Monday, August 08, 2011


New thread.


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magpie said...

Well, Hallelujah and Happy Monday, Steve, Thank you very much.
Belle and Truder have been in the nest a few times, Sunday morning, and...well, a few times now and then.
They both look good, very healthy.

I will go over to the Old Thread for the others.

JudyEddy said...

Wow that for the new thread STEVE and the call over Margy I was home in time today ok off to work I go

JudyEddy said...

????? Does anyone have live cam no other comments about it but mine just wondering

magpie said...

I think Still Cam is still functioning, and Live Feed is Down
I never opened it up earlier, so can't tell you when it happened

I was out for a few hours

JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Have a bright and shiny day! Thank you, Margy, for the holler.

Brought over from prior thread.

Hi Jo. Enjoy the lunch and get ready for a "grand" time.

Lori, enjoy.

Hoda, always wondered about the HRH wave. Why so specific in motion? Yes, more to be revealed = MTBR.

Shirley, sorry about the early morning wake up howls. Maybe it's just the changes that have George in need of extra attention?

JudyE, let us know if you figure out the bird.

Dana, our thoughts and prayers continue for Janet and her family, of course.

The deer is probably a yearling. She comes around with a young velvet buck. Fox looked young. Adult red fox often fights with raccoon over "compost" leftovers.

Wanda, take care in the heat. Mulching is important but you are more important!


magpie said...

Is Chloe coming along also?
Sounds just truly wonderful that you will have this time with the Bragg you'll be bragging when the week is over
Emjoy ! xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

My nephew, in Norfok, is with
SEAL Team 8
It was SEAL Team 6 that lost its crewmembers last week

but all the SEALS are a brotherhood and I know, that he knows the lost soldiers and their families

magpie said...

I saw two bucks in velvet, one doe and two fawns last evening on the road leading out of Swinging Bridge...guess they are all one big happy family !

magpie said...

DanaWV's link to the Y-B Cuckoo (on old thread)captures its sound, perfectly!

Thanks Dana

Prayers for Nilla and all the family, in the moments before, during and after the services today

I cannot attend....but my prayers will be attending
(( Hugs ♥ Nilla ))

magpie said...

I see you follow the Eagle Feather lessons, DanaWV ♥

As do so very many on here, and amongst our families

Sorry I missed Lori on here and on the Radio Waves, just a little too much going on right now
I had to sleep in this morning
Body was Commanding, not recommending

magpie said...

Chloe is the Bragg Bunch's dog, by the way
I think she is still part of the family
International Traveler ☺

magpie said...

Domestic Violence class was excellent, what it will allow is for Law Enforcement agencies to access all the Protective Orders issued out of Family Court and Magistrate Court, State Wide...all 55 counties,
and the database updates,
Every Five Minutes !!!
West Virginia Court System and these System Administrators
have their Act Together.
Internet-based, or a phone call or two away...

magpie said...

I'm headed straight back to bed,
can't seem to find my energy today

ttfn xoxox ♥

I hope the day's moments treat each of you like the Royalty you are
Believe It !!

Lynne2 said...

Hello everyone.

Here is Mitzi, my most precious little girl cat.

This morning, I had to send her to the Rainbow Bridge. My heart is breaking.

I took her to the vet this morning, and a large mass was palpated. X-rays showed a very large tumor in her abdomen, and both pleural and pulmonary effusion. She was not open mouth breathing amazingly, as she had use of less than 1/8 of her lung capacity. In fact, this morning, she was actually moving around quite a bit more, and decided to hone her claws on the steps! Ultrasound revealed several other smaller tumors and some other strange things, such as fluid between her live lobes, and not being able to distinguish her stomach.

There would have been nothing to be done that could have saved her, even if I had taken her to them at the fist moment on Thursday night when she didn't eat much dinner. It was apparently a fast growing and aggressive cancer. She would not have lived more than another day or 2.

Because of the strange U/S findings, and because opportunity is rare for the Drs to compare actual insides to U/S findings, I offered to allow them to necropsy her remains to better understand what was going on inside her, and hopefully give them some insight for future reference. In this way, I feel that some good will come from her death.

She went very peacefully just a few minutes after she got her sedative (which is done prior to the actual euthanasia), laying on my chest, and purring away. The fact the she died with the sedative alone was conclusive proof of how bad a condition she was really in.

It seems so strange...she was so bright, alert and responsive. I guess I figured the news would be bad, but not "immediate" bad. She was such a tough little cookie!

I sure will miss her.

T-Bird said...

I hope you all make a great day. I'll catch you on the flip side.

Hoda said...

AWE LYNNE 2 I am so sorry about MITZI.You knew and you did what was in her best interest and research to help other cats was a heart decision that I respect a great deal. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Hoda said...

JUDIE The Old Royals perfected the wave. I observe that the younger ones do not follow it and it seems more natural!!! Her Majesty simply puts up her hand and barely a move from the is more dignified I think and it does not carry the being taken in by the enthusiasm of the acknowledgement

Hoda said...

LYNNE 2 are you still going to do the long drive in opposite directions to put on the two new tires and to take it to the deaership for repair? It is a big day for you...thinking of you and remember to breathe...

Hoda said...

OH Correction!!! Usually a WRIT has more motion than Her Majesty's WRIST!!!LOL as in dropping the writ, thus putting into effect the process for an election...
Confusion from my last post about the royal wave...

Hoda said...

MARGY Thank you for the video on the Eagles with song...

