Tuesday, June 07, 2011


New thread.


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Lynne2 said...

She's so pretty Andy!

Delphia, you are going to have SUCH a good time! Look forward to seeing some pictures!

Lolly said...

Paula, saw where you asked about Joey. As of yesterday he has lost 18 pounds. He is loosing about a pound a day. At first his stamina was really affected, but he is doing better now.

Margy, did some research. Armadillos have their young in March and are full grown in 6 months.

Lynne, it is hard to trap armadillos. They do not go for bait. We tried that and got a skunk. That was a BIG problem, so do not want to try traps again.

hedgie said...

Delphia will be heading for Washington state----maybe Hoda and Annemarie can hear her holler!!

Lolly, IF the armadillos are sealed in and can't dig out and die....will you smell them under the slab???

It's supposed to be possibly a 100° here the next two days....TOo bad we can't split the difference with Hoda!

Paula, sounds like you will have a good weekend. Frank and Irene are down OBX this week....armed with a list of For Sales....I should start getting reports and pics tomorrow! Keeping fingers crossed. If this trip isn't successful, I think we are going to go with buying a big RV and then renting a permament campsite....better than nothing until the right thing comes along!

Lolly said...

Watching the Mavs and the Miami Heat game. Go Mavs!!!!

Costume Lady said...

I remember the beautiful, bright pinkish orange sunsets that we had for a long time, due to the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, in 1991. Saw the Northern Lights, here when I was a teen...spooky/beautiful!

hedgie said...

NO lightening bugs here at all so far!
Possible that the solar flares COULD cause some internet and satellite dish problems for a day or two....hoping NOT!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Lolly, so much weight so fast...I will pray this is the right thing for him.

EWWWWWW. Didn't think about baiting an armadillo. Skunks stink....4am, windows open, sleeping peacefully, Steve wakes me up. SKUNK!!!! OMG the poor thing sprayed out front BIG TIME! Close windows, turned on air.

Lolly said...

They can dig out, Lynn. I do that to discourage them. LOL Like it really works. Jack laughs at me, but I just do not like them digging those huge holes. Dirt thrown into the AC is not good. The hold near the patio dug up flowers. Grrrrr!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks! I'm surprised that her hair is that long already--she will probably be getting it cut shorter for the summer soon. She has done the "Locks of Love" thing 3 or 4 times now. Hopefully I'll be able to save a bunch of pictures this coming weekend, and I'll have to try to figure out how to put them on a blog and share them.

hedgie said...

Margy, the shift diff never hurts the pocketbook!!! Of course, I would still have preferred 2nd shift even if there hadn't been that extra!

Heading for the tub....a good soak may well help a lot!
Signing off......see you sweet people tomorrow!! Prayers for all healing, cooling, etc. Love all y'all!

Lynne2 said...

I sure hope you guys find something Lynn, but Plan B isn't so bad!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, my girls will be going to OBX Saturday. They are both in love with that place. They stay at Karla's in-laws beach house.
I haven't been there in years! Use to go at least once a year.

magpie said...

Well, it might be about that time...to start saying good night

Hello Wanda!
You are bringing up the Rear....LOL ☺

Hope you had a nice day today

Hoda said...

Lynne 2 lots of information and I thank you...always so much to see...

Bird Girl, I live in British Columbia in Canada and I am 2.5 hours away from Spokane. I have never been down ther but imagine making a trip down there. They say the shopping is far more reasonable there than here...I am not much of a shopper though.

What a wonderful story that you are connecting with a sister and her family...where in Washington will you be? Most families are complicated in one way or another and I think it takes a lot of strength and courage to keep reaching out and connecting...

Lynne2 said...

For those on FB, I am now co-administrator of our Manchester Vet Services page! I've added some new albums and pictures today!

Costume Lady said...

Hope you have peaceful sleep, Lynn.

I'm headed that way too.


magpie said...

Night Night, Lynn and Liesl

It's been fun talking around on here today, we had some long stretches with few posts, and I have been running them up for the past hour!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynne2, that sounds like a more manageable litter size. Emma is from a litter of TEN! I need to weigh her and check her height tomorrow and see if she has grown any more. She seems a bit small for a Springer, but we think she may have been the runt of the litter. It's good that she's not too big, though, so that she can fit in our laps! I agree--those pups must be SOOOOOO cute!

magpie said...

sigh I just missed our Wanda...

congratulations, Lynne...smart choice, the person who picked you!

Better tuck it in I guess....
Prayers for heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes ♪♫

Best wishes for Sweet Sleep...
love you, precious pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Ok....I lied....

Delphia, that sounds like a really special family gathering!!! I HAD forgotten about all of that....is it your paternal grandma or maternal? Is your Mom making the trip with you? Wishing you the most joyous time!

