Wednesday, June 22, 2011


New thread.


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magpie said...

Goshawk site is telling me
Page Not Found !

magpie said...

Moon is out
less than a quarter already!
pretty, waning crescent

Kay said...

Ew, I did it again. Anyone need wax ? I have more than I can use !

magpie said...

If you are here:
9th cutting of lettuce leaves ☺
Ilianthus ready to pop out its flowers

and the nicotiana is looking nice also
The rescued Plants are doing great !

DanaMo said...

No, if I go out today though they will try it out. I was thinking maybe I should even have them go in there when I am here and hopefully get them used to it and feeling like it is home. They used to do pretty good with their kennels, but then when we come home and open the door they would come out like bats out of h*ll. I would like to not have that happen.

Kay said...

Try it again, MARGY. I got right through to it--still can't get the cam, but the rest is there.

Lori O. said...

Hello DANA MO and MARGY!

Gee it's almost a full house this morning. A Yahtzee if JUDY E were here. :)

magpie said...

Yes page is there Kay and yes, no nest cam (goshawk)

chatter say the little lass chick is branching
but I can't get the cam to open

magpie said...

Yes, Lori
We have the Fourth for Bridge...
that was DanaMo

magpie said...

now an Eagle or two, please

DanaMo said...

Panda watch! Maybe a panda baby?

magpie said...

OH that would be so neat
keep us posted Dana

Kay said...

Can't get WCV to kick in for me this morning. :( Interesting/amusing chat of last night as Ed Clark talks about his dogs !

DanaMo said...

Looks like we aren't going to get a visit. I think I will go catch a few my zzz's. "See" you guys later.

Lori O. said...

it looks really windy at the nest.

magpie said...

did some research on pruning tomato plants
think I left plenty of leaves for photosynthesis and sugar production
and I think I left enough leaves for shade
hope I zapped the aphids and ants last night

Lori O. said...

My garden problem right now is those darn White Flies!

Kay said...

Nothing like fresh, home grown tomatoes ! Hope your efforts pay off, MARGY !

I'm not planning on going anywhere today, but will don my RED Rutgers tee anyway. Need to take trash to the dumpster and sweep the deck, so perhaps a neighbor or two will see that I'm supporting our troops.

magpie said...

Osprey chicks pretty active at Fin-Ferry and Finney 1

shucks I can't get Loch Garten cam to open either!
What's Up with That ??
In the same grouping with Goshawk .....the RSPB group
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Empty nest at Loch of the Lowe's
Three unhatched eggs in view :(

magpie said...

Thanks Kay
Me Too
last year drought really slowed things down
not a problem this year yet!

acc to Loch's blog, those eggs don't stay uncovered for very long
first time in a long time I have seen no birds roosting on them

magpie said...

Our Eagles might be fishing already
Saturday they did make a visit between 7:30 and 8:00

Kay said...

Thanks for the Finnish findings, MARGY ! So sad to see those three eggs at Isla's nest. Seems like a predator should discover them soon.

magpie said...

Adult back on the nest there already Kay
Y7 "Boy Toy" the Dad does as muich incubating as Isla it sounds like

Kay said...

Oops, she's back on the eggs at L of L. They can't possibly be viable now, can they ?

magpie said...

have sound from there - Loch's - thought it was OUR nest for a minute :(

Lori O. said...

WOW - a crazy morning here.

SO looking forward to the weekend.
Yesterday I wanted to and didn't get done my three organization bins: TRASH, SAVE, DONATE. If I don't have it done by Monday I hope you, KAY and MARGY, will let me know what a lazy slob I am! On the other hand, I'd like to request a gold star on my forehead if the bins are up and full!

OH, need to support LYNNE on her diet. GO LYNNE!!! How many pounds? Most important, how are you feeling?

ANYONE have any exercise hints or tips. It's the hardest thing for me to get into.

magpie said...

No, don't think so Kay

would take a miracle
cvam panning on the other adult in a tree

going to work on getting ready for the day
will watch THE nest as best I can...
See you before I leave xoxo ♥

Have a good day, everyone...

magpie said...

sorry to read that Hunter's team lost
but what a comebck !
Special thoughts for Hunter, and Congratulations on a Great Season !

