Friday, August 12, 2011


TGIF thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Oh I whis I was caught up I just got up

JudyEddy said...

I set the clock a little bit up but looks still soooo dark at the nest looks like I can set it up further up

And that should have been wish now whis oh another new word maybe

JudyEddy said...

I posted the cutest cat video on Facebook I wish I could post on a link here but it is on facebook and not Youtube make sure who ever is on face book check it out It will make you laugh I loved it I say MEMMAJO saw it so far

Lori O. said...

JUDY, you mean that one little bright white stick looking thing?

JudyEddy said...

Boy my live cam just did a weird blue thing and not its back

Lori O. said...

I just love that Jordyn avatar JUDY, knowing that she is at your desk. It's like I've been to your house before! Very cool.

Lori O. said...





JudyEddy said...

So sad about the stadium collapse
I'm still reading not to many to go

JudyEddy said...

Love the avatar ANDY and I am caught now so the eagles can arrive at any time

Lori O. said...


Today: Showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 8am. Some of the storms could produce gusty winds. High near 79. Calm wind.
Chance of precipitation is 90%.
New rainfall amounts between a half and three quarters of an inch possible.

Tonight: Showers and thunderstorms likely, mainly before 2am. Cloudy, with a low around 63. Calm wind. Chance of precip - 70%.
New rainfall between a tenth and quarter of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Monday: Showers and thunderstorms likely, mainly after 8am. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 80.
Chance of precipitation is 70%.
New rainfall amounts between a quarter and half of an inch possible.

Lori O. said...

I don't have any houseplants, but I tell you, I'm not afraid to get any knowing that we have PLANT DR. WANDA here! Very interesting WANDA.

JudyEddy said...

I put the avatar picture on the blog (My favorite Granddaughter birth to present) to see it better I wish that the blogs avatar showed bigger than they do

JudyEddy said...

I am so jealous your high will only be 79 NICE

JudyEddy said...

going to the kitchen for more coffee don't come eagles while I am stepping aways ok just wait two sec Its not that far to the kitchen LOL

Lori O. said...

I have the blog and the live cam windows up and open on the monitor so I can see both at the same time, and my "dinosaur" is chugging. I know I'll need a new one soon, but am hesitating between a laptop or another desk top.

JudyEddy said...

Ok I see they listened and didn't show up LOL

JudyEddy said...

You are not at work LORI

JudyEddy said...

I know I still want to buy a lap top I have my eye on a 298.00 one with my 10% discount that will help some EXACTLY not for sure what I would need- someone said something about a card to get the Internet I know I will need a router for the house and everyone said that you can get free internet at various restaurants I guess when I buy it I will have to get more info on what is need I hate being so dumb with puter stuff

Hoda said...

Goodmorning LORI and JUDYE....MY my my but we have had some sirens going on. Something big must be happening. Woke me right up. Said a prayer that all involved may be able to handle what ever it is that is coming their way.Could not get back to sleep so decided to come here and check on the Eagles.I a glad you two are here.

WANDA is indeed very knowleagable about plants. VERY IMPRESSIVE.

I'll go get my Earl Grey tea and be right back. If they wish they may come while I am gone at least they will have been to the nest!!!LOL

DanaMo said...

Good morning!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning DANAMO and HODA

Lori O. said...

Good Morning HODA & DANA MO!

We've got a nest party going! WoooHooo!

Hoda said...

Good morning DANA MO.

I am back with my tea and the sirens are not as frequent now. Slowing right down.I wonder what is going on? I guess I will find out later on the day.

JudyEddy said...

What is all the co-motion HODA did you find out

Hoda said...

No JUDYE I have not found out yet as it is going on as we speak. It sounds like they were crossing the bridge which means a road accident. Police and ambulance, no fire trucks from the sound of the sirens.

JudyEddy said...

On facebook last nite one of my previous high school peeps brought up a memory and I had completely forgot about it THAT THEY use to have smoke breaks for the teachers and students Do you all remember that I do

Lori O. said...

I was looking for new avatars earlier and HODA since you are our very special guest this morning this one is for you!
It's so cute!

JudyEddy said...

Does your news have late breaking news on it sometimes ours has it has it happens with modern technology it doesn't take long to get on the news

DanaMo said...

My computer is being a pain this morning too!

Raining in Hagerstown, looks like it's raining at the nest too.

JudyEddy said...

LORI love the avatar for HODA to cute

Lori O. said...

HODA, A local news radio station, the more local the better, would likely have something since they are looking for things happening and have police scanners.

DanaMo said...

I went to a Catholic school and we were allowed to have "smoking permits" and had a designated smoking area. Hard to believe these days!

Lori O. said...

I think it's adorable -- SOOOO HODA!

JudyEddy said...

I remember walking to the store and having a written not to buy them also Wow has the world changed

Lori O. said...

I hope MARGY & KAY got enough rest and will be able to join us soon.

