Monday, August 22, 2011


Evening thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

I see most early birds are up and checking in.

Yes wondering where that hurricane will hit.

Good to read the early morning comments.

Loretta I am hoping in prayer that Shorty is going to be ok.

Lynn glad your plumber is there. YaY answer to prayer.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh dear I did the split can anyone help me get my legs back together please.......

stronghunter said...

Okay, I can give you a hand, DanaWV. Bye for now, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Thelma.
Bye, Thelma.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Thanks Shirley your a dear.

Hi Lurkers ( : I think of our Bill lurkering and others.

stronghunter said...

Anytime, DanaWV.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Things to do.

wvgal_dana said...

Mother called so I'll be going in there later today. I will re-arrange things I had planned to do next couple of days. Can do one of them on way in there today. That will get that out of way.

wvgal_dana said...

Looking at the hurrican map that I think it was Lori gave us. They are talking on chat if it turns or stalls it still might hit Florida. The thing is who knows where????
grr hurricane's I hated them when daughter lived there. And they worry me for others in Florida.

Judie said...

Good late morning to everyone.

Got another busy day of prep for next week.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day of sunshine and no humidity.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I was up early and out watering. Jack came out much later so I did some of his watering as well. Yep, it takes both of us to water all the pots. Yes, I know....I am crazy!!! Crazy about plants!!

School started today here in Burleson. God bless the teachers! They have tons of stress!

Well, glad someone is having cool weather. Already 89 here and going up up up!

magpie said...

I do print screen then go to Paint and go from there to make a bigger picture small enough to send via email
Loretta taught me some of those tricks
It isn't fancy but it works well
Some of my relative's computers are worse than mine!

Good Morning again Eagle Pals

Nice, DanaWV, special mission, you for your mother...very dear

magpie said...

I have sound
hear things but they are NCTC campus things I think

magpie said...

mechanic's call-taker forgot to write my appointment on the schedule so I go back at 2 pm
I feel a BIG nap coming between now and then

magpie said...

We had a store here in Martinsburg called Siler and Pine...they sold Buster Brown shoes, and Stride-Rite.
My sister and I had to have brown oxfords..they surely were not stylish.
My sister was in 7th Grade...and she used to curl her feet around the front legs of her desk she was so embarassed.
These shoes wer for "Low arches"

magpie said...

A pain in the foot is worse, in my opinion, than a PIA ☺

magpie said...

I tried to brew coffee during the Brown Out yesterday
it brewed about one cup then the power was out altogether
worse cup of coffee I've ever had

I got my teeth cleaned Monday
I need someone to invent White Coffee or White Tea...don't like the stains from either coffee or tea, but I'm not going to give up drinking either one

Enjoy dazzling your students with your Pearly Whites !

magpie said...

relieved to read you heard from Heidi, Shirley...
lots to worry about for sure

My cousin's Missionary trip to Central America...she only got through it because of an absolute Faith and Belief in Prayer

Lolly said...

Nice to get on and read the words to Amazing Grace. Thank you, Hoda!☺

Margy, read about the osprey being in Brugge, Belgium! I have been there and love it! In fact, while we remodeled our master bath in 1998 we had our trip to Belgium. I bought curtains for the bath in Brugge. Also, the walls are decorated with pictures of Brugge and the "water closet" has a WC sign on the door purchased in Brussels. Now, have you ever heard of the little statue, actually a fountain, Mannequin Pis? It's a little boy doing you know what. LOL Well, that is what is on the WC sign. My boys think it is really funny. So, I have a Belgium bathroom.

magpie said...

That's great Lolly!
One of my sisters has a beautiful framed picture of one of the waterways in Brugge
I had thought it was Bruges...shows you what I know!
I guess if you into your bathroom and DON'T think you have to go,
you might just have the power of suggestion
Think Doctor's offices needing a specimen could use a pic like that

Lolly said...

Margy, not going to give up my coffee, either. However, I started using Listerine Whitener a couple years ago and I do not have coffee stains anymore!

magpie said...

I like to water my plants too Lolly, but my garden is not nearly like yours...

hedgie said...

Things are not going easily! And I am always scared by the soldering gun thingy---I know he knows what he's doing, but I don't like seeing the scorch marks from it!

magpie said...

okay, Lolly, thanks for that
I also use straight baking soda every few days,
dentist suggested that
tastes awful but I can get used to it

Lolly said...