Hope that Kathryn feels better today
and that the Carpet shampooer does its things for you

Kay said...

LORI, I've got faith in you--you will be getting that gold star, I'm sure !

Exercise ? Ugh. Why is that such an ugly word ? Need a good book on the subject ? I suggest "Strength Training Over 50" by D. Cristine Caivano. Lots of helpful, easy to do exercises. It just takes soooo much discipline !

magpie said...

Not to will accomplish your goal on a day when you don't have to work !
May of us are in the Same Boat !

Kay said...

I think the "walking" dvd Lolly, Jack and I all swear by is an easy way to get in some walking on days when it''s just too hot or cold outdoors. That's "Walk Away the Pounds" with Leslie Sansone.

Lori O. said...

Thanks KAY and MARGY!

Great points from both of you.

I will look into that book KAY. You know, I'm a big fan of so that's easy. But, you mentioned "DISCIPLINE." What's that? ♥

Thanks MARGY. It helps knowing I'm not alone in my quest for time and energy! :)

Kay said...

Oh, man, my eyelids are getting heavy and my butt is getting sore. Must get up and move around. Don't be surprised if I disappear. I might just cave in, hit the couch and listen to some good music !

Lori O. said...

Funny you should mention Leslie Sansone, I've got a video of hers that I've never used, but that didn't stop me from ordering 2 more this week!

Lori O. said...

Me too, KAY. Only my eyelids are sore and my butt is getting heavy!

magpie said...

Need to get my driver's license renewed, maybe today, hope DMV can get a "screen grab" that I can live with for another five years.

Better say So Long....
Maybe I can SEE you folks from work today...

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, Joyful Day

Happy Trails to all travelers:
Jack and Lolly...
Paula...anyone else ???

and heartfelt prayers for Tori and Robyn...and (( hugs ♥ ♥ ))

and hope JudyE's granddaughter Jordyn continues to get all better

ttfn xoxox ♥

magpie said...

those rascally Eagles gave us the slip this morning !
But I still outwitted the alarm clock and enjoyed
"One-Anothering" it with some early-birders ☺

Lori O. said...

Have a great day MARGY! You're gorgeous, don't worry about the DL picture. Just smile from your heart and show the world your joy!

JudyEddy said...

a squirrel just was in the nest and gone

hedgie said...

LOLLY: Have a great trip!! Will look forward to pics and stories when you get back!! Be safe.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay, DanaMo, Lori, Margy, Hedgie-Lynn and Lurkers.

Margy driver's license renewal
time. Margy you take a beautiful
picture ( :

Lori I loved your comment to Margy
just an awesome comment !!! ♥

Lolly and Jack are up and GONE!!

Kay your beautiful tulips are "yellow" pretty ( :

wvgal_dana said...

My prayer list is a busy one.

Just to say a few here:

Prayers for Tori and Robyn and Robyn's Mom Bobbi.

Hoping JudyE's Jordyn for ear infection to heal.

Lynne2 on her diet. Someone said the word discipline now that is a hard one.

GG's airconditioner and a new doctor.

Fuzzlema (Irene) on her move to Montana.

PaLinda brother in Florida.

Selling of house for Lynne2's MIL and FIL so they can move closer to Lynne2 and Steve.

Paula in her search for a Golden Retreiver.

Wanda needs a knee replacement.

Many Momster or Dadster living with bad pain.

Bill's (Red) breathing problems.

All other prayers Lord that you know about. Plus and the creature and animal prayers.

hedgie said...

7.2 quake off Alaska coast....tsunami warning in effect for short time, but cancelled.

Morning all.

magpie said...

Oh Joy
I am at work withL ynn's Carolyn-Jewels

she WAS at a workstation with her back to me
I encouraged her to move so I can SEE her smiling face ☺

Good Morning Dana....

magpie said...

just forget the typos

that would be Lynn's Carolyn-Jewels

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Sweet Margy ( : I love how you want Carolyn to move so you can see her sweet face. Margy you are one of a kind!!!!♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

WV DANA - Echoooooooo your Prayer List. That is a great and complete list. Thanks for sharing.