Maybe we should plan a 6:00am Nest/Tea party (no pun intended) some morning. Probably wouldn't get many RSVP's! lol

Hoda said...

CUTE LORI!!! I like her hand mudra. A mudra is a symbol, a key to what she is saying. She has her forefinger to her thumb. Which means she is surrendering her ego to the Divine. The thumb stands for the Divine. Baby finger is body, ring finger is mind, middle finger is speech, forefinger is ego and thumb is the Divine...So in yoga when we want to focus on a part of the body we touch the equivilant finger to the thumb.

DanaMo said...

Today is the day my son leaves for Madrid! Can't believe the time has come and then he is right off to University of Dayton. Wow, the summer has really flown by for my family.

JudyEddy said...

I seem not to have sound again I just noticed it do you all have sound

DanaMo said...

I don't think I have sound.,

JudyEddy said...

Opened up another window and still no sound

JudyEddy said...

OH don't put you ear near the speaker and then have email come in wow that was a loud chime loud ping ping LOL Speakers are working but not cam sound

Hoda said...

The local station has music on it. It is only 3:26 AM here...maybe they are not fully awake yet either!!!LOL

I remember when I first started teaching in Québec there were student/teacher smoking breaks...we carried our coffee cups out during the smoking break and the students protested that they did not have the same advantage!!!LOL!!!Poor things they wanted their coffee too with their smokes!!!LOL

JudyEddy said...

I still can't believe no colors at nest yet

JudyEddy said...

colors speaking of them here they are

JudyEddy said...

HODA do you have sound or LORI

JudyEddy said...

Well I need to step away and go finish getting ready I have 9 min before I leave so I will bid you all a good day and I will see ya later on


Hoda said...

JUDYE I have very faint open mike, my volume is full blast though...

Hoda said...

Have a GREAT day JUDYE.

WOW DANAMO Son going to SPAIN. Awesome. For how long and when does University start in Dayton?

Hoda said...

Its raining at the nest. Some faint horizontal lines on the feed...

JudyEddy said...

Happy Wiffle ball day today the wiffle ball was invented that was just on our local news

Hoda said...

Excuse my ignorance...what is a wiffle ball?

Hoda said...

Never mind Got it...thank you google LOL

Sound cuts in on and off at the live feed. Much louder now...

Lori O. said...

Sorry, I had to feed the PICKY cats.
Took all the food that was in the refrig (cat food) and warmed it up. They eat it or wait until tonight. Of course, they have kibble all day.

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, NO sound, just a LOUD hummmm when I crank it up.

Lori O. said...

HODA, that is so interesting about the yoga fingers. I never knew that, but it's nice to know that there's meaning to which fingers are being used. Guess you can't tough finger to finger, only thumb to a finger.

Lori O. said...

Gosh, DANA MO you have had a whirlwind of a summer with all kinds of major events. God Bless Aric on his journey to Spain and back to Dayton. Is this your first child to leave the house?

Lori O. said...

Has anyone heard any recent reports about the NBG eaglets that were released? Any word on when they'll released NX or did they already do that?

Hoda said...

LORI yes you are right. Thumb to if my thoughts are milling and I am unsettled I meditate with the mudrathumb to ring finger. When I was a teacher the kids always thought it strange that I do not send them to the office or give them detentions when all of a sudden they gave me the finger!!!LOL !!! Yes it happens in Canada!!! Any way I always thought they were telling me that I was saying something that they were having a hard time hearing and I watched my speech. When I explained it to them they thought it me strange. They tried it in another class and when given a detention, they explained what I said to the teacher and he said, what do you expect she does yoga and I do not !!!LOL!!! I laughed so hard and let it go.

Lori O. said...

Excuse me for being "out of touch," but I didn't get any eagle site hopping done during the past two weeks. So busy. Hoping for a calm week this week.

Lori O. said...

Too funny. I'm sure our many other teachers will have comments about being flipped off. Can't wait to read those. lol
I love your mind, HODA!

Hoda said...

The last I checked NX was still there and they had not said when they were going to release her. They sighted NV and took some photos. Seemed well and adjusted. That was the day after they were released. They have people on the ground, where they were released and have not located any eagles in distress so that is a good sign.

Lori O. said...

Oh thank you HODA! That is so wonderful to hear that the released NBG eaglets seem to be doing well there. What a wonderful story we got to witness with them...well, you know, the ending was happy. RIP Mama NBG Eagle.

Lori O. said...

I'm feeling MARGY is up and will be popping in soon. Are you lurking MARGY? KAY? THELMA? DIANN? LYNN? JUDIE?
Lurkers, present yourselves. :) LOL!

Hoda said...

LORI PAPA NBG was also sighted near the nest at the gardens and apparently he has been seen flying with another female eagle. So there is hope that they might have eaglets next season. He was seen in his hunting tree.

Hoda said...

LORI MARGY was having computer problems last night. She texted LYNN and she in turn let us know...maybe the computer is still giving her trouble.

Hoda said...

The last we had a visit to the nest was last Sunday morning so it is a week ago now.

