Sunday, August 28, 2011


Evening thread, post Irene.


Hoda said...

YEAY STEVE!!! GlAD YOU ARE ALRIGHT. Thanks for the new thread

Kay said...

Thank you, STEVE ! We've been concerned and wondering how Irene treated you. So good to get a fresh start for the week !!!! I've put out the call !

Hoda said...

Thanks KAY for the call over...

JudyEddy said...

Just as I'm heading out the door a new thread so glad I peeked fefore I left

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

I hope Belle and Truder found shelter from the hurricane.I wished we had a live feed so we could also see the state of the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for the Post Irene new thread.
We did very well on the 1034 count thread

Happy to hear you had your power the whole way through this ordeal, Steve.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Hope you did not experience any ill effects from Irene.

Well, what a surprise to read that Lynn's insurance company loves moose. Cool. Happy to know there is no water damage but sorry to find that insurance does not reimburse for watery eggs.

Lynn, Darth would love to hear from you. I know he has a FB account but have never looked at it.

Kay, Darth is from New Brunswick and was just commenting earlier about the Raritan river.

About the rescued boaters yesterday, my Va. Beach friend said this morning they may have to reimburse for the rescue. Apparently, there were four or five adults and a dog. Thought they would anchor the boat away from the pier and ride out the storm. It was a man on shore who realized there were people on board and the boat was in trouble. The man on shore called for rescue.

Linda, please try to calm down. Get help if you need to. Cannot do yourself or anyone else any good by being sick from stress.

Judie said...

Kay, would rather have you sitting in a rocking chair and greeting me than the two minor birds in a cage on the porch of a restaurant some years ago. Didn't see them. Screeched "hello" and scared me stuuuupid. Say, that might be a fun part-time job.


Judie said...

Oh, anyone know anything much about Easton, MD? A retirement place called Londonderry?

PA Nana said...

Thanks Steve. Good to see you didn't float or blow away.

Hi everyone else. Will have to catch up and post later. We missed the missile. MTBR

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, she's outta here!

Been a very nice day this afternoon and evening! Got back from dinner and took the kids down to the park...we all had fun...and yes, Nick came with us.

paula eagleholic said...

Don't know about Londonderry, Judie, but Easton is nice, too.

stronghunter said...


Thanks, Steve. We appreciate the new thread.

Finished dinner. Dishes not done yet, though.

Hunter's homework taken care of. Kathryn supervised that.

Tomorrow, I will have to see that he gets it done before football practice.

Lori O. said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread. Happy you survived Irene and kept power!

KAY, thank you for the call over.

JUDIE do you go back to school tomorrow, as in first day of classes? Prayers retirement comes quickly!

DANAMO, your "safari" for the kids sounds enchanting! Very creative.

HODA, hope you had a wonderful day, and that the Layton ceremony was nice.

Time for bed. I go back to work tomorrow, too. :) See you dark and early, Early Birds!

XXoo ((BIG HUG for all))

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lori. Rest well.

stronghunter said...

DanaMo, love the idea of the building tour for your kindergarten kiddies.

NatureNut said...

TAA DAH!!! GOODNIGHT IRENE!!!TY she's gone!!!

Just got power about hour ago.(Now the adventure of camping is over, but food is saved!) Been out since Midnight. And I didn't see anything catastrophic occurring last night either!? Got home an hour early from Park, Sat. and had a Panda nap after din din. 9 PM the rain, wind & leaves hitting back windows awakened me.
Power did not go out then! Neighbor said some (elec.) substations got clobbered.
Lights did flicker a couple times, but tried to get online about 10 PM & 'puter monitor said it had no signal & it was going to sleep!! LOL
The regular phone did have a dial tone last night, but was gone today. Must be a battery back up that lasts for awhile. I kind of like the "good ole days", but I guess that's what we get to be techie!!!
I had some ice cream by flashlight last night & read some of my book the same way!
Beautiful outside today. I took a pic of blue sky and white puffy clouds about 1 PM when the sun appeared!!
Hope everyone is OK. I'll have to read back some.

Lynne2 said...

there was a Mynah bird in some ice cream joint we used to go to when I was little!

Paula, have you heard from any of your neighbors at the beach regarding any issues? I hope everything is OK.

I agree Lynn, the news isn't saying alot of stuff I've see elsewhere, but maybe just because it was SO many places affected?

magpie said...


Are we done traveling for awhile?

magpie said...

New England is a mess !
Historic bridges washed away, and all kinds of dangerous and damaging things

Loretta: I can dig having ice cream by flashlight! James and I had our two flashlights placed in strategic places, did not need them...but I had ice cream at midnight !

Good Evening Eagle Pals!