Brugge was my favorite...Brussels, not so much. Road the boats twice in Brugge. Love that town!! Great memories! The architecture is very unique and flowers everywhere.

magpie said...

sure do wonder what the NCTC Eagles are up to
I will wonder about it while I nap!
keep hearing this little weird noises on the cam, but don't think they are eagle sounds

Jo, glad to read that the Bragg Bunch is back safe and sound at their Roost....♥

Keep having that good day if you can folks

Prayers for Wellness !!

ttfn xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Lynn, you have every right to be concerned about the soldering. A neighbors house burned down after the plumber was there.

magpie said...

no Paula Posts...hope all is well with her...
got to fight separation anxiety here, not seeing a post or two...

I will be looking forward to seeing her check in.....

and Kay must still be catching up on Z's and Rest...

Maybe it is internet problems like I had this morning
One of the diagnostic items said
"Novice User"
Yeah, that's a BIG 10-4

magpie said...

copy that Lynn....
the old Piggly Wiggly formerly A&P
before it was the Clock Building then St. Joseph's School...burned down during restoration and construction...HUGE fire!

careless soldering was the cause !

hedgie said...

margy, that's what Christie's were for, too. We had to go to Hagerstown or Winchesterto get them---no shoe store here then selling anything like that. If I remember, Chris usually got navy blue---we dressed them up with fancy laces.

hedgie said...

Shirley--thanks for helping Dana get her legs straightened right!!! ROFL!

hedgie said...

I'm with you, Margy....stained teeth is just a fact of life when you drink tea or coffee, and I WON'T give up my tea!

I have SOUND back on cam---but it's mostly just a hum!

Lolly, so sorry that this 'cane isn't turning toward TX....:(

hedgie said...

Lolly, is the Listerine product a paste or a mouthwash??? Cool! Will need to try that.

hedgie said...

Lolly and Margy----thanks for the reassurance that my worries are not groundless. I had forgotten about Piggly Wiggly, Margy!

Speaking of grocery stores----some were mentioning Kroger's: there is still one in the little town where Mom lives.

Lolly said...

Listerine Whitener is a mouth wash. You swish it for a minute before brushing your teeth. I do it twice a day and no stains!!☺

Kroger is alive and well in Texas. But, HEB is my store. Laurel shops at Kroger. She used to shop at Wal Mart but when her ID was stolen Wal Mart would not take her checks anymore. They gave them the police report but still had trouble. Wal Marts loss!!

Time to get moving! Have a great day! (((Hugs))) for you, my friends. Would like to deliver in person. And, yes, please send that 'cane this way, pretty please!☺

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, all, Just checking in...been lurking ☺ Busy Day

Last night got home late, did some chores and then played with Nick a good bit...he liked chasing the ball in the house...

Gotta mow tonight and tomorrow night, so won't be checking in until later...

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and blogger cop got me

JudyEddy said...

I changed my avatar to honor all the teachers working and retired in the world

JudyEddy said...

We have shirts at walmart and I thought they were cute so I took pictures of them that what my avatar is I posted 5 on my blog if any one want to take a picture feel free to do so


JudyEddy said...

Baking soda for stain teeth is great

hedgie said...

All finished! Now to get some lunch!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN is getting her plumbing fixed today hope all goes ok

I came home and computer was being a pain just to find out what was causing it to lock up was the Adbode Flash 10.3 installer wanted to install well I did it and now is better and now its time to go back to work

Mema Jo said...

Baking soda works BUT not too often my dentist advised as it will wear down the
enamel. I always use it before dental
appointment time....... which is that 1st week of Sept.......

Kay said...

Hi dear Eagle Buds ! Thanks for all the concern about my disappearance. I did, indeed, fall asleep early last night--up off and on until about 10 this a.m.. I've managed to catch up on your posts and have a couple of notes about things I want to comment on. However, I'm heading back to bed now--can't eat, feel nauseated, ache all over...guess this ol' gal just can keep up with the young folks and got way to tired. In short, let's just say I have the flim gudgins of the flip and feel discomfagaffagated. Hope to feel up to "seeing" you all later today ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

P.S. DANAMO, no worries. I'll make our Friday morning date. Hell or high water !

Lynne2 said...

OMG we are at work, just had a heck of a shaker!!!!! BBL!!! SCARED!!!!!!!

hedgie said...


paula eagleholic said...