Lori O. said...

Oh well, we still have each other, until December/January. ♥

Lori O. said...

Wish I could get a two for one deal on a computer and give the other one to Margy! That would be some sale, huh?

Hoda said...

Well I take it its a NO SHOW this morning. I am going to go give my bed another go...

Have a GREAT day LORI.

Lori O. said...

You know, you read the whole blog, think your caught up, then someone tells you something you totally missed. THANK YOU HODA.

MARGY, if you're up I hope your dinosaur gets a move on and perks up!

Lori O. said...

Good Night, HODA. Thanks for thinking of us when you woke up in the middle of your night. Sleep well.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Muggy and cloudy here this morning

Sun is trying to peek thru evey now and again

Wanda...there is never an ugly eagle! And I wouldn't let Nick have that one lol

Saw an osprey out front this morning already...bro thought he saw the GHO too

Lori O. said...

Good Morning PAULA! Lucky you...another beautiful day (?) at the beach and Osprey in sight. What are your plans for the day? Bird watching sounds good to me!

hedgie said...

Good morning all!

Liesl is being a squeak-toy fanatic this AM----crazy pup!!!

ANDY: with gout, the uric acid crystals settle into a joint---the big toe is the most common site. It can and usually does limit movement. Of course, it should resolve (dissolve) given a little time. Here is a good site to read:

So happy that you will get a visit from Jay---and hopefully on a routine basis!!
Whoopee on the transcribing!! Have they given you guidelnes on how much to charge? Think I remember Sissy/Sharon one mentioning that it is based on # of words???? Congrats!!

hedgie said...

Starting to rain...glad I went ahead and took the trash out when I got the papers!

Speaking of gout: an interesting story....during my 28 yrs., we had 3 people hold a specific human relations/labor relations job; they all had the same office through the years. All were men (gout is more prevalent in men)...and all three of them ended up with gout! We always joked that they should move the office!!

hedgie said...

Oh, my...the smoke from the swamp fire has reached Baltimore!

See that the kaffe klatsch had a new member this morning---HODA!! Sure hope you got back to sleep, gal!! Hope the emergency situation is resolved, and that no one was seriously hurt.

Liesl has brought all of her toys over and deposited them under the table at my feet, and is now sleeping amongst them!

Oh, yes, JudyE---I DO remember having a smoking courtyard at the high school!! How times have changed! And also remember people getting caught in the bathrooms and getting detention!

paula eagleholic said...

Have some nice sunshine now :) Looks like rain is west of us for now

Going to grocery store today...might do some fishing and other misc stuff today

hedgie said...

Very interesting info about the mudra, Hoda!! I learn something new everyday here from all you interesting folks!

Wow, DanaMo....had no idea that smoking was ever allowed in Catholic schools!
Safe travels for Aric as he ventures overseas. What a fabulous opportunity for him and his fellow participants! Did you and Kay get hooked up through email to arrange your visit?

hedgie said...

Lori, the remaining NBG eaglet/juvie hasn't been released yet. One of the drs. was out of town, and they weren't going to make that decision until his return....which should be this coming week.

hedgie said...

Today is also Margy's day off (and tomorrow), so hopefully she'll have time to fret with the puter.....but hope that she has slept in this AM.

Paula, hope the smoke stays away from your area! Enjoy your day!

Costume Lady said...

70° here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown/Nestville...going up to 76°. Not raining at the moment, if so, just a mist that I cannot hear on my a/c.

Oh, wish it were I, going to Columbus! Love it there. We have been there so many times that Capt. Gene knows his way around most places. We have taken GG there a few times, in the past, but she wants no part of going there these days. She feels so comfortable in her home and there she wants to stay:( Of course, we can't go anywhere unless she goes too. She did say that, if she can get rid of her back pain (hip pain is gone), she would like to go to the beach! OBX, here we come!:)

hedgie said...

Paper says we got three inches of rain yesterday----NOT HERE! Not even enough to dampen the ground at my place!

Lori O. said...

I NEED SOME HELP! A racoon got the Black Vulture Chicks -- one seems like he may have a wing problem, maybe a leg injury, too. The other one we can't find. I saw the racoon chasing them so I know that's what it was.


Costume Lady said...

I had no idea that smoking was allowed in any schools. Of course, I wasn't a smoker, at that time, so I guess I paid no attention to that rule. I'll have to ask Gene, he WAS a smoker.

hedgie said...

This is way cool.....political columnist Thomas Sowell---who I love!---mentioned the book "Archie and Mehitabel"---is anyone familiar with it??? It was one of my Dad's favs, and he passed that feeling on to me! I still have his copy!! If you haven't read it, you really should!!! It is typed all in lower case, because Archie and Mehitable couldn't work the shift key on the typewriter!!! That's all I will give away! It is still in print, by the way!

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, Lori...BAD RACOON!
Lynne may be able to help you. Guess she is still away. Google Frederick Animal Rehabilitators. Good luck!

