Saturday, October 01, 2011


Weekend thread 1.


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stronghunter said...

Good morning, Steve. Hope you are having a nice weekend. I will get the others.

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the call over Stronghunter and the new thread Steve.

Lynne2 said...

POOP SHOOT FACIAL SHIRLEY! Thanks for the callover, and have a nice weekend Steve!

Thel, explanation of toaster shakin's on old thread....

stronghunter said...

Hi again. Forgot to say thanks to Steve for the new weekend thread.

Pretty sunshiny morning here today. I have not been out, but I am sure it is cool today.

Have a nice trip, Andy.

Good morning, Lynne and Thelma.

hedgie said...

Now someone has posted on OC forum that Hope is alright......NO SUCH MESSAGE from NABC.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

It's chilly out there! Just got back from Cohen's soccer was cute...3-4 kids on each team...they practice first for 1/2 hour, then they play. It spit rain the whole time! I'm about to turn the heat on, LOL

Gonna grab some breakfast!

paula eagleholic said...

Have a great trip, Andy!

Lynne2 said...

OK, I want to know what kind of drugs they are taking on the OC forum! Clearly they live in a dream world!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new Thread Steve. Hope you have a nice weekend.

Good morning Eagle Family and Lurkers ( :

Yes I would like to know what Thelma met "toaster shaking"????

hedgie said...

Shirley, how's your throat this morning?

hedgie said...

Temp has dropped to 45° here.....heat is on, and feels good!

Linda said...

Good Morning!

Wow, 45° in WV and 55° up here in N. PA. Go figure! Stay warm!

Lori O. said...

Thank you for the new thread STEVE!
Hopefully everyone will be inside and posting a lot since it's so cold outside!

Thank you for the call over Ms. Shirley Super Bowler!

I was also wondering what Lynne's Toaster Shakings were! LOL Lynne! I loved the bully puppy in the swing. I'll have to checkout

Oh, I had 1 hummingbird this morning, too.

Shirley, if you have sunshine, could you send some here, please?

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, yes, we did have Family Friday and a sweet one, it was. GG said she felt better than she has in a long time (could it be her elation at my hair cut?). She stood up, when she saw me and shouted, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, OH, I LOVE IT!!! Actually, it didn't look very nice, hairdresser used small curlers (I didn't notice at the time) and my curls were kinky! Just not set the way I do it.
Denise didn't come over, she had another photo shoot. Karla's Donny came over, along with JAYDEN and that made a good group:)

stronghunter said...

Oh, I wish I could send you some sunshine, Lori. Sunshine wishes coming your way!

My throat is feeling better this morning, Lynn. I had a little trouble eating shrimp last night, but that is okay. I brought them home. They did say soft foods, and shrimp doesn't exactly fit the category, but I enjoyed the refried beans. Hunter thinks they are yucky, but they are nice comfort food. Warm and easy to swallow. Also had some flan. Very good.

Lynne2 said...

so glad GG is feeling better!!! PICTURE PICTURE HAIR PICTURE!!

Gotta run...much to do today, first to store. BBL

Costume Lady said...

LINDA...hope you are still here. Ask Dennis how he deals with those awful squash bugs? We LOVE squash, but only got 2 or 3 this year because of those bugs!

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY, did you peel the shrimp?:)

Lolly said...

Good Morning! My fine featherless friends!☺ Just a little worried about a poop shoot facial...must be very expensive this time of year!

ANDY, have a great trip! Do not have to do all that prep or packing to take Annie to camp. Thank goodness! We put her in her carrier, with her protesting!! Carry her and a sack of her food and away we go. We then put her carrier in her pen at camp as she likes to sleep in it there. There cat pens are layered, cats can climb the shelves but they put Annie in a special one as she does not climb. She never has been a climber/jumper and now it is even more so.

Linda said...

WANDA - I will be sure to ask Dennis about his squash when I make it back downstairs.

I do know that the delicata squash was a volunteer this year. He didn't plant those seeds this spring, but they came up from last year's crop.

Such heart warming stories of GG. Treasure these times, Wanda. I know you do!

stronghunter said...

The shrimp were already peeled. They would have been especially hard to eat unpeeled.

Lolly said...

Their not there! Groan..........

Lolly said...

Shrimp are not soft food, Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Squash bugs must be very prolific and hungry in West Virginia. Squash plants grow quickly and produce many squashes. It would be very disappointing to lose all of them.

