turned on the heat here... didn't want to, but do want to be warm..in the tubby I am about to take...then to pick out which book to start...have a few in mind
I'll want to see Cocoon, Paula, I might have a copy of it in one of my boxes here
LYNN thanks fo your comment regarding my frustration and confusions with the discussions I heard/read on the American media earlier this after noon...
Lolly the menu for your trip sounds deicious. Enjoy. Bon Appétit!
PAULA glad the birthday party was an opportunity to visit and chat with others and four kinds of cake is a bonus.
MARGY you are off tomorrow then I hope. I keep thinkiing how difficult it is to spend as much time as you did in court like you did last week. I hope the coming week is better. HUGS to JAMES THE WISE when you see him tomorrow.
Thanks Hoda... illness is going through the staff at the office, sure hoping I don't get a call to work Sunday! I always look forward to the James visits
Yes, the court hearing, ended in a mistrial ! So, back again for more on that one probably in November...
Lori, think it was you who asked. Yes, we are taking our laptops. Will get on the blog when I can. We will be gone most days but will log on in the morning and then again in the evening...if we have a strong wifi signal.
And still with the food talk!!! Oh, yes, Margy---quacamole with Mexican food for sure!!! But turkey pan drippings are for the gravy here, Margy! Kraut gets bacon grease!!! And Diann, yep....kraut for New Years! Of course, my Mom insists on black-eyed peas, too---yucko! Kraut anytime with pork works for me, and mashed pots is like icing on the cake!
Good Evening Eaglebuds! Looks like a productive day w/lots of cooking going on here. We had planned to take car to Back to Bethesda this AM, but w/rain, Fubby decided not to go.He was going to take the hot yellow Buick w/black stripes, etc. Oh well, went back to bed & slept late! I do miss all the exotic food.Many restaurants have tents on street selling yummy nibbles from all countries.It's like a several block party.
Last night, big cat, Binky, was on the dining room window sill shelf. Her tail was really flicking, but I couldn't see anything on the deck. Turned on spotlight & there was Possum-puss behind a flower pot! Fubby had put out bread crumbs earlier for birds. Love Jo's visiting hawk. Hope it comes back. Lovely coloring.
LOL, Margy----don't give it away!!! I will say, tho', that in the movie, the choco pie does NOT look like mine!!! It looks like cake in a crust.....so don't think I'll have any problem eating mine!! Thanks for getting the book to Caro, but no need to go in on your day off!!!!
I was sitting here reading back when I felt it on the back of my ear....STINKBUG!^%$@@
Considering I have just gotten out of the shower, I wonder where the heck it was. I checked my towels, I checked my Tshirt before I put in on. I didn't hear it buzzing towards me.....(*&*Q@#
Wanda, perhaps you should try eBay if you have costumes that are not selling. Kathryn sold a deluxe Disney costume that she had bought for about $35 for $61--A Sully costume that was several years old. For some reason, she has not had any luck with a very cute Dumbo costume, though. I guess Sully is just more current.
Just saw that "to me the most beautiful cat I've ever seen" again under the deck. I'm not a cat person, but she sure is pretty. Don't know what brings her here.
Thanks, Shirley! Never heard of that Sully! Funny guy.
Lolly, the family pics wouldn't take my comment----screen never changed, no prompt for a security word....just kept making my comment disappear! Wierd.
Grrrr....SHIRLEY! I usually catch that fast-finger error!
News is delayed by a ball game so think I'll go get my bath. Liesl is in bed. Will check back in a little while. If anyone leaves, pleasant dreams and may God answer all your prayers.
Sully costume pics are on my blog. You get to see all kinds of things when you have a kid around. Hunter wore this costume several years ago. Kathryn has always been more interested in Halloween than Hunter has been.
Kathryn found some jeans and Penney's, then I ordered some more. Hunter is not too interested in shopping for jeans. But he will appreciate them when the weather gets colder.
The little teddy bear in my avatar is one I brought home from school. He/she kept me company there for awhile. Seemed very appropriate as a memorial for Hope.
Tomorrow will be busy. We are to celebrate two birthdays, Kathryn's and Rus's. Kathryn's was on Sept. 22 and Rus's will be Oct. 8.
Swore that I would never celebrate their birthdays together after I had a joint party for them when they were children. The boys locked themselves in Rus's room and the girls tried to knock the door down.
I had planned lots of activities and served food. It was a challenging day.
Not long after that, I found out I would be having twins.
SHIRLEY, what a special time for you and George last night. Glad you were finally able to get some sleep and rest up for the big Rus and Kathryn birthday party today!
MARGY, it's your weekend! It's finally here! Happy Dance! Hope your plans with James won't be ruined by all the rain.
LOLLY, so glad you'll be able to check in on your trip. We couldn't do two weeks without you! My Mom does a lot of precooking before they take their Motorhome anywhere. My Dad would not raise a hand to help cook. Maybe that's a good thing. I can't cook and I'm a lot like him, so maybe he can't cook well either. Be safe!
MARGY, I always enjoy your wildflower pictures so much. The butter and eggs flowers are cute...Glad the cardinal flowers grow wild because I couldn't get them to grow in my garden. I learn a lot, too, from your pics. I had many Tiger Swallowtail butterflies this year. What are the black ones with a little bit of blue on them?
LOLLY, Michael's patio is beautiful! What a wonderful place for a family gathering. And, you always take such nice photos of you with the boys. our hair looks great! Now, if we can get Wanda to show us hers!!
LYNN, LMBO about Leisl trying to get away from the herb bag and sitting on your head. Barking at it is toooo funny!!! Silly girl.
