Monday, August 29, 2011


New week thread.


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grannyblt said...

GM all. Surely I am not the first on this thread?

paula eagleholic said...

Surely, you are!

Morning, all!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Mema Jo said...

Hi There
I don't mind being #2 after you grannyblt when it's on a new thread!

You are the First!

Thanks Steve for the Monday Thread

Mema Jo said...

Well make that #3 Morning Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Now all we need is a working cam!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Jo!

Linda said...

Good Morning.......

Still no power :(

Hopefully it will be restored today. We'll just have to make the best of it and do outside things, since it is really beautiful out today!

Wishing everyone a Happy Monday!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my friends.

Update on Chris: He went to the ER last night because of swelling of his arm. They said he has symptoms of "compartment syndrome" but not sure if he has it or not. More will be revealed. I am afraid this is going to be ugly.

Hoda said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE. Two days in a row!!! My Goodness!!!

GOOD MORNING ALL. I have not read back yet so I will go do so. I did however see SHARON'S entry on CHRIS and I send prayers and positive thoughts. Anxious times indeed SHARON. Hang in there and TRUST.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Steve, Thanks for the Fresh Bright New Thread
and how nice to have these smiling faces to go with it !

Hedgie, hoping that Nap helps restore you pronto!

And sorry to hear of complications with Chris's arm

magpie said...

Oh YaY
a Malcolm and SETH day for Kay

Hoping for a good day for DanaMo on the first day of School

magpie said...

speaking of crossing the street and not watching for cars

last night the Ice Cream Van was driving through the neighborhood here on the street where my apartment is...

kids running out from every four-plex....I slowed down, then were running after the van...little girl ran right in front of me, never looked....
I did not see one adult or parent anywhere!
could have been tragic....

magpie said...

couldn't figure out why the van was not stopping for squealing and paying customers !!

magpie said...

nice to see you here grannyblt!
How are things in your neck of the wild Pennsylvania Woods ???

magpie said...

Here's a good one:
James and I were watching a little butterfly feast on some marigold blooms yesterday, it left a little round dark poopy spot on one of the petals!
I got a pic of the spot, but not the butterfly cause I didn't have the camera close, will post that later on

Did you know, probably did...that butterflys smell with their feet ?

Judie said...

Good late morning to all.

Kay, have fun with Seth and Malcolm.

Linda, sure do hope you get some power today. Working in the outdoors can be very good.

Sharon, so sorry about Chris. Never heard of compartment syndrome. Sounds unpleasant. Prayers for a quick recovery and healing.

The aggravation has begun: "Your class is closed to enrollment and my life will be sooooo over if you don't sign me in." Well, okay, be sure to call your parents to say goodbye. This week I hate email!

Wishing all a good day. BBL

magpie said...

Oh dear Judie.....
it's been a nice long break from all that DRAMA hasn't it...

WOOF !!!!!
have a good last day of "Freedom"


magpie said...

But on the other hand, is it not nice to be DESIRED ???

Hoda said...

LYNN ae you feeling any better? Earlier you said not feeling good and going to the sofa...what's up?

Judie said...

Doing a Margy to respond to Margy...

So frightening about the children. Cannot imagine why parents do not, or cannot, think to watch little children. So grateful you stopped and no one was injured.

I learned about butterflies tasting with their feet last week at the butterfly tagging. That's how Monarchs tell milkweed from other plants. Cool! The lady put one on my finger and it grabbed on. Felt like Velcro.

Sure hope Saint Shirley is catching some extra sleep this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the new Thread. Hope you have a good day.

Good Morning to Everyone and Lurkers.

See prayers needs for Chris.

Linda needs power back on.

DanaMo first day of school.

Judie said...

Desired? Not by 100+ wanna be adults!

Hoda said...

MARGY Butterflies smell with their I did not know that...I love your posts, often something that makes me think. Thanks. To be truthful I had not given it much thought, I did not even think about if they could smell!!! BY THEIR FEET. Thanks.

movin said...


Good MorninG, aLL.


C(°?°)3 Jim

Hoda said...

Good luck to all those going back to school today...Glad the uniform issue was settled this morning DANAM. ENJOY your day and your YEAR. I look forward to the stories.

JUDIE JUDIE!!! How so very funny all those very "urgent" adult wanabees!!!

Hoda said...

DANAMO not Danam!

magpie said...

Yes Hoda! And Judie added that they TASTE with their feet also, and they grabbed onto her sweet finger as though for dear life...
No big surprise !


wvgal_dana said...

See Nilla/Janet is home from comments reading back. With the heart monitor like she told me they were going to do. Praying that monitor catches the problem.

Hoda said...

Good Morning are things in Southern California?

magpie said...

I have half a mind maybe a whole mind to report that Ice Cream Van !
but it seems that is the parents that need to take first responsibility, and I do NOT see that happening in this neighborhood, at all
afraid it's a matter of time before someone really gets hurt

magpie said...

just want to repeat because there was some concern expressed...
I don't SWIM at Swinging Bridge,
just wade and wander, never much more than knee deep
Honest !
If I have someone with me, I can do some dog paddling in some of the deeper spots, but it's never over my head, and remember I am only 5-feet tall...

magpie said...

It's dear that Linda spends some of her Generator Power checking in with us !

Hope to see that she is back on regular power, soon....she is one of the millions without...

I have noticed, that when a new day occurs, is when I have to sign on again to Google to blog...

Best wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy Day, Everyone....

back to household chores...
ttfn xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Good soon to be afternoon All!

Thank you STEVE for this bright, new thread. It's much appreciated.

LYNN, good advice. I'll sleep. I hope you're feeling better.

Congrats to GRANNTBLT for all the first on the new thread prizes you'll get.

Judie, I truly believe your great sense of humor will carry you through the school year. And coffee.

Is Chris Sharon's son? Healing thoughts and prayers for him.

LINDA, I'm so sorry you're still without power, but you couldn't ask for better weather to have to rough it in. :)

Asking for prayers for the guys who run the parking garage at work. Another company is taking it over. Kindest men in the world that I would hate to see lose their jobs. Plus, I would truly miss their kindness. Their names are Mosai & Tadisa, from Ethiopia.

Love & HUGS to all. Going to take a nap.

Mema Jo said...

Well Margy you certainly put my mind at ease about your swimming excursions. I
had thought of you getting a leg cramp and not being able to get back to shore!


magpie said...

Chris is Mattie and Justin's father...
Mattie and Justin, are Sharon's niece's Becky's children
Becky is the daughter of one of Sharon's sister's who passed away

Lori O. said...