JUDYE I do not know when the live feed went off, but it was acting up yesterday, almost like there was a loose wire...

Hoda said...

"We apologize for the inconvenience. The EagleCam is presently offline. We do not have an ETA on a resolution. Thank you for your patience."

This is written under where the live feed usually is on the OC site.

Hoda said...

President Obama will speak on The Economy, the downgade and the death of the US soldiers.Live on the internet...

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, the repair at the dealer will now have to wait until Wed, my next day off. I have to get the new tires first, I can't ride that far on the "donut" spare. So I am leaving now to get that done.

Haven't checked the cam but I see it's off again. UGH. So many problems this year. I sure hope they can get everything resolved before Dec.

Kay said...

Oh, oh. I mentioned the irratic cam behavior this morning and now it's down. Thanks for the explanation, HODA. LOL re:acronyms, they do get confusing, don't they ?

PAULA, JO, JUDIE, thanks for the input on the ° sign ! It sent me in the right direction at least. I found that the sign for me is either Alt 248 or 167 ! Guess all keyboards are not created equal !

PAULA, yes, I dearly love watching ice skating ! Didn't have a chance to learn while growing up in Tucson. I want to come back as an ice skating star in my next life !☺

LYNN, hope you had a restful night in spite of the icky motel room ! We're all so anxious to hear how the trip and beach house hunt are going !

MARGY, good news re:DV updates ! Hope you've gotten some good zzzz's and still have time for a grandson fix !

LYNNE, it makes my heart ache to read about dear Mitzi. Of course, you did the right thing for her and for vet science, too. Still, losing a four legged family member is one of life's toughest things to go through. I wish there was an Alt sign for tears. Sorry. :(

LORI, so glad you made it in today ! Relax n' have fun, but know we'll be glad when you return home ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

NILLA, we're thinking of you and the whole family prayerfully and with love today.

JUDY, the Eagle Slideshow is outstanding. As for the Gator under the car, yikes ! Be sure to check under your truck as you approach from now on. They like the shade !

Hoda said...

Off to yoga. See you all later.

Kay said...

DANAMO, bringing this morning post forward from the old thread as I see you didn't answer:

DANA, Dayton is 90 miles east of Columbus and I would have made the trip to spend some time with you as Monte works. But, and this is such a bummer, that is the week for our family reunion--all the kids and grandkids will be here from the 18th to the 22nd. I know you are going to be heading for Dayton another time or two. Hope you can stop by here as you return toward home on one of those trips ! So sorry I'll miss you this time. I hope your hotel is in a well located place so you can walk to a museum or something ! So, Dayton is in Monte's territory and he can check up on Aric now and then, huh ?

Monday, August 08, 2011 7:07:00 AM

Oh, and JUDIE mentioned something interesting to do in Dayton, too--I'll go back and look for it.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Thankful that Mitzi gave you 11 years of affection and love! You did good by her.

Chloe - the reknown world traveling Bully is coming along! She got her bath
last evening and is all cleaned up!

Margy - The domestic violence system for police agencies sounds like a very helpful device and hopefully will save a lot of time is those situations.

THANK YOU Steve for the fresh Monday

Kay said...

DANAMO, found it, JUDIE says:

"Dana, you are going to be so busy with move in BUT check out restaurants in the Oregon District. Used to have some really nice places. Not very far from campus."

I haven't been in Dayton since about 1976, other than to pass through on I70. In the next three or four years you and Monte will become very familiar with the city !

Mema Jo said...


NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds.

Lynne, SO sorry about dear Mitzi.She had a wonderful life under your care & you did everything you could. Prayers for your family.

To digress, he only unusual animal action I've seen here at home this AM, was a little hummer girl. She came to the red salvia, then flew over near the suet because "Big r-b Woody" was there with his red head. Then she zoomed toward the feeder, but just pecked at the glass. She must be a visitor as she never landed on the base to sip!
Hope everyone has a great day & Margy gets some zzzzzzzs

Lori O. said...

LYNNE, ah, a really big, long hug.. I'm so sorry about MITZI. The only way I survive losing one is telling myself no one could have loved them more than I did...and they had a far better life with me. Darn it, I know how hard it is and thank you for thinking of her and putting her down right away...some people think they need more time, and they may, but the animal doesn't. God Bless you, Lynne. I'm very sorry. I know she was a very special kitty. ((Another HUG))
With Love,
Lori and cats Freddy, Burry, Briar, Batman, Parker, and the foster kittens Bobby, LeRoy and Andy

Kay said...

JO, Chloe aka Bully ? LOL ! What a joyful time you'll have this week. Nothing like time with kids, grandkids and great grands ! I don't have any of the latter yet, but can just imagine how much fun they are ! Enjoy !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

OH Lynne, I am so sorry about Mitzi. You are such an outstanding animal Mom...bless you for allowing the necropsy to help other animals...sending you strength and love and hugs.

Kay said...

LORI, glad you're getting some time to check in with us ! Are you already back from the Outlet Mall ?

Lori O. said...

JUDIE, will you please find a way to alert everyone when there is MTBR? I wouldn't want to miss anything.

KAY, how goes it? We've been having storms here since last night, and I know it's been rainy at home, too.

I have a few free minutes and don't know what to do with myself - called for a massage but no answer, so thinking about a facial - may help the third eye on my forehead UGH! I'm 50 know, could the pimples please leave me alone!?!?

Kay said...

