Thursday, August 25, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Lori O. said...

Linda, We switched a year ago from Inova to NOW feed for cat kibble and dog kibble - feline & canine formulas. Dogs also get boiled chicken breast, and cats also get canned food from Weruva and TIKI.

No problems with any of it ever. Good sign considering all are rescues (except Dalai) and come with health problems.
Hope that helps Riley!

wvgal_dana said...

I am going to get this typed before the clock strikes noon.

Good Morning eagle friends and Lurkers ( :

hedgie said...

Bon voyage to Jack and Michael! Stay safe on those rapids!
Lolly, sure your back improves quickly.

hedgie said...

A little bit of a breeze is helping the humidity at least feel less. Brief ray of sunshine. We NEED rain. Trees are suffering. I can see places through the trees that I haven't seen all summer, so either drooping or losing leaves.

magpie said...

headed out, car packed and me dressed for some housework at James's - his bedroom only!
then I hope to bring him down here to see the planes at the airports...

wish that Weather reporter at Virginia Beach would put a hard hat on !!

oh dear forgot the rest of what I was going to say....

well So Long !
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

We had a few very light sprinkles.

FT Bragg Bunch - So far so good here on Fort Bragg. Just rain and lots of wind.

Call from Waynesboro PA that it just had a cloud burst.

Very few birds/squirrels on the deck for
their breakfast.

Lori I hope the Vulture Babe goes inside the barn! Don't want him blowing away. Are the parents ever around him..?

Mema Jo said...

Stay safe Margy and Great to clean up
James' room - That is very special thinking for you! Right where I would
have started! ♥

Hope the Bluefield crowd is secured!

magpie said...

Thanks JO...
and yay so far so good with the Bragg Bunch...

I remembered what I was going to say:

I referred to James (before we split)
as The Little Man.... ♥
he shares that moniker with a very special family member of yours gone before...hope you don't mind we share that ! xoxox

really better get a start on this day, I am dressed for action...

hedgie said...

Linda, I know that Lynne will give you more expert advice when she checks back. All brands tout their benefits, but they all seem to have drawbacks. I can definitely advise that vegetables are a real plus....Leisl gets lots of green beans. LOW protein feeds are best for weight control, as well as for kidney health, which is always a concern in older dogs. I have been told that Eukanuba is NOT good.....and I had problems with Blue. Had to chuckle at Lori mentioning the cooked chicken: I have an acquaintance who is a total vegan, but she buys bulk raw chicken for her cats and dogs and is always cooking it for them!

Lynne2 said...

Linda, I'm not all that crazy about Science diet. I'm not familiar with the food Lori is using.

More importantly, no one has ever figured out the real reason why dogs eat grass, etc! Daisy eats grass, Puddles eats DIRT of all things.

I like the Solid Gold foods, Innova, Wellness, Blue Buffalo, Natural Balance. They are more expensive for sure, but better quality overall. The downside is that you can't just buy them in the grocery store. They are usually available at smaller pet specialty stores or some of them at Petsmart or Petco. Careful switching over, by gradually adding small amounts of new food and taking away the old food over a period of 10 days is best for switching. We are currently using Rachel Ray's food which is also pretty good for mid-priced better food.

And I can't stress enough the importance of a specific geriatric physical, and urine and complete blood tests to make sure everything is going well on the inside!

Linda said...

Thanks Lori and Lynn for the info. I am just not too sure about this Science Diet anymore.

Some experts say rotate their food every 3-4 months and others say don't. I do know to mix slowly with your old food if you switch, but I just want to give him what he really needs and not pay for overpriced low quality dog food, if that is what Science Diet has become.

I do remember when Iams was a good food 20+ years ago, but they were bought out by a larger manufacturer and the quality suffered.

Lynne2 said...

Nutrition per say can come from ANY source including corn. The "store" brands, like Pedigree, Purina, etc. often change their formulas based on price of ingredients, while keeping the nutritional values consistent. The "better" brands don't deviate usually, and are more likely to use better, although slightly more expensive ingredients.

As Lynn said, they can all have some draw backs, too. Not all dogs will do well on even the best of foods.

Linda said...

Dennis is bringing in anything ripe from the garden and the kitchen is getting crowded.

I have to look up to see if I can freeze corn or how to can it, because we have a lot. Otherwise, we're going to have to make a road trip and bring some to neighbors and friends!!

Tomatoes are looking good, too! I'll definitely can those!

hedgie said...

Liesl is on a perpetual diet! Vet recommended Castor and Pollux. Despite what label instructions advise, she only gets 1/4 C morning and night, along with 1/3 C green beans.

Here's an interesting article about pet food content:
What's in Pet Food?

Lynne2 said...

BOy Margy, you ain't kidding...I was watching the Weather Channel guy in VA beach and that is just CRAZY! I hope to GOD they are broadcasting on a 10 second delay so they can cut the feed when hit gets clobbered by flying debris.

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynne. We have never bought cat or dog food at the grocery store, with the exception of Friskies canned food to supplement our cat's dry food. I have her on Verus Advantage dry food that I get at the local Natural Pet food and supply store in town.

