Thursday, July 28, 2011


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

I will need to talk to the neighbors about attaching to their fences as well.

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

Already 90°...heading for 100° or more.....terribly oppressive.

Mema Jo said...

Going to repost from earlier blog page..

I think I best tell you the b-days I have for AUGUST... Please email if you should be included:

4th Barbara Willard
6th Robyn Schonhans
18th Candy Norrell
27th Capt Gene Wright
30th Bobbi Schonhans

August 7th is Friendship Day
I came for the EAGLES but I stayed
for the FRIENDSHIPS I have made

Mema Jo said...

I want to explain that the saying about
Friendship is not mine. I first saw it
on another Eagle blog and loved it -
Then at one of our Open House dinners,
Lynn/Hedgie presented all that were
there a 2x4 engraved plaque with the saying. I have kept mine by my keyboard since then.

wvgal_dana said...

I did have to take some CVS brand Tylenol this morning. Does not help much but even a little is better than nothing.

Shirley I think it is neat that Hunter got to see those baby squirrel with their eyes still closed.

Thank Susan for taking them to the
rehab person. I know she does things like that. She has been involved in different rescues. I still want you to tell her "Thank You". I don't think they get enough thanks. Also tell Kathryn and Hunter "Thank You"for finding those baby squirrels.

Margy see where you and James and his Dad are going to hit the Swinging Bridge waters today. HAVE FUN!!!

Loretta we have a Ledo's here now. I had their spinach salad and it was delicious.
Going to go there and eat in one day.
No problem gal that is why we are F A M I L Y;
so we can talk about things not just wildlife.
Doesn't matter how many times you been through it. Each time brings those feelings up again. Hay every time I have to have surgery...I start thinking ok is this going to be the time I don't come out of it. Then after talking with friends. I think ok I've made it through others I'll make it through this. Later until
the surgery it will come back again. Of course, again I will deal with it and talk with friends again. I'm ready anytime to meet God. I just worry about my daughter
being the one left alone on this earth.

Paula lol tell that wonderful Nick woof woof and give him a good rub behind the ears or where he enjoys it most. ( :

Emma sure is a winner Andy. So glad you have gotten more work from the doctor. More happy
that is counts against those hours you need to finish.

Wanda Tell GG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! please ( : She
will enjoy those crab legs. Hope they are good!!!!

I have been watching our Norfolk eagle flying back and worth a lot inside the pen area. I think
with it being the only eagle in there. It has more time to fly now. That will help build up its strength for time when it is to be released.

I sure hope I don't miss that interview on Sunday Lori
it says it is at 7:30am. Will there be a place if you miss it like a link where you can click and still hear it???

Oh my Shirley with all those "pinkies" and Barbara has
to feed them every 3 hours. WOW that is one DECIDATED LADY
I bet Susan just loved Barbara showing her some new stuff and showing her around.

hedgie said...

Shirley, sure hope that it doesn't take as long for your fencing to come in as it did mine......about 4 weeks, both times I ordered. I know H.D. can't keep that stuff in stock, but seems like the manufacturer is way too slow in supplying them when orders are placed. Good luck!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie are you feeling any better today?

stronghunter said...

Oh, I hope it does not take that long, either, Lynn. I would like to have it much sooner than that.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, spray that poison ivy and be
ready for the fence when it gets there!
I'm sure it will hinder your yard traffic and give all the doggies some

I need to get some lunch.......


Mema Jo said...

Birthday - Bob Hollinger 5th Aug

Add Bob and also I have no record of
anniversaries except 2 in my family & one dear friend.

wvgal_dana said...

My Rose of Sharon I planted two this spring. One is blooming; oh I hope the hummingbirds start coming to it. That is one reason I planted them.

I just seen online one with a white bloom with red inside and a red one. Mine I think both are purple.

wvgal_dana said...

This I think is gross they are saying that the "Caset Anthony" mask is suppose to be a big saler for this Halloween. I wouldn't want to wear it!!!!!!! I don't think Wanda will be buying any to sell either JMO.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo have said this before but I just "love" your avatar lol

wvgal_dana said...

ooppss Casey Anthony

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to our friend GG
Because of you, Wanda, we all love her!

Mema Jo said...

I wish Megan were here and that I would not have to look up my own answer...
What is the difference between
Rose of Sharon and Hollyhocks...
Guess I'll google and find out!

I will Not put any money out of my pocket that would concern Casey Anthony - period

Kay said...

Here I am, earlier than expected. Just got this word about KF Judy aka my dil's mom.

"Judy met with her doctor Thursday afternoon, and the news was not good. Unfortunately the leukemic cells (blasts) have regrown, and she is not in remission. This was a huge disappointment as all signs to that point had been so positive. The next step is another round of chemotherapy. Judy will go back into the hospital at 9 a.m. Monday, and expects to be there about a month."

I wanted renewed prayers for Judy to start without delay and I thank you because I know you, my dear Eagle Buds, are on it ! Meantime, the granchilren Judy and I share, Lauren (20) and Cooper (16) are flying to MI for the weekend, joining their mom who has been there all week. I'm sure they'll be good tonic for Grandma !