Oh HODA! Hello. A special good MORNING wish for you - it's only what, 9 where you are on that beautiful lake? ? I do love see your late night greetings for the morning. Thank you very much! ♥

magpie said...

Thanks Jo
everyone's concerns are well placed, with love I know...
((HUGS ♥ )) Back...xoxox

I'm sorting and trying to pair up dozens of James's freshly laundered socks, this is like a jigsaw puzzle ! LOL

Lori O. said...

Thank you Margy. That helps fill in the blanks for me.

Lori O. said...

I was another one pulling a MARGY talking to MARGY. First Judie, then me. Who is next? lol

Now I'm napping.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Margy, you have quite a sharp mind. Could I borrow it sometime?

wvgal_dana said...

We hear of so many bad things, sure was nice to see the video that JudyE put up. About the bird migrating through the hurricane. Rest well then finish your migration Chinquapin.

Margy can you say if all the women testified. Someone told me their were 4?

Hoda said...

How to give back, how to save school programs... School Superintendent gives up 800 Thousand Dollars in Salary in California

movin said...

I forgot to ask if you folks in the East were affected by Irene and how you are now!

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

No wonder there aren't as many to read there is a new thread and the other wasn't even old YET LOL

Lolly said...

Good morning! (Still morning here!) I saw that Shirley is still posting away on the old thread. Left a message...hope she sees it!

Now to read this thread!

JudyEddy said...

compartment syndrome I was curious what it was so I googled it

Compartment syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when pressure within the muscles builds to dangerous levels. This pressure can decrease blood flow, which prevents nourishment and oxygen from reaching nerve and muscle cells.

Compartment syndrome can be either acute or chronic.

Acute compartment syndrome is a medical emergency. It is usually caused by a severe injury. Without treatment, it can lead to permanent muscle damage.

Chronic compartment syndrome, also known as exertional compartment syndrome, is usually not a medical emergency. It is most often caused by athletic exertion.

AnatomyCompartments are groupings of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in your arms and legs. Covering these tissues is a tough membrane called a fascia. The role of the fascia is to keep the tissues in place, and, therefore, the fascia does not stretch or expand easily.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY Kudos to you for taking action on the bus stop I would have done the same thing No sense in crossing a road when not needed

JudyEddy said...

here is a link to the compartment syndrome lots of reading on it

Compartment syndrome

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 sorry about the power at work I believe it is out. Funny about you sneaking out to hide behind redbud. To see the deer. She caught you lol

Lolly so exciting about the soccer game. I think you had me up on my feet!! Hoping Annie will be ok.

Jo has happened to me with a movie. I still enjoyed it a second time.

Lynne2 I think it was at your work. Where you don't have power. Hoping prayer comes back on.

Diann I see you had to use the sand tubs. Glad you had them and so happy ( : they worked!! Sorry about you losing power.

JudyEddy said...

Wow did we have a mishap at work and lucky no one was heard They were building a NFL display out of Pepsi and Dr Pepper Wall against the from wall of store looked good and then all of a sudden it came crashing down to the floor LUCKY no one was killed or hurt lots of soda all over floor I have a pic on facebook and a short video Back to work for me

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

It's the [Eaglet Momster and Dadster ] company I keep
Yes, You May Borrow It...

thinking of you and all the Southern Delegation with
(( Hugs and Love ♥ ))
Thanks for keeping us posted about Chris....Ouch, sure hope the doctors can take swift remedial action


JudyE Thanks for the Explanations...

stronghunter said...

Thanks Lolly!

I had seen the new post alert earlier and forgot about it.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Brought over my posts . . .

stronghunter said...
Didn't try the new bus stop this morning. I told Hunter that I thought there was another stop he could use, but he said that he thought he was supposed to use the one at the corner. The information from the school gave that info.

However, I am sure the school officials do not want him crossing a street unnecessarily. Even though he is not one of the "little ones," he needs to be protected.

I could call the bus headquarters and alert the driver and then tell Hunter that they okayed it.

Monday, August 29, 2011 12:05:00 PM

stronghunter said...
I see there was a small aftershock a bit after midnight.

Monday, August 29, 2011 12:07:00 PM

stronghunter said...
Well, good grief.

I called the transportation department and requested that Hunter's pick-up location be changed.

At first, I was told that I would have to go to the school and fill out paperwork. Then, I was transferred to "Becky" who took down all kinds of information and said that the request would be submitted and that it might be approved as early as this afternoon, or we might need to wait several days.

Maybe I can see the driver this afternoon when he gets off the bus. I did not expect a major operation to take place. I just want him to get on the bus at the same spot he gets off the bus so that he does not have to cross the street.

Monday, August 29, 2011 12:40:00 PM

stronghunter said...
Hope you feel better, Lynn.

Speaking of naps, I slept all morning. Nice to be able to do that, but I can't make a habit of it.

Monday, August 29, 2011 12:41:00 PM

magpie said...

don't know, regarding your testimony question....I was only there for my testimony, could not be there BEFORE hand, and did not have a shred of time to be there AFTERWARDS

Of beforewards and afterhand

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

After my journey through James's bedroom and some things here, I shall have some things for clothes closet next week

shirts and pants....

Lolly said...

Have now caught up on the blog. I woke up late at 7:30 and went out immediately to water. It took me 2 1/2 hours!!! I had to do Jack's watering as well as mine. Ridiculous!!!! However, it is cloudy today and keeping the temp down, so far! Here is is almost noon and 88. That is good! Also, I think we might have had a few sprinkles.☺

I just might go back out and work in the yard some.

Annie asked out around 5:30. Yea! I let her out, turned on the back yard light and there was an armadillo. Drat! Where was my great white hunter when I needed him? I clapped my hands and he went running away. All I could do!

When I got up and let Annie in at 7:30 she ate. So, I think she is doing okay. Just really slowing down. Sleeping a whole lot! Oh, and last night she did purr for me!

magpie said...

I don't see why you can't make a habit of taking naps whenever you feel like it Shirley...
I'm getting ready to take a wee one, now, after the sock jigsaw puzzle with a lot of missing pieces !!

good luck on the bus arrangements...hope it will all shake down the right way, soon !

magpie said...

sounds good, better, regarding Annie, Lolly...happy to read that

sorry about all the watering...
wow, time for YOUR nap maybe

magpie said...

listening to NPR, hearing that a lot of old historic trees came down in Baltimore :(

hope that Mits's Ocean Place, and also Jo's - fared OK !!!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Judy. What a mess. Glad everyone is okay.

Lolly said...