Linda said...

Good Morning!

Have to catch up, but did see the post just above me, L♥ri about the baby vultures. So sorry a raccoon got them.

There must be a wildlife refuge center in your area to call. That is all I can think of.

So sad to see, especially if you were watching after and feeding the little ones.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, we must have gotten more rain than you, it is wet under our trees and my water garden tub is overflowing.
Grass is growing like crazy and Dustin has ball practice every day, Gene twisted his back and my leg still hurts from my Trip & Fall stunt. HEEEELLLP!

Linda said...

WANDA - I see we are on the blog at the same time!!

Thanks again for the flowering plants information. I REALLY appreciate it. Now I can work on keeping them all alive. I am hoping to keep them all in the same basket as they came, but we'll see how things go!

It's so beautiful and speaks of love and support to me!

Costume Lady said...


I posted this info on last evening's blog...reposting for you now...

LINDA you can keep the plants in the basket, in a bright window, or under a grow light on a table. Water the plants when they feel dry to the touch...but don't forget to water the leaf cups of the Bromeliad and be careful not to get water on the leaves of the African Violet. When and if the plants don't look healthy or get too tall and leggy, then separate them:)

Lori O. said...

Good news - We found the second chick out on the back 4 and he seems to be okay. The other one we found first has a leg problem for sure - can't get footing to walk.

So many rehabbers #'s are disconnected! GRRRRR.

Linda said...

Thanks, WANDA! Just caught up to early this morning and saw where you posted that. I sure do appreciate the info.

LORI - Glad to hear one is doing ok so far. Poor things... :(

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Guess we don't have an Alt Character for raindrops, like we do for sun and smiley faces....☺

Dinosaur is awake and running, not sure what happened, but it occurred shortly after I opened up live feed last night...kept getting "illegal instruction" errors and it took a looooong time to even shut the beast down! Probably had nothing to do with live feed though
I had NO sound after the storm but do have sound now, but no wildlife sounds going on

Sure is G☺☺d to See Everyone again !

magpie said...

Recent, Gene twisting his back?
I'm sorry....the rainy humid conditions can sure bring out the "best" in our back, joint and muscle ailments

by the way, between you two, Lolly, and Shirley, I think you have just about covered every inch of the United States

Love the "Yoga Hoda" avatar, and am very interested in Hoda's explanation of the meanings of each or our fingers and the thumb.
Thank you Hoda !

magpie said...

You sent me a link to a rehabber in Boonsboro...I saved it in my email folders, but when I compressed the folders, it disappeared! Can you find that again for Lori and repost it??

ref the black vulture chick injured by the raccoon....

magpie said...

Too funny!
Andy's Emma smelling like Italian Salad Dressing after her ears get cleaned
Happy to hear of how Emma is doing, Andy
and that you have some nice family visits coming up ☺

Sounds like you are all set with your Flower Basket...
as we say here, ask, and you shall answer for just about every question

Lori O. said...

Just got off the phone with the Wildlife relocator guy who lives up the street...told me how to catch them - the black vulture chicks. Just need a place to take them. I'll take both, one can't be alone. I'll see what they say. Pray a rehabber calls me back.

So I'm lurking, just making calls and running outside.

magpie said...

Hoping to hear how Robyn and Tori are doing, hope they are settling back into their Roost now ♥ ♥

Morning GLori
do you mean a REAL nest visit at 6 am someday with our Earl Grey Tea?
Or just a cyber-visit ? ☺

Best traveling wishes for DAnaMo's Aric.. think I shall leave Angel Cloud up for awhile longer

Costume Lady said...

Times a-flyin'...gotta get dressed.

magpie said...

okay Lori, sounds good, hope you get a call back quickly...and that things turn out okay...and...that the raccoon stays away....or that the parents run him off !

I have the cicada sound HERE at the house, and on the nest
Cicadas in Stereo !

magpie said...

jet plane sound at nest

magpie said...

all sounds dreamy at the Paradise!

hedgie said...

Oh, no, sorry....

Wildlife Rehabilitators Association Inc. 410-255-4737
P. O. Box 296
Pasadena MD 21122

Frisky's Wildlife and Primate Sanctuary and Rescue 410-418-8899
10790 Old Fredercik Rd
Woodstock MD 21163

Last Chance Wildlife Center 301-926-WILD
7101 Barcellona Dr
Gaithersburg MD 20879

Last Chance Wildlife Center
15102-A Kelbaugh Rd
Thurmont MD 21788 don't have # for this one

magpie said...

I always like the way you say
Prayers for all on your list, and those you don't know about that are NOT on your list....
pretty much covers all the bases.
I keep adding names into my Prayer Jar but is there enough paper to take care of all that !

and Diann's for Every Person and Pet...

Linda said...

Good Morning Margy! Happy to see you got the dinosaur working to visit with us today.

It's always a joy to see you here! ♥

magpie said...