WV DANA, the Norfolk eaglet isn't alone. She has the company of KS, another rescue bird. I watched them both earlier and they seem to be quite compatible. She's flying well and apparently just got too pooped to cope the other day.

Mema Jo said...

Now I don't think I have Hollyhocks in my yard - it is a Rose of Sharon tree.
My daughter called it a Rose of Sharon
I should have listened to her.......


Mema Jo said...

Kay - so saddened about Judy's condition
Prayers for her recovery will be offered
The grandkids should bring some sunshine
for her...... ♥

Kay said...

Adding my ♫♫♪ Happy 91st Birthday , dear GG !♪♪♫ to the chorus ! JO is so right, we all feel like we know and love her because of you WANDA ! I think she is so blessed to have you, Gene and all the grands n' great grands and I'm sure she agrees !

Costume Lady said...

Already 99 degrees here...Yikes, glad I did my watering this morning when it was 77 degrees.

Hollyhocks are tall, slender, fuzzy plants with rounded, fuzzy leaves...Rose of sharon are mid-sized trees or bushes with brown branches and shiny leaves. The flowers look a lot like a hibiscus and somewhat like a hollyhock...all pretty!


Kay said...

LYNN, happy to hear Carolyn n' Charlie came over last night to assist you ! That knife sounds pretty special. The "boy" loves you dearly, doesn't he ?

Costume Lady said...

AWWW, thank you for GG's Birthday wishes. She is one SPECIAL lady. I have loved having her in all my 70 years and wish to have her as long as she wishes to stay with us in this life♥

Kay said...

WANDA, we all knew you'd nix anything to do with Ms. Anthony ! I can't imagine the mentality of anyone who would seek to "be" her on Halloween. She is ghoulish, but should not be honored in any way.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Kay many prayers will be said for your DIL's Mother KF Judy. Sorry to hear the leukemic is not in remissiion.
The grandkids getting there will be a help. I pray for you to Kay because I know of what a disappointment this is to you also.

Way to go WANDA!!! I just knew you wouldn't!!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading out to pick up Mother.

Everyone have a save and good day.

Kay said...

Take a look, both NX and KS are visible in the pen right now. One enjoying the water and one on the ground nearby.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon eagle budlets.

I will chime in on the Casey Anthony thing. I think to make anything Casey Anthony at any time would make a mockery out of Little Caylee's life. This is no joking matter and I hope she has to stay in hiding for the rest of her life.

WV Dana, I love a Rose of Sharon! :)

Going this afternoon to get my hair did. If I finally get to meet Pat Monahan, I can't do it with ugly roots! :P

Kay said...

Thank you DANA and JO for your prayers. I knew I could count on you and I know all our momster prayer partners will be thinking of Judy and the whole family, too ! I♥U !

Hoda said...

Goodmorning. Afternoon East Coast Time.

This is an incredible story of whale rescue and gratitude. WHALE RESCUE

Kay said...

Thanks for reposting the amazing Whale rescue story HODA. Someone shared it several days ago, but there will be those who missed it. The gratitude shown by the whale is so touching !

Hoda said...

Thanks Kay I had not seen it before. So I am one of the ones who missed it. Amazing display.Have a GREAT day.

hedgie said...

Hello, after-lunch crew! Guess it's still too early for lunch for Hoda, tho'!

I saw the whale story on the news this morning.....such a wonderful outcome. I just can't believe the amount of netting he was caught in. I know that "accidents" happen with lost nets, but geewhiz, there has to be some way to prevent this kind of thing.

Kay, I am SO soory about Judy. Prayers comtinue, more fervently tahn ever. (((HUGS))) to you and know that my thoughts are with you.

Speaking of SIL: "boy" struck me as funny, for some reason! He's a bit older than Carolyn is.....6 yrs. actually. Ha----I was still in high school when his mama had him!! Don't know about the "love" part----even tho' both of my SIL's SAY it, I don't know how much they MEAN it!!! But he does know my Civil War pre-occupation!

DanaMo said...

Time for a nap...just because.

Mema Jo I sent you an email.

hedgie said...

Shar---I can think of no better bush for you than a Rose of Sharon!! Even tho' I cannot recall the story right now, I believe there is a Biblical connection.
I love them and have always wanted some...Carolyn has several beauties. Charlie is going to try to plant one here for me....but I'm not hopeful. Things just do not grow well here.

Hey---I thought you already HAD met Pat...?????? How soon is the concert? What route are you taking to Pittsburgh? What's your schedule look like?

hedgie said...

Gotta say that Liesl was a very bad girl a little while ago. She had been out......came in and we were playing ball. After a few returns, she didn't come back....and when she did, no ball. I got up to look for it-----and found a HUGE puddle on the kitchen carpet. And she was slinking away with her tail between her legs. ARGH!

Hoda said...

Oh NO LIESL and she was doing so well...I am sure she feels awful about it LYNN.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have not met Pat - yet! The 2 routes from here show 79 through Morgantown and 77 through Parkersburg. I think the 79 one is about 45 minutes shorter.

stronghunter said...

