Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. A very happy first day of Sept. to you. Will go back and call the others.

Lynn, thanks for reminding everyone that some people react more strongly to the nuclear test. My reaction may have been intensified because I was really fearful to begin with.

Wanda, I suspect your computer has been infected with a virus. Seriously. Is there a computer stress test? Maybe a call to your local computer geeks.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Judie. Good morning, Steve. Thanks for the new thread and the call-over.

Judie, you are over-eager for September to come. It is August 31.

Costume Lady said...

Please tell me my calendar is not messed up along with my 'puter!!
It is 8-31-11.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Judie for the call over and thanks to Steve for the new thread.

My last post on the old thread....Lolly said...
Fires are still going. 30 homes now up in flames, but thankfully only one injury, so far. A man was burned and broke some ribs trying to help save a neighbors home. It was destroyed. They approx 30 people had to escape by boat. Some sat in their boats and watched their homes burn.

There is a man there ready to rescue horses, (not wild), cattle and any wild creatures that have been injured. Lots of deer in that area around the lake.

Costume Lady said...

Karla's birthday is 9-1-11 and I know that isn't until tomorrow:)

Lolly said...

Wanda, so sorry you are having computer problems.

And, forgot to thank LORI for the blueberry muffins and the fresh fruit this morning. ☺ Great way to start the day. Even though I was not there for the early morning brunch I snuck in there and snitched the leftovers!

Costume Lady said...

Is anyone else SEEING something else besides the intended hearts? Just me? ♥♥♥..trying again.

stronghunter said...

I see hearts, Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

I do too, Shirley, but on the other side, they turned into something else, after a few minutes! So far, so good~

Mema Jo said...

I see your 3 hearts Wanda
Do you have your glasses on this morning? I know it isn't funny - but
on this '1st day of Sept' NOT - anything

Judie you sure you don't have class

Lolly said...

I see hearts! Hang in there, Wanda!

hedgie said...'re a day ahead of schedule! Today is only the 31st!!!

Well, Jo---only 1 heart showed up when you said there were 4. Hmmmm!

I'll try.....doing 5 hearts.

hedgie said...

Everything seems okay least from this roost. Wanda, did you run your virus program? Reboot?

BTW----how come Capt. Gene has TWO FB pages now??? We are all confused!

hedgie said...

Lolly, feeling so awful for those poor people amd animals affected by the fires. :(

Costume Lady said...

I,m still seeing hearts, also.
I'm going outside and get some fresh air. Maybe I am seeing things if none of you are seeing the weird printing.
Going to do a rain dance while I'm out there, for Lolly and Texas!

Costume Lady said...

I just got this message:

Your request took too long to complete. This is typically just a temporary error due to high network traffic or heavy usage of Blogger.

Please hit the back button on your browser and try again. If the problem persists, please contact the Blogger Help Group. We apologize for the inconvenience

stronghunter said...

Got that message as well, Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, Gene could not get into his old facebook...kept rejecting his he has always used!
So, I opened him up a new one. Don't know how to close out the old one??
I need about a week to help him set up his 'puter, properly. He tried to do it himself, the way HE thought it should be, and NOT the way the directions advised. Lord knows I am not expert at this, but I do know a little more than he. I think the whole computer needs to be reset. Maybe get a geek squad member to set it up. Would be worth the $$ to save me the time and aggravation.

hedgie said...

LOL, are probably right! Gene is good at many (most?) things, but computing apparently isn't his forte'!!

stronghunter said...

I think Judie has gone off in some kind of time warp this morning.

Hoda said...

GOODMORNING ALL. Thanks Steve for the new thread. We are getting spoilt a thread a day this week ;^)

I feel wonderful and I thank you for all the good wishes and the explanations as to tests.I have an ECG and a BNP Blood test today. If something shows she will recommend other tests.

WANDA I hope the computer gets to knowing the importance of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥...I have 7 hearts showing.

DANAMO good luck with your tests also today.

JO have a great lunch even though it is a short lunch.

LYNN yoour avatar does not show on my screen!!! Are you changing it? I get an x in its place!!!

Hoda said...

LYNN your avatar is back to normal. No changes.

Lolly said...

Tried calling my new hairdresser on the day she said she would be back from vacation, but she is off. So, an appointment for doing my do is still not made. Grrr! It's been 6 weeks...looking shaggy! Woof Woof!

Going to eat a bite and then escape the house. Going shopping! Not that I like shopping but maybe some new duds would make me feel better.

Yes, I just have to remind could be worse. I am not threated by the fire!!!!

Have a great day! Hoda, wish I could be there to go with you for your tests! Holding you up in prayer!


Costume Lady said...

I got some fresh air and came back in, and now, all the hearts on this page have disappeared and replaced with scribbles.
I cannot make comments on something is really wrong! Going to try re-booting and then see what happens...MTBR

hedgie said...