I did not plant any veggies this year. Maybe I will have some next summer.

stronghunter said...

Not soft at all, Lolly. But maybe I can eat them tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Good chilly Morning everyone! Almost a full house - hope everyone has their SOCKS on today!

No plans - just need to get this cup of coffee in me. Paula you need a hot
breakfast - I so remember early morning games and the chilly and rainy weather.

stronghunter said...

I could have just ordered refried beans and left it at that, but I am accustomed to bringing something home anyway. Usually when I eat out, I get at least two meals out of an order.

Lolly said...

This morning we start loading the trailer then I will do some more cooking for the trip. Want to make some meatballs, the sauce is already in the freezer. Wish Linda lived closer....all those wonderful tomatoes! Wow!

Linda said...

WANDA - Just checked with Dennis about bugs getting your squash.

He said he hasn't had problems with bugs eating his squash leaves, but IF he did, he would use Sevin Dust on them and would apply it early in the morning when there was a little dew still on the leaves so the dust would stick.

Hope that helps for your next year's crop! I wish I could send you some of ours! We have 40-50 butternut squash. We asked everyone at our bible study to take a few on their way home this week!

Lolly said...

Morning Jo! LOL Up to 60 now and I am sitting here in shorts and barefoot! No socks for me until we hit New Mexico!

Linda said...

The awesome thing about squash is you can put it in the basement, like potatoes, and they will last for months!! I just love it!

Lolly said...

Packing up jeans and sweatshirts will be strange! House is wide open, had to pull up the blanket last night. Love it!

Lori, you may have answered my question but never saw it. Did the family that adopted LeRoy give him up when he got sick? Is that why you have him?

Linda said...

LOLLY - I wished we all lived closer together, too!!

I'd be happy to share my sauce with any one and all of you!

Lolly said...

I did not know that about squash! Interesting!

Linda said...

Hellooooo LORI ♥

How are you on this gloomy Saturday??

Lolly said...

Wouldn't we have fun if we all lived close together?!!!!!

Lolly said...

Time for me to start my day! My coffee is about finished.

Have a great day!☺ I will be in and out!☺

paula eagleholic said...

Yum, love refried beans Shirley, especially with cheese and sour cream on top ☺

Linda said...

WANDA - Another thing..... those bugs that attack squash can overwinter in leftover squash plant material from the previous year's garden. I read that online. It said if you get rid of that plant material completely, you will have a better chance in the next years crop. I would think a really good tilling after harvesting of that area would help.

The site I saw also said to watch very early on to see if the eggs are attaching to the underside of those leaves. We have had some of those types of problems in some plants in the past. I just can't remember which ones they were. They were some of those large leaf plants, though.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, it was really strange to put on pants, socks, shoes and sweatshirt and jacket today! Do not like it!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, I also heard to use flour on the squash bugs...gums up their mouth.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I requested some sour cream and even brought it home. But I ate all of the beans. I could get some more beans at the grocery store, though.

Linda said...

We sure would, LOLLY!! Our husbands might not take as much of a liking to it, but we could sure have some fun.

Linda said...

PAULA - That's a good and more "organic" way, too.

I've heard soapy water, too. But you would probably have to do that every day in the early stages.

Linda said...

SHIRLEY - I LOVE sour cream!! Makes so many things taste oh so good!!

Go easy on those refried beans!! You know what else they can do...... LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I am LOL at your toaster shakins comment!

And I see one day of sun was not enough for our cam!

I need to get started on my copy of "the Help" as well!

Margy, you will love Cocoon, great movie!

It's a good day to get some work done around here! That will keep me warm!

hedgie said...

Had a brief power outage here....don't know what caused that!

hedgie said...

Shirley, I love refried beans with cheese, sour cream and hot sauce on them! And I love flan, too!! You certainly had a combo of ethnic flavors.

stronghunter said...

I skip the hot sauce. Probably would not be good with a sore throat, anyway.

Costume Lady said...

PAULA, if I can get those squash bugs mouths open, I will put flour in there!:)

Soapy water works on stink bugs, and the squash bug looks the same, so I think that idea my be a less messy one to try. Good thinking, Linda! I will try all those ideas, til I find one that works.

LOLLY, I think Linda was speaking of the Winter squash varieties that will last for months in the basement. Spaghetti squash, Butternut, are some we have stored and they store beautifully!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e could the shortage be those outside wires that got struck by lightning getting wet now???

wvgal_dana said...