JudyEddy said...

nice sunset wasn't really pink I love it when it gets pinky was really nice and windy surf is up tooo

magpie said...

I had to go to Swinging Bridge after I took James home...could barely tell we had strong rains - water was up a little, and I went swimming but sure missed my creeking pal...(James)

had the whole place to myself, after friendly DNR officer left...

found some Pink Swamp Milkweed close to home here, hope to get pictures Monday !

magpie said...

so sorry to hear that our Linda is without power, but glad she and Dennis have the generator for strategic things

(( Wellness Hugs, Linda ♥ ))

and Yahoo, Nilla is home, hope that monitor captures the heart action the doctors need to see !
Thanks for posting that Jo !

magpie said...

Hope you can kick the butt pain in the butt, Pronto, Judy E !

magpie said...

I add a little water into scrambled eggs before I cook them, or sometimes half and okay for me
but I have had watery eggs...from adding too much milk

Wonder how Lolly is doing ???
and Jack ??

magpie said...

was a beautiful day hereabouts, and we have ISS in the night sky hereabouts for the next five nights at least, starting Monday

Paula, sounds like you had a fun day today, good day to romp and play

Kay: I have this mental image of you at Cracker Barrel....amazing what the power of a smile can have!
Sure you added sunshine ☼ to many on Friday, and I hope you got a lot of it returned to you ♥

magpie said...

Can see that some had some problems with this hurricane, and that some got by with good fortune...

hoping that any and all with problems and damage, will get through the clean up and aftermath okay !!

Oh bath talk....someone here needs one, guess I'll use soap, but it's always bath and shower gel, or baby bath....haven't had a bar of soap unwrapped for quite some time.
Except some nice herbal things for aroma...they sit unused just being smelly

Anyone have any info on how Megan got through the weather week-end ?

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


magpie said...

Best Wishes and Prayers for all Teachers and Students starting their School Week on Monday...
and to all the Bus Drivers, support personnel,
and Parents !!!

ttfn xoxo

hedgie said...

You're probably right, Lynne. Thank goodness for FB!!!

Judie...hope I didn't tattle on Darth! Yikes!

Loretta, I just KNEW you lost power.....glad it's back and all is okay.

Goodnight, Morning gLori. Rest well.

Linda said...

Another quick post to say Hi and let you know we're hanging in there.

Do feel better after a shower and a nap!! We had leftovers for dinner and are going to bed in a few minutes.

I'm not stressing anymore, just really exhausted and tight all throughout my neck and upper back. My eyes are burning like crazy. You know how that happens when you're tired? That's all it is. Should be a good night with cool temps for sleeping.

Hopefully we'll get power tomorrow. If not, we will turn on the generator from time to time to get water, cool the fridge & freezer, and get some hot water for showers!!

Love and (((Hugs)))....sorry I stressed out......again!! xoxo ♥♥♥

Linda said...

Wishing any students and teachers and parents of students a wonderful start tomorrow!!

Our kids here start Tuesday, which is good, since the power is out EVERYWHERE!

I'll have to catch up again when we have power!!

Night! ♥

stronghunter said...

Irene is causing major damage in Vermont. Serious flooding.

JudyEddy said...

Have you noticed face book being somewhat different well now they have made a change for the good Watch this quick video from facebook Not for sure if it is rolled out to all but just showed up when I went to post and I took the tour I noticed when I upload video they status bar that use to show blue as it was uploading doesn't show the blue at all hope they work on that to fix it

video about sharing on facebook new feature

JudyEddy said...

NTCC posted this on facebookd
shorebird migrate through Hurricane Irene

Lynne2 said...

Just got out of the shower. I used soap.

Our friends son Bill who comes and spend some weekends with us....UGH. He'd have greasy hair, long dirty fingernails, would take off his shirt and his belly button would be black...OMG. His parents are to blame. How do you not show and make sure your son knows how to clean himself. Or, how do you let him go to school like that? Steve would try to talk to him about his hygiene but he didn't want to hear it. Only so much he could do....made him SO angry. He'd have ink marks or press on tatoos one weekend and the same exact ink and tatoos the next weekend. SO pathetic on his parent's part.

Glad you aren't stressing anymore Linda and I hope you get some good and relaxing sleep!

Margy, maybe Tom Sweetie would like to go for a swim with you?

First day of school tomorrow for our county, and some others, and Baltimore City...NOT!! The kids must be jumping for joy!

PA Nana said...

Back after a nice shower.

We didn't lose power and only 3-5 inches of rain. The sand tubes worked!!

Storm woke me at 4 am awake. Around 9 am, the fire company came to chop up a tree that had fallen across the road. Luckily, our tree remained upright and only shedded a few small limbs.

