.

Lynne2, congratulations on your newly transformed Monarch! Way to go!

Well, going to call it a night. Prayers have been said for everyone, and every creature. Making sure the porch light is on.
Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Two horrible downpours since I was here before. Satellite in and out. Thank goodness for antenna!
Grey's is getting sillier....argh!

Lolly, how far is Amarillo from home??

Lynne---congrats on the chrysalis save!!

Paula....sure hope you are getting a refund on those taxes!

Watching Private Practice and recording The Mentalist---good as long as there's not another monsoon!

hedgie said...

JudyE---be careful who you drag into the nest!!!

hedgie said...

Completely forgot to tell y'all---did anyone see it on FB? Tori is in Children's getting her 2nd round of chemo (last night). Please say an extra prayer for her and Robyn!

Linda said...

Well, we've had a quiet afternoon and evening at home.

There's no place like home.......

I've been reading on and off over the past hour or so enjoying all the comments and activities of the day.

I took a little cat nap just before dinner and can't wait to sleep tonight! I hope the weather doesn't cause Riley to keep us up.

MARGY - Missed seeing you tonight. ♥

I'm so sleepy, I think I will say my good nights and send my love to all of you!!

Prayers for all.......sweet dreams, too!

May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love.... xoxo ♥♥♥

Linda said...

Lynn - Well said...... Thank you!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, rats, I forgot a paper at work, can't quite get my taxes finished tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Lynn, getting a refund...small payment to Maryland which I already made...just need an exact figure to finish. Left my paper at work...

NatureNut said...

Lynne, so glad you saved the butterfly!!!! I did see a monarch at Park on TU.
Lots are probably hitting the hay. I went to another spot on 'puter & never finished here! DUH

BTW, talked to Park people yesterday and our Director & naturalist, Stephanie, towed a floating dock back to Park. BUT, it wasn't the escapee from 4H Ctr! This one is from a Water Trail campsite just up on Western Branch. That's the creek where the barred owls come when Greg K calls them from boat!

Getting late--Prayers for good health for all and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

We are 353 miles from home, about 7 hours pulling the trailer. We will get home mid to late afternoon. We should get away earlier that we did this morning as we are still hitched up.

Lolly said...

Heading to the shower and the comfy pjs.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Continued prayers for Dennis and Linda!♥

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Worst rain I ever drove in tonight coming back from Berkeley Springs, less than zero visibility, very glad to have the All Wheel Drive...could have ended up over a few dozen embankments if not

Wonderful news, Dennis is home
Jo had a good Consult..and new medicine
Shirley and the Gang dodged the tornado....
Hope everyone else got through the storms okay!

magpie said...

JudyE is tearing up the blacktop
zoom zoom zoom
Go Girl

Sounds like a great Birthday Breakfast and Dinner for Wanda

magpie said...

bummer, that tax paper being in the wrong place at the wrong time!
Hope you found something more enjoyable to do with your time instead

magpie said...

I knew about the overdose on the school bus this morning, but had not heard that he died...
was in pretty bad shape at the time of the call though...guess we will know for sure Friday

Prayers for the situation...
and all the people involved

magpie said...

illness reigns at the office, have 7 to 5 instead of 8 - 4 Friday and we're working one person short..

so it's time to put these achy and sore fingers, all of them, to bed

Tomorrow: RED FRIDAY
God Bless Our Military

Prayers for Wellness, and Peace
Good Night, Precious Pals
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Safe traveling wishes for Lolly and Jack

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Hope Lynn did not lose internet or satellite
bummer about the knee-banging too

Mema Jo said...

We also had downpours BUT Mema Moon
was shinning brightly up there in between them! I couldn't believe it when
I saw a bright light out of the front
window blind.

Linda - you and Dennis have been through so much that I am sure you both will get much needed sleep and Riley best behave himself! ((hugs)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lolly and Jack will be home tomorrow &
Annie will be joyful when they get her.

I hope that Shirley has all animals in the house uncrated and in the correct location. So glad the weather left their
area alone and that Kathryn got home safely.

