Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Steamy day thread.


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magpie said...



Lolly said...

Good morning!!!!

Lolly said...

Whoops! Need to go back and read before the split.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, in reading your post, I have to tell you that I got teary-eyed and goosebumps because I know exactly how how feel about this group. I have experienced exactly the same thing. Amazing group of eagle budlets! I will be eternally grateful to God for putting you all in my life.

magpie said...

and Have a look at Google Home Page

a whole lot of PEAS IN THE POD

magpie said...


and Lolly, Shirley, Judie...
and and and ...who else is here ?


magpie said...

Oh neat Google and the Peas....a whole bunch of "G's and G's "

reminds me of one of my favorite persons !!

Lolly said...

Okay, have caught up on the blog. Yea! Great to hear from you, Lori. Sounds like all is going well! (((HUGS))) for you and your Mom!! Well, gentle hugs for her.☺

Heading out to water pots. Then off to get my do done. Did not sleep good last night. Kept having bad dreams. Oh, how I hate that!

DanaMo...have a great trip.

I am off!

stronghunter said...

Bless you, Lori. So happy to learn of your mother's wonderful progress.

grannyblt said...

Morning all.

Lori this is a wonderful, supportive, diversified group. Wishing your Mom a quick recovery.

Lynne2 said...

good sweltering hot humid morning from The MARYZON rain forest!

Lynne2 said...

Lynne1, guess you are getting the awful heat up there, too. UGH.

Lori! HUGS for you and family and hope your mom is feeling better by the minute!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry about your bad Lolly. I had one too. Got up dizzy and nauseated at 3, but that has passed. Then I had a weird dream that I was with some friends at a Springsteen concert. But he never showed up. In the mean time, people were selling colorful large drug pills like vendors, and others were getting beaten up. The security guards did nothing so I screamed at them to help and they said they wouldn't because they were too afraid.

Judie said...

Checked in again and see that Lori was here.

Lori, continued prayers for your Mom's rapid recovery. She truly has a new lease on life. As Lolly said, gentle hugs for Mom. Lily, Hope, and Faith hugs for everyone else.

Try to stay cool everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Lynne1 shared this on FB
Eagle on gravestone

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, GLori! Glad to hear your Mom isn't in any pain and is progressing nicely. How is your Dad holding up?

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, I agree with you and Lori...I've felt those goose bumps and gotten those teary eyes...more than once. I don't know what I would do without this amazing group of friends!

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Judie...♥ this

Lily, Hope, and Faith hugs for everyone else.

hedgie said...

Morning greetings!
Reading back....comments as I go!

No one responsible for the water problem but ME!! But all seems well today---no pun intended! But no work being done today---so now I'm just antsy because of the mess outside from all of the paraphenalia and my stuff being out of place! Typical for me to be bothered by stuff like that!

Kay, either your birth hospital was very small or it is a very BIG funeral home!!! LOL!

Costume Lady said...

Feeling relief, along with Lori, that MOM is doing so well and that the docs and nurses have blessed her with pain meds! The worrying and waiting and fear are all gone now, not much left now but to strive for getting healed and look forward to a healthier life:)
LORI...Love your avatar, a mended heart! How on earth did you find something so suitable for this occasion? You are amazing♥

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, glad the well issue is resolved, for now. Have you ever had this to happen before?
In the past, we have had our water to turn muddy when watering the garden for too many hours...learned how to combat that issue by watering an hour or so in the morning and then, again in the evening. When your well water is muddy, your toilet water is muddy, along with water heater...what a mess it leaves:(

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I am relieved to hear your well has recovered....and I hear ya on all that stuff out of place!

Mema Jo said...

♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sorry I missed you all last evening! I tell you one thing, I WILL
I remember so well after surgery was over and all family members were so
supportive and caring, that when Paula
walked into my room with an eaglet and a booklet she had made with all your comments - well you just talk about True Friends!

Mema Jo said...

Lori - we'll always be here to help you
through the darkness... We shine Babe, we shine!

hedgie said...

Margy, it is Judy whose niece is preggers!

DanaMo---trust you are in the air and winging westward! Enjoy!

Interesting that the Finney1 fledgling-to-be with the smallest wing measurement is also the heaviest! hope it doesn't keep him grounded!!

magpie said...

thanks Hedgie on the correction regarding who is pregnant...Judy's niece not DanaMo's...

Kay said...

LORI, so happy to hear how well your dear mom is doing and soooo glad they are keeping the pain at bay ! Prayers continueing, continually !

LYNN, great to hear the well has recovered. Hope the guys, mr. baggy pants and all, will return tomorrow.

Isla is an amazing gal, still fertile after all these years !

Sorry I missed you JUDYE and DANAMO. I got a good sleep in this morning---good thing because I don't know what the sked will be for the next few days with company. We won't be 'oot and aboot' much, I'm afraid. It's tooooo hot and I've learned Barb has joined the "bad knee gang" and is suffering already from too much walking at stops between Tucson and here. Her hubby has had both knees replaced in the last few years and I guess she's destined to go through the same thing. Can't be blamed on stress due to weight as she weighs about 115 soaking wet.

Putting the finishing touches on the house and doing the last minute kind of shopping today. Oh, how I hate to venture out in what will feel like 100 degree heat due to humidity. It's all gotta be done, however.


magpie said...

Hi Jo...
oh neat, you Started out your morning messge with the ♥s
glad to see you..

and Judie
very clever, I agree....Lily Hope and Faith
hugs for everyone else...now I guess that is a pun

Hi Morning Eagle People xox

Costume Lady said...

MARGY,thanks for the info on the L of L report. That QUEEN OF THE OSPREYS, is phenomenal! I think, many of us thought the eggs were not fertile and that was the reason for not hatching. So, if that was not the case, wonder what really happened? It seemed that the eggs were well incubated...you know, Isla sat on those eggs like Horton, the elephant, in the kids story book:) She may still be sitting on them if they hadn't been removed. Very interesting!

hedgie said...

Well, cool that their Marge, our Isla, DID produce fertile eggs. Suspect then that the problem must have been weather related as Chrissy asserts. Still have to wonder tho' if the old gal will be able to successfully make another round trip journey.....???? :(

Andy, sure hope you get that neck and trap feeling better! I know how miserable it is. Sometimes the only relief is in the recliner for me along with muscle relaxer and pain pill!

Poor Kat, Shirley. Hope she feels better as the day wears on. Sometimes "working" out the soreness helps.

LORI!!! Good to see you, gal. So glad that your Mom is doing so well. God is good! Have they said how long she will be in the hospital?

hedgie said...

Margy, thanks for turtle info----I think he must be a very old one!

Oh, Lori and Shar---you BOTH give me goosebumps! Aren't we a wonderful family???!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly and Lynne2----headaches, nausea and bad dreams.....not a good combination. Hate those kinds of nights.