Great, now I know who JEWELS is. Happy belated Birthday Jewels!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Hedgie-Lynn glad you got th squaker before Liesl did. I am cracking up at her running around shaking the "empty body" lmbo

magpie said...

Well actually, Lori
you have the right idea,,but this is a different "Jewels" -
Genie-Jewell had a birthday week, ummmm, about a week ago ?

But try again for Carolyn-Jewels on October 3 !

thanks to you all for the nice compliments - it is the Eagle [Momsters and Dadsters] company I keep !

magpie said...

have to disappear and earn my salary

back later on

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Lolly and Jack should be on their way now.

I hope they will have a wonderful trip.

Prayers and best wishes for Jordyn.

Margy, I am sure your DL pic will be just fine. (In VA, we are no longer allowed to smile for the pic. Go figure! They also use black and white. Supposed to be better somehow.)

Thanks for your kind words for Hunter and his team. They played well. It is enjoyable to see how much all of the kids have improved and matured.

DanaWV, just so you know, I went to the feed store and bought some birdseed yesterday. My feeder is now full.

The store is just re-opening after having gone out of business due to a bankruptcy. They are just stocking the shelves and say they will have a bird club. It is next door to the plant store I use. How convenient!

I bought a cube to put on the ground for squirrels and rabbits. We will see what happens.

I guess that when I put up the fence, I won't have bunnies in the backyard anymore, but they will still be able to visit the front.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Shirley ( :

Sorry Hunter team didn't win but I know he had fun.

Glad you got your bird seed. Humm next door to your plant store. Now that is convenent!!

Oh did you get a white or mineral salt block?

stronghunter said...

They all made some good plays and some mistakes, DanaWV. That is the way it goes.

wvgal_dana said...

Just read Lynne2's comment. Oh that was in my prayers. Balto Co Police are going to come by. Get some pictures and Lynne2's late fiancee will be put in the "cold case website" FINALLY!!! After 30 years!!!!!! Yes someone does know something Lynne2.

stronghunter said...

Not a salt block. A seed block, Dana, I had never seen one before.

stronghunter said...

Are you in touch with his family, Lynne?

wvgal_dana said...

SHIRLEY the white block is a salt block the other I mentioned is a mineral block. It is brownish and has mineral and salt..the rabbits, deer, squirrel, and birds just love the mineral block.

Linda said...

Good Morning.......

I'm back.....I think! It's been an awful month, but I'm back home in PA for a while and hope things in my life will settle down again.

Brother is out of hospital and struggling with recovery, but out of the hospital is good.

Mom is in the hospital as of the day I flew back with pnemonia, but she has pulmonary fibrosis and is on oxygen all the time. She has a weakness there.

Missed you all so much!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh that is different Shirley. I have never seen one before either. You might want to think about the mineral block though they don't cost much. Last one I got was $5 dollars.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Linda.

Welcome back. We have missed you. Prayers for you and your family.

Lori O. said...


We've missed you, too!

Glad your brother is home, but sorry your mother is not well. Sounds like you are sick, too! Stress will do that.

We'll add you all to WV DANA's Prayer List she just posted.

Welcome back sweetie!

stronghunter said...

I am wondering if wet weather might cause it to melt into a pile of seeds. That might be a mess.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda reading your comment "you are paddling good got into the spirit of competition". Great news, I am so HAPPY for you !!! ( :

Linda said...

Thanks, Shirley!

I wished I could have checked in from time to time, but I have a lot of family and rarely had a minute to my self. I'm exhausted.

I really did miss the love and support I always get here and thank you all so very much for keeping me in your rememberences and prayers!!

It really means more than you know!

wvgal_dana said...

Remember Hedgie-Lynn mentioning I think yesterday. About the micro chip Liesl has. She said it cost each year. I think if I remember correctly from daughter having her dog done. That is due to they want each year people to update information on their dog. Address, name of owner and such.

Linda said...

Thanks, Lori!!

I'm so happy to be back. Some rest and quiet time will do me good........if I can sneak some in!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi PA Linda !!!! ( : So very happy to see you here. How are things going?

wvgal_dana said...

