Wednesday, June 22, 2011


New thread.


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NatureNut said...

Getting close to hitting the hay or snoozing in the chair!
Lynn, so glad Liesl was a star pupil.
Prayers for Tori & Robyn and hope Jordyn is OK soon.
Lynne, pipe crimper, huh?? I sent pic out to some history/artifact buffs, but haven't even looked at email! Tomorrow is another day, said Scarlet.
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

magpie said...

Secure your winning ticket, don't tell a soul (except immediate family perhaps) get to a lawyer...make some arrangements, then go claim your prize !


I play twice a week, birthday numbers for James and my sister in Massachusetts

magpie said...

Loretta: Come back
The bird on your avatar??
loved the cerulean warbler.....

magpie said...

I heard a male cardinal singing tonight, but I had no idea I was going to view a cardinal....
it was the most mixed up warble from a male cardinal I have ever heard....thought I was going to view some exotic never-before-seen bird

Judie said...

Hoda, musical signs are Alt 13 = 1 note and Alt 14 = 2 notes. Num Lock must be on.

magpie said...

I better quite magpie-ing now
Happy for the good things reported today,
pensive about the troubles....
wide awake enough to get some prayers going before sleep
Missing Our Paula, and also Megan...
know they are busy, just hope it is all the good kind of busy

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxoxoxo ♥

Judie said...

Margy, peaked is spelled: sick

magpie said...

And the Sun is Alt 15 ☼
and the Smile Alt 1 ☺
and the Heart is Alt 3 ♥

and the xoxoxo's are easy to find and very easy to type !!

Lynne2 said...

By the way, in case I haven't mentioned it lately, thanks again for all of your prayers and support! I love you guys, and I just know everything is going to be OK! Especially since I have you all!

magpie said...

Oh Judie!
I am simply crazy about you!

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne...that's too bad! Is it like county/circuit court or federal?

magpie said...

We're on your team, Lynne...

Lynne2 said...

Circut Court of Balto Co Lynn. I really cannot afford to take a day off of work either....UGH!

OK, leaving now....

magpie said...

'Night-night folks...
See You Thursday sometime

Costume Lady said...

So Leisl has graduated...does that mean she is all done with her schooling? She sounds like a perfect lady and needs no schooling:)

Dr. said GG did not have a tick in her neck, but didn't say what it was...IDIOT! He gave her a cortisone shot in the knee without numbing it...STUPID IDIOT! Need to find her another doctor. I am not happy with him:(
BP 120 over 80 which is very good, but, she has lost 4 pounds. She has been eating well...don't know why the loss!
She used her new walker and went up the sidewalk and hallway to the doctor's office, about 35MPH!
I think she likes it:)

Saying Good Night to my friends, now. Prayers for all.

Hoda said...

Osprey web cam in the Kootenay Region, where I live.
Osprey Webcam With Two Chicks

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the osprey link, Hoda.

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in.
Lynne, jury duty doesn't pay much, either...argh! Now if your employers are civic minded, they will pay the difference!

Hope that all who are hurting or ailing feel much better.

Thanks for giving Hoda the symbols, Margy...was just looking up her email address to send them!
Hoda, how neat that you have an osprey cam! We love osprey almost as much as eagles!!! Looks like she is feeding, but back to cam! Cars on road below!

Liesl will start intermediate school on July 13th!

hedgie said...

Good to hear from so many, but sure wish Megan would pop in. And, yes, unusual that Paula hasn't. Hope eveything is well.

Time for me to get to the tub and bed....early morning call. Y-a-w-n!!

Love all of y'all!! Prayers for all, but especially for Tori and Robyn tonight.

Hoda said...

Papa Osprey was in with a fish stuck to his claw and when he took off the fish was still stuckin his claws he has got!!!
You are welcome Stronghunter and I like to see them too Hedgie/Lynn. The population is being restored in this region.They do not stay here for the winter.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. I will see you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Jack had to go to Dallas this evening, so I got busy while he was gone...checking lists and packing last minute things.

Also, very frustrated with fb. For some reason it is messing with my profile picture as well as other peoples pics. I just have a red x. Very frustrating. I dealt with that for a while, rebooted and then finally just walked away from my computer.

Prayers for Tori. That is certainly scary.

Hoda, enjoyed the description of your day. Sounded wonderful! We had a high today of only 90. It was wonderful, but the extreme heat is going to be returning!

Hoda said...

I am glad your packing is going well LOLLY. Not too much longer before you head out. Do remember to send me some of the Texas warm air as you open your car doors in Colorado as you said you would. Autumn returns here tomorrow with rain storms and temperatures dropping again.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!!

Ooops, it's morning ☺

Been busy as all get out....left work, then had to return, because the paper didn't get our ad...I sent it twice, but anyhow, got it to them OK, finally.

Stopped at the grocery store for provisions for this weekend. Got quite a crew to feed!

Just finished making my potato salad.

Love the picture of Hunter, Shirley. John played pitcher, then catcher. Michael was a pitcher.

Lolly, glad you got rain!

Hoda, glad you got a summery day! Ospreys migrate to South America for the winter! Thanks for the link!

Glad GG is moving!

