Thursday, October 13, 2011


New thread.


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Lolly said...

Wanda....there's no place like home. Enjoyed the shower as the shower is quite small in the trailer....and it was so nice to sleep in my nice king size bed!!! And, now it is so nice to sit here in my chair. LOL

The yard is looking good....considering. We lost a lot of lawn but I have a lot of flowers blooming...petunias and vincas.(periwinkles) The impatiens are making a comeback, too. What really did great this year is my sun is beautiful! Need to post a picture of it!

Lolly said...

Whooooooooooooa! Did the big split and did not even know it!

Hoda said...

Good morning. The cloud cover is lifting here, could not have seen the moon and the planets and the stars last night...
I love autumn mornings as they change so quickly and it is possible to see change.

I am on my way to a Yoga practice and then to coffee. I will phone the candidates for City Council today to invite them to our forum to present their platforms...the our is CFUW. The Canadian Federation of University Women.

GREAT that LYNNE checked in and CONGRATUALTIONS on the loss of 10 pounds LYNNE... LYNNE YOU ARE GREAT KEEP IT UP...

Lolly said...

Time for me to get a move on!

Busy day ahead cleaning the trailer!

Have a great day!

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY I see the same ad on FB and I had exactly the same reaction!!! LOL !!!

stronghunter said...

Funny, Hoda. Glad I am not the only one to notice that. Sure it is aimed at the single ladies. Somehow, I am not that desperate. Really.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning everyone who is still here - I am late getting my day started.
Great grandson turns 7 today and hubby's brother turns 75. Celebrating this evening with his brother's family.

Time for me to head for 'street clothes' even though I am very comfortable as is.

Breezy outside and it is raining leaves. Yard is quite full of them! Do you remember when you were younger how those piles of leaves were great fun jumping into them. I guess our parents raked them back into piles.

I haven't seen or heard any UFO talk.
I'll keep looking!

Hoda said...

OH MY OH MY OH MY!!! The Occupy Wall St. Demonstration is in Nelson today...Occupy will take place exactly where I walk to get to and from my Yoga what???

stronghunter said...

Kind of far from Wall Street, ain't they?

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your celebration, Jo.

stronghunter said...

We expect to encounter demonstrations when we venture into DC, but Nelson?

Maybe it won't be too bad, Hoda. I hope not.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - start walking but if it looks too disorganized and disorderly - go back home.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like good advice, Hoda.

Kay said...

Good afternoon dear Eagle Buds ! Have been out running errands with Julie all morning. Now ready for a kick back afteroon before Seth arrives for our usual Sat/Sun routine.

LYNNE, congrats on the lost pounds ! Keep up the good work !

LOLLY, you can walk those vacation pounds off in no time ! Happy to hear how your flowers and plants are rebounding.

HODA, Wall St. protest in Nelson ? I don't get it. The organizations you belong to are so fortunate. What a dedicated activist you are !

SHIRLEY, hope you're enjoying a little solitude while Kathryn and Hunter are away. We all need some alone time now and then.

LYNN, hope the day is going well for you ! I admire your activism, too. As for me, been there, done that and finally, at this late stage, have learned to say no. Not without a twinge of guilt, however. Old habits die hard !

JO, with a large and loving family you have frequent celebrations. What fun ! Happy birthday to both the boys, old and young !

movin said...




sOMEwhat cooler today in So Cal, TG.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Guess what....!I have not cleaned the trailer yet!! Been out in my yard...piddling.☺♥

stronghunter said...

I am sure the trailer will wait, Lolly.

Lori O. said...

Just got a call from the Animal Welfare League here and she said she has "bad news." A cat that shared a condo crate with the kittens, Bobby, LeRoy & Andie, has died of FIP, which you can't even tell they have until it's too late. She said that they can't be adopted and should be quarantined for three months!!! Of course, they have already been exposed to my cats for a month. And, it'll be so hard to give them up after another 3 months...and what if one of them, or more, gets this disease? Just thinking out loud.

LYNNE, I'm hoping you can offer some info on this Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Your opinion on what to do, quarantine or not would be helpful. Thanks!

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

LORI, what bummer ! I hope LYNN is able to shed light on this distressing matter.

Nothing I can do but give you a big{{{{{{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}}}}} and some loving ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥'s

Kay said...

My delete--didn't like the way my message came out the 1st time. ☺

Mema Jo said...

Lori, I know you are alarmed and very concerned in a lot of ways - the kittens themselves and then your cats.
Praying that the disease was not passed to any of them! Yes, Lynne should be knowledgeable but may not be back on here for some time as they went out to lunch.... Prayers for you Lori! ♥

Hoda said...

OH LORI not good news about the cats...I hope yours are alright and the three young ones too...Prayers for all the cats in your household.{{{{{HUGS}}}}}

KAY my level of activism is to participate in organizing the forum for the Municipal Elections...I can walk with the Grans to raise awareness and bring Consciousness to the flight of those who have HIV?AIDS in Africa...I am not at all sure of who is organising the demonstration today Occupy Nelson.

Jo and LYNN I chose to go to an earlier Yoga class and this way I avoided walking through the area where they would be. On my way back I saw five cruisers with two officers each in the area where it was going to happen. I walked faster and with a purpose and no one was gathered yet. I am now back to the flat and will get on the phone to call the candidates to see if they will participate in our Public Forum...present their platforms and be open to take questions...

THE RCMP is easily not amused and I simply did not like that there were bothe the City police out with two cruisers and the RCMP out with three...Nicer in my part of Nelson right now...I hope nothing happens and they just give speeches at City Hall and if they have their permits walk down town circle.

LOLLY I am sure the trailer will must have enjoyed digging in the earth and tending to your beautiful flowers.

On FB Thelma said she is going to a wedding and then shopping at GW Will Fashion...some pretty good bargains there sometimes.ENJOY THELMA.

LINDA how is Dennis? I hope not wanting to do too much...