All this talk of snow, yikes! I'm having a hard time with the change of seasons and it's only Oct. Standing out in the cold and rain yesterday at the track meet was no fun. I came home and turned on the fireplace got some blankets and demanded the 3 Flying Labs get on the couch and warm me up! LOL! And they did. I wanted a picture, I don't think you could have even seen me.
Lori, I try to keep thinking we don't have the loosing mentality we have had for so many years now. Like I said I try. I will be nervous until we win the game. : ) Hopefully they will show us they no longer settle for loosing and blow away these teams there suppose to.
did you all see the video Snowing at Ski Beech, NC yesterday was on Pauls page I was trying to bring over but looks like was on twitter and they are having maintenance on that page right now
Getting ready for Mass here. Definitely cool outside and cool inside as well. Time to put the flip flops away :( What is the extended forecast, I can't deal with it staying this way!
This weather is so hard on fashion. I have sweater and leggins on and open toed shoes. I"m not ready to wear boots, but unsure of the open toes (they are black though).
Good Morning all! I STILL have hummers! One juvie male this morning and a female. Forgot to bring the feeder last night. I heated up the food this morning! LOL! They are happy campers now!
Yes, LYNN, I know what you mean. In the past we've let too many easy ones get away, and we walked away humiliated! Please, please a Redskins Victory!
Paula, this is another work trip...4th time this yr to Orlando! This is a fast one though, I'll be back Tuesday around dinner time.
Bobby & LeRoy are doing much better. Their coats are starting to look good again. LeRoy hardly coughed or sneezed yesterday and hoping it only gets better from here.
I'll try to bring some of the FL sunshine home with me, if JUDYE will give up a little of it! :)
I'll check in this evening from down there. Have GREAT day everyone!
Morning all - saw way back on Sat. blog talk of writing/publishing a book. Go to blurb.com - great place to "do" a book (just pics or story & pics). You can make a book (soft or hard cover) just for your self or you can opt to put it out there for sale. Easy site to navigate. Best wishes to all for a great autumn!
Good morning! 58 here this morning and just loving it! It is so nice to go outside and really enjoy it. 72 days of over 100 make you really appreciate cool days.
CAROLANNE....thanks! Will check it out! Happy Autumn to you, too!
I tried to post a comment myself on my family pics blog. Would not let me. Stupid blog! Have no idea why it does that! The last picture made the boys howl with laughter! More fun!
Church this morning and then last minute watering of plants, filling the bird feeders, etc. Yea!!
Wanda, combed it out yet? What does Father Capt Gene think? Where is the picture? We are waiting!
Yes, where is Kay? Hope she has not had a set back!!
Heard lots of fire sirens yesterday. Read in the paper this morning that approx 30 acres burned just south of us. Do not like that! Too close! Really not a threat but too close!
OMG Hoda....check the fire map today. The fire that was/is close to us is on the map. Looks like it is right on top of us, but it isn't. The fire just below Ft. Worth.
IF Kay has gotten back into her normal weekend routine, she would have had Seth and Malcolm with her yesterday afternoon/night and today. If she hasn't posted by dinnertime, I'll call her.
CarolAnne, looks like a pretty interesting proposition! Need to check to see if that's what Bob used for his BW photo book.
Hi, Margy! Did you sleep in today? Sure hope so! I don't have any small tinkly chimes left---all broke and fell. Still have two large bonging ones but the "clapper" fell off one, and I haven't figured out yet how to get it fixed!
Lynn, I actually stayed up pretty late, and got up later than usual... It's not a workday for me YET and I hope it stays that way !! I'm headed up to see the Two Jameses...
I have the lovely wind chimes from you from my birthday two years ago...and a few other ones tinkling, very nice !
Best wishes on that exam-making, Judie...
Shirley I will take the second box to James today! Thanks!
Rain stopped about 8 this AM. I even saw the sun for 30 seconds later. But now it is spitting rain again. Temps holding in low 40's. Somerset,PA got 2" of snow....wonder if that's anywhere near Diann? Gotta look it up on a map. Snowshoe got two inches, too. I re-posted a pic of it on FB.
can't wait to talk to MIL today...bet they had snow too!
LOL! We can't turn the heat on! Master switch turned off! Don't know how to turn on, have to wait for landlord. BUT, we still don't have lease, still don't have a separate heating system installes (it's been sitting on the sunporch for a month) and are SUPPOSED to buying our own oil this year....and we can't find the gauge that tells us how much oil is even left!
I wanted to ask yesterday but forgot. For those of you that don't like sauerkraut. What do you do for the tradition for New Years Day. About pork and sauerkraut?
I had never heard of sauerkraut with turkey until we moved to Columbus. Haven't had it since we moved away from there, though I did get used to it myself. My children would be quite surprised to see sauerkraut on the table for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.
JudyE you mentioned yesterday Brooksville. When I put up that Ed's Aunt past away. She was the one that lived in Brooksville,Fl.
I watched the premier of Terra Nova. I commented on it. That my daughter had told me about the show. So I watched it and I like it. So now I have a few new shows to watch.
Lynn-Hedgie/e I am laughing at your comment about Liesl barking at the hot pack and trying to climb on top your head. She is such a sweet girl ( : ♥
Oofta ! So sorry to have set off a silver alert. My bad. I'm just not operating on all cylinders yet. Yesterday Julie took me on a couple of errands and then I needed a 3 hr. nap. I then slept all night--just can't get enough rest.:( Seth came over late afternoon, spent the night and went home shortly after breakfast. They'll return this evening with chili and cornbread for dinner--LYNN, you and Julie are on the same wave length !☺
LINDA, LOLLY, LYNN, JUDIE and others, I stopped right in the middle of catching up on posts when I realized I was setting off an alarm with my lengthy absence. Thanks for your loving concern !
