Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Hoda said...

THNAKS STEVE for the new thread and for always keeping us in your list of things to do. Much appreciated

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, guess I'll just bring my novel on over....

Lynne2 said...

well now, in light of DanaMo's question I must comment....LOL!

Nature vs Nurture, the never ending argument...

All breeds were bred for specific tasks in life. And there are breeds who were bred to guard, and to protect. Instinct runs very deep. I realized this many years ago when I had my first collie. I was babysitting a tiny lamb for one of our clients. Buttercup was her name. Buttercup was in the yard with Aladin, my collie. He had never seen a sheep before, and his parents and grandparents were not active herding dogs. BUT, that Aladin would circle Buttercup, and especially if she went near the end of the property!

So, these instincts are there, to one degree or another, for each breed. But this doesn't mean every pit bull is a monster....

Lynne2 said...

There are just some breeds that are better suited for some people and lifestyles.

Border collies are fantastic dogs, for instance. But if you have one that doesn't get a LOT of mental stimulation and physical exercise, it will become a basket case.

Lynne2 said...

Another thing to be taken into consideration is the breeding of any particular breed. The mother had the most influence over the pups. Breed a nasty bitch, she'll likely raise puppies who act like she does because that it what they have learned.

Breeding for profit....backyard breeders, puppy mills...they take NO consideration into the genetics, and don't understand dominate and recessive genes. So most of those dogs can have both physical and mental problems that wouldn't ordinarily be associated with a particular breed.

Lynne2 said...


hedgie said...

Hurray, Howdy Hoda!!!! SO glad that it's nothing to be concerned about! Whew! Big relief!! What kind of medicine did she give you?

How right you are, Lynne! And you are the expert! To be perfectly honest, NO dog should be trusted with a defenseless child, regardless of it's size or history. Even a chihuahua could kill a tot!
Nature will often override nurture for no apparent reason at all. We can't be in the dog's mind.
When I was a child I witnessed a retired police Shepherd attack his retired officer...he was on his knees weeding a garden. No rhyme or reason. Outcome??? He broke the dog's neck. So sad for both of them.

Lynne2 said...

How a dog is raised and cared for is very important as well. They must be socialized, exercised and trained, and given things to do to have fun!

Certain breeds require a very experienced person to own them.

Another thing...many dogs bite. Most dog bites are inflicted on children, usually under 10 years old, and almost always by a family pet.

You don't hear about all the "little" bits because it's the BIG bites that make the news. And how a dog bites or attacks is to be considered as well. A Yorkie will nip, but a pit bull, just by the very nature of it's being, will attack far more dangerously. They latch on, and they keep attacking once started. That is what makes them so potentially dangerous.

DanaMo said...

OMGosh that is horrible!!! They are animals though and we cannot get into their minds. There are some people out there who are predators, right? Why do we have serial killers? Nature vs. nurture, or some disease? Who knows really, no one.

Lynne2 said...

SO true Lynn. I hear it all the time...."my dog would NEVER hurt my kids"

You just never accidental stomp on the nose while the dog is sleeping, a fall onto a dog by a toddler...anything can scare a dog to bite. Especially if the dog is older and in some sort of pain, like arthritis.

DanaMo said...

Lynn2 BTW I love your avatar!

Hoda said...

It is sooooo very informative to read your posts about animals LYNNE 2 Thank you.You do know a lot and yu have love in your heart for All of God's Creatures Great and Small...

Lynne2 said...

And finally, even if you do everything from the best breeder after much research, care for it well, train and socialize....things can still go wrong.

I wish every person who had dogs would take a class from a trainer, or at least do some reading on how to prevent dog bites.

Lynne2 said...

DanaMo, I was just thinking how my Mantis is sorta creeping me out right about now!! LOL!

DanaMo said...

yes, our cocker-poo was a puppy mill. My stupid mistake! He went to a home without children or other dogs thank God he didn't have a worse fate, I don't think I could have handled it. We cried for weeks after we made the decision that he had to go. And I do mean cried for weeks. Bawled.

DanaMo said...

Well I think I will go sit outside and read. BFN

Lynne2 said...

and DanaMo, please be careful....I think you should carry some pepper spray with you. God forbid if one of those dogs should get out and attack you or your dog. I carry mine. I'd rather pepper spray both dogs in a fight than risk trying to break one up.

Hoda said...

LYNN She gave me a Triple Anti- biotic ointment, over the counter medication, to just make sure I keep the area clean.

Lynne2 said...

I would like to tell you all how happy I am to be here. On my "to do" list today was to move the refrigerator and vacuum it all out. It didn't occur to me however, that unplugging it first may have been a smarter move. Poor Steve, I can see the headlines now

Housewife electrocuted in vacuuming accident, film at 11.

As it is, I will now only get the speech in that "special" tone he has about why I moved the fridge before he was here to help me. LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, I am so glad your little "thing" isn't to worry over, and even happier that you went and got it checked so quickly!

Lynne2 said...

OK, going back to the list.....

hedgie said...

Lynne---no way to unplug my fridge before moving it! And I can't move it anyway----on the carpet, it takes someone much stronger than I!

Hoda, the ointment will keep it moist...does she think it was just a scab? Wow---if you injured it, sure would think you'd have had some blood!!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the fresh new thread STEVE

JudyEddy said...

LYNN2 I love your avatar

Hoda said...

LYNN She spoke about the elbow not having many blood vessles and that it dried in this area and therefore the scab formed. I am pretty sure I did not have an injury there before...she thinks dried area and needs moisture...

stronghunter said...


Came home and took a nap. Had lunch at Ruby Tuesday in Culpeper.

Trying to read back.

Glad that your sore elbow is not serious, Hoda.

Interesting discussion on dogs. And Liesl about ready to go to college. Wow!

stronghunter said...