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - Choosing the earlier Yoga class and walking a different route got you
home safe and sound. Good Thinking! ♥

Taking a break to find something to
wear this evening to b-day party.


hedgie said...

Hi gang. Home and settled. Still need to read papers, tho'. Have dinner in the oven, and Liesl and I have played ball. I SHOULD bloe leaves off deck, but wind is still blowing hard.

It was a terrible day to be out in a wide open parking lot area. Had to weight everything down and still hold things down, too. Think I have some windburn on my face. It was not much fun. Did see some great dogs up for adoption.

Lynne, SO glad all is well with you!! Congrats on your loss...and I'm sure you are enjoying having your MIL with you for the weekend!

Hoda, maybe you should have driven to Yoga! Hope you have better luck with your politicos than we do here!!
They say these demonstrations are now world-wide. :(
Kay, mine is not so much activism as it is advocacy!!

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Lori.......that sounds very serious. WIll look it up for m ore info---have never heard of it, but then I don't know much about cats.
Praying that yours as well as your fosters are spared.

Lolly said...

Just finished the trailer! ☺ Wahooo! Kitchen scrubbed, bathroom scrubbed, blinds cleaned, wood oiled, vacuumed, scrubbed carpet and scrubbed floor. Backed my way out on my knees. Glad the trailer is small. LOL Oh, clean sheets are on the bed, the refirg is scrubbed, the vent over the stove cleaned and the filter on the AC is clean. Smells good! Now Jack will do most of the scrubbing on the outside. It will then be ready for our next trip, whenever that will be. Probably not til spring.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lori!!! What to do? What to do? I do hope your other kitties are okay. And, the kittens you have, they have been sick, is this what they have been battling?

Hoda said...

I like advocacy instead of activism too LYNN...good choice of words...
All the Council Candidates have been contacted. Some confirmed their attendance others I left messages. I had to play Sherlock Holmes and get a couple of unlisted numbers but I succeeded and all is indeed well. I will do follow up calls later on, probably tomorrow...

Hoda said...

Now I am off to put the event on the online Nelson Calendars

hedgie said...

Sounds like a successful day, Hoda!

I DID blow off the decks....but leaves keep on coming down. :(

NO evidence that SIL and his bro showed up to do anything to the fence. Don't know what is up with that. ARGH!

Linda said...

LORI - OH no......never heard of FIP, but hoping and praying there is a chance Bobby, LeRoy and Andy WON'T have it. I also hope you get some good information from Lynne.

LYNN - Sounds like a very windy day. I would NOT have wanted to be outside today.

HODA - Good thinking to go early to yoga and avoid the demonstrations. They had an Occupy Binghamton (NY)about 20 minutes north of us. I was surprised because Binghamton is a small city. They're everywhere.

It would be okay if they had a true message of substance, but it does not appear to be that way.

LOLLY - Good job on the cleaning!

JO - Happy Birthday to your Hubby and your Great Grandson! Enjoy the celebrations! ♥

Had a busy day doing laundry, sheets and keeping Dennis FROM doing things he shouldn't!! I wanted to clean out the wood room (an enclosed room outside the basement where we keep wood in the winter) so I could bring in some wood. He wanted to do it himself......which I said NO.

Then I brought a few cart fulls of wood so we could get the wood stove going at night. We're getting cold here! We had words about that too!

Hmmmmm... He agrees with me, but hates me doing those things. It's going to be a tough six weeks ahead!!

Mema Jo said...

Well I am ready to go to Dutch's for this surprise b-day get together.
I will be in touch when I return


hedgie said...

Have fun, Jo! Try their calamari appetizer!!

hedgie said...

Linda, hard to keep a good man down, isn't it??? Sounds like you've done enough for one day, gal!

hedgie said...

They had one of those gatherings here today, too.....I sure hope none of the idiots interrupted the Apple Harvest Parade.

Hoda said...

LINDA I agree with you in regards the demonstrations. There is no clear message and there is a tendency to attract every disgruntled entity to the group because of this void.I did not feel comfortable and so far as I am concerned I am at peace with my decision to not be there.WAAAAAYYYYY Too many assumptions are being made as to the cause. They say the main stream media is not reporting it and they mention the NEW YORK TIMES...yet I think too much is already being reported in the NY.
TIMES and other outlets...

GOOD ON YOU LINDA for speaking up and telling DENNIS NO to doing the chores that you see a need to do and which might not be part of what he is supposed to do for the next six weeks...IT IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD LISTEN UP DENNIS.We all want you safe and sound and be patient.

hedgie said...

Linda, I am about ready to want to fire up the stove, too. But chimney sweep has not gotten here yet to check to see if there are cracks inside the chimney from the earthquake. We think there are on the outside. He said he has seen a lot of damage. Hoping I am not affected...looked at flue-liner prices and they run around $500....I DON'T need that now!

Lori O. said...

Thanks everyone for your concern with the kittens and my brood. I'll call my vet on Monday and see what she has to say. I'm so confused, but feel like the cards have already been dealt...not a lot I can do now.

Thanks KAY, I needed that hug and seven hearts!

HODA & LYNN, so proud of you for your advocacy! I like activism, too. I like the radicalism it implies! :) I'm surprised that the Occupy Wall St. protest is in Nelson. Agree with your assessment HODA. They are struggling to get a focused identity now. I wish them well.

Look at you LOLLY! Cleaning like a crazy lady. I love it. I must have been sucking off your energy because I got my tugs done and cleaned up. Didn't think it would happen. Hoooray for us!

JO, I'll bring Chloe's tug to the nest/JudyE meeting! I can't wait.

Hope WANDA had a super busy day at the Costume Shop.

LINDA - you go gurl! Tell Dennis you have a militia of eagle loving ladies ready to sit on him if he doesn't comply! lol.

hedgie said...