Tractor Supply has quite a few brands that I could look at, too, like Blue and maybe Natural Balance. I will take this Science Diet that Dennis got back to the store and look at the ingredients again.

Riley is due for his shots and annual visit next month. I will get blood work and urine tests done to be sure all is well!

Thanks for the advice ♥

Mema Jo said...

Does Liesl like her Green Beans?
You going to try Brussel Sprouts?
And I bet she will love Carrots....
I sure do need to meet her! ♥

Oldest daughter said that her hubby is
on call for storm clean up and she is
hoping he doesn't need to go to Eastern Shore... Forestry Dept. Today is his

Mema Jo said...

I am headed for my street clothes and am
going to Hit the Deck for any last
minute moving around of the planters.

hedgie said...

Kurt from Outer Beaches Realty reports:
"Well the worst is over. Thankfully we didn't get it too bad. Our internet servers went down, so we're doing updates from a verizon card on a laptop. I have some really neat footage to show you, but this computer won't support the files, so we'll have to wait and post them when we get our network up and running. We just drove around Avon, and there is hardly any damage. We still have to see what happens once the sound comes back in."

Linda said...

Interesting, indeed, Lynn. Thanks for the link.

Mema Jo said...

Oh S#$T - Downpour
Boy Irene you are full of surprises!!

wvgal_dana said...

It is pouring down hard rain here at my roost. Wind is blowing but tree are not bending. So wind must not be bad.
Glad I removed things off porch earlier. Brought in my flag and my wind chime.

Mema Jo said...

It almost stopped as quickly as it
started! The cats came running in the
house...... Paula be home soon and be safe driving in these downpours.........

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn what happened when they went to check the Shangi Bridge??

Lori O. said...

LYNN, great news from Kurt report. I also liked you Pet Food article and website.

Here's the Whole Dog Journal website that I use a lot. We also have a subscription so if you need to reference something (anyone) let me know.

Whole Dog Journal

I knew someone would giggle about feeding the boiled chicken, LYNN. It's because FloBear's stomach is worse than mine, and Dalai has something I can't remember the name of right now that makes it tough for her to eat rich food. The chicken is very easy to digest.

Linda said...

Lynne - Don't you think for a minute that you're "not good" at this marriage thing. NONSENSE!!

You know Steve is crazy about you and you feel the same about him, so stop that talk!! You're going through some tough trials, but God will see you through this and we are here for you, too. Loved Margy's scripture reference, too.

You and Steve will get through this together, by the Grace of God and we will continue to pray ferverently for you both!

Love you, Lynne..... xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Sorry for the CRS!
Dalai has Pancreatitis.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo no problem commenting in here about referring to James (he is a great boy!) as Little Man.

It is sweet and Ed and I would always seem to meet James and Margy at Martins.

Mema Jo said...

Fort Stewart is sending nine of its Black Hawk helicopters from southeast Georgia to New York state to be ready to assist with the emergency response to Hurricane Irene. Army helicopters and their crews of 38 soldiers were taking off Saturday for Fort Drum, N.Y., about 320 miles north of New York City.
Earthqakes offer no time to be prepared whereas the hurricane gives us time.

Lynne2 said...

Love you too Linda! And all of you...I so much appreciate your support and prayers and kindness!

I would cook food for the dogs if I could afford to do so. Way better than any processed food for sure! Just sort of an art trying to make sure that home cooked food has all of the things they need, but nowadays there are many websites to help!

Mema Jo said...

A man in North Carolina was killed by a large branch Hurricane Irene knocked off a tree outside his home, the AP and MSNBC reported, marking the first known inland fatality due to the storm.

The man was walking outside his house in a rural area Saturday morning when the tree limb struck and killed him,

wvgal_dana said...

Here comes another BIG pour down!

Lynne2 said...

Good to know Jo....NYC is going to have some serious issues. This is NOT something they are used to at ALL!

God Bless and keep safe the military, and ALL of the responders to the areas that will be hard hit!

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo---no brussel sprouts in this house (now that Bill isn't here anyway!). And Liesl does NOT like carrots! Happy B-day to your SIL!

Just starting to shower a little here.

Lynne2 said...

Hummers are back and conducting Hummingbird Wars as usual now! Butterflies are having a hard time navagating in the gusts. Still only the one great big one, but smaller and more frequent ones now. Rain has just started.

wvgal_dana said...

I am sure Margy won't do any swimming tomorrow. Creeks can raise too fast.

Lynn-Hedgie I am still interested in what the story is about the bridge. I sometimes go that way. Did they find any cracks?

Mema Jo said...

Candy is alive and well because on FB
she just sent to me a dozen hearts in
the game we play........ ♥

wvgal_dana said...


Lynne2 said...

Good news Jo, thanks for letting us know!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I shared some pics of the training camp event that kids went to.
I need to know if you can view them on
FB - if not, Christine will make them public.♥

hedgie said...

Raining good here now!

hedgie said...

Great website, Lori! Thanks!

DanaWV....Charlie said nothing wrong with bridge.

Jo, I see lots of photos, but not sure which ones are the new ones that you refer to!

paula eagleholic said...

Bringng the rain with me 20 min t home

Hoda said...