Nice goin' Lynn!
Loved your tale of Liesl bringing her toys to you and then falling asleep at your feet ☺ ♥

Thanks for posting my Dinosaur news last night....

hedgie said...

ARGH, Margy---I can't find the Boonsboro one.....don't know why it's not on the list....suspect that our "boss" chose not to put it on because it's a commercial business rather than an actual rescue.

magpie said...

Thanks, Linda...good to See You and to be here!

I know I need to do many upgrades, here, older computer, short on memory (as I am sometimes..)
and I have received many tips and offers on here on ways to make the old boy better....but time and money factor in, so I just plod along
I shy away from opening lots of the links posted sometimes because that can hang things up from time to time

hedgie said...

So glad the second bird seems to be okay, Lori. Stupid raccoon. Shame on him....:(

magpie said...

We have Plant Doctors, Animal Doctors, People Doctors, Teacher Doctors and
Computer Doctors here, for sure!

Listen to those cicadas at the nest: Rich! At night, I hope we can hear the Katydids !

hedgie said...

Wanda, so sorry you and Father Capt. are both suffering.....surely must be be the weather aggravating things. Feel better fast!

Linda said...

I would imagine LOLLY and Jack are busy fixing breakfast and getting the boys ready for church on their first day of Camp Hawkwood!

Hope it's a wonderful day for all.

magpie said...

oh I forgot:
Legal and Police Doctors too (Hi Judie, when you peek in !)and Cooking and Cleaning Doctors....I know I am missing some categories!

hope Hunter is regaining his rest....the last summer
hoo-rahs coming up for all the school kids and their parents, and the Teachers too, for sure
went by so fast...makes me sad and sentimental

Blessed Sunday Wishes to you also Wanda !xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Time for me to hit on the To-Do List for the's a BIG list

Best wishes to Everyone, for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day

magpie said...
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magpie said...
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magpie said...
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magpie said...
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magpie said...
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magpie said...

whooops sorry about that

fingers went nuts

did you see in the Journal the picture of the Faberge Lilys of the Valley?
"Sunday Living" front page

hedgie said...

Just now looking at it, Margy! Amazing and beautiful!!

magpie said...

I am soooo sorry
those are all my deletes of the repeat message that posted

Hope I didn't foul up anyone's postings..

Keep enjoying those wonderful family times ☺

ttfn xo

Linda said...

Time for church for me!!


magpie said...

Thought you would like that Lynn!

okay 'bye, and Hello in Advance to any more Morning Afternoon and Evening Momsters and Dadsters

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

T-Bird said...

Good early afternoon my eagle momsters and dadsters.

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning! Time to get dressed for church but also feed Jacob and then over see baths. Joseph fed himself!! He just had cereal but he cooks!

Last night was a ball, but anxious to hear how much was raised.

Will check in when I can!

Have a great Sunday!

Lori O. said...

Morning LOLLY and all at Camp Hawkwood!

Thank you for the list of rehabbers LYNN. I'm very grateful.

Through a woman north of Towson, she referred us to a few places, and after some misunderstandings, finally got hooked up with Dr. Mike Schaden who has Opossum Pike Veterinary Clinic and has a license to treat injured wildlife. It's maybe 5 - 6 miles from my house, and he called ME back! Thank you, Lord!

Dr. Schaden said the parents will likely be back to check on the chicks and best to wait for them. If they haven't shown up by this evening then we can take the injured one to his clinic. He was worried about the raccoon thinking they are noctural animals and it could be rabid being as it was wandering around in the daytime.

Thank LYNN, LINDA, MARGY for your help and kind words. I'll keep you posted.

Yes, the avatar is HODA!

Have a beautiful day in the rain everyone. Prayers for a safe and healthy day and can't wait to hear how Tori is doing!


Lori O. said...

Good Morning THELMA & BUDDY! Hope you guys are getting rain today, too, if you need it like we do. :)

((HUGS)) for all three of you, +Sharon. ♥

movin said...





Well, the puter goes along fine all day and then just casually quits and flashes the dreaded MS blue screen with an error message (doesn't mean a thing to me).

It has quit once this morning already, but I'm "hoping" I get the whole day out of it now.

Weather is coolish (low 70's), but with high humidity, in So Cal the last few days.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

All the fledglings are on the BWO nest now.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

NatureNut said...

Happy Late Sunday AM to Everyone! See we had a big crew on this AM. Haven't read all comments yet.
I konked out in loungechair shortly after eating about 1/2 my dinner! Got some steam crabbed legs on way home, but too tired to pick them, so they may be lunch & dinner today!!!!!
BFF Jeanne is learning how to text & sent several messages. They told her Danny might get out by Mon. or TU!!!!!!! I'm surprised! Since he went in private room & she was spending Fri. night there, I assumed there was an Xtra bed.But NO. She slept in chair & back was killing her Sat. AM!!! Danny & fam. wanted her to go home.I hope she did. She has her own ailments--Sjogrens, neuromyalgia,and never complains and takes care of everyone else!