Lynne, puppies sound adorable!!

Andy, your gd is lovely!!!

Diann---no, Vicodin doesn't hype me up. Thank goodness!

Lolly, when Mom had omne under her patio in FL, she called a trapper. Luckily no more ever dug under!!

LOL, Wanda---Karla and Denise stay at the RICH end of the OBX! We have stayed up that way twice....but we like the Hatteras end much better!

Bye now for real!!!

PA Nana said...

Time to hang up and try to get some sleep.

Prayers for all needs and wants and hope the cam is back on tomorrow.

Hi and goodnight Wanda.

God bless all. ♥♥

Lynne2 said...

OK, I've now watched the hawk video 3 times....that baby is just too cute! And VERY lucky!

If I didn't have to work for a living, I'd become a wildlife rehabber. Kathy and Lynn do an amazing job. It takes up most of their time! Thank goodness they have understanding spouses!

Bird Girl said...

Hoda, my "godfather" lived in Bellingham for the last several years of his life; I never got to visit him there, sadly.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, my eyes are at the point where they don't want to focus any more at "computer screen distance," so I think I'd better call it quits for tonight. Wonder if we will have a live cam tomorrow some time.

Saying prayers for everyone here, and for all creatures. (So happy to hear how well Nugz is feeling!) Hope that everyone who's hurting tonight feels much better tomorrow! Sleep tight, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Checking to make sure the porch light is on. Judie, thanks for setting the night light to go on automatically.
Enabling both security systems. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Bird Girl said...

Hedgie, this is my maternal grandmother. And no, my mother is not involved in this part of the reunion.

Bird Girl said...

Oh, and yes, wildlife rehab takes a LOT of time LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

OH, almost forgot--Delphia, your family reunion sounds like it will make some wonderful memories! Hoping to see some pictures. So glad you are able to make some more family connections!

Well, really need to rest these eyes. They are rebelling! "See" you all tomorrow. :o]

Lynne2 said...

I don't know what the requirements are there Delphia, but in MD, you have to apply for and be approved for an apprentice permit, work under a master rehabber for 2 years, find an approved vet to work with....and then there are other requirements for birds, fawns, rabies vector species. SO much red tape to deal with that many are being lost to the money and red tape issues.

Lolly said...

Enjoyed the vet fb site, Lynne! And, that is really a great picture of Brother Cat.

Heading to the shower and then to bed. Oh, may read for a while.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Lynne2 said...

Guess I better hit the hay....at 2pm tomorrow, I will have my first day at the other vet hospital. My regular schedule will be at that one on M, T, W, and one or two Saturdays a month, and then Manchester on Th, F.

Lynne2 said...

Have a good night and prayers for you all!

Hoda said...

Goodnight to all who are signing off...God Bless and Sweet dreams. It is midnight back east so I expect most will have signed off by now...Good night to Lolly too as I will also sign off now

Bird Girl said...

Lynne2, yes there is a lot of red tape. State and Federal have different requirements, too. It can be daunting, and it's not necessarily a bad thing that it discourages some people.

We get calls from people wanting to keep the wild birds they find, thinking it's easy to care for them, when it really isn't. For example, several times we have gotten in raptors with permanent foot damage due to incorrect diet, and some people have even brought us birds that they have been giving milk to, and can't understand why they're sick.

Lynne2 said...

yeah Del, so many good intentions but so little knowledge. We keep a posting of rehabbers and try to educate folks on what to do if they find something. And you are right...in some cases, not such a bad thing it's so difficult!

Bird Girl said...

Well, folks I"m going to sign off for the night. Talk to you soon!

Lori O. said...

HODA - PAULA had a good idea, I think we should trade weather with you for a few days, but it wouldn't be very nice of us to send along the poor air quality, too. I could be a neighbor soon if this heat keeps up. ANDY, you sound tired of the heat too.

JO - Wasn't joking! JUDY E really can see ant on the nest with her monitor! Ask her. :)

KAY - 3 cheers for the amazing woman who raised those great kids that help their mother so much. I'm so glad to know you're well taken care of.

SHIRLEY - getting closer by the day to your retirement! I love charm bracelets and yours sounds beautiful = but no BHound? Poor George.

Well, I had some sound on the cam briefly when it first came up, but still no picture of the nest.

If there's no cam this morning, those of you who can should take the opportunity to sleep in. I would!

Lori O. said...

YUCKY weather:

Wednesday: Sunny and hot, with a high near 97. Heat index values as high as 102. West wind between 5 and 8 mph.

+ Code Orange (bad) Air Quality and a Heat Advisory today.

Lori O. said...