Having some issues with the blog today. I hit a key, lost the post I was in the middle of posting, got sent to a spot that said that my computer did not allow the necessary cookies, etc., etc. I just closed the whole thing and started over. Then I had to sign in before it would accept the next post I wrote.

stronghunter said...

Hope that Charlie and his sister are well.

Lynne2 said...

thanks JudyE...I found a headless mantis in the laundry room this morning so I am trying to make up for my BAD CAT by honoring a manits head!

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY Loved the story about the little boy too cute You only said a few words and they were the right ones LOL

As you can tell I am at last nites post I have just begun to read Read none at lunch Carl was here so I shot the s--t with him Now I am heading out for a bit then when I get back I will read BBL

ANY WORD on the CAMS ;-(

stronghunter said...

Albino Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Got this from Susan.

stronghunter said...

Like your avatar, Lynne. It really looks like that mantis is watching me.

Lori O. said...

Still catching up but wanted to say Congrats to LEISL and YAY for LYNN for taking her and doing the training!

LYNNE, how lucky you are to have someone to give you that "special tone" of voice. I know you know that. Honoring the PM is a nice thought, too.

And, HOOORAY all is well with our HODA and her elbow.

Judie said...

Terrific report from our Hoda. Did the doctor suggest "rower's elbow?"

Um, DanaMo, I can help with the serial killer part. Genetic predisposition such as Antisocial Personality Disorder combined with an environment that exposes the person to a wide variety of risk factor such as living in a violent family.

Think we had a Northern Flicker on the patio yesterday. Didn't realize they come this far south.


Costume Lady said...

I did manage to get up at 5:30am, with Gene's help:) In his sweet, early morning voice, he called to me: HEY, TIIIGGGERRR!! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!!! I did, and he rolled over and went back to sleep. What a rude awakening...I am not DEAF!
He use to kiss me awake, what happened to that?? Oh, that was 30 years ago:):) Anyway, I got to GG's about 7o'clock (appt. was 7:20am) She was still in bed sound asleep...had difficulty getting her awake (she tells me she never sleeps soundly)Tee Hee! We don't know what we do in our sleep:)
She got dressed and ready pretty quickly and as we were on our way out, she says "Oh no, I have the wrong pants on"...'Mom, it's OK, you look nice'...she doesn't have her hearing aids in and goes on without hearing me.
We got to the Hospital/Clinic exactly on time (fortunately, it is on about a half mile away!)
I did not have to go into the operating room...I gave the instructions to GG that they wanted me to tell her, if I had gone in. It was VERY important for her not to move as they were injecting her. I told her that and she said.."Oh, I know better than to move when a needle is going into me!" I read a book while she was being tended to and didn't get through the second chapter and they brought her out. Dr. Gallegher said she is a wonderful patient and all the nurses want to adopt her:) She is now, GG, to all of them:)
Got her home and fixed us some breakfast, sat out on the porch for a while...what a beautiful morning it was! She asked if I would stay with her all day. I told her I would, as long as she wanted and needed me:) A couple of hours later, she said she wanted to lie down and take a nap...didn't get enought sleep last night...told me to nap in Dad's old room (oh, no!) I asked if she minded if I went home and I would go in later. "Well sure, don't have to come all the way back in, I'll probably sleep the rest of the day...I'll call if I need you". So, here I sit, feeling good about this day. She had no pain when I left her (numbed back was still numb), told her what to do if she had pain in injection area and NOT to do ANYTHING, only eat and sleep for 24 hours. She was feeling so good that she wanted to sweep her porch off...Oh, No, No, Mom, sit down!!
So, all is well, for now. Anxious to see how she feels tomorrow, or better still, Friday. Doctor said it takes 2 or 3 days to get the full effect from the injections (3).
And how was your day?

Costume Lady said...

Happy to hear doctor report on our Dear Hoda. JUDIE, rowers elbow reminds me of my thoughts of COMPUTER ELBOW!
I almost always have a sort of callus on my elbow from leaning on my desk, so much. I have to scrub it and keep a rich moisturizer on it:)

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, the Albino Hummer, absolutely took my breath away!!

We took some pick of 2 baby Hummers this afternoon. They are so fluffly and cute. Check them out on my Wild and Wonderful:)
I will keep looking for an Albino one:)

Lynne2 said...

OMG Shirley, that hummer is AWESOME!!! Would I ever love seeing THAT in person! Thanks for posting that!

Wanda...what a great story! I hope I get to meet GG one day! I'll pray that she behaves herself...I know all too well that feeling before the numbness wears off that makes you think you can do anything!

hedgie said...

Almost time to leave for "school"---will catch up with y'all later....but Wanda, glad things went well with GG. My friend Ann goes through the imjections about 3 times a year....and she gets good relief. I'm sure you remember what a big girl she is, which does nothing good for her back!

Shirley, nothing wrong with Charlie other than his ordinary stuff. Just his sister and brother as of now. Gee---only 2 sisters and 2 brothers to go....wonder what the "3rd" thing will be. Oh, that's right---HE went to ER with a pulled muscle over the weekend, didn't he?


Hoda said...

WANDA what a great report on your day. I enjoyed your writing and I am so very pleased GG's experiences went well...You and the Captain have a wonderful relationship and I smiled at your musings.In three days GG will feel so great you will have to remind her to not do too much!!!She is blessed that you are her daughter.

Costume Lady said...

Double click to get the best view of these sweeties...scroll down to the last is asleep:)

Lynne2 said...

Hope you get a picture of Liesl's graduation Lynn!!!!

Lori O. said...

Loving the Momster lexicon "culture babe." From vulture to culture, a fat finger can make a big difference in life. LOL

JUDIE, I'm sending you GOO THOUGHTS that you'll get Darth's clutter under control. Try watching HORDERS together and see what he does. I'm like you - think I was a Quaker in a former life. ♥

Lori O. said...