LORI, it's been rainy here, too. Sure wish there was a way to get some of it transferred to the Southwest where it's sorely needed ! Glad you plan to go for some pampering. Maybe the massage therapists are just out for lunch. That should be a 7 day a week biz at a fine hotel like that.

Mema Jo said...

This is Chloe as a pup

Mema Jo said...

This is present day Chloe from
Ft Bragg !

Kay said...

JO, how cute ! She sure doesn't look like a Bully in that pic !

Lori O. said...

Okay, going to the salon at 4 for what, who knows? Something I never do, so it should be fun.

We have a really great group here - the company that puts these on also did the Waldorf Astoria in Orlando back in January, so it's some of the same stations that are here. Like camp! This trip is so great because it's not related to just one amusement park, it's ALL of Orlando, so there's so much more to do and talk about.

JUDYE, that was an amazing run of bad luck for the co-worker from the bakery. Kinda like bad luck, meets karma, meets reality.

Mema Jo said...

I wanted to be sure as Janet aka Nilla's father is laid to rest today
that you were able to see his picture

John R. Fridinger, Jr 85

Lori O. said...

OMGosh, JO, be still my heart... she is adorable! OH, I can't stand it... how cute !!!! Give Chloe a kiss from Auntie Lori -- wait, she's a bully, better give her a biscuit from me. LOL

Kay said...

JO, doesn't Nilla's dad look like a fun guy ? Perhaps some of you knew him personally. I think what LORI means is, Chloe needs a Bully Stick ! LOL

magpie said...

Dearest Lynne,
My heart and prayers go out to you and Steve, and, as Paula said, you are an "outstanding Animal Mom".
Mitzi has kept and will keep your love and caring with her across the Rainbow Bridge, and leave you with your playful and loving spirit here as well...

The picture on the avatar is precious...
We love you and are here for you.

(( Hugs ♥ ))

Kay said...

LORI, just ask the salon for "The Works", simonize, ArmorAll, air freshener...... It's all comped, right ?

Lori O. said...

LOL Kay! Yah, my tires ain't what they used to be.

Kay said...

THELMA, looking back I see I missed "seeing" you earlier today. Hope you're all still aglow as a result of the concert !

magpie said...

Chloe rocks! Great pictures.
And also thank you to the link for Mr. Fridinger, Nilla's father,
lovely obiturary, and what a happy and spirited-looking, handsome man

I cannot take the thanks for the Eagle Video with the song, and without backtracking, I suspct it was JudyE,
but Thanks Anyway !

Listening to some of the commentary following the President's speech, on NPR

Lori O. said...

Wonder if Simonizing will take away wrinkles, then ArmorAll for my feet and dull spots I should be half new again by 5... tomorrow!

Kay said...

LORI, this trip was a God send after all the stressors you've had for the last couple months ! Enjoy ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Got my do done today. Now I have many curls. Hunter and I took some time to walk around the mall.

Ended up checking out the golf equipment at Dick's. Hunter enjoyed their little putting green and thought maybe I should buy him a golf bag and clubs--junior sized ($199.00 on sale). I passed, but told him that they do have a golf team in high school. He seemed very interested.

JudyEddy said...

I went to the oc page just to see if anything was said about cam being down and they act as if the eagles haven't been at the nest and will not be back I can't figure out how to read the other msgs the 7th was their last entry which todays is the 8th HODA you need to let then know that we have seen them in the past two days Ok now I got the get busy I have only 48 comments to read so I will go do something BBL

stronghunter said...

Nilla, if you are reading this, I just wanted to extend my sincere sympathy to you and your family. Many prayers for all of you.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say I love your cloud MARGY


stronghunter said...

So sorry, Lynne, for the loss of your sweet little pet. The picture is precious.

I know you will miss Mitzi and that you treasure the time you have had together.

stronghunter said...

Yikes! 7.9 inches of rain in Culpeper caused the river to rise so rapidly in Fredericksbug that people swimming in the river got stranded on small islands and had to be rescued.

Scary situation. It does not have to be raining where you are, just upriver.

JudyEddy said...

MARGY cool seeing the deer

LYNN2 so sorry for your loss of your precious cat (((Hugs)))
I posted this also on your facebook page It is my favorite card in the whole world.
Your will always have the memories

Lynne2 said...

Hi tire done. Need to run out and get some gas for the weedeater.

I heard from Dr Baker....Mitzi's large tumor was on the pancreas as she suspected and the others were the same kind, free floating in the abdomen. She had 60mls drained prior to the necropsy. That's a LOT of fluid. Her tumor was a Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma pushing up onto her stomach. I believe that is the same type of tumor Paula's beloved dogs had. Sort of rare in cats, aggressive, fast spreading. One of the things that was "throwing" the initial diagnosis off, and is still hard to believe, is that she has had NO vomiting, and no diarrhea, and was eating a LOT up til Thursday! And had no other clinical signs at all. She surely was a tough little cookie! In that respect, it was a blessing, because she didn't suffer that way.

Lynne2 said...

I want to thank you all for the words of support! So many of us have lost beloved pets in the time I've been a part of this group. I'm so glad we are all here for each other! It means a lot to me!

JudyEddy said...

Oh I found out another thing about the gal with the phone She had a business of cake decorating on the side ODD huh and yet she wasn't charged with intent to steal so know they know were all the stuff that went missing went I just keep thing what comes around go around and she will get it in the end. Ok I know I said I was going to do something but you see how far that got I started reading

Lynne2 said...

And when I got home from the vet, I forgot to mention....A FEMALE MONARCH BUTTERFLY LAYING EGGS ON MY MILKWEED was here to greet me!