Writing tto much---will relate quick animal encounter I saw this AM, after more coffee!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wow only 5 minutes to say Good Morning Friends. We have had down pour of rain
but the sun is out now but it's so
mucky! Doubt that I will make it over
to Market like I had planned.

I have so many little new birds feeding at the deck. Many cardinals and Titmouses. Oh yes there are House finches also.

Need to go get some more breathing meds in me - no special plans now.

Lori so happy that Dr Schaden can be of help to you. I had an emergency #
of Crossroads here in Frederick which is open night, weekends and holidays.
Any of you locals needing it let me

Take care and run in the rain if you get caught! Love You All

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and I hear the sound is back on the cam Yeah!

T-Bird said...

Well, I'm going to go piddle. Make a good day my peeps.

Hail to the Redskins!

hedgie said...

Rain was very short lived this AM---if you can call it that. Sun is out now. Took a little sofa time with Liesl---and a short nap! Shoulder blade was getting the best of me again...eased somewhat now.
Guess I better start some laundry. NOT going to work IS muggy.

hedgie said...

Hi, Thelma, Jim. Loretta and Jo! Good to see all of you!
Jim, your blue screen sounds ominous....makes no sense to me, either! Glad your weather has been cooler.
Loretta....don't think I would ever be too sleepy to pick crab legs! Great news about Danny! Prayers continue. Poor Jeanne....she needs to take care of herself, too.
Jo, any visits from the kids planned today? YOU stay in, too!

Hoda said...

Good morning, again!!! Good afternoon everyone.

Well I am off to yoga and still not the wiser as to early this morning's emergency sirens.They certainly seemed to be getting somewhere in a hurry.

Stay well JO and I hope breathig improves with the meds.

Lovely sunny day here today and it is 64 degrees promising to go up to 84 degrees with rain later on.Not a cloud in the sky however!!!

Talk to you all later...Please God.

JudyEddy said...

The sea eagle eggs have hatched they are so cute
Here is the link in case you don't have it

JudyEddy said...

Ok back to work I go

NatureNut said...

Just saw Lori has trouble w/baby vultures. I don't know if it's too far away from you, but a great place is
Second Chance in Gaithersburg, MD. Our Park Rangers take injured animals found on Park Property there.

NatureNut said...

Read back some more & see Lori got in touch w/ rehabber! Way to go. Lynn, you seem to have so many. We do have a new one pretty close to Park now, where that injured eagle from side of road was taken months ago, but the name I was given is a Pet Store, DUH!

What I saw this AM as sort of a close encounter. While sitting & sipping coffee on deck, a Cooper's hawk flew up the yard & landed in next door tree. Fanned his tail & was sitting pretty.A small downy woodpecker, I think, fly down to my magnolia tree & hawk went right in front of me after it!I hollered, "HEY"! Woody squawked & left tree with hawk behind it. They flew out of sight. I heard nothing, so hope there was an escape. I know everybody has to eat, but C should catch a rodent!

Mema Jo said...

I hope that little woodpecker made it to
safety, Loretta! You did your good deed to nature already today! ♥

No plans yet, Lynn. They are off and
running for now and will hear from them
around 4pm.

Have I missed Judie recently...

Andy hope the large toe will relax very soon!

JudyE - did you clean out the coffee pot or get a new one for that good am
coffee? Some mornings mine tastes just perfect - other times and I think it is me that just isn't tasting right. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon eagle friends and Lurkers ( :

Andy sorry about your big toe.
What I read said it takes awhile
for the movement to all come back.
But Lynn-Hedgie will know more.

I have more comments to catch up on.

wvgal_dana said...

Andy more transcribing from that
doctor. He must like your work--well who wouldn't (wink)!!

Hope you granddaughter Jay does get
to come to the area more frequently.
Then you can see her more often.

Lynn Liesl sounds like she is
having FUN!! Thanks love the
stories of the things she does.hee hee

Oh that terrible raccoon!! So sorry Lori
--hoping you can find a wildlife rehab.
We do need Lynne right now!! LYNNE WE ARE CALLING FOR YOU!!!!!!!! HELP!!!

Oh Good Lori found the 2nd chick vulture.

wvgal_dana said...


phone 1-877-643-6497 and read about the place

stronghunter said...

Lori, it looks like you already have all of the info you need, but I did put in a message to Susan because she volunteers with a rehabber and with a wildlife hotline. I will see what she has to say.

I hope that raccoon isn't rabid. You really wouldn't want a rabid animal on your property. Please be careful.

stronghunter said...

And, sorry, I didn't say "good afternoon."

stronghunter said...

Hmm, it looks like Culpeper teachers go back on Tuesday. That is when I get to feel the benefits of retirement.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Jeanne did not have even a couch to lie on. Prayers continue for Danny and her.

hedgie said...

Loretta, so glad that you saved that woody! Hawk should stick to vermin!!! Hope he got clean away.

Maybe my list had the wrong name on the Gaithersburg place, Loretta.
I bet they are one and the same!