OMG we just had an earthquake! It was centered in VA

paula eagleholic said...

5.8 magnitude

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Is everybody okay? We felt the tremor in Bluefield and Andrew and Kelsey did in Charleston.

paula eagleholic said...

Near Mineral VA

DanaMo said...

OMGosh just got an alert that DC had a 5.8 earthquake?

Mema Jo said...

We felt the house shake here in
Middletown and Jenny in Knoville where
it really shook!

DanaMo said...

Aw Kay I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hope it passes quickly!

paula eagleholic said...

It was between Richmond and Charlottesville VA...lasted 10 seconds, now they are saying it's a 6.5

Our whole building shook!

DanaMo said...

WOW very wild to have an earthquake in DC area. Wonder how far west it was felt. I see middletown. That's not that far from home.

hedgie said...


Hoda said...

DEAR GOD I just heard and came to the blog to check on you and I am SOOOOO RELIEVED to hear a few of you chimed in. This is unusual is it earth quake in Virginia??? OH MY!!! Where is MARGY in relation to all this? What about KAY and LORI???God keep you safe.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, it's unusual to have one of this magnitude!

Lynne2 said...

All ok here at work. Can't get ahold of Steve. VERY VERY SCARY. Shaking lasted at least 5 seconds after I realized what was happening. Thank God I was sitting down...Dr Callhan almost fell over. I was upstairs in the office alone, with their 2 dogs.

PS: THESE 2 dogs didn't act any differenty before the quake!

Been a lot of quakes in the US today

Hoda said...

Is there structural damage to any of your buildings?

hedgie said...

Now they're saying 5.9.

hedgie said...

Just noticed that one lighthouse window hanging came down.

hedgie said...

Just noticed that one lighthouse window hanging came down.

Hoda said...

God keep you and your families in HIS GRACE and HIS LIGHT.
May He sustain you and protect you...

hedgie said...

No definite reports of damage yet, Hoda....just heard something on scanner about some bldg. being evacuated in Hagerstown, MD. Charles Town, WV courthouse was evacuated immmediately---but it is very old........

Hoda said...

I'll run off for my yoga prctice and will check back in when I return. I am glad you are well. Love you all and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was sitting on the toilet and was afraid my house was getting ready to fall over the hill.

hedgie said...

Now they are saying that it was felt in Detroit, Indy, Atlanta and Boston.

hedgie said...

Ohio, Boston, TOronto, too.

Lolly said...

Was not felt here!!!

Glad you are all okay! Never have experienced an earthquake and think I will just pass on the experience, thank you.

hedgie said...

Shirley----everything okay with you??
Bluefield gals???

Mema Jo said...

Just holding tight! Don't want any
after shocks!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Haven't read back on the blog yet, but just turned on the news and found out about the D.C. quake. Is everyone OK? Hope nobody has any damage from it. Bet it shook everyone up pretty well back there! Not unusual for SoCal, but back East is another story. How are you all?

paula eagleholic said...

I wasn't sure if it was somebody hitting something in the warehouse with a tow motor, like a building pole, or someone knocked over a large piece of furniture upstairs, or if it was blasting from the construction across the street....but as it continued, I didn't think it was any of those things! So I checked the USGS map...and there it was!

hedgie said...

Kay, so sorry you are down for the count! Sleep!!!!! Loved your description! Please feel better fast---prayers going up.

You and DanaMo should have felt it if Detroit did!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley should have gotten a good shaking...

Mema Jo said...

Andy - I feel that we all are ok
Waiting to hear something out of

Ms Bookworm said...

Hope nobody got too scared! Guess there was an earthquake in southern Colorado, too.
Have Judie and Lori checked in yet?
Lynn, hope you and Liesl are OK.

Emma and I have been consoling each other, because Jay flew back home this morning. I drove her to the airport. Emma couldn't figure out why Jay wasn't with me when I got back home. They are best buddies now!
I got a text msg. from Jay a little while ago saying that she had landed. Good to know she's home safely.

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

So pleased to know that my extended family all appear to have escaped any serious damage or injury.

Safe now -- cop by the driveway in an unmarked. lol

Funny but not: Ch. 7 now reporting that Washington Hosp. Center did not stop surgical procedures. Sure would hate to wake up and find out the surgeon had a shaking hand. Now that's scary!