There's KAY! Glad all is well. You keep on taking those naps, gal!!!! I'll be having chili and cornbread again tonight, so we can pretend we are eating together!!!
Gotta weigh in on the sauerkraut talk. SHIRLEY, I've never known anyone here in Columbus or anywhere else I've been who included it in holiday meals. The exception being a few folks who must have it on New Year's Eve and/or day. I love the the stuff, but find once or twice a year with wieners or brats quite enough ! Do you remember The Top Steakhouse in East Columbus ? Part of their crudites tray for pre-dinner snacking was/is cold saurekraut n' dill pickle slices. Pretty good--I'd never thought of eating it cold prior to that.
LYNN, it will be fun sharing our chili n' cornbread tonight. Our dinner is an early celebration of Hugh's Oct. 4th birthday. Easier for Julie to handle on a weekend night. Is there a celebration planned for Carolyn's birthday tomorrow ? How did she get the nickname of Jewel ? I'm sure she is one, just like my Jewel, Julie !
Kay, I have a yummy recipe for kraut salad. Haven't made it in a long time---without digging out the recipe, all I can remember is that it has pimiento in it.....probably onions, too.
Our first dachshund when I was growing up lived up to her German heritage---the minute Mom opened a can, she came running. She and my Dad ate enough "raw" out of the just-opened can that Mom had to open another can to cook!
LYNN, a kraut eating dog, how funny ! I'm going to do a little research on kraut salads. Right now my mouth is doing that little puckering thing that something a little sour brings on. I craving the stuff thanks to all of you !
Good Afternoon - I see mostly all are here and accounted for! Hoda should be slipping in shortly.
I HAVE MY SOCKS ON !!! Feel so good.............. lol
No plans for today - tomorrow 2 daughters are coming for a 'basement clean up' promising me they won't pitch valuable or extreme sentimental items! Hubby says he's not going to worry about it!
I am following the game - still in 1st qtr - BBILW
Just a repeat October B-day List Momsters/Dadsters
3rd Carolyn Smith aka Jewels 11th Belle Baker Original Momster 12th Jo Lennox aka Mema Jo 13th Wanda Wright aka Costume Lady 21st Tom Riffe Dadster sidekick of Sissy 23rd Lisa Mayo-Blackwater WebMaster
Mail a card-let them know we Care Norma Long-9th 652 7th St, Romney WV 26757 Mason Ellsworth POBox 1195 Shepherdstown WV 25443
Shortly I will send out email from Momsters' site with email addresses However - Remember to check FB for leaving Happy Birthday messages
Don't think I remember that restaurant, Kay. It has been so long.
When we lived there, New Albany was so small that we made first page news when we had twins. As I recall the mayor of New Albany won the election by getting 96 votes--I am not saying that he won by 96 votes. He got a total of 96 votes. Of course, it has been so long my memory might be a little faulty.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 954 Newer› Newest»Sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes.
Especially if the sauerkraut is simmered with drippings basted from the turkey pan !!!
and how about some guacamole to go with all that Mexican food mentioned earlier ??
Thanks Paula
Thanks Jo...
I found it just before you both posted...
dern old eyeballs of mine !
Understand, no pics, and not wanting rain on the camera Paula...
Yes, Wanda. It's a PA staple. Love pork & sauerkraut with mashed potatoes.
It's a cold weather dish and it's a custom for New Year's Day up here.
turned on the heat here...
didn't want to, but do want to be warm..in the tubby I am about to take...then to pick out which book to start...have a few in mind
I'll want to see Cocoon, Paula, I might have a copy of it in one of my boxes here
My naturalist friend in New York, NEAR Erie Pa, makes his own...
Hi Diann....how'ra feeling tonight?
The Hallmark Channel has another movie on tonight: Love's Everlasting Courage - It is a sequel to the one two weeks ago, if anyone is interested.
Agree with you HODA regarding the media now making such a huge deal about killing an American born terrorist!
Diann - Would be happy to share!!
LYNN thanks fo your comment regarding my frustration and confusions with the discussions I heard/read on the American media earlier this after noon...
Lolly the menu for your trip sounds deicious. Enjoy. Bon Appétit!
PAULA glad the birthday party was an opportunity to visit and chat with others and four kinds of cake is a bonus.
MARGY you are off tomorrow then I hope. I keep thinkiing how difficult it is to spend as much time as you did in court like you did last week. I hope the coming week is better. HUGS to JAMES THE WISE when you see him tomorrow.
Turkey & sauerkraut? Never heard of that.
And stuffed peppers. Yes, but smothered with tomato sauce. That's an idea for something different for dinner. Thanks Lynne.
Hi Lori, missed you too,
Off to join Jimbo and tv.
..... later
Thanks Hoda...
illness is going through the staff at the office, sure hoping I don't get a call to work Sunday! I always look forward to the James visits
Yes, the court hearing, ended in a mistrial ! So, back again for more on that one probably in November...
Time to get clean...
and just relax in some hot bubbly water for awhile
Best wishes for a good evening, every one !
I think the WVU Mountaineers clobbered Bowling Green today in football, last score I heard
was 55 to 10, with five mins to go.
ttfn xo ♥
I put some wildflowers pictures up.
New England Aster, and Butter & Eggs. And one very hungry Large Carpenter Bee
I'll try to drop off The Help to Lynn at work Sunday...
she said she will see you Monday ☺
dang, forgot the Love movie was on tonight! It's actually the latest sequel in the series. The one last week was a PREquel to the series!