Lynne, jury duty...had mine down in Federal Court in Baltimore...2 week trial...malpractice...was in federal court because parties were in different states. Dr was in Hagerstown, but I had never heard of him.

Margy, glad you had some James time!

Lynn, glad Liesl is done with class, and hope everything goes well tomorrow!

Heading to John and Ajay's tomorrow night for dinner.

And I filled out an application for a Golden Retriever Rescue organization!

There are some other things I wanted to comment on, but can't remember them now! Lucky I got all that out!

Lolly said...

I will remember, Hoda! Just hope it works!☺

I am heading to the shower. Time to call it a day.

Prayers for all the aches, pains, and extra special ones for Tori.

Sweet dreams and (((Hugs))) for all!

Oh, and Wanda....I am so happy that GG is happy with her new walker. After we finally got Mother to use hers she loved it. Told her it was a cadillac of walkers. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Oops, missed saying Happy Birthday to Sharon's Andrew!

Lolly said...

Wahoo, Paula, just so excited for you that you have started the process for doggie adoption. Cool cool cool!!!

Hoda said...

Paula, Thank you for checking in even though you had such an incredibly busy schedule.
AWESOME that you started a process of adopting another pooch...good on you. You are GREAT Paula...

Hoda said...

Good night all and God Bless.

Lori O. said...

Best Thursday morning EaGALS!

PAULA - So excited for you after filling out paperwork for another love of your life. Golden's are great and obviously great for you! I'm sure NUGZ and Boo will help you pick it out!

Speaking of dogs...DANA MO!
The Flying Labs are gonna have to cool their heals for awhile, huh? I got some Serta dog beds a while back at Sam's Club. They are really nice. FloBear loves his. If it were a little bigger, I would sleep in it! :)

Lynn - hate that when you can't feed them before surgery and they don't know why you're not giving up the food!

ROBYN - Prayers for TORI and you! Yes, please let us know an address when we can send cards.

KAY - Hopefully, I'll get to see you this morning. Guess you slept in yesterday. GOOD FOR YOU! How did Julie's soap turn out? No rain last night so maybe we will get a visit this morning!

LOLLY - Thank you so much for the yellow Columbine seeds. I'm so excited about them. I love seeds. I'll scatter them thinking "I, love free plants!" Same thing when you divide plants like Echiniecia, (that spelling is not right!) hosta, day lily, etc.

Have a great vacation LOLLY! We will miss you. Wishing you safe travels.

Wishing everyone a great day - one more until Friday.

SHIRLEY, guess you don't count how many days until Friday anymore. Lucky you! Feeling "DUH" over the guy who lives by Russ. I didn't make the connection last week between the military site shootings and the Arlington Nat'l Cemetary incident.

Special HUGS - just because you're wonderful - to KAY, JUDIE, LYNN, JO, WANDA, WV DANA, HODA, PA NANA, LYNNE, MARGY and ALL in this cozy little corner of the bird world.

Bobby and Alvin send their love and kitten grins! Hoping to find time to post pics of them soon.

Love you ALL!

Lynne2 said...

well good morning Lori!

Lynne2 said...

Hope you have a nice ride to work....LOTS of lightning bugs out this nightmorning!

Can't wait to see pics of the curtain climbing, toe grabbing, ankle biting wonders of fur babies!

Lynne2 said...

OK, back to bed and hopefully sleep this time.....

Hoda said...

I just logged on to see if anyone else was still up and there is someone from Holsted Denmark that is visiting our blog...Cool I saw it on the Globe on the right side of the screen...OK it is midnight here so I will try to get some sleep now...

Hoda said...

Goodnight and God Bless.

Kay said...

Good Morning gLORI ! We did have a very mild thunderstorm about 10 last night. Should be the last for a while--good sunny days ahead ! Julie's soap now has to cure about 3 weeks. This batch is a year's supply with some to spare for gifts. I'll get a bar or two !☺

HODA, thanks for the Osprey link ! Chinese Swan Lake--beautiful !!!

LYNN, your neighbor IS a jerk and cruel to animals. Hope the pool is gone for good. Thinking of little Liesl this morning !

PAULA, wonderful news about your app to the Golden Retriever Rescue Organization !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY!

How are you feeling?

Kay said...

LORI, so far, so good ! Thanks for asking !

Lori O. said...

It's pretty cloudy out so maybe it looks darker to Truder who is usually here by now.

Kay said...

He should show up anytime now. Just had to refresh and found the nest much brighter and ready for action !

Lori O. said...

It's so much easier to see with real light, when there's enough of it.

Lori O. said...



Kay said...

Eagle lands

Kay said...

I do believe it's our fair lady. See no tell tale sign on the head !

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

She's sitting at 12, kind of looks poised to poof, hope not, stay with us for a while, please !

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...




Kay said...

BELLE, your beautiful, your beautiful, it's true !

Kay said...

No, I'm not getting any sound.

Lori O. said...




Kay said...

BELLE, please forgive my grammar--that should be you're beautiful.

Kay said...

She's moved down to the 5 spot and peering upward. Truder must be playing peek-a-boo this morning.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Truder lands at 11 spot

Kay said...

Belle turns in toward the middle and they both get busy picking at flugg.

Kay said...

Belle shifts to 5 spot and he edges up close.