I have had a lot of children with ADHD in my class, but one particular little boy was very affected. He was depressed, I would say. Could get no cooperation from the mother. The summer after he was in my class he was killed....ran out in front of a car. So, I know of your concern. Do hope you get Hunter picked up where he does not have to cross the street.

magpie said...

ok short nap, and then
going to one last School Pick up for James for a week or so, before going back to the work tunnel Tuesday....
it's been a nice break...
court notwithstanding...

Best Wishes for the Good Days that I hope Everyone is Making...

God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

I'm hoping Jos and Helens did too Margy.

I knew when you talked about the creek that you was just wading and looking. ( :

I do want to go there sometime.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly so glad to hear about Annie ( :

Lolly said...

Margy, I forget, who does James live with? You are such a great grandma!!!!

magpie said...

Traveling Angel Cloud is taking a rest
she'll be ready to return as needed

Oh Lolly....that is too terribly sad
I drill parking lot safety and road crossing safety with James....
but you just never know, children are so easily distracted....

magpie said...

I'm saving some of the little clothes that James used to fit into, for his children someday

Lolly said...

Oh, drat, the sun is peeking out. Now the temps will really start rising.

magpie said...

including a pair of Camouflage boxer shorts !
Ok, said it once, now again
'bye !

magpie said...

James lives with his father...
who is, technically,
my former step-son-in-law...

hedgie said... did we miss this? I just thought everyone was busy!

Shirley, glad you took a nap, too!
What a hassle to go through. Stick to your guns----no child should have to cross the street!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Shar.....that is NOT good. Hope they are wrong with that suspicion.

Linda, sorry your power is still out---argh!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, thanks for call-over! And Lynne1--how rare to see you as a first-poster!!

Margy--whew---dangerous! So glad you were so alert!

hedgie said...

A pic of butterfly poop, Margy? Seriously? ROFL! BTW---Megan witnessed a monarch laying eggs this morning on one of her plantings! She has some lovely pics on FB.

Lolly said...

Okay, going to leave for a while. Need to eat and put away a few things from the party. I might work some in the yard, but since the sun is out might not. Up to 90 now.


hedgie said...

Gimme a break, Judie. Do they seriously think they are some kind of privileged character to even ask when it says CLOSED?? Poor you.....maybe retirement on Weds. after all?

Oh, yes, DID know that butterflies smell with their feetsies! Learned that at the Butterfly House in St. Louis a few years ago!

Hoda, I feel marginally better....don't really know what's up. Maybe I just need a do NOTHING day.....

wvgal_dana said...

I would like to ask for some prayer for myself. I have some close people relatives and a friend (besides Nilla) that are not fairer so well. I just can't talk about it right now. I will flood the development. Thank you I know this wonderful eagle group understands. When I can share more I will. sniffle sniffle

Hoda said...

Busy day here so I will get ready. Yoga and to the lawyer, to update my Will and have a Living Will, and then some errands. I will check back in later the afternoon. Have a GREAT day everyone.

stronghunter said...

It is not really a particularly busy street, but it is one of the main streets feeding into the neighborhood, and people might not even see the bus at the corner.

You can see him approaching the stop sign in the picture I posted.

I told Betsy that they will be protecting two people when they change his pick-up spot because his grandmother might have a heart attack over watching him. She was quite sympathetic.

My next door neighbor said that they started out at the other stop and changed when they realized the bus would come down to the cul de sac.

Somehow, I figure that lots of people just change on their own. But I did not want the driver to wait for him at the old spot.

hedgie said...

Lori, hope the new garage company keep the good employees on board.

JudyE---yep, you got the right info for compartment syndrome. It also can happen after a venomous snake bite.

Hi, Jim!!! Everyone here is fine. Candy had some high water and yard debris out on the NC Outer Banks, but all is well. Linda is out of power in PA. Think Diann's is okay. Ceil and Mits and Suz are all okay. Mits's Jay is on his way down to check the Ocean City condo today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Do butterflies do poop shoots? LOL!

stronghunter said...

Susan mentioned that they had to walk much further to catch the bus in the same neighborhood. That is true. The streets had not been dedicated to the state, yet, and they had to walk almost to the opening of the neighborhood, but they were older and together.

Some streets weren't even paved, and it was a muddy mess when it rained. I was teaching then and had to leave before they did.

I made a lot of phone calls trying to get the bus to come closer and got told about the streets not being dedicated yet.

Our house was the first one built on this street.

hedgie said...

Oh, Judye---so thankful tragedy was averted! Amen!

Prayers for all your people on your lsit, DanaWV.

Lolly, glad that Annie has returned to normalcy! Nasty armadillo!

Stepping away for awhile.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, DanaWV. Hope things are better very soon.

Need to make a quick store run.


Lolly said...

OMG Just had an awesome experience! I had taken the hummer feeder down to refresh. I was in the process of holding it up and rehanging it when the male ruby throat decided to drink. Inches in from of my face!!! After he left I went and got my camera and just stood there, but when he returned he seemed to sense my presence and never landed. Will try again maybe from inside.

paula eagleholic said...

Hugs for you ,Dana. Hang in there.

Lolly, my hummers seem to do that all the time, the moment I step out with the camera, gone! I did get to watch one feeding on the flowers out front this morning, but I was in my car!

Shirley, was Hunter the only one at the busstop?

wvgal_dana said...

WOW Lolly how exciting for about up close and personal. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn the area Candy I think it was. Was showing on fb. Was any of that the area you was wanting in?

Linda said...

Just turned on the generator to get some juice to necessary areas in the house for a little while.......

Our power company is saying it's possible that we'll be out for several days or even up to a week depending on where the damage is most extensive! I pray it isn't much longer. It's amazing how much we have come to depend on our power!

I just made some "no bake cookies!" Nice to have the gas stove!

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Margy, I know Wanda will be pleased with items for the clothes closet.

DanaWVA, prayers for all your friends, family, and you.

Shirley, hope the change of school bus stop is approved today.

Lolly, good news about Annie but bad news about armadillo. How awesome to have a hummer so up close and personal.

Judy, thanks for the information on compartmental syndrome. All the more reason to hope Chris gets the best treatment.

Lynn, hope you're feeling better this afternoon. Yes, they are not able to comprehend the student-to-teacher ratio.

Getting close. Document pages ready, notes updated, now just some review reading.


stronghunter said...

Butterfly poop shoots, Hmm, not something I have ever considered. A shootlet, maybe.

Paula, Hunter is not the only one at either stop. I could probably send him to the one on this street and not hear another word about it, but he would refuse to go unless I told him the school said he was supposed to. Ad ornery as he is, he does try to obey the school rules.

stronghunter said...