Going to watch Hallmark Movie......
Enjoy your evening!
The night light is on for anyone who needs to be about in the darkness or arrives late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.
Margy, great pictures! Oh that goldenrod! There were fields and fields of it last time we were in Terra Alta!
The peppers were really good! Leftovers for lunch tomorrow too...they were Big Un's
Too funny that Liesl doesn't like the hot pack!
I'm off to a hot shower...
I meant to type: I'll drop off the book to CAROLynn at work Sunday - LOL
Football all afternoon and now watching baseball...the TX Rangers.
LOL, Margy. Was waiting for you to catch that. Did not think you worked with Lynn. ☺
Thanks Lynne
Hi and 'Night Judie
don't like the unusual "aromas" that accompany turning on the heat for the first time
would rather be in a rustic cabin somewhere with a wood stove
Hope your ONE customer today was a big $pender !
never tok my shower yet but the bathroom is toasty warm
so now's the time
You don't miss a trick, Lolly
Lori, think it was you who asked. Yes, we are taking our laptops. Will get on the blog when I can. We will be gone most days but will log on in the morning and then again in the evening...if we have a strong wifi signal.
is Annie getting the hint that you and Jack are taking off soon?
And still with the food talk!!!
Oh, yes, Margy---quacamole with Mexican food for sure!!! But turkey pan drippings are for the gravy here, Margy! Kraut gets bacon grease!!!
And Diann, yep....kraut for New Years! Of course, my Mom insists on black-eyed peas, too---yucko! Kraut anytime with pork works for me, and mashed pots is like icing on the cake!
what Lynne???
I thought you were going to have Toaster Shakins' for the next few days....
Stuffed Peppers sounds soooo much better
Righto Lynn, but our family of ten in days of old, we had some really LARGE Tom Turkeys, hence, lots of pan drippins'
did I say quacamole ?
Good Evening Eaglebuds!
Looks like a productive day w/lots of cooking going on here.
We had planned to take car to Back to Bethesda this AM, but w/rain, Fubby decided not to go.He was going to take the hot yellow Buick w/black stripes, etc. Oh well, went back to bed & slept late! I do miss all the exotic food.Many restaurants have tents on street selling yummy nibbles from all countries.It's like a several block party.
Last night, big cat, Binky, was on the dining room window sill shelf. Her tail was really flicking, but I couldn't see anything on the deck. Turned on spotlight & there was Possum-puss behind a flower pot! Fubby had put out bread crumbs earlier for birds.
Love Jo's visiting hawk. Hope it comes back. Lovely coloring.
has a rather funny sound to it.
Just teasin' ya Hedgie ☺
You know Loretta, I was just about to post....
wonder how Loretta's doing today !
That's some heavy duty ESP
I think the rain fouled up a lot of outside things today :(
That Yellow Buick with Black Stripes would have been the star of the Show, Loretta
LOL, Margy----don't give it away!!! I will say, tho', that in the movie, the choco pie does NOT look like mine!!! It looks like cake in a crust.....so don't think I'll have any problem eating mine!! Thanks for getting the book to Caro, but no need to go in on your day off!!!!
Judie, Judie, Judie......just passing through??? G'night.
It is POURING here.
ROFL, Margy.....you made me go back and look! Guacamole sounds much better than "whack-a-mole" doesn't it???
Loretta, did B to B get rained on??? I know the Leesburg Air Show did. LOUSY weather.
rainin' hard here too Lynn.
Nope not another word, in fact I just removed what I said earlier...
ttfn need the bath now
oh oh
I think that stands for Stink Bugs
I was sitting here reading back when I felt it on the back of my ear....STINKBUG!^%$@@
Considering I have just gotten out of the shower, I wonder where the heck it was. I checked my towels, I checked my Tshirt before I put in on. I didn't hear it buzzing towards me.....(*&*Q@#
Wanda, perhaps you should try eBay if you have costumes that are not selling. Kathryn sold a deluxe Disney costume that she had bought for about $35 for $61--A Sully costume that was several years old. For some reason, she has not had any luck with a very cute Dumbo costume, though. I guess Sully is just more current.
50 degrees and raining here.
We just got back from bingo.
Kathryn did well again.
We took one of her friends along tonight.
Just watched Prime Suspect - new TV show
I enjoyed it!
Rain Rain Rain - still coming down
I just saw Judie passing through.....
I think the sandman was chasing her.....
Sorry about the #@*&^% stinkbug, Lynne.
Steve is already passed out in bed with his glasses on and holding the remote control so I think I'll go start reading The Help!
oh thanks Shirley...just when there hasn't been too many since it got cooler.....UGH! Glad you had fun at Bingo!
I am some sort of SB magnet...these things never happen to Steve!
well, I'm off! have a good night everyone and prayers for all!
Sure enjoyed the Celine show. She is phenomenal!
Just saw that "to me the most beautiful cat I've ever seen" again under the deck. I'm not a cat person, but she sure is pretty. Don't know what brings her here.
Game over. Think I will go get comfy.
Have posted pictures of the rs hawk who visited recently on the Hawkwood blog. Thought that appropriate.
Also, posted pictures on family pics blog. I just took a few when we were at Michael's last Sunday.
Loretta, you have been very quiet recently concerning Sherry. How is she doing?
Lynne, you forget---Steve had one on his pillow last year, remember??? UGH!
Shirley, what is a Sully costume? The pilot of the Hudson River plane??
Sully from Monsters, Inc. Not the pilot!
The big guy with purple spots and horns.
What does the beautiful cat look like, Lynn?
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Thanks, Shirley! Never heard of that Sully! Funny guy.