Lori O. said...







Kay said...

She turns outward, may be considering a poof ? Truder goes to 11 spot. POOF BElle

Lori O. said...

Oooooppps. Accidentally clicked off my cam window.

Kay said...

Truder moves into the 5 spot and POOF, too !

Lori O. said...

Well, we're Eagle-less. Hope it's only temporary.

Good Morning again Kay! Wasn't that fun?! Love it.

Kay said...

Ha, all of a sudden one of them was at 5 again, perhaps Belle had been hidden by the leaves and now she POOFS ???

Kay said...

Great fun, but way too short ! It's always a relief to see they are still with us lookin' well n' swell ! Come on back sweet birds !

DanaMo said...

Man...I missed them by 5 minutes!

DanaMo said...

To heck with them! Poosha. I"m going to go have my coffee out by the pool!

Kay said...

DANAMO, good morning ! Yep, you missed them, but with any luck they'll return. COLOR, glorious color bathes the nest--beautiful !

Hoda said...

Belle was under the leaf all along!!! Her tail would show up every once in a while Great reporting Lori and Kay.
it is raining at the nest, this explains her head shaking and rubbing on shoulders, that she did for a while and she probably found some protection under the leaf.

Hoda said...

Excuse my manners, not used to be up this early in the morning. GOOD MORNING LORI AND KAY and DANA MO...Maybe I should have a coffee too but I do not have a pool!!! Oh sigh, maybe I will head to bed instead.

Kay said...

Good call HODA ! I kept thinking she might be under the leaf, but with the black and white color just couldn't be sure. Do you have sound and can you hear the rain ? I really can't see it.

Hoda said...

that would be ...not used to BEING up so early in the morning...oooops!!!

Kay said...

HODA, what are you doing up so doggone early ? I would think you'd sleep like a log each night after the very active days you put in. Yoga, rowing, volunteering...I wish I still had that kind of energy ! Does it look like you're going to be basking in sunshine and warmth again today ?

Hoda said...

No Kay I do not have sound but the leaf has drop on it and I do not know how else to explain how Belle kept shaking her head...getting rid of water I figured

Lori O. said...

HODA! Welcome. We're so happy to have you here with us early. I know you should be in bed sleeping, but we're delighted to get to spend some time with you. What's on your agenda today? Sleep?

Kay said...

HODA, I'll get you're right. Belle looked a little more unkempt than Truder for a change. He must have been sitting in a more sheltered spot than she prior to the visit.

Hoda said...

Kay I do not think we will have yesterday's weather today...I can not explain why I am up...I usually sleep like a log is true...too much excitement yesterday I think. Today we are supposed to have rain and weather in the low to mid sixties...I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR WHAT WE HAD YESTERDAY.

Kay said...

I guess we'll not have video or pics of this visit since JUDYE and MARGY are both still snoozing.

Kay said...

HODA, I know you long for more warm days, but 60 degrees sounds soooo good to me right now !

Lori O. said...

79 degrees and dewpoint is 70. Super humid here now.

Hoda said...

I think I am going to say GOODNIGHT and give my bed another go!!!. I will go to yoga at noon and to Dragon Boats in the evening and it will not be at all good form if I fell asleep in either one of these activities...It was wonderful to share in the observations of the SYCAMOUR PALACE activities this morning. Thank you for your wonderful reporting LORI and KAY. Enjoy the coffee and I will check back in in a few hours...

Hoda said...

I am so jealous of your weather Lori and Kay, I would think I would even put up with humidity...Night night...

Kay said...

Just for purposes of comparison. Current temp in Columbus is 65, with a high of 77 expected for today. Not bad, except that the humdity is a whopping 97% !!!!!

Lori O. said...

Sounds lovely there in Columbus Kay!
Think I'll box up some of this humidity and send it to HODA. That'll warm her up. :)

LOLLY - I bet you're up and lurking getting ready for your trip. KAY & I have dibs on meeting you there next year. Kay, you like to camp? :)

Kay said...

Can't say that I really enjoy camping anymore, LORI. My parents were avid campers and I grew up camping at National and Regional Parks all over the country. Great memories, but am willing to leave roughin' it to you young people now ! I now like to stay in rustic cabins and lodges where you get that sort of camping atmosphere.

Kay said...

WVC eaglets are looking perky this morning. One dabbling in the water tub, one perched on the other tub and one on a perch toward the end of the flight pen. They constructed another flight pen to house three other rescue eaglets, so we're just watching the NBG trio now.

Lori O. said...

Oh, this is JUDY E's day off that she spends with Jordyn.

I like DANA MO's idea of having coffee outside in the morning.
KAY, how about having a sip on your deck for me?

Kay - How's your dwarf Alerta Spruce doing?

OH gosh, poor Megan, working in the greenhouse in this humidity. Thinking of you FlowerGal!

Lori O. said...

DARN, I was really looking forward to the idea of having Eaglet Pre-school atmosphere there at WCV...
but whatever they think is best for them.

Kay said...

LORI, I guess I could put on a swimming suit and sit out back. Everything is wet, wet, wet out there ! Think I'll opt for stayind inside for now. My pretty little spruce tree seems to be trauma free after the repotting. Lookin' good !