Judie said...

Lynne2, so very sorry about Mitzi but she was privileged to have had you to love and care for her. Hugs.

stronghunter said...

Monarch babies on the way! Yay! Exciting thing to come home to, Lynne.

JudyEddy said...

Thought you might be interested in this about birds was on EagleCamAddict FB page
What happens to the bird when the grow up

magpie said...

That is a very thorough and frightening report
and YES, it sounds as though Mitzi did not suffer too much in these last days.
God Bless You and Yes Yay! Monarch and Eggs !

magpie said...

Thanks to you and others for compliments on the Angel Cloud, or would it be the Cloud Angel ?
It is the Angel Cloud for Travelers

Speaking of which:
Lynn-Hedgie just sent me two text messages
1) They are at Hatteras now and the motel is better
2) They have no internet because there is a problem with the Router

magpie said...

I can see the headlines of the future now, Shirley ☺

magpie said...

I put up two sets of pictures, one set in Wildflower, and one set in Feathers, Fur and Miscelleneous

I couldn't even leave a comment of my own! But I wanted to point out that the Spicebush in sucking up minerals off a little crab leg... left behind after a picnic at the creek probably.
The Tiger Swallowtails were sucking minerals from creek rocks for a long long time

JudyEddy said...

I loved the pictures MARGY but it wouldn't let me comment either this is the response I got I have never had this one at all

Your current account ( does not have access to view this page.

Click here to logout and change accounts.

has anyone else ever got a message like this ODD

JudyEddy said...

Even the comment area looks different only gives one choice GOOGLE and there use to be others
I wonder if it the same as other profile blogs I will go find out BBL gonna poke around LOL

JudyEddy said...

k I'm back MARGY I click on to Lynn blog and hers is the old way comment choice is there(Google, Live Journal, Type Pad, AIM or Open ID) I wonder why yours is different only google choice I told you I would poke I went on JUDIEs and she has no pic blog at all so Lynn was next

and WANDA is a totally different way to comment looks just like this box which a few of you all have I like it better much friendler I wonder why there is a difference in them does any one know???? BBL

Ms Bookworm said...


Thank you, Steve, for the new Monday thread, and thank you, Margy, for the call over!

Nilla, my heart is there with you today, even though I can't be there.
Prayers for you and your family.

Lynne2, I am SO sorry about Mitzi! Can't believe she had so much wrong with her, with so few symptoms. Good thing she didn't suffer. You were a FANTASTIC Mom, and you did the right thing, but I know that doesn't help your breaking heart much right now.
(((HUGS))) for you and Steve! My heart goes out to you!

Well, I tried to get a sooner Dr. appt., but no cancellations, so no deal. At least my foot feels better today than it did yesterday. I have been able to get around on it without much discomfort. It only hurts when I put weight on the ball of my foot. Before it just hurt ALL the time. Can't wait to find out what's wrong with it, though.

Well, gotta get busy and stay on task with the last of my transcription. Will check in later tonight. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--I was able to save the picture of Janet's Dad, so making it my avatar in remembrance.

wvgal_dana said...

Back from Moms and town after running errands. Left knee is giving me a fit. So I put the pain cream on it and have it up.

Wanda went by GG's on way to Moms you hadn't gotten there yet. So me no toot. lol

Margy so glad to hear the outcome of
the Domestic Violence meeting. I pray to God that it helps the police and all those involved. It sure sounds good.

Awww Lynne2 I am so very sorry. I
clicked on your name so I could see
her picture better. I hadn't read
comment yet. When I seen her picture
come up she reminded my of my Tabaitha that had been at Rainbow Bridge. Until Ed got there Nov. 25th, 2009.
Sweetie I know your heart is breaking. Mitzi had a wonderful Mom and you are an outstanding woman. ((((((HUGS))))))

Loretta that is what I want to get for next year. Red salvia..I'll talk to Megan because I like getting flowers from her.
I ususally get my hummer flowers from her but this year I did other things.
This year I did some trees that flower. Hope I won't have much pruning.

Shirley glad you finally got you do.
Yes Hunter can experience without you having a lot of cost. With golf in high school. Gives him something to look forward to and work towards.

Lori you sound like your going to "shine as bright as a star glowing at night".
Everyone will need sunglasses ( :
Have FUN!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Margie I loved your pictures. I enjoy how you tell us the names of them too. You put the names of the butterflies. I like that also. Thank you although sorry I
couldn't leave a comment. Computers
"who knew they would have a mind of their own" lol

JudyE I liked that card so sweet ( :

Andy wonderful idea to use Janet/Nilla's Dad's picture today. Thank You ( :

Hoda said...

JUDYE I no longer post at OC. They cancelled the observation thread as people were not respecting that it was observations became very confusing there with the insistance that Liberty is the male eagle at the nest at the present moment. Also with the dark feathers being a wound on his head...So I decided to not post there anymore. I posted on the WOW site yesterday to let everyone know that we have had visits for the past two days. Some of them used to check there, so they might see it. I also know that they check this blog so they might see it here too...

JANET BLESSINGS to you and to your family as you go through this day and for times to come. May you have inner faith and strength and remember the good memories.

JudyEddy said...

♫This is a must see I love it♫ ♥♥♥

Having a good time inspite of where they are I love it ♥

JudyEddy said...

I have seen the last post before but I just wanted to share it I love it

stronghunter said...


Hunter has been delivered to football practice. Unfortunately, another team took their nice, shady practice spot. Don't know where they came from, but they are supposed to respect the fact that our team has been using that spot.