Lolly, the family pics wouldn't take my comment----screen never changed, no prompt for a security word....just kept making my comment disappear! Wierd.
Shirely, white with very cool pattern of gray and beige that almost looks pinkish!
Grrrr....SHIRLEY! I usually catch that fast-finger error!
News is delayed by a ball game so think I'll go get my bath. Liesl is in bed. Will check back in a little while. If anyone leaves, pleasant dreams and may God answer all your prayers.
Movie was good!
Came back to say good night and wish you all sweet dreams and restful sleep.
Praying that Kay is doing okay today and continuing to feel better. You are missed and loved, Kay!
May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love..... xoxo ♥♥♥
Night ♥
Whoops! an inch of s#&w up in Oakland MD. You know, - White stuff.
Off to bed I go.......
Good Night everyone and have a peaceful sleep! Prayers for all! Hugs for all!
Sully costume pics are on my blog. You get to see all kinds of things when you have a kid around. Hunter wore this costume several years ago. Kathryn has always been more interested in Halloween than Hunter has been.
Sounds like a very unusual and beautiful color, Lynn.
I hope Kay is getting good rest tonight.
Oh my, Jo, I see that on the weather forecast for Oakland, MD.
Such a nice picture of Harley, Margy.
"Input error: Cookie value is null for Form Restoration"
Lolly: I tried to too, on family pics...got the above error message..
Great Family Fun Photos!
Thanks Shirley
I'm going to view Sully soon too...
is that short for Sullivan?
I think so, Margy.
Much too early for s**w around here.
I think one-eyed round Mike is part of that group too....I have a stuffed one of him ☺
tried to post this, Shirley, also got the same error msg as when I tried to post on Lolly's Family pics
GREAT !! I also like the framed picture of the barns in snow...Snow IS Pretty !
Good Marketing production !
tried to comment on the Praying Mantises pic too, Shirley...couldn't ... Neat picture, aaah, True Love ♥
is it all tied up in Facebook somehow ??
Either way, I always enjoy seeing that picture of you and your fellow teachers !
Your avatar is dear, Shirley.....♥
Good Night wishes for many who have headed to the pillows
Thanks, Margy. No, it should not have anything to do with FB. I don't know why comments aren't working.
The barns in the snow picture was a gift from my brother and sister-in-law a few years ago.
Me too soon...
going to skim through some magazines, and read a little of a new-old book I got by James Herriot:
James Herriot's Dog Stories
seems like a good time to read a little of that.....
The mantises crept around behind the lattice when I got too near them. I guess they wanted their privacy.
It's a great picture, Shirley....
Nice Gift!
okay, maybe just a quirk with Google...
Did Hunter find some cool jeans?
You know, sometimes I inadvertently type "Hunger" for his name...
Enjoy your reading, Margy. I am going to head upstairs to the pillows myself. See you tomorrow. Rest well, my friends.
Kathryn found some jeans and Penney's, then I ordered some more. Hunter is not too interested in shopping for jeans. But he will appreciate them when the weather gets colder.
Guess it's time, it's Tomorrow!
Prayers for wellness, and Sweeeet Sleep
Good Night, Precious Pals....
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
understand that, Shirley...
kids aren't too much into clothes shopping, boy kids anyway..
shirts are easier to catch their interest
I got a neat Dictionary of Mathematics
by "James & James"
I think it will come in handy
The little teddy bear in my avatar is one I brought home from school. He/she kept me company there for awhile. Seemed very appropriate as a memorial for Hope.
Very Much So, Shirley ♥
Good Night now....
xo ♥
Oh my, it is late. See you later.
I didn't get the error message, but I couldn't post comment, either, Shirley. Strange!
Bath made me so nice and warm and comfy. It's 43° out....but a nice 75 in the basement and 72 up here.
I've always loved the James Herriott books, Margy. Among my favorites. I gave mine to Jess and Jenn---don't know whether they ever read them or not.
I will see you all tomorrow. Thanks for being my friends!
Got to playing a word game on my kindle and lost track of time.
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
Too early, too early to be reading news of snow!!!
I am going to call it a night,
Good Night,
Sweet Dreams,
God Bless.
Insomnia tonight. Having some tea and a little time with George.
Don't know why you can't post on my blog pictures. I hope I did not do something to prevent posts.
Steady rain here now. I could hear it up in my room, so I looked out front, and it is raining away.
Yes, Hoda, it is too early to be reading news of snow.
Kathryn has been reading James Herriott and sharing with Susan. I have yet to read an entire book of his, but I've read selections in my school texts.
Tomorrow will be busy. We are to celebrate two birthdays, Kathryn's and Rus's. Kathryn's was on Sept. 22 and Rus's will be Oct. 8.
Swore that I would never celebrate their birthdays together after I had a joint party for them when they were children. The boys locked themselves in Rus's room and the girls tried to knock the door down.
I had planned lots of activities and served food. It was a challenging day.
Not long after that, I found out I would be having twins.
See you later; headed upstairs.
SHIRLEY, what a special time for you and George last night. Glad you were finally able to get some sleep and rest up for the big Rus and Kathryn birthday party today!
MARGY, it's your weekend! It's finally here! Happy Dance! Hope your plans with James won't be ruined by all the rain.
LOLLY, so glad you'll be able to check in on your trip. We couldn't do two weeks without you! My Mom does a lot of precooking before they take their Motorhome anywhere. My Dad would not raise a hand to help cook. Maybe that's a good thing. I can't cook and I'm a lot like him, so maybe he can't cook well either. Be safe!