Thank you for continuing to chime in. I read your reports and feel comforted that you all will make it through this hurricane with God's Grace. PAULA is 20 minutes away from her home and will soon be off the roads...WELL DONE PAULA and PRAISES FOR YOUR SAFE ARRIVAL.

Paddling was very good and I saw many ducks and the water was calm and I said a prayer that you all would expereince such calmness soon.


hedgie said...

Margy would like to see that perfect heart-shaped leaf in the nest!

Paula...good that you are back in town!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I am referring to the newest batch
The ones from the Training Camp

Hoda said...

Well Toronto is giving Jack Layton a great send off in a State Funeral, many are out on the streets clapping as the hearse makes oits rounds to RoyThompson Hall. People clap and ring their bicycle bells, he rode bicycles to Parliament Hill and around town. People walk up to the hearse to lay roses and it is all very dignified.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - that sounds like a very special tribute

Paula - you'll be landing in Emmitsburg
any minute now! I can breath a sigh
of "friend's safety" relief! ♥

Here is the latest on FB from Candy:
Everyone has pics of the water in the sound and canals leaving and "sucking out" of the sound and canals. It is a strange sight to see. When the eye passes and the winds switch to the NW, the water will come rushing back in. I hope they all get out of the water in time. :)

hedgie said...

Put a couple of pics on my blog from the trail cam.

stronghunter said...

Two people rescued who were SAILING near Norfolk. Geesh.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY SAILING????What were they thinking?
Everyone still has power and that is good.

Lolly said...

Hi, I am home! I am husbandless, my jubby has left me. LOL Now I have to get busy and do last minute stuff for the party. I have a little over two hours before I head to Laurel's house, so I gotta get with it!!

Guess we did not get the ditch dug fast enough....not receiving any water on this end! ☺

My back is a wee bit better. Will take a muscle relaxer this evening, once I get the boys home from the soccer game.

stronghunter said...

Lord only knows, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

Tornado in Norfolk.

Hoda said...

I hope PAPA NORFOLK EAGLE found a safe place to be.

Welcome home LOLLY. I wish JACK a GREAT trip. Glad your back is better.

In regards the sailing folks they should ask them to pay for the rescue!!! It used resources unnecessarily.

Lori O. said...

Praises for PAULA's safe travel. I would love to hear from her that she is home.

Glad you are safe, too, LOLLY! Enjoy your brief freedom. :)

Missing our computerless KAY today.

hedgie said...

Really would love to see that, Jo! Wish Candy had pics to post!

Lori O. said...

Very interesting to watch the vulture today. He's come down from the tree and for the first time since they were infants (LOL) we can see the remaining chick and one of the parents sitting together in the tree. Like the parent is checking on it. Very sweet. Kate got more pics so will post these too, later.

Lori O. said...

OOOppps, I meant the vulture chick and parent are sitting together on the barn roof. ♥

stronghunter said...

I agree, Hoda.

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, after checking out many dogfoods when Boo got sick, I switched to can only get it at Pet Valu stores, but it seems good. They also have a senior food. First ingredient on Nick's food (not senior food) is chicken.

Home safe and sound.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn that is a relief about the bridge.

Janet/Nilla I have prayed and prayed they would find a solution to this problem. My prayers will continue sweetie HUGS.

Glad Paula is almost home. BIG thank you to that prayer.

Prayers for Steve finding a job. Boy do I remember Ed being laid off. Looking and looking for a job.

Sounds like Candy and Jim are safe. BIG answer to another prayer.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go check out the TV for storm news...finally outran the rain in Westminster, but it's coming!

Heading to the neighbors later for a Hurricane Party!

There was a boarded up business in Easton, they had spray painted "Come on Irene" on it. Tried to get a pic, but the traffic light turned green before I could.

Nobody on the roads...until I got past Easton, did see more cars...and did see lots of utility crews, though

hedgie said...

Rain stopped. I go outside to get a breath of the nice fresh air...and nitwit next door is burning something. Noxious fumes and heavy smoke all coming my way. AND he's setting off firecrackers. GRRRRR.

hedgie said...

Candy says one power line down at bridge into their development, but they still have power.

DC reporter down on the OBX says locals are saying this was a "nothing" storm. I agree for down there.

Sailing???? Sure, risk Coast Guard lives. Should've let 'em drown.

Hoda, how very nice that they are doing a great send-off for Mr. Layton.

hedgie said...

From Candy:
Manns Harbour is without power the whole island. Minor damage in Nags Head; shingles,etc. Power is out in parts of Colington and canals empty at this time.Power lines in Kitty Hawk down and they are waiting for power co. 57-58 mph wind at the pier in Duck ( near Karla's in-law house). Minor breech in one of the main walls in Stumpy Point and figure will have water flooding in. (That is where the fire has been burning since May in a bog) The eye is just sw of us.

Hoda said...

LYNN it is a GRAT service with song and laughter and English, French and Native Languages, all Abrahamic religions, Christian, Jewish and Moslem

Mema Jo said...

Just about 1 minute ago on FB:

Janet L Kolb aka Nilla
Howdy. Setting here in my hOspitaL. Room. Many test thiS morning. Love ya

Hoda said...