I need to get the fence ASAP.

The Fence Guy joked that I should discourage trespassers with a BB gun. The two guys I just saw cross through the yard would not be discouraged by a mere BB gun. Two large men. One was carrying a bicycle.

stronghunter said...

Shame on you, Liesl!

Mema Jo said...

DanaMO - send me the email again
I may had trashed my junk mail & I
think that is where I lost it...
Thanks..... I'll be looking!

hedgie said...

Shar---so you're going up through the middle of the state rather than 81, huh?

Shirley, sure hope you can get the ball rolling rapidly----bet that bike was stolen! Otherwise, why not walk down the street with it??!!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I don't know where the bike might have come from. Wondered myself.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, when we had to leave Myrtle Beach a day early because of Hurricane Charley in 2004, we ended up getting a refund.

They guaranteed a refund if there was a mandatory evacuation. We decided to leave before the evacuation was declared to be mandatory. When I got home, I requested the refund and got it.

After we left, they reversed the direction of the interstate highway so that everyone could get out of town. I was just as happy to miss all of that excitement, but we still had a long, dark, rainy drive homeward.

I hope you get away before the rain starts.

Charley went into the gulf, crossed Florida, and came up the east coast and came inland at Myrtle Beach.

JudyEddy said...

Love it ANDY has a alarm for spiders to cute.

SHIRLEY the babies are so cute loved the story from the rehab peeps place I bet Hunter was thrilled and has a story he can tell for the rest of his life he rescued life

That is so sad about the dog but we are invading their space I feel sorry to wildlife they are running out of space to live they had issues of coyote in Clearwater a while back living in a abandoned hotel

DANAMO cute little critter in the pool I though at first a rat from the first pic (profile)then after wards that cute little face is a groundhog soooo cute

Had a nice morning at the park with Jordyn as always she is napping and I have been reading and doing some tidy up a bit not much but some

LOLLy hope your sting is gone by today I have lived in Fl and so far have never been stung of course I don't go to the beach any longer either to play in the water that is I go out to take pic of sunset and just relax but not in the water

jordyn just woke up bbl

hedgie said...

I am SO angry-----a dog in a car at Charles Town Walmart lot----animal control officer is in S'town....."it will have to wait". THEN SEND A SHERIFF, damn it.

hedgie said...

Or a FIREMAN with an AX.

hedgie said...

100° at my house.

Lolly said...

Home in 2 hours! Think the storm is going in south of port A. My brother,who stayed will brag and say we should not have left! However, we were ready! Our AC went out!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY 91ST BIRTHDAY TO GG!!! Hope it's a spectacular day for you!

Kay, KF Judy is on my prayer list--saying some fervent ones right now!

I have been working on Dr. reports this morning. Have one more to do, so can't stay long.

Lynn, I have one of those little "hammer" contraptions in my car that can break a car window or cut through a seat belt. If I were there with you, I'd be using it! Poor dog! Hope you feel better today, Lynn! ((HUGS))!!

Wish I could hear Lori's interview of Darth & Judie! Will a video clip be available?

Well, gotta run. Must go grossery shopping today, too. So much to do, so little time! Will be back late tonight. HAGD, everyone! :o]

stronghunter said...

Andy, can't you access the radio station on your computer?

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Who is good at identifying moths? Kathryn found an interesting one the other day. A picture is on my blog.

stronghunter said...

A very happy 91st birthday to GG!!

hedgie said...

Andy, if I was there in that parking lot, I would have gone ahead and broken the window even if I had to go into the store and buy something, believe me. It was a boxer, too boot: short nosed dogs suffer even worse in the heat.

Don't think that Lori's interview will be re-aired. But if you get up early enough, you can listen online:


Just scroll back and get Lori's instructions on what to click on!

hedgie said...

Glad that your work is rolling right along, Andy. Do you get any pay yet for the transcription you are doing?

101° now.

hedgie said...

Shirley, Margy has one on her blog from last week.....let me look for the name...

hedgie said...

Imperial Moth----it's on her Feathers, Fur blog.

Lolly said...

Today is GG's b day? Happy Happy birthday to GG! Love and hugs!

hedgie said...

Shirley, has Suzi heard anything about the pinkies today?

hedgie said...

I think someone mentioned the Casey Anthony mask, etc. earlier.....I will surely never spend one penny for anything that could possibly benefit her in any way.

DanaMo said...

I'm beginning to wonder about my critter. The tail was long...don't groundhogs have short tails? I don't think it's a rat, it's too cute...A mouse? Too furry...I get them in the pool alot, usually they are drowned, I just happen to leave the vacuum and hose in the pool (I was being lazy) overnight and he was able to hold on to it.

hedgie said...

Lolly....too bad about the AC---definitely time to head home! Hope it's not an expensive repair.
Tell your bro that anything could happen yet! So there wasn't an ordered evac?

Mema Jo said...

DanaMO Muskrat maybe.......

Did you resend me your email, Dana?
I didn't get anything yet...

Getting ready to eat Pizza - not
going out at all.....

hedgie said...