MARGY, I always enjoy your wildflower pictures so much. The butter and eggs flowers are cute...Glad the cardinal flowers grow wild because I couldn't get them to grow in my garden. I learn a lot, too, from your pics. I had many Tiger Swallowtail butterflies this year. What are the black ones with a little bit of blue on them?
LOLLY, Michael's patio is beautiful! What a wonderful place for a family gathering. And, you always take such nice photos of you with the boys. our hair looks great! Now, if we can get Wanda to show us hers!!
LYNN, LMBO about Leisl trying to get away from the herb bag and sitting on your head. Barking at it is toooo funny!!! Silly girl.
Good morning everyone!
All this talk of snow, yikes! I'm having a hard time with the change of seasons and it's only Oct. Standing out in the cold and rain yesterday at the track meet was no fun. I came home and turned on the fireplace got some blankets and demanded the 3 Flying Labs get on the couch and warm me up! LOL! And they did. I wanted a picture, I don't think you could have even seen me.
Good morning eagle peeps.
Happy Sunday.
Good Sunday Morning DanaMO & Thelma, and Buddy, of course... and those three flying labs!
T-Bird, what's your feeling on the 1o'clock Redskins game? Rams are winless...but we've played these "easy" games before and lost!
AH! I'm so nervous.
Lori, I try to keep thinking we don't have the loosing mentality we have had for so many years now. Like I said I try. I will be nervous until we win the game. : ) Hopefully they will show us they no longer settle for loosing and blow away these teams there suppose to.
My house is reading 74° insside BRRR for me LOL
did you all see the video Snowing at Ski Beech, NC
yesterday was on Pauls page I was trying to bring over but looks like was on twitter and they are having maintenance on that page right now
39 here in Bluefield JudyE. Still doesn't feel too bad. I wouldn't mind seeing some snow. : )
Today is a 8 day so I won't stay
I hope your right, Thelma!
I'll be getting on a plane to Orlando just as the game starts so won't know anything until we land or get to the hotel. ARGH!
Hey JUDY E! I'm looking forward to some mild Florida weather. 80 - 84 in Orlando today through Tuesday. Bring it on!
LORI I hope you enjoy our nice cool weather Feels so nice out a little on the chilly side when you walk out NICE
Morning, all!
another soggy one, with more rain expected :(
Fell asleep early, was reading The Help...good book, but I do think it's a slower read!
Waiting for the coffee to brew....going to breakfast with GF and her hubby, then picking up a picnic table from them.
It smells so nice out so crisp and clean smelling with the cold front that came through
Paula, are you home this weekend?
Morning Paula. Soggy here too.
Getting ready for Mass here. Definitely cool outside and cool inside as well. Time to put the flip flops away :( What is the extended forecast, I can't deal with it staying this way!
Wow took a advil PM last night and I'm still feeling it this morning. Hope it wears off soon.
Weather.com says it's 42 right now brrrr...
I don't want to hear any more s%#*w talk!
Lynne, we both started the Help last night! Love the image of Steve zonked out after a hard day's work and a wonderful dinner.
Lori, how was the mach & cheese? How's your Mom doing?
Nick has one toy left with the sqeaker in it, and boy is he hitting it this morning, squeak squeak squeak
Speaking of squeak, no evidence of a Mrs Mouse, seems Mr Mouse was a bachelor!
Lori, what's the FL trip for? Work?
Lori, I am home this weekend... and next weekend for Colorfest
How are the kitties this morning, Lori?
Dana, extended forecast says more of this crappy weather through at least Wednesday.
Gotta hit the shower....safe travels, Lori!
DanaMO, I had my bed warmer with me all night ☺
Paula-you're killing me on "words".
I had my bed warmer too, but only one. The others were in other bedrooms keeping other people warm :)
Was that snow talk Paula. I'm so sorry. : )))
I will catch you all later. Make a good Sunday. (((hugs)))
This weather is so hard on fashion. I have sweater and leggins on and open toed shoes. I"m not ready to wear boots, but unsure of the open toes (they are black though).
Hi gang! Ditto on present weather and forecast---UGH!!
41° here. Sorry, T-bird---I DON'T want to see even one flake of white!
I'm a little tense, too----hoping that team has improved enough to NOT let the "easy" ones get away. GO SKINS!
Lori, have a fabulous trip----FL weather sounds ideal!! Bring it back with you!
DanaMo, hope your "sleeper" wears off fast! Don't want you falling asleep in Mass!
C'mon DanaMO, make a word, LOL
You sound nice and toasty warm...I have on jeans and a long sleeve shirt, gotta put back on socks and shoes today :(
Well, it's a little brighter here, made sure all the blinds are open!
John is on his way to help me take off the truck cap so I can get the picnic table in it...gotta go get some stuff out of the bed....bbialw
Good Morning all! I STILL have hummers! One juvie male this morning and a female. Forgot to bring the feeder last night. I heated up the food this morning! LOL! They are happy campers now!
Paula, I had high hopes of starting the book last night but fell asleep instead...UGH
Paula, is it John's truck or your brother's, or did you get a truck of your own??
Yes, LYNN, I know what you mean. In the past we've let too many easy ones get away, and we walked away humiliated! Please, please a Redskins Victory!
Paula, this is another work trip...4th time this yr to Orlando! This is a fast one though, I'll be back Tuesday around dinner time.
Bobby & LeRoy are doing much better. Their coats are starting to look good again. LeRoy hardly coughed or sneezed yesterday and hoping it only gets better from here.
I'll try to bring some of the FL sunshine home with me, if JUDYE will give up a little of it! :)
I'll check in this evening from down there. Have GREAT day everyone!
Yea, Lori bring it back with you!
