Tuesday, August 16, 2011


PM thread.


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Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Well, I just got off the phone with the doctor who's been sending me transcription. He's going to send me more of it. The pay isn't terrific, but maybe he'll make up for that in volume. It's good practice, and now I can truthfully say I'm gainfully employed on my resume. Will keep looking for something else while I'm doing this.

hedgie said...

2nd coat of paint is on.....went faster than first! Boards will probably need a 3rd, but think I'll wait until they are mounted in place....catch any mars and cover the nail holes!

hedgie said...

That's a good way to look at it, Andy. Are you still doing the police work, too??

hedgie said...

Are you going to try to stay independent or try to get on with a company like Sissy and Shar?

Ms Bookworm said...

No, Lynn, no police work. That was strictly for my Externship. I would really prefer to work with a company rather than stay independent. In fact, I would like to work on-site somewhere for a while, if possible. Once I get more experience, I'll figure out which way I want to go.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Royal Lithium 18V
I assume son got it from Home Depot

Ms Bookworm said...

There are advantages and disadvantages to both ways, and I'd like to think this through carefully before jumping in with both feet.

Mema Jo said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Emma wants some attention--will be back later, after I've checked more stuff off my to-do list. :o]

Judie said...

Jo? Lithium? 18V? Are you bipolar or just planning to shock the daylights out of someone?

Andy, so happy you are still going to get transcription from the doctor. It is good experience and it is usually easier to find a new job if you have one.

Lynn, whoohoo paint lady. You have earned an extra large iced tea!

Sure hope we hear from Hoda soon. Worrying although I recognize the time difference.

Hey Thelma!


hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo....so I guess it is battery powered? As in plug it in, charge it up and then unplug?? Cool. Will check it out!

Andy, sounds like a good way to approach it. Feel out your options and consider all the pros and cons!

Judie, I, too, hope to hear great news from Hoda ASAP!!!

hedgie said...

Please forgive any preachiness on my part lately!!!! Get wound up sometimes in my areas of "expertise" as it were!!!

Perfect day is becoming questionable....quite breezy and sun is gone! Hmmmm.....

hedgie said...

Still no word on Charlie's sister. He left, his Mom is there with her now. She was probably already upstairs with oldest son who went in two days ago with a heart attack--he had bypass surgery in the past. She might want to pitch her tent in the parking lot!

DanaMo said...

If it's not the breed then why do you see things in books that talk about temperament and such? Like labs, have you ever heard of lab attacking? I have not, but I have heard it of Shar-pei (sorry hedgie), and chow (sorry Lori, I had a friend who almost had her leg bit off by her fathers chow, and both she and the dog were adults), pit bulls (one attacked Boomer unprovoked, at the vet office no less)?? There are breeds not recommended for children. We had a cocker-poo ((granted a mix) who was going after us and we had to get rid of him, he was so jealous of Frisbee). I don't know, I'm no expert for sure, but those are breeds that I am more afraid of.

Lynne2 said...

well now, in light of DanaMo's question I must comment....LOL!

Nature vs Nurture, the never ending argument...

All breeds were bred for specific tasks in life. And there are breeds who were bred to guard, and to protect. Instinct runs very deep. I realized this many years ago when I had my first collie. I was babysitting a tiny lamb for one of our clients. Buttercup was her name. Buttercup was in the yard with Aladin, my collie. He had never seen a sheep before, and his parents and grandparents were not active herding dogs. BUT, that Aladin would circle Buttercup, and especially if she went near the end of the property!

So, these instincts are there, to one degree or another, for each breed. But this doesn't mean every pit bull is a monster....

Lynne2 said...

There are just some breeds that are better suited for some people and lifestyles.

Border collies are fantastic dogs, for instance. But if you have one that doesn't get a LOT of mental stimulation and physical exercise, it will become a basket case.

Hoda said...

THANK YOU ALL EVER SO VERY MUCH. The scab on my elbow is "not a problem" the doctor says. She gave me some cream and she is sure "it is not anything to worry about". I am grateful for your prayers and for western medicine that can rule out causes and rest hearts and minds at ease...

Lynne2 said...

Another thing to be taken into consideration is the breeding of any particular breed. The mother had the most influence over the pups. Breed a nasty bitch, she'll likely raise puppies who act like she does because that it what they have learned.

Breeding for profit....backyard breeders, puppy mills...they take NO consideration into the genetics, and don't understand dominate and recessive genes. So most of those dogs can have both physical and mental problems that wouldn't ordinarily be associated with a particular breed.

Lynne2 said...


DanaMo said...

OH Hoda! I am so happy that it isn't anything to worry about! What a relief!!

Hoda said...


Lynne2 said...

How a dog is raised and cared for is very important as well. They must be socialized, exercised and trained, and given things to do to have fun!

Certain breeds require a very experienced person to own them.

hedgie said...

How right you are, Lynne! And you are the expert! To be perfectly honest, NO dog should be trusted with a defenseless child, regardless of it's size or history.
Nature will often override nurture for no apparent reason at all. We can't be in the dog's mind.
When I was a child I witnessed a retired police Shepherd attack his retired officer...he was on his knees weeding a garden. No rhyme or reason. Outcome??? He broke the dog's neck. So sad for both of them.

Lynne2 said...

How a dog is raised and cared for is very important as well. They must be socialized, exercised and trained, and given things to do to have fun!

Certain breeds require a very experienced person to own them.

Another thing...many dogs bite. Most dog bites are inflicted on children, usually under 10 years old, and almost always by a family pet.

You don't hear about all the "little" bits because it's the BIG bites that make the news. And how a dog bites or attacks is to be considered as well. A Yorkie will nip, but a pit bull, just by the very nature of it's being, will attack far more dangerously. They latch on, and they keep attacking once started. That is what makes them so potentially dangerous.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Lynne - """Another thing...many dogs bite. Most dog bites are inflicted on children, usually under 10 years old, and almost always by a family pet"""
Such bad memory of Bad Black biting
Sophia. She has healed both on the
face and inside her heart! She still
loves dogs and that is so good!

Mema Jo said...

I am awaiting my 3 ggd for our Wed
Night Special of Spaghetti and Meatballs

I am so Blessed that I could swell up
with tears and cry for all the
Happiness the Good Lord has put upon me.

BBL if I'm not too worn out LOL

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...