PA Linda sneak in here anytime. We have missed you gal. So happy you came in this morning while I was on. HUGS and get some rest.

Linda said...

Thanks, WV Dana! HUGS to you, too! Thanks for keeping me on the list, too!

wvgal_dana said...

Im not the only one PA Linda. A lot of Momsters have been wanting to hear from you.

Linda said...

Well, I can't even begin to tell you how amazingly good that makes me feel. True friendships are here - no doubt!!

wvgal_dana said...

We have all been praying and waiting for an update. We care about you and yes you are one of us Momsters. Momster CARE!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Momsters rock!! Welcome back Linda!!!

stronghunter said...

Please don't stay away so long again, Linda. It only takes a moment. You don't have to read back or anything like that. Just pop in and say hello.

Linda said...

The Momsters sure do ROCK, Sharon!! Thanks!!

I think it would have been easier to go through this past month with the momsters than without, but I just couldn't get here!

I'll do my best to at least check in like you said, Shirley.

Plus, it's fun!!

stronghunter said...

Hi, Sharon.

Linda said...

I'm feelin' the LOVE!!

stronghunter said...


:) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :)

wvgal_dana said...

PA Linda ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Yes Feel The Love!!!!!!!!!

Linda said...


Linda said...

You make me smile!! Thanks for the smiles ☺ and (((((HUGS)))))

Back at cha!

stronghunter said...

Smiles are good.

Linda said...

They sure are!!

Sometimes we get too serious in life and forget to smile and enjoy all that God has in store for us!

Linda said...

So are you feeling retired, Shirley? Or does this just feel like another summer so far?

Congratulations to you!! I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful time in your life.

stronghunter said...

I think I feel retired, but, as a friend who retired last summer said, I won't really feel it until school starts again.

stronghunter said...

It will be nice to be free in the fall. I will have time to do so many things.

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome Home, Linda


Linda said...

Yeah, to enjoy all the wonders of fall will be such a treat!! I would imagine in the fall you are leaving for work at near dark and returning home in the dark.

This year you will enjoy the colors and the fresh crisp air. We moved north after 35 years in South Florida with NO change in seasons. I just love experiencing the changes here. It's so beautiful!! Even the summer is beautiful up in the mountains. Everything is so lushly green!

Linda said...

Awe....thanks, Paula. It's good to be HOME!! My spirits are so high this morning!!

stronghunter said...

And I will be able to plant flowers in the spring to enjoy in the summer. That is something I want to do. I finally bought some hanging pots yesterday, but that is all I have done so far. That's the way it has been for a long time.

stronghunter said...

Yes, in a way the Florida weather seems wonderful, but I have never experienced a year without a winter.

Linda said...

All of those simple pleasures in life we all seem to enjoy here.

Isn't it interesting how this group is so tied to God and nature and all he has given us? The beautiful flowers, our gardens, the birds and animals he has blessed us with? I just love sharing my appreciation for all these things with the momsters!!

My husband is the gardener in the family. My knees are so bad, I can't kneel, but maybe if I take off some weight this year my knees will be able to withstand some kneeling to get outside and do some yard work!

Linda said...

Northern Florida sees changes in seasons, but not south Florida!

You get a few cool days. The beach is beautiful, but ALWAYS crowded in South Florida.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

I love all of my dogs and will always hold them close in my heart...they are all unique and special in their own ways. I am such a dog person...I didn't realize how much so until Nugz passed and the house is so empty....

So, I am going to WV next Thursday afternoon....hopefully to bring home the next dog love of my life!

This is Nick

Linda said...

Well, I have to get moving and get some things accomplished this morning.

I have a few other family matters to tend to this morning. I think I am the only responsible person in my family of 6 siblings. Ugh!!

Lynne2 - Just a special thanks to you for your FB messages asking how things are and letting me know the momsters here were asking of me and keeping me in their prayers. I was touched to know I was missed and loved!! Can't wait to chat with you again!! I've missed you, too!!

I'll check in a little later today and WON't stay away again, unless it is totally out of my hands!!