Lynn, it's John's truck, but I've been using it for hauling stuff to the beach, so it's been here for a couple of months.
Heading out to breakfast, see ya later!
Interesting trivia: inventor of Doritos was buried yesterday....family threw chips into ground when casket was lowered!
have a safe trip Lori!
Safe travels, Lori!! We will look forward to your checking in!
Morning to all of you.
Wet and cold here as well!!
Morning all - saw way back on Sat. blog talk of writing/publishing a book. Go to blurb.com - great place to "do" a book (just pics or story & pics). You can make a book (soft or hard cover) just for your self or you can opt to put it out there for sale. Easy site to navigate. Best wishes to all for a great autumn!
I'm worried about KAY.
LORI or LYNN - Do you have a way to check in on her via phone?
I hope and pray she is just tired, but it isn't like her to not check in at least once a day of late.
Kay's last post was Friday evening.
If we don't hear from her today, we definitely have to put out an alert!!
Good morning! 58 here this morning and just loving it! It is so nice to go outside and really enjoy it. 72 days of over 100 make you really appreciate cool days.
CAROLANNE....thanks! Will check it out! Happy Autumn to you, too!
I tried to post a comment myself on my family pics blog. Would not let me. Stupid blog! Have no idea why it does that! The last picture made the boys howl with laughter! More fun!
Church this morning and then last minute watering of plants, filling the bird feeders, etc. Yea!!
Wanda, combed it out yet? What does Father Capt Gene think? Where is the picture? We are waiting!
Yes, where is Kay? Hope she has not had a set back!!
Heard lots of fire sirens yesterday. Read in the paper this morning that approx 30 acres burned just south of us. Do not like that! Too close! Really not a threat but too close!
Good morning,
Turned on the heat this morning. It was a bit chilly.
Lori, I think you were describing a black swallowtail butterfly.
Black Swallowtail
OMG Hoda....check the fire map today. The fire that was/is close to us is on the map. Looks like it is right on top of us, but it isn't. The fire just below Ft. Worth.
They said the fire is under control but that the firemen would be back out there today. It threatened a development but no houses burned.
Gotta go! See you this afternoon!
Have a great Lord's Day!
Or maybe Spicebush...
females have the blue, males have the green...
Good Morning Eagle Pals !
Be Careful PICKING UP that picnic table - ☺
Nice avatar Lynn
Breezy here, but sure like the tinkle of my wind chimes outdoors
was trying to think if there was a mention of any animals, like dogs, cats or birds in The Help and I don't think I can remember of any
worst thing about falling asleep reading, is not putting the book mark back in and then trying to figure out where I left off !
Happy Trails, Lori....
We'll be listening, "NorthSide"
(and East and West too )
glad to hear that LeRoy is doing well, no surprise!
..and Bobby also
Helloooo to Kate ♥
okay, Lolly, Shirley and Judie
You have your instructions from
CaroleAnne on getting your books in print !
IF Kay has gotten back into her normal weekend routine, she would have had Seth and Malcolm with her yesterday afternoon/night and today. If she hasn't posted by dinnertime, I'll call her.
CarolAnne, looks like a pretty interesting proposition! Need to check to see if that's what Bob used for his BW photo book.
time to move along...
Best wishes for a Great Day, Everyone....
hoping also to "see" Kay on here today, and that all is well...
...Enjoy the Football game/s
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Hi, Margy! Did you sleep in today? Sure hope so!
I don't have any small tinkly chimes left---all broke and fell. Still have two large bonging ones but the "clapper" fell off one, and I haven't figured out yet how to get it fixed!
Good morning.
Heat turned on to take away the chill. Long pants and long sleeves and socks and shoes.
Been working on the police course. Today my required task is to create an exam for the wannabe adults.
Hope Kay checks in soon.
Will try to return later. Bye
I actually stayed up pretty late, and got up later than usual...
It's not a workday for me YET and I hope it stays that way !! I'm headed up to see the Two Jameses...
I have the lovely wind chimes from you from my birthday two years ago...and a few other ones tinkling, very nice !
Best wishes on that exam-making, Judie...
I will take the second box to James today! Thanks!
ttfn, all...xoxo ♥
Rain stopped about 8 this AM. I even saw the sun for 30 seconds later. But now it is spitting rain again. Temps holding in low 40's.
Somerset,PA got 2" of snow....wonder if that's anywhere near Diann? Gotta look it up on a map.
Snowshoe got two inches, too. I re-posted a pic of it on FB.
Nope---Somerset is SW of Johnstown, and SE of Pittsburgh.
Thanks, Lynn.
I mentioned yesterday that hopefully Kay was spending time with Seth, but I just worry .......
Good Morning Hoda,Hedgie, Margy, Lolly, Shirley, Linda,CarolAnne, Lynnbe2, Paula, Lori, DanaMO,
Thelma, JudyE, and Lurkers.
It is cold here at my house.
Hello to you WVDana!! Turn up the heat and stay warm.
Hope he likes it, Margy.
I think we're all refusing to believe we have to turn on the heat just yet!
Hi Linda ( :
I did just that ...turned up the heat some. To take the chill off.
Somerset it up around the area where Ed's sister Janet lives. She lives in Seward, PA. out from Johnstown, PA. Wonder if she got any snow.
can't wait to talk to MIL today...bet they had snow too!
LOL! We can't turn the heat on! Master switch turned off! Don't know how to turn on, have to wait for landlord. BUT, we still don't have lease, still don't have a separate heating system installes (it's been sitting on the sunporch for a month) and are SUPPOSED to buying our own oil this year....and we can't find the gauge that tells us how much oil is even left!