You too Margy - those downpours were
terrific to drive in especially at night.

hedgie said...

Margy, glad you didn't fly off the mountain! Too bad about the work situation. :( Hope whoever is ill is well fast and that it isn't contagious!

Yea, Paula! Good time of year to get a few extra $$!!

Loretta...hope the other missing floating dock is found soon!

Satellite was in and out for the 9-10 hr., but okay after that!

Jo, lucky you to see a moon!!! None such here!!!
LOL---anyone remember "Nonesuch" mincemeat in a jar???

Okay---bath time. Goodnight to all. Prayers for so many needs....and a final HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Wanda!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, I hope you don't need to get an eagle cane out because of your knee.
Take it easy

I get my hair cut tomorrow. The top notch is hanging down in my face...

I must say Good Night Friends
Many prayers for all needs & especially
good health for all
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Prayers for you Tori & Robyn

Hoda said...

Good luck with the work situation tomorrow MARGY.

PAULA Glad you are getting a refund.It sounds like not too much left to do with the paper at the office and it will be done. Good on you.

I am watching the Canadian news on the internet. A polar bear gave birth to three cubs in captivity and attacked and killed in question is the breeding program in captivity as this behaviour is unheard of in the wild.

Hoda said...

I'll sign off now.
Prayers to all of us on the blog for our creatures and our families and friends.

Goodnight, see you tomorrow...

Costume Lady said...

Thank all of you, again for the Birthday greetings and well wishes. I had a fun day, thanks to my Capt.
GG hugged me and sang ♫♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY♫♪♫♪ to me...made me tear up!


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

All caught up on the blog and nice to know that everyone is fine - JudyE is almost to her destination. Thank Heavens you explained that man comment! ROTFLMBO! Lolly and Jack are almost home...can you say Amarillo without thinking armadillo? have safe trips you guys.

It's a short one this morning. Off to get ready for a RED FRIDAY!!!!

Sorry you'll have such a long day, Margy.

WoooooHooooo! Jo gets a new do...and hopefully an email. :)

Love you all very much. ♥


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
wow that was a short night!
I barely saw the moon through the clouds this morning...

Glad Mema Jo saw her namesake Moon!

Lori O. said...

It's the Patuxent Wildlife Festival that I was wondering if you were working on Saturday.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Margy!

Not as exciting around here with no birthdays to celebrate today.

magpie said...

Amarillo.....the Spanish word for Yellow!

Happy Trails to all travelers today...wondering if Paula is heaed to the Paradise...hope so!
We need some Eagle and Osprey news.

Not much time to shmoooze this morning....

Sure will be looking forward to hear how Dennis and Linda are doing today ♥ ☺

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone~!

Had to cancel our field trip to the pumpkin patch today because of the bad forecast. Sure wish we could have gone. Now watch the sun will shine! What is the forecast for the day. Guess I should put the tv on and find out.

Monte has a golf tourney today, fundraiser for the church. I hope it goes well for him, he was the organizer.

magpie said...

Hoping to see some ☼ today or at least by Saturday, things do sound pretty dicey hereabouts....

Morning Glori
I have to turn all this over to you...time for me to get ready...

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful day, Everyone

God Bless Our Military ♥
and God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Just almost missed you DanaMo...
sorry about having to miss the Pumpkin Patch....
Megan aka floralgirl does a lot of Pumpking Patching this time of year for area school kids, bet it's been a lousy week for it!
Hope Monte's Golf Tourney will go okay...

It's Friday for you !

Lori O. said...

DANAMO, here's your Hagerstown forecast:

Today: Showers and possibly a thunderstorm before 2pm, then a chance of showers. High near 68. South wind 8 to 16 mph becoming west. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Probably a good thing you cancelled.

DanaMo said...

Just checked the Summers Farm website and they are closed this morning so I am glad we made the decision yesterday. It would have been difficult trying to cancel everything and shuffle this morning.

DanaMo said...

