Thursday, July 28, 2011


New thread.


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hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, that sounds so upsetting. Sure hope they change their minds about the whole thing. :(

Winding down here, too. Hope Margy checks in; she may catch Andy...or vice versa! And Wanda!

Rest well. Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

LOLLY----interview is about Darth's long history with Neighborhood hasn't aired yet! You can listen to it Sunday morning at 7:30 Eastern time!!!

Costume Lady said...

We had a fun evening with GG and the rest of the family. We did go to the China City Buffet and GG ate her crab legs with much gusto! It is such a treat to see her enjoying a meal like that! Jayden sat next to her in a high chair and when his plate got full of things he did not want, he put them on GG's plate, then decide later that he did want them after-all and take them back...he DOES NOT like crab legs, much to the dismay of GG. She can't share with him:(
Birthday cake was ruined before we could even put candles on it. I carried it into the dining room and tripped along the way and fell belly-down into the cake...ROFLMBO!

Costume Lady said...

Glad you aren't being threatened by the storm and that you get lots of needed rain!

Thank you all, again for GG's Birthday wishes. I will show them to her Sunday:)


Hoda said...

WANDA I hope you did not get hurt when you fell on the Birthday cake...oh no!!!

Good night to all who have gone to bed Sweet dreams and God Bless.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - you'll be able to follow the ant trail and find Nick's bone! Maybe
Nick will find it for you

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Making my way here to say goodnight. Shirley & Lynn, thanks for posting the link to 97.1 WASH-FM! Will have to set an alarm and listen to the interview!

Wanda, I hope you are OK! At least the cake broke your fall a little! Hope and pray that you won't be sore tomorrow! So good to hear that GG enjoyed the crab so much! Please give her some (((HUGS))) for me!

Got all the grocery shopping done except for one or two items. Will need to go to yet another store tomorrow to find them.

Hoda, thanks so much for posting the video of the whale rescue! I'm sure that the whale was saying thank you!

The craziest thing just happened with my computer! I was finishing up one of the doctor's reports, using a template. All of a sudden, it was as if the "delete" button got stuck! I wasn't anywhere near it, but suddenly all of the rest of the template just disappeared, one line at a time--exactly as if I had held down the "delete" button. When I went to copy and paste the rest of the template back into the document, I found that if I opened the template where I had saved it, the part that disappeared is missing there, too. Yikes! I have NO idea what happened.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I can't believe you did that to
GG's Cake! Shame on you, gal!
I don't even want to try to visualize

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I'm saying prayers for everyone, and every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Hope everyone has sweet eagle dreams tonight! Please say some prayers that my computer will decide to behave! God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Did anyone here know we

Mema Jo said...

I am going to put this system down.
Peace be with you and God Bless Us All
((hugs)) ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

ANDY so what did you do? Did you lose all your work? This is upsetting!!! Did the computer go to overdrive? Sometimes I lose words when I am trying to correct in between words already typed. My friends tell me it is because I go into over drive...You sounded like it was manageable situation so I hope it is and that you have not lost all of your work...sigh!!!

Hoda said...

Well I am going to sign off too. Good night to all and may you have sweet dreams. God's Blessings come your way.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Can't sleep, so where do I head ? Right here of course.

LYNN, your avatar put a smile on my face ! Liesl is sooo cute !

DANAMO, you nailed it--a massive storm system hit here about 8pm, not too bad in the northern part of the county where I am, but a deluge further south, about 5 miles. 1800 lightning strikes in a half hour !

Julie and I made it home just in time. She took me out for dinner at Molly Woo's--good Asian fare, and then shoe shopping. For her, not me. This gave Seth and his dad some one on one time, too.

Thanks so much to all who have mentioned my dear friend, Judy. I know how powerful Momster prayers can be and do appreciate your help !

LORETTA, I find your news regarding work and the possible change distressing. Hope it doesn't come to pass.

WANDA, thank goodness you weren't carrying a cake with 91 lighted candles aglow ! What a shock that must have been ! I can relate. Years ago I was carrying a couple of pies into my mil's kitchen, my contribution for Thanksgiving day dinner. I tripped and the pies went flying.

ANDY, what a shame your delete key went berserk ! Hope you find the work is retrievable !

JO thanks for sending the revised August celebration dates via e-mail !

Still not sleepy, but will take some time say a few prayers for those in need, and for our weekend travlers. Saying thanks that LOLLY, JACK and the kids are safely home.