Want to see our eagles fixingg up the nest!!!!

Costume Lady said...

I love refried beans, cheese, sour cream too, but they are best served on top of a taco:) LOVE taco salad!

stronghunter said...

Taco salad is one of my favorite foods. I get it at Wendy's.

wvgal_dana said...

For Hedgie-Lynn/e's question on other thread..

CSI-NY Danny had always wanted to be back on the streets. The Sargent's test came up he took it and past.

wvgal_dana said...

awww another cup of coffe to warm me up.....Who ordered this cold weather?

Instead of pain coffee this time. I am having International Swisse Mocha Decaffeinated and Sugar Free.
Yummy taste so good ( :

Costume Lady said...

I've never had Wendy's Taco Salad, will have to try that:)


wvgal_dana said...

About older thread comments:

Lynne2 read where you put the crows head invthe Saturn. Steve took that car to work next day. See he wasn't too happy. I guess it had a nice truck smell.

Yes Lynne2 Belle and Liberty's eaglets at NBG. I don't know when they started tagging the eaglets
at NBG. The male that came into our nest has no tag on it. Thanks Lynne2 for the post that the female
at NBG was seen bringing a stick into the nest. GREAT!!

Costume Lady said...

DANA, it's no wonder you have pain...stop drinking that PAIN COFFEE;)

stronghunter said...

I know Wendy's is not an authentic Mexican restaurant, but I like their taco salad anyway.

Mema Jo said...

You are BAD, WANDA

Costume Lady said...

I'm trying to think what you can put on the animals that LYNNE wants to save for the skeleton, to make them disintegrate quicker. May be, lime...hold down the odor, also.

Mema Jo said...

I've been waiting since yesterday to see the beautiful new do! I want to see what is left on your head - not the floor. You really had a lot cut - it was so very long! Glad GG loved it!

Still waiting - Jo ♥

Linda said...

Nice Hair, Wanda!! Now, what is left ON YOUR HEAD??

wvgal_dana said...

I will have to check and see if our Wendy's has a Taco Salad. Mother would love that for a change. If not too much lettuce (can always take it out) I might even get one. Oh I hope they do have it here.

Lori O. said...

All this talk of Mexican food, refried beans and taco salad, yum...makes me miss some of my LA dives!

Thanks for the sunshine, Shirley. Hoping it gets here soon.

Lolly, LeRoy was so sick, that the rescue wanted him to come back here to rehab when he left the vet hospital. I haven't heard that his family has given him up, though I don't know that we would be the first to know. The rescue really is just concerned that LeRoy gets better. And he is, slowly. Since the adoptive family had taken so long to get him help (maybe they're new cat people) they were afraid to send him back there while he is still so fragile. He's gonna make it.

wvgal_dana said...

Ha Ha Wanda pulled a good one on us Mema Jo and everyone that went to look at pictue. Wanda now that wasn't a nice trick to pull on us. April Fool's is over and Halloween is not here yet LOL

Lori O. said...

Very funny WANDA! LOL :)

Linda said...

OH, poor little LeRoy!! I am so glad you're so kind to take him back and nurse him to good health once again. I know it's what you do, Lori, but you do it with so much love in your heart!! LeRoy is one lucky critter!

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lori, was just curious. are just so funny! Now come on!!!!! Give us a picture of the hair on your head!! That hair which is still attached and growing!!!

Linda said...

My Riley is staring me in the face and shaking. It's getting very dark outside, too.

Guess we're in for a storm any minute now. Ugh.....

Lolly said...

Oh, and cute picture of Jayden and his mom. Have never seen a picture of her before!

wvgal_dana said...

SICLMBO=Sitting In Chair Laughing My Butt Off at what Wanda said to me. I went back and checked my comment. Oh that is so so funny !!! LOL Of course should have been "plain coffee". LOL Good catch Wanda ( : HUGS

Linda said...

I think Wanda wants to fix it her way before she posts a picture.

She did mention last night that the hair dresser used smaller curlers than she does and she wants to re do it!

Very funny, Wanda!

Lolly said...

Packing up jeans, t-shirts, and sweat shirts. Packed my "I hibernated with Lily and Hope" t-shirt. More sadness!

wvgal_dana said...

awwww Lolly your bringing tears to my eyes again with yours

They should have a tear drop symbol with those characters.

Sniffle sniffle

Mema Jo said...