I wonder what is going on at the nest...

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the forecast Lori!
Yes, it's a good thing we cancelled. It has been a lousy fall for us Margy. I feel sorry for the pumpkin patch, they must be losing business because of it. I really like the people at Summers Farm, really nice family. Oh well, now we go on the 27th.

Lori O. said...

You're welcome DanaMo!

I'm sure JUDYE is sleeping in, maube dreaming of that man she was alone with last night! Gosh, that was funny.

PA Nana said...

Good morning everyone! I'm so far behind in the posts not sure I'll ever catch up.

Hope everyone has a good day. ☺☺

PA Nana said...

Missed Margy 7 DanaMo again didn't I?

Good MorningLori.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just take it from here, Diane. Sometimes it is just to hard to read back.

We got to see the Mema moon last night, too. Beautiful sight.

Lori O. said...

Buenos Diaz DIANN & SHIRLEY!

Nice to see you checkin' in early, Diann.

Glad that you survived the weather Shirley. Any more clues that Flash is afraid of thunder?

PA Nana said...

Hi Shirley! It's been so rainy the last few days haven't seen the moon since Monday and briefly Tuesday in and out of the clouds.

Getting Hunter ready for school?
Feeding the zoo?

Geez, can't type this morning and my eyes are blurry.

PA Nana said...

Good morning Lori. It's too early for spanish whe I"m having trouble with english this morning.

Have a cup of coffee hoping it helps but the fingers are just not cooperating either.

PA Nana said...

Shirley, did you say Mema mooned?
I'm slow this morning and expect to get slower as the morning wears on.

PA Nana said...

Guess evryoneis busy getting ready for their day so I'll finish my coffee and perhaps get anotehr biscotti.

Going to try and catch up on all the news and olds.

Have a good one. ♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

DIANN, you are a hoot! ((Big Hug))

stronghunter said...

Oh no, I did not say Mema mooned! Someone said that the present moon is the Mema Moon. Oh good grief!!

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Cannot stop laughing! Ahhhhaaahaha

PA Nana said...

I'm back with another cup of coffee.

Listening to you Lori. Enjoyed hearing "the Boss".

Lori O. said...

Diann, "Dancing in the Dark" is one of my all time fave songs.

PA Nana said...

Not sure if I want to stay up or go back to bed..... went to bed late again. Decisions, decisions.

Saw my pain doc yesterday and told him I'm feeling 50% better and asked when I can get another injection - Three months and only a phone call away.

The new medicine will be a maintenance one and had to send in a mail order script.

The insurance company sent a letter as soon as I got the new med from a local pharmacy wanted me to tell them if I plan on using this pharmacy or mail order. If I use the local pharm I'll have to pay full price. Geez, it my 1st script for this med and only to see if it worked.

Sure wish I didn't need any medications. This getting old is a pain in my keester and insurance is getting too pushy.

Now we have to choose next year's coverage. I hate to think of having to choose medicare coverage. From what I've seen it's very confusing.

Okay, off to make a decision. HAGD

PA Nana said...

P.S. Lori, love Jennifer Nettles' voice.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Friends of Eagles and Lurkers ( :

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Kris from Australia has been hospitalized with a fever and chest infection, he said on Twitter. Please continue to pray for him. His last post on Twitter was: I so desperately want a normal life.

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼RNING EAGLE BUDS Nice bed nice sleep woke up a bit a go I wnated to call my neice and see her but can't find her number Texted Angie to see if she has it She lives in Greenville, SC and she said give her a holler and we would have lunch now I can't find her phone number so I am gonna leave in a little bit waiting to see if
Angie can find her number for me Don't have far to go prob 4-5hr tops I think
Hoping Mema Jo hear from Steve

Let all gather is a circle hold hands and close our eyes and wish that Steve would call Couldn't hurt

JudyEddy said...

It shows me as Myrtle Beach SC on the revolver map

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm heading back to the room and headin out in a bit I will ca't till 10 or so to hear frm Angie I been sitting out on the deck thing It is such a pretty morning here

hedgie said...