The 2 eaglets in the new flight pen at WCV are sleeping standing up. That cam must have a very powerful infrared light because the pen is so bright it looks like an operating room.

DanaMo said...

Morning Lori. I'm disappointed that the cam is down, as everyone is...

Lori O. said...

Eaglet at WCV wigercized himself right out of the nest down to the floor and is now bouncing around from perch to perch. I get the impression he thinks it's pretty cool having all that room and new toys!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds WOW 77 comments since I went to bed at 11 Now you know I will never catch up LOL

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

G☺☺d M☼rning gLORI and DANAMO ! It sure IS a shame the cam is down again. Surely they didn't just replace cable without encasing it in something to keep the ants out, or without addressing the ant problem ????

That is a nasty weather report and a match for what we have in Ohio today. Yesterday afternoon a couple of severe thunderstorms moved through Columbus, lots of wind, lightning and thunder, but little rain. My power was out for about an hour. It cleared off and brought the temp down to 73 so that the evening work on my deck was not as unpleasant as it could have been.

Kay said...

Hell☺ JudyE ! Are you sweltering in Pinellas Park, too ?

DanaMo said...

Good morning JudyE and Kay. Suppose to be hot and sticky today here in Hagerstown.

Need to go to my classroom to do a little work and play with my new SMART board. Already looking at my new textbooks and trying to see what the year looks like. My new science book suggests getting a class pet, wonder if I can talk my principal into it, I've been trying for 2 years and she just never answers me!

DanaMo said...

Had the perfect picture for my avatar with my dad and now I can't find it! It's been in the same place forever and now that I want it I can't put my hand on it. Don't you hate that?

Kay said...

DANAMO, I hope you get the okay for a class pet. All my grands had one in preschool and Kindergarten classes. All guinea pigs as I recall and much beloved by the students.

LORI, nice expanded habitat at WCV ! Have you seen one of them land on that swinging trapeze type thing ? Wish we could see more of the flight path, but understand cam limitations.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY! ((Big Hug))

HODA wrote last night that the OC camera forum (or something like that) said we should anticipate problems with the camera system for a few days until they get it stabilized. Hoping that it's soon!

BTW: MARGY won the last prize for being the first to report that the cams were back up on Monday.

Kay said...

DANAMO, I've had that happen and yes, I too, hate when that happens. Hope you find the pic of your dad soon.

Lori O. said...

JUDY E - is your avatar a picture of your father?

Kay said...

LORI, thanks for the hug, I needed that ! Okay, so maybe the cam probs are to be expected and it isn't the ants again. Sorry ants, did not mean to malign you---we know you're just doing your natural normal thing. Wish you'd do your carpentry work somewhere other than at the Sycamore Palace, however !

Lori O. said...

KAY - did you ever get your evergreen tree/shrub for your deck?

JudyEddy said...

MAGIEPIE I love you head, shoulder, knees and toes OH do you watch the Wiggles tooo That is a song that gets stuck in my head when Jordyn watches them

HI BIRD GIRL I hope your reunion goes well Its always nice when family get together

LYNN2 send me a puppy they sound so cute will check out the fb page after I get home from work

Wow still got some more post to read but I got to get ready for work I read until 1159 last nites post only got 23 to go but I will be late so I'm signing out HAGD

Kay said...

LORI, funny you should mention the the Dwarf Alberta Spruce I'm hoping to find today, along with a roller platform and a big pot. Also hoping to come home with a new umbrella. Didn't want to get all that til' the deck was cleaned. I want to have it all done when Malcolm comes to stay on Saturday. I have a "chain" hooked up that gives him access to the whole deck and hope he and I can at least enjoy the deck in the late afternoons and evenings. I love to eat dinner and sit and read out there. It occurs to me that a Spruce is so appropriate as my condo community is Fenway Pines and I happen to live in a Spruce Model !

JudyEddy said...

MY weather man just said Look at the camera doesn't it look MUZZY out-- he meant to say muggy and was thinking fuzzy and he said he just made a new word for meteorologist to use LOL Just wanted to share that before I leave BYE again

Kay said...

HAGD, Judy ! You'll have plenty of time to catch up with blog chat later. It may slow down a bit again until we have the cams back.

JudyEddy said...

JO YEP I have seen ants on several occasions One time there was a ant that crawled over the lens it was a giant of an on the lens and yes someone else saw I think it was HODA not for sure but I know one other saw the ants on more that one occasion My monitor is a HD 19" and with my reading glass I can see then I guess

4 min till i leaave and I still sit here trying to read and type

Lori O. said...