Hoda said...

JUDYE What was also really a source of arguments at OC was how many eagles were coming to the nest. I counted four...two males and two females, sometimes three males and was it really Belle or someone else...All this is to tell you I will not post on OC and I hope they figure it out...

wvgal_dana said...

I hope this lightened Janet's Dad's picture a little. He has such a great smile. When I was looking at the pictures during the viewing. He had that smile in about all the pictures.

JudyEddy said...

HODA thanks for the feed back They just have no clue do they!

Remember one day they saw a different bird darn it I can't remember what it was I hate that when I want to tell a story and I can't remember all of it Does anyone remember what it was??

Gonna go get something to eat

T-Bird said...

Good evening eagle momsters and dadsters. Yeah, finally got us a washer.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Thelma so glad you was able to find a washer.

My daughter just had someone give her a dryer now she needs a washer.

Mema Jo said...

Just saw an eagle fly in at DECORAH

Juvie with transmitter on the branch

JudyEddy said...

Dr Peter Sharpe need us to vote daily for his article
I post it on facebook daily but some aren't on so if you want to put in your favorites or bookmark and vote for him
VOTE VOTE If you want I can put a daily reminder on the blog like I do facebook he is at 5458 when I voted today just let me know if you want me to post it or not Not a problem to do!!

Now I am leaving Angie just called took Jordyn to DR My poor baby has strep throat lucky Angie caught early we hope BBL

Mema Jo said...

Looks like he is talking to someone.

JudyE - is Ed Clark also on there for
a vote?

Thelma - I loved watching the
I ♥ TRAIN video and you and Sharon
did GOOD. I did think like the one gal that Sharon would have a sign saying I ♥ PAT

Lori O. said...

JO - Yes, Ed Clark is on there, too. I've been voting for both of them. It's a promotion for RARE EAGLE which is some kind of liquor.

Lori O. said...

Oh, I feel like a do-do, I'm so sorry I can't change my avatar on this Apple thing.

Prayers continue for you and your family, Janet. You father looks like such a happy, kind man. I pray God will lessen your pain during this difficult time.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lori! Yepper Ed is on Pg 4
I vote for both also.....

Did things slow down for you today, Lori
Hope weather is ok as it was up here.
Hot but a dry hot as someone called it.
Did you glance at my Bully grandson?

Hoda said...

THANKS JO for the link to the Decorah Juvie. He does sound as if he is chatting with an odd question I know but it crossed my mind when I saw when I saw how large the transmitter is and how it is on their is the question, will it interferre come mating season in terms of balance and the male positioning and performing...??? LOL yet it is a question. Have you all seen mating couples with transmitters? Did they have problems???

stronghunter said...

Time to fix dinner. We eat late on practice nights. BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

The eaglet is really making a fuss. Now it is quite.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mema Jo yes that would be a GREAT idea to put that up each day. To VOTE.....

magpie said...

Well shucks
commenting in picture sites takes a different turn
don't see how it could be related to my switching to Comcast...
feel like I have lost my identity:(

thanks for the nice comments here folks

wvgal_dana said...

Margy I have comcast and you can comment on my blogs. So it is just a will find it. Maybe Paula or someone can help.

magpie said...

Thanks Dana
I might get if figured out but it's not the biggest fish in the pond right now and sometimes that stuff just corrects itself.

Hoda said...

Has anyone seen any news items telling about the Unit which requested the help of those aboard the downed Chinnook helicopter? Did they send them in more help? Did they manage to control the scene on their own? I keep wondering about them and I can not find any news about how they fared...I presume they came out of it, because there has been no further reports of casualties. GOD BLESS THEM ALL.GOD BLESS THE USA.

Lynne2 said...

Great question Hoda...I had the same one and found the answer via NBG....the transmitters are designed to fall off in 2 years, thereby not creating a problem during mating season as eagle mate at age 5 and older!

Lynne2 said...

my very wonderful husband brought me the most beautiful card when he came home this evening!

It sure was weird fixing dinner for only 2 cats.

No Hoda, I haven't seen anything else on that incident.

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNNE 2. I also hope, with this heat, that the transmitter does not absorb the heat and therefore further fatigue the eagle who is hosting it.

Hoda said...

How so very chose the right guy LYNNE 2. CHEERS STEVE.
I am sure it was strange to prepare food and not have Mitzi be part of the experience. Yet think of all the great love and caring you gave her and how lucky she truly was to have had you adopt her. Are the other two cats realizing that Mitzi is missing?

magpie said...

I have been wondering also
going to see if I can find anything on the internet about it...the Rangers....

stronghunter said...

I guess the background noise at Decorah is from the transmitter.

magpie said...

One of the lost SEALS, a Kevin Houston from Massachusetts....had said in Fifth Grade that he wanted to be a SEAL. Interviews with some of his friends was on the radio also.
Some of the deceased will be returned to Dover AFP Tuesday

magpie said...

Steve is a good Man, Lynne...
as you are a good Woman...
(( Hugs for your Both ♥ ♥ ))

stronghunter said...

Sounds to me like the Decorah juvie is requesting parental attention.

Hoda said...

MARGY, I heard they are bringing them all in on Tuesday to Dover and they are using two planes. They are already on their way HOME.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN Steve is so sweet

JudyEddy said...

I am going to find something to watch on TV

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all ♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

It does not look like we will have a visit tonight. The colour is already changing on the still cam...soon the night vision will happen.

magpie said...