PAULA welcome home...I am struck by the humour of several signs I have seen in regards IRENE. You all survive through stong humour and spirit...

Hoda said...

The service for Jack Layton is GREAT not grat as I posted.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome home Paula and Nick!

Was glad to have Janet aka Nilla comment
on FB

I mainly used my FB to keep track of
family and friends.... ♥

With that said I am going back over

Mema Jo said...

We are getting the rains big time now........ And some winds so that the rain is no longer coming straight down all the time...........

Mema Jo said...

Lori - Does my heart good to hear that a vulture parent is with the young one.
This episode with your vultures is
changing my mind big time about TVs

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, sounds like a very touching sendoff for Jack Layton.

Mema Jo said...

News Report
Al Qaida's No. 2 Killed In Pakistan

Hoda said...

God Bless The United States Of America JO...She will PERSEVERE.

Linda said...

Newport News, VA - a young child killed by tree blown onto an apartment bldg. Sad to hear.

Linda said...

Glad you're home safe and sound, Paula, and thanks for your dog food info as well.

There are sooooo many brands out there, but I have found that everyone recommends staying away from corn, chicken-by-products, gleutens, and definitely meat-by-products!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn and Lynne and all pet owners

The Virginia Beach SPCA will remain open to take animals for those people taking shelter in the local area as well as any other first responders who may need shelter for their animals. The SPCA will take pets if you want to seek refuge in local shelters.

Now that is Caring!

Hoda said...

Well the nest is wet and it is not blowing so hard over there yet...I hope Belle and Truder found cover.The New York Times Tracker say around eight in the evening it will pass there...

Lori O. said...

Jo, Very nice the way VA has handled animals. Virginia Beach had "pet friendly" shelters. Thanks for your Vulture Love!

The rain is taking a break now so I'm going to walk Dalai who is a cranky cat chaser at the moment. Can't have that.

PAULA, Very happy you are home safe! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Praying for New York! I hope Irene
lessens in her strength and moves
much faster! ♥

Costume Lady said...

Good Afternoon...
I have been in touch with Karla, throughout the morning, by phone and facebook.
She and Donny went to Roanoke Rapids last night (about 100 miles from OBX) She said it was raining very hard and the wind was blowing things around a bit, but she felt safe.
Her intentions are to go back to the beach house tonight (late) and check things out, then, hunt for beach treasures in the early morning hours:) Donny HAS to be back at work Monday, Karla does not. Jillian and boyfriend may go down and stay and bring Karla back with them Monday or Tuesday.
Anyway, everyone in my family is safe and accounted for!

Glad Paula made it home safely and Candy has been doing a good job of keeping us up-to-date on her area. They have "been there and done that" before, so they know what to expect:)

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Wanda for your children's
update! Oh to be young and restless
again! lol ♥

Decision has been made in this family that hubby and I will stay inside and
not attend Mass as we usually do on
Sat evening..........

Mema Jo said...

Wanda -
Keep Capt Gene dry! lol
But do let him enjoy his birthday

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Dustin's team won their game with Berkeley Springs last night. He did get to play. When Gene and I went to his game in Charles Town, he didn't get to play and I was so disappointed.
We didn't go to last night's game because we took GG to get Crab Legs. If I had know Dustin was going to get to play, I would have ordered the Crab Legs, TO GO!!

Mema Jo said...

Year upon years ago (60 or so) as a teenager I was in FL with Mom and Dad at our cousins' home -

Who can tell me the name of the Hurricane that came across FL around 1951......... (NO PRIZE)

Lori O. said...

Great news about your family, WANDA!

JO, glad you and hubby are staying put tonight. Hope the cats are okay and inside.

It's raining lightly here now, but they were enormous rain drops when I was walking Dalai a little bit ago.

HODA, thanks for the prayer while you were rowing. I have a beautiful picture in my head of your lake ... and you. :)

Costume Lady said...

LOL, I told Gene that he had a bunch of BIRTHDAY greetings on this blog and he is trying very hard to get on here with his lap top, but is not having much luck. I guess I owe it to him to help, because, after all, it is his BIRTHDAY:)
Thank you all for your well wishes...if he ever gets on here, he will thank you himself;) LOL

Costume Lady said...

Did I tell you that we have not had a drop of rain here? No wind, either. Strange!

Lolly said...

Paula, glad you are home and hope there will not be any damage to you paradise. Thanks, Wanda for letting us know your daughter is safe as well.

I am leaving in about 45 minutes for Denton. Think I will take my laptop.

I am all ready for the party. Just need to pick up the cake on the way home and then make tea and lemonade when I get home. Oh, and going to make a dip as well. So, party on.....!!!

I would have made the cake myself but decided not to put that pressure on myself. With my back going out I am very grateful that I made that decision.

My back is doing much better! Hurrah! Hope it continues!

Watching the cam. It certainly is blowing but not too bad.

Costume Lady said...

Hurricain Charlie, Jo?

Costume Lady said...

The first hurricane that impressed me was HAZEL...maybe '54-'55.

Lolly said...

Well, I have been delinquent in wishing Capt Father Gene a happy, happy birthday!!! Hope you have had a glorious day! Make Wanda be good to you!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Gene!!