LOL, Lynne2--Maryzon---good one!

hedgie said...

UGH----just got a call from the painter guy warning me that when they removed the shutters from the garage, they found two black widow nests. S-C-R-E-A-M!!!!!! Of course, they killed them...

Costume Lady said...

Gene's friend, Arnie (had the heart surgery), will be coming home on Thursday, 6 days in the hospital. Actually, he was in longer, but had an infection and had to overcome that before they could operate on him...maybe 10 days altogether. He wanted to come home the day after his surgery:)
He was operated on Friday.

hedgie said...

Now he says they won't be back until Sat. Everything is a torn up mess...makes me very uncomfortable.

Margy----did I understand scanner traffic that there are multiple horses on the loose???
Quite a drill the Guard did! Bet you love that stuff---NOT!

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, I think you need to call ORKIN! I would wonder if there are more. Spray your woodpile!

hedgie said...

Great pic and story, Lynne1---thanks for bringing it over to blog, Lynne2. Very meaningful.

Judie---big bear hugs right back at you!!!!

Wanda, well has only gone dry once before---from watering shrubbery one year---I forgot to turn the hose off!

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY AND DIANN, be looking in your mail in 2 or 3 days...sent out your seeds this morning. Can be planted in the ground or in pots NOW, but may not bloom til 2013. Took my Lolly Columbines 2 years to bloom. The plant that the seeds came from is the one and only one I have. I discovered it blooming on a hillside, all by itself, last year. Dug it up and brought it to flower bed in front of the house. Not many seeds were available, but enough for 50 to 100 plants FOR EACH OF YOU...they are so tiny. ENJOY!

hedgie said...

Wanda, great that Arnie is doing so well, too! Is Gene working more since he's been gone?

MArgy, so glad you are keeping the Sweet William avatar up for awhile! Love it!

Wanda....wouldn't even know HOW to spray a woodpile! But I never attempt to move it until after first frost!! And I ALWAYS wear gloves doing that!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, if you have a snake in your woodpile (and, I think you did see one) it probably eats the spiders, hopefully...gloves is an excellent idea!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Gene workd for Arnie Friday, Monday, and again tomorrow. Don't remember how many days he worked before they decided to do surgery.

Lynne2 said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgie, I think it is time to move out! :)

magpie said...

I think regarding Loch of the Lowe's - as has been mentioned here a few times...
that maybe the cold rain weather conditions after egg-laying and during incubation may have played a part

Lynn - only one horse was running loose
and yes, glad drill is over

thanks for update on Arnie...
sounds good !

must get bck to the other keyboards and computers, WAAAAH!
xoxo TTFN

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning

Margy I visited your Wildflowers
beautiful as usual and the bark.
Left a comment.

Lynn-Hedgie not good if you getting
mud from the well. Especially with
as little rain as we are having.
Lynn give it a few days. Then check
you water.

For that kind of jump I never would
have used my well. I would have had
a water truck come in for that job.

See by comments on down that tank has filled. Good yes shut the pump off.
I lived on 5 acres so I do know
a little.

DanaMo have fun in California..safe
travel..I found out I love flying ( :

Prayers for the little girl that
was attacked in Ocracoke by a shark. So sad :(

Shirley Hope Hunter and Kathryn will have a good time at Angie's house at the river and Russ too. Shirley I am sure you was expecting Kathryn to be sore from that fall. Prayers for
her pain to ease.

Andy I hope your pains work themselves out. Since this is the job you worked so hard to get. Maybe re-adjusting some things at desk. Might help. I'll say
some prayers for you lady. I also like how you say "Turning on the porch light. Enabling both security systems". lol That should take
care of ALL of us!!!

JudyE Tell your niece's husband "Thank You for his SERVICE" for me please. So niece
got r & r pg. So good they both are so excited!!
Hope you have a good day at work.

LoriI see your comment from earlier this morning. So HAPPY that your Mother is doing so well. I know how it just makes your
heart feel and how relieved you are. Your Mother is still in God's HANDS. I continue prayers for
her as she heals. Just remember it takes time for the healing. The nurses should help her to get up and walk some. At least after my husband Ed's 5 bypass they did. Things could have changed in the surgery world by now. At the time he had his open heart surgery they were still breaking the Sternum (breastbone) but at a hospital in
Baltimore they were trying at that time. Going in through the side and not breaking the breast-
bone. So I don't know if they had to break your Mothers or not. I remember whenever Ed would have to cough. They told him to put the pillow close to his chest. It was a pillow shaped like a heart that the doctor gave Ed. Your avatar
reminds me of that. It does take time in healing from inside out. Just so happy the family and you are able to get some rest now. ( : Give your Mother a "easy hug from me". Prayers will be continuing!!!! We are here for you and your
family ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))

Lynne2 are you on any different kind of medicine??
That sure was a crazy dream.

Mema Jo We luvs ya lady xxxooo ( :

Kay I had a total left knee replacement. My doctor said it had nothing to due with my weight.
It was the arthritis in the knee that was like grit. He said arthritis must run in my family.
Which it does. I sure hope no one decides to start about weight and all. Yes if weight is too much most doctors will try to get their patient to loose some weight before doing surgery on the

Margy Black widow's huh. I'm glad they was the person removing the shutters and not you!!

Wanda Arnie is still on my prayer list.
That stinker really wanted out of that hospital fast lol Wanda so glad Gene is back to feeling
better ( :

Well I have worked on pictures of my trip. I think I have them ready to put up somewhere now. Always
get a call to go help Mother. So I am getting ready to go run an errand in Hagerstown. Then head
in to Mom's. She wasn't feeling good for a couple of days. So I've been staying in there longer
during the days. I hope I find her feeling better today. No she WON'T go to doctor either. Wanda does
that remind you of anyone earlier in her life--like last year and the year before that. lol

Take care everyone.

hedgie said...

Kay, hope you have a glorious time with your frineds in spite of weather and bad knees. I always think the walk from the lot to the rest stop buildings is ridiculously long! Guess it gives people time to walk out the kinks of travel before resuming the trip!

wvgal_dana said...

Kay don't know what trip your going on but hope you have fun.

Margy got to see your picture of the snapper and the tiger swallow.

Ok getting ready to leave.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Janet/Nilla's daughter Dawn.

Prayers also for Janet/Nilla's great grandson.

Hoda said...

Good morning/afternoon...

an overcast day here today and I am headed off for Yoga and volunteer work at the library...

Glad LORI checked in and glad to hear of NANCY's progress.

DANAMO Safe journey.

LYNN hang in there it will all get resolved. I understand about things being out of place...I hope Leisl is not barking.

JUDY E Thanks for opening the morning café and I am sorry there were no eagles.

I second the writing about how TERRIFIC the friendships are on this blog. HEART WARMING.

Have a GREAT day everyone see you in the afternoon.

movin said...