JUDYE - I can relate. Went to bed at 8:30 last night & I thought I was really ahead of schedule - that I would only have minimal posts to read in the morning - took me an hour! But, what better way to spend the day than with your best friends? ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hey, Gang, Good Morning!

Got Hubby off to work half an hour ago, and thought I'd drop in to say "Howdy" and see how things are going. Is there coffee brewing yet? Don't know how long I'll last without some.

Lori, I can't complain about the heat here at home in SoCal. I do get concerned for our kids, who live in TX near Dallas, and our oldest GD, who lives in Dallas. They've been having hot weather already, which does not bode well. Guess Lolly can verify that. Here in SoCal they are predicting 73 as a high for today. No way I'm gonna complain about that! It's almost too good to be true!

Lori O. said...

73? That's all? Trade ya, Andy!

Ms Bookworm said...

JudyE, HAGD!

Yes, I was saying last night that it's a GOOD thing I didn't see those Springer spaniel pups! I would have wanted to bring ALL of them home with me! They are so cute they are irresistible! We actually considered getting a friend for Emma for a while, but afraid we couldn't quite afford it. There aren't many Springers in our area either. That surprised me, since they used to be so popular.

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, Lori, wish I could send some of our unseasonably cooler weather your way! (It's usually in the low 80s this time of year.) I am a cold weather person through and through, so I'm holding my breath and hoping it lasts!

floralgirl said...

Morning all:)
Not bad out here now, only 67
Today's crummy nest weather-
Temperatures are currently hovering in the upper 60's as the sun gets higher in the sky for the rest of the day. Mostly sunny skies will dominate today, allowing highs to reach the mid 90's with heat indices at or over 100 degrees. A Code Orange Air Quality Alert is in effect once again for the day today because of the hazardous pollutants in stagnant air. Highs will be up in the mid 90's again tomorrow with sunny skies. Conditions will remain dry until late Thursday evening when we see the return for a chance of storms. Remember to drink plenty of water today and stay cool!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Megan!
How has the awful heat affected your flowers? Golly, you must have to water them constantly! Hope the weather report is accurate, and you do have a chance of showers before long!

Kay said...

Hi ANDY and MEGAN ! Yes, judging from that weather report we're in for an icky day at times and we'd love to have a nice California breeze wafting through Ohio and the nest area ! It hasn't been that long since we were complaining about daily rain and temps that were way too cool and "would summer ever arrive", Ha !

Kay said...

ANDY, your granddaughter is beautiful !

Kay said...

Leaving y'all for some newspaper reading and need to get an early start on my garden purchases. Want to beat the heat ! Have a great day !

floralgirl said...

Hasn't been that bad, Andy. This will be our second heat wave, hopefully only lasting a couple of days, looks cooler towards the end of week. And we really need rain now, so I am watering everything that's in the ground a lot. Trying to keep plants alive and pretty in the gh is a real challenge during this heat, too. I'm heading back outside, have a great day everybody!

Lori O. said...

Have fun shopping KAY! I'm envious. ♥

MEGAN, stay cool!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Kay! I think so too, but guess I'm prejudiced! Haven't seen her in person for a while since we can't afford to visit, and can't believe how grown up she is getting!
Golly, time flies!

Ms Bookworm said...

Have fun shopping, Kay, and hope you find just what you wanted!

Well, think I am going to try for some more shut-eye. Usually go back to sleep for a while after Hubby leaves for work, and my eyelids are drooping! Will check back in later, after I've done some more transcription.

Hope everyone has a good day! Try to stay hydrated, and don't stay out in the heat too long. Later, alligators!

Lori O. said...

ANDY - Great having you here this morning. Extra belly rubs for Emma today.

stronghunter said...

5 days counting today!!

Giving an expedited retake test today for kids who almost passed before. So the other day wasn't really my last time testing.

Need to finish those research papers. Hope everyone is having a good day.

No more phone calls from the unhappy mom. I hope she was just trying to scare me. You do wonder how someone thinks such a ploy is going to play out.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY - Happy REAL LAST TESTING DAY! Cinco and counting!

Both eaglets are off the nest and can't be seen on cam, but their swinging perch is going back and forth.

Lori O. said...

Above refers to NBG eaglets.

Where is everyone?

I'm off to get things done. Have a great day and stay cool - except HODA who I hope has a warmer day. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all!

Congrats Lynne2, I didn't know you HAD gotten the 2nd vet job! Hurray!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, 5 days...☺☺☺☺☺

magpie said...

G☼☼D Sunny Morning Eagle Pals ☺
At least in these parts it is sunny, and soon to be HOT

Did what Kay does sometimes, had to make myself tend to some things before coming here to enjoy schmoozing for a few minutes ☺
Seems I missed many of the early morning folks...sigh...
Straining my eyes to try to see what's in the Finland Osprey Nests.
really hard to tell with the shadows and the depth of the nest cups
Two adults at Finney2 and it seems to be feeding time

magpie said...