As ornery as he is . . .

And the school said I can't just change him without their consent.

hedgie said...

Yes, Dana....we have been looking all the way from where Candy is(Kill Devil Hills, on the Albemarle Sound) down to the end of Hatteras Island (our favorite area). Plus one on the mainland on the Currituck Sound (just across the bridge and about ten minutes from Candy.

hedgie said...

Lolly, isn't it amazing how much they CRAVE that food---that they are ready to take it righ tut of your hand?? Had a co-worker who put nectar in a baby food jar and punched little holes in the lid, and could sit and hold it and they would come right up to his face to eat. I tried it----no luck!

Limda...thank goodness you have a gas stove! Lucky you. I would have to be using the grill....or in winter, the top of the wood stove AND the grill!

stronghunter said...

Well, for what it is worth, Lynn, prices may drop for vacation homes on the Outer Banks.

stronghunter said...

Time to look for Hunter.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Everybody! Cooked fried plantains for brunch. Gal at work did some, just in micro, but put maple syrup on them! YUM YUM!
Of course that caused a Panda nap! LOL

Was trying to call around to see who has juice, & Park Director just called w/his cell & nothing at either end of Park & Pepco recording told him--maybe Thursday! Duh. But, he said kayaker came in at 9:30 AM, ready to go!
I asked about the boat ramp near office & he said there were NO Potties down this time! He still has no power at home, north of there in Crofton--AA Co. There's went out same as ours--about Sat. Midnight.

Linda said...

Not working outside today. Kind of mad at my hubby! He is a sweetheart, but gets so short with me lately. I don't like it.

Better to give him some fresh air outside by himself. Plus, he hurt my feelings :( Aad gave me another stomach ache! I'm sure it's nerves. Don't know why he is getting this way. It kind of worries me.

Saying a prayer for Chris, Sharon.

Prayers for the parking garage guys, Lori. There sure is no such thing as job security anymore. Sad!

WV Dana - Praying for your dear relatives and friends. You're so sweet and caring. We're here to pray with you. :)

Margy - I didn't know butterflies smelled with their feet. Now I do!
And you be careful when you wade and wander around that Swinging Bridge! We don't need any more "slips" in the group!

Lolly - Glad Annie is doing better today! Sorry you had to pick up all Jack's chores, but you know he is enjoying his trip! He'd do it for you!

Shirley - Good for you being persistent about the school bus. Even my nieces and nephews who have a stop at the end of their driveway are NOT ALLOWED to cross the street ahead of time in the morning. They are supposed to wait at their driveway and wait for the bus to stop and direct them across the street. It's not worth the risk, no matter how old they are!

Lynn - Hoping you're taking it easy and resting today. Feel better1!

I think we're shutting down again, so I'll check back in again later!

xoxo ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Forgot to say that Jay found the OC condo undamaged! Deck was well-cleaned off, naturally! Building maintnenace HAD brought in the furniture. Mits is relieved!

hedgie said...

Linda, sorry that Dennis is crabby. All of the stress has probably gotten to him, too. I'm sure he hates seeing you upset, and then he gets upset. Maybe a little time away from each otheris wise; let him work his frustrations out!!

LOL---Shirley....after seeing more pics, I'm wondering if there's anything left worth buying!!! Devastating.

Trying to make a folder of all the pics to put on a disc. Frank and Irene still only have dial-up and are having a hard time opening up all the photos.

I did get the decks blown off, and some cobwebs out of the sunroom---the two jobs that seem to need doing every few days. Still feeling puny.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is home.

Shucks! He says he can't take any more peanut butter sandwiches because there is a peanut allergy in his class. I had bought some of those prepared peanut butter sandwiches and some packets of trail mix and mixed nuts. I guess they will be after-school snacks now.

He also keeps saying that a kid on the bus is saying mean things to him. Today, the kid says he's going to kill Hunter. Hunter has told the driver. Hunter says this kid lives right behind us. All the more reason to get that fence built.

Judie said...

Shirley, finding the incident with the bully kid and Hunter more than unsettling. Please discuss with the bus driver, the teacher, the principle, and the school superintendent. This is how it starts. Hope Hunter will be able to just walk away without reacting. Sorry, but I just could not keep quiet.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so glad she is better and that is so sad about the little boy dying

I talked today with a asst mgr and ask who my new mgr was and they said still Maryann my old one so I saw her this am and asked about the schedule and she told me to just work my normal hours and just use her name when I override my punch I told her if possible I would like it changed in the puter because I don't want it to come back and bite me in the butt at a later time I told her I am not paranoid (which I probably am) so I hope she changes it for me CROSSING FINGERS

JudyEddy said...

SHH don't let Lolly know but it is raining again I wanted to go see the sunset oh maybe it will stop like it did last nite I think it has rained three times today already really some bad lightening on the way home from work I just check my rain gauge and only one inch and one yesterday and I just realized that I have to move my rain gauge because I looked up and the stupid tree has grown since last year and now some of the branches are over it Found a new spot for it so now maybe I will get an accurate measuring

Bob Quinn said...

Just checking in. Storm was pretty much a non event for us. We lucked out.

Shirley - I agree with Judie. Quite unsettling. Not something I could let pass by without putting the school on notice.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the input, Judie. I will be following through. Hunter said that this boy told him he would stab him through the neck with a knife.

From what Hunter says, He is not the only person who has been threatened. I am concerned about this. Hunter says that he met the boy some time ago when he was playing with a saw and Hunter told him that he shouldn't be doing that.

That was before Hunter and Kathryn moved in with me.

JudyEddy said...

MARGY did you get the poop pic downloaded on the blog yet and I don't have Meagn on facebook ;^( to see the butterfly eggs that had to have been interesting Dtill reading I will catch up soon I hope LOL I am goning to take a tea break BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

Our weather man said all this wind if from the back side of IRENE

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Bob. I agree. I have written down what Hunter said. I will call first thing tomorrow unless Kathryn wants to do it. Tried to call awhile ago, but they are closed for the day.

stronghunter said...

Hunter says this kid is in 4th grade. Good grief!

stronghunter said...

And, Judie, Hunter seems to have walked away so far, but he just might not continue to do that.

stronghunter said...

Other kids say this boy does have a knife, though, as far as I know, not at school.

stronghunter said...

The new bus pick-up location has been approved for Hunter.

stronghunter said...

I should say that all of the information I have about the incident on the bus is "according to Hunter."

stronghunter said...

Don't think Margy is on FB, Judy.