Please remember to include Lily, Hope and Faith and all the bears in your prayers. Hunting season starts today in MN. Keep in mind that Hope has NOT kept her collar on, despite many attempts by Lynn and Sue. Additional bright-colored strips of plastic have been added to the ribbons on the collars....NO excuse for an "accidental" shooting of a collared bear.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I just check my comment on the other thread and I can see a total of
4 hearts..

BTW - My lunch got rescheduled due to
Work meetings coming up for my friends.

I hope Judie doesn't miss any classes
thinking it is Sept 1..........

Mema Jo said...

September Birthdays

4th Iris Reily
12th Suzanne Hall
21th Delphia Janiszeski
28th Bill Wigley aka Red

Please Give me an email if I have forgotten any Momster/Dadster or Blogger...

Mema Jo said...

Hurricane names alphabetically

We just had Irene 'I'
Now Katia Could Reach Hurricane Status 'K'

What happened to 'J' for Jo

Lori O. said...

Is this the blog where all my best eagle friends, best friends period, hang out? Sounds like a lot of crazy, people and strange things happening here. LOL! BiZzZ-ArRE!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ = 7 Hearts for Liberty

♪♫♪♫ - our favorite music notes should someone decide to sing.

Worried about KAY now that you got that call LYNN.

HODA! Biggest (((((BIG HUG)))) for you today! Prayers & positive thoughts go with you for your testing.

JUDIE-thanks again for test info. Tried to call Kate in case she didn't know what to expect but she wasn't wasn't anwering her call. Dang!

Hoda said...

Enjoy shopping LOLLY, sorry about the do!!!

Wanda I hope the computer problems are looked after soon.

The son of the former Premier, like Governor in th USA, of Newfoundland got a three year sentence behind bars and a 7 year ban on driving for his drunk driving causing death last Christmas.

Lori O. said...

Forgive me, I was taken away by all the weird things happening this morning.


LYNN, thanks for the Lily, Hope and Faith Bear Prayer reminder. May they be protected & their collars blaze like neon spotlights to hunters in MN.

Hoda said...

OK headed out the door. {{{{HUGS}}}} to all. Talk to you later.
I hope KAY checks in soon.

stronghunter said...

Sitting on my front porch now. An ambulance just went by and stopped at a house down the street. I think it i the home of Hunter's new friend Anthony. No sirens or lights. Someone got out of a car and went into the house. The car was sitting in the street with the door open.

stronghunter said...

They are getting ready to transport someone.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

mu computer calendar is wrong also

stronghunter said...

They put someone into the ambulance and then left. No lights or sirens.

JudyEddy said...

today is the 31st of Aug

JudyEddy said...

I checked the tv guide on tv and it says 31 also had me going guys LOL and it doesn't take much now days LOL Wow its windy at est also again hope cam holds up

stronghunter said...

My computer calendar says 8/31/2011. The blog says August 31, 2011. I think we are safe. It is still August.

stronghunter said...

I think Judie is testing our critical reasoning skills. Can we figure out that it is still August even though she says it is September?

Judie said...

My bad. Sick of the warm weather and thinking of school tomorrow (Sept. 1). Sorry I caused confusion.

I see hearts. I really do! I saw 4 for Jo, 3 for Wanda, and 5 for Lynn. So, I'll see your combined 11 hearts and raise you 6: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I know that isn't Texas Holdum but it might be good for much needed rain.

Lolly, very sorry about the loss of homes and hope all animals will be spared.

I suspect Father Capt. Gene has to FB accounts because he's trying to keep track of all his ladies. lol

hedgie said...

Sorry your lunch got postponed, Jo.

Jo was a fizzle storm.....don't remember what it was named...but it died. :)

Thanks for b-day list!

hedgie said...

Meant to say J was a fizzle!! Not Jo!

hedgie said...

It was Jose, Jo!

hedgie said...

Judie, we thought you were teasing us!!!

Both of my girls had extremely busy nights at work last evening. But today starts Carolyn's "weekend" so she is happy.

Judie said...

Shirley figured it out. It was a critical thinking assignment. Now you understand coping with wannabe adults. BUT YOU SAID IT WAS SEPT. 1st.

Shirley, sure hope whoever had to be transported is okay. May not be a crisis. However, I always ask for silent arrival as I don't want all the neighbors gawking and speculating.

hedgie said...

Wanda, it's also possible that your keyboard is going bad---are you on PC or laptop??

Kay said...

LYNN, twasn't this Columbusite, unless I did something way off the wall in my sleep ! Send me the number if you still have it and I'll do some detective work ! Loved 'Out of Africa' ! One of my favorite songs and pictures that remind me of many my son and dil have taken over the years.

I just couldn't get here sooner today. Had some material to gather for our condo board members who meet tonight and lots of e-mail to tend to, too.

Thinking of HODA, KATE and DANAMO as they face medical tests today.

Now must back track to see what others are up to !

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE...I would have loved to have you as a teacher. Do you carry your sense of humor into the classroom? What a hoot you must be! Bet all students love you.

After re-booting my 'puter', trying hearts again:
There, now let's see if these disappear in a few minutes~

hedgie said...