G☼☼D Sunny Morning Eagle Pals ☺
At least in these parts it is sunny, and soon to be HOT

Did what Kay does sometimes, had to make myself tend to some things before coming here to enjoy schmoozing for a few minutes ☺

Straining my eyes to try to see what's in the Finland Osprey Nests.
really hard to tell with the shadows and the depth of the nest cups
Two adults at Finney2 and it seems to be feeding time

magpie said...

hello Blogger Cop and Service Error 503 - just going to leave that double comment where it is

I remember Steve saying that in addition to the ant problem, there was something with the Microwave...
maybe it is that problem again

magpie said...

I have to scroll back and see what the "Last Prize" is that Lori mentioned....that I might have won...
should have printed out that list !!

Best wishes for a Good Safe Healthy Day everyone !

magpie said...

Good to hear that Shirley, no more harrassment by the unhappy and possibly in denial, Mom...
Yep Five Days, Count 'em, FIVE !!

magpie said...

Fin-Ferry nest, no adult right now
time to have a good peek
I see eggs, for sure

magpie said...

that didn't last long
couldn't tell, didn't SEE a chick, did see three eggs, one looked a little, bulge-y
Osprey at Finney1 seems pretty agitated, maybe it's time for food - or maybe it is Dad and he is ready for a break

Mema Jo said...

Good Muzzy Wed Morning! Still reading up on the comments.
Lori - My comment was to DanaMo
about setting up a date for a visit
to the nest & who could probably come - I wasn't talking ants. I guess by the time my comment was
published "ants" were the topic.

I think I said that JudyE could come up in Oct - that Lolly was not coming up this year - that Kay
could come! Sorry for the mix-up
between the Momsters and the Ants.

magpie said...

Kestrel chicks are full of color, and SIZE - that nest box is crowded !

magpie said...

two chicks looking good at Loch Garten
and Isla, continues to roost at Loch of the Lowe's...

magpie said...

every post is filtering through the Service Error 503
going to give it up awhile here

Going to have lunch with James at his school today, tomorrow is his last day
I might surprise him and wear a dress ☺
He has already thanked me generously for NOT embarassing him last week, on Field Day
and asked that I keep the deal for today also
No Problem, little grandson !

xoxox ttfn ♥

hedgie said...

Good morning all!

Wow, Lynne....didn't know you had gotten the other job---fantabulous!! Sorry I forgot to inquire as to the interview. Sounds like a good schedule!
And cool that you are doing Manchester FB, too! Have fun with all endeavors!

Temp rising----was 62 when I got up...nw 79....

Phoebe's chick can be heard in the egg----hatch expected today!

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Go get them!
This week Dr. Drew Bell, an entomologist from St. Vincent College is leading our Anthill discussion. Drew asks: How did you feel about seeing things from the ant perspective? What similarities and differences are there compared to humans? Visit the wild read blog and share your thoughts!

Mema Jo said...

Margy - he is at that age (easily embarrassed) and that is good to know that he is very conscience of
his surroundings & of the impressions he has on others. When he is older he will be able to Bless you for loving him so deeply. Have a great lunch (in your dress)

hedgie said...

Have a good time in the Springs, Margy!

I don't think the ants could have done damage again so quickly, so I suspect something else---like that microwave whatever.

Wow, Shirley.....you must be getting so excitedly relieved!!!!
Forgot to tell you all that Suz has started cutting back...3 days a week now to office, one day at library near home tele-commuting, and Fridays off!!! Her full retirement will be Oct. 1.

hedgie said...


Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo - Good news Lynn

magpie said...

Oh Lynn
Thanks for the Cam Alert !
And for the neat news about Suzannne ☺

and Thanks, STEVE and the NCTC powers that be

Thanks Jo, for your kind and wise words ☺

Mema Jo said...

Can't get Live Cam up

magpie said...

I think Caro's shift switch is to give stronger coverage on 4-12 for which there was one on vacation, a Senior One That!
Good compliment to her abilities....
we get 5% on the hour more for 4-12
and 8% on the hour more for midnight to 8
$$$$$ comes in handy, especially if there are overtime hours ☺

magpie said...

nope me neither Jo...
I am such a Still Cam Freak, I hadn't even gotten that far yet ☺

magpie said...

guess I better go have a "dress rehearsal"
we decided on Yellow today, so I have to find a little yellow t-shirt to go under the mostly yellow sundress ☼

checked in a work, full staffing there today, I can leave the cell phone and the Beep-Beep-Beep On-Call Beeper in the car during lunch ♥

I think/hope Service Error 503 has taken a hike for awhile: Good Riddance!