Haven't been able to reach a friend in Brooklyn, but am sure she and family are safe. Parts of NY got hit hard.

Linda, sorry you're without power. May tomorrow bring that "spark" back to your roost.

Glad everyone seems to have weathered the hurricane with little or no damage.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, Candy posted a picture for you on FB

Lynne2 said...

Glad all is well Diann!

Maria just posted on FB that she is unable to reach her friends in a part of NY that got hit very badly.

Lolly said...

Helllooooo! Have been trying to catch up on the blog and just when I think I have caught up....there is a new thread!!! More to read! LOL

I need someone to tell me where to see the picture of the cat in the nest. Gotta see that!

Party went great! Had 17 women here and we had always! Then when I saw everyone leaving I noticed, Brenda, just sitting on the sofa. Yea...she was staying so we could visit. She said, let's have some wine Lolly. lol So talk and wine we did. It was fun! Brenda, is a retired hs teacher, and widowed a couple years ago. She is our world traveler. She has done the Grand Canyon raft trip. She said, "You know, Jack is freezing his butt off about now." Too funny!

After Brenda left, I talked with my sister for a very long time on the phone. Now, I am all alone. The next 4 days will be quiet. I do not like it!!!

Lolly said...

Sorry, to hear Linda is without electricity. I have been so busy that I have not been able to keep up with the news and weather. Now I will catch up!

Lynne2 said...

Glad you had fun Lolly! As I was reading that your friend stayed and said "let's have some wine" that she had some bad news or something. Glad it wasn't!

HA HA WON'T be too lonely keeping up with this bunch on here!

Judie said...

Oh dear, I see I misspelled Mynah bird. Well, I knew it looked wrong but was too lazy to check. Glad Shirley's retired.

Margy, so nice you got to swim today. Probably a really nice treat.

Linda, you're probably asleep so hope you and Dennis will be refreshed in the morning.

Lori, have a good Monday back at work. GWU starts tomorrow but I am Tuesday/Thursday so I have one last day.

Loretta, so happy to know you have power again. So inconvenient when we have to do without the "necessities." Ice cream by flashlight sounds sorta fun.

Lynn, if you friend Darth he will respond. I just choose not to use it for myself. Let me know and I'll tell him.

Thank you, Paula. Glad it was a fun time for everyone at the park.

Lynne2 said...

Remember this..I think it was a jump rope thing, or one of those 2 person hand clapping things..

Kindergarten babies
First grade tots
Second grade angels
Third grade snots
Forth grade peaches
Fifth grade pears
Sixth graders lost their underwear

Lynne2 said...

Judie, I was very young and DID call it a MINER bird back then!

Hoda said...

LOLLY if you go on FB JUDYE has it posted as: I thought I saw a Pussycat. It is a youtube video

Lolly said...

Have to tell you about Joseph's soccer game. Joseph is goalie. He really wants to be out playing soccer, but he is a great goalie so that is the position the coach puts him. The last 2 minutes of the game, he had blocked a goal and had the ball ready to kick it out of the goal area when the coach yelled, "Go for it, Joseph". So, instead of kicking the ball, Joseph laid it on the ground and started running and kicking it. (Goalies can do this but usually do not!) He is fast and he took it all the way to the opposite end of the field and had a goal kick, but their goalie stopped it. Drat! He made it that far as the other team was so surprised and so stunned.
We were all screaming and yelling. It was fun to watch! One of our parents asked what is he doing and another father said...he is going for a goal! Joseph is tall and those long skinny legs were fast!

Lynne2 said...

wow, what fun for Joseph! and you all of course! He must have been SO excited!!!

Judie said...

Happy to know you are okay, Diann and that Lolly's party was a great success.

Shirley, hope Hunter has a good day tomorrow and his team will win the game.

I believe I hear stealthy footsteps coming down the hall. Yep, sandperson is doing some hurry up noises. So, the night light is on for anyone still without power, for those who may need to arise in the dark, and for anyone arriving late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

What a spirited lad he must be proud of him Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Really good strategy, Lolly. I am sure Joseph enjoyed getting to do that, even though he didn't score this time. There is always another opportunity to surprise another team.

Hoda said...

LOLLY did you see my post of 9:59? Right before your story of Joseph.

stronghunter said...

Irene is causing troubles in Canada now.

Lolly said...

Thanks Hoda, for the video! Poor little kitty. Probably does not have a home. Out looking for food.

Speaking of kitties, I have been worried about Annie. She has really backed off on her eating. Also, Friday night she did not wake us up like she does every morning around 4. I was really worried when we woke up. She is just being very quiet. I sure hope nothing happens while Jack is gone.