Yes, Judie....lots of people REQUEST no lights or sirens! I did the one time I had to be hauled in.

Judie said...

I'm with you Lynn. Serious concerns for the safety of the research bears. Last year I was devastated.

Costume Lady said...

Hearts are all gone:(...Judie, I'll raise you 3 spades. Don't know what to do now:`(

Costume Lady said...

I guess I'll fold:)
See Ya!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - no more hearts for awhile. lol

Judie said...

So glad Kay checked in. Weird about the Col. #.

Jo, sorry you lunch was canceled. Do you have Alexis time tonight?

Awimbawe is one of my most favorite songs.

Yes, I do take my humor with me. It's called survival.

Okay, I really have to get to school work although it's nice to know I'm already a day ahead.


stronghunter said...

Glad to see you on here, Kay.

Yes, I would not really want all the commotion with lights and sirens, either. I think I have seen an ambulance down there before. It wasn't a one of the county rescue squad ambulances that I saw today, whatever that means.

It will be interesting to get to know more people in the neighborhood here. Although I have lived here for years, I do not know many people because I was away at work so much of the time.

Having a young kid in the house and being here all day will help.

I had some neighborly conversations yesterday because I walked down to the bus to meet Hunter when he got home. I took Flash, then worried because he can get a little bothered when too many children pat him.

Hunter wants me to bring Flash again today, but I think it would better to bring Luna. She is very laid back.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I do hope the research bears will be okay. It was so very sad last year.

Kay said...

JO, thanks for the birthday list ! I have a feeling it will expand as I think there are more people born in the month of Sept. than in any other---some trivia once heard. There should be a Sept. anniversary or two as well. I always loved Fall weddings with their rich autumn colors ! Had one myself once, but it fizzled, kind of like Jose !

Good report from RED ! Hope he'll return to us on this blog soon !

Haven't even read the newspapers today. BBL ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Hurray, Kay! Glad you made it...and relieved! I was just getting ready to call that number!!

Shirley, there may be someone in that home who needs medical transport for appointments or treatments. Usually a private ambulance service is used for that.

Wanda, glad all is well again!

Okay, Judei---just make sure the humor returns.

CAM is gone AGAIN..........all green.

hedgie said...

And now it's back....with lots of interference.

hedgie said...

Strange---it never stopped the timer.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, the live cam looks very ill.

I like the term "fizzled" in relation to marriage, Kay. I had the same experience. Not fun.

stronghunter said...

Could well be, Lynn. I kind of thought the same thing.

hedgie said...

Just saw a new adult SB on deck railing..... :( UGH! Guess it's starting already. Megan had pics of them on leaves laying eggs at her place.

stronghunter said...

I will try to get to know people better now. I always knew my neighbors much better in past neighborhoods. Probably it is not just me, though. Times have changed.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, cam came back on.

paula eagleholic said...


wvgal_dana said...

Hoda prayers for your test today.

Thinking of Kay.

Wanda I hope you can find the problem with the computer. God Bless your heart ( :

So sad about the animals in area
of Lolly's world but not at Lollys.

wvgal_dana said...

My heart goes out to Vermont terrible and sad there.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh that is Kate not Kay well will be thinking of both. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Prayer protection for the bear Faith, Lily and especially Hope due to no collar and all the other bears in MN. In that area hunters don't need to be hunting.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG
tO you aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

DanaMo said...

My K's are gone for the day and I thought I would see if I could check in, and I am surprised that I can! Last year the blog was blocked at school!

stronghunter said...

I was able to get on the blog from school, DanaMo. For awhile, I could not get on Beakspeak, but that changed.

stronghunter said...

Hope it was a good day, DanaMo. And less tiring. But you have a job that requires much energy.

hedgie said...

From the Lily page;

During this tenuous and stressful time of year, the WRI Researchers will be watching over our radio collared research bears and this year there will be a group of volunteers that will be there to give them a helping hand.

hedgie said...

I can't believe that FB hasn't taken down that page offering a bounty on Lily. I reported it again, for all the good it won't do. I sure hope that Lynn can stay with her.

hedgie said...

Still have corn in feeder, but it's clogging up for some reason. Got some to come out, tho'. Maybe battery to timer is dead, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Bill (Red) and Diane. May they help him for whatever reason he went in for the angioplasty. God be with the drs and nurses. Take good care of our Dadster!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 I am PRAISING GOD for those
new hours at work you got ( :
So happy 4 days a week permanently!!
sniffle sniffle happy ones ((HUGS))

Gymkana one or two got burns.

DanaMo said...

It only let me make that one post then I got the websense block!

hedgie said...

So that means you're home now, DanaMo??

DanaMo said...

I'm going to ask for it to be unblocked because I have a kindergarten blog. How can I incorporate technology when they have so many things blocked!

Hoda said...

I am back and all went well. They took the blood for the BNP and they hooked me up with stickies and wires for the ECG and I found them efficient. I expressed my gratitude and left...if I hear from the doctor that means something needs tending to other wise I will see her the next time I make an appointment next week sometimes to report on inner ear medication that she gave me...
Thanks for your prayers. They helped a great deal.