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, glad your back has eased up. Gene had a spell with his and it was quite painful for a few days:(

Judie said...

Back quickly.

So glad the Bragg Brigade is okay and Margy is getting James's room all clean. Good news about the TV chick and the parent being nearby and that Liesl eats green beans. Glad the OBX reports was optimistic about so little damage. Jo, happy birth day to your SIL.

Heard the child was found dead. Had been missing for an hour or two.

Paula, glad you and Nick are home safely and Hoda had a good paddling day. Lolly, enjoy the party.

So nice that Nilla was able to send a comment on her own. Hope she will fine.

Steady and moderate rain with increasing wind here at home.


Lynne2 said...

Glad you are home Paula....they will likely close the Bay Bridge later this evening.

Well, went went to the jeweler. Our wedding bands, and a bracelet, and some broken earrings are worth exactly $120. UGH.

Judie said...

Jo, might have been Hazel. Bad one!

Lori O. said...

WANDA, I Googled hurricanes in a huge chuckle out of the names.

Hurricane Jig
Hurricane Item
Hurricane How
Tropical Storm George
Hurricane Fox
Hurricane Easy
Hurricane Dog
Hurricane Charlie
Tropical Storm Baker
Hurricane Able

Lynne2 said...

SO sad about the young boy being killed in VA. Making me think we'll sleep downstairs tonight. The only big tree is the beechnut tree in between our house and the landlord's, and right next to our bedroom window.

Another man was killed in NC when a tree fell on him while he was tending to his animals outside.

Lori O. said...

LYNNE, I'm so sorry. Did you take the money for your wedding bands? (Big Faith Hope Lily HUG!

Judie said...

Forgetful moment: so glad Candy is okay and without serious damage. The worst should be over in her area.

Wanda, sorry you missed Dustin playing football but oh so happy GG wanted to eat crab legs.

Okay, bye

Lynne2 said...

No Lori. I couldn't. I had a mental figure in my head that if everything was worth a certain amount, I'd have to. But the amount fell short by more than half. So much for believing all the news reports about how much your stuff is worth.

Lynne2 said...

We'll wait to the very last minute and hope for the best before we'll settle for that amount.

Lynne2 said...

Still not too windy here yet. Raining more steadily now.

Lynne2 said...

Lori, how are the kittens doing! Can you post some updated pics?

Hoda said...

{{{{HUGS}}}} LYNNE2 and STEVE.

Stay safe everyone. I am headed off to yoga and feel emotional and yet very pleased with the send off Canada gave to Jack Layton. He dreamed of a better Canada and worked to achieve it. A good life.


Lolly said...

I am shutting down and heading out.

Maybe see you this evening to check on everyone.


Costume Lady said...

I spoke too soon, we are gettin heavy rain here, now!

Karla posted this on facebook about an hour ago:

Karla Wright Adams Jack it is extremely windy, raining sideways. Some power out. Flash flooding and an 8 o'clock curfew. We should have stayed at the beach lol
53 minutes ago ·

hedgie said...

Had a nice little nap. Think I want more!

Jo, some shelters stated that pets were welcome to come with people. Some rescue groups also worked hard to get shelter pets moved to other areas out of harm's way. SO much effort put forth to protect the animals!

Lori, great that your BV chick is doing well, and that the parent is being attentive.

Hmmm....#2 guy is who, I wonder? Too bad they haven't found Gaddhafi. He's probably hiding in a hole somewehere like Saddam was!

Judie said...

Hoda, it is nice that the memorial for Jack Layton was dignified and reflective of his life.

Lynne2, very sorry about the situation with you and Steve. Serious prayers headed your way for a rainbow to appear.

Yes, kitten pictures might be a very good thing.

Headed for the kitchen. Early dinner seems prudent.

JudyEddy said...

♫Happy Birthday, Capt. Gene♫

I have sucessfully download all the video on facebook while I was at work I love it you can walk away and they will do their thing unlike the blog where some has to be here to publish and can't open multi ie either on blog I have one on the blog and doing the others right now UNDER NEST VIDEO one video so far you can watch now or wait till all are on it

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE, are you having rain and wind, yet?

JudyEddy said...

I'm letting the blog up load I got a second one done surprisingly faster since I got home ODD

JudyEddy said...

so I won;t be on for a while I forgot to say plus I have 180 to read

Costume Lady said...

JUDYE,Capt. Gene could sure use your expertise on the computer!
I am self-taught and know things in my head, but don't know how to relay what I know to someone else.
Gene had a secretary for many years and didn't have to learn how to use a computer. When his store closed, he knew no more than I did. We didn't get a computer for nearly 6 years after he was a gift to me from my daughters for Christmas, so it was I who learned to use it. Gene got a lap top 2 years ago and uses it about once a month...can't learn diddly squat that way:)
After supper, I will see about getting him on this blog:)

JudyEddy said...

I am surprised we still have the camera I just noticed it was doing the weird lines also I hope it stays Remember a long time ago in a storm that both eagles were in the nest and we thought that they would get blown out I wonder if they will come to the nest in the storm I hope you all are ok My prayers and thought are with all in the path of the storm and aftermath

hedgie said...