A bit of rearranging of furniture and other items, bookcases less full than before, but nothing too bad. Sure wish I still had my felines. They alerted me last time about 20 minutes prior to actual quake.

Okay, stay safe everyone.


Lynne2 said...

Shirley posted on FB 43 minutes ago, has gotten messages from Rus and Susan, they are OK. she is fine.

Ms Bookworm said...

Glad that Judie and Shirley are OK. Judie, know what you mean about the cats alerting you about the past quake. When I was a kid living near San Francisco, our pet parakeet used to do the same thing.

hedgie said...

Andy----we're all shook up, I think! Literally and figuratively. Weirdest sensation....and I never realized they made so much noise! It was truly like an explosion.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynne2, glad everything is OK with you. Have you heard from Steve yet? Prayers going up for everyone back there. Can be pretty scary if you aren't used to occasional shaking.

Lolly said...

I did not know there was a sound! Interesting!

Time for me to get ready to go to the dentist. Really glad you are all okay and reporting in. Wow, Judie had books off the bookcase. Interesting!

Later Gators!

hedgie said...

Loretta is at work....she saw her car rocking, and said Frank called and told her that the cat's water spilled out of the dish.

hedgie said...

Shirley----they've announced that Culpeper schools will be closed tomorrow! Guess to check for structural damage.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, the sound kind of depends on what kind of ground your place is on. Sometimes out here it sounds like a freight train coming through, but we are on sandy soil. Do expect a few lighter aftershocks in the next few days. Golly, if this keeps up, you will all be as used to them as I have become! It IS a wierd sensation, because the ground under your feet is usually pretty doggone stable (except here in SoCal!). Out here, we hang all our pictures with nails having fairly large heads, and stick down our breakable knick-knacks with stuff kind of like Play-doh, but made especially for earthquake safety. We have our water heater strapped to the wall, and bookcases held to the wall by strong toggle bolts, or by heavy wood screws (into a wall stud).

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm going to go keep Emma company for a bit. She's begging me to play! Will check back in before too long, though.

Good idea to close the schools and make sure they are structurally sound. Almost everything out here is earthquake retrofitted, but not sure about back there. Take care, everyone! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Loretta and Sharon, I've been through quakes near San Francisco where the water sloshed out of the toilets! Pretty crazy. Off to play with Miss Emma...

Lynne2 said...

Steve is fine, he was at a lumberyard filling out an application, when the computer monitor started to slide, everything started shaking and everyone evaced the buildings. He said he'd bring the app back later!!

No cell service here...

hedgie said...

Shirley.....Weather Channel just said strong possibility of Irene coming up 95....if so, millions will be out of power.....BE PREPARED!

Quake was 1.4 miles deep. They say any real damage occurs if it's a mile or less.
I think, tho'---since we all know mountains don't just sit on top of the ground, could there be fractures/fissures down inside them? What about caverns/caves? Do stalagmites/tites break? I would NOT have wanted to be in Luray Caverns!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Andy. No, buildings here are not built to withstand a quake!
Here in this part of WV, we are on karst topography.....lots of shale, with lots of cracks, crevices, caves, and quarries!

hedgie said...

Feel like my whole day has been wasted. Don't feel like doing anything now!

hedgie said...

Oh, my.....two finials have fallen off towers at the National Cathedral. Central tower is at a, no.....hate that.
The longest serving architect there was from Martinsburg---now deceased.

hedgie said...

Lots of injuries in DC.
Pipes busted at Pentagon.
Washington Monument has damage.

hedgie said...

Andy---I don't WANT to be used to them! THat's always been why I didn't want to live in CA!

JudyEddy said...

Just got home I heard of the news of the earthquake at work I pray everyone is ok I haven't even started reading todays comments

want to go watch the news

hedgie said...

Now they say it ws 1/2 mi. deep. We have already had an aftershock at 2:46---did not feel it here.

Kay said...

When the quake hit I was sound asleep. See nothing amiss, but just heard a radio report about buildings in downtown Columbus being evacuated. I've experienced 3 earthquakes in Bullhead City, AZ and 1 here back in the 70's. It's so disconcerting when the, oh so solid ground beneath us is suddenly not so solid ! The greater D.C. area has not had one in 50 years they say, but it was an active earthquake area in the 19th century. Hope there are no rough after tremors for those of you so close to it all !

JudyEddy said...