This is National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend. Please say a special thanks to your FF's if you see them, and say a prayer for those lost and their loved ones left behind.

Live service going on now:
Candlelight Service

hedgie said...

This service was in Emmitsburg (Paula's town) where the national academy is.

hedgie said...

Racing under the flag....heading to the sofa....BBL!

Lolly said...

Jack and I just finished dinner. We walked around the yard this evening....very pleasant.

Was going to watch TV, but we have a TV problem. May have to go watch in the bedroom. We have U-verse and the TV here in the den is down. Uh oh!!!!!

Lolly said...

TV in study is going...Jack is in there watching, so it is not U-Verse but the TV. Not good!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi bloggers friends finally on the internet.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo Happy Birthday to your
great grandson turning 7 today
and Ed's brother turning 75.

Lolly happy that your flowers
are showing their beauty to you. ( :

Hoda you and others in Nelson
organized your protest. They
had a parade here today and I
was told there was people protesting Wall St., the War, unemployment, Medicare and other things. When I was talking to daughter today. She was up
in area where she works for a meeting. Driving out of Boulder she said, "Mom all these people are along the road carrying signs. She read the signs: Protest Wall St., and the same things
I wrote above she read off the signs. I am beginning to think there is a movement through the United States today. Not sure JMO

Oh no Lori the sad news about the lady calling you about the cat dieing with FIP. Quarantined for three
months!!! Prayers that your cats and the kittens DO NOT GET THIS DISEASE!!!

Hedgie-Lynn/e you had a no show with SIL and his brother today. Sorry! :(
Yes things are blowing around. Tried to pull in my drive way. Someone BIG trash can was in my way. Had to get out and move it.

Linda YES you are right Dennis should NOT be doing the wood. I am glad you are putting your foot down. Just take your time because of your health too.
It is cold enough to get those wood
stoves going.

Hoda said...

DANA NONE of the groups I belong to organised the demonstations today. They happened from the word spreading through the internet. While I know some people who were there, I saw pictures posted on the Internet, I was not there and it was peaceful Thank God. Five cruisers were out with ten officers. Two in each vehicle. It was peaceful as I said.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Been busy today--did do some stuff on 'puter, but am just getting to comments.
Worked on some new pics for the Nook. 2 sets-outdoors & kitties!
Unfortunately, the new tie eater is Spider Solitaire which many play at work. Thought I'd give it a try---almost as addictive as choc!!!
Speaking of that, need a second small helping of dinner so I'll be allowed to have dessert!! ☺

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Prayers for the entire Household of Cats at Lori's;
gosh, what a troubling development there

I see Kay is having her Seth Sleepover tonight, getting things back into the normal routine ☺

Lolly - Wow - you came back home with a pile of energy...
Enjoy the Comforts of the Home Roost !

magpie said...

Lynn sure must have been cool and breezy today, hope you are all settled in, comfy and warm now

Hope your day full of errands went well DanaWV..
yeah, lots of stuff was blowing around

magpie said...

Happy 7th Birthday to your great grandson, Jo
and to Ed's brother on his 75th

magpie said...

Undestand Dennis having a hard time keeping himself "restrained"
and "contained
Not easy for you either, having to be the "meanie."

Are there any kids in the neighborhood that can help out ??
A little symbiotic relationship for a few weeks?
Help for you and Dennis....
$$$ for them ??

magpie said...

computer being quirky...
it must want a night off...

So I'm typing and it is not showing up

just can't put up with that right now

Prayers for Wellness,
and hope everyone is headed for Restful and Restorative Sleep when it's your time for the pillows

Good Night...
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Hello all!

Long, LONG day. My MIL, bless her heart, wanted to take us shopping. I HATE SHOPPING. HATE HATE HATE. I refused to get anything. LOL! Steve was in need of some work pants and new work boots. Did I mention I HATE shopping? Especially on a Saturday? I HATE shopping. But I am so happy that Steve finally has his much needed things! It just took forever. Lunch was delayed til dinner. They took us to the Hibachi Grill. Crowed, noisy. Most of the stuff I ate was pretty good, though, Couldn't really talk to much as it was hard to hear over the noise.

Lolly said...

So, here I sit on my bed watching the Rangers play. 9-2 right now, Wahoooooooo! Certainly not as comfy as my chair.

Jack has been on the phone talking to Peggy. Looks like the "box" is dead. Getting a new one shipped to us Tuesday. Bad news is all our recorded programs are lost. Grrrrrrrrrr!

Annie is here with me, she likes being on the bed. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Hate when that happens, Margy. Typing away at 50 miles per min. and look at the screen...nothing there. Sometimes, it shows up a few minutes later. What on earth is that??

Jo, going to Dutch's Daughter for Birthday dinner. What a nice place. We had a memorial luncheon there when our dear friend DEB passed away. We had a pretty good attendance...about 12 of us, including Dadster, Frank...Loretta's hubby.

Happy Birthday to Jo's G-Grandson and B-I-L. Must be Melissa's oldest, but can't remember their names. Don't know how I could forget...they were with us on an Eagle Nest visit and were so entertaining. Maybe Joseph or Robert? Help me Jo~

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, please read Lori's comments about a disease that is affecting cats. She is afraid her kitties may have it. She wants your expertise! 2:36pm today~

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My friend, Jon Brannon, Andrew's friend too, his daddy, Robbie Brannon was a firefighter who had a heart attack in the line of duty and passed away probably 10-12 years ago.

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, we have 6 TVs and only one works. Comcast has made it necessary to have ANOTHER box to make the TVs work. We didn't know that you needed one for each TV, we thought one would work for all. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOO. Have to get 5 more! We pay a small fortune to have cable and now we have to get something else to be able to enjoy it! LORD, please make all this nonsence go away!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This is the link for the tribute for him.

By the way, we went to Bedford today and had a marvelous day. Miss them really bad.