C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

Hi, DANA...yes, GG did not want to go the doctor for fear he would send her to the hospital. She does not fear the shots, IVs, blood work, etc....she just wants to be in her own home and bed1

Gene has lost all the scabs from his forehead and eye...only had a little itching at first (maybe two or three days) and no pain. I always thought SHINGLES itched badly and was very painful. GG had it around her waist and said she had much itching and pain for a long time.

Judie said...

Lynn, glad the water has been restored. I think I would absolutely call pest control people to check out the spider situation. It's one thing to laugh about you using your eagle cane to knock down webs, but quite another with Black Widow nests.

Good news about Arnie. Once home, he'll make even better recovery progress.

Kay, iced tea and relaxation should do your guests for at least a day.

Wow, I just got some bear hugs! Yep, figured if Lori's Mom would tolerate a gentle hug from the momster family, all the others would welcome some bear hugs from our favorite bear family.

If a snake tries to eat a Black Widow spider and the spider bites the snake, would the snake die? Not being funny. Just askin'

Only Black Widows I like are the ones I teach about.


JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch but can't stay long This was on face book thought I would bring over

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Lots of news on July 19 from the Wildife Center. One of the NBG eagles will be receiving a transmitter, materials have arrived for Buddy's new flight enclosure & WVEC plans to stream the release live. Would also like to remind everyone that screen captures & videos taken from the EagleCam must have proper credits (DGIF, NBG, WVEC & WCV) included & permission by the partners to use in publications or media platforms.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy...

Wanda, the Capt was very fortunate. Most of us have itching and pain. Oh, meant to ask you to tell him he looks quite alluring when he takes food out for the critters wearing his jammy bottoms. The trail cam caught him!

Hi Jo and Hi Jim.

JudyEddy said...

Love the Peas in a Pod on google thanks for pointing that out MARGIE
OTWIG BBL I have to shop after work and I hate shopping

hedgie said...

Dana, water is cheap but having the truck here with a pump for even two days would practically double the cost of the job....the painter doesn't have one. Charlie has a 300 gallon tank he said he could bring, but his trailer won't haul it when it's full.
Have never had this problem before....and didn't think that the water tables were low.
Will just have to let it be what it is and take it slow.

Maybe the black widows are only by the garage! And it's a good ways away from the house....yes, Wanda, hope the little snake is taking care of the woodpile. Myrtle probably helps there, too!

I remember my Dad finding one in the middle of the night in the bathroom at our "city" house. So they can be anywhere!

stronghunter said...


Black widows. At least they were at the garage, not the house.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see we had the same thought, Lynn.

Once had one crawl through a crack between floor boards in my house. I was hammering the crack closed when it happened. Biggest black widow I have ever seen. Good that I had some bug spray.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn often finds them in the tubs and containers in the storage area behind the shop where she works. I told her she needs to get her employer to call the exterminators. So far, she just hollers for the guys working there to come kill them for her.

stronghunter said...

I think I have mentioned having found them crawling out of an ATM one evening. I have never gone back to that bank.

I hesitated to take my money and the machine ate it (the money).

I think I scared the woman at the bank badly when I called the next day to ask about my money and tell her about the spiders.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

I woke up with my neck feeling better this morning! Thank you for your prayers! I have tried using Icy Hot patches on it, and they help some. Have changed chairs at my desk twice now. Not sure exactly what gets it started. May be related to an auto accident I was in long ago--1965, I think. I was a front seat passenger, we were waiting to turn left, and got hit head-on by a car going 40 or 45 mph that darted around another car facing us, and also turning left. My seat belt malfunctioned, and I was thrown forward, hitting my head on the car roof above the windshield.
Also got bounced around in all directions. Compressed my neck, and caused a colossal concussion and headache that lasted a week. Neck has made "grinding" noises at times ever since then. Can't complain, though--the police that came to the accident said it was a miracle I survived!

So very happy to hear that Lori's Mom is doing so well! Prayers for a speedy recovery continue! Lori, LOVE your avatar! ((Gentle Hugs)) for your Mom, and ((((GIANT HUGS)))) for you!

Lynne2, don't you just hate it when you have crazy dreams like that?! Do you think it could be from a new medication? That's happened to me before.

Guess I've missed DanaMO, but praying for a safe journey for her and family, and prayers for her 3 pups while they are gone.

Going to go into lurk mode and try to get some work done while my neck is feeling OK. Will check back in later.
Have a fantastic day, everyone! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.-- Will give Miss Emma some rubs, doggy cookies, and greetings from all of you. She is still fussing over me today--lotsa puppy kisses! Just gotta love her. :o}

Lolly said...

WANDA....will be looking for the seeds. Very excited! Will probably plant the seeds in pots after our return from the beach. Thank you, so much! ☺♥ (((Hugs)))

Had my do done and now I am ready for the beach. Came home and finished watering pots.

Jack went to a different dentist, was referred by the first one. He said he needs a crown but no root canal. Wonder why the first dentist did not know what to do??? There are cracks in the tooth, but nothing really bad. Hmmm???

So, he has that to face after we return. Lovely!

Lynn, so glad your water situation is better. Never had to deal with a well. That is a deep subject. Pun intended!☺ And, I feel your frustration with stuff not in order and in place. I am that way myself. Sorry it is going to be a drawn out job.

Have errands to run now.


Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here--
Just have to comment about black widow spiders. When I was 5, we moved to Utah. and lived in a 4-plex with 2 basement apts. They had window wells, and the wells were full of black widow spiders! Remember my Dad sitting me down for a serious talk about them. He explained how deadly their bite is, and cautioned NEVER to bother them. I survived, by the grace of God, but it's putting it mildly to say I am phobic about spiders! Interesting fact: I have heard (from a program on Nat Geo channel) that they can only give you black widow spider antivenom ONCE in your lifetime. Guess the aftereffects are so bad you wouldn't survive a second go-round! Lynn, please check with an exterminator!

Mema Jo said...

Hubby said it was so humid it was hard to breath out there - I'm so glad the
song birds still come for the seed..
Squirrels are hiding away from the heat.


hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley....why didn't you hit her with the hammer???!!!!

Judie, don't know the answer to your question.....but would suspect that a snake's skin is too tough for a bite to penetrate. In the mouth---maybe the saliva starts instantaneous digestion that would make it incapable of biting the mucous membrane! Just a guess!

All I know is that I hate all 8-legged's and there is absolutely no way to 100% protect an abode from them, no matter where you live!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, that would have totally freaked me out...spiders coming out of an ATM!!!

JudyE, thanks for posting that about the NBG triplets...saw the info last night and forgot to post it!

hedgie said...

Wanda, I'm sure you and Gene both know how very lucky he was with the shingles. Not only the fact that he had little pain, but he could have lost his sight like my sister's friend did ( both eyes).

hedgie said...