October B-day List Momsters/Dadsters

3rd Carolyn Smith aka Jewel
11th Belle Baker Original Momster
12th Jo Lennox aka Mema Jo
13th Wanda Wright aka Costume Lady
21st Tom Riffe Dadster sidekick of
23rd Lisa Mayo-Blackwater WebMaster

Mail a card-let them know we Care
Norma Long-9th 652 7th St,
Romney WV 26757
Mason Ellsworth POBox 1195 Shepherdstown WV 25443

Mema Jo said...

Whoops - Mason is on the 11th

wvgal_dana said...

Boy Mema Jo thank you for October's Birthday list first of all. WOW it has been a long time since I have seen Bell Baker. Would love to see her again ( :

hedgie said...

Thanks, Dana, for explaining about Danny! Don't know how I missed that!

LOL, Wanda!!!! We want to see your pretty face with your shorter hair around it!!!!

Hoda said...

Good morning / Good afternoon everyone...
Laundry is done and I have lots of flat work to do today...
On my way to yoga and the Quilting Guild show.
FUNNY WANDA about the hair photo!!! Jo said it best. BAD!!!

Talk to you all later.

hedgie said...

No, Dana, it was a general power outage.

hedgie said...

Dana, yes our Wendy's has taco salads!

hedgie said...

Also, Warm Springs Eatery makes a very good taco salad!

Linda said...

Has anyone decided if we are getting together this month? I know there has been talk about it from time to time, but I just wanted to check in case I was AWOL and missed something.

I would sure like to make a nest visit and meet this wonderful family of friends from this blog!

Mema Jo said...

Linda you have not missed any announced plans.... :(

Linda said...

Thanks, Jo :(

I sure would love a fall visit if anyone is game.

Lynne2 said...

oh are do DROLL. Clearly we must be more specific...

went to the store, Dollar Tree, library, bank. Making stuffed peppers for dinner.

Linda said...

Well, I better go and get something done, even if it's wrong!! LOL

Will check in later!!

Make it a great day!

Linda said...

YUM, Lynne!! We love stuffed peppers.

I think I will put that on my menu for next week. We have a nice head of cabbage from the garden, too. Maybe I should do stuffed cabbage this week and stuffed peppers next week.

Thanks for the idea!!

Lynne2 said...

yes, they'll be better than Toaster Shakin's for sure! OK, I need to get on the ball here and get things done. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Linda It would be better to do the nest visit. Probably when they have Open House in June. That way you would get to see the adult eagles. The eaglets may have fledged by then but they do come back to the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Open House isn't until 4/21/12
Earth Day

paula eagleholic said...

MMMmmm stuffed Aunt Edna made the best...galumpkis is the Polish word for stuffed cabbage!
Had to have them at every wedding, reunion, Thanksgiving etc.

paula eagleholic said...

I am getting stuff done! Vacuumed some, doing some laundry, working on my poor ignored house plants!

Lynne2 said...

I had suggested an October visit at Gettysburg but got no bites :(

I am in high gear here!! Glad we stayed home. Steve is working today as he is taking Tues. off to go to the VA for a check up and I'm getting the house clean! So glad the rain has stayed away so far, but there is some PINK on the radar in W. Md. and in TERRA ALTA!!

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo I see your comment about Open House April 21st. That will still be good for a nest visit. Due to usually the eggs have been hatching in March. So the adult eagle will be feeding the chicks in April. Not like in October when you don't usually see the adult eagles and of course not the eaglets.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and to read lost of reading

JudyEddy said...

THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE I almost forgot my manners

JudyEddy said...

Our weather is sooooooooooo nice When I walked out of the house I was amazed how nice it was cooooooooler

Ok exactly ;how do you prepare that LYNN the toaster shakins do you just eat plain or do you doctor it up LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Just found this information on the Decorah site. A book has been written for children called "Three Little Eagles and How They Grew: Jacob's Story". A boy tell about his fun following the bald eagle family featured in a webcam program by Raptor Resource Project, Decorah IA. BOOK by M. Thorsheim. Say's Beautiful story to read to younger children, or for older children and adults to read for their own enjoyment! Full-color, many illustrations. Paperback. 8.5 x 11", 43 pages. $12.95 plus s/h

TO ORDER eamil, call 612,339,7829 or 612,871,2236, or write: PARK PRESS MINNEAPOLIS
1455 W. Lake St. B-20
Minneapolis MN 55408

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I do the same thing when I go out they always give so much food at places I love the one place I go to they have smaller meals advertised on the board and smaller price which is always nice when I go there and I never have left over when I go there I like bringing left over home though

I love re fried beans also but no sour cream can't stand it at all I like Taco Bells taco salad it comes with beans under it I don't like the rice they started putting it it One way to use less meat I guess I always ask on sour cream or rice YUKY

JudyEddy said...

back to work so I won't be late see ya later

Lolly said...