WANDA, beautiful story of your day with GG. I can feel the smile on your face. :)

THELMA - great to hear from you. I was worried. YES, I noticed you had not checked in. There's no hiding from Momsters. Where's Sharon? haha

Lori O. said...

OMG WANDA! What an adorable picture of Jayden. Now this is a smile on my face. Absolutely precious. Thank you.

Lynne2 said...

hey LORI....check out my FB pictures I just posted!! I'll get them on here later.

Lynne2 said...

and by Lori, I of course meant everyone...but Lori in particular! And let me know what you call the color of that baby...she has one blue eye!

Lynne2 said...

Here is an interesting an fun project. Thought it might be neat to do our avatars with this...I have done some already.

Yearbook Yourself

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, just read your comment on my Brother pics....too funny! Ok well the racket and the poop shoots are not REALLY funny....

Lynne2 said...

bringing over for JO..she is so excited about dinner that she posted on the wrong thread!

Oh Lynne - """Another thing...many dogs bite. Most dog bites are inflicted on children, usually under 10 years old, and almost always by a family pet"""
Such bad memory of Bad Black biting
Sophia. She has healed both on the
face and inside her heart! She still
loves dogs and that is so good!

I am awaiting my 3 ggd for our Wed
Night Special of Spaghetti and Meatballs

I am so Blessed that I could swell up
with tears and cry for all the
Happiness the Good Lord has put upon me.

BBL if I'm not too worn out LOL

Mema Jo said...

Hello and Hurray for Hoda
Now Lady - get your elbows off the table ((hugs))

I am so very happy for your report - Now you can paddle across the lake!

I am awaiting my 3 ggd for our Wed
Night Special of Spaghetti and Meatballs

I am so Blessed that I could swell up
with tears and cry for all the
Happiness the Good Lord has put upon me.

BBL if I'm not too worn out LOL

Lynne2 said...

Yes, that was so awful for Sophia and the family. I'm so glad she is healed and still loves dogs!

I'm sure you'll have the best time tonight...looking forward to seeing some pictures!

Lynne2 said...

OOOOP there she is!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Lynne! lol I got excited about Hoda's report too.
Hoping to hear from Wanda concerning GG

Love you all! Very Much!

Lynne2 said...

we love you Jo!

Lynne2 said...

read back just a bit...Wanda checked in with good news!

stronghunter said...

That hummingbird took my breath away, too. It looks unreal. It would be amazing to see something like that in your backyard, wouldn't it?

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo!!

stronghunter said...

Have a good night at doggy school, Lynn.

Loved reading your account of your morning with GG, Wanda. So glad that she is getting pain relief.

stronghunter said...

Can't wait to hear about Solomon's Judie.

wvgal_dana said...

Been busy today hope everyone is fine. Need to go back and catch up on some comments.

Lori O. said...

Haven't heard from Linda,Sharon or Paula, or Lolly yet. Must be a busy day for everyone.

ANDY, three cheers for your new paycheck. It's always easier to find a job when you have one. :)

Lori O. said...

LYNNE - That filly you told me to see on FBook is adorable. I remember a trainer (UGH) who used to say that he would take four white socks and a belly spot on a Paint mare anytime...and the blue eye helps a lot. I sure miss the horses and caring for them, but I don't miss the dishonesty that is so blantant among some of those who breed animals.

Lori O. said...

HODA, I bet your view is wonderful. I would love to water ski like I used to. The highlight was skiing on the top of a three person pyramid!

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, glad you made it without your car. Car probs are such a hassle...sorry Lynne, didn't mean to bring that up. Is it fixed now?

Hoda said...

Right you are JO get that elbow off the table!!! LOL

Hoda said...

WOW LORI a three tier pyramid on water skies...I have only seen pictures never in real life...BRAVO!!!
Is your Mom still coming to your place on Friday?

Lynne2 said...

She's a sweetie for sure Lori! She just reached out her little nose to my face and we did some breath was awesome. What color would you call her?

and the "Mazderati" as I now call it is running fine now!

Lynne2 said...

Everyone is fine DanaWV....nice to see you!

stronghunter said...

BBL. Time for my bridge game.

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY, tell MIDGE we all said "HI"!
Enjoy your evening:)

stronghunter said...

My car is fixed. Just had to have a shield that was hanging down underneath put back in place. They took care of it at Kathryn's shop. Didn't even cost anything.

Air in Kathryn's tires didn't cost anything, either. But we wonder if there is something wrong with the tire.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley cool picture of the albino hummingbird.

Wanda I know how good those shots work. I know GG will definately feel much better.

Have to read back further "Darth a horder" Oh No Mr.Bob!!

Hoda you must have gotten a good report from your doctor. I had been wondering if you done something to it rowing.
I am so happy --PRAISES going up!!!!! ( :

Lynn and Liesl safe travels (my hand is petting Liesl)

Looking a Lori's avatar is that what I think a baby vulture?

Jo is going to have a great spagetti night ((HUGS))

Lynne I love reading your comments. They are so informative. Your a special lady.

stronghunter said...

Will do, Wanda.

Lori O. said...

Yep, HODA, Mom and Kilee will be here Friday. Kilee is mellow so should be a very nice visit. Thanks for asking.

LYNNE, the filly is a "bay" color. Shades of brown with black mane and tail...they're always flashier with the white socks which gives them three colors. The bay foals will go through a phase where they look like they have been eaten by moths when they blow that baby coat. You can see that happening now on her face.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley have fun playing bridge with Midge and the gang ( :

Lori O. said...

DANA, yes, it's the baby vulture. Really bummed today over losing him.
Thanks for reminding me to go see SHIRLEY's Albino hummer, and check the cams. I've been sending GOO thoughts. lol

Lynne2 said...