Good Friday morning to you all.
Still raining here. Catching up with you slowly but surely.

LOL---had to laugh at Margy's reminder that Amarillo means yellow. Reminded me that my cousin, as a child, would sing The Yellow Rose of Texas as "yellow rose of ducksus" which always made us laugh!!!

Lori O. said...

Hi JudyE!

Great to see that you are safe and well rested for the remainder of your drive. We missed you early this morning. :)

hedgie said...

Diann, you got me laughing, too, about Mema mooned!!! Glad that you are doing better. Is this going to be your first foray into Medicare?? Good luck! I strongly advise that you see if your local senior center has someone to help you explore all the options---I know a lot of people appreciated that assistance.
Yummm---I love biscotti!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Everything else about Mema is beautiful so I am sure her moon is too!

hedgie said...

I've always like "Dancing in the Dark"----and the theme song from Flashdance!! And, of course, the one form Dirty Dancing! THey all make we want to dance!!

Oops, satellite is out.....another heavy rain coming through. :(

hedgie said...

How right you are, Sharon---even if her top-notch is hanging in her eyes!!! Hey, Jo----don't forget your hair appointment!!!

Oh my-----MONSOON here.

JudyE, glad you rested well...hope you can make contact with your relative....did you try an search for her number??

wvgal_dana said...

Happy to see that an email was
gotten for our SWEET Judie, she
is ok--GOOD.

Glad to hear Dennis is HOME. Now
maybe Linda's headache will go bye byes.

WandaI pretty much thought your Birthday party would have to wait. Love Gene doing your breakfast. Then a nice
celebration of steak and mushrooms dinner he fixed you. LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!! ( :

Mema Jo hoping the new inhaler helps you with your breathing and stops the wheezing.

KayYou will never be an old geezer lol
As it has been mentioned. Your body had a bad, bad infection and there will still be times
when you will need rest. Sharon should remember about that. Ask Sharon about her vacuum cleaner
suction if she hasn't told you about it.
So rest dear lady when your body tells you too.
kAY IF Malcon pulls when you walk him. It might be better to wait a little while longer to do that.

ShirleySo happy you are NOT going with the vinyl fencing. Also glad Kathryn got home and you all dodged the bullet.

JudyEWhen I read you comment "about man in your room". I thought WHAT??? She works fast.
Then I kept thinking can't be what she meant!!
Read down and seen explanation. Ok got it now lol

Lynne Great about your Monarch ( : Sweet

Andy glad you have the doctor giving you work but I think he needs to pay you MORE MONEY.

Thank Hedgie-Lynn/e Prayers for Tori in getting her 2nd round of chemo and prayers for Robyn.

Hoda I will have to watch the owl video later.
Your weather sounds so nice!!

Lolly I read where you and Jack should get HOME mid to late afternoon. Safe travels.

Oh Margy an overdose on the school bus. How terrible for the kids family and friends. Even
the bus driver and all involved. SAD :(

I have my red on Margy ( :

DanaMo Sorry about not getting the kids to the pumpkin patch.

I'm cracking up here over the comments about Mema mooned.

Diann your a hoot!! ( :

Lori your laughter is good ( :

SharonWill continue prayers for Kris from Australia.

Sorry about this long post but I need to get out of here. I am due in Hagerstown from yesterday. Need to go into Martinsburg first
then head to Hagerstown in this messing rain.

Prayers that we can get persmission to get into NCTC with JudyE and the gang. Have lunch in the nice and beautiful dining hall.

Must be on my way later HUGS TO ALL.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Mema Mooned! ROFL

Good Morning! I see that if you don't get on here early early morning or before Diann to defend yourself that rumors can get started! Love you Diann!
Thanks for getting all the bloggers alert this morning.

Kay said...

G☼☼d M☺rning Eagle Buds ! No sun shining here and no Meme Moon to be seen last night. Sun to reemerge tomorrow, they say.