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, scares me to have my grandson in-training to be a firefighter:(
He passed his test a few weeks ago and is allowed to ride on the firetruck to calls, but cannot help in anyway til he is 18. He is 17, now.

Costume Lady said...

Granddaughter, Jillian has been driving an ambulance for a year now, and in addition to being named ROOKIE OF THE YEAR, she is now a Lieutenant. Daughter, Karla, is now licensed to drive the ambulance, also. Her first call was a DOA:(
Dustin's first Fire call was to a wreck which turned out to be a school friend:( I guess Berryville is such a small town that everyone knows everyone!

hedgie said...

Shar, that's a nice memorial for a fallen firefighter....he sounds like he was a special man.
Glad you had a good trip to Bedford. Saw on FB that THelma went, too!! I had asked this morning, but she must have missed the question!

Lolly, too bad about the box....hope you can watch some of the lost shows on the net.

LOL, Loretta----you have to have two helpings of dinner to earn dessert??? WHo makes such a rule? Eat dessert first!!

Hoda said...

SHARON and WANDA GOD BLESS al the young people as they become FIrst Responders...Itis a big responsibilty and a big Committment.

Lolly said...

Wanda, we do not have cable here. We did have satellite, but decided to go with ATT U-verse. It takes care of our computer, TV, and phones. However, our phones do not do well and when we have a problem it is so hard to get someone to help. Tonight everytime Jack told them the problem they sent him to a recording. So, he finally called and did not say anything, just waited and finally someone picked up.

Mema Jo said...

Hello - I'm back....... That was one
elaborate b-day party. Lolly you would have loved the decorated cake and the present he received. The cake was rectangular in shape and about 6 inches tall... White icing with blue wording
Dallas Cowboys In the center was a blue jersey with Lennox and # 75 on it. Awesome - His present was a Cowboy's shirt and tickets to the game in NOV (Near Thanksgiving) in Dallas - first with a tour and then a meeting with the players. He is in 7th Heaven and then some. He and his wife are Winter Birds in FL so they'll fly from there.

hedgie said...

Enjoyed your pics, Lowreeda!!

So great to be able to comment on pics again! Thanks, JudyE---wherever you are!

Lynne, is Hibachi Grill a Japanese place? I am with you, girlfriend: I HATE shopping, too.

hedgie said...

Wanda, did you have a fruitful day in the shop? Yes, we did have a great gathering at Dutch's, didn't we? Golly, we are getting close to 2 yrs. on that sad occasion. :(

Lynne2 said...

Lori, regarding the FIP....

I have only ever seen one case in all my years. I don't know much about it, except that it is, sadly, almost always fatal. There is no vaccination. There really isn't a very reliable test to diagnose it. Some cats carry and never develop it. Kittens can get it from their infected mothers who don't have symptoms. But the kittens may never develop it. The symptoms vary greatly and are like many other conditions, like digestive issues, or respiratory issues, so there isn't any one particular thing that "screams" FIP.

I have been very worried about you babies. It just doesn't seem right that they have not been able to kick their illnesses in all this time. But I never even thought of FIP. It's just not that common. But given this new information of the cat that shared space with the kittens has died of FIP (make sure they know that because they did a necropsy and sent tissue to the lab for confirmation), it is a very real possibility.

Lolly said...

At one time we had 7 tvs. LOL Just the two of us! Kids never had TVs in their rooms but we put TV's in there for guests. Also, Jack had a TV in his shop, but no more. We have 4 on u-verse, have one receiver on the main TV, it is out, Tv will not work, but all the others are working.????

NatureNut said...

Have been watching BBall. Texas Rangers are hitting like crazy! Thought 3rd inning would never end!
Looking at memorabilia on the wall here and heard on news about MD basketball without Gary Williams as coach. How sad. I have a piece of Cole Field House wooden floor & matted framed letter from Gary W. May have to part w/it for daughter. She had one too.

hedgie said...

That sounds like a great b-day gift for your BIL, Jo! Very well-planned. Did his kids do that?

Lolly said...

Well, that just stinks, Lynne! Guess we need to activate strongly Momster prayers for these kitties and Lori!

Lynne2 said...

As your cats have been exposed, they may very well contract the virus, HOWEVER....don't panic. They are healthy adults, well taken care of, and unlikely to actually develop the disease. As far as the quarantine for 3 months....I don't know about that. I'll have to do some research. If they do have FIP, and recover, I don't know that that means they are cured and won't have recurrence and I would think they could still have the virus and pass it on. Again, not too sure about that, and will ask my boss next week.

Lolly said...

Wow! That was a great cake and awesome present, Jo!

Lolly said...

Had not thought about that, Lynn, watching on the net. I watched Grey's Thursday night but did not see PP. Have to do some investigating. Of course, missed my recorded Castle.

Lynne2 said...

Yep, need LOTS of prayers for Lori and the babies!

Lolly, sorry you found some of my lost pounds but so glad Annie gained a pound!

Lynn, Hibachi Grill is a huge buffet of all kinds of Japanese and other foods. All you can eat. Steve was in seventh Heaven!

NatureNut said...

Sharon, so sorry about what happened to your friend.Will check link.
Lori, hope all your cats are OK!!I never heard of that either.

Linda, I gave some advice to my friend Jeanne when her hubby, Danny, got home from heart surgery. She was going batty trying to keep him still!For one, I told her to tell when they had appt!Frank had disc/vertebrae of the neck surgery in the mid 80's. He came home a day early & I hadn't gotten the grass cut. The next day I saw him thru the kitchen window. He went out there w/neck brace and tried to pull the mower backwards!!I went out & said if he didn't stop, I was calling the Dr!!!!

Lynne2 said...

I have to get to bed, my back and my knees are SCREAMING at me. I will see you all tomorrow. Good night and prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynne, very excited about Annie gaining a pound. Guess because she was very inactive. However, she has not eaten much today. Guess she will get back to eating when things settle down.

Lolly said...