Thanks Hoda...I had not heard that update.
Unimaginably sad, but I know from my nephew, that this is what they do, this is what they know can happen, and this is what they believe in.
God Bless Our, retired, and gone before us

Hoda said...

It just did, night vision is on.No Eagle visit tonight.

magpie said...

I signed onto Yahoo E-M program and now I can comment on my blogs, but it is not requiring the word verification
Can't take the time to deal with it right now
But I see Lynne squeaked through the maze
Lynne Power ! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - All I have heard is that it was
a Ranger unit requesting help but no
word as to how they made out - it all is
concerning the copter that was shot down.
Your other question had never come to my
mind but they just recently began putting the transmitter on and it seems that most are on the female due to their being the larger.... We better think of asking that of Ed Clark: Do eagles with
transmitters engage in hanky panky successfully!

Hoda This subject has hit my funny bone but we really do need some type of proof! lol

Hoda said...

JO It hit my funny bone too and I was not quite sure how to ask it. LOL All the more of a problem since they put it on the females...LYNNE 2 said that she googled it and that the transmitters fall off after two years and eagles do not mate before around five years so it should not be a problem.I hope for the eagles sake it does fall off, the transmitter that is.LOL

Mema Jo said...

Lynne thanks for the answer concerning the transmitters! You shine, Gal!

Mema Jo said...

The Bragg Bunch had arrived in Ocean City around 7:00 - they left Bragg around 11:30 - Christine is a very good driver. They went through the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel - I don't know its real name..... She said it was weird - I've never been through it.
They will have 4 or 5 days relaxation and some of Patrick's family is down in
that area!

magpie said...

From the Washington Post Sunday
AP Report:

: One of the officials says the SEALs had completed their mission, subduing the attackers, and were departing in a U.S. Army Chinook helicopter when it was apparently hit by rocket-propelled grenade fire.

The other official said that the Rangers, special operations forces who work regularly with the SEALs, secured the crash site afterward. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the event while the investigation remains ongoing.:

So I think this says the SEALs succcessfully subdued the attackers on the Rangers...and then this happened.
Do not see any report of loss of life amongst the Rangers.

magpie said...

Well Welcome [back]to Maryland, Patrick, Christine, Samantha and Elizabeth, and Chloe!
Sounds so wonderful, Jo....

Mema Jo said...

Then I get to go School Shopping!
They are going to the REDSKINS game on Friday. That is THE team for the
Thompson Family! Even Chloe has a jersey.

Hubby is calling me to the TV
I hope it isn't a repeat..... again!


Hoda said...

MARGY the update on all THIRTY arriving to Dover came through CBS news.GOD BLESS THEM ALL. GOD BLESS THE USA.

magpie said...

visitor to the creek yesterday saw a snake in the water, Yikes!
Said it had patterns on it.
I asked my Naturalist Friend in New York, he thinks Northern Watersnake...nonvenemous, I will have to take extra care when James is with me.

Friend used to live here and knows Back Creek inside and I trust him completely on this one.

Hoda said...

Thank you for the AP report from the Washington Post MARGY.

magpie said...

Thanks again Hoda.....
on dear, such a solemn day it will be
I have not talked to my nephew at Norfolk...leaving him some time to do what he needs to there, including grieving and being supportive
I will send him something in the mail...

magpie said...

we should be getting some Moon Glow on the nest at night now for a few days...
full Moon will occur on Friday

magpie said...

visit with the grandson did not occur, sad to say...I could have used some of his high-spiritedness today,
spent the time instead having some quiet time...reflective...on so many things going on, and sadness amongst ourselves also

Going to close down for the night and continue with that....

Prayers...for just about everything there is to pray about tonight

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Odd MARGY I got to comment it gave me the same message as before I click on the blue link to change acct and it directed me to the google sign on I signed on and Yeah I got to comment I love the butterfly eating the crab but didn't type it because I actually thought it may not post OOPS and it did and I did have to put in a sec code your still don't have the list of options but google but that is what we use Just wanted you to know Not for sure if I'll be up super early being no live cam and with the still and the big big leaves its hard to see without movement I was getting ready to power down and saw that Margie was able to comment so I figured what the hey I did OK by again

T-Bird said...

Hado-38 dead-of that 38, 30 were in our service.

Hoda said...

Team effort rescues whaleBaby Humpback Whale Rescued

T-Bird said...

Mema Jo-You know she woulda if she coulda. : )

Hoda said...

Thank you T-Bird...You are of course right. I was thinking of the American nationals/citizens...Thank You.

Hoda said...

MARGY thinking of you and sending prayers your way that you know that none of us carry the burdens alone and in the sadness A PATH to the GRACE OF GOD.{{{HUGS}}}

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, it's hard to tell if either of the other cats or the dogs realized Mitzi is no longer here, but I'm sure they are aware on some level. Joker aka Fatty Cat McFatty, and Mitzi really didn't get along too well.

Margy, so sorry you didn't get some James Rocket time today.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, that is the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, I think. I went through it back in 1992, coming from Virginia Beach to's pretty neat to drive.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy so sorry to hear about your nephews comrads....I recall you telling us about him when they took out Bin Laden.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, I saw a snake swimming in the surf at the beach...he was right at the shoreline...I think it was a black snake. My neighbor said they like to eat eels. My nephew scooped up a baby eel right at the surf line, too...but earlier in the day. They also caught a baby sea trout, it was really cute.

Hoda said...