JudyEddy said...

Woman car submerges under water after she drove in it this was yesterday in Polk co they got 6 inches of rain Ok its nite nite for sure

Lolly said...

I am very proud of Joseph. He is such a neat kid! Just this past week he asked his mom to get him some deodorant. He does not need it yet!! But, she got him some and some cologne. He requested that, too. Wants to be like his daddy. Also, he is a 10 year old who loves to take showers. He will take two a day if we would let him. We got Subway sandwiches after the soccer game. He asked if we could take them home to eat, so he could take a shower first.

Lynne2 said...

oh no Lolly....that's not good.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynne, wish you were sitting right here with me!

Lynne2 said...

Happy to report there was no major damage at work. Just some water leaked into the boiler room, and a shlep in there was knocked over. There is a small ground level window in there (it's in the basement) but no one is quite sure how the self got knocked over. Lots of folks in the area are without power and there are a lot of lines down. So far, no sign of BGE crews.

Hoda said...

I wonder if we should warn David Beckham ofJOSPEH the challenger from TEXAS?

I phoned some friends in Québec where IRENE is headed and where 180000 homes are without electricity, could not get through.It is now a tropical storm and not a hurricane,mercifully. However I heard through FB that they still have power with some computers acting up.

Lynne2 said...

I am Lolly, in spirit. (((HUGS))) and hopefully she's just having a little bad spell and will be OK. Is she eating at all? Have you seen her drink, and has she gone to the bathroom

magpie said...

LOL a shlep ?

Lynne2 said...

Margy, what is a shelp?

magpie said...


do you think, Annie knows and knew in advance that Jack was going to be away and is reacting to that?
I hope she will be OK

Great story about Joseph and the soccer game
and yay for a great party and one gal staying over with you

Good Night Professor Judie!

Lynne2 said...

oops, I see it's a shlep. what is it?

magpie said...

I was asking you that Lynne....
you talked about one
shlep that was knocked over
and then no one knew how the "self got knocked over...

it just struck my funny bone and I wanted you to know I was paying attention to your post ☺

hedgie said...

There's Our Little Margy.....girlfriend, I DO wish you wouldn't go swimming alone. :(

Sorry there are such bad reports from New England. Hadn't heard about that!

Funny how different things are favored by different people. I still prefer my good ol' Dove bar soap. Don't much care for liquids and gels for bathing----not only is it COLD, but it seems to go faster tham bar.

Lolly said...

She is eating some and yes, going potty too. Cleaned her box last night and again today before the party. She is being just so quiet, and not on my chair arm purring.

Lynne2 said...

oh, well, I see....uh, a shlep is a very special designed SHELF that holds veterinary supplies. Yeah, that what it is! LOL!

magpie said...

Megan is from Vermont....
hope that if she still has relativeds there...that everything is okay

Also happy, Diann, to read you rode the storm out well...

Lynne2 said...

LYNN, Candy has a pic for you on her FB page

Lolly said...

I was thinking the same swimming alone, Margy!!

Hoda said...

Good on the come back LYNNE2. LOL

stronghunter said...

Hunter requested deodorant awhile back, too. Kathryn did buy him some. He also worried that he will smell bad when he becomes a teenager. This comes from some hygiene lessons at school. But he has not connected all of the dots yet.

He did ask me if he looked good before he caught the bus on Thursday. He did.

The thing about Hunter: If you tell him to wash his hands, he will. If his teacher sends him to do it, he will. But he does not think it is necessary unless he is told to do it. And he might use soap. But it is good to remind him.

We do want him to view things differently as he matures.

magpie said...

well honestly speaking, it is more like wading not swimming...nothing there is over my head unless I would up further upstream...
I just plucked along looking at rocks and streamside flowers..
honest I AM careful and would NOT swim in deep waters alone...
It's a just a place I have to go to...often
I appreciate your all's concern and don't mean to cause worry...

Lynne2 said...

I sure wish you were not home alone Lolly. And I pray that she comes around. Not interacting is not a good sign, but it could just be something that will resolve in a day or two. If not, or if she begins to "hide" or stops eating....well, you'll need to prepare yourself. But hopefully she'll wake you up howling. She may very well be miffed because Jack is not home and you had a party in her house without her permission!

Lynne2 said...

Wish I had a creek to wade in! We have one down over the hill....guess I could wade there.

magpie said...

Righto Lynne, on the shlep, gotcha!

It's nearly impossible to stop watching the coverage of the problems from is very troubling to see the destruction and continuing problems

Shirley: I gave James a little container of deodorant today !
yep, the boys are growing
hand-sanitizer is a pretty popular item in the schools, and I have two containers in the car !

stronghunter said...