Kay said...

"Staying" inside that is.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pal Ladies..
and GENTLEMEN if your are out there somewhere

Wahoo! I see we had our DOUBLE PLAY this morning...well I didn't see it but I just read about it !
Great Nest Report, Thanks.!
I did MEAN to get up at 5, but I didn't

magpie said...

am enjoying watching those tulilps open up Kay ☺

magpie said...

very humid here
overcast and sprinkling
and warm

magpie said...

glad to hear Bobby and Allen are doing well Lori
...and those handsome vulture babies ??

magpie said...

Have the Kootenay cam saved to favorites, will look forward to checking all that out in THEIR daylight time

Thanks Hoda!
Wow, middle of the night visit from you...sorry I missed being here

magpie said...

Could you have been any busier yesterday? Wow...was good to see your late night report
sounds like a fun week-end at The Paradise coming up ☺

Kay said...

Top o' the mornin' to ya, MARGY ! We all need those sleep in days--glad you got some extra rest.♥♥♥

magpie said...

Regarding GG's visit to the doctor yesterday...OUCH!
Really, 35 mph on the scooter?
I feel one leg being pulled here, but, sounds like GG was tooling around pretty good. Did YOU try it out?
Glad the bugger was not a tick,
and hope GG feels better today
Or, a gentle, pretty Lady Doctor!

magpie said...

Hello Key-Kay ☺
So glad you were up for the Visit !
last two or three weeks, I just can't seem to get things going early like I used to be able to do...
either new alarm clock is needed, or an earlier bedtime...or both !

Kay said...

Glad you like the tulips as much as this "funny little Dutch girl" does ! I must give credit where credit is due. LORI sent me a whole batch of purty tulips and daffodils, mostly in yellows. Isn't she the sweetest ? You'll be seeing more of them as time goes on. {{{{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}}}}}, thank you !!!!!!

magpie said...

need to take care of a few emails to family and get ready for work...
sigh...comes around so fast...

think the aphids have invaded my second tomato plant now, will have a look at all that this afternoon...

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, Joyful Day, Everyone...

Hope to read of some good progress with Tori today....will be watching posts from work

xoxo ♥ ☺

magpie said...

My Dad was 100% Dutch, so I am Half Dutch, last name Hoogland -
we pronounce it with the long O, but not sure that is the Dutch pronounciation...
the other half, Irish and....can't remember the other 25%-
English ???

Yes, they are spectacular, Kay !

ttfn xo

Kay said...

Hope it's a good day for you MARGY, with a minimum of stress !

I'm going to hang in here for a while, but will be in and out as I check e-mail and on line news, etc.

Kay said...

Hey, my dad was 100% Dutch, too ! Mother was Irish and German. My first husband and father of my 3 children was one half Dutch as well. That means the kids are carrying on a lot of Dutch genes. My maiden name, Irick is Dutch, but was Iryck or Irych in the old country.

Lori O. said...

Morning MARGY. Yes, very yucky outside this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, Kay, Hoda,
Margy, and lurkers.

Prayers continue for Tori and Robyn
and Bobbi.

Wanda yes sounds like GG needs
a different doctor, a kind one.
GG is going to get speedidng
tickets with her walker lol

Hoda Thank you for the live Osprey cam where you live. Will enjoy watching it. Especially because you live there.

Paula this weekend is your busy weekend. With all coming to help; brothers and I forget all. Just know you are feeding a crew of working men at the Beach
Neat you are looking into the
Golden Retriever Rescue.

Kay of love seeing your avatar
of tulips. I remember back that
Lori sent them to you. They are beautiful as I said then too.

Lori where are those pictures
on your blog of those two kittens? Bobby and Alvin I keep checking to see them. I get excited lol

I see comments thanks Kay and Lori.
That Belle flew in first later Truder.
Hoda caught that Belle was under the leaf. Thanks Hoda.

Margy hope your day is not stressful.

Lori O. said...

Oh goodness, I'm surrounded. Kate is half Irish. Once she decided she wanted Burry to be her cat, he started getting into the pantry and nibbling on raw potatoes! He's Irish all the way now.

wvgal_dana said...

Thinking of Hedgie-Lynn and Liesl for this mornings dental appointment. HUGS dear Lynn. I know you just can't wait to get her home again.

Kay said...

LORI, LOL, I'm with Burry, potatoes are a favorite food ! Can't eat them as much as I'd like, of course.

Kay said...

Good morning, WVgal DANA ! Hope you're rested and feeling good toay !

Kay said...

Well, it sure doesn't look like Belle n' Truder intend to visit again this morning. So, I'm going into LM for a while. HAGD y'all ! I♥U !

wvgal_dana said...

Kay what is LM?

Lori O. said...


Bless you for your interest in Bobby & Alvin. They are so darn cute I can't stand it! I'm going to try and shoot a suick 60 sec video of them playing. I do have pics to post but I'm still trying to find the time.

KAY - I think of you and MARGY everytime I see yellow flowers, and now I'll think of you two and LOLLY with my yellow columbine next year. Did you find the BioFreeze?

Lori O. said...

LM = Lurk Mode

wvgal_dana said...