I am so relieved to here that everyone seem to be ok just shook up I am up to 227 I shall catch up

DanaMo said...

Still reading up...but I want to say I did not feel it here in Dayton

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, another aftershock says time of 5:20...they must mean 4:20 or even 3:20...

DanaMo said...

Interesting thought Hedgie about being in Luray.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Lynn, the noise...I didn't realize that before today either.

DanaMo said...

A church in Fells Point had parts of the steeple and bell tower damaged and the church is now closed indefinitely. St. Particks

paula eagleholic said...

Second aftershock at 3.20pm EDT

Kay said...

Still feeling a little puny, but better. Was able to eat a piece of toast. Will try some soup later. A 24 hour bug, I guess.

LOLLY, adorable picture of Reece in his scrubs ! What a happy looking little family !

LYNN, LOL, Charlies family tree is too complicated for me ! The talk of Stride Rite shoes brings back memories. My Eileen was in high top Stride Rites until age 5 and by that time she hated them. She was born with a congenital hip that took some time to fully develop, no surgery needed, just the orthopedic shoes. She is now the most athletic of my three.

LORI, Nancy is an amazing woman. Good for her--you can't keep a dynamo like her down for long ! Does she have a sense of feeling better than she has in a long time ?

DANAMO, have you talked to the kids at home about how they, your house and your labs fared in the shake up ?

DanaMo said...

I hope Aric's flight gets into the airport on time since he has a connecting.

DanaMo said...

I'm watching Aric's plane come across the ocean on a flight tracker! :)

hedgie said...

Went out and got the trail cam to see if it took a shot of the tremor---but apparently not. :(

hedgie said...

Damage to Capitol Rotunda....

DanaMo said...

Looks like the plane is approaching Newfoundland. I had to look up a map, my geography is not good!

hedgie said...

Kay, glad you are feeling a bit better. Hope you tolerate some soup--definitely need to try!

My girlfriend in CA is teasing me a bit! Even tho' she has lived there off and on her whole life, it has never coincided with a BIG quake! Guess this size is old hat to them, tho'.

Kay said...

Last year when Seth and I visited Ohio Caverns the question about what happens in the cave when a earthquake hits. The guide said they aren't felt in caves and don't suffer damage. Googled "what happens in caves during an earthquake ?" was answered this way:

Geologists believe that the effects of earthquake tremors are less in caves than on the surface. The shock waves that would have the most potential to cause damage to caves actually do very little because they are unable to travel through a gaseous medium—that is, the air in the cave. The force arrives at the cave wall, displaces the air and is absorbed with relatively little effect.

Hey, maybe a cave is the safest place to be, but we get no advance warning !

Kay said...

Reading back over my last few posts I see several examples of short hand phrasing and errors I don't usually make. Sorry about that--guess I'm just not working on all 8 cylinders yet ! Time for another nap. Zzzzzzz.

hedgie said...

FEMA requests that no phone calls be made unless emergency. Use text or email to communicate. Hmmmm.....

hedgie said...

Thanks, Kay. Very interesting! Not sure I understand the scientific principle, but glad that the pros do!!!

SHIRLEY---SO glad you were not in school. Culpeper appears to have trouble. One building collapsed....lots of damage. County jail evacuated---80 inmates moved to others!

All national monuments closed until further notice in DC.

JudyEddy said...

Cool DanaMo that you got to track his plane I have never heard of that modern technology is amazing

Hoda said...

Well I am sorry about the damage to Washigton Monument and the Capitol Rotunda...I continue to be VERY GRATEFUL that none of you were hurt in this quake or by the after shocks.May it continue. Good that LYNNE2 connected with STEVE and he is well. DANAMO Newfoundland is a very pretty province and the flight pattern goes over the none populated areas, he will probably think no one lives there...Fishermen mostly over there...

DanaMo said...

And it has a "Labrador Sea" I like that!

Kay-thanks for the info. that is interesting about caves.

They are also saying that we don't get as much damage on the east coast even though the quake was 5.9 because the ground is "cooler" (think that's what they said)

hedgie said...

OMG-----finally heard from Christie.....two cracks in her basement floor.

DanaMo said...

I hope they give that information again because I know there was more to it than that.

DanaMo said...

Oh not good Hedgie. I wondered about my pool and the deck around it.

hedgie said...

BFF Jan now remembers that she was in CA for a 7.0 back in the early 90's!