OMG, Shirley.....I did NOT hear about your ATM run-in. Awful!!! I'll definitely be watchful! Tell Kathryn to always wear gloves in that shed!

hedgie said...

Hey, Jim...I missed you! How's the puter today??

Andy and Jim...it's too bad that you all didn't make some plans with DanaMo to meet while she's out there!

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, glad the neck is feeling better. It does sound like you were lucky in that accident.

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad that Jack now knows what is what. I thought it sounded like mine when it was fractured (cracked) on the inside.

hedgie said...

Andy, I too am phobic!

I hate to say this, but I suspect an exterminator would be laughing all the way to the bank if I had him exterminate in the woods!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, Will was with me, and we were surprised to see several black widows there. Would not think they would tolerate each other.

The woman I called at the bank was definitely upset. I said that I expected there were lots of little places where they might put their hands in the little building where the ATM was located. I suggested they might want to call an exterminator. Wasn't my bank, which is one reason I haven't been back, but it would be creepy, too.

hedgie said...

EEEkkkk....went out with Liesl just im time to see a 5 ft. black snake in the woods! He turned and started crawling away from the house direction!

stronghunter said...

I did learn that if you do not take your money in a reasonable amount of time, the ATM sucks it back into the machine and credits it back to your account.

I have always wondered what happened to the people behind me, but it was night at an ATM, and I did not want to risk getting shot by walking up to their car window to tell them about the spider infestation.

hedgie said...

Carolyn is going with me this evening for puppy school. Too hard for me to breathe outside....and have two errands I MUST run, so she can stay in the truck with Liesl so that I don;t have to mess with carrying her. Sure can't have her walking on hot parking lot pavement.

Lynne2 said...

Well Lynn, it has to be done...this one is for YOU!

For Lynn!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Andy and Dana.....no, no new medications at all. I only had Aleve before bed last night and didn't eat anything weird either! Glad your neck is feeling better Andy!

I got some Gatorade at the store. Maybe I feel kinda crappy due to electrolyte imbalance!

Glad Caro is going with you tonight Lynn. Don't over do! It's just so gross out there.

stronghunter said...

Rescued Eagle Pair

Susan just sent me this.

Judie said...

Shirley, thank Susan for the rescued eagle pair story and thank you for posting it. Sweet story.

So happy it is a rare occasion that I would use an ATM. However, I have forewarned.

Andy, so glad you are here with us. Amazing how many close calls we can experience on the road of life.

Lynn, you and Liesl have fun at middle school tonight. Glad Carolyn will be able to help.

Lynne2 said...

Judie, have you found any eggs or caterpillars on your Milkweed yet? My Milkweed looks sad this year. Don't know why. Not blooming too much either, and there is a million P***y ants all over it. Every time it rains, it falls over and today I staked them all. No eggs.

stronghunter said...

Went back to Home Depot to talk to the guy about fencing. Told them I would be interested in a deck if I can save some money on the fence.

JudyEddy said...

This was just on the new and I found it check this out
Car vs Man hole cover in Montreal back to the news BBL

stronghunter said...

Judy, I really wonder about the person who chose to drive by while that was going on. I would have stayed far away.

stronghunter said...

Some kind of water pressure there. Lynn, that would clean your logs. Hmm, might move the house , , ,

stronghunter said...

Have bridge tonight. I will return later.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds I have been playing with people avatars and put them here check out your avatar the They are yours for the taking if you want them I just found a new template and thought it was cool

Now I need a neck rest (not break)LOL Haven't read any of todays blog

AVATARS I just started with some on Glo Glimpse 2 and as always get carried away but I had fun doing it BBL

Lori O. said...

Hello all my precious eagle family.

I am at the hotel waiting for the shuttle back to the hospital.

On my way back to the hotel this afternoon I saw the National Aviary is just a few minutes from the hospital and was wondering is any of you had been there? I checked out the web site but cannot tell if it is worth it or not for a few hour visit or not.

I'm hoping the Percocet has worn off and the Zofran is really kicking in for Mom, and that maybe she has bee able to eat something and keep it down. I knew she wasn't right this morning and when the orderly said she was ACTING I became a very protective daughter of her defenseless mother!

JudyEddy said...

I love the way NICKS turned out and ANDYS dog LYNNS is cool to oh well I like them all LOL BBL

JudyEddy said...

HI LORI so glad your mom is doing some what better give her a hug from me when she is up to it I wish you and your family the best and I had tears in my eyes when I read your post earlier I think this blog is the best thing all around Ok I do need to rest my neck BBL just saw you on and whated to let you know I was thinking of you

Lolly said...

You be that protective daughter, Lori! Sic 'em!!! Patients need someone to be there for them.

Lori, the avatars are really interesting. Love the doggy ones!

Lolly said...

What is with all the necks, anyway? Jack got a new muscle relaxer today.

Judie said...

Lori, I have not been to the National Aviary but I have heard that it is interesting and worth a visit. Probably depends on how much time you have and how much you need a little respite for yourself.

Protective daughter you should be. Based on experience with Darth, there will be some ups and downs. If doctors have not already discussed, ask specifically about post-surgical expectations, e.g., depression may visit either as a result of temporary limited mobility or medications. These post-op issues will pass quickly but you and family should be aware so you don't over-react. Sorry, don't mean to over-step my boundaries.

Judie said...

JudyE, I think the avatars you created are awesome. You seem to have some seriously creative talent. Now, just tell me how to capture the butterflies to update my avatar.

Shirley, enjoy your bridge night.

Judie said...

Lolly, hope the new medication helps Jack. By the way, how did he respond to his anti-gravity chair?

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE are you on a desk top puter if so take mouse and right click a box should show up and different options are there choose SAVE Picture as to a file in your computer or you can email me your email address Mine is on my profile click email me and when I get a email from you I can send Your aren't of Facebook right I put some there also so try to save to puter or email me a letter that way I have your address OK

Lolly said...

Judie...he was very pleased with "our" chairs. LOL Plan on putting them in the trailer and will certainly enjoy them.

JudyEddy said...

It not talent is this link that you choose a picture and it does all the work here is the link and this effect is in the complicated effect area at bottom of page I have fun doing different pictures

magpie said...

Hi Judie
didn't want you to be here all by your lonesome

Good to hear from Lori again, and hope that when she returns to the hospital she finds her Mom in good straits, starting to heal and feel better ♥ Thinking of you Lori, and I agree with others who have posted today...this family here of Momsters and Dadsters is a comfort 24-7. Remember with warmth all the kind thoughts, prayers and encouragements last fall when my sister Annandale Anne was so very ill...and she is doing so good these days! Like my ol' Older Sister "Babo ." ☺

Judie said...

JudyE, thanks. Didn't realize it would work the same as clip art. Just wait until you see your talented handiwork!