I have used Dove soap since at least my college days, Lynn. My mother commented that the bathroom always smelled like Dove soap when I was home.

Lynne2 said...

My point exactly won't often take showers or baths if they can get away with it. Making sure they do so is a PARENTING responsibility, and one of the many, I am sad to say, that Bill's parents fail with.

Lolly said...

Yes, she disappears when company is around. However, she started this behavior before the party. Friday night is when her behavior changed. She is also not asking out.

magpie said...

I'm behind on reading The Help, and I have been hooked since I started, going to end the evening with that, and some prayers,
Prayers for Wellness, Safety
and for Annie, Lolly.....

Good Night, Precious Pals...
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

I'm with you Lynn, much rather use a bar of soap than body wash. I like Lever for my 2000 parts.

We've been watching some of the 9/11 specials that have been on. Still makes me so sad....

Lolly said...

Shirley, Jacob, also likes his showers but he is out so fast! Whenever I ask about his thoroughness he says "smell me!" Yes, can always smell the soap and shampoo but I still question the process. LOL

Lynne2 said...

Better that she stays in. Remember about pets who don't feel well wandering off...Geez, I sure wish you didn't have this to worry about. I'll try to lurk from work, but I will definitely be checking my email so email me if you need me, OK?

hedgie said...

Margy.....was the creek cold????

Lolly said...

Thank you, Margy, for telling us you are not actually swimming. We will let you wade. lol

stronghunter said...

I had hand sanitizer on my desk fall semester until some of the boys squirted it on the floor. Put it away, but sometimes gave a kid a squirt of it upon request.

Tried to put it out spring semester. Found that someone had squirted it on a chair, so I put it away again.

Don't need to worry about that now. I have a couple of partially used bottles. Maybe Hunter's teacher would like them.

Judie, I would be frequently embarrassed without spell check. I don't think IE has it, but Google Chrome does.

Lolly said...

Had to laugh at Linda said they had the water heater on for showers. When we shower we are not using hot water at all. It is so hot we want cold showers!

Mema Jo said...

Just finished watching Mystery Theater with hubby. Not that you all can relate to this but TV movies/programs come on
and hubby and I swear we have seen this one before BUT can't really remember the particulars or the ending. So we
watch it again and by the end we know
exactly what happens - It is called

hedgie said...

2.3 aftershock a little while ago....didn't feel a thing!

Lynne2 said...

I had that same thing happen when we had that 2 week hot spell here....COLD WATER ONLY! Especially with no A/C in the bathroom!

Lynne2 said...

You know, I used to listen to something called Radio Mystery Theater many years ago on the radio. Loved it!

Good night Margy!

Hoda said...

Your post is BEAUTIFUL JO. Thank you...As I age I do have a tendency to enjoy things more and it does not matter if I had seen it/heard it before...Good thing we are ageing.

Lynne2 said...

Hope your friends are OK Hoda....I'm sure there will be lots of communication problems for a while.

Lolly said...

Wahooooooooooo!! Weather report says that computer models are saying we may have a change in the weather. Saying the highs may be in the low 90's. 106 today and 106 again tomorrow. BUT, we need rain! Would take a hurricane!!!!

NatureNut said...

Think I might see some news tonight! Last night I was watching the poor commentator at Kill Devil Hills getting blasted before power went. Will have to see what else Irene has been up to. Hope New England & Canada aren't too bad.
I couldn't wait to get on here yesterday PM, because I wanted to find out how far the trench went to Lolly's!!!! Not far enough, I guess. Daughter said she thinks the over 100° is 71 days now!
I really wished I could go to Park today, but I am very respectful of trees that may decide to topple on you. I went after Isabel and the Potties were Down by the boat ramp! Water had come way over the parking lot and toppled them!

Well, hope everyone is going to have Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

Aftershocks still?

stronghunter said...

Didn't feel it either.

Lynne2 said...

Good news Lolly! Got an email from my aunt in Dallas. She's pretty sick of it all too. Says my uncle is going stir crazy because even really early in the AM it's too hot to golf!

Lolly said...

I turned on lights today for the party but they are really urging everyone to turn everything off. Breaking records on the amount of electricity used. Tired of living in the dark.

Lolly said...

Yes, the golf courses are pretty much empty. You can not do anything outside, it is driving me crazy. I can water pots early as I can turn the hose on my feet if not my whole bod!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Loretta! Seeing you and reading potties reminded me.....we had a large doe with a spotty, and a med sized doe in the back of the yard eating apples this afternoon! I've only ever seen the med sized one before, and now I can't help but wonder if the big doe is the mother to her, too! It was hilarious...I sneaked out quietly but she heard me. I was positioned with the young redbud between us so she couldn't get a good look. Her head kept going back and forth and finally she let out a big SNORT and they all ran off!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I loved Joseph's soccer actions.
Sure wish he would have scored.

stronghunter said...