No need to think of Early Birding this morning since the cam is down, so will settle in for some zzz's soon, I'm sure. See you later in the day !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Good very early morning.

I am in the recliner with a purring George. He is always pleased when I come down to have a glass of milk in the wee hours of the morning because I give him a little milk of his own. Then he will settle onto the recliner with me for awhile.

Oh, Wanda, I am so sorry that you fell. I do hope you are okay.

I thought that the still cam was not working, but there seems to be something there. The live cam is still down.

stronghunter said...

Well hello, Kay. You can't sleep either?

stronghunter said...

I took some Benadryl with a glass of milk, so I expect that I will be drowsy soon.

Kathryn and Hunter will be taking off early this morning because they have to be at football at 8:30 AM to collect Hunter's gear. But before that, they have to take care of a friend's pets--two cats, two dogs, and a guinea pig.

They checked on the pets last evening and found an awful mess. The friends are in Ohio, but I think the husband is returning tomorrow (Sunday).

stronghunter said...

Glad you are safely home, Lolly. Sorry the trip got cut short. Nope, you have not missed the interview. Sunday morning 7:30 EDT.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Loretta, I hope your work situation will not become a problem.

stronghunter said...

Good night again. I will see you later. The Benadryl is taking effect.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that I did manage to get my work done, even though the computer took on a life of its own! It was as if the delete key got stuck, but I promise you I was NOT ANYWHERE NEAR IT when this happened! Creepy!!! It was as if a gremlin was controlling my computer remotely! It really kind of scared me. I don't think remote control was possible, unless someone at Earthlink was messing around, because we don't have WiFi--the lead pipes in our house interfere badly enough that it won't work. We have cable internet. I did lose the last 3 pages of my work, but I did manage to finish it, and e-mail it to its destination. Have programmed this blasted laptop to autosave everything I work on from now on. Geesh!

Thank you for your concern! Guess I'll head back to dreamland now. Hope I can get back to sleep--the night herons are so noisy right now it sounds like the Pterodactyl Chorus!
Will have to turn on some music or something. Gonna sic Norton 360 on any computer gremlins. Good night! :o]

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds I didn't get up early being cam is down and it looks like others followed suit I just wanted to say good morning to all before I went to work HAGD BBL

DanaMo said...

Andrea-Geez...I hate computer problems. Glad you were able to get your work finished. Even losing 3 pages is a drag. Drives me nuts when things don't work properly especially electronics.

Good morning to anyone who is here at the cafe this morning.

I may go back to bed too! I thought I would walk outside and it would be cool after the rain, but it is NOT!

JudyEddy said...

♫♫hApPy BiRtHdAy VICKY♫♫

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Oh, NO---Wanda----so very sorry about your fall.....chest plant into the cake was messy, but what about youur "new" knee??? Praying that you aren't in too much pain. :(

DanaMo---so YOU got rain??? Lucky! Missed me.

Andy, so glad you got your work bsack....I'm with Dana---I get so frustrated when electronics FAIL!
Do you have your template saved on a disc, just in case??!!

Hoda, if you are losing type when correcting: hit Insert key once before adding any new type between words!

T-Bird said...

Happy birthday Vicky.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Gee, what is with all the middle of the night conversation? LOL

Wanda, I can just picture your fall. Sounds like you are okay, certainly hope so and glad you can laugh about it. As long as you were not hurt...laughing is the thing to do!

Have already been out making armadillo repairs to the yard. Grrrrr! Now, while it is not too hot....unload the trailer.

Glad I did not miss the interview, but the question is...can I wake up at 6:30 to listen to it. Going to try, but can not set the alarm as I will not want to wake Jack.

It was NOT a manditory evacuation so, no money was returned to us. Did not expect it. Don fizzled out and we are not getting any rain. In fact, it is getting hotter and of course...drier!

Okay, heading out now.


T-Bird said...

Later-I hope you all make a fine day.

magpie said...

G☺☺D Morning Eagle Pals

Happy Happy Birthday Wishes for our Just Vicky ! Hope this is a Glorious and Beautiful Day, Vicky xoxo ☺ ♥


magpie said...

BWO nest all empty
FinneyOne, just had three chicks and one parent, and NOW has one adult and one chick

Hope everyone is doing okay today

magpie said...