Today I splurged. I bought an organic Mango Lemonade called Santa Cruz Organic Mango Lemonade and it is made in the USA. DELICIOUS. Quenches the thirst really well and cools down the body as our temperatures today were again 90 degrees.Have any of you seen it in the stores?

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, when I left a comment, it told me to sign out and sign back in...I did so, and unchecked the box that says to stay signed in, and I was able to comment. Think Blogger cop is just trying to keep us on our toes :)

paula eagleholic said...

Haven't seen that here Hoda...but sounds good. I found a Kiwi lemonade here that was pretty good.

Mema Jo said...

Question: With Margy getting Comcast did her email address change.. I have one for frontier and one for Verizon.
I guess she will need to give me an

Moon is shinning through clouds tonight!

Paula I didn't know if the tunnel had a person's name or not!

JudyEddy said...

Pray for our Nation

Judie said...

The sandperson has arrived and I must say goodnight.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the dark and for those who may come in late from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

T-Bird I see that Sharon changed her profile pic on FB
I am so glad it was a good trip for you
all - You 2 represented Bluefield real

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I heard a White House reporter
stating that the cameras at the Dover
Homecoming of the Fallen Warriors will
be quite solemn and sober. NO pictures or film of the victims' families will be
allowed. Will be kept private.
Some families have chosen to speak and I
have already seen about 4 on our TV news. They were remembering their loved
ones and most of all saying that
He loved being a SEAL..... ♥

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. I do hope George will not decide to come meowing at the wee hours again.

Will see you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

Lynne2 said...

yeah George, no howling tonight!

Hoda said...

JO I saw some of the families on the internet also. It is fitting that their Repatriation be done with dignity and solemnity.I will watch to honour them and to say THANK YOU and GOD BLESS to each and every single one of them and their families.GOD BLESS THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ALL WHO LIVE IN IT.

T-Bird said...

Thanks Mema Jo. : )

T-Bird said...

Goodnight my friends.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - Prayer for our nation
is Amazing!

NatureNut said...

Gosh, it's getting late again!!!
Checked Margy's pics and tried to make a comment & Blogger did NOT recognize my email address & said I had to sign out & in in another account! DUH!!!!!I didn't, & was able to comment.

Saw one more different critter today--a vireo! The sweetbay magnolia tree is starting to get it's seeds & some are turning red. A few birds really like them.

Margy, my sympathy is with your nephew and all those families.
Prayers continue for Nilla & family and all those in need.
Well, gotta do to do for AM work, so for all hitting the hay,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's starting to get late, so I'm back to say goodnight.

Lynne2, your Steve is a KEEPER!

Had an interesting situation out back this afternoon. There was a female Hooded Oriole on one side of the hummer feeder, and a hummer on the other side of it! Of course, by the time I got to my camera, they had gone. Well, at least they are sharing!

JudyE, I LOVE the prayer for our nation! Right on!

Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. The porch light is turned on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone.
God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.--Margy, love your angel cloud avatar!

George, please behave tonight so Shirley can sleep.

OK, goodnight, everyone!

Lynne2 said...

wow Andy, pretty cool! Hope your foot is feeling better.

Well folks, once again, thank you for all of your kind words and support. Love you all!

I'm heading to bed...where there will be no little cat sleeping at my feet tonight :(

Good night, and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

This was just on the new Great rescue Bird Stuck in Grill I forgot to take my tylenol pm took a bit ago waiting to kick in

magpie said...

She will be there, in spirit... ♥

Hoda said...

MARGY do you know what time the Repatriation Cermonies take place tomorrow at Dover Airforce Base?

magpie said...

I do not, Hoda, am pretty sure it would be mentioned sometime on the news Tuesday
I have to work, so anything I see from there will be silent
due to work conditions

Thank you to everyone here, for your comforting words regarding my nephew
I was working on cards including one to him

Mema Jo said...

Before I close for this evening!

Daughter had 8 hummers at one time at
her feeder and she told her sister that
they were not fighting ??? Jenny told her to check out the length of their beaks - sure enough most of them were
young hummers....

Another BEAR sighting on the trail cam of daughter and sil. This one was a smidgen smaller so now there are TWO.

Mema Jo said...

Now I have told all my stories...
Good night to you all...
Prayers for all...
Hugs for all... ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Good Night Lynn - dreams of pretty
summer homes..... ((hugs))

magpie said...

lots of wildlifing at your daughter's Jo...very exciting....
Good Night to you and your hearts♥

And I am finishing going to bed also

Hope Sleep is Sweet and Comforting for all
Hope our Lynn is resting well tonight and can check in if she can get internet access somewhere along the line
Good Night
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Glad to hear the foot is feeling a little better, and hope the medical people can find out what's wrong
and FIX IT

'Night now

Lolly said...

Totally exhausted! You can not imagine the mess Laurel confronted in her new room! OMG! We are working hard!!! Nite! Whisper a prayer for courage for her!

Costume Lady said...

Wow, I'm thinking, should Laurel have to accept a room that has been left a mess by it's former teacher? Just not a very good start for her new school:(

Hoda said...

Goodnight JO and thanks fo rthe report on Wildlife at your daughter's.

Goodnight MARGY sleep well and sweet dreams.

LOLLY you checked in and that is good. Prayers to the work you have to do in the classroom to help Laurel.

LYNN I hope you are liking what you are looking at in terms of options.

Goodnight all. I will sign off and see you all in the morning. God's Blessings to all.

Costume Lady said...