Lori sweetie thank you so much for helping me understand some computer talk--LM ok Lurk Mode I know what that means. lol

Not me looking for Biofreeze. I might somewhere in a comment when it was being talked about. Said that sounds good. I can't use anything my doctor doesn't ok...allergic to too many things.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see our eagles have visited this morning.

Paula, so happy that you are looking into pet adoption.

A late happy birthday to Andrew.

Nope, not counting the days anymore. But I am plenty busy.

Wondering why those cartoon voices have to be so high and annoying. Hunter likes the Cartoon Network. I will let him have some time, but I want my own programs later--there are plenty of televisions for both of us, though.

Speaking of having things to do, there is so much to do around here, I should not be watching television at all.

I did watch the news last night and got to see the father of the accused shooter putting down his garage door as the reporters were trying to question him. Poor man.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Lolly this morning. She and Jack are headed to some lovely country.

stronghunter said...

On camping, I am in agreement with those who prefer a rustic cabin--but I want my rustic cabin to have all the comforts. I like the great outdoors, but also want to escape into air conditioning, electricity, etc.

I spent an entire summer living in a tent when I worked at Girl Scout camp as a counselor. I know what it is like to sleep under a mosquito net and wake up to find several grandaddy longlegs looking down at me.

stronghunter said...

Didn't know what LM meant, either, DanaWV.

Lori O. said...

WV DANA - you're welcome for LM, Lurk Mode. I remember when I didn't know what HP meant!

Hello SHIRLEY! I'm LOL about the Cartoon Network. I HATE cartoons, never see animated movies, etc. Give me the dull monotone delivery of a documentary or something on the History Channel any day!

stronghunter said...

Hunter does like the History Channel, too. Kathryn will often lure him away from cartoons with something from the History Channel.

stronghunter said...

One of Hunter and Kathryn's favorite programs is Swamp People. It is about alligator hunting in Louisiana. Don't ask me why.

stronghunter said...

And it is on the History Channel.

stronghunter said...

They think I am silly because I watch CNN.

hedgie said...

Good Th. AM to all. Just got back from dropping Liesl off at vets. She didn't seem upset about no breakfast....maybe because I had to wake her instead of waking on her own!!

Have gotten caught up as far as 7:30....gotta go back and finish.

Carolyn got called at 12:30 this morning to pull a partial shift today, so she just called that she is on her way to work. It was her last day off for this week....OT money will come in handy, tho'.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lynn,

Glad that Liesl was not upset. Hope all goes well. I am sure she will be very happy to see you later today.

I am afraid I would not be too coherent if I received a phone call at 12:30 AM about work-related issues, but I would have done better at Carolyn's age--maybe. I did survive the rearing of 4 children and all that entails.

It is good to know that people like Carolyn and Margy handle this kind of job. We need them.

hedgie said...

I have a wide variety of viewing interests, but cartoons--modern ones--sure are not included. I hate them! Some of the animated movies are great, tho'---love the Dinosaur series! Have not seen the Cars movie, but Cars2 comes out tomorrow and Deadliest Catche's crab boat captain Sig is doing a voice in it, so might have to watch it some day when it makes it to TV! Love Sig!

hedgie said...

Paula, so glad that you've made the first step in the adoption process!!!

magpie said...

Yes, and Caro-Jewels is HERE

co-worker's mother had sudden illness, testing needed for cardiac

I got the call at 12:30 also, superv asking if I thought Carolyn would be a good fill-in
will keep trying to keep her lively in here !
xoxo Good Morning, More Morning Pals


magpie said...

I didn't win the powerball

magpie said...

Once I commented that all the voices on "Chowder" seemed so loud and nothing made any sense to me
It's a cartoon show
one that James likes a lot
I hurt James's feelings :(

He also likes Cow and Chicken

He can get these from On Demand off Cable my place

magpie said...

Might go see Kung Fu Panda II
at the Star Theater in Berkeley Springs Sunday
old-time movie theater, you can sit on couches and easy chairs.

magpie said...

Nice of you last night to get Hoda startd on our Alt characters...
I just added a few of my own favorites
☼ ☺ ♥

Hope I didnt't chase everyone
Squawk, noisy magpie

back to work for me
xo ttfn xoxo
Enjoy your respective days !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just a quick peek in. Scanned the blog quickly. Thoughts on camping.....I love it, BUT not in hot weather. It is going to be in the 30's at night, 60's during the day. Also, now my older bones (Not old) prefer the mattress not the cot or air mattress! Also, want my potty close! So, we will be snug as a bug in a rug in our trailer. The others will be in tents, in sleeping bags on air mattresses.
And, we will be in one of the most beautiful places on this earth. Nothing like a cup of hot coffee on a chilly morning, looking at the mountains (with snow) and being buzzed by millions of hummingbirds. We used to put up feeders but no more. They do not want us attracting bears. Awe shucks!

Plan on seeing....elk, big horn sheep, deer, and an eagle or two!!

Gotta run now. Lots to do today!

Have a great one!!!! Love you all!Wish I could bundle you up and take you with us!☺

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Shirley, Hedgie-Lynn, and Margy.

Lynn so glad Liesl wasn't upset this morning. I know you'll be a Happy Camper to get her back.

Shirley I'm not sure I could watch many of the cartoons anymore.