SHARON, Kris'es line about a normal life brings a tear to my eye. Prayers continue.

Twas' good news that everyone made it home safely last night in spite of heavy rain. JUDYE, LOLLY n' JACK all reached safe havens, too. Prayers for safe travel today.

JUDYE, at least your guy was a gentleman ! LOL Angie had a great idea with your vacation calendar for Jordyn.

JO, my fellow Napster ! I'm in good company !♥♥♥

LYNN, I remember Nonesuch Mincemeat ! I love mincemeat pie, but alas, all pies and sweets are only delicious memories for me now !

Kay said...

DANA WV, I walk Malcolm with the help of a gentle leader. He doesn't much like it, but it means I'm walking him--he's not dragging me down the street ! ☺

Kay said...

DIANN, you are a hoot today. I'm going to have to try the coffee-biscotti combo !

Mega prayers being said for dear Tori and ROBYN ! What an ordeal.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn thanks for the hair appointment reminder... High Noon. I'll wear RED.

Sharon you are my girl! Aren't you excited about the upcoming wedding???
Andrew looks so great in a tux!

Lolly said...

On the road again!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly you are Homeward Bound!
Annie is so excited to hear this as is Laurel & family.

I am going to get ready to leave and be on time for hair cut.


hedgie said...

Sharon, I can understand Kris' desire for a normal life. I hope and pray that he achieves that goal.

Kay, the gentle leader is quite effective for a big, energetic dogs! Glad that you use that!
I use a Size Right halter....eliminates any neck strain. After all of Cinnamon's cervical problems (which is why I had to have her put down at 11), I want to protect Liesl from the same condition as much as possible.

hedgie said...

JO---don't forget your haircut!!!

hedgie said...

My RED hyacinth bulbs arrived! Now if the rain would stop so I can get them planted.....argh!

Hoda said...

WELL!!! When did that happen and who would dare moon Mema Jo???? HA HA HA.

Good morning everyone.

JUDYE it soundslike you have an easy drive ahead of you, not too long anyway...ENJOY.

LOLLY and JACK will be home again today and I look forward to hearing how the rain watered everything and the place looks great...will ANNIE forgive them for their absence or will she give them her ROYAL TREATMENT and walk away???Do let us know LOLLY.

DANAMO sorry the school trip was cancelled but the weather report from LORI justifies the decision.

Lolly said...

Hello! Big wheels rolling! I never snooze.... Jack is doing all the driving, so I entertain him ! Not really!

Shirley, took a picture of the melted vinyl fence when we passed it. Do not know if you can see anything or not. Will post on fb.

paula eagleholic said...

ha ha ha love the Mema Mooning, Diann

Yes, I am finally heading to Paradise tonight...can't wait! Osprey will probably be gone, but really hoping to see EAGLES!

Hoda said...

Have a safe trip PAULA...I do hope you see EAGLES, that would be GRAND.

stronghunter said...

Will be looking for the picture, Lolly. I decided against vinyl when I was quoted a price of more than $6,000 even though I only have to enclose part of my yard because the neighbors on both sides have fences already.

I only have to do the back, part of one side and the area next to the house.

That is more than my parents paid for an entire house when I was a small child --would have been in the late 1940s, but still. . . Geesh!

stronghunter said...

CNN just reported that the National Weather Service is investigating the possibility of three tornadoes in Virginia yesterday.

stronghunter said...

On fencing--I think I will do the back in chain link because it is very wet back there. Would rather not put wood in that area for a couple of reasons--rotting and drainage. I want the water to drain out of my yard into the small stream back there. We sloshed through water just to go back there to measure. Neighbors' fences are in the wetness, but that is their problem.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Mighty glad to be here this morning! Having trouble again with "Error 815--IE cannot display webpage/cannot connect to the internet." Means hours on the phone with Microsoft C/S to correct it. Will have to try calling tomorrow. Finally got a connection here, so won't sign off, and will hope I stay connected!

Lynn, saying prayers for Tori & Robyn. Hoping that all is well.