Shirley, did Susan express any interest in the info that I emailed for her? Of course, you all had theatre last evening (HOW WAS IT??), but there was a need for a run from F'burg to Fx....among others. It's an every weekend thing, it appears. Seems like there are SO many in need of homes in the south....and apparently more adopters up north.

Yippee-----no "first day" for Shirley this year!!!

hedgie said...

Clouding up.....

Loretta.....think they'll get the race started?? Have my doubts!

Mema Jo said...

2:00 and breathing is much better after the nebulizer treatment. Maybe I will get out to dinner with the Bragg Bunch

I have a slew of cards to mail out -
August is a family of b-days!

Take care for the afternoon... ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all!

Went to grocery store and fruit home and the power is out! First time I've beenhere with the power out...we had some rain come thru

So get home...eating a sandwich....watching a huge blue heron out front! And then an osprey came in with a fish!

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta good yelling I just know that helped that Woody to get away.

Mema Jo prayers for your breathing.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Paula who cares if the power went out (sorry that it did) when you have a osprey and a heron to watch lol

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I just found your message on my e-mail and sent it to Susan. I wasn't at home much yesterday and hadn't checked my messages. Thanks for the information and for thinking of Susan.

Lori, I got some links about injured and endangered birds from Susan.

Injured Birds


hedgie said...

Okay, Shirley. The need is always there if Suzi is interested in helping.

hedgie said...

JO, glad you are feeling better.

Good info, Shirley.

stronghunter said...

The play was excellent!

It was the first time that I have ever seen a mechanical malfunction in a professional play, though.

We got to see the beginning scene twice because Glenda's pendulum malfunctioned. Glenda, of course, is the good witch from Oz, and she was supposed to come down from above amid bubbles on a huge pendulum, but the pendulum somehow got stuck.

The actors started ad-libbing, and the audience laughed and applauded because it was clear that something was wrong. They ended up pulling the curtain and starting over.

We had front-row seats and could see the thing stuck up there at the top of the stage.

When it worked the second time, Glenda asked if it was better this time. When the audience applauded, she said that no response was necessary as it was a rhetorical question. Really fun connection between the audience and the performers.

And, it seems that last night's Glenda was the understudy. What a way to take over a part!

hedgie said...

Hope the power isn't out for too long, Paula. Glad you had an aerial performance, and the heron appearance!

magpie said...

What a cheery post, Shirley, all the way around....


No, I haven't seen Judie here yet either.

magpie said...

oh dear the Cooper's goes for the Woody, the Woody [probably] goes for the worm and the insects...what does the Worm go for, and what goes for the Cooper's?

the Food Cycle! Dear and Tough at the same time ☺

Makes me wonder if I should go completely vegetarian !

magpie said...

Keep watching those bird feeders, Fall Migration season is upon us soon

and you only have about 37 minutes until 4:00 pm ☺

magpie said...

I spent some overnights with my Sis Kathy a fews years back, one just doesn't want their loved ones to be "alone"
think I would sleep on the floor if I had to should the occasion arise, but
I sure hope Danny's Jeanne AND Danny can sleep together in their OWN Roost by Monday or Tuesday
Praise the Lord...xoxo ♥ ♥

magpie said...

Same Here !

Sometimes the coffee tastes soooo good, and sometimes, a dud!
Always seems better when someone else makes it

Need to go commit homicide on the checkbook...

Hello all Eagle Pals...

hope you keep on percolating and that you encounter lots of things that put a smile on your face

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Bet the Potomac is getting muddy!
will test the Eagles' fishing skills...then again, they might go for "land food..."

stronghunter said...

Well, the worms get them after they are in the earth, Margy.

magpie said...

oooh Shirley you are right!
I hadn't even thought about that....

Hello to Hunter for me!


I'll be going for James a little later on, want to show him (and me) what the creek looks like after a lot of rain

I have the "pen-knife" out...get it?
bills and checkbook on the table

hedgie said...

Shirley, I've never attended anything with a glitch---bet it was quite humorous. Where was it staged?

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Have successfully uploaded one video of "Elvis". Second one did not upload.??????

It's not very good!

Lolly said...

Oh, is on family pics!

stronghunter said...

At the Kennedy Center, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Funny thing--I had no idea I had bought front-row seats. Susan said, "Hmm, Mom, we're not close enough. We aren't on the stage."

Lori O. said...

Thanks LORETTA, LYNN and SHIRLEY for the help with the vultures. Just keeping an eye on them and waiting for the parents to return. They may have without me seeing them. I haven't been back out in their area since the vet told me to stay away. I keep checking to make sure there's no sun on the injured one. Luckily it's in a shaded area, and the other one had made it quite far into the woods.

LORETTA I did call 2nd Chance this morning and left a mesage but no one called back and by then Dr. Schaden had already called.

SHIRLEY thanks for the links. Everything is helpful at this point.♥

Lori O. said...