I like the bantering on what day it is, JuDIE you are a good sport.

SHIRLEY I hope your neighbour is OK with the ambulance trip and all.

DANAMO Great that you can check in from school, for however long it lasts.

WANDA is your computer clearer now or is it still acting up?

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, glad your testing is over...prayerful that all is OK!

I ran a scan and it said I had 156 things wrong, then, wanted 29.95 to fix it. Cheap fix if, indeed I had all those problems...don't think so.Going to run a scan with my Norton will tell the truth!:)

Hoda said...

Glad you are working on your computer issues WANDA and that you know of options...good course of action on your part.

Lolly said...

Hellllllllllloooooo! I am back! Spent some money and found some clothes...two new outfits for church, one casual capri outfit, and a new blouse ordered as they did not have my size. Got some really good bargains and I can wear now and this fall. Did not buy any new clothes this summer.

Best news is I have an appointment to get my do done tomorrow. Yea! Becky called! I will look beautiful to pick up Jack at the airport. Yeah, right!!!lol

Hoda...glad all went well. Now, let's keep you in prayers that they do not call. it just your hearts that disappear or all of our hearts? Yours are still on my computer. Sorry! I can only make one musical note, ♪. Can not make the other. I used to be able to make it, but now when I type it I get the message "are you sure you want to leave this page?" Crazy!

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda....yep, Norton should fix things!

Hoda, glad the tests are done. I'm sure the Dr. will notify you ASAP if there is any abnormality. Inner ear thing??? You didn't mention that before!! Dizziness??

The deer family is fawn's spots are totally gone, the other one will be soon. They grow up so fast! Liesl is sitting on the deck watching them very nicely. Not a peep out of her. Nosign of her bucky.

Getting ready to head out for her first class of "college." So logging off.....will see you fine folks much later.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I stopped at Pet Smart to get cat food. Saw the puppy Halloween costumes and thought of you. lol Liesl needs to be a cow! roflmbo Too cute!

Mema Jo said...

You go Liesl! Show them just how
Smart you are! You be #1 and forget about attracting a new boyfriend!

My daughter's father in law up in
CT - still no power and she told him to
get on the train and come on down to MD

I am looking for Linda.... Without power
can become a nightmare after so many days.

Hoda said...

Have a great time at college with LIESL LYNN.

LYNN The inner ear thing was what she thought was going on as I mentioned that at times when I lie down it feels as if I am on a sail boat, I went on with the other symptoms and she thought the ECG and BNP tests should also be warranted as they would relieve all the worry.She gave me 14 tablets of TEVA-BETAHISTIDINE 24 MG with the instructions to take two a day with meals. I have already taken three of the tablets and so I should make an appointment after Monday of next week.The tablets came with the warning that it may cause headaches but so far so good, no headaches...LIFE IS GOOD!!!

LOLLY it sounds wonderful that you foud outfits that you can wear over two seasons and that you got some good deals.Enjoy wearing them and how terrific that your hairdresser returned the call and you are able to go there before you pick JACK up from the airport. What wonderful stories he will have to share...

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I am the say way in knowing my neighbors working all day you don't get to know them I do say hi and wave when I pass but only know a few the guy across the street I know him and his kids and my neighbors on both side of me I know their names and talk when outside but the rest on the entire block I am clueless who they are Now they all know me as the eagle lady I found out from Trick or treaters I have eagle in my yard also two have been stolen over the years P'd me off when they took my Mom German sailor

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY LOLLY It looks you might get some rain there is a new Invest 93 not a storm yet but its gonna prob develop so lets all pray it develops for her

JudyEddy said...

Listen and read

Lynne2 said...

OH, HERE you all are! My goodness, I was lost on previous threads!

OK, now I haven't read back in order....but, breezed over some things while searching for everyone.

RED, how is Red doing?

How is Annie today? What's going on with the fires?

How is Kate doing???

How is Lori doing worrying about Kate?

How is HODA doing???

What kind of tests is DanaMo having?

Does Linda have electric back yet? So many of our clients are still without power. UGH.

What call from Kay? Is she OK??

(this working every day this week thing is sure messing up my blogging time)

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

Good LORD help me get caught up!!

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Loretta...Tootsie Pops were a BIG fad when I was in High School. Can't remember if they were allowed in class or not. Even the guys had one in their mouth, all day long:) Better than cigarettes!

Lynne2 said...

You know, working at a vet can be very sad. So when I make people laugh it's a good day. Today, someone called because they need vaccinations for their dog RIGHT AWAY because they are boarding them to go on vacation. Now, the vaccinations were due a month ago, and a reminder was sent. I don't think they planned a vacation TODAY. So they got very angry when I had to tell them that we didn't have ANY vaccination appointments open for the next 2 weeks. And that is true....we are THAT BUSY! We only have sick and emergency slots open. SO when I got off of the phone, I said to no one in particular....Lack of preparation on your part does not qualify as an emergency on our part. Well, everyone was cracking up at that! Wasn't my intention, but nice to make everyone laugh!