Margy yes Berkeley Plaza threater is much cheaper price too. Be nice to take James and you two go to movies.

Sorry Carolyn had to come in but a Lynn said the OT money will come in handy. ( :

Well I just had to wipe up my kitchen floor. Spilt my glass of diet juice over it.

wvgal_dana said...

I feel like these words are an "echo in a canyon"...Lolly remember if you see a bear
"IT'S ME BEAR".....

magpie said...

Hi Lolly
all sounds wonderful...
wish we could all go too !
But how would the other campers feel about that?? ☺

Hi DanaWV

must go
back later

ttfn xo

T-Bird said...

Hello my eagle peeps.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - I was going to come
on at 5am when I was going to the
loo - but the bed looked so good
that I had to lie down again.

Nothing planned for today - Jenny
was visiting this morning - Brought
more raspberries for her dad from
her garden.

Everyone seems busy busy today.
Loved the accounting of our nest
this am.


Lynne2 said...

hello Thel!!!!! Hi everyone! Just popping in before I go to work....

Lynn, misery loves company so I am taking Puddles (aka Sasquatch bait!) to get a microchip today. So tell Liesl she isn't alone!

have a good one everybody!

Lynne2 said...

have to share this before I go...

Birds, like you'll never see them!

T-Bird said...

Hi Jo.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lynne2 I love them. Especially the one where the bird and the fork and knife lol....neat and cute!

stronghunter said...

Love those birds, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Jo and T-Bird.

Mema Jo said...

Hello T-Bird. Happy that yesterday's party was successful
Looks like Andrew and all of the
Bluefield girls had a great time.

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday to a
Special Momster, Carol Mick!
Miss you Carol and pray all is well!
Have a special day

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Shirley! Do you feel
'free' from it all yet?
We need to get a lunch together
with you and Judi and the locals.

JudyEddy said...

oh no I am getting a message on my live screen to upragde your Flash Player

Please upgrade your Flash Player
to experience this site to its fullest.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon eagle budlets.

I got an earlier appointment with the hematologist/oncologist and got to see them this morning. They will start weekly Inferon infusions (iron) on Monday morning and gave me a prescription to start giving myself B12 shots again. In the solution! YAY!

wvgal_dana said...

Robyn sent Bobbie a message which I have sent to Eagle-Momster mailing. NOT TO PUT ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK ABOUT TORI'S ILLNESS!!!! When Tori is able goes on and she does not want her to see anything concerning her illness as they have not mentioned everything to her. Thanks again. Love you all.

Lolly said...

Sounds like a plan, Sharon. Hope it does the trick!

Lolly said...

Have made my last trip to the "grossery" store. So, now the eggs and milk are stored away in the trailer. We are about ready to hook up. We will do that this evening and be ready to roll early in the morning. We will have a long day ahead of us, over 500 miles. First night we stay at an RV park in Raton, NM. Second day will be much shorter, arriving at the park mid afternoon.

Hoda....expect your rush of warm air about that time. ☺ Well, maybe a little later....takes time to travel your way!

JudyEddy said...

NO NEED for flash player upgrade I just logged off and went back in and all is ok ODD that it kept telling me to upgrade HUH

WOW NELLIE I have 150 comments to read since I went to bed last night I did peek and saw the visit GREAT REPORTING I CAN CLOSE MY EYES AND SEE THEM

Lolly said...

To those that I sent columbine seeds to.....remember talk to Wanda. Plants may come up the first year, but do not expect blooms until the second year.

Yes, Wanda, I told them to talk with you to see what you did for success. I scattered your seed but also planted some in pots. The scattered did not come up but I had success with the seeds in the pots.

hedgie said...

Lynne...good wishes for Puddles....think you should get Bro Cat the Rover microchipped!!!!
Do they even do cats??

Someone had a lot of fun with photoshop on those brid pics! LOL!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Dana. Can understand Bobbi and Robyn's concern.....but in a way it sounds like Tori is alert if she's able to get on her phone or puter, which has to be a good sign.

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I am just a little confused by it all. Didn't think she would be on computer. Sounded like she was too sick. Maybe they are meaning "when she can". I don't know???????

JudyEddy said...

ANOTHER CARD GLO found a another bird on one I should have looked further before I posted the frogs on FB oh well so you get two cards here

I have been on the phone with daughter now I got to step away from computer and do laundry BBL I still haven't begun the blog

hedgie said...

From Cornell Lab of Ornithology:
Did you know? Eggs that aren't white receive their coloring and patterns several hours prior to being laid. The mother produces pigments by breaking down hemoglobin from burst red blood cells in her body.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly I just sent you an email about Columbine vine.

magpie said...

well I am behind in the times today
or behind in the behind maybe

Happy Birthday Momster Carol Mick....Hope it is a Glorious Day from Start to Finish with a Great Year to Follow ! xoxo ♥

thanks Jo! For the reminder !!

wvgal_dana said...


Hoda said...

LOLLY You and Jack drive safely and I will wait for that warm weather by Saturday after noon or Sunday. ;^) I wish you a wonderful and enjoyable camping trip and what a GRAND thing to be camping with family...We will all be thinking of you and hoping to see pictures when you return. You are gone for a week or ten days? I can not remember when you said you would be back???