I had thought about writing a children's book about Lib and Belle. Just chicken to jump into something I know nothing about...publishing. Would also need an artist. I had it all in my head and that is where it will stay!

Jack and I have been preparing food. We have always said the trailer is our port a potty as well as our wine cellar. Told Jack it is also our 5 Star Dining establishment.☺ We do eat well on our trips!

Lolly said...

Laurel texted me...Jacob got hit on the knee with a pitched ball while playing catcher. Said he is going to have a bruise, sat out 1/2 inning. However, he got the first good hit of the game and the first run in. They lost...6-5. :(

hedgie said...

Christie has a pic on her FB that a friend posted of enough snow at Snowshoe to write in it on a windshield. ARGH!!

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, must be discouraging to make a run for your team, and then lose. Hope Jacob is proud of himself, nevertheless!

When we travel in the Eagle Express, we eat at restaurants, most evenings as we travel. Love to try new eateries and after traveling hundreds of miles, usually to tired to put a meal together (even if it is a Marie Callendars) and a salad. We stop so many times, shopping, bushwhacking, climbing, gathering rocks, etc. it's just nice to get out and walk to a restaurant. Now, when we go to a RV park, we do eat in and usually eat all our breakfast meals in. We love the Jimmy Dean breakfast bowls and sometimes just eat a ham and cheese sandwich.
Oh, how I miss traveling:`(

stronghunter said...

Catcher's gear should have knee protection, Lolly. Of course, I am not an expert.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, perhaps you can find out about having children's pictures to illustrate your book. Maybe Lauren's students.

hedgie said...

Not to be a downer, but I have a sneaking suspicion that with Open House in April, they MIGHT even block off the road that goes past the nest....... :(

Sorry to say, too, that deer archery season opened today in WV and on NCTC campus (Sats. only there).

Lolly said...

Jacob wears catcher gear but it shifts around. Not usre that the knees are covered.

We seldom eat out while traveling. Like our own food better and the wine is cheaper. lol Last Fall we did eat out to get the seafood. And, we will go out to eat in Taos.

Lolly said...

Now, how did "sure" get all scrambled. Who did that?!!!!☺

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, don't guess they are quite ready for skiing are they? Does Christie ski? I've never had the pleasure. Gene and I went on a ski trip to Canaan Valley for our 20th wedding anniversary and there was no had been 70° for a few days and that ruined it.

hedgie said...

Poor Jacob. :( Just reading that makes me knee hurt more than it already does.

Wanda, "on the go" we would eat out, but once parked, breakfast and lunch ALWAYS in, and then usually dinner out. Occasionally a good grilled dinner that the Mr. handled! I didn't want to WORK the whole vacation!!

Costume Lady said...

I'm remembering when...we use to take GG and my Dad on vacations, out west and to Florida most every February. They both liked eating at restaurants (if we could find a good one) GG said that was part of the fun of vacations, letting someone else cook and clean up. Dad paid the bills, so, that is how it all began.

stronghunter said...

They might block the road because of the eaglets still being in the nest?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lynn, something to look forward to as you click off hundreds of miles. Breakfast is always late when we travel, therefore, no lunch...maybe a sammich, sometimes. Love to try the cuisine of the different Chinese restaurants in different parts of the country. Columbus, Ohio and Las Vegas has some of the best Chinese food we've had.

Costume Lady said...

Back to customer today:)

Costume Lady said...

Perhaps, the road will be off-limits, but remember, we were right there for TINY, HIDEY and (maybe?) Palmer?
They have gotten stricter (more strict?) in the past year!

We WILL see the nest,if only a little further away!!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes, do love for Gene to grill when we are in the right areas. NO PUBLIC grills...YUCKY!!

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Chili is simmering.....should start smelling good soon!
What a totally miserable day....temp 45 but breeze is cutting....this is past fall--like straight into winter. I hate it!!!

DanaMo said...

Just got back from a track meet in which my son didn't even run! Wanted to set a good example of being a part of a team and they were so awesome with him last week.Cold, and rainy, not my kind of weather!