JudyEddy said...

DANAWV prayers and healing thought comin your way

LOLLY that sounds so cool with the hummer Hey try setting up a tripod and a camera in video mode you know me and videos LOL

Just on the weather They are using the list of names from 2005 and instead of Katrina
they are using Katia didn't want to use the other I didn't know they used other years over

Hoda said...

LOLLY what a TERRIFIC experience with the hummer...Good on you as they say up North...

SHIRLEY, disturbing experience for HUNTER and I am glad the bus change was approved.

The lawyer meeting went well and I was able to clarify the changes I wanted made to my will and we chatted. He will write up the paper work and we will meet again.

Prayers for DANA WV and FRIENDS...May all needs be answered and may you all be comforted.

JUDYE good on you for speaking up and keep an eye on it till it is changed from the computer.

JUDIE I am looking forward to your posts as the school year starts. There will be hilarious entries I am sure from the gap in the students' understanding as to how things work. I love your posts now.Thanks.

Hoda said...

BOB chimed in today...It had been a long time since I read an entry by you BOB.

Lolly said...

Weather report....30% chance of rain F, Sat, and Sun. Highs in the 90's and low's in the 70's. Wow! Wow! Wow! There is HOPE!

Hoda said...

So pleased for you LOLLY. The weather breaking the cycle of over a hundred and maybe even rain.
Go TEXAS GO...Rain coming your way!!! Hurray!!!

Kay said...

Happy to report a good day with granddog and grandson ! Those two warm the cockles of my heart !

MARGY, LOL, guess you'll tell us you were wading from now on !

SHIRLEY, I second the advice given by others on the bullying situation ! So glad the bus stop issue was resolved in your favor !

LOLLY, aaawwwww on the hummer visit ! Do armadillos plague you year round ? I wonder if you could leave a radio on outside at night--some talk station. Watched a PBS doc. on skunks last night and that is a method used to keep those critters away. Hey, and how about running a fan on something that would supply continual motion along with the radio ? An elaborate scheme to be sure, but desparate times call for desparate measures. ;o)

Lynne2 said...

Trying to catch up .....very sad day at work. Commenting from the beginning of the thread

Sharon, who is Chris? I somehow have missed this information.

You feeling better Lynn?

Linda, so sorry about your power. Same thing is happening here with some folks. UGH.

Glad Annie is more herself today Lolly!

Kay said...

LYNN, sorry to hear you've had the punies today. You really need to take an occasional day off for nothing but necressities. "All work and no play....."

JUDYE, the Pepsi/Dr. Pepper avalalanche could have been disasterous. Glad it wasn't !

LINDA, just take it all to the Lord in prayer and know that is what we Momsters are doing on your behalf.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

SHARON and WVgalDANA, please know we're On It for you and yours, too !

LORI, hope the new garage company sees the value in keeping Mosai and Tadisa right where they are !

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone.

Dana WV, prayers for your needs.

Linda, sorry you don't have power yet but thank God you have a gas stove.

Hello stranger, Bob Q.

Lolly, what a fantastic sighting. A hummer that close. Sounds good for rain in the forecast too.

Shirley, glad you got Hunter's bus stop okayed. But alarmed about the boy with a knife.

Howdy Hoda and JudyE.

It's been a trying day for me. Had an MRI (with/without contrast) this afternoon. While laying on the TINY table, I felt numb from the waist down - at least that's what it felt like. NO PAIN!

When it was finally over, I couldn't get myself up. Needed help and she had to lift my left leg off the table. Strange feeling. Wobbled, with help, to get my personal items and then Jim had to help me into the car. Not an experience I want to repeat.

Now, I'll see what the outcome is on Thursday when I see a neurological surgeon. Now I'm worried. Had my pain meds up dated on Friday by my pcp, but I hate taking them. Needed 2 today already.

Judie, I'd like to take your class. It sounds so interesting.
Best of luck with the wannabees.

Jim's frying some hamburgers for supper so I"ll try to check back later if I can still amble.

Kay said...

SIL on the way to hook up or at least get started on hooking up my new HP computer. Yeah ! See ya when I can !

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, hope the meds help...obviously not a good position for your condition!

Lynne, sorry you had a tough day at work.

Lynn, feel better...I agree a do nothing day might be what you need!

paula eagleholic said...

Going out to play with Nick and do a little yard work.

hedgie said...

Hello, Bob! Good to see you. Total non-event up here in t he eastern panhandle of WV, too!

Shirley, very disturbing situation.....Judie and Bob are absolutely right.

JudyE---good to insist that mngr. make the change....CYA!!!

JudyEddy said...

I accidently stumbled on a cam I have not ever heard of Check it out to see if it looks fimalar to anyone of you Was activity in April 2011 according to comments I can't figure where it is at
Eagle Nest I found ????

JudyEddy said...

FYI the nest at Norflok is ok they showed pictures of the damage at the gardens you got to look at these pictures the one tree is huge and there is a tree that is hollow its a cool picture they are asking for volunteers to help clean up
Norfolk Garden Damage

JudyEddy said...

I wanted to go see the sunset but too cloudy ;►(

JudyEddy said...

Ok I'm gonna go do some TV first a shower and then TV LM is engaged in 5 4 3 2 1 now

Judie said...

Kay, if Lolly puts a radio outside to scare away the armadillo, let's hope she does not tune to 98.1. Lori's feelings might be hurt.

Shirley, I won't belabor the issue. Did some research on bullying last semester for an assignment for students. Had no idea how serious this behavior is and the potential consequences. Sorry, I'll leave it alone.

Diann, so sorry the MRI was such a problem. Hope you enjoyed the hamburgers and the medications will help. You are welcome in my classroom any time -- for free!

Good to know NBG nest is intact.


JudyEddy said...

Decorah Eagles on Ustream
When will the Hawk arrive? Bob Anderson has setup the Eaglecrest Redtail Hawk Cam and its LIVE!
This was on face book check it out

NatureNut said...

Hello again, gang. Got did din out of oven, but wasn't real hungry yet. Very pleasant to have a cooler day & some AC.Only thing I worry about when power is out is food. We don't have a generator. If need be, we could always take stuff to stepson, Dennis, who does have a G.I pretend it's like camping! Nothing like roughing it and being a little innovative! ☺

DanaWV, prayers for you and family members. I know what you mean about not being able to speak---I had a couple sad things on my mind last week & didn't want to upset other gal at work, so felt the tears off and on for hour or so in AM before I could change the subject in my mind. Luckily, she didn't see me.

Sharon, hope they can fx Chris soon. Sounds very painful.