Living in the dark gets very depressing, Lolly. You all are having a summer version of cabin fever, something usually associated with blizzards and such. I do hope you get rain and cooler weather soon.

Lynne2 said...

Yep, my aunt mentioned that too, says it's been worse since the schools are back in session.

I've got to get to bed. Lolly did you see my post earlier? Email me if you need to tomorrow. Prayers that Annie is just in a MOOD!

Good night (although I hate to leave such good company)and prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Well Hedgie - if you didn't feel it did you hear it? Jenny says she still
flinches when she hears a big truck or train..........

Lynne2 said...

oh wow, there is a lovely cool breeze floating in the window right now! Good sleeping weather! (Sorry Lolly! but you'll be reporting lovely weather while we are freezing very soon!)

Mema Jo said...

Megan has posted some pics that lead me to believe she was at Market today.
Beautiful colorful bouquets.

stronghunter said...

People are stranded on Hatteras because road is destroyed. They will be using ferries.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn the pics you put on Candy's page are devastating... I sure am glad you
haven't yet purchased - that would have
been terrible to have lost it before you lived in it.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynne. Will do! Have a great vet, so I will take Annie if I feel like I need too. But, sure do not want to do that without Jack here!

stronghunter said...

Using ferries to take in supplies.

Lolly said...

I think the heat has really affected Annie, too. She is choosing to sleep on hard surfaces. Presently she likes the coffee table in the living room.

hedgie said...

Linda, so glad you are feeling better. Hope those muscles relax while you sleep!

Lynne, what a shame about your friend's son. Hate to say it, but a transferree from Baltimore to here was SO bad that you could have scraped the dirt off....and he wore an unwashed pair of sweat pants for at least 5 days straight. Finally a union rep had t talk to him because no one could stand to work around him.

I'm playing catch up again!

hedgie said...

Oh, Di---SO glad you didn't end upo with water in the basement!!! WHEW!

Lolly, glad your party was a success. Like Lynne, I was afraid that Brenda was going to share some bad news or something. She just wanted to have some good gab time with her friend!! Another WHEW!

stronghunter said...

Checked out Candy's FB pics. My brain has stopped working. Time to sleep. See you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Brenda, is still adjusting to living alone. Do not think she was ready to go home. Plus, we have been friends for years, have a lot in common and we can always gab!

hedgie said...

Okay, Margy.....jsut please be very careful!

Lynne, never heard that rhyme before!

JudyE---very strange on FB that it would figure out that I know Darth and asked if I wanted to add him as a mutuals, and he didn't send the request....kind of spooky. Since you know more about Fb than I do, thought I'd ask your opinion!

Judie, I'll at least send him a message! I'm sure he doesn't want to be bothered with all of my posts that would pop up on his screen!

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if I missed it or not but
is Karla home yet..?

I think I am going to head back to the pillows..... Loved the sun today.

Good Night everyone and God Bless you and yours..Prayers for all..Hugs to
all of you ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Congrats to Joseph, Lolly! And that is funny about the sandwich---hope it wasn't a hot one!
Praying that Annie will be okay...maybe Lynne is right and she's just reacting to Jack leaving.

Crazy woman, JudyE.

Hoda, hope that Canada doesn't end up with too much damage.

hedgie said...

Schlep. Shelp. Self??? Lynne, do you need a finger adjustment??!!! ROFL!

Lolly said...

Wahoooo again! Weather report is a lookin goooooood! The heat wave may be about to break!!! Possible rain next weekend. First time they have ever hinted about a possible change. Wahoooooooo!

hedgie said...

Yep, there are some places that are a real mess down there. But it's pretty much normal for them when they get hit. Even just bad nor'easters take out the road at is the narrowest part of the island. They keep dozers parked nearby to use to keep the road open, and are constantly rebuilding it. And then one year, a boat damaged the bridge to Hatteras so badly when it hit a support section that it was unusable for a year, and they had to use ferries then. Just saw that the bridge is now scheduled for replacement.

hedgie said...

Jo, no...didn't hear the aftershock.. Haven't known about any of them until after the fact.
Yes, Karla is home from something Wanda posted.

Hope all New England relatives are safe.
And Lolly, hope you do cool down and get rain very soon!

hedgie said...