James and his Dad stayed here for the night, James and I are up, but his Dad, still snoozin to the sound of cartoons in the background

Had a great outing at Swinging Bridge, four hours of splashing and sunning and collecting rocks and some neat driftwood

magpie said...

Yes, Lynn
Liesl Avatar is a Wiener, er, I mean Winner !!

magpie said...

Am so sorry to read, Kay
that your friend Judy's diagnosis took a downturn
Prayers for her comfort and healing, and the medical care coming up
Miracles DO happen, and I hope this occurs with her
(( Hugs ♥ ))
Glad you had a nice evening with your family

magpie said...

also very distressed to hear of the upcoming changes at
Loretta's workplace...If something ain't broke, why fix it?
I love her workplace, and everything she reports to us about it....and hope that things can remain the same after all

magpie said...

Welcome Home, Jack and Lolly !!

magpie said...

oh computer problems, Andrea...
Think I am grateful for what the Dinosaur allows me to do here...
and that "he" has been behaving well lately
Hope nothing like that happens again !!

movin said...




Yesterday, I typed up a comment; then I got sidetracked while signing in; came back an hour or so later and finished the process; clicked on "sign in"; got a Google error message......

Sorry about not signing in with you yesterday, friends.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

magpie said...

Okay Jim!
Present and accounted for !

You see, the 3rd chick at BWO fledged on the 27th but the babes are in and out often
also Finney Land, chicks are leaving the nest there too
wingersizing going on at Finland Water nest

DanaMo said...

Trying to make a list of things to do today and groceries to buy but I'm finding little motivation. Can I blame the humidity?

movin said...

Looks like Finney's chicks have been fledging..only two ospreys on the nest now.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

magpie said...

Oh Wanda....
I am so sorry to read of the cake walk/fall....
YOU are okay, right ???
Sounds like a fun evening with GG and the Gang !

Need to get some street clothes on, as Jo says...
and get the show on the road here...

Thinking of everyone, and sure do hope this is a GOOD Day

xoxo ♥

movin said...

Sorry, Magpie, I didn't read your comment before going to Finney's nestcam.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

There's a fledgling returned to the WE eagle nest. Calling for breakfast it sounds like.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

magpie said...

No Problem Movin' ☺
You're A-OK in my book

ttfn xoxox

Mema Jo said...

I always worry or show concern of the
Hack Tower - do the released young birds
come back? The NBG fledglings don't have
a nest to where they can return. Hope
they all do well.

Good Morning
Was reading and got got up in the conversation...

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to you Vicky !
May all your birthday wishes come true and hope your year ahead is fantastic
((hugs)) ♥

movin said...




C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Finished cleaning the interior of the trailer. That was not a fun job in that there is no AC! Needless to say I am wet with sweat! But, it is done and now Jack takes to be repaired!

Forgot to mention that they scheduled Jack's MRI for Monday. He is a little paranoid about having one. Wants to see about an open MRI. I have had two and did okay with it, but he is a "frettin"!

Kay said...

Happy birthday, Vicky ! May all y♥ur wishes come true !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Finest Eagle Family!

KAY, I'm so sorry to hear about your son's MIL, Judy. We'll do Warrior Momster Prayers for her. I know she is a dear friend of yours and I'm sorry for your pain, too.

I hope everyone survived the heat yesterday. Hopefully Belle and Truder are staying cool in the woods or by the water since they didn't visit this morning.


WANDA, I'd love to see a picture of 91 candles flaming on a cake!

JUDIE and FRANK (DARTH) did a great job yesterday when we recorded the interview. Of course, they're pros.
As you know Judie's work is really interesting and her story of starting college at age 38 is pretty amazing, so I will be doing an interview with just our JUDIE in the future. I like to use inspirational stories that motivate people to make their life and their community a better place. Any suggestions of interviewees are always welcome. I just feel so blessed that we have such a great group in so many ways. I'm really proud of all my family here on the blog.

Kay said...

LOL, JO, we were thinking along the same lines when wishing Vicky a happy birthday. I should have read back before posting so it wouldn't look like I'm a copycat !

hedgie said...

Good morning, Margy and Jim and Lolly and Kay---and Thelma disappeared again already!

Lolly, is Jack claustrophobic? There should be plenty of open MRI's in greater Dallas area....but may have to reschedule!
I think there's a high demand! I'm not literally claustrophobic but some types of things bother me a bit. So far I've made it through MRI's and CT scans okay---except for when they are doing my brain, they let me use my iPod and I just keep my eyes closed!

hedgie said...