Love to all.........Have a Blessed Day and Thank You all for your love and support!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh Paula, Nick is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes!!! Wish you the best with him.

Linda said...

Paula, I must have been away when Nugz passed. I am so sorry. I know how you loved him and all your dogs. Bless you for reaching out to rescue another dog!!

I hope Nick brings you much happiness and I know he will be so blessed to have you love and care for him!! I just wish their lifetimes were like ours and we wouldn't have to suffer through their losses. It is tough!!

Can't wait for your new arrival!!

Costume Lady said...

Linda, so good to have my Pennsylvania buddy back:) Come back often, so we can all catch up!

Paula, I am in love with Nick! He looks just like my granddaughter's rescue dog, Rocky, in the face. SWEET FACE!

hedgie said...

Slowly catching up...reading papers, listening to trial, tending to all takes SO much time!!
A couple of mentions made last night of Liesl being fierce....????I don't recall saying anything about her being fierce....DID I?
I think I said she was ravenously hungry....hmmmm.

She slept straight through from 8-7:30! And again gobbled breakfast!

hedgie said...

Kay, the blooming tulips are lovely. You said Lori sent in a lot of pics??

paula eagleholic said...

Aw Lynn, sounds like Liesl is recovering quickly! Bless her heart!

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, thank you! I do also wish our dogs lived as long as we did...but since they don't, I guess it gives us more dogs to love.

hedgie said...

So sad to see the L of L eggs still sitting there....and that Isla apparently continues to brood them. :(

Good luck with the 3 Amigos in their new room, DanaMo!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh-oh-----I get it; I wasn't meaning that Liesl was shaking that toy last night! She didn't do any rough-house play yesterday!

Nope---not my Caro/Jewels birthday. Her isn't until Oct. Yesterday was Carol Mick's b-day. And was Genie/Jewell on Momster mail celebrating earlier this month? I think so....

hedgie said...

Shirley----DL pic in B&W and no smile sounds like a MUG shot!!!!

hedgie said...

Linda, glad to see you checking in. So sorry that your Mom is now worse than normal. Is she near you or is she in FL? Prayers for improvement on all fornts...and that you can regain some normlacy in your life!

hedgie said...

Linda, the flowers in your avatar are beautiful! Is it some kind of lily?

hedgie said...

Paula, I saw Nico/Nick last night! He's is a sweetie. One of my AAAWV compatriots commented on his beauty on a FB posting.....I told him that a friend of mine apparently had been approved to be his furever Mom!!!! He is thrilled for you, too!
Do you need/want me to ride up to Capon Bridge with you?

stronghunter said...

Nick is smiling for his picture, Paula.

magpie said...

I like what you said to Linda:

I do also wish our dogs lived as long as we did...but since they don't, I guess it gives us more dogs to love.

Nick, looks like a real Heart-Melter

magpie said...

Really good to have you back on the Force :
the Blog Force ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lynn, if you would like to go along, that would be fun....we could meet up in Martinsburg right off of 81...

Costume Lady said...

Looked up this photo of ROCKY and he does not look exactly like NICK, but has that same sweet face. Rocky is the dog that Jillian rescued when she found him tied to a tree with a sign on him, reading, "FREE". She has had him for about 3 years and loves him like a child, but now that she lives at the Fire Station, she cannot have him with her. She is sadly, looking for a good home for him:(

magpie said...

How do you all feel about a


Ready, Set, Go !!!

See you over there

hedgie said...

WCV IS having problems with the cam---it's not us! They are working on it.

hedgie said...

Need to add Glo's daughter Becky to prayer list. She had emergency surgery this morning for kidney stones. I'm sure Glo is worried sick.

hedgie said...

What in the world is wrong with FB?? It skips from 8 hrs. ago to Weds. afternoon.....grrrrr! Sure hope I didn't miss anything important since bedtime.

hedgie said...

Delta 2 nest----one juvie apparently took a tumble---is in rehab. Scroll to bottom of this page and see what the other one has!

hedgie said...

Sure, Paula! What time??

Lori O. said...



Lolly said...

In Colorado! See snow on mt peaks! Also saw rd sign with a bear on it! Guess I should practice "It 's me bear"LOL

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...