Liesl destroyed one of her favorite toys tonight. A sunny face stuffed toy with squeaker....she ripped his face open. :(

Heading for the tub. See you fine folks tomorrow. Hope everyone rests much better tonight. Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Think I am headed to the shower and then to bed. It has been a very busy two days and I am plumb tuckered out!☺

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

I think the storm now is in the 40 some mile an hour winds. I think the Maritime Provinces and Québec will be alright.Thank you for your concern but I hope we will soon hear no more of Irene.

2.3 after shock still happening. I am glad neither you nor SHIRLEY felt it LYNN.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Checking in to say goodnight. It's taken a WHILE to get caught up here!

Lori, to answer your question, my avatar is from Huntington Beach, CA.

Glad to see that everyone has weathered the storm, for the most part.

Saying some prayers for Linda. Hope the stress goes away soon!

Lolly, prayers for Annie. Hope that she starts acting more like her usual self!

We took Emma to the doggy park today, and she really enjoyed herself! The early weather today was tolerable, but it got pretty humid later today.

Saying some back-to-school prayers for our Momster teachers. Hoping that the school year will treat you extremely well! Judie, make the most of your one extra day tomorrow!
Shirley, hope that the realization that you are truly RETIRED hits you tomorrow! Enjoy to the MAX!

Think I will go watch some mindless TV for a while. Emma is already snoozing. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature--especially Annie. Sleep tight, everyone. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

PA Nana said...

Must say goodnight before I do a face plant on the keyboard.

Aftershock? Maybe that's what we heard earlier this evening. Thought something was thrown against the window. Jim couldn't find anything nor I. Oh well, not much we can do about Mother Nature.

Prayers for all 2 and 4 leg friends. God bless & goodnight.

Hoda said...

Soon Morning GLORI will be up and I wish you the best of mornings.

Sweet dreams and God Bless to all who are still in bed, and may it be an uneventful sleep, no earth quakes and no hurricanes please for a while now!!!LOL!!!

I will sign off for now and God Willing will talk to you all in the morning...

Lori O. said...

♫♪♪♫ Oh, what a beautiful morning ...

I'm hoping. Feels good so far!

Good Morning Eagle Family!

Linda, praying your power is back on. That can be a huge stress. Hope you got some good sleep and you're feeling refreshed today.

LOLLY, Hmmmmm, Annie. I remember my vet telling me that she has a cat who when it gets hot, the cat just goes BLAH. It gets crabby, quiet, fussy, sleeps alot. But once the cooler weather returns all is well for the cat. Lord knows you have had some hot weather. Prayers for Annie.

JUDIE, A wish for a very happy and wonderful last day of summer vacation for you. Enjoy! ♥

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

HODA, hope you are having sweet wonderful dreams. Thank you always for the first morning greeting. It is special! ♥

Lori O. said...

Hmmmm, whwo was that who deleted a post up there? NOT ME.

Costume Lady said...


LOL, Diann...I'm also ready to do faceplant. No wonder, it's 2:01am!

JO, Lynn was right, Karla finally decided to come home...she had no choice. Roads were covered with 3-4 ft of water, some washed away completely! I know she was disappointed, not to be able to go back to the beach house, but give her a few days and I look for her to head back down there:)
Comment after she got home:

Karla Wright Adams
Home :( Jeep unloaded, kitchen cleaned, coolers unpacked, clean and outside what?


Lori O. said...

Oh WANDA! Good Night. Rest well and sweet dreams. ((Hugs))

Costume Lady said...

THE DELETE WAS comments didn't post right...sort of a "defective" post??

Costume Lady said...

Good grief, Lori, you are just getting up and I am just going to bed:)
Have a good work day and a great week♥

DanaMo said...

LOts of schools closed down south of here.

Good morning! Anyone ready for a cup of coffee. How about the first day of school. I'm as ready as I'm going to be at this point.

Last night Annemarie tried her uniform skirt on at 8:12PM and found out it didn't fit. I could have strangled her since I've been asking her to try them on. Thank goodness a neighbor that goes to our school had a couple that she grew out of, saved!

DanaMo said...

Boo Hoo! No cam!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo!

I'll take a cup of coffee, please.
Nice to have someone here to share it with.

Excited to get the new year started today?

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼rning eagle buds Hope this morning bring all good things

JudyEddy said...

HMMM I had to sign in to GOOGLE I didn't sign out so why would I have to sign

Lori O. said...

That happens to me too, JudyE. Sometimes I go to post and it makes me sign in (again) to publish it.

Glad you're here this morning!

JudyEddy said...

I hope LINDA gets power soon I thing she is the only one on the blog that still doesn't have power Looks like everyone faired ok in the strom There is another one out there also

JudyEddy said...

JOSE will be no thread I sure wish Lolly would get some action

JudyEddy said...

THREAT not thread

DanaMo said...