DanaMo...right about the tail---but never having seen a baby one, maybe their tails don't grow with their body! Pics are big was the critter?

stronghunter said...

Imperial moth. I will tell Kathryn. Thanks. I had looked at Margy's pictures, but I didn't remember that one.

hedgie said...

NOPE, DANA---we're both's DO have long tails....bushy---when DRY, anyway!!!Guess the tails are rather hidden when they are sitting eating---which is how we usually see them!!! It isn't lifted up like a squirrel's is!

stronghunter said...

Haven't heard anything more from Kathryn about the little pinkies. Maybe I will hear later.

hedgie said...

Pizza delivery, Jo...or DiGiorno's??

hedgie said...

I think Liesl is working really hard to please me after she was "bad"---she has done SUPER well with heeling today, and tried her new lessons with relatively good success: WAIT and ON THE BED (which is really just a "place" where she can be sent for quiet time).

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to order pizza here, too.

JudyEddy said...

Please tell Judy we are in her corner and will keep routing and praying for her,

When I left to take Jordyn to Angie under my carport her car thermometer was 100 and that is in the shade Dew point is 82 and no chance of rain we have a eastern wind and no sea breeze so to speak of to make the afternoon showers darn it

♥♥♫♫♫♪♫ Happy 91st Birthday , GG !♪♪♫
You Rock ♀ ♫♪♫

JudyEddy said...

a video of baby groundhogs I googled they have tails and your was wet so it was skinny these are dry and fluffy check it our BABY GROUNDHOGS

JudyEddy said...

baby muscrat video Muskrat babies looks like it skinny tail

JudyEddy said...

the face on the muskrat doesn't look like yours I don't think I think looks more like groundhog face so cute no matter what it was

JudyEddy said...

BBL Steppin out for a bit

stronghunter said...

Cute little things, Judy.

DanaMo said...

Sorry I posted and went over to FB.
Could be a muskrat, do we have muskrats around here? Shows what I know!

Interesting Hedgie about the tail thing...didn't know that. Starting to wish I would have put him into a container before letting him go so I could examine him more closely, this is the first one that didn't drown.

DanaMo said...

MemaJo I clicked on your name and sent it to that email so it probably went into your gmail account. Anyway, it's just to add me to the birthday list for August. I'm August 11th.

hedgie said...

I have lost our cam! Anyone else??

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Weather report is all wrong on OC page, too. 70° and fog: NOT!!! We wish!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I just saw your post oh no whats up Still cam looks ok so far

hedgie said...

Dana, I think there are muskrats by the river, and the creeks.

Judy, cam went all static with horizontal lines and that was all she wrote. :(

hedgie said...

Storm clouds moving in from the NW....may have to shut down!

hedgie said...

Jo and DanaWV, another new Flashpoint tonight!

hedgie said... that we REALLY are interested in at OBX that went under contract last weekend before we got down there, is BACK on the market. Waiting for some more info....may be making a quick trip down nexy week!

hedgie said...

Well, OC page updated as to current conditions.....but still no cam. They've posted this:
Apologies - the live feed is presently offline. We'll let you know when it's back up. Thanks

Mema Jo said...

Sounds promising Lynn -- Good things
come to those that wait - Be ready to

DanaMO - I just remembered that I
don't use google mail - I guess I could have waited forever. I have tried and tried to change it on here to Hotmail
but it won't work.
I got your date!

hedgie said...

BIG blow happening.....lots of stuff coming down and flying around. Mess!

stronghunter said...

Hope you get the beach house you really want, Lynn.

Cam down. Message: "We apologize for the inconvenience. The EagleCam is presently offline. We do not have an ETA on a resolution. Thank you for your patience."

Love the pic of Liesl, Lynn

Mema Jo said...

Error 503 ate my comment about
Domino's Pizza

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

I see the cam is down...I did send another email to Steve this week about the sound. Haven't checked the still cam yet.

JudyEddy said...

503 Was hungry didn't invite him for pizza LOL

hedgie said...

Check this out! Fender bender costs total over $1 million!!
Blonde, Female

paula eagleholic said...

Still cam is refreshing fine.

Mema Jo said...

In the outside world around us:
Republican bill passes, opening path to debt deal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives approved a Republican plan to cut the budget deficit on Friday that is doomed to defeat in the Senate but which could pave the way for a bipartisan compromise to avert a U.S. debt default.

hedgie said...

Weather announcement: severe t'storm warning til 7:45....currently about 3 miles from me. Shutting down for now. DanaMo---heading for you and Megan, too!

wvgal_dana said...

Out of breath had to go outside-Winds are blowing very STRONG!!!!!

Neighbor I am watching doggie for when I seen this storm. I looked out window and her door to shed had blown open. Tried walking in this wind can't believe how STRONG it is. The doors are locked but won't close. Took me awhile to pull a double chair type thing you lay out on in sun. Closed the doors and put it up against the doors. That's got it for now.
Darn I can hardly breath!

wvgal_dana said...