Lynne2 said...

I ate Tootsie Pops like crazy when I tried to quit smoking! Still love them!

Lynne2 said...

I did get really mad of our clients brought in their dog last Friday morning. He had pneumonia. He was given medication, after bloodwork and rads, and told to call if he didn't improve. This afternoon, the guy called to say they found the dog dead in the yard this morning. He said he never got any better, and they let him out this morning and when he didn't come back they went to find him and there he was. Why didn't they call back if he wasn't better??????? UGH. That was FRIDAY, and this is WEDNESDAY......DUH.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, I think getting to know your neighbors is a great idea for a retired person who is home alone much of the day. One of my dear neighbors popped in for a nice visit this afternoon. It's so good to know there are a number of people here I could call on if needed. I keep a list of neighbors and numbers by my phone with emergency numbers---never know when the kids or I may need to reach one of them.

Kay said...

WVgalDANA, don't mind if you confuse me with Kate and send up positive thoughts ! Thanks !

JudyEddy said...

Maybe ! Liesl is checking them out to be her new family when the buck and her get together lOL I think it is tooo cool that she doesn't bark or try to go get them Thats one special dog you got there

You ought to video this for us and put on the blog Just a idea HINT HINT LOL

JudyEddy said...

LYNN is going to college she want to catch up to Liesl after all she has already graduated

JudyEddy said...

I'm gonna step out for a bit I want to drive around the block and talk to my neighbor behind me There dogs are getting in my yard through a missing slate in the fence

Kay said...

LYNN, it's so funny that Liesl knows she must watch the dear quietly or she'll scare them away ! Smart girl ! Hope and pray the hunters do not shoot any collared bears, no excuse for doing that !

JudyEddy said...

look s t the camera caterpillar

JudyEddy said...

I got a picture of it funny

Hoda said...

Is this a caterpillar on the live feed lense?

JudyEddy said...

I think tits a caterpillar not moving so far

JudyEddy said...

It still hasn't moved OK lets blog about the bug LOL

Kay said...

LOLLY, you go, Girl ! It's time you spent some money on clothes after all the hard work you did in taking of the pounds. Aren't you pleased with yourself ?!!! ♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Its on the still cam also that is where I got the pic

Lynne2 said...

need to go feed critters and hubby.

JudyEddy said...

I put the picture in the album I don't thint it has moved Could it be something else ??? The case of the brown fuzzy thing on the lens would make a good book LOL

Kay said...

LYNNE, sometime early today LYNN got a call from a Columbus area phone. She checked and found it wasn't my number, but worried it might be someone on my behalf. NOT ! Later in the morning she e-mailed me the # and my research showed it to be an organization seeking to "help groups with fundraising".

Very sad about the irresponsibility of the dog with pneumonia. Irritating to hear about the owners of the dog in need of vaccinations. Both parties are undoubtly blaming others now, when in fact they are the bad guys !

Lolly said...

It is fun to buy clothes....2 sizes smaller than a couple years ago! Wahooo! I do need to get rid of some baggy clothes.

65 days at or above 100 today. Groan!!!

Jack called before I left today. We talked for quite a while. Michael had taken his ipad to the pool area and was working!! Said he had about 2-2 1/2 hours of work to do. The Bellagio is apparently extremely opulent and quite unbelievable.

JudyEddy said...

Well I don't think it is a caterpillar looks like poop LOL there has been no movement or I see no feet It could just be a small speck and the lens is just magnifying it YA THINK ok now I am leaving the brown thing got my attention maybe it will be gone

Lolly said...

Fire report is not good. Spreading fast with the wind. 39 homes have burned and more people have been told to evacuate.

Did a job this afternoon. Emptied and cleaned the refrigerator. More fun. ha!

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Hoda, glad the tests were relatively unstressful for you. No doubt the results will be good. Inner ear problems can cause your symptoms.

Shirley, so glad you will be able to get to know the neighbors better. Always nice to know people around us.

Lynn, let us know how Liesl enjoys her first day of college. Typically, freshmen get very anxious and overwhelmed and head for the nearest watering hole with their fake I.D. Maybe Liesl is watching quietly so as to not scare Buck away? Hope Stony is in class tonight.

Hi DanaWV. Hi Judy.

Lynne2, sorry you have to deal with sadness due to stupid people. Frustrating and sometimes sad.

Trying to imagine Father Capt. Gene with a tootsie roll. Hope the computer gets better.

Jo, hope the father-in-law makes the trip rather than take risks OR power is restored soon. Wishing power back on for Linda, also.

Off to the frig to look for inspiration.

Lolly said...

Lynne, Annie is back to her normal self. She has been on the arm of my chair several times today. She is back to eating fine. Jack and I talked. He said he thinks Annie saw his suitcase. LOL

Lynne2 said...

Thank GOD Lolly!!!!! Now, tell her for me that scaring her humans is unacceptable behavior!

Hoda said...