JudyEddy said...

the Wildlife Center in Va said on facebook that they were ok

Lolly said...

Look, Ma, no cavities!! Also, got an A on oral hygiene. Good to go for 6 more months. ☺

Sorry to hear that there is damage in DC and surrounding areas. Lynn, cracks in the basement does not sound good.

Kay, do hope you are feeling much better soon. Do NOT like having you under the weather!!!

Lolly said...

Today is day 57 of triple diget temps for us. Austin had day 69, I believe.

Hoda said...

Finally heard from my American Nephew Josh who lives in Washington DC. They are alright. He said that the Washington Monument was OK and that it was a rumour that it was damaged. Lynn I am sorry about the cracks in the basement for Christie...the inusrance covers that right?

Hoda said...

YEAY and LOLLY has no cavities, clean dental health. That is always a relief.The next time I go in is October and I will have cleaning and also a crown, preventitive measure.
I am glad WVC reported that they are OK. Another blessing and relief.

hedgie said...

DanaMo and Hoda....back in the pre-jet days, we had to make refueling stops in Newfoundland going to Europe! And remember on 9/11, that's where planes in the air coming from Europe were grounded for several days. The citizens treated the passengers/crew marvelously!

hedgie said...

Excellent dental report, Lolly!
Way to go!

Wonder where Margy was when the quake "hit" and wish we would hear from her!!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, SIL will go to insurance office tomorrow and report should at least be patched, for sure.

DanaMo said...

glad your family is okay. I wondered if that was a rumor, although there does seem to be damage elsewhere.

Lolly-good for you. My dental check ups never seem to be good!

I have always heard that Newfoundland was a beautiful place! One of my neighbors went there a few years ago.

Interesting about 9/11 I didn't remember that.

JudyEddy said...

Ok are you ready for a LAUGH just on the new A cardinal baseball player had a moth fly in his ear in the middle of game they took him in to the locker room turned out all the light to coak the moth out but it didn't work they ended up pulling it out and it was still alive Odd things in the news

DanaMo said...

Explanation from ABC news: The ground/plate is very fragmented in the West, damage concentrated, localized. We have the North American plate and all energy is scatterred all the way to Canada.

Lynne2 said...

So, once again today, I proved useless in a crisis. Did I scramble to save the Dr's dogs? NO. Did I stand in a doorway? NO. Did I run out of the building, taking my coworkers with me? NO.

I just sat there freaking out. DUH.

Hoda, glad your peeps are OK, but so sorry about the cracks in Chirstie's basement. Hope they are not too serious Lynn.

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, I saw that on the news!

Hoda said...

LYNN... Newfoundlanders consider it an honour that they were able to be of service on that awful day 9/11. For the past nine years on the anniversary they sound the Bag Pipes in a lament at the precise awful time when the planes hit The Towers and there is always a standing on guard for those who heroically went down in Pennsylvania.
They were very hospitable to me too when I lived in Québec and used to go on my hikes into Labrador...they could read the weather well and always invited me into their homes for a "mug up", a nice hot cup of tea and something to eat, before I headed back.They look up to the USA and admire that which you stand for.

Lori O. said...

Good Evening all!

Checking in as okay. The noise of the quake awakened me (and Dalai). I realized what was going on, said to myself "Oh, it's an earthquake," and went back to sleep.

Guess you can't take the Southern California out of a girl! Forty years in LA and I think I'd have been freaked had it not been for all my earthquake practice!

Lynne2 said...

That's cool Hoda. I feel so conflicted about the Raven's/Steeler's game that I would normally be so excited over, but it will be played on 9-11 this year, which is the 10th anniversary and I just somehow feel that freaking out watching THE game is sorta disrespectful.

JudyEddy said...

I just burst out laughing LORI when I read you went back to bed

Mema Jo said...

Yes Lori! I laughed at your being able
to do that also!

Lynne2 said...

wow, I wonder if earthquake damage is covered in these parts in a home owner insurance policy?

Lynne2 said... cool, isn't it that you can watch Aric's flight!!

Hoda said...

LORI so glad you are OK.You can not take California out of a girl, but to go back to sleep in an earthquake!!! OH MY!!!LOL!!! SOOOO glad you are OK.
I too would like to hear from MARGY.
SHIRLEY has not been on the blog but was on FB, I must read back to make sure I did not miss her...
LYNN so glad son in law will report to the insurance company for repairs to the basement.