Forgot to tell you all. I had taken the Interstate 81 into an exit near City Hospital call Dry Run Rd. there is a light there. While I was sitting at the light. I notice a sign in the grass on my left "STUNGUNS FOR SALE". I called the Berkeley County Sheriffs office. They said yes they can sell them. I said, "WHAT??" I said I hope you all are trying to find out if they have a license if not you can shut them down. They said they are trying to do just that...shut them down. I told the policeman, "Prayers for you and the others. Hope you can shut them down. I don't feel safe walking to my car!!!"

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I have been off blog looking for your moth.

Hoda said...

LYNN Great news about your potential beach house. I hope it works for you.

PAUlA are you going to your beach house this weekend?

IT IS a long weekend in Canada, in British Columbia, we call it BC Day.It is a civic holiday and each province has a different name for it.

Mema Jo said...

Making sure it is my Channel 9 for FlashPoint at 8:00


stronghunter said...

It is an imperial moth, DanaWV. Margy has a picture on her blog, too.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for looking, DanaWV.

stronghunter said...

Happy BC Day, Hoda.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, you will really enjoy just opening up the door and letting the dogs out and not having to worry about them ! KEEP taking them for walks though, it's good exercise!

Happy Birthday to GG!!

I wouldn't dress up like Casey Anthony for nothing!

Prayers for the other grandmother, Kay!

Wish I could hear Lori's interview, too! I'll be at the beach...I found a bunkbed, so am going to take it down tomorrow after I get done working. Will come back Sunday.

Oh Lynn, hope you can go look at the beach house!

ah Hoda a 3 day weekend...great!

DanaMo said...

Lynn (Hedgie) I don't really live near a river or creek. The property where our house is used to be a farm when I was growing up. It's been developed though for about 20 years.

Just had a downpour. Some thunder and wind but not too bad. Looks like a heavy cell around Columbus hope Kay is okay. I'm sure that will come our way during the night or early morning.

DanaMo said...

Lynn-good luck with the beach house, maybe it was meant to be, I love when that happens! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Andy, how awful for the lady with the small dog.

Margy, hope you have had a nice day at Sleepy Creek!

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMO, I say young groundhog.

Shirley, the baby squirrels are really cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Light rain here now, sprinkles really.

Linda said...

Evening All!

KAY - So sorry to hear about your friend Judy and the fact that she has to go through another round of chemotherapy. Will pray fervently for this next round of chemotherapy to rid her body of those cancer cells.

Happy Birthday, GG!! Lots of Love and (((Hugs))) for you on this very special day!!

Lynn - Sorry Liesl had an accident today! Hoping the beach house works out for you!

Hoda - Thanks for posting the Whale Rescue story. I must have missed it as well. How uplifting to see the whale freed from all that netting and line that should never have been there in the first place.

Hoda - Happy BC Day!! Which day is this celebrated?

stronghunter said...

You have to check out the beagle pup on my blog. His name is Homer.

Linda said...

Split some more wood with Dennis today. Pushing that lever forward and backward is no problem.......but the stacking of the wood about kills me!!

I do it WAY slower than Dennis, but it is good exercise to help.

stronghunter said...

Kay, prayers for your friend Judy.

wvgal_dana said...

This is the page I found to have the closet and I see you have said also Imperial Moth

As you can see on the page several Imperial Moths

Lets see if it shows page 39 I had marked it but kept going.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Linda, splitting wood today! Good grief, woman.

stronghunter said...

Wow, DanaWV, that is quite a website. I see the imperial moth. Thanks for posting it.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it is I had page 39 wrote down and was moving on page 43. I saw a lot of the butterflies on these pages that I seen at the Butterfly House. That I couldn't get pictures of. Oh these pages are having memories flooding into my brain. What FUN WE HAD!!! Just flying all around you.

Judie said...

Happy Birthday, GG. You may not know all of us but you are loved by all the bloggers. Hope the crab legs were extra special good.

Way too much to catch up. Had a busy day as we all do.

Going to turn the night light on extra early as I know the sandperson will be sneaking up behind me soon. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

wvgal_dana said...

I kept thinking someone had that picture on their blog one time. It was a good while back. Thought maybe it was Megan. So it was Margy. Glad it has been given a name!! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

8:30 I am going to watch Flashpoint.

DanaMo said...

Shirley-Love the pic of the beagle. Too cute!

JudyEddy said...

I am going to go watch some mindless TV


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

Hoda said...

LINDA cutting and stacking wood in this both deserve a medal.

BC Day is Monday. In Canada the goal is to have a long weekend every month, it keeps working people in a bettre mood, at least it did me when I was at work.It also cuts on absenteeism...

Happy Birthday GG I hope you enjoy the crab legs and have room for Birthday Cake.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judy.

DanaMo said...

I had a picture of a Rosy Maple Moth, but I think I only posted it on Facebook.

Linda said...

Shirley & Hoda - It wasn't too bad, actually. It might have been in the lower 80's today, but was windy and overcast all day until the rain came.

Dennis was pretty hot because he had to pick up those huge logs, put them on the splitter and work the wood. He also did 80% of the stacking, too!