Lolly, what a joy. Those hummers never cease to amaze us! Today I saw many more than the usual--travel time.No males--females and juvies. Even if they're visitors, they are so protective of the feeder and tree. All morning, one hummer chased the tufted titmice out of the tree! They had come for the seeds. I saw our male hummer yesterday, but not today.
Called the other job place--Chelsea today & a busy signal. That means no power & I don't have cell phone # for lady who is our interim boss there. She lives in Chesapeake Beach, so probably no power there. Luckily she is "up the hill" a few blocks from the Bay.
Shirley, hope the bus stop issue is resolved. ☺
Gotta nibble & look for last Kate + 8 show.....

JudyEddy said...

Check out this someone made to get votes
Dont forget to vote for both men

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


stronghunter said...

Judie--I always appreciate what you have to say. I have seen bullying in action. Maybe you can share some of the information you got about bullying.


Hunter and Kathryn are home from practice.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, yes we have watched the Decorah eagles!

Mema Jo said...

I am heading in to TV The Closer
This is their 100th show

I've had a lazy day - really relaxing.
Lynn I sure hope you feel better soon.

BBILW 1 hr

hedgie said...

JudyE---that nest does look familiar, but no idea which one it is. I thought MAYBE Decorah, but have doubts---too flat, no sign of the pasture or road.
Great video for Dr. Sharpe's nomination! Very well-done with marvelously cute pics.

Shirley, I'm sure Judie has lots of good info she'll share with you. This is such a big issue currently....glad you are getting right on it.

Diann, did you get the terrible hot flushing feeling before you lost the feeling in your legs? It might have been a manifestation from that. Or it could have been from lying on that stupid hard table! NOT good for vertebrae, nerves, etc. at all! Hope you feel much better fast.

hedgie said...

HURRAY---KAY has a new puter!! Can't wait to hear how you like it!

Hoda, very wise to update will and your wishes.

I think Liesl wants her pre-bedtime snuggle. BBIALW.
Rizzoli & Isles at 10!

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, trying to catch up and just can't....

Shirley, so sorry about Hunter's bully. Very unsettling.

and Linda, so sorry Dennis hurt your feelings. (((HUGS)))

A child has died? Who's child???

What happened to parking garage guys?

What's going on with Dana WV family???

Lots going on here this evening phone call wise, having trouble catching up.

Kay said...

Here I am, "speaking" to you from my new HP computer. Yippee ! It's faster than the speed of lightning ! As far as I can tell right now, all those moments of angst over the eccentricities of my old Dell laptop are a thing of the past. Hugh still has to install "office" and try retrieving some of my programs and personal stuff from the old one. Within this week it should be complete. I'm happy to be able to get on line for e-mail, the blog and googling while I wait for the other stuff !

DIANN, so sorry you went through some agony over the MRI ! We'll be anxious for those results. Hope Jim's good burgers put a bit of zing back in ya !

Seems like I've been up for hours, oh yeh, I have been. Calling it a day, still have a long prayer list to get through ! Have a good restful night everybody !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

stronghunter said...

Turned the bully issue over to Kathryn. She will call the principal. She is the mom, so I want to let her take care of it.

stronghunter said...

Tell us about your new computer, Kay. I am enjoying mine.

JudyEddy said...

Put 3 picture and a short 52sec video of last nights venture to the beach 8-28-11 Sunset Maderia Beach

stronghunter said...

It is a big issue, Lynn. It would be interesting to see what Judie has learned.

Nancy Grace on TWTS?? Oh my goodness!!

Had to put some white space between those two very different topics.

Lynne2 said...

glad you have a new computer Kay!

Diann, prayers that your scarey MRI will yield results that will give the Dr something better to give your for your pain.

Judie said...

Lowreeda, sorry that things were making you sad. Hope all is better now. Hugs!

Shirley, I'll send along some information via email. May have to wait till Wed. as first school day tomorrow.

Judy, I think the nest you found is located somewhere in Tennessee.

Wow! A new zippy speed computer and puppy snuggles. Kay and Lynn are having a good evening.

Judie said...

Headed to watch the news before the sandperson arrives to remind me I need to rise early in the morning.

The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the darkness and for Andy when she arrives from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie. Thank you.

I think that volunteering at the school would give me a chance to get to know the kids who interact with Hunter. Something to think about.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of the news, events in Vermont are tragic. I spent a summer on Lake George, New York, and enjoyed visits to Vermont. It is a beautiful state.

Lolly said...

Yes, Shirley...thinking about Vermont. We had so much fun there last Fall. So sad to see those covered bridges destroyed.

Lolly said...

Have been watching TV. Popped some pop corn. Not used to being alone in the house. Do not like it! Can hardly wait to hear from Jack. Should be tomorrow night.

stronghunter said...

I am going to call it a night. See you all tomorrow. I am heading upstairs. Rest well, everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

When you click on the video in the link from JudyE's link, it takes you to the Decorah nest.

Linda said...

Another short visit to say Hi, while we power up the generator to cool the fridge and freezer again!

Yes we are still without power!!
They have restored power at the bottom of the mountain, so maybe tomorrow they will make their way up out way.

Dennis is feeling badly for snapping at me........He should! And I didn't upset him because I was perfectly fine this morning. I'll just hope it was just a bad moment for him.

Friends called and we went to dinner with them to get out, which was nice. One couple has power, the other couple lives two houses away from them and doesn't have power! Go figure!

It will come when they can get to it. Saw some elderly being moved in school buses because of no power. I will gladly do without power so they can be taken care of first. I am sure they are hitting critical areas and heavily populated areas first.

Shirley - You are such an awesome grandmother to care so much about Hunter. The situation with the bully is definitely unsettling and I hope Kathryn gets to the bottom of it right away. You're right to let her handle it, but it must be tough, too.

Kay - Congrats on the new computer. Glad you are enjoying the faster speeds!! Your posts are going to fly up on this blog before we can blink!

Lynne - Sorry you had a sad day at work today. I am such an animal lover, I wonder if I would love to work in a vet's office, or if I would be too much of a softie to handle it!

Wishing you all restful sleep tonight. We are going into the mid 40's tonight!! I love it!

May God Bless and Protect Us All and the Critters we so dearly love..... xoxo ♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

I am back at the computer - Good night
to all who are closing down.

Hoda said...

I've been talking on the phone and in a reflective mood after articulating what I wanted with my Living Will and my Will. Living Wills are not legal in Canada so I wanted the instructions there to be very clear and straight forward...this is what sent me in a reflective mood.

I am glad you had a chance to catch up with yourself LYNN.