I thought bay Lori, but she really does look moth eaten! I'll have to try to get some better pictures this weekend. I had the camera set on "sunset" mode and forgot to change it back so the pictures aren't the greatest.

Lynne2 said...

oh my, I just looked up Paint Horse colors....she could be a bay roan! I was initially thinking some sort of roan but the black was throwing me off! And there IS a bay roan color in paints!

Paint Horses

wvgal_dana said...

So sorry Lori ♥

Judie said...

Shirley, glad you had a nice lunch out and a nap. Also glad the car is okay. Remind Kathryn to check her tire.

Wow, Jo's having a spaghetti and meatball blue plate special. I'll be back as I'm out the door to Jo's diner.

Need to look at Shirley's hummer. Have fun tonight at bridge club.

Wanda, what a really amazing mom you have. She truly is a trooper and so are you. Now if she will just mind the doctor's orders and stay quiet for a couple of days. Get some rest and give the Capt. a kiss -- not from me, from you.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my all those accidents..prayers for the people and their family and friends. Prayers even though it is today (not the day it happened) for the 911 operators and the rescue crew that got to them.

Prayers for the WVU girl hadn't heard anything. Prayers for her family, friends and teachers.

Hoda said...

I miss the camera.I tried the still cam and it has not changed images even though the timer seems to be on, nothig else is changing, so I do not think it is working.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda I loved the video of the dragon boat. You sure are a rower gal!! That is a beautiful lake and so nice to get to view it every day. Ohhhhh ( :

Hoda said...

WVGAL_DANA, It is indeed a beautiful lake. I feel very blessed that I live on its shores.Lakeside Park, where many of the Seniors Games events are taking place, is a beautiful park and they do a lovely job with its gardens,very lush and full of seasonal flowers...there is a Rose Garden that is in bloom from June till the middle of September with a variety of Roses...

wvgal_dana said...

I want to keep that video just love it. Can even hear I think it was ducks.

Hoda you said one time that you don't usually join in. Well you certainly fit with the dragon boat people. Then I remember you talking about helping a lady selling her goods. You do yoga that is with a group. I think you do more with people than most of us. lol♥

wvgal_dana said...

I have several friends that want to get together. That would mean driving a little distance. Which right now I don't want to do. I miss them so we email back and forth. It will come about in God's timing.

wvgal_dana said...

It would be nice if it was all of them and me together. With each one it is just difficult right now.

Hoda said...

WVGAL_DANA, I am usually not a team sports person. This is the first time in my life that I have done tem sports.Yoga is very individual, even though I am in a class with others, the practice is individual and poses can be modified by each person...I work the Saturday Market for the Grans to Grans Group to fund raise to fight AIDS in Africa. Once I retired I knew that I had to volunteer to stay active. I do not have family close by and this is a way to stay involved as I age...I learn a lot from volunteering about myself and about others.
It is good fun...

JudyEddy said...

DANA I hope your boo boo is better

LYNN2 I too don't drink wine at all I was told I was probably allergic to the sulfates in it make me up-chuck I here there is a sulfate free wine but never have sought it out but since I live in the sunshine state maybe I should find it and that may be why I have been forgetting stuff no wine darn it.

HODA and all did you notice that after your video stops there is the 2011 Dragon boat race in Tampa on it more that 20 video that I saw they are all short ones too. I admire you for what you do I wish I had time oh maybe when I retire just maybe.

Paramedic in the area have to take a blood test, Testing for nicotine not drugs.

1st day of school student arrested for bomb threats, marijuana growing, one of his classmate suspected something and call 911 they found notes of his plans to target several teachers and wanted to kill students Thanks goodness they got him

We have a new graduate also congratulations LYNN on Liesl graduation

HODA so glad you had a goo visit with the DR

WOW 100 students that is almost unreal That had to have been hard my hats off to you I am still in AW thinking about that many in one class amazing.

ANDY I googled this you might want to check it out you can enter your state to find out the scale in your area this is a general idea
PayScale Transcriptionist

Ok I'm gonna take a quick neck break I am up to 2 this afternoon BBL

Hoda said...

WVGAL_DANA, I just read your posts about friends wanting to get together and it is not the right time for you yet. You have gone through a lot and you are a wonderful person full of compassion and kindness. I hear you about it not being the right time...maybe you could organize something where a group gathering would happen instead of the individual get togethers...just a thought. Trust your inner self and God's Guidance will lead you to the right action.

JudyEddy said...

the eyes are watching when you are on the blog we have eyes watching watching staring at us

LYNN2 avatar is watching me and you all also LOL His eyes are so sad LOL

Hoda said...

JUDYE I noticed the arrest of the student in Tampa sad, I am glad his friend spoke up and that they were abe to stop him in time. Maybe they will get him some help.

I am sure when you retire you will also be very active.You seem to have a lot of energy and you are also creative. You will enjoy your retirement I am sure JUDYE.

Lori O. said...

Hello JUDYE and HODA.

Man, I'm starving for Jo's meatballs. What is it that this group cooks meatballs and I crave them when we talk about 'em. UmmmmmUmmm.

Good night for me ladies. Judie's sandman is headed my way. I love you all and wish for you sweet dreams and restful sleep. Prayers for all in need for all their needs, for creatures and critters great and small, feathers or fur, doesn't matter, we love 'em all. Goodnight kisses.

Hoda said...

This is a picture of my Great Nephew who became an American Citizen today. He was born in England to my American niece Abby, and he had to claim his American Citizenship and now has an American Passport....way to go Harry Nathaniel Newth Stevnes.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have just briefly gone through this thread. Have not even looked at this mornings comments.

It has been a busy day. Jack had therapy and while he was gone I watered pots. Then we went to the planetarium and children's museum right after an early lunch.

I am wearing down. LOL Jack is reading, I am sitting here, and boys are haing fun on the computer. Hear them talking and laughing. Whoops, Jack just arrived on a run and hit the sofa!!