Night, Lynne! Have been meaning to you ever wear knee wrap/braces. I find they really help when my knee is acting up.

Lynne2 said...

Oh, and Linda.....prayers especially for you because NO DOUBT the next 6 weeks will be tough! I totally get that Dennis wants to do things, and will try. I'm just that kind of hard head myself! I am sure he wants nothing more than to be and do what he did before this happened, and have everything back to some sort of normal. So I will pray very hard that he does NOT do things the Dr has told him he shouldn't! And for you to deal with him!

hedgie said...

Weather guy said the winds would die down at sunset. It DIDN'T happen. Geesh!

hedgie said...

Weather guy said the winds would die down at sunset. It DIDN'T happen. Geesh!

Lolly said...

Wahoooo! The Rangers are HOT tonight!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

I try to wear my brace Lolly...but my knee is very swollen, and the brace become uncomfortable after a while. It seems that I have to wear it very tight in order for it to be a help at all, but it gets pretty uncomfortable after a few hours.

Can I have some cheese to go with my WHINE?? LOL!

Have I mentioned lately that I hate shopping?

hedgie said...

Lori, to add to Lynne's info, I read that abdominal fullness/distension is often a symptom of FIP.

Lynne2 said...

and on Thursday, I started having some sporadic, sharp pains to go with the regular pain. It's really just SO annoying! I am actually considering getting a....OMG I can't believe it....a raised thingy for the potty. It's getting REALLY hard to get up and down now!

More cheese please...

hedgie said...

Lolly, if you only have one receiver......and you are getting tv okay on all of the other TV's hooked up to it, it MUST be the TV that's bad, not the receiver......right??!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, that would be very sweet to give yours to Sherry. Gary was at the game! No, it doesn't seem quite the same, does it?

NatureNut said...

My Mom took me downtown when I was smaller, on streetcar or bus & we walked around to all the dept. stores until my shoulders got sore.
The good trips were when we had lunch and went to a movie!!!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Lynn....I was just reading up on FIP too and read that! They can use that fluid to determine if there is coronavirus and along with other symptoms and history of the kittens they can lean towards FIP. And I was mistaken...there IS a vaccine for it, but it's not very effective and therefore not used.

NatureNut said...

See it's late AGAIN!! Gonna see what's happening on TV. We are getting 40 - 45° tonight. BOOO I'll have to see if Bumbly stays around.

Prayers for all ailments and
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Lynne, I saw that there are some vaccine experiments going on...overseas! Hope that if they find it successful, that it can be introduced quickly. I would think that if the kittens survive that they will become permanent residents at Lori's!

Lolly said...

I thought it was the TV, too, but Jack says it is the box. ???

Just asked him again...he assures me it is the box! It has put a big red x in the middle of the screen. LOL

Lolly said...

Lynne, I am so sorry! Keep on working to get the weight off...that will help but not cure your problem.

Lynne2 said...

I hope they DO may not be FIP, hopefully!

How is YOUR knee doing?

Lolly said...

Just put my order in for G & T. Told Jack I "needed" one. He said "Need" is for oxygen. Guess he is right, but it sure would be nice to have one to celebrate these Rangers!

Lolly said...

My knee is just great. Took my kneww wraps with me, but every time we went hiking it was back at the trailer. Had a long steep slope to walk down at Mesa Verde, but I did great. Yea!

Lynne2 said...

You bet I will Lolly! I am TOTALLY committed, finally, to getting this weight off! My goal is 10 pounds a month. I lost this 10 in 3 weeks, but do NOT expect to keep that pace up! Since it has gotten cooler, I 'm taking the dogs for longer walks now and will start doing my elliptical machine slowly. With knee brace ON. I have not been drinking enough water though, since it's been cooler. I am making an effort to remember to do so.

Lolly said...

kneww...hmmmm? That's a new one!

Lynne2 said...

Going DOWN is a bigger problem for me that going UP. Down steps, down hills, sitting down....not so good. Glad your knee didn't act up on your vacation!

Lolly said...

Annie is back. She jumped up on the bed, walked over crying, and reached out and pawed at me. I think was saying pet me, pet me!

Lynne2 said...

awwww....I sure miss Mitzi pawing at me to be petted! She was so insistent!

Lolly said...

Yes, going down is always bad on the knees. I was very happy I had no problem.

Lolly said...

Wow, Rangers are now up 15 to 4!!!

hedgie said...

I can't believe I am hungry again. And no I/C or pastry or anything yummy to eat. Don't feel like an apple.....guess I'll have to settle for a last pack.

Lynne2 said...

I'd love to get a KNEWW wrap, but I hate shopping....

Lynne2 said...

OH! I told Steve today what I wanted for my big FIVE OHHHHHHH in January. I told him the best thing he could give me was for him to quit smoking by then!

hedgie said...

Deja vu in this race.....bad crash---same kind of hit that killed Dale, Sr., but safety devices protected Johnson and he is apparently unhurt. TG!

Lolly said...

I have two kneww wraps. LOL I like one better than the other, but they certainly help.

Lolly said...

Well, I certainly hope he does that for you, Lynne!

Lolly said...

So, it is the big 50. LOL No, big are still young. It is the big 68 for me in January. ☺

hedgie said...

LOL, Lynne---that would be a great present for you....and it wouldn't cost anything!!! It would SAVE money!

Lolly said...

Yikes! So, here I am sitting on the bed, propped against pillows, another pillow under my knees, laptop on my lapboard. I am petting Annie who is beside me when all of a sudden she started retching. I screamed for Jack 'cause I could not get up! He came running and got her outside. Poor kitty!

hedgie said...

Race over---and thankfully Kyle the Brat Busch did NOT win, despite leading the most laps!

Lolly said...

Not only would it save them money, it could also save his life!

hedgie said...

That was a lucky save, Lolly! Hope Annie is okay.

Lynne2 said...