Lynne2 said...

HA HA Lori!

Lori O. said...

DANAMO, thanks for the ABC explanation. It makes sense. From experience, truly a 5.8 in California would have done much more damage.

KAY, your info on the caves (I like your wondering about that) was fascinating! Thanks for sharing. I hope you're feeling better. That icky stomach feeling is the worst. I pray you are feeling better

LYNN and PAULA, thanks for your Quake Updates through the afternoon. Very much appreciated.

Glad everyone is okay!

Prayers for you LOLLY! Fifty seven days of triple digits? I'd be a outta my mind!

{{{{{{BIG GROUP HUG}}}}}}

Lori O. said...

LYNNE, you said you were worthless this afternoon in the quake. Not so. There's not much you can do and had it truly warranted it, you would have swung into action. I know it!

magpie said...

I missed the historical moment, should have been late or early for the rescheduled car ap'-t at 2 pm but I was on the Road when the quake hit at 1:51
but heard all about it at the mechanic's!
They had an explosion four months ago when a water boiler blew out the back of their building, so it was scary deja vu for them

Mema Jo said...

I suppose we won't know if any damage to the White House until the Prez/family
get back from Vacation! :(

JudyEddy said...

He LORI the other day you had said something about the weather being a good day for the eagles to show up OK what about todays weather do you think it is a good eagle showing up day LOL

magpie said...

surley see that Culpeper and Fredericksburg got some damage....
want to know, what Hunter was doing, where he was and what he thinks of all this !

Need to call James and see if he felt it in Morgan County

Have to say, glad I was NOT at work...sure they got a pile of 911 calls after this

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I am very surprised that the
vet's dogs didn't become alarmed

JudyEddy said...

Hey glad you check in we were wondering about you Margy

Lynne2 said...

Well Lori, thanks for that, but geez, I got home and watched the news and felt like I was the only person who wasn't smart enough to move out of a building. Although, none of my coworkers did either! I guess I should attribute it to the fact that we don't have them here, and I was in shock, but others had some sense!

Mema Jo said...

After the quake I did quickly look at the nest to be sure the Sycamore Palace was still standing!

magpie said...

The auto folks had just gotten the confirmation of what it was, and at first said it was in Frederick MD

my heart was in my throat !
Glad Jo and Lori...are okay
want to hear what Megan felt

and to know if the Eagles were spooked at all at NCTC

Lynne2 said...

Glad you are OK Margy!

Jo, those dogs are FIRED!!!

magpie said...

Very dramatic to read Lynne2's, Hedgie's, Paula's and Jo's posts right afterwards !!

magpie said...

Two weeks my sister Roanoke Mary was at Lake Anna, in Louisa County, the county Mineral Va is in...with her children and grandchildren on vacation

Whew !

JudyEddy said...

AWW JO so nice to check on the nest LOVE IT ♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

I know my heart was in my throat as I was reading when I got home Blow by bow of a quake this blog does it all LOL

magpie said...

My cousin the Missionary was in Honduras when a quake hit there years ago....she knew what she was supposed to do, but she totally freaked out and was a basket case, Lynne!

Lynne2 said...

glad to know there are others like me Margy!

magpie said...


Now that I know it is so close to Shirley, I am so very relieved that has been facebooking....and you are all relaying it.

And Judie...glad you are ok also...would like to know how Annandale Anne is doing, and apparently it shook New Haven CT, and my brother is not far from there !

Glad I don't have to ride Amtrak today !

Lolly said...

Guess what,Lori, I am outta my mind!! Well, depressed anyway!

Too funny, that you went back to sleep and Margy did not feel it. Interesting!

Time to go start dinner. Thinking about salmon croquettes this evening, with green onion sauce!!

Mema Jo said...

Hunter is at his first football game - Shirley is also there.

magpie said...

Wow, thanks Jo...!!

bet the kids and all the adults will be talking about this one !!
Football game, what football game, oh time for a huddle and play !

magpie said...

wonder if Glo and Jusy Vicky felt it....and Indiana Dave !
I see the Southern Delegation felt it !

DanaMo: What are your kids saying ???

Hoda, lovely narrative about the Newfoundlanders regarding 9/11

Mema Jo said...

BTW Shirley said that school was closed tomorrow.

magpie said...