Brown fuzzy thing just moved with the wind it seems like???It did move that is for sure...

Lynne2 said...

oh Kay, no wonder Lynn was worried! Glad nothing was wrong!

So sorry about those fires....any rain in the forecast yet Lolly?

Lynne2 said... is the last day of METEOROLOGICAL summer. The 3 hottest months of the year are behind us (well, in this area anyway!) I've really been enjoying this week's weather! It's a blessing for sure for those without power. At least it isn't hot!

JudyEddy said...

Its moving sideways now it just ran across the screen or blew across

Hoda said...

OK brown fuzzy thing left screen from nine position. Once it decided to move again it was rather fast!!! Did not have the motions of a catrpillar I do not think...

Lolly said...

Possible slight chance of rain Sat and Sun. Not soon enough for the fire! There is a disturbance they are watching headed to the gulf.

On the natl. news!

Hoda said...

Camera here seems to have problems with timer and the feed. On going arrow circles in the anyone else having this problem?

Hoda said...

OK I refreshed and the problem is solved.

JudyEddy said...

Update from Catalina we lost another eagle
OK, now I have some bad news.
Yesterday, Pete receive a call notifying him that some fishermen had picked up one of our birds floating on the waters between Santa Cruz and Anacapa islands. Unfortunately, it happened to be K14. I know to some, these kinds of news may be devastating, but please, do not let this discourage you from continuing to follow the lives of these magnificent birds and remain involved with the project. This is the first mortality of this year’s breeding season (that we know of) and while there’s a 50% mortality rate among first year juveniles, we always hope our young eagles beat the odds.
Anyways, there are still 4-6 juveniles soaring the skies of Catalina, and hopefully some of them will make it through this though year and manage to reach adulthood. We sure are hopeful.

JudyEddy said...

here is the link to the info I just typed it is all the way at bottom of all the picture

Hoda said...

OH JUDYE SUCH sad news...the eagles do really have a tough time surviving. 50% survival rate for juvies in their first year...makes you wonder really. Thanks for the link.

Kay said...

JUDYE, that is sad news. Even though we know the odds it's always hard to accept.

Oh, oh. Just found this new puter will not allow me to have 2 or more windows up at a time. What ? I can't have the nest and the blog up together ? Any suggestions ? Putting it on my ? list for SIL ! There just has to be a way !

Mema Jo said...

Back from dinner. Alexis got her favorite chocolate chip pancakes & bacon
at Bob Evans.. Had to laugh when Robert, her dad, said that the sausage didn't taste good - I said 'you'll have to order Jimmy Dean next time' -He & my
hubby thought I was serious. lol

JudyEddy said...

JO thats funny OH I bought some today at work I am going to make SOS with it was goning tonight but not hungry right now had some cheese and crackers when I came home

DanaMo said...

Oh how I hate "home improvements". I think I need an Amstel!

Hoda said...

JUDYE blank entry..what were you trying to say???
DANAMO what home improvements are you dealing with? Who is doing them hubby or a contractor?

Kay said...

DANAMO, guess I missed something. What home improvement has you at your wits end ? Go ahead, drink up !

Lynne2 said...

aww, that's terrible news about K14....

Kay said...

JUDY apparently wants us to read between the lines---you go first, HODA !;0)

JudyEddy said...

check out the hawks at Wildlife they got the camera close up on them unlike the eagles right at the swing it looks like

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I can do this without crying now.

I have one friend that has Macular degeneration. No more driving for her. She is very, very activity person.

I have my cousin in NY (not where hurricane hit), that is in hospital. Was ICU for a week. She had pneumonia treated by another doctor. When she went into hospital for dizzy and passing out they found blood clots in her lung. Other doctor missed them. Plus they found spot in brain and are doing a bisopy on it. Dr. said doesn't look good. Plus she is raising her daughters son. Why? Her daughters boyfriend 7 yrs. ago went into her home and shot and killed her. Wish he had turned gun on himself "chicken".grrrr Boy is now 13. Doing good with my cousin.
Third is yes same lady her daugher is battling colon cancer.
Fourth same lady her husband has had surgery for blood behind the eye. Drs. are saying this might take his sight.

This is what I couldn't talk about other day. I was afraid I would just break down.

They are in Gods HANDS and my prayers and LOVE she knows she has.
She couldn't believe it when I called her and she just broke. Said she was thinking of me and by golly I called. THAT IS GOD!!!

JudyEddy said...

JudyEddy said...

JudyEddy said...

wvgal_dana said...

Ok need to just to go recliner and turn on tv.

Hugs to you all and special prayers for everyone and all God's creatures great and small...HUGS again. ♥♥♥

Hoda said...

I think JUDYE is wanting us to know of the very delicious meal she is preparing for later on when she feels hungry. Seeing as how her October holidays are coming closer and closer we are to imagine the fun she will have at all the restaurants she will visit, she asks for suggestions.I just read between the lines KAY

Lynne2 said...

OMG DanaWV, Prayers for your friends and family. So awful all going on at the same time! Be strong.