Yes Lynn, it would be the BEST gift I could have! Linda's Dennis having the heart attack really shook me up. Steve is such a heavy smoker, but he has been smoking a bit less. Not much, but a bit. With things being as they are for us right now, he's a nervous wreck, and I am trying not to harp on him about it too much. But it hit me this morning that it would be the best thing he could give me!

Lolly said...

Can hear a lot of yelling and cheering at a neighbors. They must be having a game watching party!

Lynne2 said...

oh Lolly, is Annie OK?

Lynne2 said...

oh LYNN....I just wanted you to know that I will be rooting for the REDSKINS tomorrow but only because I am REALLY rooting against Michael Vick!

hedgie said...

Oh, that, too, Lolly, for sure!!

Lolly said...

Yes, I think Dennis' heart attack has been a bit scary for all of us. Jack is now 71 and he works hard. However, he has never smoked. Thank goodness! But, I do see him tiring much faster.

Lynne2 said...

I'm down to very few ciggies a day at this point. I don't smoke at work, or even take them to work! I could quit pretty easily now...but it will be harder if Steve doesn't.

Lolly said...

She threw up last night, too, a hairball. I think since she was not petted for two weeks she is licking a lot of hair. I know when I pet her hair flys!!

hedgie said...

For those not on FB.....check Momster mail.....Irene sent through the photo of the eagle sculpture unveiled at NBG today in honor of Mama eagle, and a pic taken at BW of one of their lovely couples!

Lynne2 said...

Does she like to be brushed? I'm so glad Brother and Joker do! Brother doesn't do well at self grooming and Joker is just a hairball, so they get brushed a lot!

Lynne2 said...

OK, really going to bed now.....LOL!

Lolly said...

No, Annie hates to be combed!! We have to pin her down. I start out combing and she puts up with it for about a minute and then gets really angry. LOL

Nite Lynne!!(again)

hedgie said...

Wrapping it up here, dear ones. TOO much fresh air....going to soak in the bubbles....and probably snooze in the tub. Too tired to read, I think!
Sleep tight, one and all. Prayers for all....especially Tori, and Lori's charges tonight.

hedgie said...

P.S. Lolly, have you tried one of those hair-removal "mitts" on Annie? Maybe she wouldn't mind that!

Lolly said...

Texas Rangers win the pennant!!! World Series here we come!!!!!

PA Nana said...

Just as I catch up everyone is going to bed.

Have a good night everyone and I'll try to be earlier tomorrow.

God bless all and prayers for all needs.

Mema Jo said...

Back again - almost fell asleep watching
the news.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all....
Hugs for all... ♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night and to turn on the night light while Judie works on her school stuff.

Very sleepy. I will see you tomorrow.

Good night.

Lolly said...

That was very thoughtful of you, Shirley. Had not thought to do that.

Going to watch the celebration and trophy presentation and then head to bed myself.

Night all! Sweet dreams!♥

wvgal_dana said...

Linda praying for your back and knees. That some help will come along for things like hauling in the wood. More cutting of wood if needed. Dennis is in my prayers to not overdo and heal and get better.

I am all caught up until I open thread in am.

Good night my friends. Good nigjt

stronghunter said...

Well, Judie turns on a night light because I cursed at her the night she turned off all the lights and I stumbled around in the dark when I came home late from a bridge game.

stronghunter said...

It is the least I can do since I started the whole thing.

Hoda said...

Goodnight all.
Sorry Annie got sick LOLLY.
LYNNE very good request for a birthday present I would agree.
I hope all the absent Momsters are doing well and I send them all prayers.
Sweet Dreams all.
God Bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow..loooooong thread

Just checking in...went to lowes for roof repair stuff...did that today and mowed the lawn...osprey are gone...eagles were overhead this afternoon..I missed them but neighbor saw them

Still windy here tonight...water is rough but bro did catch a nice rocfish tonight

Nick is pooped he played with neighbor dog a lot

Will check in tomorrw...have a good sundy

(((Hugs for all)))

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, shop sales were not good, today. We never have a good day when the Apple Harvest Parade and celebrations are going on!
Business will pick up next week:)


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here VERY late tonight, but it took a while to get caught up.
Lori, I'm doing some heavy-duty praying for all of your kitties, especially Bobby, LeRoy, and Andie, since they had direct contact with the cat that died.
Have never heard of that disease, so will have to read up on it.

Lynne2, wow, congratulations! 10 pounds in 3 weeks is great! Way to go! Hope your knees start feeling better soon! Prayers for healing.

Lolly, sorry to hear about your TV problems. Hope it will be an easier fix than it sounds!

Well, about to do a face plant here, so better call it a day. Shirley, thanks for turning on the night light. I'm making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature (especially Lori's cats & kittens!) Wishing everyone a restful night's sleep. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Thanks much for the FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) info. I read some of that, but it's always better having our resident animal expert give an opinion. Thank You! I trust you and your brain more than the internet!
It says a lot that you have only seen one case. I wonder if more die of it but it's not reported without a necropsy. As you and the rescue vet said - it is fatal. No cure. Do you think I should quarantine them now even though they've been out with the other cats for so long?

Thanks for your prayers everyone. This is so scary. I can hear every sneeze that every cat has done in the last week and I think - oh no!

Lori O. said...

Still reading from last night...

UGH, LOLLY! Hate it when you save all the shows you really want to watch and they get wiped out! Big bummer! Grrrrr.

HODA, there were Occupy protests all over the world yesterday. Spanish protest of six months has even linked up with it! WikiLeaks Asange even spoke at one rally in England. And to think, your little Nelson was part of it all. :) Does Nelson have a website like something with the Chamber of Commerce, or tourism?

I took some pictures of the leaves from the bit picture window I put in last year. Tried 3 different shots that I want to take the same ones everyday to see how they change. Guess I should do it at the same time of day, too. Hmmm. Trying to remember the time.

Lori O. said...


