Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Steamy day thread.


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Lori O. said...

oooops, how did that happen? SPLIT!

hedgie said...

Hoda, I can always tell things that have fake vs. real blueberries!! Same with strawberries. UGH! Blueberries really aren't terribly expensive in season....and I stock up. Grossery I go to often has them both on BOGO (buy one, get one free). They freeze well, and are always ready to throw into a batter for whatever!

Linda said...

LYNN - took me forever, but I posted a couples pics of Riley and Gigi. I need to spend some time to figure out that Blog thing. I think my pics are too big and it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r for a picture to upload. Then it seems like there isn't much moving around or editing you can do.

Probably me............

Linda said...

I think you said Good Night, Lori!!

If so, I hope and pray you, too, have restful sleep tonight and tomorrow brings new blessings your way. Prayers that your Mom has a good night tonight.

Love and ((((HUGS))))to you ♥♥♥

Linda said...

HODA - You're so right! Lori is the "real deal," and I think that is what we have here on this blog. This is an amazing group of momsters on this blog. I think we are as transparent as you can get. I just love the level of trust and honesty here, too.

Not to mention the fun and laughs!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, just popping in to say hello and goodnight!

Prayers for all, especially Lori's mom, Jack and his neck, Kathryn and her soreness, Linda's bunnies, and everyone.

Just a thought....how about Gettysburg? Not the nest, but not so far for many?

JMHO...Challenger for a name for Truder just doesn't quite sit right with me, as it would always remind me of him challenging Lib and winning (although I am still hopeful Lib will be returning in the fall). I still like Wanda's Colonel....sorta southern, definitely patriotic, and really goes well with Belle's name.

Gotta run, time for my SECOND shower of the day....rethinking putting the big a/c unit in the living room! Early day tomorrow, but we are closing at 2 instead of 5 (due to Dr scheduling mix up).

Love you guys!

Linda said...

We got a new log splitter last week and I think Dennis is going to let me help him split wood tomorrow!!! I'm excited!!

I'll probably get to pull the lever and that is it, but it will still be something new for me. I have pushed him for three years to get one. He does it all by hand and he works sooooo hard!

Lynne2 said...

Linda, Riley and Gigi are ADORABLE!!!!

Linda said...

Sleep well Lynne. Glad you popped in for a minute. Hope you sleep well! Love to you, too!!

Linda said...

I think it is time for me to hit the hay, too. I'm pretty tired.

Again, thank you all for your true friendships!! I love you all!

May God Bless and Protect us all the the critters we so love. ♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

I think Judie's sandman has sneaked into my house. I am going to close down for the night and head upstairs.

Good night and God bless.

Kathryn and Hunter will be at the river this weekend.

Linda said...

Thanks, LYNNE!!

I'm sure I have better pictures on my desktop, but I'm too tired to go look for some!! Riley is such a charm and Gigi is all over him!! It's funny!

hedgie said...

Good night, Lori. May God bless YOU enough! Love it!
HINT: medication questions? Ask a pharmacist. Docs don't know near enough about them as they should!

hedgie said...

Linda, so glad you posted the pics! Left you a comment. I agree, it is a difficult program to work with. I have often had to delete it and start over because of how google messes up the alignment and such!

Shirley, did you choose a fence??
Pics on FB were cute!
So you will have another quiet weekend! Way to go!

hedgie said...

I am joining those bowing out. Thank goodness no alarm at 5:30 tomorrow morning!!!
Prayers for all....and peace----in the world and in our hearts.
Goodnight, wonderful people!!

Lolly said...

Jack called me into the study. He was ready to discuss an October trip. Looks like we are going to take off for the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Then head to Colorado and ride the Durango/Silverton Railroad. Right now I can just think about the beach. LOL

Lolly said...

Linda, love the pictures you posted! Beautiful kitty and I love Border Collies! They are so smart!

paula eagleholic said...

Got lost in the split, again! LOL

Glad I finally found ya'll!!