I enjoyed being outside with him and doing what I could do to help.

Linda said...

If it was really hot, I would in NO WAY be out there. I don't do hot weather!

Hoda said...

January =New Year
February =Family Day
March =
April= Easter
May = Queen Victoria Day
July =Canada Day
August = Civic Holiday/BC Day
September= Labour Day
October= Thanksgiving Day
November =Armistice Day
December =Christmas

I can not think of the long weekend in March and June. School holidays gave us spring break and end of school break...yet there must be a specific holiday for those two months I can not think of them though!!!

Lynne2 said...

Good evening all!

Happy Bluebird Birthday Wishes for GG!!

Lynn, wow, exciting about the beach house! Liesl seems like she is doing really well, too!

Shirley, I commented on your post but I see everyone beat me to it! Home is a riot!

Rose of beautiful! Cut back in March for less stragly and more blooming branches.

Linda, GOOD GRIEF with the wood!! Hope you aren't sore!

DanaMo, I think everyone is right about your pool creature...looks like a young groundhog! LOL!

Lynne2 said...

150 days til CHRISTMAS! LOL!

Linda, I know what you mean, I like helping Steve do stuff too. We spent 2 hours fixing the lawn tractor the other night and called it our "date" night!

Lynne2 said...

Well, I need to move along....we are heading to MILs in the early AM. I have laundry to fold, Puddles needs her ears medicated (the woes of the floppy eared dogs) and shower. Will check back before bed!

Linda said...

Lynne - You and Steve sound as romantic as me and Dennis!! We just enjoy doing stuff and being together, which is nice!

Lynne2 said...

UGH. Big slug of rain heading at us has dried up. Wind blowing hard at the moment here. Sure was hoping for a little rain this evening. None in the 5 days coming, either.

paula eagleholic said...

Nite lite is on!

Lynne2 said...

How long have you been married Linda?

Lynne2 said...

Hey Hey Paula.......(I'm singing to you!) are you already at the beach?

Linda said...

Lynne - 11 years

Lynne2 said...

Judie, any Monarch caterpillar sitings on your milkweeds yet? By this time last year, I had already raised and released one batch. Haven't seen a one on mine, and only the one adult a week and a half ago.

Lynne2 said...

awww....I sure hope Steve and I get at LEAST 11! We have just over 2 and a half so far!

Lynne2 said...

BTW...I have the most beautiful bright orange butterfly weed. It grew from last year's plants! It's the same color as the wild stuff I've seen, and what Margy has on her blog. Some of the flowers have gone to pods now so seeds will be ready later this summer. If anybody wants any, let me know!

Lynne2 said...

OK, off to clean Puddles....

DanaMo said...

Lynne @ - my labs have the ear issues too and they only get to swim about once or twice a year so it's not from being in the water! Frisbee is currently the one being treated in this house. Does Puddles hate it as much as mine?

Linda said...

Lynne - Of course you will!! I made Dennis promise me we'd get at least 40, since that is how old I was when we married!!

2nd marriage for us, but we are definitely soul mates! He is a keeper, for sure!

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah, she acts like we are torturing her! Our vet recommends using Swimmer's ear astringent for dogs who swim. Helps keep them dried out. Puddles loves water, but usually doesn't get her head wet. Her's is more of a waxy buildup issue.

Linda, I hope we both get 40 more years with our loves! But neither of us have kids so we worry who will take care of us if we get old and decrepit!

Linda said...

DanaMO - Do you regularly clean their ears with something for dog ears? We use oticlens and it works good.

Oddly enough, Dennis found that switching from beef dog food to lamb or chicken really helped his shepherd's ears in the summer. The vet told him that in the summer months (which was basically all the time in South FL), the dogs handle a diet without beef much better. It worked.

Just remember if you try something like that to always mix new food with old food gradually until you have the new food introduced.

Just a suggestion.

Linda said...

Lynn - I hope we get 40 more years, too!!

Even though you don't have kids, God will take care of you in some way or another! As special as you are, with that servant's heart you have, I am sure there will be someone in your life just at the right time to take care of you should you need it.

God brought you Steve, right?? Sounds like He did pretty good with that choice for you!

Linda said...

That was Lynne ......

Lynne2 said...

Our "wedding" song was Rascal Flatts, God Blessed the Broken Road, if you've ever heard it.

Mema Jo said...

Flashpointe was another good one. I enjoyed it. I'm not sitting in by TV listening to any more politicians...

Shirley it's a beautiful moth -

Lynne2 said...

DanaMo, Daisy, our 45lb hound mix (pics on my blog somewhere) has pretty clean ears for a hound, thank you GOD for that! She is SO sensitive about everything, and trying to clean her ears usually turns into a major battle. We work with her with handling them, and treats for being good.

Linda said...

Lynne - I LOVE THAT SONG.....and Rascal Flatts!! They're amazing!

Linda said...

Jo - Get used to those politicians......the ads will be back before you know it. UGH!!

They should save their money knowing we all can't stand those political ads where tha do nothing more than accuse their opponents of things!!

hedgie said...