Funny about hating to shop. LYNN & LYNNE both said they hate it, and so do I! Funny that even into 20's was great just window shopping and going to the mall when you had nothing to do, but that doesn't happen often now.

DanaMo said...

I hate shopping too. I order from the catalog or online then return what doesn't fit or look right. When I do shop at a store I rarely try things on, again, I take them home try them on and eventually return them!

DanaMo said...

I hope I'm not repeating myself but...
I'm a little sore this morning. I ran with Adam yesterday. What the HELL was I thinking? That I at 48 could run with him at 16 years old?? And to top it off I had Boomer running with me, and he wanted to run Adam's pace. I finally told Adam to just GO and then Boomer felt the need to track him the rest of the time. Nose to the ground sniffing for Adam. Well I sure learned my lesson. One I'm not 16 anymore 2. I can run faster than I thought. That was my best time at 37 minutes for 2.66 miles.

I hope it's a glorious Sunday for everyone!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMO!

At least you return the items you don't like. I've gotten to the point that I won't buy online unless I can return them locally to a store...still, the return part rarely happens. Coldwater Creek is great for shopping sales online and being able to return and shop at the store.

Lori O. said...

WOW, DanaMO! I think that's cool that you went running with Adam. And Congratulations on your new record!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori. It usually takes me a while but I do return the things that don't fit. Most places have return labels and I just turn the packaging inside out and stick the label on and drop at the Post Office. I also return to local stores if we have one, but I shop Dillards and Boscovs and I won't go to Frederick so I send them back int he mail.

DanaMo said...

Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool too, but I really thought that I would be able to run with him. I guess I just don't realize that I'm not 16 anymore. It was really kind of an eye opener. That probably sounds dorky but truly I thought I could do it!

Lori O. said...

Happy National Feral Cat Day!

Prayers for a beautiful MLK, Jr. dedication on the National Mall this morning.

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, Adam has probably been training a lot harder being as he is on the track team now. Yes, he's younger, but YOU ARE AMAZING for trying! I think you did more than you realize. You go, gurl!

DanaMo said...

Thanks Lori, you are sweet!

So what's on your agenda for the day?

I think we are ready to close the pool. No one has swam and the heater has been turned off so I guess it's time. Always sad to see it all closed up and the deck stuff all put away. Looks so barren.

Lori O. said...

Cleaning and organizing is my chore for the day. I'm an organizational freak and just got caught up online looking for something to organize all my gift wrapping wired ribbon spools. I've searche dmany times but never find anything. Farewell to your pool for the winter, DanaMo! Do the labs swim?

DanaMo said...

When we go to Fronier Town they swam in the bay, I don't let them in the pool because of the liner, but they have "fallen" in. Well, Frisbee has fallen in, not sure about the other two. Check out my video on my picture blog. That was the first time they swam and we really just don't get the opportunity.

Lori O. said...

Very cool video of the Flying Labs, DanaMo! I could ID Boomer when you called him, and Java when Monte was talking to him. That was fun!

DanaMo said...

Thanks Lori and it was a lot of fun. I really wanted to get back there this summer so they could enjoy it again, but alas, too much going on. I think I will make reservations for Memorial Day just so we get in for sure!

Lori O. said...

Wow, I think the whole Momster Nation is sleeping in this morning!
Or lurking.

Lolly said...

Just time for a quick GOOD MORNING!☺ Getting ready for church and then hurrying to Glen Rose. It is about a 45 minute drive down there. Jana's family has invited us to a fajita lunch! Very sweet of them. Thrilled to be seeing Reece. Also, Jana's sister has a new baby 2 weeks old. Gonna get some baby time! Yea!

Have a great Sunday! I will be back this evening! (((Hugs)))

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning.
I did sleep in a little this AM, and just finished a good french toast and bacon breakfast. One paper to go after I clean up the kitchen. Liesl woke up early when I made a bathroom trip at 6.....let her out and put her back to bed and she went right back to sleep, so I took good advantage!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Lori, DanaMo, Lolly and Hedgie-Lynn/e.

DanaMo I remember closing down our
pool. Of course it was a big above
ground pool. Yours is probably an
inground. That was always a sad time.

Why my daughter was living in Florida. She had an inground pool. She taught Dozer her Bullmastiff NOT to go near the edge. She was so afraid he would fall in an they would not know and he would drown. She taught him it was ok only when she was in pool. I was so amazed. Dozer loved me and Ed. So when
we visited she told us go ahead try to get Dozer in with you. We did he would NOT! She said, "I'll go in the house all the way back into bedroom and you and Daddy try to get Dozer to come in with you". We waited then we tried. He
would just look at us. Once or twice he gave us this woof that really wasn't a woof. It was like blowing air through his big loppy cheeks lol. We always laughed when he did that.

hedgie said...

Dana, I woould say you did VERY well on your run yesterday.....but you know the adage: "Rue the run." In crossword puzzles, that mean ACHE! Hope you work it out today closing the pool rather than making the aches worse. And I hope that Monte is there to help!

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle friends.

T-Bird said...

Go SKINS. I can't remember, does anyone know who they lost to this year?

hedgie said...

Don't know if you all recall the insurance appeal I made because they didn't cover the co-pay for an apptmt. that THEY/Medicare insisted on and scheduled that I didn't need....??? Got a new explanation of benefits showing they covered it....and a bill from the Dr's office yesterday! Who's on first???!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Washington Redskins 2011 Regular Season:

1 Sun, Sep 11 vsNew York W28-14 Grossman 305 Hightower 72 Davis 105
2 Sun, Sep 18 vsArizona W22-21 Grossman 291 Hightower 96 Davis 86

3 Mon, Sep 26 @Dallas L18-16 Grossman 250 Hightower 41 Moss 70

4 Sun, Oct 2 @St. Louis W17-10 Grossman 143 Torain 135 Gaffney 62


6 Sun, Oct 16 vsPhiladelphia 1:00 PM FOX Tickets


hedgie said...