Lynn, you have the Osprey eyes, keep us posted on the Finland Nests - please and thanks !

Hope your respective days, friends, are good ones
xox ♥

magpie said...

try again, I just got live a'rolling!

magpie said...

those Eagles are probably going to splash in the Potomac all day
I would, if I were an Eagle

magpie said...

Just to Repeat:


Hoda said...

Didn't I say STRONGHUNTER IS THE GREATEST TEACHER EVER??? Expediated tests for kids who almost passed???This late in the year???...You ROCK GIRL!!!


Hoda said...

Mema Jo, I had the same problem I could not get the live cam up and then I pushed the REFRESH key and it worked...F5

hedgie said...

Phoebe has a hatch!

magpie said...

Howdy Hoda ☺
those words flow well !
okay, ttfn xoxo

Hoda said...

Howdy Magpie!!! I smile!!! I was wondering how long it will take before someone figured it out that they flow well...

My Avatar is a collage of pictures of Dad at various ages. THE WHITE PAW was his last sail boat...it came with a family story as it was winter and they were skiing in Colorado and then went for a swim in the open door pool and rolled in the snow and then ran to the cabin...Susan was little then and she wanted to know who was at the door and would not let them in and Batch, said WHITE PAW WHITE PAW, after the line from the children's story, and she let them in!!! We continue to laugh about this story well after Mom and Dad both passed.

Jewels said...

Momma, it was changed Sunday and Monday.... and its 2-12, still 10 hr shift...just some extra coverage due to the fact that we lose one gal who is leaving us permanently.

hedgie said...

What a cute story, Howdy Hoda, and a great collage!

As for Shirley's re-testers.....that's a new one for me; never heard of getting a chance to re-take the test like that!

wvgal_dana said...

Good almost afternoon folks.

I have been trying to catch up on comment. Still not finished.

Can't find whatever it was "about a bracket that maybe Shirley got"????

Hoda glad you was able to get White Rock Cam up.
Your getting rain now. Ours is coming I think starting tomorrow for days again. Know what you
mean to want to see an eagle.

Lynn-Hedgie didn't see the dog. Matter of fact I didn't see him the last time. I didn't want to ask. Sure hope your back get to feeling
better. You probably did twist it when you tried to catch Liesl. Prayers for you pain.

lol Paula your so funny Nugz the Nugster.

Thanks so much for this video: of the baby hawk:
Kathleen was a form cardiar surgery co-ordinator.
I bet that paid more than wildlife rehabilitator.
Which she does for the "love of it".

Dian glad you called the doctor for that injection for you left leg. Prayers for you. Have you had
a knee replacement in that leg???

I remember before my knee eplacement. I couldn't lift my leg to just get over the little thing to
get into the door of the house. Ed would have to lift my leg for me. With the knee replacement. That
no longer happens. Works very well.

Hoda said...

Edward the youngest in my American Family greeted me with a Howdie Hodie when I first arrived with AFS. He also asked me, " Do yu know what a Mummy is? Being a foreign exchange student and English not being my first language I wanted to assure him I new what a mummy is...as I was explaining Daddy's wife, he was soooo impatient rolled his eyes, which was very cute for the little boy he was, and said, "NO NO NO it is an Egyptian pressed for time!!!"
LOL OK I can hear a collective groan!!! This was my introduction to puns...and when I got confused they left me on my own to figure it out, the family rule being "we say them we don't explain them"...LOL

Hoda said...

That would be knew not new as per my last post...sorry typo!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I got this off the DC Zoo site: Mei Xiang has been spending most of her time indoors lately, most days only going out for a quick bamboo breakfast. Within minutes, she is waiting at the gate for us to finish cleaning her enclosure. Once inside, she usually climbs onto the rockwork for a long nap. This behavior is consistent with previous years, and is typical for pregnancy or psuedopregnancy. Now that her appetite has dropped off almost completely, we know we’re nearing the end of the pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. Mei Xiang has also been consistently adding to her nest in the den—it doubled in size over the weekend!

Jewels said...

Good late morning to all, its been fun trying to catch up here. I have missed a lot. Sorry for all the mishaps and congrats to all the happy things!!
Enjoying day two off from work.
Found a black snake this morning under the rabbit cages. Two of our rabbits had babies in the last two days, so I suspect the snake may have been after them.
Hope everyone is enjoying the day beautiful day God has bestowed upon us!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks - my live feed is up/running

Howdy Hoda!

I hope DanaMo sees the feeds.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jewels! Don't talk snake
around your momma! lol

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to take a break
Have I told you all that
I love my cams when they are up/running


JudyEddy said...

cool when did the cam come back

Hoda said...