Kay said...

JUDY, please send me the Wildlife cam link. I can't seem to find it in my search, though I find the Center. Can't wait to get stuff off the old puter, if possible.

JudyEddy said...

SO so so sorry WVGAlDANA Prayers for all sure wish we could do something to ease the burden

Kay said...

HODA, you've got it ! Your talents are endless and amazing ! She's still shootin' blanks, but I'm sure it's all to do with her SOS dinner !

JudyEddy said...

did I get your curiosity up with the blank post I had the symbol up on the page wating for the eagles and click on the publish by accident and there was nothing in between them so it just went blank Then with you all commenting I just wanted to play LOL I am sitting here laughing so hard I have to PEEEE

Lynne2 said...

I forgot to mention that my delusions of the stinkbugs getting washed away by the torrential rain during Irene proved wrong. There have been several more each evening. I put up my trap in the bathroom one night and on the sunporch another night and didn't get a single one.

This morning, to my absolute horror, and in a clear declaration of WAR, there was one on the bristle part of my TOOTHBRUSH. COUGH GAG BARF GAG

Hoda said...

WV DANA...{{{{HUGS}}}} and prayers for your sharing with us. You are a dear and strong woman and we are all lucky you are in our lives. That includes all those whom you are helping right now...Tears are OK offer them back to God and HE will sustain you.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

The hawks are so pretty just a swining away

Hoda said...

NO KAY, I do not think my reading between the lines worked....JUDYE gave us three more opportunities to guess her thoughts...we have not gotten what she is trying to say yet!!! LOL !!!

JudyEddy said...

swinging that is

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the ☼ is fading on the nest Come on eagles make a noise let us know you care

Kay said...

WVgal DANA, that is all too much to absorb at once, no wonder you needed time to process it. Momster prayers are powerful and miracles do happen. Stay strong !

JudyEddy said...

I am peeking around the leaf nope no one there

DanaMo said...

@Hoda~ We do everything ourselves. We just painted 2 bedrooms upstairs and are moving the kids around to different bedroom.s Annemarie will now be in the biggest room instead of the smallest. Our oldest (who should be at school somewhere!) is getting the smallest room, he doesn't care and doesn't have much stuff. The 16 year old is getting the middle size room. The only thing is the rooms all needed to be painted. My husband is a terrible painter and so I am now scrubbing paint off my wood floors! Hopefully it will be done this weekend.

Kay said...

JUDY, thanks for the link ! So, DANAMO is drinking Amstel and you're the one who has to pee ! Weird ! Come on, tell the truth, the thought of that Jimmy Dean Sausage and the good gravy it's going to make are really starting to make your mouth water !!!

JudyEddy said...

Did you hear on the new where some idiot threw his 9 year old boy overboard on a boat Looked to be a tourist boat Witness said he was mad at the kid and drinking it was from the second level on the ship or boat and he did jump in to get him Oh he said he was just trying to toughen him up He did get arrested when they docked

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Not a happy camper What is keeping them away I wish I knew

Kay said...

HODA, LOL, where is the Great Carnac when you need him ? Remember the ol' Johnny Carson, Ed McMahon schtick ? JUDY has become such a woman of mystery !

JudyEddy said...

Oh I forgot to say I got my scheduled changed in the computer to day I went to one of the AM and said being my AM is on overnites that I talked with her and she said just to over ride it in the computer and I just felt better if they could change it for me Just so nothing would come back to bite me in the butt later and he said he did I will check Sat when I go to work forgot to check today.
I know other associates have said that on their evaluations that it was mentioned that they did not work their scheduled hours and they were trying to hold it against them but of course they fought it and I just want to avoid that Now of course I have never missed work so they never pull my time and attendance when I get my evaluation anyway but I just want to be safe CYA

JudyEddy said...

no still full on crackers I over did it as usual with them PIGGY I am

NatureNut said...

Dearest WVDana, just read your sad news about friend and family. Please know that you and they will get TONS of prayers and support from all of us. Blessings for all ^j^

Kay said...

JUDY, those hawks are so cute, aren't they ? They'll only be there for a couple of weeks apparently.

Oh, DANAMO, why is it we gals are so often consigned to the mop up team. Sounds like you're making some nice and appropriate changes for the kids !What do you hear from dear Aric ?

JudyEddy said...

I went to my neighbors and knocked on the door to let them know about their dogie getting out for two days now and they didn't answer the door so I wrote a note and put on her wreath on the inside of the screen door hope she see it

JudyEddy said...

I know I don't answer my door when peeps know on it I don't know who it is I don't answer it

JudyEddy said...

oh the hawks are in almost total darkness now will watch tomorrow I love it they are so sweet looking and I love it can see them close up tooooo

Kay said...

JUDY, it sure sounds like WalMart can be a hard company to work for. Keeps ya busy jumping through hoops just to stay ahead of em' !

JudyEddy said...