Got the weeds pulled and the mulch put down in GG's flower bed. She just HAD to come down into the yard and help me. I was so amazed at how well she moved around. Told her we were done and needed to go in the house..."Oh, I'm having so much fun, you know I LOVE to do this!" Let her stay out about 15 more minutes, by then, she was pretty tired. I snapped a picture of her as she pulled some weeds around the outside edge of the flower bed. You can see how well she is doing, just by looking at how she is stooped over. She was able to get up without much difficulty...I know that injection has helped 95%. Pray that it will continue to make her feel better. She has a doctor's appointment Thursday to see how she has been doing. I think her doctor will be pleased with herself!

Bedtime here...need extra rest...Soup Kitchen tomorrow:)


Costume Lady said...


JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds looks like no one else is around and doesn't seem to be a eagle in the nest that I can see on the still cam

JudyEddy said...

colors on nest and no eagle that I could have seen

JudyEddy said...

JO does your daughter have a cam that can be viewed by us If so I would love the link to see it and the bears

DanaMo said...

Urgh, I can't believe we have no cam. Boo Hoo.

JudyEddy said...

Its making lots of noise outs side thunder in the distance looks like a pop up storm moving from gulf over land I hope it hold off till I get to work ö

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning DANAMO No cam no eagle no fair NO KIDDINIG

DanaMo said...

I agree JudyE!
Dark clouds here, no thunder that I've heard, but I haven't gone outside. Looks like I get to save on my water bill again today, if it does rain.

DanaMo said...

Looking at the radar, it's coming our way, unless it passes to the north. Hm...

JudyEddy said...

Yesterday at work right before 4 the poured cats and dogs and 1 1/2miles to my house nothing I hope its the same this am They said we have a 70% chance of rain pop up storms Our yards are still draining in the curb from the previous weeks rain

JudyEddy said...

STAY safe DANAMO and dry I am of to work have to buzz by the post office and drop off a bill see ya at lunch or after work

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Judy - have a good day at work
DanaMo - Good Morning if you are still here

and Good Morning Lori down in Florida, I am hoping to hear your voice this morning -

magpie said...

Wanda's pics of GG and also her porch flowers on SMILES are great!
What a spirited pair of Women:
Wanda and GG !

magpie said...

Hoping that Lynn is waking up to a beautiful North Carolina Morning and things are going well on her and Frank and Irene's House-Hunting

(( Hugs across the Miles, Lynn ♥ ))

magpie said...

I did hear Lori...

and Google/Yahoo is giving me the fits trying to post comments on picture blogs :(
So I am like the rest who have had problems

Already out of time this morning, worktime looms, the three alarm clocks did not do me much good this morning

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

It is 72° here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown (Nestville) and raining lightly. So dark and gloomy, makes me want to crawl back into bed...only going up to 87°, which is good for our Soup Kitchen guests that have no transportation and have to walk.

Costume Lady said...

Now, it is pouring cats and dogs! My tub gardens and deck flowers are lovig this:)
Hope this rain is reaching Megan.

I'm wondering about Lynn and how her house hunting is going. My Denise tells me that there are plenty places for sale in OBX, but they may not be where Lynn & friends want one or the right price range.

I'm hoping that Linda has resolved family differences and is able to head back to her roost, as Margy would say:)

Margy, sorry you weren't able to spend time with James. Are you able to call him and chat?
Also, about the snake st Back be carefull around rocks, Copperheads use to be plentiful near the waters edge, under flat rocks. Saw them when I was just about James age. Dad and an Uncle were lifting rocks, looking for crayfish for bait when they uncovered a pair of
coppersnakes, as GG calls them.

Costume Lady said...

It has occurred to me that we now have 5 momsters in Florida. Wouldn't it be nice if the could all get together for lunch or dinner one day? Linda, Lori, Judy, Bobbi, Jewell. Bobbi is Robyn's Mother, for those of you who aren't familiar with her. Maybe Iris is still in Florida, also. She has a vacation home there (whick she is going to sell...if anyone wants to move to Fl., there you go:)

Costume Lady said...

Rain has slowed down but it is still cloudy. We need some sunshine now to make the plants perk up.
Coffee has been ready for a while, going to get a cup and check out the TRAIL CAM and see if I have a bear or coyote visitor:)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Have to check GG's picture, Wanda.

No meowing from George in the wee hours, thank goodness.

Costume Lady said...

MARGY,Love your Angel cloud avatar. Looks like many things:)

magpie said...

Hi Wanda
and shirley!

Yes, Wanda, I was thinking yesterday, the Angel Cloud...
almost like a Phenix, or an Osprey or Eagle head with an Angel Body ☺

magpie said...

And thank you...
I rmember how special it was to see this when at my sister's gravesite a couple of years ago in October ♥

magpie said...

You know we are appraching a

but then again, mabye we would get a new thread first...never can tell about these things

magpie said...

Oh my Goodness Wanda....
I see what's coming up on your next post
because I am about to post a comment on Smiles ☺

Costume Lady said...

LOL, you peeked, Margy:)
Yes, I thought it time to put some new family members as my avatar. I love this picture...we were at Karla and Donny's anniversary party, but was haveing a pre-party in the Eagle Express. Had loads of fun that weekend!

magpie said...

It's a magnificent picture, Wanda

I was going to double click on the firefitghers to get a better look, but they magically turned into you, Gene and Denise ☺

magpie said...

I have to split before we SPLIT

must earn my salary for a few minutes at least !

xoxo ☺

movin said...




C(°?°)3 Jim

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 247   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...