Well, we only got about 12 drops of rain...but the debris from the wind is awful.....what am I gonna do now? If it doesn't cool off, there's no way I can be out there trying to pick it all up.

DanaWV---I hope you recorded Flashpoint. It started at 8!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey hey Lynne....have to work tomorrow taking inventory! Heading to the beach after that!

Nick doesn't like having his ears cleaned either. I am working with him on handling his ears without cleaning...they need cleaning now, too. I have figured out that some ear wash works best for him first...and lots of petting and rubbing while I try to clean his ears keeps him distracted.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, you let it sit til it's cool enough to do it!

hedgie said...

Lynne, enjoy your weekend! Don't work too hard.

Paula, have fun at the beach! Be careful putting that bunk bed together.

Goodnight to the J's!!!

Happy BC Day weekend, Hoda! Of course, when you're retired, every day is like a holiday!

Linda, your humidity must be lower, too , along with the cooler temps. Hit 101 here and humidity was AWFUL!

hedgie said...

Cool butterfly site, DanaWV!!! TY.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening all my eagle buds!!!
One exciting happening and Chelsea farmhouse office today which is in the NOOK!
Puter wouldn't download any pictures!!I thought the cam card was damaged, but no---"Windows found a photo acquisition Error and was trying to correct it!" After too many minutes of that, shut everything down. It did work later.
So, now I have to eat---be back for the rest of the sobering news about work :>(

Hoda said...

That's what I thought Lynn those of us who have retired are on a seven day long weekend!!!LOL!!!

Linda said...

It was pretty humid here today, but I think it is supposed to be dryer tomorrow. A "cold" front pushing through tonight won't exactly lower the temps too much, but will bring in some dryer air!

We were under the trees in the shade with wind, so it was pretty nice for me. I wasn't the one working so hard. Dennis was dripping wet and HOT!

Linda said...

Haven't heard from Lolly, yet. Hope she is home and getting settled!!

LOLLY - Are you there??

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne and Linda Ed and I were each married before also. God gave us a "wonderful 22 years together". That might not sound like much to some. We did everything together. Just like when I started the eagle group. I couldn't drive then. Ed took me to everything. He stayed and joined in. We both were concerned if either got real sick where God would take one of us. We talked ahead about it. He didn't want to live with his kids. He didn't want to put himself in with his "little one as he called Raschida". I said for me I would just have to live alone. Cause I would never date or marry again. He was the only ONE FOR ME---God brought us together!!!!
God sometimes makes a decision in our lives. That might take one and not the other like with Ed and me.
Until then just live everyday having fun, making those memories with each other, finishing each others sentences, hugging, holding hands, opening doors, even watching tv, and just enjoy each other. Don't worry if something would happy. Cause that takes time away from making more memories.

God Bless Both OF You In Your Wonderful Marriages. I know I am still Blessed!!! xxxooo

Lynne2 said...

oh no Lynn.....if we weren't so tied up at mom's we'd be there to help. UGH.

Linda, I don't really like RF all that much, but I do love that song, and had never heard it before. I happened to hear part of it one day while working, and googled some of the words which lead me to the song and I KNEW it was written just for us!

Lynne2 said...

Well said DanaWV! I sure wish I had gotten to meet your Ed.

oh dear Loretta....that post sounds very ominous. Hope everything is OK at work....

Linda said...

WV Dana - So touching!! It is so obvious that Ed was truly your soulmate and that was such a devasting loss for you. We don't always understand why God lets some things happen in our lives, but we have to accept them, which you have done.

I admire you for your strength and courage to go on. I know that you continue to mourn Ed's loss. But you always remember him with such love and fondness. He was a lucky man to have had you in his life!

Thank you for your kind comments. Yes, you are blessed! xoxo ♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

BOO HISS on inventory Paula! Saturday traffic to the beach is usually pretty bad. Most place rent from Sat to Sat. Do you know there is a way you can avoid 50 and the Bay Bridge by going up and around through Delaware?

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Lynne, but that would add quite a lot of time....I won't be leaving till a little later, so I should miss that rush, I hope.

I'm not putting the bunk bed together, just going to put it in the extra room...the one on the water side...using it for storage at the moment! Will put the beds in after the flooring is done.

Need to get a water heater while I'm down there too, so wanted to do a trip with the truck. Found a good deal on good ol' craiglist for the bunkbed, so thought I would run down this weekend. Maybe can get my brother down next weekend if I go ahead and get the heater. If not, I have lots of other stuff to do!

Lynne2 said...

OK, gotta run. Shower time. May not get back til Sunday! Hope you all have a safe and fun weekend! Good night and prayers for all!

Linda said...

Well, I think I'm going to head upstairs!!

Many healing prayers for our momsters, dadsters, family and friends. Lord you know them all!

Wishing everyone restful sleep tonight! For those on the road and those who will hit the road in the morning, I pray for traveling mercies for each of you!

May God Bless and protect us all and the critters we so dearly love...

Good Night xo ♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

It is time for bed in this household. I will see you tomorrow. Rest well, friends.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

wow, big Friday night an we are all pooping out at 10pm....LOL LOL!!!