Howdy Mema Jo.

I am off to yoga it is a sweater and coat weather kind of day and so I send you all some of this "cool" experience...lots of rain here today...

Jewels said...

Hi Mema Jo! I know she doesn't like snakes at all!!! Maybe that is why she hasn't mentioned my pic yet on FB!!

JudyEddy said...

wow its really windy at the nest today huh I only have 77 post to read since 2:14am to read BBIALWMB

JudyEddy said...

LORI Yep that is my daddy I love that picture of him He is my step father but will always be my real father in my heart my mom got remarried I think I was 10 My other father is just the sperm donor and a BAD PERSON May he burn in hell He got fresh with both me and my sister and we were to scared to tell my mom I really don't remember much of my childhood because of it But I have survived it

JudyEddy said...

In regards to the flavored marshmallows they are LIKE EASTER Peeps you know the yellow ones that all the kids just love

JudyEddy said...

73 in So Ca NICE

JudyEddy said...

LYNN2 I check out the FB page for Manchester Vet Services I love the picture of the dog with glass at the desk Is that your personal secretary LOL

JudyEddy said...

Hey guess what MY CAMERA did not stop at the 14 mark it is still counting ar 22 min hey at least now I know how long I have been home for lunch BBL going back to work

Judie said...

Here is my new short story: Catching Up Is Hard To Do.

Shirley, the bracelet sounds really special with each charm having special significance. Enjoy the last five days as best you can.

Hoda, a great substitute for canceled Dragon Boat races has always been ice cream. Wish we could share some of our warmer weather with you.

Lolly, so sorry about the return of the armadillos. Hope you can get that resolved quickly.

Delphia, have a safe trip and may you and your family enjoy making some cherished memories.

Jo, stay inside, please.

End of Chapter 1

Judie said...

Lynn, how's the back today? I won't mention the s____ as Carolyn suggested that might not make for a healthy friendship.

Loweeda, what exactly does it mean when you say your "do" isn't exactly what you wanted? Are you a skinhead now? Well, if so, bald is sexy.

Wanda, I think Captain Father Gene and Darth have bonded. We must take care lest they gang up on us girls.

Lori, do you have any specifics about the air time for the Children's interview? I would like to hear it. As for gnats and other hateful bugs, I use a nasty smelling oil called 448.

Kay, glad you got the deck/fencing all cleaned and ready to enjoy. Glad you were able to enjoy the family time and that they are so helpful.

DanaWV, try to make a note to check tire air pressure every month of so. Helps with gas mileage and inflation pressure. Happy you found the flat before getting on the highway.

End of Chapter 2

wvgal_dana said...

So it sounds like Shirley's bracklet, might have came from the group she had lunch with. Nice Surprise Shirley bet it is pretty ( :

Delphia enjoy the reunion.

Lolly that is scary that those things are digging under the foundation!!!!

Some sounds of thunder in our valley.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie I am famous for checking the air in tires. Although "NOT" for looking for a almost (just even air not to run on the rim), in my tires when I come out my house door.

Judie said...

Lynne2, I also did not know about the new vet job. Congratulations on that and on the new FB assignment. You are on a roll! We're all happy for you.

DanaMO, about the class pet, try the door-in-the-face sales technique. Ask if your class can have an eagle, a baby elephant, a boa constrictor, or anything outrageous. Then, when you are turned down, ask for a gerbil or something small and easy.

Margy, enjoy the "dress up" lunch with James the Wise. He is one very, very blessed young man.

As for Shirley and the re-test, that policy comes from the State. Students are used to having that option and are stunned to find out they can't redo a test or assignment until they get it right. I tell them the first day, exams are not like sex. They don't get to practice till they get it right!

End of Chapter 3

Judie said...

Paula, so nice to read that Nugz had such an active day. Makes me feel optimistic.

Megan, sorry about all the hot, dry weather. Hope some rain later this week will help.

For us, the A/C and furnace installation should be completed soon. So looking forward to the cool relief.

Phoebe does, indeed, have a babe.

End of Chapter 4.


wvgal_dana said...

Yes Lynne2 didn't know either about the job. If it was on fb. I don't get there a lot. Contragulation I know you love that kind of work. ( :

Judie LOL lmbo ask for an elephant lol

Mema Jo said...

Judie Chapter 3 comment ROFLMBO

exams are not like sex. They don't get to practice till they get it right!

Mema Jo said...

Hope AC is soon installed so you
can cool down a bit. I am staying
Judie - you really are special ♥

hedgie said...

Okay, baby gem....sorry I got it confused. SO hard to keep track!