SHIRLEY I hope the bullying thing is dealt with promplty.

hedgie said...

OMG----here's a youTube....when you see the water slide at KOA street--they zero in on sign (Mac Oca Dr.) is where the house that we put an offer on:
Waves,NC Video

magpie said...

You have not shared your Sad Day with us....we are here for you...

We were talking about kids having to cross streets, and Lolly posted about a child, that was one of her students awhile back, with ADHD that ran out in front of a car and was killed, that's the child we are talking about

Chris, is Mattie and Justin's father, he has the broken arm from falling off a ladder...last last week..
Mattie and Justin are Becky's children...Sharon's niece, the children of her sister Donna who died several years ago...
I know that part is painful to recount, and I apologize to Sharon and the family... but it tells you how everyone fits together

(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Understand reflective mood, Hoda, regarding Wills and Living Wills.
Had to redo all my things last Christmas after dear family lawyer died suddenly...two years ago.
Have the medical directives and powers of attorney and Will....
my body goes to Science, one of the schools here in WV....
The will is rather complicated but it is the way I want it to be

magpie said...

very special little friend, son of a friend of mine, had made a threat to kill someone, his teacher I think....he was in kindergarten
Police were called, his backpack was searched, family contacted...
kindergarten! He does have a bit of an anger problem, broken home and moving around between parents a lot...
Shirley, my heart aches about the threats, and I pray with all the other Momsters, that this will be resolved quickly and the
child making threats....gets the help it sounds like he needs
(( Hugs for Hunter, you, and Kathryn ♥ ))

magpie said...

Living Wills cannot be honored here by EMS folks....they can deal with the DNR if all the signatures are in place, and the card is present with the patient...otherwise, it is full steam ahead, unless the medical director can give them orders otherwise...
it can be tricky

magpie said...

My heart and prayers go out to DanaWV with the prayer needs she did not articulate

NatureNut said...

Prayers for everyone's health and test results ♥ ☺

Shirley, So glad Kathryn will check on the bully. I bet Judie has lots of info on the beginnings of psychopathic behavior which might include bullying.It's abnormal, I think, & indicates some real problems with anger. We put up a chain link fence (didn't want to) because of some problems with girl next door who was much older than our daughter.Very sad.They were military and only there for couple years.

I also thought Judye's nest link looked like Decorah & it's from Ustream.

Lolly, glad Annie seems better!

I'll have to em a cousin (if they have power) in MA about weather. My Uncle is in care home there, but the family home (after they left Philippines) is in Vermont. Should be OK--on top of mountain, but there are many trees.

We didn't watch Kate + 8. Ad said there are 2 more shows. Not that interested anymore. But since I can stay up late, can watch Soap reruns I missed!! Tee Hee

If I don't return, Please have
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

and Loretta
we are here FOR YOU too, sometimes the tears just have to flow, and it is sometimes good for others to get that sentiment joined with their friendship and association with you, at work and away from work

Sounds like a mixed up power mess at your workplaces...when do you have to return?

You mentioned a kayaker...
I was wondering earlier about our Sunny who often reads our posts and jumps on once in awhile...she is in the Hagerstown MD area...used to kayak past the nest along the Potomac

magpie said...

and the work Kayak, always reminds of me of our dear, dear Deb.....
Watch out for us Deb, we need your prayers ♥

magpie said...

sent you and Lynne an email, my butterfly ladies, Loretta

must post Butterfly Poop shoot soon so you can all see it...but not tonight,
Sandman is banging on the door !

Found the pink Swamp Milkweed too, with butterflies hanging all over it!
Berkeley County Gals: on Rock Cliff Drive just before it joins with Baltimore Street, east side of road, more or less across from the old Rock Cliff Subs and Pizza....spectacular !

hedgie said...

Loretta, hope that whatever was causing your sadness today is better!

Judie---TN or maybe KY on that nest, I was thinking.....can't find the link I used to have...:(

Lynne---sorry there was sadness at work, too.

Liesl was a real hoot when we went to the sofa. I turned ceiling fan off----guess she had never noticed it in such a slow mode---she kept staring and following it with her nose straight up toward it!

Saw limping Mama deer this evvening--with only one fawn. Sure hope the twin is okay. Little one hardly has any spots showing anymore.

magpie said...

PA Nana Diann... am so very sorry to read of your discomfort today...sure hope and pray that relief is upon you, Pronto!

And dear dear Linda...
Thanks for sharing your sparse electric power for time with us!
I must repeat, that when God gives you a Stony Path, He will give you strong shoes... there is much more from Scripture that I would like to post...just know, that You are Not Alone, and Prayers for Dennis too....
God Bless You, BOTH....
ask Bill to pray for you, he is closer "geographically and celestically" than we are
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

How about that Lynn! I hope the 4 Sale
sign is still on it! That is one thing
you will need - Hurricane Insurance.
Be sure you find an insurance co that
has it!

magpie said...

Can y'all tell I am wound up!
Must give it up soon...must return to work in the morning....
Sigh...this break has been sooooo nice.
Had a stellar evening with James, the kid is a Hoot! Can be exhausting at times, but it is a GOOD kind of exhausting...

Love the Liesl image in my mind, Lynn....
sorry about the toy she tore up earlier, was it this morning??

magpie said...

Oh Kay....glad to hear of the nice time together with Seth and Malcolm ☺ ♥
and Yay about the computer !
Anytime someone mentions computer problems, I just lean down and pat the Dinosaur and say nice things to him

magpie said...

Library in Berkeley Springs has a room set aside with books for sale....James and I spent $21 and got a pile of really neat books, including
The Bad Speller's Dictionary LOL
am going to take that one to work !!! spellos do make for a LOT of Laughs in there, but it just ain't right to have all that on Legal Documents such as our CAD calls..

magpie said...

Am very sad :(
to read of the parking garage change-up going on at Lori's workplace...sure hope the regular guys can keep their jobs!
And I like the suggestion, was it Kay's? about playing music for the armadillos!
I know how aggravating music makes ME feel ! Makes me want to move along !

magpie said...

I think I just increased the size of this Thread quite a bit....
best to say my Good Nights now...
know that I left some things out that I want to say....

Prayers for Wellness and Safety Amongst us, all our Families, Friends, and pets....

Hope sleep is sweet, Precious Pals....

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

PA Nana said...

Lynn, hope you feel better soon.
Hugs to you and loveable Liesl.

Glad you didn't purchase that house before Irene. Yes, Jo gave good advice. Be sure you have hurricane and flood insurance. Homeowners/property insurance don't cover for these types of losses.