I really wish I had felt and/or heard this...
just to experience this kind of history

Jo: was Ed home also?

hedgie said...

Lynne, I'm sure you didn't know what it was anymore than anyone else did at the moment!

Chris says the cracks are about 20 feet long, 1/2" wide and some little chips of concrete are out of them!

Hoda, glad your friend is okay!
What a heartwarming tribute to the Newfies! Thanks for sharing that.

hedgie said...

Lori, glad you slept well! Did it wake you for a moment??

My girlfriend says that 5.8 would have been insignificant there now because of all the required retro-fitting that had to be done to buildings after Northridge.

Now latest report is that depth was 3.7 miles.

OH-OH...massive gas leak in downtown Fredericksburg....glad that Shirley is in the 'burbs. Dangeorus.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN WOW that a big crack

Lynne2 said...

wow, those are pretty big cracks Lynn!

Not good about the gas leaks...

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo....White House has been thoroughoy inspected. They say nothing to worry far! Sometimes building cracks don't show up right away!

Lori O. said...

Lynne - LOL - firing the dogs!

Lori O. said...

Quake did not scare the baby vulture who spent his third day on top of the barn. He just got down within the last hour.

DanaMo said...

Too funny Lori, I would have slept though it as well. I like my naps!

The kids didn't say much. Adam said his desk shook and Annemarie said she felt it. I asked what the dogs did and she said they barked. They probably heard a small movement. They bark at everything that moves.

Mema Jo said...

Margy, hubby was home seated on the couch. Kristen and I were out in the
dinning room on the phone ordering flowers for gd Heather's 28th birthday tomorrow.
He said that the couch started shaking
But like the rest he didn't think
earthquake at first. Jennifer is the
one that grabbed Crybaby (her cat) and
headed out of the house that was really shaking. She said when she comes home tonight from her job in Hgstwn that she was NOT going over any bridges! I am not sure how she can avoid one or two.

hedgie said...

Lynne, they said that all of those offices and gov't entities have rules/plans in effect that require evac....and they have drills! They would probably have been disciplined if they HADN'T evac'ed!

hedgie said...

Megan said on FB:
I swear we just had some sort of earthquake, the whole upstairs was moving, some stuff fell off the walls
Yes, we are alright. I was home alone, upstairs, the whole house was shaking, things were moving around on the shelves, and the dog was really freaking out. Russell never felt it, he is working on an outside construction job site.

I hear ya, it was the freakiest thing I've experienced, I was upstairs, the walls started shaking, and stuff was moving around the shelves.I thought the whole upstairs was going to go, grabbed the dog and ran downstairs and outside.

Lynne2 said...

what a strange day...there were at least 10 quakes in S. Coloardo today as well, ranging from 2.1 to 5.5

Lynne2 said...

oh, and in other news.....

7 STINKBUGS killed since I got home from work this evening. And so it begins again.....

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo! She'll have to pull out the wings button to make it home across the river and creek!!!

hedgie said...

Margy, glad you are in your roost...and it seems so weird that you wouldn't have at least HEARD it! I'm sure you were probably driving low-speed with the windows down! It was SO LOUD!
And yep, Central was flooded with calls!

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn, that's SO Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

hedgie said...

Lynne, where did you get the LED light thing for your SB catcher? I looked at Lowe's and they didn't have any thing like that.

hedgie said...

earthquakes will rattle an area 10 times larger on the east coast than a similar size quake on the west coast....because the ground in the east is older, colder and more intact than the west coast.

JudyEddy said...

I love the way the sun shines on the nest this time of the day makes the leaves look like fall colors in a way but its a sign of the end of the day and probably not a visit from our eagles

JudyEddy said...

LYNN wow that is interesting fact

Mema Jo said...

Headed in to watch movie Hubby rented


JudyEddy said...

Yep it sound like a plan TV I mean

JudyEddy said...

colors are starting to fade on the nest

JudyEddy said...

clunking on cam

JudyEddy said...

That was a big clunk

JudyEddy said...

there is the noise again anyone else out there

JudyEddy said...

I ate right after work boy was that a bad idea I am all of a sudden hungry and I don't want to go out Need to go see what I have

JudyEddy said...

Ok it that is the eagle on the cam box I demand you to come down and pay us a visit it has been a long time

JudyEddy said...

now be a obedient birds and come one down I have the camera all set on the tripod

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...