I've been watching the WE nest tonight...the eaglets were a riot!

Also been trying to clean Nick's ears...he doesn't like it at all...finally figured out how to clean them so he comfortable with it!

Gotta let Nick out and then heading to bed.

Love ya'll ♥

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Lolly said...

Lori, I like Talon's name. It is his middle name that I think is rather peculiar. His name is Talon Coal. Now, I like Cole, but why Coal? That is ridiculous!!!

Lolly said...

I got lost too, Paula. Took me a second to realize where everyone had gone. LOL

magpie said...

I think I know just about where everyone has gone....to Bed !
I'm about to do the same.

Love to all of you, You are Good People !

Prayers for Wellness...Comfort, and Serenity

Tomorrow is Red Friday......Red, for a tribute to our Military Folks....

Good Night, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

I like Glo's new game. Thought I had it figured out, but then there are no folders for all the letters. I spent time trying to figure out what I was supposed to do. Finally have it (I think) but I doubt if I will ever get any points. LOL

Headed to the shower and then to read for a while.

Nigth all! Sweet dreams! Continued prayers for Lori and her Mom.

Mema Jo said...

Have a cool night's sleep!


Prayers for all and Peace Be With You


Lolly said...

Whoops! Hey there Margy!!! (((Hugs))) Jack received your card that was bought for me. LOL

Love the picture of Jack in the Pulpit. Have never seen that before. Very unique!!

Anyway....THANKS from Jack and from me!! Love you!

Lolly said...

Truder...sticking with Truder! There!! I just might have had the last word. roflmbo

PA Nana said...

Sorry Lolly but I think I'll have the last word.

Prayers for all needs/wants.
God bless the best people I've come to know and love.

God bless!

Hoda said...

WHAT A STORM!!!The winds, I thought we were all going to lift off!!! And you know what came down and is still pouring down bouncing off the sidewalk...We lost power for over two hours and now that I can write about all that you all have gone to bed....sweet dreams and God Bless.

While all this was going on I did my prayers and lit candles and felt such gratitude that I was not out there without shelter...

LOLLY I did ask that some of this you know what come your way and I hope it does...

Good night I am blessed that you are my friends...

Costume Lady said...

HODA, we are blessed to have you as part of our group. Your enthusiasm for life is so refreshing!

Every single one of us, on this blog, has something to offer and makes this a well rounded group.
We really do feel like sisters and have an everlasting love for each other♥

Family Friday and I haven't decided what to fix for our meal.
Think I will go to bed and lie there and run some ideas through my head:)


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone! Hi, Hoda, if you're still here!

Phew! I DID get my transcription done, and turned it in tonight. I only have to do 25 more hours worth!

Darn it, though, driving to school has aggravated my neck again. Shirley, where can I get a soft neck brace? Do you need a prescription?
Even if I only use it while at the computer, it would be a big help, I think.

Lori, I'm glad your Mom is on a med to stop the "barfiness." That is a truly awful feeling, and I'm sure it's extremely rough on someone who's had such major surgery. I'm pretty sensitive to anesthetics myself, so I know what that's like. Your Mom is such a trooper! I'm sure this surgery will give her a new lease on life, and will be worth it all before all's said and done! You need to make sure you take good care of yourself and your Dad, too, though. Don't get so exhausted you can't function! Glad you had a nice dinner.
Hoping and praying that your whole family gets an especially restful sleep tonight! ((((3-BEAR HUGS!!!))))

Oh, GOLLY!!! If I didn't know better, I would think there was an ELEPHANT STAMPEDE going on up on our roof right now! Think those raccoons need a good talking-to!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm gonna hit the hay before the sandman finds his way here. Heartfelt prayers for Lori's Mom, Lori, and her Dad. Prayers of thanks regarding Dan. Prayers continue for his complete healing.
Prayers for Jack. Hope your neck gets better QUICKLY!!! Prayers for EVERYONE here, actually, and for all our adorable critters.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow, Good Lord willing. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

JudyEddy said...