Wanda, Hazel was '55. We shared some stories about it last evening!
Looks like Able was the only 'cane to make landfall in '51, Wanda.....and it was pre-season!
Names from the Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet were used to name storms.

hedgie said...

Glad that Karla and Donnie are okay, Wanda.

Getting very dark here and wind is picking up. Liesl just scared off the deer, and now she's running through the house in circles---guess she thinks she did a good thing---NOT!

I see two BIG dead trees on good neighbors' property---one is close enough to road that if it goes the wrong direction it will likely take down the power line. It doesn't threaten my property, tho'.

Oh-oh---here's a downpour. We made it back in just in time!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading over to the next door neighbor's house....she's having a hurricane party!

Catch ya later!

wvgal_dana said...

Raining again here with some wind.

Lynne2 said...

aw, good for Liesl, she is so proud of herself!

Lynne2 said...

Have fun Paula!

Lynne2 said...

I'm confused....the Bay Bridge remains open for now, yet Queen Anne's CO. had a mandatory evacuation at the Rt 50/301 split which is just about all of Kent Island. Guess they are still letting traffic through...
Kent Is. is where my former sister lives.

hedgie said...

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel is closed.

Lynne, so sorry about the jewelry, but I think there is a message behind that: don't take desperate action until absolutely necessary.

hedgie said...

Just saw the son of my late grandparent's late dr. doing man-on-the-street interviews on DC Ch.4!! He's a character!!!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Read that some of you have experienced heavy rain. We had one brief shower and are waiting for Irene to make her appearance.
We are under a (local) flooding warning. Hope those sand tubes work. Not sure about the winds. Will have to check this out.


Glad you're home Paula and your 'haven' is secured.

Have to find something to eat....

Kay said...

Just a quick visit to say I'm baaaackkk ! Will do some catching up with your posts when Seth goes to bed tonight.

SIL set me up with a spare laptop they have, thanks to Julie's job at Columbus State. My computer is definitely done for, but it looks like I haven't lost any data. Whew ! We went puter shopping and I expect to zero in on a new one within the week.

Am concerned about all of you in Irene's path ! Stay safe !


wvgal_dana said...

Prayers Diann that you won't need those sand tubs.

Lynne2 said...

Moderate rain here and the wind is not impressive so far, although it's picking up for sure.
No thunder yet! Daisy is happy!

haven't seen Shirley yet....was she out and about today?

stronghunter said...

I am here, Lynne. We finished up preparing and are just waiting it out. Hope all is well with you and Steve.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay good to see you back on her ( :

Lynne2 said...

Hi Kay, sorry about your computer. Glad you have one to use in the mean time!

Shirley, glad you are all prepared now! what's it doing down there?

hedgie said...

Hi, Diann. Hoping that IF needed, tje sand tubes do the trick!

Shirley, hoping your "Wait" if all for nought!

Last downpour was very brief. Temp holding steady at 75°.

Kay, SO thankful you didn't lose anything on your puter....and that you have a back-up to use!

Mema Jo said...

Whoa - I put my feet up and was hoping
for a new fresh thread upon my return.
I found you all and now I am about to eat dinner and then need to read back.

Glad you are all still here - safe & sound!

JudyEddy said...

All the video are on the blog now there are 5 they are all only one min or less each since the blog doesn't like big ones I had to edit the bigger ones down to size so the blog will be happy (I love my new camera you can edit right on the camera -
This morning visit in 5 1 min videos

JudyEddy said...

and for facebook peeps they are on the Shepherdstown Page

JudyEddy said...

camera look like sh t Its gone

JudyEddy said...

live cam looks good

JudyEddy said...

I was so hoping the camera would last Its a no go ;^{

JudyEddy said...


Costume Lady said...

Latest message from Karla, who is still at a hotel:

Karla Wright Adams
No power anywhere here. Trees and power lines down everywhere. Wind and rain is still crazy. Power crews are right outside our window~maybe they are here to help!!

Lynne2 said...

oh my, prayers that Karla and hubby stay safe Wanda.

Rain is getting heavier here, winds still not too bad yet.

hedgie said...

Dinner done, kitchen cleaned up.

Time to read a book!

JudyE...yep, cam is kaput. KNEW that was going to happen.

No update from Candy.

Wanda....tell Karla GOOD LUCK.....power companies all saying crews will not start working until the bad weather is done!

Linda said...

We're just getting our first band of wind and rain up here in NE PA.

How about you, Diann. You're southwest of me, but much closer to the Philly area, right? You must be getting rain and wind, too.

I hear the eye is still southeast of Norfolk by not to many miles.... I last checked.

Going to take my shower and finish some laundry while there is no threat of power outages or lightening............just to be on the safe side! It's very dark here already...


Linda said...

Wanda- Keeping Karla and hubby in my prayers as they wait it out until morning, but more importantly hoping they're very careful when they venture out with those downed power lines. They are dangerous. xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Getting lots of local reports on downed trees, flash flooding, and 20,000 with no power now. We're going to eat and shower while it's still not bad here....

Mema Jo said...

I need an after dinner cup of coffee
I already think/feel like I am going to
be up late as long as there is electrical power for my 'puter friends.


JudyEddy said...