It is in the upper fifties mabye going to the lower sixties today with a low in the forties. Thunder storms with lightning and risk of hail...if anyone sees the sun today tell it Thank you for visiting Nelson yesterday... again the good thing is FIRE SEASON has not started yet in the Kootenays this year.That is GOOOOOOD.

JudyEddy said...

Here is info on my cruise I got from Angie

4/21/12 Carnival Paradise

Sat Tampa, FL
Sun Fun Day At Sea
Mon Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Tue Cozumel, Mexico
Wed Fun Day At Sea
Thu Tampa, FL..
apparently it is in California right now and will be in Tampa Port next year they are switching ships from one coast to the other Here is a link to it Really pretty

PARADISE SHIP Load of laundry is on now to fold what I have in basket

Hoda said...

It looks GREAT JUDY E. Enjoy...Going on a cruise next year sounds like a PLAN!!! Good on you...

hedgie said...



Bittersweet, I'm sure...but still a special day to remember.

hedgie said...

Okay...some clarification about Tori. Per Bobbi....Robyn meant to say INTUBATE not innervate. Which, of course, means inserting a breathing tube into the bronchi.

Hoda said...

I will see you all after yoga and some errands...The camera seems to be acting up a bit with periodic horizotal lines and fuzziness. I am glad I saw Belle and Truder this morning.
Happy Anniversary Glo and Happy Birthday Carol...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


GLO, thinking of you on your Anniversary! Hope your day is special, too! Please give Dex a scratch behind the ears for me.

Lynne2, love the birds with arms! Too funny!

Lynn, thinking of you and Liesl today. Prayers that she recovers quickly! Bet you can't wait to get her home.

Paula, I'm so glad you've started the process of rescuing a Goldie! Well done!

Thank you for the great play-by-play reporting of the nest visit this morning! Very glad that Belle and Truder are still visiting, and appear healthy!

Shirley, I'm not fond of most cartoons either. They just aren't the quality animation that Disney Studios does, and most of the story lines are not the best, either. I DO like Spongebob Squarepants, though. He is so sweet, and the show has some good messages in the storylines.

Well, I need to get busy and do some more transcription. Will be in "LM" (lurk mode), and will check back in later. Prayers continue for those that need them. HAGD! :o]

hedgie said...

Oh, JudyE, cruise sounds delightful! My youngest promised me a cruise a few years ago....and I'm still waiting! Think she's been on one or two plus 2 trips to Hawaii with her dad, and a trip to Cancun with her hubby---and another coming next month....and I'm still waiting for my cruise. :( Guess I'll just give up.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE How many days is your cruise for?

Hedgie-Lynn have they called you about Liesl?

JudyEddy said...

Yeah we have a new graduate on the blog Give Liesl and scratch behind both ears for me.

How did the four legged children do in their new room?

Keeping Tori in my prayers and how old is she? if I may ask

I have only skimmed the blog Could only do one load of laundry no more detergent :o( who knew if I did I would have bought some at work OH well will have to wait I do not go grossrey shopping when I am not at work I don't go to the store on my days off

JORDYN is amazingly doing great I guess Angie caught it before it got bad Angie said this morning her hair was all matted like from the ear drainage She wanted to go to Largo Park so we went she had a good time then we went to McDonalds and she played in the play area That was nice and cool I wish someone would come up with a play ground in air conditioner I came home and my hair is drenched I wanted to take her to a water park but not with the ear infection

I probably won't be on tonight to see the couples evening visit -its our Thursday night ritual

Jordyn is waking up I can here her she is in there counting to herself

JudyEddy said...

5 days 468.00

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn have to talk to your youngest daughter about a cruise???

No matter what age they get caught up in their own lives...sometimes forget what they even talked to you about lol

JudyEddy said...

Went in she went back to sleep too funny out like a light

Angie and Carl have been on lots of cruises I'm so glad that they did include me a friend of theirs Lynn is also going not for sure who else They have always gone with his parents and the whole family like a reunion of sorts They have reunions once a year

LYNN So don't give up Hey tell them about me going with my daughter some how work it into a conversation wouldn't hurt

JudyEddy said...

Carol a friend just put on facebook its storming in Clearwater and I hear thunder so I'm signing off see ya tomorrow probably

JudyEddy said...

Faster than a speeding bullet Its GG and her new found freedom with new wheels to cool for school Storm has blown over I'm back and Jordyn is still asleep Angie said she didnt' get to bed till late last nite with her ear so now she's making up for missing the hours LOL I have TV turned up also and still not budging


NatureNut said...

Checking in for supposedly rainy TH!!???
Where's the rain?
I've got to get back outside to plant one perrenial in the ground. We have 3 azaleas in rectangular bed below picture window. I've always had something else on each side or in front. Have black-eyed susans on left side (with now lavendar behind).Right side should have purple cone flowers. They seem to croak afterwhile. This will be my 3rd one!That spot gets full sun & used to squeeze a couple tomatoes in, but no room now.
One Tom plant has FIVE babies on one stem! It may need help! Other plant has about 3.
In this area it's been said that a good farmer will have a ripe tomato by 4th of July!
Well, back to the great outdoors before the monsoon! LOL

Margy, avatar bird is the Hoopoe, my favorite that was at bottom of Acropolis in Athens! I need to work on that pic--he doesn't show up too well--could lighten background maybe.

hedgie said...