Robyn shared a really cool eagle video on FB....I downloaded it on RealPlayer, and tried to put it on my blog---without success. Waiting for suggestions from Paula!

Kay said...

LORI, so happy to "see" you ! Do tell us how your dear mom is doing. Thanks for remembering KF Judy in your prayers. She's a 100 mile a minute gal like Nancy--my son calls her "Flash" because she does everything so quickly and energetically. It's sad to see her stopped in her tracks, but hope she'll be able, with God's help and our prayers, to conquer this thing.

Lori O. said...

Guess I should get back to work, or find something helpful to do since I'm here with my mother this weekend in PA. She's home now and doing wonderfully! There's just some things she can't do on doctor's orders, but she feels great!

Don't think I told you but we had the bee guy out AGAIN to find the yellow jacket nests. Prayers please that they just go away. I'm so scared to water or mow now. Next attack I think I'll sell the house. YJ's are just so moody, then should they get a little wet, WATCH OUT, clothes start flying!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I also fretted before the MRI
I had - Was just for the head area so
I didn't need to go all the way in..
The attendants were great.

Sorry to hear that the armadillos
knew you were gone and had a party in your yard.

Lori O. said...

OH NO LOLLY! Not the Armadillos !!! I'm so sorry. I know how much you dislike them and they are not doing anything to endear themselves to you, are they?

Mema Jo said...

Kay - it's ok with me and I hope when my
b-day comes rolling around that you give me the same wish! Why not have your cake and eat it too! lol

Kay said...


SHIRLEY, sorry I missed the chance to visit with you early this morning ! I bowed out a moment too soon. Got some significant zzz's and hope you did, too !

Lori O. said...

Gotta run now, will check in later. I love you ALL!

JO, really love that picture of Marvin. I must meet him.

Does anybody have plans for National Night Out on Tuesday, August 2? It's not too late. It's a great program and thank the Lord for people like Frank, Judie's husband, who puts so much time in volunteering to make their neighborhood safe. Cheers! If you two ever want to move to Frederick (okay ROTFLMBO at the thought of that) I'd be happy to have you in my "neck" of the woods!


Kay said...

LOLLY, have you and Jack sought the help of a pest controller in your war against the pesky armadillo ? I've heard they, as do many animals, hate the smell of ammonia and moth balls. Trouble is so do we humans, so don't know if that's worth a try or not !

hedgie said...

Bill came and checked the motion light on the garage....which is staying ON all night long! Needs to be replaced. He measured for new front door trim boards...and is at Lowe's getting it all.
I need to run into vet's and get Liesl's monthly dose of heartworm and flea preventatives....her weight has not maybe I can get a few months supply.

Margy, did you and young James wear out big James???

A guy posted on Robyn's video post that he sees mature eagles up at Park's Gap! He MIGHT know what he's talking about...but maybe not: he tried to say that the juvies in the video were goldens---NOT!

Kay said...

NX and KS are enjoying their swinging perch and looking good. Interesting quote regarding NX:

Quote:Steve Living was saying after handling NX that he had never held a stronger eagle!

This bodes well for her future !

Kay said...

LYNN, hurray for Bill ! He is, indeed, a good friend !

hedgie said...


Linda said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!!

Just in time for a

NatureNut said...

Happy Eagle Saturday to Everyone!
Sneaking in to say Hello.
Lolly, forgot to say Welcome Home!!
Happy Birthday Vicky!!!
Wanda, hope you are physically OK. I think everyone could have a cake scoop!! ☺
Good to hear from Lori in PA that things are doing well!!
Real busy here today, but talked to Dir. about the other job problem. If we/don't or can't transfer I might be able to pick up a day here at Park, but will definitely visit farm on my own time. It's been our home away from home! BBL

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch with 110 to read

NatureNut said...

BTW, The osprey cam is alot better now that we finally got our new antenna. Right now is a mini-milestone, Ms. Piggy chick has eaten enough that it's resting in the shade. Dad brought in more fish & is sharing with the little boy with NO intereference! He is so good, reminds me of Lib ☺!

Also, our naturalist, Greg, said we shouldn't worry about Isla. He said she is too old to lay a 2nd clutch!! Hopefully, she will migrate on time.

hedgie said...

Loretta-----NEW THREAD!!!!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...