Lynne2 said...

animals brushed, check. Puddles ears, check. More laundry, check. Joker brushed, check. Toenail all trimmed, check. Upstairs vacuumed, check. Still much to do!!!! ARRGGG where is this day going so fast!

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lolly, poor Jacob!

Lynne2 said...

dogs need a walk...

Lynne2 said...

uh, by toenails trimmed, I mean pets, not mine! LOL!

Lolly said...

We have fabulous meals planned and very little to do to cook them. Jack is always right there cooking with me and he always does the dishes. We love it! We are so critical eating out, have very high standards. lol We also take our own gas grill for the outdoor cooking. This is what our gourmet cooking has done to us. When we do eat out we have to search for food that we would not cook. In Taos we will look for southwestern meal or Mexican food.

Hoda said...

The food planning fo rht e trip sounds GREAT LOLLY. ENJOY.
Sorry JACOB got hurt.


DANAMO Good on you for supporting the team even though your own son was not running.

I can not believe that next weekend is THANKSGIVING in comes by so fast and the weather and the colours are beginning to reflect the time of year. You all will be celebrating Columbus Day at the same time.

hedgie said...

Wanda, Snowshoe is scheduled to open in two weeks, I think they said on the news yesterday (when they started predicting an inch of snow there). No, Chris doesn't ski, but she snowboards and tubes.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, what are the traditional feasts for Canadian Thanksgiving?

hedgie said...

Hoda, what is a traditional Canadian Thanksgiving feast?

Hoda said...

Canadian Thanksgiving is very much the same like American Thanksgiving...the same foods and traditions. A time to celebrate the abundance of the harvest and express Gratitude.

Lynne2 said...

I LOVE Thanksgiving dinner! Although, when we moved here from the Pittsburgh area, I found that in THIS area there is a rather obnoxious food served at Holiday meals....Sauerkraut! EEEWWWWWWW!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly when I was in Colorado. We were at Silverton.

Well this chick-a-dee is heading the the livig room.

It is just too cold for me today.

Costume Lady said...

HODA...I have my socks sandals:)

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne-ie---gotta have sauerkraut with a Thanksgiving turkey!!!! LOL--that is really funny! My maternal grandma's mother was from PA....and I'm sure she was who taught my Grandma to do kraut!!!

My Dad's mother made her own kraut. He always talked about digging into the barrel on the back porch and snatching some!

Hoda said...

Me too WANDA, Shoes but no boots!!! I am thinking of turning the heat on...temperatures are dropping.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Heat is on here, for sure!!!!
Wishing I had dry wood and that the chimney guy had already been here to check out the cracks! He is VERY busy....can't get to me for another three weeks, unless he finishes up early sometime. I am kind of on his way home! He says he has seen lots of damage form the earthquake in this area. :(

hedgie said...

Cornbread is in the oven. Chili is ready. Rain continues---it has not stopped for one minute all day.

Lolly said...

I eat anything and everything. That is my major problem, love a variety of food BUT do not care for sauerkraut! For Thanksgiving?

Love stuffed peppers! Growing up that is what I always requested for my birthday dinner. Cut out a new recipe for it recently. Going to try it soon.

Lolly said...

And, while everyone is freezing, I have been barefoot all day. Presently 78.

Linda said...

Sauerkraut with a beautiful Thanksgiving Dinner........


Linda said...

It's 43° here now and a bit chilly!!

But the house smells heavenly!!

Dennis is making fresh bread, garlic rolls and pizza!! Yumm!

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from work worked over one and a half hours to mark down mdse making room for Christmas

Hoda said...

I am almost done with putting away spring and summer clothes and taking out autmn and winter clothes. The washer/dryer have been going steady to freshen everything up a bit before I store it and or put it up on the hangers...A drizzly afternoon here and low 60' I have not turned on the heat...

Linda said...

Welcome Home, Judy! :)

Linda said...

Haven't heard from KAY today. I hope she is feeling okay. Praying that she is just resting or visiting with family..... maybe Seth?

Linda said...

Good weather to do that kind of work, Hoda!! You're very industrious!

Lori O. said...

I think I've gained five pounds reading about all the food today! Yummy Chili and Cornbread, Taco Salad and refried beans and I even love Sauerkraut! It's a PA thing. My Mom always makes it for New Years Day.
Me? Kate is making homemade macaroni and cheese!

Lolly, all your food for your trip sounds so fun. I love stuffed peppers, too.