So glad, Lolly. With anti-gravity chairs, the trailer should go really, really fast.

JudyEddy said...

I walked out my door at lunch and had a black snake about 3 ft on my sidewalk right near my door and odd there is a pile of Poop on the corner of the side walk DO SNAKES poop bigger poop than they are if not that its not the snakes poop HA HA It would be twice the diameter of the snake

Wow I never knew that about a ATM machine either

magpie said...

Oh Hello again Lolly and Judy

Always nice to schmooze with friends after the work day


magpie said...

The tricky avatars are neat, Judy...Lolly's Team Liberty really sprung to life with a Lot of Yellow !

and mine turned out nicely also!

magpie said...

Speaking of spiders, wonder how old Boris is doing, where he is hanging out these days...been a nice looooong time since we saw him at the Sycamore Palace !

magpie said...

been sitting at computers and keyboards all day, going to do a little reading and will be back around later

Best wishes for a good evening, Eagle Pals !

xo ♥

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

I think I captured the new picture. Let's see if this works.

Judie said...

BB in a few.

magpie said...

checking to see if the Atlantis landing before sunrise is still on schedule for Thursday....

here is that link again:

NASA TV site

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I just sent you the picture through you reg email

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

JUDIE you did it Kudos gal

JudyEddy said...

ok now I do have to go sit down as I have been saying over and over LOL This puter has a hold of me LOL Let me go please It won't let me go Help!!!! HAHAHa LM LM big time

Judie said...

When you return, JudyE, thanks so much.

paula eagleholic said...

I see Lori posted...didn't realize I had a text from her earlier today...my phone only alerts when the text comes in...and I missed that...

Her Mom was getting nauseous from the pain meds and throwing up....so they were taking her off them and giving her Zofran for the nausea.

paula eagleholic said...

Shhhhh, don't tell Boris we miss him!

Costume Lady said...

Wonder if BORIS is a Black Widow?
Do any of you watch BIG BROTHER?
It is on now.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - it's steady as it goes - seems
your mom's drs are very alert. Praying
for speedy recovery.

Today my great grandson (from Hedgesville)turns 8 yrs old - going into 3rd grade.... Joseph

Going to watch Royal Pains at 9:00 and then that's it for TV for me.

Hoda said...

LORI Thanks for the update on your Mom, also PAULA for relaying the text message. Be an advocate for your mother Lori that is a wonderful thing. Be clear with your questions and your concerns and I think this will make your "protective of mother" a positive experience for you and for her caregivers...I have faith and trust that you will be strong not only for her but also for yourself so you would not wear out...Keep us posted...

JUDY E thanks for all the creative work with the avatars. Interesting shapes and colour compositions.

MARGY Somehow Atlantis is not getting as much coverage as Endeavour did...I wish them a safe re-entery and God SPeed wit their journey.

LOLLY you are headed to the beach soon, enjoy and I hope the weather co-operates for you.

LYNN keep us posted of Leisl's efforts at intermediate school.

JudyEddy said...

NILLA posted this on facebook Remember awhile back Leland her grandson had issues

Back from a long day in Morgantown at hospitol with Leland.. Let me first say thank you for all the prayers and to God for it seems the doctors think Leland will just be fine.. They didnt take any of the fluid out.. thought it best because could cause him to get and infection.. So he goes back in 2 months.. and his body is aborbing the fluid but will take time... So once again the power of prayer works!!

ON THE NEWS the shuttle should be right over us we should be able to hear the sonic boom in the am Cool Beans

MARGY Black widows Yikes My mom would always spray spider spray all the time outside especially in the storm cellar because of spiders My daughter every morning when she goes to work the past couple of weeks a spider has built a web right over the door to the office so every day she destroys it to go in and he rebuilds is Poor spider all in vain LOL

Still got some more to read BBL

magpie said...

I'll try to be watching and listening on the site at the NASA site at my computer in the morning, (don't get in on regular TV) so we will hear the same thing more or less at the same time !
I am going to go to bed early so I can be up for that...
I want to hear when they say, Houston, we have Wheel Stop
...for the last time...

Good Evening more Eagle Pals...
thanks Paula for the information from the text message


magpie said...

also thanks for that positive report on Nilla's grandson Leland, Judy

magpie said...

fortunately I am not the one with any Black Widow Spider stories....
Lynn, Shirley, and Andrea did...and maybe some others too

JudyEddy said...

I wonder how much a exterminator would charge to do the woods?? LOL
Oh Carl parents own a bug business in St Pete do you want me to ask LOL They have two bug business one is a Do it yourself and the other they come out to spray
JUDIE I liked your question if the snake would die well if they eat them would they die also from the poison?

Oh I forgot everytime I go visit June and Terry in NC they have snake issues also they seem to find there way in the house they think from under the house something to do with the fireplace First she thought they were in the wood piles when she brought in logs but she should always beat the piles with a stick to scare them away Yeah no matter where you live woods or area like me we all have snakes and critters love it or not

Just read about the ATM ok now I will be checking

magpie said...

guess we are going to have that "leafy Truder image" in the nest until an Eagle or two arrives to move things around

paula eagleholic said...

Boy I really pity those having to work outside in these steamy conditions...was out watering for 15 minutes and the sweat was just rolling off...

magpie said...

watched a [probably taped] interview with the four astronauts a little while ago, four, smaller number crew, they commented on how different that can be, and the lady was getting teased about here
Space Hair...it was all very uplifting and interesting

magpie said...

It is frightening, Paula
I am surprised that at work we have not had more heat-related emergency calls, and not even that many associated-type calls such as elderly with breathing problems.
Grateful for that...

JudyEddy said...

I'm sort of use to it I think its a good omen also don't know why just do. It just to much of a coincidence that it look like a eagle

ANDY what a accident amazing what little stories we all have in our lives That is how my neck was injured the second time C5 C6 herniated had fusion on them at the second accident

I did it I am caught up Yeah Me LOL LM It looks like they are not coming Looks like we have to settle for Leafy the Eagle LOL
LYNN water is flowing again YEAH

So glad I have city water June and Terry had to tote water from the river when their mess up lucky they live on the river I love it up there so pretty They just had septic tank issues had to get it moved was not up to code to close to the house all thought its been there since the house was made eons ago They had a collapsed line and when the guy came out to fix it then it got reported

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am
God Bless this Nest
and all
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


magpie said...

Ok this is weird...color gone at live feed, but still there on Still Cam...
am I seeing things or going crazy !

so glad you pointed out that Eagle image to us, it is fun to See things that are Not There....

Hope you have some great couple of days with Jordyn coming up

magpie said...

the time on the Still Cam is 8:45 - that is not correct....
Ruh Roh

How Come Why ??

magpie said...

So, we get to see the Leafy Eagle all night?
Sorry I was too late to say
Good Night Judy...or am I ??
Go ahead, pull a Margy !

magpie said...