Hoda, great PUN!!!! He was a smart kid!

No way to know for sure until Mei pops out a butter stick or two.....actions not unlike her pseudo-pregnancy behavior of other years....so much hype by the media just makes the disappointment so much bigger for us......Mits will be pulling cam duty this evening. And, of course, if there is NO cub, we will be losing both bears in the near future. :(

T-Bird said...

Hello all you eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

Now that we've got the cam up it is hard for me to watch without thinking of Liberty.

hedgie said...

Now, Caro I'm not really SCARED of snakes....don't LIKE them....but would rather see a snake than a you-know-what! Saw your pic on FB, but no way for me to comment when you post from phone.

Mema Jo said...

T-Bird I find myself doing/thinking
the same thing when seeing our nest

hedgie said...

Hi, Thelma----yep, just not quite the same....want Lib to arrive....and no such blessing....TEAM LIBERTY!

Judie, are they working on the A/C as we speak???? I sure pray that is the case....

hedgie said...

Seems to me that if high school is to prepare kids for college, then allowing re-tests to better a grade is leading them down the wrong path. All part of the dumbing down of America, huh?

hedgie said...

JudyE---can't say that I've eaten or even seen Peeps in those flavors you mentioned for the marshmallows....yuck!

Jewels said...

Just click on the picture itself.... then you can comment.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo your comment at 1:26pm to Judie about chapter 3. Then your 2nd comment at 1:27 "Hope AC is soon installed so you can cool down a bit." Has me lmbo LOL We do have fun in here don't we. We are a great group ♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Dana - Judie is my girlpal!

Jewels - which picture?

magpie said...

it's so hot the extra heat from my fingers on the keyboard shut my tabs down!

It's Tar Bubble Hot out there!
took back roads ALL the way from Spohrs Crossroads after during which I ran over LOTS of Tab Bubbles ! Pop Pop Pop... Chose to do that after encountering a lenghty delay on Rt 9 on the way, due to DOH working on rebuilding sides of road from Spring Rain Erosion...
did not move for 8 minutes...I had not left much wiggle room as it was
got to the lunch room just as James was to be next in line
And I didn't break the speed limit...
Hello Eagle Pals or should I make that Hot Eagle Pals !!! At least, some of you, maybe not Hoda...
not Heat Hot anyway ☺

magpie said...

there's definitely a career for you: Writing !
Non-Fiction Humor and Historial

paula eagleholic said...

LMAO at Judie's comment as well! Hope the AC is up and running soon...it is miserable out there! So glad I got my mowing done early.

Lynn, I can't keep Michael's work schedule straight either!

magpie said...

When you return, and this is

I think Paula discovered the cams were up first on Monday and took the polite time to put an email first on the E-M out to all the Momsters and Dadsters !!
So, that "last prize" goes to her !
I just lucked out and checked the cam and blasted off my words on the blog
Plus, she had slipped the word to Steve about it...
☺ That's our Paula !

And once Jo, thanks again, for slipping the word to NCTC Tuesday when they went down again!


magpie said...

I thought I just heard wings flapping

magpie said...

see Jewels' update on the work schedule thingy
Yep a fulltimer leaving, but I think you are still "Crystal" thgis week-end
at least I have two hours with you on Saturday ☺

magpie said...

shade or no shade, that nest has got to be HOT HOT HOT !

magpie said...

but don't hire me to spell check, Judie
that would be Historical, not Historial
or maybe
it should be
Non-Fiction Hysterical

wvgal_dana said...

My eyes are bothering me.

I think I need a panda nap bbl

Lynn if you all don't find anything. I agree your other plan sounds good.

magpie said...

My congratulations to Lynne also on the Vet job at Manchester.

need a wee rest period...

lunch was great, I ate most of mine, James is picky, didn't each much. I offered to butter his bread for him, he declined,
he didn't want anyone to think he was a baby !
It was nice, I kept my word, no embarassments.
xoxo ttfn
Be Carefulk with this Heat, Everyone!!!

magpie said...

Thanks for your comments about James and me
and to others, as many here have often joined in in similar fashion...
The door defintely swings both ways on that one!
I am also very, very blessed ♥

magpie said...

T-Bird ♥
I saw you were here earlier ☺

Yes, agree totally..just want to see Liberty
And Belle

Team Liberty

okay, bye for now

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break BBL

hedgie said...

Still only see 2 chicks in Finney2.
Fineey1--I can only see one egg, 2 bobbleheads, and lots of crib rails.....MTBR.
FinFerry.....can't see anything except mom!

hedgie said...

Well, I MAYBE just saw three heads at Finney1!!

Hoda said...


magpie said...

Hope so Lynn, sure is hard to tell !



See You There !

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...