Love that Jack and Dennis help in the kitchen!

Lori O. said...

Hello HODA! Got your socks on?

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Lori...put my socks on about 3 hours ago...feels sooo good.
Fire in the fireplace, Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Potatoes& Gravy, in my tummy and new hair-do freshly washed and curled!
Capt. Gene did the cooking while I was under the dryer. We were blessed with men who like to cook! I cannot imagine not having help with the cooking. All the housework can be put off til later, but, mealtime cannot:)

Lolly said...

Le Menu for the trip:

2 nights...steak
2 nights....bacon cheese burgers
2 nights....rolled flank steak
1 night...Involtini
2 nights...meatballs
1 night....pork chops
1 night....Italian Sausage
1 night....chili
1 night ....chili dogs
1 night.....stew

Whoops! That adds up to more nights than we are going to be gone. LOL Guess we will have a choice some nights. Also, plan to eat out, might eat out at lunch. lol

Lolly said...

Ready to see the new do, Wanda!!!

JudyEddy said...

Nice menu LOLLY I'm hitching a ride with you just to eat LOL

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of stuffed of our Soup Kitchen helpers called me yesterday and said she had a bumper crop of peppers. Her husband picked 100 peppers and she said they have eaten so many that they are tired of them, for now. She then, offered to make stuffed peppers for our next soup kitchen. I reminded her that they are a lot of work, but, she doesn't mind that. Our guests are going to think they died and went to Heaven;) Gene will make apple cobbler and I will make green beans and corn. I got the easy dish, this time:)

JudyEddy said...

Our weather was sooooooooo nice today that cold front made us feel fantastic 80 right now was 84 low this am 69 In Brooksville tonight suppose to be in upper 40 they are always coldest in the area in a valley like 60 for us tonight 82 tomorrow LOVE IT

There were two birds on the fence today I can't think of their names right now so I got both of the taking off a little blury but you can still see both of them one is tight behind the fence and you still can see white The turtles were all over the bank today The allagator must be gone since we are seeing all the turtles and birds back at the retention pond

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY how long are yur going to be gone??? I forget

Costume Lady said...

Love chili dogs with cheese...also LOVE sauerkraut on hot dogs with pieces of roasted pork (New Yorkers).

Lolly, not coming my hair out til morning! Tee Hee

Costume Lady said...

*Not combing my hair*

JudyEddy said...

My mom us to make the best sauerkraut not sour at all lots of caraway seeds I remember

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

I guess then, the sauerkraut must have been something my PA family did NOT do! Thank GOD!

PA Nana said...

Hello. Just chwecking in while I wait for Jim to get home... oops, he's here.

JudyEddy said...

Terra Nova is a new show starting tonight Is anyone going to give it a go I am going to DVR is also

Lolly said...

You are going to sleep on rollers? Yikes...have not done that in years!

Expect a picture tomorrow!!!☺ Know it is going to look great!

JudyEddy said...

Well being I just got home a little bit ago I'm going to START over the news to watch BBL

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say I put the picture on facebook

Hoda said...

I think American Media is losing it...A terrorist incites terrorist acts, has declared himself against American government and policy, he is killed by a drone in a war against terror and the media is discussing if the government broke the law in killing him because he is it a legal killing...I am confused and I am distressed by it all. I will stop now...not bright they are not!!! So I will stop listening...

JudyEddy said...

and also we want to see the hair do PLEASE WANDA

Lynne2 said...

Glad you are enjoying the cold front JudyE!

Never got past 57 today here. Just started to rain about an hour ago. Of course, I had to run out to the store again...forgot the cheese for the tops of the peppers.

Lolly said...

Judy, we will be back the 14th, possibly the 15th.

Lolly said...

Have been sitting here with the computer on my lap and watching the TCU/SMU game. TCU has not played well but the game is presently tied. Yikes!

Lynne2 said...

Travel menu sounds wonderful Lolly!

Costume Lady said...

I, too, moved here from Pa. Some of the families made their own kraut in a wooden barrel on their porches and left it there for a long time. Drinking the juice from it must be something like Gin or a Martini:) If it is bubbling in the barrel, it is loaded with alcohol:)

Lynne2 said...

the butterfly lady on FB says my chrysalis will be fine, just slower to develope!

Costume Lady said...