I just ate peas and mashed potatoes I love it they you can now but just a individual size instant mashed potatoes may be more expensive but makes much more sense then making a big one and throwing half a way I'm gonna go watch some TV since we really are sort of cam less Ok they may show up on the still cam so LM and TV I'm watching the news coverage of three different stations on the storm Holler if you need me

Judie said...

Dinner over. Kitchen cleaned up. Like Linda, laundry and ironing finished before any power outage. Tired now.

Wanda, you asked about the wind and rain. Rain is still moderately heavy and wind is moderately gusty. A brief, 5 second, power outage. Thoughts of Karla and Donny for their safety.

I just have an image of Liesl trying to seduce Buck and Buck got nervous (likely has a deer sweetie back home). Maybe next time Buck visits she can offer him a green bean.

Speaking of deer, earlier today I saw the doe who has the deformed/ broken (but healed) leg (I think I mentioned her to you all last year). She was walking (hopping) down the middle of the street followed by a lovely buck who was followed by an adorable spotty. I guess it was a family outing.

Kay, glad you did not lose any information when your computer died. Always a great concern.

Diann, hope you won't need the sand tubes but if you do, I really hope they work.

Judy, you are a computer-picture crazy woman. Thank you.

Happy to know that everyone is safe. Off to put my aching ankle up.

BBL I hope!

Hoda said...

Again very encouraging and heartwarming that so many are still chimming in. I hope the power holds up for all of you.
Good to see KAY with a borrowed computer.
Sorry the live feed is down but it is to be expected really.
JUDYE thank you for the videos from this morning's visit.

PA Nana said...

Just spoke with Teresa. They're okay and waiting for the storm to move away.

Linda, we're in northwest Lancaster County and our local tv station has an extended broadcast urging us to stay indoors and an emergency kit ready. Our local EMA is saying it's relatively quiet now but they're prepared for evacuations, flooding, etc.

We have some rain, though not hard, and a breeze, but not strong.
The worse will come in the middle of the night. Hoping we don't lose our power.

Just heard they're expecting 5-7 inches of rain!! I'll have a stream through the yard. My poor posies. Just praying the tree stays upright.

Football is on! bbl

Lynne2 said...

Candy Norrell
It is turning into night time on the good old Outer Banks. The wind is still blowing pretty hard out of the northwest. I looked out earlier and saw that the water was just coming over the bulkheads acrossed the street. High tide now and I looked out to see that the water had come up and acrossed the road and is coming all around the houses on my side of the road too. Never saw it like this in all my years here.
about a minute ago · Like ·

JudyEddy said...

light on at the nest no more color I hope and pray our eagle are safe

JudyEddy said...

WellI'm heading to find something on TV to watch

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


stronghunter said...

Dinner finished. Dishwasher running. I did buy some paper plates and cups and some plastic flatware. I want to avoid too much dishwashing if the power goes. But I also picked up an extra bottle of dish detergent

Lynne2 said...

getting nastier by the minute here. UGH!! Like Lynn said yesterday, nothing worse than when it happens after dark and you can't see outside.....ooooOOOOOOooooOOOOOOO!!!

Lynne2 said...

Glad Teresa is OK Diann! Not so good about your new stream....

stronghunter said...

So far, this is not as bad as Isabel.

Lynne2 said...

AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH....PAPER PLATES AND CUPS!!! THAT'S what I forgot!! DUH! Good thinking Shirley!

Lynne2 said...

Bay Bridge has been closed now.

Lynne2 said...

oh Judie that's so good that you saw your broken doe! Glad she has a love interest and a baby! Hope they stay OK in the storm, too!

Hoda said...

I hope it stays that way SHIRLEY, not as bad as Isobel

JudyEddy said...

Its a good thing i channel surfed the race is on I always have my DVR set and I guess it didn't pick it up Ok to the races BRISTOL

Mema Jo said...

lol You're right about it being Dark outside and I can't see if the trees are
swaying or just what is going on!

Shirley - don't put the dishwashing
liquid in the frig like Beverly did.

Judie That is encouraging news about Hobbles (your deer) ♥

stronghunter said...

Jo, I thought you might be about to say, "Don't put the dishwashing liquid (for hand washing) in the dishwasher." Susan did that once when she was a kid. What a mess!

stronghunter said...

Hunter's ADHD medication is wearing off. Oh, my goodness. We have been in the house together almost all day. I do hope the weather clears up early tomorrow.

Hoda said...

The New York Times tracker says81mph at VIRGINIA BEACh and will still be Category 1 when it hits DC with 75mph later tonight. By the time it goes to Delqaware it is a Tropical storm.
I am sorry it is getting dark, I hear you all about it being worse in the dark.

Lori O. said...

After being cooped up for the day, we've tried something new tonight and put the dogs to bed and let the kittens out of their area to have the run of the house. It's like a speedway with three maniacs in control, but very funny to watch them!

JudyEddy said...

OH LRI do you have a video camera to take a video of the kitties

JudyEddy said...

that was LORI

Lori O. said...

Agree with you SHIRLEY, not as bad as Isabel...that was what 8 yrs ago? I hope we're still saying that tomorrow!

Lori O. said...