Hi, Thelma.....we lost to those nasty ol' Cowboys! Sure hate that I am going to miss most of the game with a meeting this afternoon....argh! But hoping that VICK gets taken out permanently by our guys!!!

hedgie said...

We ARE in first place in the division, and the Eagles are in LAST's a home game for us, so it should be a WIN!!!

T-Bird said...

Hedgie, how could I have forgotten that. I've got Sometimers. : )

wvgal_dana said...


Do you know the girl that works the counter at Roger's Auto Shop
across from KMart?

hedgie said...

LOL, T-bird! Better than ALL-timers, right??!!!

hedgie said...

NEWSFLASH!!!! Judie just called and one of the panthers threw up on the puter modem internet!!!! Darth has been out and bought a new one, but hasn't gotten it hooked up yet. Otherwise, all is well in A'dale!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals ☼ ☺ ♥

Sometimers... I like that Thelma!
I have Often-timers !!

Hope the day is going well...
wow, feline throw-up on Judie's computer modem...I can't say WOOF ...
how about MEOW!!!

Lori O. said...

Hi gals! Remember last year the Skins were blownout by Philly in the week after the Skins bye week...something like 53 - 16...remember McNabb that game? ARGH!

LYNN, lucky you that Leisl let you go back to sleep. Can she teach FloBear that trick?

THELMA, loved that you went GW Fashion shopping yesterday! Cute. Find anything? Is that Bedford, PA that you and Sharon visit?

magpie said...

Good Morning
Morning GLori !

Nice to have a day "off" isn't it?
And such a Beautiful day at that !!!

magpie said...

aaaah yes, GW Fashion!
My favorite! Found two neat pair of Bib Overalls in the Hallowe'en Costume selection last week...but they were LARGE so I had to pass, shucks!

Lori O. said...

Hi MARGY! It's a beautiful morning. Checking out good places to take change of color pictures.

Oh wow. QVC had that dog
Thunder Shirt on right now. I've heard someone on here recommend it several times. They're supposed to work to calm dogs down in thunderstorms and other stressful situations.

magpie said...

computer got over its snit overnight, pretty friendly now

Lefthanders: Do you all put your mouse on the left side of the keyboad ??
I might have to learn to be a lefty if this finger needs surgery

magpie said...

am concerned with all of your Momster and Dadster pals about all your cats, especially the little kitties....Prayers for a good outcome ♥ (( Hugs ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

Margy, I'm getting a new computer, laptop. I'm sure I can take all the junk off this one and it would run fine. Haven't had many problems with it - except when I open too many things at once...but that's a memory thing because I've got thousands of pictures on here. Take 'em off and it should be okay. Would you like it? Maybe you can just use it to blog on and it would treat you better! LOL

magpie said...

Was sorry to read, in Jo's post with NCTC Steve's reply, that he has been sick....
(( Healing Prayers and Hugs, Steve ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

Seriously, Margy. I've ordered the new one and it'll be here at the end of the month.

magpie said...

oh Lori...that's a nice offer...
let me give it some thought, sure sounds like it would help things along here

I have moved a lot of picures off to those flash drives, have a lot more to move, but it really helped and freed up considerable amount of disc space

magpie said...

but would my dinosaur forgive me ??
He has been a great pal over the years, since May 2005 ♥

magpie said...

It's a PC?
I can't do laptop...

whaddya think, will we go to a
before a new thread? I think so

DanaMo said...

Wow you momsters are really into your football! Enjoy!

Monte will do most of the work on closing the pool. I will lend a hand when possible, but I maintain all summer and he opens/closes. That's the deal! He tries to say the pool is so much work NOT! Just blowing air like Dozer! (WV-dana's daughters dog).

I'm a little sore, but not bad really, so I'm pretty pleased. I will stretch today...on the couch :)

I'm a lefty Margy, I have the mouse on the right, I don't think I could do it with my left hand. Then again I am a weird lefty, I only write with my left hand.

Glad Leisl went back to sleep for you. The flying labs usually do as well, but most times I just cannot do it!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I guess that is one way to ruin a computer Judie. Glad Darth got you another and we are waiting for him to get you hooked up LADY HUGS

magpie said...

Rainbow Pictures here:

Rainbows at Magpie's Roost, Friday Oct 14, 2011

magpie said...

Thanks DanaMo...
will be working on becoming a Lefty in the next few weeks....
Sounds like more than a fair deal you have with Monte..I used to help a neighbor maintain an above ground pool in exchange for swimming WAS a lot of work !
But a great way to work on a suntan ! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Margy Did you find out what is wrong with your finger? Where are you going to go to see the movie "The Help"?

magpie said...

go ahead, feel sorry for me:
going to start taking chewable Calcium tablets...
chocolate truffle squares,
also just got gummy chewable adult vitamins

T-Bird said...

Lori, it's Bedford, VA. Mattie and Sharon found some things at GW Fashion but I didn't have any luck.

magpie said...

It's either arthritis, or trigger finger, a tendon problem,
index finger, right hand...
have a motrin-type lotion for it, but it's not doing much good yet.
Will see how the next few weeks go
then see an orthopedic doc about it if not improved

I have no immediate plans to go see The Help
but want to see it.
I have watched some of the segments on-line, looks like a great movie

magpie said...

Wish we could go GW-ing together, T-Bird ☺

Lori O. said...

Margy, it's a Dell, PC. I'm switching to a laptop after much debate.

Lori O. said...

T-Bird, can you and Sharon come up to meet JudyE at the nest a week from tomorrow? I'd love to see you!

magpie said...

I have taken four-season pictures of "The Cabled Path" at Swinging Bridge, I should try to get those on my blog, if I can backtrack and find them all!
I really need to have just one blogspot for Swinging Bridge

Wonder how our JudyE is doing ??

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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...