Lynne2, hi and goodnight. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

Kay, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new HP as you speed along the cyber highway. Watch those speed limits.

Hi Jo & Paula & Loretta and anyone else still here.

Must say my goodnights and try to get some sleep now that pain has subsided.

Prayers for all needs and wants.

Mema Jo said...

Well I have already 'wound down' and
back the hallway I go.

Prayers for everyone - just ask for
help and He will hear you.. ♥
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Good Night

magpie said...

in answer to your question:
The creek was wonderfully cool, but not cold !
I did realize the risk about stumbling and falling on the wet rocks...had my creek shoes, and was careful...but it would not take much with these osteoporosis bones of mine...
and can't exactly carry my cell phone into the water with me !

xo ♥

Lolly said...

Think I am heading to the shower and then to bed.

I worked in the yard a little this evening. Going to work some more early in the morning. That is the only time that it is truly bearable.

Annie did eat a little more this evening. She asked out and I let her out but in no time she was ready to come back in. She is sleeping all the time and sometimes lets out a cry...for no reason that I can tell. She has stopped jumping on our bed at night and it has been several days since she joined me here on the chair. All of this is not good. she is definitly going down hill.

Linda, glad you got out tonight. I am sureit was good for both of you. So glad you have a generator to run the refrig and freezer. What is the temp? Hopefully not too uncomfortable.

See you all tomorrow. Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Don't think I could ever work in a vet's office....heart is just too soft. Oh, and I was severely chastised today---publicly on FB and in an email, for expressing my anger over a motorist who reported a dog on the interstate, but didn't stop.

hedgie said...

Jo, the house did is now a rental.
Oh, can't buy without Flood Insurance in most locations down there. No such thing as 'cane insurance that I know of....:(

Lolly said...

Oh, have no plans to put a radio out, but if I did, maybe Lori could be bribed to threaten the armadillos. LOL

hedgie said...

I, too, think the radio would be a good idea to fend off armadillos!!

Looked it up---there IS hurricane coverage...but still with restrictions....mostly covers debris clean-up, while regualr HO covers wind damage, and flood insurance covers water damage. What a confusing mess that must be!
Saw postings on OBX gov't postings to put debris at roadside on certain guess they take care of at least some in normal garbage fees.

NatureNut said...

Lynn, Just watched the OBR video. Wild and crazy, but the end was funny about the salesman telling everyone to "Come on Down"!!!
It was amazing, tho, that many of those houses appeared to be in good shape!
Hope you're feeling OK.
Margy, I have no way of knowing anything about either work place until they get power. Who knows when?? Someone will have to call me on their cell phone! I will call both tomorrow.If phones do ring, but NO answering machine comes on, then you know there is no power.
Matter of fact, I do need to try & send some emails I hope they can get!!
Good Night Again ☺

Hoda said...

I just posted on my blog a video of the glaciers the valleys around Nelson. It shows you the airport and an aerial view of the city.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Finally got caught up here. Golly, lots to pray about tonight. Lynn, praying that you'll feel MUCH better tomorrow!

Sharon, prayers for Chris! Hope that situation gets better, fast!

Lori, prayers for Mosai & Tadisa, for sure! Hope they get to keep their jobs.

WV Dana, lots of prayers & (((HUGS)))!
Hope your relatives & friend are better really soon!

Lolly, I'm glad that Annie is still eating. Prayers continue fo her!

Diann, prayers for you, and prayers that the MRI will help the Drs. to pinpoint the problem and fix it!

Loretta, prayers for you, and (((HUGS))) too!

Lynne2, sorry you had such a sad work day today. Hope & pray that tomorrow will be better!

Shirley, prayers about the bully who threatened Hunter. Hope the situation is resolved soon, and the boy gets the help he needs.

Judie, gosh, it seems as if the summer vacation was too short. Hope you have a good day tomorrow at the big schoolhouse!

hedgie said...

Hoda, will take a peek at your blog and then I am calling it a day.
Hi, Andy! Hope all is well in SoCal!! Give Emma an extra treat from me! Hope the job is going well---gotten a paycheck yet??!!!
Rest well, all. Prayers for EVERYONE.

Ms Bookworm said...

They are predicting somewhat cooler weather here tomorrow. I certainly hope so! Was hot & humid again today.

Here's part of a letter we got from the City of Anaheim regarding the bird nesting area they are constructing at the Burris Basin area of the Santa Ana River, 2 blocks from our house:

"All major construction, including the trail, observation areas, interpretive signage, most of the fencing and irrigation systems, and the planting of trees has been completed. We are now in the final phase of the project which will include a systematic and essential weed abatement process for the entire site and culminate in the planting of native shrubs and groundcovers. Further work has been delayed at this time due to the current nesting activities of endangered birds on the site. At the conclusion of the bird nesting season, all remaining construction activities will be completed. The dedication and public opening of Anaheim Coves at Burris Basin is projected to take place in the fall."

The City will send out updates regarding the dedication ceremony date and when the area will be open to the public. I'll try to get some pictures through the fence soon and share them. It certainly looks like it's going to be nice! Not certain what endangered birds are currently nesting there, but will try to find out that info, too.

Hoda said...

I will say Goodnight everyone, and a HUGE Good Morning to LORI...
Sweet dreams and God Bless to all. The blog was a good place for me to get anchored today and I send many prayers to all.I know much GRATITUDE for your friendship and for all the opportunities that presented themselves in my life today.

Mema Jo said...

Be a good scout Margy and obey the rule
" You Never Swim Alone.. Always have a
buddy "

Hoda said...

LYNN I tried to answer you on my blog and had difficulties...
A few years ago I flew over the Kootenay Region in a bigger plane than was shown in the video. Driving it gives me an opprotunity to see the details and feel closer to the many beautiful gifts that nature presents.

Goodnight again.

Costume Lady said...

I can't remember if I was on here today, or not.
Aside from pulling some weeds In the tub gardens, and outback:
I spent a good part of the day doing some of Lynn's DO NOTHING DAY! That will be a big help< Lynn,


hedgie said...


Bears---?Danger at every turn?


paula eagleholic said...

Butterflies really do poop shoot????

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynn,
The job is going well. I've gotten more work from the doctor, but no paycheck yet. Soon, though. Will give Emma an extra treat from you in the morning!

Well, think I'll go watch some TV for a while and unwind. Have said prayers for everyone, and for all the creatures we love. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Sorry, I wasn't on last night, or early this morning as usual ... and I haven't been able to read back yet, but I just wanted to let Early Birds know I'm okay.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...