Yes I have a video camera JUDYE, great idea, but I don't know how to put it online.

stronghunter said...

The Sheetz where Will and Kathryn go frequently

Lori O. said...

I did just finish, as promised, putting up the vulture chick pictures on my blog.
They are there now. Sorry the font is so small, just too tired to change it, but they're sweet pictures.

hedgie said...

Sure don't understand why this storm is so different than what Candy has had before.....exact point of impact? different angle of impact? specific wind direction and speed combo? Very strange. Saw a video of a mam actually walking in the waterless sound 200 ft. from shore!

Shirley, hope you can just stow all your prep items away in the garage to have on hand for another warning!!

Judie.....hope the deer stay OUT of the street!!! I always worry so about their footing on the pavement when startled.

stronghunter said...

My mother went through Hugo all alone in her house in Huntersville. She refused to look out the window at all that night.

I tried so hard to get her to go stay with someone, but she refused. I couldn't leave my children and go down there, and would not have made it anyway. I would have been caught in the storm on the way down there.

Her chimney came down and went through the roof and landed on the second floor. She did not ever go up there and didn't even know what had happened until someone mentioned that it was too bad about her chimney.

JudyEddy said...

was on facebook
Janet L Kolb
here I still set in. hospital. strees test if its ok will. goo. home with heart monitor. if not I'm going~to another heart. cath keep those praayers going. feelin alill better. love to u all

stronghunter said...

We can just leave the emergency lights plugged in. They will serve as night lights or emergency lights if we have any other power failures. They are also good flashlights.

I have food we can eat whenever. Lots of it is the kind of stuff Hunter or Kathryn can take for lunches.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Nilla.

JudyEddy said...

LORI its the same way as pictures there is a video slate looking icon next to the picture on on the blog and on facebook its also on where you share Good luck

JudyEddy said...

unoursed and inesestr are the words I had to type in LYNN and LORI pictures It has to be a blogger word

Lynne2 said...

Yikes, up to 140,000 in MD without power now.

Hoda said...

Are the cell phones still working? I had read that there was a concern as to the service withstanding the hurricane.

Costume Lady said...

I believe Karla's cell phone must be working, Hoda...she is sending comments to facebook with it. Her lap top is not working.
She is about 100 miles away from the beach where they were staying.

stronghunter said...

Mine must be working just fine, Hoda. It dings everytime I get a message.

I think the main problem with the cellphones is that when something happens, everyone wants to call and that ties up the system.

The cell phones were a mess on 9-11 and on the day of the earthquake. Everyone was trying to call. Land lines were a mess on 9-11, too. I didn't try to make a land line call on earthquake day, though.

On 911, my two sons were living very near the Pentagon. Will was standing near an open window and heard the explosion. He also felt the concussion it caused. They also heard all the sirens and smelled the smoke.

We tried to get in touch with them for some time. My first contact with them was on e-mail. I still have the messages we exchanged that day.

hedgie said...

Scary Sheetz story, Shirley.

Oh, Lori, love the pics!!!

stronghunter said...

Facebook was a good way to get in touch on earthquake day.

stronghunter said...

Really scary, Lynn. Glad my kids were not there.

I want those guys caught. I am thinking about Will working in the liquor store in town and Kathryn in the body shop in Quantico. Not much cash in Kathyn's shop, but these guys might not know that.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY I can hardly imagine what it must have been like to be so close to the tragic events of 9/11.

I had walked into a grade nine class having not heard of the attacks and the kids told me and they were very shaken and all we did all day long, in all of the classes, is talk about it and watch it on TV...I checked the internet for confirmation of their story and I was speechless, they were crying and felt insecure as to what will happen next...I learnt that the F16 were up circling the skies and told them about it and they seemed to understand that they could reclaim a sesne of control...and here it is we are coming up to ten year anniversary. God Bless the USA.

stronghunter said...

Nice pictures, Lori.

Linda said...

That baby vulture is precious, Lori!

Still one more load to finish, but no laundry to do tomorrow!!

Poor Riley is following me around the house. He's a nervous pup with the rain and low pressure. They know before the storm!

The kitty is CLUELESS and just having a Lori's felines!!

Hoda said...

LORI how GREAT you were trying to feed the injured vulture...GREAT pictures. Thanks.

stronghunter said...

I had ninth graders, too, Hoda. Some of them had parents working in the Pentagon or as emergency workers. We watched TV all day, too. Many parents came and took their children home.

I so much wanted to come home as soon as school was over, but I was supposed to teach a night class for Germanna. It took a little while for them to decide to close, but I was so glad they finally did.

When I got here, Susan was sitting on the sofa crying because she had been watching TV alone for hours. She had seen the people jumping from windows. They did not show those scenes again that I know of.

Linda said...

LORI - The radar looks like you're getting quite a bit of rain right now. Do you still have power?

stronghunter said...

Lori, you have really influenced us to look at vultures in a new way.

stronghunter said...

If the college had not decided to close that night, I was prepared to wait long enough for the students to appear and then dismiss them.

Linda said...

And we've split once again......

Linda said...

I guess we better hope that that our blog stays up and running. Do we have a backup plan?

We need a hurricane blog plan!

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...