Please tell the Captain:
I made a citrus fruit salad for Wednesday Lunch today at work,
had all the ingredients COLD including bananas...and they stayed firm and didn't get mushy or discolored, just the way he told me to do it !
Thanks -
I'm having leftovers now ☺

hedgie said...

Hello. So sorry I didn't say goodbye! Carolyn got here a nd we were busy talking and trimming Liesl's nails---and I just shut down without thinking!
Home, ate our take-out dinner, and Carolyn is on her way home. Now to catch up!!

magpie said...

Now the Still Cam has lost its color and time seems to be correct

JudyEddy said...

MARGYS comment got my ears perked up OK WANDA I must have missed something about keeping banana fresh and I hear the Captain know the secret Do tell please!

I heard the email chime so I knew there were comments so I came over to read back to mind numbing TV

hedgie said...

LOL, Lynne2---I remember that song!! It's a good thing it was that and not a picture!

Shirley, I posted the link about the eagle pair a few days ago---can't believe you missed that feel good story!!! Bobbi had posted it on FB if I remember correctly!

Saw the manhole cover explosion on the news right before we left---I thought the car was parked there!!

Kay said...

LORI,what did that nurse mean by "acting" ? So glad you're there to advocate for your mother and I'm sure your dad is grateful, too ! Hope the Zofran did the trick for the nausea and that Nancy will have a restful night. Will be busy with company the next few days, but not to busy to pray---in fact, they can help me do just that !

♫♫ Happy Birthday to MEME JO's great grand, Joseph ♪♫

JUDYE, thanks for relaying NILLA's wonderful news. I'm not removing little Leland's name from my prayer list just yet, but soooo happy God has blessed the little sweetheart !

LYNN, hoping to hear all went well with "middle school". What a sweet daughter Carolyn is ! What did you girls pick up for dinner after class ?

MARGY, please share the good Captain's hint for keeping fruit salad nice and fresh, especially when adding bananas ! I bought some big, lucsious strawberries, raspberries and blackberries at a little gourmet market today. Want to combine them with a banana for breakfast Friday morning.

I may return to catch the lastest posts after a shower, but if not---

Here's hoping you'll all have a good night and praying as always for those in need !


hedgie said...

Lori, that Zofran is great stuff! The ambulance crews all carry it on board here now, and it's ordered frequently. It sure got me through chemo well!

Lynne2 said...

I'm calling it a night folks. Tired as all get out, and so is Steve....HE has been working outside all day. I stocked some G2 to go with the water!

Have a good night and prayers for all!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everybody.
As usual, konked out in chair last night & never got on here. No new critter reports---only 2 deer at Chelsea all day. I guess it's been too hot to see many in daytime anymore. We always saw Moms with fawns a lot in the past.Don't see the foxes anymore either altho they are there somewhere.
So glad to hear Lori's report on Mom!!! Prayers for continued quick recovery!!
Dr. appt. in AM. gotta work on some body parts! LOL He will check my toenails which had been too thick. Have been taking meds for that & now have polish on since they're decent.It's gotta go!

magpie said...

Atlantis crew is about to get their final wake-up call
might be fun to listen to

hedgie said...

Judie, your advice to Lori was very sound. I couldn't have done it any better! You are 100% spot-on!

hedgie said...

JudyE---left comment on your blog....but saying it here for all to hear: I love the creative things you did with the avatars!!!! WOW!

hedgie said...

Right, Paula....don't anyone invite Boris to return!!!

Wanda, nope, I've never watched Big Brother.

magpie said...

God Bless America
by Kate Smith...

The atronauts are Awake on their (most likely) final day in orbit
last notice on touchdown, Thursday 4:56 amCentral time, 5:56 am here in the East...

Going to bed now, want to watch this in the morning

Hi Lynn..Liesl....

and Good Night Everyone, Prayers are going UP...

Love you Lori !!! ♥

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Hoda, Liesl did very well tonight. FINALLY did one thing for the trainer that she absolutely was not doing in class, but doing perfectly at home!! DOWN! I think she didn't like the cold floor on her bare belly. Here she has carpet!

Hoda, maybe they are downplaying Atlantis return a little because there is so much angst and consternation over the end of the program. Sure hard to celebrate the loss of 30,000+ career jobs, the near-abandonment of the ISS to the Russians and Indians....and the very idea of it all becoming a commercial enterprise in the not too distant future. JMHO.

magpie said...

Whoops sorry there are a few questions about the fruit salad:
Gene says to have all the ingredients COLD before you add them together. My salad, (and his) had juice with the citrus, and you can add a little orange or other citrus juice, think that helps too. The bananas need to be cold too before you add them.
Should work the same with the berries, Kay...I think...

and oh, dear, I missed saying
Happy Big Number 8 Birthday to Jo's GREAT grandson Joseph! Way to go Joseph - a good year, #8 !! ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Good Report, Lynn, regarding Liesl...and so nice, an outing with your Carolyn ☺

Good Night, Precious Pals...
xo ♥

grannyblt said...

Waving my hand here before I catch up further on the blog. Lori, I have been to the National Aviary. The day I was there,it was hot and there were millions of children, but I will go back. It is indoors and airconditioned. Lots of unusual birds in a couple (or more) open displays. And even some local native birds. Also those South African penguins.

hedgie said...

Kay, I got the new pulled pork sub from Subway and she got a chicken ranch. Very tasty!
What time is your company scheduled to arrive? Bet you are getting excited! Hope you haven't worked too hard to enjoy the visit.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne1---no need to wave your hand! Just jump right in. We don't stand on ceremony!!!

Goodnight to all turning in. Prayers for all.
Heading for the sofa with Liesl to watch taped Jeopardy and get her ready for bed! She likes to cuddle first. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...

Been on the phone with my youngest...now have to go out and finish watering!!

Hoda said...

LYNN thanks for the report on Liesl. I am glad she did well.I think there are mixed feelings about it being the lasr mission is true. They are professional and do their jobs and at the same time they will be out of a job...I think you hit the nail on the head...

Judie said...

Have eluded the sandperson but only long enough to stop by and say:

Happy #8 for Jo's great grand Joseph.

Glad Liesl demonstrated her smartness tonight.

Hi Loretta. Not much critter activity here today, either. Some birds and only one squirrel after I delivered dinner. Even put ice cubes in the birdbath and water bowl.

Hope Margy gets some "quiet time" sleep so she can see the landing in the morning.

Oh for crying out tears! I'm being warned for the last time tonight. Sandperson is really quite grumpy.

The night light is on for anyone who may arise in the darkness, come in from playing bridge, or may wander in from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

Kay said...

MARGY, thanks for sharing the fruit salad secret. I'm going to put a naner in the fridge !