Nighty night!

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Shirley, Lynne and Linda! Sleep well. Have a good weekend at your MIL's, Lynne.

paula eagleholic said...

I gave Nick a small bone with meat on it and he hid it somewhere! Gotta find it!

Lolly said...

Helllooooooo! We are home!

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Paula.....yes, you DO need to find it!! You would come home to a terrible stink!

Goodnight to all hitting the hay.

Loretta...loved your artwork!!!!
What's the scoop, kiddo??? You've got us worried....

Lolly said...

We are home and we had our steak dinner with Laurel and the boys that we had planned to have down at the beach. Talked with my brother. It had not rained there but there certainly was a high tide and wind. He said the water is supposed to get to the dunes tonight. It actually went in down in far south Texas where I am from. They are getting a lot of rain. Anxious to hear the weather report on the news.

Anyway, if we had stayed the boys probably would have had just one more swim. I am glad we came on home.

Lolly said...

What is up? Anything I should know? How is everyone?

Jack has his MRI scheduled for Monday.

Mema Jo said...

Hello to the Texas Travelers -
Welcome Home

Lynne2 said...

welcome home Lolly!

I'm back because I forgot to say....Kay, more prayers for Judy. SO sorry the news wasn't better for her.

OK....really leaving now....

hedgie said...

This is too cute!
Faker Dog

Lolly said...

Thanks, Jo. Always good to be home! Having the AC go out on the trailer was a big bummer! We just moved to Laurel's cabin, which is very nice. We then had the bedroom and she slept on the sofa/bed with Jacob. Joseph went and slept in Uncle Larry's trailer.

We went out to eat last night. I could not get on the computer as the wifi signal strength was extremely poor.

Lolly said...

My incident at the beach was only severe immediately afterwards. By the next morning there was no burning or itching. However, it looked like I had tattoos. LOL Lines of tiny red dots!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - Little Spotty is a cutie.
You captured a lot of pics and it tells
a very cute story. Thanks.

Lolly - I am sure there is news
happening but I'm blank at the moment.
Enjoyed seeing your sandcastles and the
beach pics. Tomorrow when my mind is
clearer - I think up some news for you!
((hugs)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I could watch the FAKER clip
over and over - I really got a good
deep hearty laugh seeing him just go
'dead' .............

Mema Jo said...

I am heading back to dress for bedtime.
Don't know how the SANDMAN got here
for his 1st stop. Everyone beware - he is traveling down the road...... ♥


hedgie said...

Glad you are home, Lolly. Hope you had a great time!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, nothing earth shattering...but Lori did Interview Darth and Judie for the 7.30am Sunday morning program on her station

paula eagleholic said...

And glad you arrived home safely!

Gonna hit the hay, another early day tomorrow.

(((Hugs for all♥)))

paula eagleholic said...

Did not find the bone! Maybe he ate it! Time will tell, LOL

hedgie said...

I know, Jo....that dog is a riot!!!
There is a bree dof goat, I think it is, that does that!!! So cute!

Lolly, only big news I can think of is that Candy had her corneal transplant and is home recovering (done at Duke), and Kay's friend Judy (her daughter's MIL) is NOT in remission with the leukemia and goes back into the hospital for another month of chemo on Monday.

hedgie said...

Oh...and Loretta is in a 6 mo. waiting mode for further assessment of something seen on her mammogram.

hedgie said...

Right, Paula! Lolly, link to Lori's radio station is on this thread.....our Darth and Judie are celebs!
Lori's Mom is doimg well---she headed "home" for the weekend to help out.

NatureNut said...

Hello for a short stay. Gotta do the do for AM work---Boo.
We (Exhibit Shop) found out today that they want to merge our little Division Office w/huge Maintenance & Development Exhibit Shop.It's a little closer to my house, but who cares. We don't have answers yet to multiple ???, but the move would be in mid-Oct.The place is called Randall Farm----not a Park--no visitors, but mix of all maintenance for the whole county Parks & Recs.Only thing nice there are the greenhouses.They have a fairly new lady at Exhibit who worked at CA Disneyland!!Why she ever took that job, we'll never know. She's wanted to merge for awhile but our gals said NO! We think she doesn't get to do as much creative graphic work like our ladies do & would love to have more of that. All our stuff would get moved there, too.
A few BIG ???---would we have to work M&D hours?? 7:30AM to 2 PM!!! I'm a goner with that right away. Our other gal has an 8 year old daughter to get off to school, so there's no way she could work that early.
We don't know if they take part-time people. The worst would be leaving our lovely, quiet farm & animals.That would be the end of more than 1/2 of my fave photos. Of course, I'm sure I could visit the property on my own.Not the same.
Have to wait for the rest of the story~~~~~

Prayers for Kay's friend/fam.,Judy
and for all others ailing!
Gotta go, so Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Fell asleep! Then went and showered and I am ready for bed.
Weather report right now is not good. Temps this next week going up to around 110. That is just awful!

Would have loved to have heard the interview with Judie and Darth! Wow! What was it about?

I am exhausted. Heading to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...