Wow no one has been on the blog since last night is that right

magpie said...

Hi Judy
I just found that myself...
Too Hot maybe! We are moving slowly this morning...

Good Morning... Red Friday It is !

magpie said...

And I left about Zero time to blog...
work day for me and it's coming up soon ! :(

Hope you are enjoying some cool time with Jordyn, Judy ☺ ☺

magpie said...

Jo :
Enjoy your sojourn to the Ocean !

Paula, and yours to the Paradise

And to Everyone in our all Eagle Corners...

Best wishes for a good day,

to Lori
Hope today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than Today !

We have you circled with love and prayers and (( Hugs ♥ )) as Judie coined: Faith, Hope and Lily Hugs!

Lolly, glad that card arrived...I will get you another one when YOUR birthday rolls around

Time to go....sorry I didn't leave time to be more polite and make more comments....
maybe I will see everyone from work...

xoxoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

LORI Hoping and praying your mom gets stronger with each passing moments and I hope everyone has a great day today Off to go see the monkeys that is Jordyn choice to do today I need to find indoor activities is just to darn hot hot 83 out now high humidity and dew point Yuck see ya some times this evening HAGD

Lolly said...

The blog is really slow this morning. It's because our early birds are not here! Miss you!

I woke up early and have read the paper. Annie woke me up and I could not go back to sleep.

We are going to go get the trailer this morning. I am ready to start getting ready. LOL

Wanda, the meatball recipe I sent out would be a big hit. You would have to double it or triple it, do not know how many you are cooking for tonight. Jayden would do great with them if he is going to be there.

Lolly said...

Hoda, you are so kind and considerate. Amen...to Wanda's comment at 12:56 last night, we are blessed to have you join us.

I hear rumblings about getting together this Fall and I do hope you can do it. I will be there in spirit!!! Maybe even with painted toenails! (In the past we have sent pictures to be there..Wanda painted my toenails in the picture!)

Judie said...

Good morning!

Lynn your serotonin antagonist made me laugh. Drug agonists and antagonists are not easy to teach. Use caffeine example. Caffeine = neurotransmitter. Too much needs to be reduced, too little needs to be increased. Balanced energy level. Balanced neurotransmitter fluid activity.

Staying in today. Will try to go out to collect cucumbers but that's about all. Just cannot tolerate heat and humidity. Will probably not even go to the Farmer's Market tomorrow.

About the name Truder (intruder): I have always perceived that name as a seriously negative human reaction to an animal that did exactly what nature intended whether we humans like it or not. He came, he challenged, he won. Simple as that. Nature does not care much about what we think or feel.

Off to finish my coffee and read the newspaper.

Have a lovely morning everyone and try to stay cool or at least comfortable.

Lolly said...

Then there were the times you were at the nest (without me) and I heard the horn honk over the cam. Too funny! Could also hear laughter and talked with several on the phone. More fun! Love you all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

Lolly said...

Judie, good morning! You are so correct about Truder. However, Truder has become his name and I do not think bad about him. He came, he conquered, we thought bad, but he is with Belle now. He's the man! However, Truder, has become his name. Once a person, pet, or eagle has a name it is hard to change..that is, it is hard for me.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Thelma! Have a great day and try not to melt!

magpie said...


Here is a Treat:


Good Morning from Work...xoxox

Lori O. said...

Yep, we're blessed that God guided so many great mostly women all to this wonderful blog.

LYNNE, you're spot on what I've been thinking. Challenger is a cute name with several meanings, but I don't want to be reminded that he challenged LIBERTY. I feel that would be disrespectful to our LIB who everyone of us loved so much.

SHARON'S Ringma still makes me giggle!

And I think LOLLY is right that he will always be Truder.

LINDA, GIGI and RILEY are adorable. She reminds me of the new kittens, Bobby and LeRoy's little sister Andy. Same coloring. How cute to see both of yours lying there so close. Precious.

We can never have too many pet pics on this blog! :)

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...