I mentioned the WV singer on AGT last night----listen to him:

hedgie said...

Okay, Liesl did fine....I can pick her up after 5!

DanaMo said...

JudyE, I'm jealous. We have been talking about a cruise forever. First we were going to do it for our 10th anniversary, then it was 15 then 20, we celebrated 22 years this year and now we are talking about 25. When we had little kids there was no way, but I think we may be closer to getting that cruise at 25! It's always been about the kids, maybe by then it will be about us.

JudyEddy said...

Neat O that PAULA is getting another doggie to cool
Different game plan tonight Carl is on call so Angie and I are going to Biff Burger so I just might be home for tonight visit Jordyn is watching the Wiggles she loves the Wiggles

Judie said...

Hello everyone. Had a busy day. Am trying to catch up.

Shirley, meant to say yesterday I very much like the picture of Hunter. Two of my favorite baseball player students were catchers.

Lynne2, please hardship - loss of wages with Steve unemployed, etc.

Wanda, don't know about GG's current doctor but if he isn't one, try to find a gerontologist. Better schooled in dealing with our older folks. Sounds like she thinks she has a new race car - cool!

Hoda, sorry the summer weather didn't last. I'll send a hot weather prayer your way.

Hi to Bobby and Alvin.

Paula, I suspect it won't be long before you are out throwing a ball again and sharing the beach house with a furry friend.

Be back after I read some more.

JudyEddy said...

☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ 123456789 on my desktop Alt and the # cool thanks never to old to learn LOL

JudyEddy said...

◙ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♫ ☼ ► ◄ ↕ ‼ ¶ § ▬ ↨ ↑ ↓ → ← ∟ ↔ ▲ ▼ number 10-31 and alt

Judie said...

Wow, I know Lolly & Co. are near to headed off for camping. I hope the entire family has a fantastic time. Can't wait to hear about Ashley, thought.

I love camping. I will camp at any 5-Star Resort you choose.

JudyEddy said...

I agree with Judie 5 STARS For me ☻ ♥♥

hedgie said...

I like all the amenities of which you all speak, BUT I prefer my own RV so that I don't have to worry about cleanliness.....or bed bugs....or lack of sufficient towels, wash cloths, etc.!!!!!

hedgie said...

Heading out to pick up my little gal!

Judie said...

Kay, glad the little spruce is adjusting. New plantings here are okay but really need a nice gentle steady rain for about two hours. Heat and humidity are dreadful.

Need to check Lynne2 bird post. Will do soon.

Sharon, so glad you have a treatment plan. Wishing quick positive results.

Lolly, you are likely to be on the road before I open my eyes. Have a safe and very enjoyable vacation.

Best thoughts for Glo and hugs for Dex.

I like SpongeBob Squarepants!

JudyE, glad that you and Jordyn had another fun day and that the ear infection is not so bad.

Yippee! Liesl is coming home! I know she's going to be sleeping in her mom's lap tonight.

Need to head for the kitchen. Y'all stay in the far right hand lane so I can catch up again later.

Hoda said...

So pleased JORDYN is well and getting better.

Hurrah Liesl is on her way home

Thanks Judie for prayers for warmer weather...not too bad today no rain yet and there is a strong wind. I have learnt to accept the weather in Canada as it changes so fast...I am sorry I complained so much and expressed my being jealous...

wvgal_dana said...

I'll take the hotel without bedbugs please. Love RV nice airconditioned one. That one we rented that time was exceptionally nice.

Sharon prayers for the treatment they have set up for you.

wvgal_dana said...

Pigeons usually eat off the ground. Where the food has fallen. Today one tried to eat from the feeder. I have to say it was funny to watch it. ( : Back to ground eating it went.

Hoda said...

My live feed keeps turning off!!! Is this happening with anyone else? It could be the storm that is passing through here right now...I can not get it to come back up again. I'll shut down and then try again.Impressive rain pelting down with thunder and lightning it is dark outside...

Hoda said...

No it is the came up and then said "the selected item is not currently available" and shut down again.

Hoda said...

It comes back on and then the buffering arrow shows up and then it cuts off and stops the video reception with the same message, "The selected item is not currently available."

It is very windy at the nest...the camera shook twice a bit earlier.

Hoda said...

It comes back on and then the buffering arrow shows up and then it cuts off and stops the video reception with the same message, "The selected item is not currently available."

It is very windy at the nest...the camera shook twice a bit earlier.

Kay said...

LYNN, hurray for lil' trooper, Liesl ! Keep us posted as she settles in for the evening. What is she allowed to eat ?

But of course, entubate, makes sense. I hope Robyn knows her Momster buds are ON IT ! With as many of us as we have I'm sure someone is praying for Tori at all times !

Wowee Zowee ! The Logan, WV singer gave me goosebumps and I had to shed a little tear with him. Hopefully his car washing days are over.

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 721   Newer› Newest»

6/12/24 1

 She doesexist! LOL. What a nice surprise to see Bella on the lop morning when I awoke. And got a few minutes of her in the nest m Boys he l...