Happens to me to sometimes. Always strange.

Well I don't have much time to chat this morning. I'm going to head up to the shower and get moving! HAGD!

JudyEddy said...

My butt seems somewhat better last night it seemed to be gone, taking the ibuprofen helped The only thing is when I go to put my sock on OUCH that hurt I will take more ibuprofen

JudyEddy said...

Have a gooooood day at school DanaMo I can't wait to hear KID storys

JudyEddy said...

I have 10 min so I am signing off also see ya later LORI have a good day at work

JudyEddy said...

Check out this Seafoam in ocean city and a man

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Not much happening here. Just watching cartoons with Hunter. Need to go pack his lunch in a bit.

Kay said...

G☼☼D M☼RNING, LORI n' SHIRLEY ! Here I am signing in at the time I used to sign out. Crossing my fingers that this is a routine that will stick. Getting up at 7 makes a lot more sense to me !

DANAMO n' JUDYE, I missed you, but hope you each have a terrific day at school and Wally World !

Kay said...

LOoks like a slow day, with everyone settling in to the Fall and school year routine. I'm going to get some breakfast and tend to some little chores. It's a Malcolm and Seth day for me ! Yeah !

So, I'll listen to 97.1 fm as I go into LM here.

stronghunter said...

Lunch packed for Hunter. I tried sending money for him to buy something to drink, but he has not bought anything yet. He says he doesn't want to buy anything at the new school. Not familiar with the routine yet.

I purchased some drinks for him, but he will need to learn how to buy things eventually. As Kathryn says, he will figure it out when he needs to.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY and SHIRLEY!

I hope you're having a nice, quiet morning so far.

Loo is out today so I'm working with someone not as familiar with everything and it's been a crazy start to the day.

SHIRLEY, you're a good grandmother to Hunter.

KAY, did you have a nice weekend with Seth?

stronghunter said...

Hope it goes well, Lori.

stronghunter said...

Well, I stayed out long enough to talk to someone and found out that Hunter can catch the bus on this street at the same spot he gets off. That means he would not have to cross the street at all. Now, to convince him that it is okay. He thinks he is "supposed" to get on at the corner.

When I told him to be careful about looking before crossing, his response was that the cars are supposed to stop. Dangerous thinking.

At the stop on our street, he would also be getting on with his new friend down the street.

Kay said...

LORI, yes, I did have a great weekend with Seth, thanks !

SHIRLEY, hopefully the new friend down the street will make that preferable bus stop IT for Hunter !


Lori O. said...

Just popping in to say I'll see ya'll later. Hitting the road to sanity...home. Ahhhhhhhhh. ♥

We missed you this morning THELMA & MARGY!

hedgie said...

Good Monday morning. Slow one, I see.
Poor DanaMo---skirt debacle could have been much worse! Thank goodness for neighbor friend!!
Have a great day back, Dana.
Wanda, you sure were up LATE!
Shirley, did you try the new bus routine this morning?

paula eagleholic said...


There is a new thread! C'mon over!


hedgie said...

Saw in the paper this morning that Jo and Megan's young friend Mason Ellsworth is going to have an art exhibition in S'town soon. Pretty cool. He is the musician who had the severe TBI 2 yrs. ago.---or maybe 3.

hedgie said...

The U.S. Geological Survey says on its website that the aftershocks began Sunday afternoon. They ranged in magnitude from 2.0 to 2.7. There have been no reports of significant damage.

hedgie said...

No t feeling very good this morning....think all these Hatteras pics are making me sick. Gonna hit the sofa for a little nap. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Didn't try the new bus stop this morning. I told Hunter that I thought there was another stop he could use, but he said that he thought he was supposed to use the one at the corner. The information from the school gave that info.

However, I am sure the school officials do not want him crossing a street unnecessarily. Even though he is not one of the "little ones," he needs to be protected.

I could call the bus headquarters and alert the driver and then tell Hunter that they okayed it.

stronghunter said...

I see there was a small aftershock a bit after midnight.

stronghunter said...

Well, good grief.

I called the transportation department and requested that Hunter's pick-up location be changed.

At first, I was told that I would have to go to the school and fill out paperwork. Then, I was transferred to "Becky" who took down all kinds of information and said that the request would be submitted and that it might be approved as early as this afternoon, or we might need to wait several days.

Maybe I can see the driver this afternoon when he gets off the bus. I did not expect a major operation to take place. I just want him to get on the bus at the same spot he gets off the bus so that he does not have to cross the street.

stronghunter said...

Hope you feel better, Lynn.

Speaking of naps, I slept all morning. Nice to be able to do that, but I can't make a habit of it.

Lolly said...




3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...