I beat Joseph two times on Chinese Checkers. Have not played that in years!

No definite plans for tomorrow. Not sure what we will do. Maybe stay home and play games!

hedgie said...

Good night, Lori---short one tho' it will be for you!

Graduation went well---Liesl "performed" marvelously, as did her BF Stonewall! We go back in two weeks, so only one week off!

Hoda said...

CONGRAATULATIONS LIESL!!! WAY TO GO LYNN she is sooooooo lucky you are involving her with so much training...

hedgie said...

Liesl just had her spurt of energy, but I think she is ready for some lap snuggles. It's almost her bedtime...BBIALW.

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Liesl!

Headed to one hour sit down with TV show

Kids just pulling out of the drive....
Had one wonderful evening!


JudyEddy said...

HODA so glad you only have Rowers Elbow

WANDA didn't get a good mornin kiss maybe you should put on you wall above your head Always Kiss Me Goodnight Alisha has that on her wall she posted a pic on FB of her with the new baby and I saw it on the wall Katie is so cute she had a professional come to her home and do newborn pics Neat!

WANDA so glad the DR visit went superbly

I have also been getting callus on my left elbow I lean on it on the desk so I use a pumice stone and it is so smooth now, and I put my elbow on my soft bean bag wrist guard.

HODA way to go *Harry Nathaniel Newth Stevnes.*

Shirley loved the albino hummer

Got through the thread now eye lids are want to relax so I am saying goodnight one and all


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


JudyEddy said...

Check this out
DAD and his eaglet they put togethier a nice video

Hoda said...

Goodnight JUDYE and LORI Sleep well and God Bless.

hedgie said...

Hoda, what a cute little fellow you have there!! Do they live close enough for you to visit??
Congrats on his US citizenship!!

Jo, glad you had a fun time with the 3 kiddoes!!

Lolly, I love Chinese Checkers----had my grandparent's board...sadly, it was one of the things I was not able to retrieve 19 yrs. ago. Maybe the time will come someday when I'll be able to get a lot of my things back.

hedgie said...

Great video, Judy. Looks familiar, so maybe I've seen it...but so funny----Dad was not making it easy for sure!

hedgie said...

Duh---just noticed date---it was just made today. Well, maybe he does this every year with every fledgling!!!

hedgie said...

Judie, hope you have a nice jaunt to Solomon's tomorrow!!!

hedgie said...

BTW---I did get good (or is that GOO???) pics of Liesl tonight! I'll get them downloaded tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Lynn, that just does not seem right that you were not able to retrieve that which belonged to you! Grrrr!

Boys are in bed. Boy, I am tired tonight! Jacob is at times, oh so funny! But he is the most demanding of attention and correction. Joseph is very easy going and fun. Needless to say I am pooped!

Have decided to take the boys to a movie tomorrow. Have found a theatre showing Kung Fu Panda 2. Jack has begged out so it will be just the boys and me.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Busy day, just caught up.

got home late, ate, did some stuff in the yard, played with Nick, Walked Nick, read the blog.

Gotta go pay bills, hate doing that!


Hoda said...

LYNN Abby is my American niece and she lives and works in London England. She just had Harry and because she is American her baby is also American.She got his citizenship papers and passport today.

NOW, I am upset and concerned LYNN...what happened 19 years ago that you lost your possessions? It does not seem right that you do not get what is yours as LOLLY says and I agree. It brings up the injustice of the Egyptian Governement taking away what was rigthfully my family's in 1952...very upsetting. {{{HUGS}}}

Judie said...

It is that time once again. The sandperson is allowing me a few minutes to say good night.

Congratulations, Liesl! You go little girl!

Liesl, are you planning a graduation party with Stonewall? Maybe a bowl of water and some doggie treats?

Hoda, congratulations to Harry Nathaniel.

Loved, and saved, the eaglet video. Thank you, Judy.

Jo, so glad you enjoyed the Bragg Brigade. Sleep well.

Lolly, nice you had a good day, also. Enjoy tomorrow as well.

The sandperson says my time is up so I must turn on the night light for anyone coming in late as in Shirley from bridge club and for anyone arriving from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Ruh roh, left my passwords at work! Can't pay the bills tonight...

Lynne2 said...

well, my "to do" list completed (except for not being able to find Joker's food ball thingy) I am pooped and heading to bed.

Congrats Liesl!

Good night and prayers for all!

Kay said...

Wow, just spent a very long time catching up on the blogging done since early this morning. Way too much to comment on, but enjoyed the links, the videos, the dog talk, the health reports, the joyful grand and great grandparenting and great auntie news and pics, welcoming of a new American citizen and the successful graduation of our little four legged H.S. student.....

Count me among those grandparents who are aglow with memories of a grand day ! ☺☺☺ Had a lot of fun with Seth and Malcolm, but am now at the point of exhaustion and must head for bed !

Saying prayers for all in need, both those on our ongoing list and those we've added today. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Special thoughts for the family of the WVU student who died way, way too early. So very sad.

Hope you all have a peaceful, restful night and wake up tomorrow filled with vim and vigor !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Linda said...

Hello Eagle Pals!

Thought I'd surface for one post and then off to bed.

Just wanted to let you know I'm hanging in there. We're both sick with colds and it hasn't been the best week for me so far.

LORI - So sorry the one vulture baby didn't make it it. Hoping the second one continues to be okay. ((((Hugs to you))))♥

HODA - So glad your report on your elbow was a good one and you can treat it and hopefully heal it soon. Harry Nathaniel is an absolutely beautiful baby boy. Congratulations.

DanaMo - So sorry you took a spill. I can only imagine how you must have felt, being nervous and then falling. Hope your chin is better. Keeping you in prayer for your blood work levels. Sounds like you have all sorts of things going on right now. Hopefully things will balance out soon.

Lynn - Congrats to 'lil Liesl!!