Margy, SOOOO glad that you made it home OK through the awful rainstorm yesterday! Thank God! Guess He had your guardian angel working overtime with hazard pay! Prayers for your co-workers for speedy healing, too. Sorry there's so much gunk going around! Prayers for your protection from germs & viruses, too.

Lynn, YES! I definitely remember Nonesuch mincemeat in a jar! Matter of fact, I have some in my pantry. Kubby gets hungry for mince pie around Thanksgiving, so need to have supplies on hand to make one!

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, glad your Birthday was so special! The Captain is a keeper, and GG's Birthday song made me tear up, too!

Sharon, heavy-duty prayers for Kris!--for healing, and for the normal life he wants so much.

WV Dana, you're right--more pay would be a blessing! Prayers, please, and thank you in advance!

Travel prayers for JudyE, Lolly & Jack, and for Paula & Nick later tonight.

Well, need to get busy again with the transcription. Will check back in later to see how "Red Friday" is going. Hope everyone has a spectacular day! :o] Oh--Emma is reminding me to say howdy (Woof! Roo-roo-roo-ruff!) for her. :o]

Hoda said...

Today I get to go to the dentist for my six months cleaning and then set an appointment for a crown sometime in November I presume.
A beautiful Autumn morning here and the sun is out and the colours are stunning.
I am getting ready to go to yoga and then the dentist and sometime today or tomorrow I must tidy up things and do some cleaning...
Enjoy the day everyone and I will talk to you all later...

movin said...




It's getting a bit cooler day by day through the weekend in So Cal, and I'm not complaining, believe me. Should top out at 82° today....

[:~D] Jim

hedgie said...

Andy, I haven't made mincemeat since the last time my Mom was here for Christmas....maybe 7 yrs. She and I are the only ones who eat it! I might go ahead and do it this year and freeze it!! Glad to know that Nonesuch is still available!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, that pricing was totally insane!!! Fencerow robbery!

It always kills me that NWS has to be the one to "confirm" a tornado. DUH!!!! As if no one else KNOWS what the h--- they are???!!!

hedgie said...

Hello, Mr. Jim! DId you see the CHIL update a couple of days ago?
BTW---you probably missed my BFF in Highlands granddaughter's 6th grade class is taking a 3 day nature field trip to Catalina!!! How cool is that?? I told her dad to WATCH for the eagles!!!

Linda said...

Hmmmm Meme Moon or was Mema Jo mooned? Too funny! Either way, I bet it was entertaining!

Good Red Friday to you on this dreary wet and windy day.

Have been trying to read and catch up on and off since earlier this morning, but some interruptions precluded me from posting.

Dennis continues to feel good, just weak. He went for a 20 minute walk this morning and is resting now.

He actually allowed me to use his backpack blower to blow the leaves of the deck, back patio and driveway. He was watching me like a hawk......Can you say "control freak?" He said he was worried about me. Finally I convinced him to go inside and let me finish!! He did. He forgets I used to do all this stuff myself for many years before I ever met him!

I also told him if he would let me do more, I might be in better shape myself!

LOLLY, JACK & JUDYE - Safe travels as you make your way to your final destinations today.

Sharon - Keeping Kris in prayer as his battles continue.

MARGY - Sorry about the shorter crew and longer hours. Stay healthy! Hopefully you'll get your weekend. ♥

DanaMo - Sorry your field trip was cancelled today. Hope you can reschedule! :(

Praying that Tori and Robyn are doing okay. Thanks for letting us know, Lynn.

Lynn - You can dance in the RAIN, too!! ♪♫ Singing in the Rain.....Just Singing in the Rain...♪♫

Just fixed lunch for Dennis.......and I think I will fix me a sandwich as well.


movin said...

Hi, Hedgie. I did NOT see the update you are talking about. What did it deal with??

Great news about the kids visiting Catalina. Believe it or not, I've never been there yet, and I've lived in the So Cal area most of my life.

I'm still planning to do it someday though....

[:~D] Jim

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