MARGY, muddy Potomac doesn't make for good fishing for the eagles. I think it was HODA who pointed out this morning that their last visit was last Sunday, so it's a week now.

JUDYE, Sea Eagles are very cute. I need to go online and find out how big they are. There's nothing to scale them by in the nest. I always love seeing pictures of humans holding eaglets because then you get a real idea of how big they are.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, some really good info on those links. Much appreciation to you and Kathryn.

Great story about the Wicked malfunction. You'll never forget that.

Talked to my Mom this morning and she and my 12 year old niece are coming to visit on Friday. They will stay through Monday. Kilee has to be home for her middle school orientation on that Tuesday. Dad will bring them up past Breezewood and we'll meet them there and bring them here. Mom can't drive for another three weeks, but she is doing FABULOUS! Thank you all MOMSTER prayer warriors! I will never forget that. :0

Judie said...

Good late late afternoon.

Too much to read back but did notice Lolly has a new love in her life. Welcome to the world Reese.

Shirley, how fun that Glenda got stuck. So please you and Susan were there and almost on the stage. The actor I was most impressed with was Hespabah(sp?). Very powerful performance, I thought.

Been extra busy today with laundry and cooking ahead. Will be at the Univ. tomorrow. Only two weeks left, arrgghh!

If I've missed anyone in crisis, I apologize.


Lori O. said...

Well, it's sunny here, and I read where LYNN said it was sunny in WV, but the Nat'l Wx Service is still calling for storms today.


Updated 3:40PM:

Late Afternoon: Showers and thunderstorms. Some of the storms could produce gusty winds and heavy rain. High near 81.
Chance of precipitation is 90%.
New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Tonight: Showers and thunderstorms, mainly before 2am. Low 62. Chance of precipitation is 80%.
New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers will continue Lori for your Mother. Continue prayers till healing from inside out. I know that the sternum takes awhile. Lori she is really doing good. I am so very, very happy for all of you..

((((((((HUGS LORI)))))))))

hedgie said...

DID YOU KNOW?? 46 yrs. ago today, "I Got You, Babe" gave Sonny & Cher their first chart-topping hit! Oh, my----brings back memories of sitting in a friend's basement, radio cranked, and talking about our boyfriends!!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley that is one show you'll never forget lol

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Judie...only 2 weeks left...WOW!

How long do you think you will continue to teach?

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - a early dinner to
go to Cracker Barrel with the Bragg Bunch! They said they hadn't had any lunch so whoooooooeeeeeeeeee $.

I'll read back later....
But Lori that is wonderful news about
your mom's recovering activities!

Lolly said...

Need to read back to learn about Lori's vultures.

JudyEddy said...

LORI I'm hoping for a good out come on the vultures I am anxiously reading to find out see you all in a bit

MEMAJO I just put CLR in it and work great my coffee was excellent this am thanks for asking

Lori O. said...

Thank you DANA WV and JO. I'll tell Mom you're cheering for her.

JO, have a great time at CB... b$g group! lol. I love their meatloaf.

JudyEddy said...

LORI shouldn't some one come out and try to trap the raccoon just in case he has rabies

hedgie said...

Race postponed til 10AM tomorrow. :(

hedgie said...

Wow, Shirley----front row! Way to go!!! Love the Kennedy Center as a venue.

Lolly, neat that you could post the videos. DId you take them with your camera or phone?

JudyEddy said...

My pass word was music for the Elvis video I that that was cool

JudyEddy said...

Cracker Barrel I love it I only eat the Uncle Hershils there lots of food for a low price What did you have? MEMAJO

JudyEddy said...

LORI so the vultures are in the woods or in the nest?? I hope the parents come and take care of them

JudyEddy said...

check out the OK eagle cam eaglet and adult were fighting over a fish tail it was on facebook and I just went on and it looks almost to be over now

stronghunter said...

Yes, Judie, I agree. That role was played by Dee Roscioli--checked the program for that info. She must be plumb wore out by the end of the play.

hedgie said...

Lori, are the birds still where you found them, or did you return them to the nest?
Poor things.....sure wish the parents would show.

Hi Judie and Judy!
Well, Prof....sorry that your summer is winding down so quickly. :(

Great news about your Mom, Lori!!! Nice that she will be coming for a visit so soon!!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

I just checked the black vulture chicks with the binocs and one of them has made it back to the front corner of the shed row barn where they stay...on the front door is closed, but there's 3 other stalls (remember term used very loosely).

It's a great move for either one of them. It would be quite a ways for the one in the woods, actually tree borderline area... and it would have been extremely encouraging for the one who appears the most injured with the bad leg. Progress, friends!

Would you help me pray them & the parents home? Thanks!

JudyEddy said...

LORI I google the sea eagle to see how big
This is another kind of eagle cool picture
A different sea eagle picture cool bird

JudyEddy said...

this is a cool one also
another eagle

JudyEddy said...

Here is another link with a different picture I am looking for the eagle that I posted earlier and can't find it

Another seaeagle

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...