Jo - How refreshing to see you so happy and blessed!!

Lynne & Lynn - Enjoyed the dog behavior information. You're exactly right and it is sad so many don't understand and watch for signs in their pets that signal something might be a bit wrong.

To all of you, I send my love and appreciate your well wishes. You're all so kind! Dennis thanks you, too!!

I'll try to check in tomorrow!!

Love and (((((Hugs))))

hedgie said...

Ruh roh is right!!! Oh well, as Scarlett would say---Tumarrah is anotha day!

Well.....if I didn't have every single item on a list, I didn't get it...out of spite. I had to fight to get my Mother's wedding dress back. Ended up making a nighttime raid (with foot/ankle in a cast) and loading as much as I could in my car....and ended up with a cop at my house two days later! But judge said until final papers were signed, I had right to enter the house and take what was mine! Of course, locks were changed---I had taken Christie's key and watched until he left for a Sat. night to do the Washington Post delivery route. Cop said "next time let us know when you're going!" But there was no next time. H-ll.....on "moving" day, we were met with a rifle! Luckily, I had hired a private security man!

hedgie said...

Basically, I got my SUV, my SharPei, my retirement and some personal belongings.....and that was all. Oh, and $80/mo. child support for about 8 months. I signed off on any share of the house just to get it all over with because it would have taken forever to sell the "ponderosa."

hedgie said...

Hoda, good that your niece was able to handle the issue despite still being across the pond. Is she on a job assignment over there or just likes living there?

magpie said...

Good Night Eagle Pals...
I'm making a date with myself Thursday night to get caught up on the past few days' blog happenins'.
I know there is a lot of important news on, and the last few days.
Let me just say: I Care !

and, I Pray...always time for that...

Hope Sleep is Sweet, and Restorative...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie. Liesl and Stoney partied tonight. Extra treats from trainer Maxine, and Stoney's Dad was also generous!!! PB and Yogurt treats from him!

hedgie said...

Margy, are you back to your regular hours tomorrow???
Hope you had a nice time with your classmate!

Linda, so sorry you and Dennis are ill. "Summer colds are nasty animals"---remember that old advertising phrase? Please feel better.

I think we have A LOT of tired Momsters today. Rest well, one and all.

Lolly said...

Lynn, so sorry it ended so ugly. Certainly not right!!

Folks I am passing out. I am yawning and my eyes are burning and running. Time to put it to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

OH LYNN it sounds so very unpleasant and down right dangerous...It is not right, and I am glad you survived it all with flying colours...

WELL PAULA that has to be THE MOST original excuse for not paying bills!!! LOL !!! How so very modern so very 21st century!!!LOL !!!

Mema Jo said...

I had sat down for the show but found it very difficult to get back up! I went ahead & dressed for bed and will
be out of here with great big yawns!

Love you all and pray you sleep well
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Tub time. Will say night-night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite! Prayers for all. Of course, I may pull a Margy and check back.....but in case I don't...the above applies!

stronghunter said...


Stopping by to say goodnight. Had a nice evening at bridge. Always nice to see old friends.

Very sleepy now.

Kathryn thinks she might have a slow leak in her tire. She does need to keep a close watch on it. I would not want her driving on I-95 with a bad tire. The car definitely did not drive properly before I got air in the tire.

Almost midnight, but I can still say that I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynn, so sorry about your divorce issues. I think we have some things in common there, though I did not have to give up material things.

There were many visits to the courtroom, though.

stronghunter said...

No sandperson here, but a purring cat is sitting beside me.

hedgie said...


Hoda said...

I will go get my book, sand person is not here either but it is time for me to call it a is a good thing.
Goodnight, Sweet dreams and God Bless.

Costume Lady said...

Congratulations to little miss Liesl on her graduation and her mommy too. Very sleepy...going to bed now~


Lori O. said...

May your special day include a special celebration for you and your family.

Lori O. said...

Today is also my Dad's birthday, so I'll have to make that phone call this afternoon...tomorrow is nephew's birthday - think Brian will be 28 or 29.

Saw a good Post on Megan's FB page about Rick Perry criticizing a Federal Farm Subsidy program that doesn't even exist. Pretty funny. Missing Megan, reminds me that I've been missing putting up the weather forecast. Sorry friends. I'll try to drink more wine and remember.

PA Nana said...

Good morning!

Happy Birthday Candy! May this be the best year for you.

PA Nana said...

Lori, happy birthday to your daddy too.

PA Nana said...

This avatar is for Andy & Liesl.
Our graduates.

Lori O. said...

Some cute baby /kid avatars on here today with Harry Nathaniel, and Jayden with the bucket on his head!

Uhhhhhhhhh, wish I could go back to bed, but the shower beckons. It's already a slow day and it hasn't even started! Maybe one of my BFF Eaglet Momster pals will wake up. Hope not, but if so, I'm here! :)

LINDA, hope you and Dennis are feeling better immediately. I'm sure you're just run down from all that has happened and the virus zapped you.
Get lots of rest and NO stress. Prayers that your not so great week with end with smiles and all the blessings you deserve. {{{hug}}

LYNN, can't wait to see Leisl's grad picstures.

KAY, what a great summary you did! Missed you a lot. ♥

JUDIE, safe travels to Soloman's Island. I can't wait to hear all about it. Take lots of pictures. Big hugs hoping you and Darth have a wonderful trip.

PA Nana said...

Have a good day everyone. I must try again to get to sleep.

See ya later.

Lori O. said...

DIANN - Hello!

Lori O. said...

Love that eagle graduate avatar! That is awesome, Diann!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Lori. I am still not asleep, but hope that I will before long. Just passing through, so I will likely disappear soon.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SHIRLEY... it's actually getting busy here this morning. DIANN was just up, too.

stronghunter said...

Is it today that Darth and Judie go to Solomon's?