LYNN, I have to try that pulled pork sandwich--there is a Subway about a block away as the crow flies and four away otherwise. Yes, I am excited about the company, but apprehensive about how we three old codgers are going to take the heat. We're going to Julie's for a manocotti n' salad dinner, indoors as it's too hot poolside. So sweet of Julie as she barely remembers Barb. You guessed it, I've cleaned and recleaned in preparation ! They should arrive about noon so I'm planning on, do it yourself subs with some nice ingredients I bought today.

Kay said...

LYNN, glad you taped Jeopardy. The kid from Idaho is turning out to be a phenom, eh ?

paula eagleholic said...

Nick got to meet the neighbors on the other side of me tonight...they were on vacation. They liked him ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Going to try to hit the hay here too...have been getting up late this week!

Happy 8th to Joseph!

(((Hugs for all♥)))

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, Kay---he's one smart kid! Sure hope he keeps winning for a long time!! He seems so reticent and unsure of himself....but so much better than a cocky kid!

So nice of Julie to plan a nice meal for you all! Your fruit salad sounds like it will be delicious! BTW---what's the latest on her MIL Judy?

Lori O. said...

Good evening best-in-the-world Eagle Family!

I have read through the posts and so many thank you acknowledgments to make, THANK YOU ALL!

JUDIE, you never overstep your boundaries. I think I speak for all of us when I say we greatly appreciate your wisdom, strength and intellect. Any advice greatly appreciated.

JO, I sure hope your grandson had the most special of birthdays. Birthdays a a kid were always such a momentous event - what happened? Now we cry at at some of them! 39 was by far my worst - 50 was nothing.

JUDYE - thanks for your special note. I will give my Mom that hug as soon as I can. Like DANAWV was asking, yes, they cut her breastbone so she's a little sore. Boy, do I miss our mornings on nest patrol. REST your neck!

DANAWV, you nailed it. Mom has a heart pillow to hold when she coughs, too.

LOLLY, I knew all you Mothers would appreciate the protective daughter story. I told my father about it when he came and then realized I had better not tell him the orderly's name! Dad was unhappy, as well.

HODA, you are another Princess of Wisdom! Thank you for your word of comfort and advisement. Always appreciated.

SHARON & THELMA, I hope all is well in the South! Sharon, I knew you would know the depth and importance of this beautiful thing we call our Eagle Family. THELMA, I miss you checking in in the morning. Big hugs for both of you...or as I laughed when Judie wrote, Faith, Hope & Lily hugs! JUDIE, I forgot to tell you how I howled at that.

PAULA, I loved your observation on Chewy Nick and Good Boy Nick. Makes you wonder about their past. I'm so happy you are there to make his future bright and happy. Thank you also for posting my texts, fearless, great and honorable leader!

hedgie said...

The outdoor din is deafening.....Carolyn says it is the tree frogs...glad to hear that it isn't bugs!!!

PA Nana said...

Good evening. It's my time to chime in. Hope everyone has had a good day. It sure is HOT!!

Will be staying indoors tomorrow for sure. The humidity is wrecking havoc with my joints and unfortunately have had to rely on pain meds today. Will probably have to repeat this tomorrow.

Wanda, thank you, thank you, thank you. Will be looking forward to the seeds to replace those that floated away several storms ago.

Lynn, sorry to hear of your water woes but glad to see they have been resolved.

Missed Margie, Judie, Lynne1, Lynne2 and others. Sorry, but wishing them a good night.

So glad to hear of Lori's mom's recovery. Prayers that she continues with good reports.

DanaMo, safe travels for all.
Lolly, if I could move easier I'd do a rain dance for both of us.

Hope everyone is careful in this heatwave and drinking lots of water. We're under an excessive heat warning tomorrow, as are a lot of you.

Shirley, thanks for the warning about spiders at the ATM. Eekkk.
I'm phobic about them just like Lynn.

Andy, hope your neck is better soon.

Off to watch the local news.... bbl

Kay said...

JUDIE, how thoughtful of you to put ice cubes in the bird bath and water bowl !

JUDY, the avatars are amazing ! Where did you go for those ? Oh, oh, tomorrow is a sleep in day for you, DANAMO and LORI are both away and I've been sleeping like a log lately. MARGY, it's all up to you ! You are going to be busy with the Atlantis and Sycamore Palace to keep tabs on ! Enjoy !

WV DANA, I'm not going on a trip, but am expecting folks in from Tucson. Early Fall I think I'll head up to Michigan for a week or so and I will be going to New Jersey for Thanksgiving. That'll be it until Spring when I hope with all my heart to attend the open house and meet n' hug my precious Eagle Buds !

Mema Jo said...

Judie - why on earth did you give the grumpy sandman directions to my valley??

Thank you one and all for the b-day wishes for Joseph! He also loves eagles and has been to Open House and he
has been in the driver's seat of Capt
Gene's Eagle Express parked over by the

I am closing down and will TTUT
Prayers of Thankfulness for so many good things happening for our group members. Love and Peace to All
Hugs for you too ♥♥♥♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

Hi Kay. Aren't you up late? Not used to seeing you on at this time of night.

Goodnight Jo. Belated b-day wishes for your ggrand Joseph.

Kay said...

LORI, so good to "see" you here ! I can tell a lot of the tension has drained out of you, just by the way you write. Hang in there !
{{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}}} ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

KAY, I hope Linda is still not working on converting you to a night time gal! LOL

Sounds like you and your guests will need to take it easy. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time regardless. Can't do hearts on this keyboard, but just picture 7 of them, as in
L I B E R T Y, of course. Love that your continuo prayers are continuing continually! Big Faith, Lily hug for you!

LYNN, yes, GOD IS GOOD! And, especially to the Momsters! They were thinking they could send Mom home on Friday, until she got so sick and nauseous this morning. Maybe Saturday, then my Dad will push and make them keep her until Sunday. He gets nervous because she always wants to do too much, too soon, and he's had to make too many unplanned return trips to the hospital - that's scary because they live nearly two hours from here.
Anyway, thanks for asking. Sorry to hear about all the construction commotion going on at your place. Is your well back up?

I had loaded all my kitten, flowers, more birdhouses and black vulture chicks pictures hoping to get them up on my blog, but it doesn't work the same - not for me, yet, maybe never. I may have to wait until I get home, but really wanted you all to see and meet Little Sister Kitty, Andie.

Finally, I thought Mom was doing much better tonight. She didn't have the nausea, still had not eaten, but it was an improvement. She's intent on walking and eating tomorrow. I've warned everyone that once she gets going she'll be running the hospital. She's so amazing that way. Hoping she'll be back to her 100 mph-Nancy nickname in no time.

Oh, and yes LYNN, we are a great family! Absolutely!

Kay said...