There are some eggs on our storm door window that look very much like Butterfly eggs...not sure what they are, but keeping an eye on them. Hoping our little Jenny Wren doesn't peck them off! I could try to remove some of them and put them in a container, for safe keeping. Yes, tha's what I will do. Must take a picture.

Costume Lady said...

Think I would like to watch a good movie tonight. I don't know how to turn on the MENU on the TV, so I'll have to wait til Mr. Gene settles down for the evening and ask him to find a Movie. He doesn't know that I don't know how. He has showed me, but I keep forgetting, because I don't do it often enough. SHHHH!

Lori O. said...

Wanda, can't believe you sleep with curlers. I don't think I could do that except for sponge rollers tied on top of my head! I can't wait to see the new do. Forgot Capt. Father Gene, maker of the famous Gene's Beans, helps in the kitchen, too! Lucky you, Wanda.

Lolly, your menu looks fabulous. Almost makes me wish I could cook. :)
Will you be able to check in on your trip? Would love to go to Taos!

LYNN, how was the Chili & Cornbread?

Costume Lady said...

Wonder if "Pa." Diann likes she does:) She's probably cooking some for Jim, right now;)

hedgie said...

Hoda, as one of the legal analysts explained it, it was a completely legal kill because presidential declaration of war against Al Qaida makes it legal to kill any of them, regardless of nationality.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, No, Lori...I could NEVER sleep in rollers, although I used to when I was a Spring Chicken:)
I take the rollers out carefully and just don't comb or brush it til morning. I only do that once a week so that I will look 'pulled together' for church:)

hedgie said...

Lolly, you have enough food to feed an army!!!

Wanda, so nice of that lady to offer to fix all those peppers!!!

Judy, wish we had your weather!

hedgie said...

Lori, dinner was very good...but I ate too much!!! Warmed me up...and now ready for the sofa with the hot pack on my knee.

If anyone likes her: Celine Dion special on at 9 on OWN (Oprah Network).

Missing Judie AND Kay today....wonder what those gals are up to?? Red Alert, Silver Alert!!

PA Nana said...

toaster shakins'? Where Lynne?

Linda, if I could I'd relieve you of some tomatoes. We haven't had any luck with ours for 2 years at least. Of course, during that time Jimbo was the chief gardener.

He's the one that doesn't know a plant from a weed. I'll have to watch closely come spring. Have some new plantings.

Back to catching up, if that's possible..... later

Lori O. said...

Red Alert for Judie - very cute. Hope she's just resting and everything is okay.

Sounds like you have your evening mapped out, LYNN. ENJOY! Will Leisl be on your lap? :)

Hello Diann! I've missed you.

I feel like there's a WANDA face plant coming on soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all. Back from the birthday party, lots of good food, chic chat and cake! Think I ate 4 kinds of cake ☺

Raining here too...please rain rain go away to Texas!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, your menu sounds great. Hope Jacob's knee feels better soon!

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Returning from Mass and dinner. It is very wet out there!
Good hot chocolate weather! Or better yet is the chili and cornbread!

Not A Thing on TV this evening. I need a
good movie to watch

Lynne2 said...

Peppers are ready! Got some garlic bread in! Late to be eating this big, but with Steve not getting home til late...


hedgie said...

Lori, started out with Liesl on lap---but she doesn't like the smell of the hot pack for some reason and kept trying to climb up on my head! I gave up! Tried putting her down and she started barking at the pack. Good grief!! It just has an herbal smell!

magpie said...

I'll say cool, and wet!
Guess I better scrounge through some cookbooks for recipes for Fried Green Tomatoes..don't think mine are going to make it to Red stages here, the 17 that are remaining on the vine

Good Evening Eagle Pals...!

I'm with you Paula...not ready for the cold weather clothes and especially not ready for socks!
But otherewise like this time of year...
Glad you got to the soccer game this morning ☺ Pictures ???

magpie said...

Wow, Wanda..stuffed green peppers for Soup Kitchen...that is great!

Now, hand over that camera to the Captain in the morning !!!
That's a command, not a recommendation !

magpie said...

Thanks as usual for the Monthly Birthday list...
I'm looking and looking to see the date that goes with Norma-Byrd's though...maybe it's my eyes failing me

magpie said...


sorry about that...!

magpie said...

Sure is cool to see new Momster Jewels on there...coming up very soon !!!

magpie said...

The SPLIT is almost here !

Mema Jo said...

Margy Norma is 9th

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, the date is right after her name!

No pics from this morning, forgot my camera phone...and it was raining.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...