Lori O. said...

Thanks again for your Ablino Ruby Hummer link. Kate is STILL WORKING so I sent her the link hoping to give her a break. She loves hummingbirds.

stronghunter said...

I saw Diann's post. Expect she is not here now.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Candy!!

PA Nana said...

Hi Lori, I'm having trouble sleeping again. Just took a Tylenol PM and hope it works.

Tomorrow is a busy day if I'm feeling better. Seems Max arrived with a virus and left without it.
Now Jimbo & I have it.... oh well.
Had a good time with him anyway.


Lori O. said...

I thought it was today that they go, but I've have been known to be wrong on many, many occassions.

stronghunter said...

I will have to tell Susan how much everyone is enjoying the hummingbird.

PA Nana said...

Hi Shirley, Was ready to sign off.
Loved the white hummer pictures.

I'll try to catch up tomorrow.
God bless!

Lori O. said...

HODA is probably still awake. Wish she would peek in, too.

Gee, I just said I would be here if anyone woke up...I wasn't wishing for anyone not to sleep. lol. Glad I'm here.

stronghunter said...

The eagle avatar is beautiful, Diann.

Lori O. said...

Goodnight DIANN.

SHIRLEY, I hope you get back to sleep. I have to get ready to begin the we say, dark and early.
{{Goodnight Hug}}

stronghunter said...

Goodnight, Lori. I do need to try to sleep. See you later.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Well, I have all but 2 items crossed off of my to-do list now! Will finish up in the morning. Can't WAIT to see Jay! It's been way too long.

JudyE, thanks for the link to PayScale. Very interesting info!

Wanda, so glad that GG's Dr. visit went so well.
Hoda, glad yours did, too. Harry Nathaniel is a little cutie! (A U.S. citizen now, too! Wow!)

Shirley, the albino hummer is awesome!

Congrats to Liesel the graduate! Good job!

Diann, thanks for the eagle graduate avatar! Awesome!

Saying healing prayers for Linda & Dennis, and Diann & Jim. Those colds need to scram!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, my, now that I sat down I've realized that I'm tired! Going to shut down for the night. Prayers said for everyone, and for every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--just in case I don't get here until late tomorrow,


G'night now!

DanaMo said...

Wow am I the first one up?

DanaMo said...

My still camera is in color and the sun is shining. The clock is ticking down, but obviously it must be stuck on a picture from a previous day because it is still dark outside.

Lori O. said...

DANAMO - saw this online:

Spanish police say eight demonstrators were
arrested and 11 people injured in clashes between riot police and
protesters opposed to a visit by Pope Benedict XVI.
A police official said Thursday that two of the people injured
in the disturbances in the Spanish capital were police officers.
Violence broke out Wednesday night after a march by thousands of
people angry that - among other things - taxpayer money is being
spent on the 4-day visit by the Pope for a festival called World
Youth Day. The visit starts Thursday.
Police wielding truncheons charged demonstrators several times
in Madrid's Puerta del Sol plaza, scene of antiestablishment
rallies in recent months.
The police official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with
department rules.

DanaMo said...

Lynn2, I thought of that after I went to bed last night about the pepper spray. I hadn't seen your post but I think that's a very good idea. Where do you get pepper spray?

Popes plane just touched down!!! I hope Aric can get a good picture. Andrew was able to when he saw him in Australia, he got one when the Pope mobile was passing him.

DanaMo said...

There is always those few who have to make things difficult. Considering what a "Catholic" country it is, but there are people everywhere who protest other peoples faith. My son was telling me that Monday the entire city was closed down for The Feast of the Assumption of Mary. Which isn't even a holy day in the states anymore, yet there he said it is like Christmas day!

DanaMo said...

I haven't seen any of this on the news which is surprising. I don't remember seeing anything when Andrew was in Australia either. Keeping it on the DL I suppose.

Lori O. said...

Just want to make sure Aric knows you know everything that is happening there.

DanaMo said...

Aric probably doesn't even know anything about it.

Kay said...

G☼☼D M☼RNING gL♥RI and DANAM♥ !!!

DANA, how's that chin ? You can buy pepper spray at gun shops or in the hunting section of stores like WalMart, I believe. It's kept under lock and key, or course. Great idea for your need !

There always does seem to be some kind of protest wherever the Pope or any head of State dares to tred. Looks like the media is cooperating with the authorities to keep the lid on what has become routine. Not giving the protestors the publicity they seek is a good policy, I think.

It's grand that both Andrew and Aric have had this opportunity ! I'm sure Adam and AnneMarie are hoping they get a turn, too !

LORI, Hope your dad and nephews have super duper birthdays ! Brian was a nice belated present for Al 28 or 29 years ago, huh ? Back when Julie was born we knew she was due toward the end of September and hoped she'd debut on the 24th, our wedding anniversary or the 25th, my father's birthday. She chose the 23rd ! Guess she wanted a day all her own !

Kay said...

And, speaking of birthdays....

♫♫♪Happy Birthday to CANDY ! May your day be filled with smiles, love, hugs and more !! ♥♥♥♪♫♪

Kay said...

LINDA and DI, too bad about those colds---summer and colds do not seem to go together. Hope you and your hubbies feel better soon !

LYNN, apparently there are several of us with similiar divorce scars. The stereotype of the male who gets taken to the cleaners is a big joke. Those cases are few and far between. Most women, in my experience, settle for far less than is deserved, partially in eagerness to "just get out" of a bad and sometimes dangerous situation.

Kay said...

Hmmmm, it's been a good 40 minutes since you two have spoken. Busy gals ! I'm moving on to newspapers, e-mail and housework. Throwing myself into those last minute jobs that precede having guests. HAGD and I'll be BBL. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....☺

Was going to get on and chatter a bit but work just called and I have to leave NOW... sigh...