Hey did I say we had a niceeeee day was suppose to be in 90's but didn't make past 84 INVEST 93L in the Gulf area has keep us under overcast clouds all day and it was sooooooo niceeeeee It did drizzly on and off but not enough to notice it

JudyEddy said...

yep and I think my 20 year badge is a bull eye sometime Or I may be paranoid I figure I have been working these hours most of the 21 years and they should be able to change it although I have open availability from 7 to 7

JudyEddy said...

The did change my time once and I lived with it for a while it was 10-7 but didn't last to long They would just go in and manually change it Walmart itself want the schedules to run as is and not have manager change it I am lucky they do it for me and quite a few others Now I think anyone new should be open but like I said when we first opened we were not a 24 hour store and I told them I would have never gotten a job here if it was so they did listen and we use to be closed on Sun that is why Sam decided to give time and a half to Sun people which I love

NatureNut said...

Hope everyone's tests went OK today! ☺

Lynne2, CONGRATS on more work time. You and Steve are both so talented, I know you'll do just fine!

Wonder how Liesl's College is going?? Fast school days!

Went to "farmhouse office" today for a couple hours. Still NO power. Finished everything I could do w/out it! One other lady went home to do work on her own computer! She is the one that lives in Chesapeake Beach & DIDN'T lose power!

JudyEddy said...

But that ended for everyone right after SAM died I got grandfathered in on it so I still get it as well as other which aren't but maybe 15 people left that has been there that long as me After that they would get only ONE DOLLAR per hour more each hour. But now this year they have changed it only straight time for new people but the old is still grandfathered in

Lynne2 said...

time to retire the Mantis....this is a Pearl Crescent Butterfly. Saw one on my butterfly weed today

DanaMo said...

Word from Aric...he has his hands full with classes, not enjoying 8:00 classes, but all is well. He seems to be getting used to college life. I probably won't see him until mid-term break in October. Maybe I can take the ride to bring him back and we can try again Kay!

JudyEddy said...

OH is Liesl's going to school not LYNN ok avoid my post earlier I goofed again

hedgie said...

Hello! Back and settled and fed--both of us!
No Stoney this go r'round. :(
BUT...there is Marlon---a full-sized doxie! He's probably 2x+ as big as Liesl!! They did fine!!
Alos, the 7 o'clock class has a long-haired mini named Oliver who rubbed noses and sniffed tails with Liesl!

DanaWv---so very sorry about your friend's woes. Added to prayer list, for sure.

DanaMo---what an ambitious project you are undertaking the first week of school! Think I'd want an Amstel, too!

JudyE---please...what is SOS involving sausage?? That is what the military refers to same old slop pertaining to creamed chip beef!!!

JudyEddy said...

I can't believe what is on Inside right now a 4 yr old beauty queen kid with fake boobs pretending to be Dolly Parton
Mattie is her name she looks like a slut make up adult looking dress and all that is so sad not letting the kid be a kid Apparently this will be the first at a pageant I wonder what the judges will say

hedgie said...

Kay, surely there is a way to have multiple windows open. Hope Hugh can get that straightened out for you!

JudyEddy said...

I think its the parents that want it not the kids Just like at work 2yrs old with mo hawk hair cuts that is not the child choice that is the parents Unbelievable what some people will do to their kids

Here I go ranting on

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO Good you heard from Aric and hope you can hook up with KAY

JudyEddy said...

SOS same concept as ground hamburger use sausage Sausage gravy we always called SOS

JudyEddy said...

I was at my daughter and had issue opening up two window on her Window7 system but Carl did it for me he got both up not for sure what he did I know he has IE listed on is desktop and also the drop up panel I think he opened one both ways I will see if I can get any info from him tomorrow ok I remember he opened it and we minimized it to open the other

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo!! Good joke, Jo....order JD at BE! And the guys fell for it!

Kay said...

LYNN, there has to be a way ! I hope Hugh knows what it is and if not perhaps the person who will try to retrieve my files from the old laptop will know. I'm with you, SOS involves chipped beef and sausage gravy is just that, Sausage Gravy. For me SOS involves toast and SG calls for biscuits---good no matter how you slice it ! Glad Liesl found some interesting classmates ! They must all be so cute together !

JudyEddy said...

Do you have the IE symbol on the bottom of your screen in the bottom tool bar I have it plus email and media player and switch between windows

Kay said...

JUDY, I gave your SIL's way a chance. When I hit IE again it just brings back the window I'd just minimized. I feel certain Hugh and Julie have used such a function. Hugh has "7" at work, so he's likely to know what I have to do. I just wanted to give him a MIL free evening since he's put so much time in on this since Sat.. Not worth a phone call this evening !

hedgie said...

Oh, JudyE....don't get me started on this child beauty contest garbage. I think the parents need to be charged with child abuse. That's all I'm gonna say!

JudyEddy said...

do you have a ie on your desktop screen open it first and then the other ie symbol but minize the other first

hedgie said...

I know most of my neighbors at least a little......but there's only one currently that I would socialize with!

JudyEddy said...

we will figure this out I hope I wonder if he is still awake Headlight just hit the nest looked cool

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...