Hi PA NANA ! Yes, it is late for me. I'm just so keyed up about my company coming tomorrow. Barb and I have known each other since we were 6 years old, best buds, in each others weddings--lots of history. I actually hope to reset my inner clock, rising later as any respectable retiree would do ! Please don't tell LORI or any of the other SSCC regulars this little secret.

hedgie said...

Lori, time for you to get some sleep, girlfriend! So glad that your Mom is doing so well! She is who you got your guts and gusto from, I'm sure!!! Earlieer you mentioned riding your horse in the surf in CA. Funny....Mits sent me a pic this morning of the Assateague ponies cooling off in the surf....and I said that it had always been my dream to ride a horse that way! AND YOU HAVE! Lucky lady!!

PA Nana said...

Kay, your secret is safe with me.
I probably won't remember it tomorrow. ☺☺ Hope you and your friend have a great time together.

Saw that Lori posted after me. So glad to hear the good news about her mom and Lori's advocacy. Hope my kids watch out for Jim & I when we get old(er) and feeble. That doesn't seem so far away either....

Lori O. said...

Lynn, actually I rode the horses in the water in Jamaica. AWESOME!!! If you ever go on a cruise, a lot of the little ports will have horse excursions where you can do it.

Kay said...

LOL, gLORI ! The cat is out of the bag. LINDA has been sending stay up late and sleep late vibes my way ! We'll see what happens next week. Do you plan to stay with your mom and dad into next week ?

PA Nana said...

Riding a horse in the surf sounds so refreshing....

Sleep well Lori and dream of horses and surf.

I barely remember riding a horse. Haven't riden for about 50 years. Don't think I could mount a horse today. That picture makes me chuckle.

Lynn, your Liesl sounds so affectionate. Love when our pets return our love.

Kay said...

Okay, so now I'm getting sleepy. "See" you tomorrow ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Alright, KAY and PA NANA! I'm hearing every little secret you are sharing. KAY, you can leave, but you will always be an Early Bird at heart - or we can make you an honorary Early Bird, but you'll never get rid of us! :)

PA Nana said...

Think I'll join you Kay. I'm still waiting to get sleepy but I'm sure it won't be long. Still trying to catch up on sleep after Max's visit last week.

Have good night Kay, Lori, Lynn and anyone else lurking. Going to shut down.

God bless everyone. (((hugs)))♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Thanks PA Nana, sounds like a great idea. I'm about ready to fall asleep anyway. Long, stinkin' hot days here in Pittsburgh.

Good night all! GREAT BIG HUGS for all of you.

Costume Lady said...

KAY & JUDYE,put everything that you want in your fruit salad, in the fridge. When you make your salad, don't put the berries in until just before ready to serve...they may discolor the other fruits, especially the blackberries.
Enjoy your visitors and take pictures and share them:)

hedgie said...

Hi, Di. Bye, Di! Sorry you are hurting so badly.
Goodnight Jo and Kay and Lori! Sleep well....I love having the A/C running through the night and snuggling into the blankets!! That's the only good thing about nights that have daytime temps!!
Okay, Lori---Jamaica...remember now you said that! LOL--I've only been waiting for about 5 yrs. for a Caribbean cruise that my youngest promised me!

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, Capt. Gene is very proud of you for making a perfect fruit salad:)

hedgie said...

Time for me to head for the pillows, too. Don't think Margy can have the nest, the blog and NASA all up at the same time on her dinosaur. NASA will be primary, I'm sure!!

Prayers for all. And thanks for your friendships!

stronghunter said...


Back from playing bridge.

Lynn, I saw the link about the feel good story you posted a few days ago. I didn't read it then because I was zooming through the posts, then I couldn't find it when I went back looking for it.

That is why I did not post the first link about the two eagles on here, just on FB, I thought the one I posted today would be an update or something, so that is why I posted. Well, I guess everyone has gotten a chance to see it by now from one of the other of us.

Probably not making a lot of sense tonight. Getting pretty tired.

Lori, it is so nice to hear from you and learn that things are getting better.

I will have to call it quits until tomorrow. Came home to an empty house and was worried because I did not know where Kathryn and Hunter had gone. Realized cell phone had died. Was imagining some awful family crisis.

Turned out that one of Kathryn's friends had had a family crisis (marriage problems) but Kathryn did not want to interrupt my bridge game, so she had not called me anyway. So it did not matter about the phone. She and Hunter went over to comfort her friend and the children.

Costume Lady said...

OMG, DIANN, I forgot to send your yellow seeds, just the blue/purple ones. I will send along the yellow ones tomorrow. So sorry:(

Now I lay me down to sleep~

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say goodnight. It's been pretty humid here today, so although the temp is a bit lower, it doesn't feel much better!

My neck is doing better today. (Yeah, what is it with messed up necks here on the blog?) Have been taking extra-strength Tylenol for it. Hate to take any more meds than I usually do, though. Can't take NSAIDS because they are too rough on my stomach. I have used Icy Hot patches, and they help. Guess it's just a matter of time.

Oh, before I forget,


I finally got up the nerve to do a load of laundry. Now I have to put it in the dryer, and hope it stays below 95 degrees in the garage! Don't know HOW all of you back East are coping with this, OR Lolly & Jack in Texas!
High heat didn't seem to affect me as much when I was younger, but now I just can't handle it well at all!

Well, guess I'd better make sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems, too. Prayers have been said for everyone, and all creatures. Sleep well, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow, Lord willing. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good night. I will see you tomorrow. My brain is not working well at this point.

Hoda said...

I think every one is signing off and so I will too. It was wonderful to catch up to the blog and know that all is well and healing is happening and good advice on salads...good place to be this blog of ours.

Goodnight and God Bless all.

Costume Lady said...

♪♪♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOSEPH♪♪♪Wish I could have given you a dozen Egg Salad sandwiches:) Loved having you and your brother in the Eagle Express, last year...what a fun time we all had♥

Lolly said...

Well, guess what! Have been sleeping all night in my chair. That's because I did not sleep good last night.

Guess I really should go to bed.

Sandman came and walloped me over the head! Nasty man!

Night all! Sweet dreams!
(thanks for the rain prayers!)

Hoda said...

Woke up and my first thought was "no one will be a the Sycamour Palace Café" so I got up and decided to take this morning's watch...I'll go make a good cup of Earl Grey Tea...

Hoda said...

My! but the nest is dark and our phantom eagle seems to be squaking loudly with legs extended forward...LOL!!! Tea is ready, you all can pretend it is coffee...

magpie said...

Good Morning Hoda!
And other Eagle Pals in Advance ...
As Hedgie mentioned, the blog, still cam, live feed and NASA will lock me up so I'll say HI now, and try to get back over here as I can...
about 48 mins or so until Atlantis touches down

magpie said...

SPLIT upon us

Hoda said...

NASa TV is on and they are on time, activating the Auxilliary Units...I heard the Captain talk to the Ground Crew...God Speed ATLANTIS...every thing is running in good shape...

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...