I wanted to ask yesterday but forgot. For those of you that don't like sauerkraut. What do you do for the tradition for New Years Day. About pork and sauerkraut?
Who is the new Momster on the Birthday list? Cause Genie calls herself Jewels?????
Kay must be ok because I see in the eamils. She sent out an eamil today.
Morning, again!
Back from a yummy breakfast of pancakes, sausage and grits.
I saw some blue sky, got just a peek, it's still blue behind those clouds ☺
DanaWV, I do pork and hoppin' john (black eyed peas and rice) for New Years Day
DANAWV, Carolyn (Lynn's daughter) is Jewels.
Lynn, I heard that about the Doritos inventor.
I refuse to turn on the heat just yet!
Lolly, I got the same message on your family pics blog too. I can see why the boys like that last pic, LOL
Margy, I know you won't forget to give James all those Momster hugs.
I had never heard of sauerkraut with turkey until we moved to Columbus. Haven't had it since we moved away from there, though I did get used to it myself. My children would be quite surprised to see sauerkraut on the table for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.
JudyE you mentioned yesterday Brooksville.
When I put up that Ed's Aunt past away. She was the one that lived in Brooksville,Fl.
I watched the premier of Terra Nova. I commented on it. That my daughter had told me about the show. So I watched it and I like it. So now I have a few new shows to watch.
Lynn-Hedgie/e I am laughing at your comment about Liesl barking at the hot pack and trying to climb on top your head. She is such a sweet girl ( : ♥
Thanks Paula for the update on Jewels. Duh me lol
Oofta ! So sorry to have set off a silver alert. My bad. I'm just not operating on all cylinders yet. Yesterday Julie took me on a couple of errands and then I needed a 3 hr. nap. I then slept all night--just can't get enough rest.:( Seth came over late afternoon, spent the night and went home shortly after breakfast. They'll return this evening with chili and cornbread for dinner--LYNN, you and Julie are on the same wave length !☺
LINDA, LOLLY, LYNN, JUDIE and others, I stopped right in the middle of catching up on posts when I realized I was setting off an alarm with my lengthy absence. Thanks for your loving concern !
Game time! GO SKINS!
Dana, Jewels is my daughter Carolyn.
Genie is the moniker that JEWELL uses.
There's KAY! Glad all is well. You keep on taking those naps, gal!!!!
I'll be having chili and cornbread again tonight, so we can pretend we are eating together!!!
Gotta weigh in on the sauerkraut talk. SHIRLEY, I've never known anyone here in Columbus or anywhere else I've been who included it in holiday meals. The exception being a few folks who must have it on New Year's Eve and/or day. I love the the stuff, but find once or twice a year with wieners or brats quite enough ! Do you remember The Top Steakhouse in East Columbus ? Part of their crudites tray for pre-dinner snacking was/is cold saurekraut n' dill pickle slices. Pretty good--I'd never thought of eating it cold prior to that.
Shirley, my kids would be shocked if there WASN'T kraut on the table for both meals!
Now where is Hoda this morning???
LYNN, it will be fun sharing our chili n' cornbread tonight. Our dinner is an early celebration of Hugh's Oct. 4th birthday. Easier for Julie to handle on a weekend night. Is there a celebration planned for Carolyn's birthday tomorrow ? How did she get the nickname of Jewel ? I'm sure she is one, just like my Jewel, Julie !
Kay, I have a yummy recipe for kraut salad. Haven't made it in a long time---without digging out the recipe, all I can remember is that it has pimiento in it.....probably onions, too.
Our first dachshund when I was growing up lived up to her German heritage---the minute Mom opened a can, she came running. She and my Dad ate enough "raw" out of the just-opened can that Mom had to open another can to cook!
Paula, you are stoical. I refuse to be cold if I can do something about it!!!! So gas stove is on in basement, and electric heat in sunroom!
LYNN, a kraut eating dog, how funny ! I'm going to do a little research on kraut salads. Right now my mouth is doing that little puckering thing that something a little sour brings on. I craving the stuff thanks to all of you !
Good Afternoon - I see mostly all are here and accounted for! Hoda should be
slipping in shortly.
Feel so good.............. lol
No plans for today - tomorrow 2 daughters are coming for a 'basement clean up' promising me they won't pitch valuable or extreme sentimental items! Hubby says he's not going to worry about it!
I am following the game - still in 1st qtr - BBILW
Dana, your new show is also on tomorrow night before the season premiere of House.
Just a repeat
October B-day List Momsters/Dadsters
3rd Carolyn Smith aka Jewels
11th Belle Baker Original Momster
12th Jo Lennox aka Mema Jo
13th Wanda Wright aka Costume Lady
21st Tom Riffe Dadster sidekick of
23rd Lisa Mayo-Blackwater WebMaster
Mail a card-let them know we Care
Norma Long-9th 652 7th St,
Romney WV 26757
Mason Ellsworth POBox 1195 Shepherdstown WV 25443
Shortly I will send out email from Momsters' site with email addresses
However - Remember to check FB for leaving Happy Birthday messages
Ooo gotta turn on the Skins game....working around the house to keep warm ☺
Mason is Oct 11.............
Don't think I remember that restaurant, Kay. It has been so long.
When we lived there, New Albany was so small that we made first page news when we had twins. As I recall the mayor of New Albany won the election by getting 96 votes--I am not saying that he won by 96 votes. He got a total of 96 votes. Of course, it has been so long my memory might be a little faulty.
Yeah, KAY is back!!!!
So relieved to see your posts and that you're doing okay.
Keep on resting and taking care of yourself. We want you to get back to that 100% ASAP!!!
xoxo ♥♥♥
TOUCH DOWN RED SKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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