Best Wishes for a Stellar Day, Everyone

and Happiest of Happy Birthday Wishes to Candy xoxo Hope the Day is as Sweet as You Are ☺ ♥

ttfn xoxox ♥

Lori O. said...

Of course, I pop in after you leave, KAY. :(

It's super slow here this morning. There was more action at 2 this morning than now. LOL
I'm hating this without our cams. At least with the cams we have hope that we will see Belle and Truder. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

Lori O. said...

And MARGY is here now. YEAH!!

Have you caught up on all your lost sleep, Margy?

DanaMo said...

I was watching the arrival of the Pope, thinking about going for a run. Guess Boomer and I better get moving if we are going to do it. He has been following me around since I put my sneakers on.

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼rning ☼ne and all Just wanted to say hey at ya see ya later sometime today or this evening Not for sure what we will do today Jordyn wasn't feeling well at school yesterday she was running a fever so Angie to her to Ped and guess what she now has a ear infection and still has the strep they did another swab and it came back positive so is on a stronger antibiotic once a day kind
So was she over it and got it back or was it just hidden we will never know there were other kids at school also sick and one of the kids that went to her school as also at the same Dr when Angie was there So will see how she feels if we go any where it will be Winter the Dolphin

Kay said...

I'm back to report good activity at the WCV site. First saw KS with a breakfast rat, then dropping it in favor of a splash in the tub before skittering away and out of sight. NX soon descended and went at the rat in earnest. First time I've been able to see the tracking device on her back. She's looking good while KS still has those obvioiusly damaged tail feathers. Ed Clark is moderating right now.

Kay said...

Hi, JUDY ! Sorry Jordyn is having more trouble ! It's so hard to stay well when going into the natural habitat of bad germs--day care centers ! Hope she feels up to an outing, but if not, you and she can enjoy a laid back day inside, I'm sure !

Kay said...

Outta here again...BBL

Lori O. said...

Morning KAY and JUDYE.

JudyE have a great day with Jordyn. I hope she gets to feeling better. It's no fun being sick. Poor thing.

Judie said...

Good morning!

♫♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CANDY.♫♫ Hoping it will be very special.

Linda and Dennis, hope you two feel better.

Diann and Jim, hope you two feel better, also.

DanaMo, such a shame about the protesters. Aric is fine, I'm sure.

Judy, what a shame little Jordyn is still sick. Sure hope she improves with the stronger antibiotic. Might be a good play-at-home day with lots of rest.

Need to get ready for a day out. I'll be back before we leave.

Need coffee and shower.

Judie said...

Ooops! Hey Liesl, heard about you and Stony last night. Party on girl, party on!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning everyone!

JudyE, so sorry Jordyn is feeling poorly again,,

Diann and Jim sick now too...

Linda and Dennis not quite on the mend....

Prayers everyone feels much better very soon!

DanaMo said...

Back from my run and I'm exhausted. Humidity is awful out there!

Lynne2 said...

DanaMo, any place that sells hunting supplies will have pepper spray. They used to carry it at Walmart but they don't around here anymore. Hope your chin is better today!

hedgie said...

Good morning!

Happy Birthday again, Candy, and to Lori's Dad, too!

Diann, love your avatar and thank you!!! Sure hope you and Jim feel better. Grammy caring for Max didn't mean you had to pick up the bug!!!

Lori, what does Kate do? Is it normal that she has to work into wee hours??

hedgie said...

Yes, I do believe that today is the day for Judie and Darth's little jaunt.

DanaMo and Lori....there was a short item in our paper about the was an Associated Press article, so it is out there but I haven't heard it on the TV news. Hope everything stays safe for all, and that Aric gets full enjoyment out of the occasion!

hedgie said...

Andy, Jay arrives tomorrow, right??? Hope you can get some rest today! Know you are excited!!!

hedgie said...

LOL, Kay....birth day cousins were both due very close to my grandparent's b-days: Jeanie missed G'ma's by 1 day, and Glenn missed Pop's by 1! My Carolyn missed her dad's by a week and G'ma's by 4 days!

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Liesl! Didn't get a chance to say that last night.

hedgie said...

Yep, Kay.....women often get the short end of the stick---especially when gainfully employed. And yes, getting away from a bad situation precipitates acquiesence, forfeiture, etc.
He was bound and determined that I would "fall flat on my face and come crawling back" as he told my sister. HA! Never happened! I am woman, hear me roar!!!! I am SO very proud of everything I have accomplished ON MY OWN---with some initial help from Bill, Frank and our other bud Doogie----physical labor, little loans occassionally that I repaid fully, and lots of moral support!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Shirley!! I was proud of how well she did!

Poor Margy----guess she wasn't originally scheduled for an AM shift. Carolyn got pulled im for OT last night from 1am-7am. They've got some serious staffing issues!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

JudyEddy said...

YEP we are playing at the house today The DR said she is contagious until the antibiotic are in her system for 24hrs so we are playing at home the problem is she hasn't ate all day yesterday and today I guess she will eat when she feels better She doesn't act sick at all She still had a temp last nite also so we will see if it comes back today so far nothing but Angie did give her a fever reducer last nite

We are having a Wiggle marathon today

hedgie said...

My day is going to be choppy, for sure. Hair apptmt. for frosting after lunch, and then to Office Max with my 20% off bag that came in the newspaper for the kids' school supplies, and then to Lowe's for assorted items. I hate shopping!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Getting close to a split! Heads up!

hedgie said...

JudyE, sure hope Jordyn kicks this strep quickly. Poor kid....:(

hedgie said...

Hi, T-bird!!! So puter is behaving?? What's on your schedule for today? Love the new flooring---did you and Shar install it yourselves?

Lori O. said...








Come on over.

Lolly said...

Have some errands to run this morning and then taking the boys to a movie this afternoon.

Lolly said...

Here we go................

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...