Thursday, June 09, 2011


New thread.


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Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Where have all the Early Birds gone? I much prefer watching the nest with all of you; however, if you need the rest, I hope your warm/cool and having sweet dreams.

Lori O. said...

Beautiful green color now at the nest.

DanaMo said...

I'm going to have to start rolling out of bed a little earlier if I am going to catch those 2!

Good morning, early birds!

Lori O. said...

Hi Dana! Afraid I'm the only one here, unless Margy and Megan are lurking.

Lori O. said...

JudyE could be sleeping in after spending all day yesterday with Jordyn...and I'm hoping KAY isn't having computer problems, but is sleeping in, as well.

How are YOU?

Kay said...

Good Morning gLORI n' DANA ! So sorry I missed that good visit. I'm having a heck of a time getting in on the first visit of the day now that it occurs before 6am. Had a lot of extra sun and activity the last couple of days and have been zapped. Excuses, excuses ! So glad you were free enough to watch Belle n' Truder's Nestcapades this morning, LORI ! Thanks a lot !

Lori O. said...



DanaMo said...

I was so hoping that they would be closer to 5:30. Guess there are coming at 5 now so I will have to get up earlier and then go back to bed when they leave :)

Kay said...

LORI, you even got wax before the rest of us were on board. You can save it, don't want you to get the ax for waxing on the job !

Kay said...

The NBG eaglets are active this morning, eating, splashing in the water and flying low to the ground. NZ is still mending, I guess, and losing out on valuable training. Wonder if her release will have to be delayed or if they'll hold the other two up until all three can go together. Lots of time left before that happens, however.

Lori O. said...


Sleep all you need. I'll have JUDY E teach me how to record it.

Kay said...

The cam went to 19:18 before timing out on me this time. No rhyme or reason to it now.

DanaMo said...

Well I think I will put my contacts in and go to the grossery store and get it over with.

Lori O. said...

I thought they were planning on an August release for the NBG triplets.

Now, did you hear, WCV has an eaglet someone found in Largo, MD, that they believe is only about a week younger than the NBG kids.

It may have fallen out of a nest. It had broken a few tail feathers that were already maggot infested when it was found.

floralgirl said...

Morning all:)
Beautiful outside this morning!
What a difference a day makes- today's nest weather-Partly sunny. Scattered showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 80s. North winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 40 percent.

Kay said...

Last night someone asked where Capt. Sully's plane is going. I believe it's final destination is Charlotte and an air museum there. So far the only glitch I've heard of is a delay in NJ when it couldn't negotiate a turn on a city street. Don't know how they resolved that, but we have confirmation through SHARON and THELMA that it got beyond their WV loction. Loved seeing those pics !

Lori O. said...

Should finish on Maryland eaglet at WCV.
It's got a sore shoulder/wing and is getting pain killers, antibiotics and anti-inflamatory drugs.

Kay said...

Top of the mornin' to ya, MEGAN ! That weather report is significantly better than that of the last few days !

DANAMO, you're grossery stores are open this early ? I plan to head to Kroger about 9, beating the worst of the heat and stocking up so I don't have to leave Malcolm alone to often or too long in the coming week. I don't have gates to contain him in a safe zone like his family does. I can shut off bedrooms and bath, but that still gives him free range in the living room/office and kitchen. He loves plastic and has chewed up a couple of remotes. I'd be worried about his chewing into something under this computer desk. Other than that he's a great dog and I'm looking forward to him being here !

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Thanks for the report on the MD eaglet, LORI. In sad condition--must have been on the ground a while for maggots to have infested. Hope they save it ! When you hear about all the birds they care for there you realize that nest drama goes on at many locations. We just get in on and agonize over those where cams are in place.

DanaMo said...

Try having 3 dogs! I "contain" them in the kitchen family room area, but I use the term loosely because they get into everything on the counters, yesterday they got a package of paper plate!?! Why in the world would they get those. I know it's Boomerang he is the instigator! Our grossery stores are open 24 hours. Since I don't need anything at the deli I should be good to go!

Kay said...

I'm going to be looking for some pretty yellow posies at Kroger's garden center today. I still have one large pot with no flowers. Too bad I didn't think of it when at fabulous Strader's yesterday.:(

floralgirl said...

Morning Lori, Kay and Dana :)
I haven't sen Vincent in 6 days, I'm hoping he's okay and has found his own food. Kinda miss the guy though.

Kay said...

Vincent must have recovered sufficiently to take flight and do his natural Vulture thing.

floralgirl said...

That's what I'm hoping, Kay. That was the reason we fed him, hoping he could keep up his strength until his wing healed.
Gotta head back outside to cut flowers before it gets hot.
Have a great day everybody!

Kay said...

LOL over you and those dogs, DANA ! What one doesn't think of, another will. I couldn't handle dog sitting for more than one at a time, so I'm glad the kids only have Malcolm.

magpie said...

Good Red Friday Morning Eagle Pals

Great BOLD commentary on the Eagles visit, Morning GLori
Thank You!

Yes, it is cooler and not so humid this morning
Thanks Megan for the Weather Report

sorry I missed everyone

magpie said...

Congratulations on the second vulture hatch, Lori !

magpie said...

Finney1 reports a third hatch
on June 9

big juvie eagle at BWE

Lori O. said...

If you have a good feeling MEGAN, I'd say he's healed enough to move on. From what I've read the black vultures can be aggressive and will kill to eat, not like Turkey Vultures that eat roadkill almost exclusively.

magpie said...

When you return:
My Salvia Discolor, has sprouted blooms! dark dark purple, very nice
I am about to have an 8th cut of the Claremont Lettuce !
Not sure what to expect with my iliantheus (sp) plants
they look good, blooms yet

Lori O. said...

MEGAN - if you didn't see the post:

The second Black Vulture chick has hatched. Got pics of both of them yesterday and will post soon.

Kay said...

Have had one complete freeze up this morning. Maybe Windows 8 doesn't like dealing with multiple hookups ???? I'm leaving now for newspapers, e-mail.... Will put this puter through all the tests I know to run---defragmented yesterday and cleared browsing history last night---hopefully I'll stumble on to something else to try. But, first will run Norton and Mahlware full scans, just to be safe.

HAGD my dear Early Bird Buds ! I♥U !

magpie said...

Parent eagle at Finney2 looks she is shielding the chicks, waiting to see of hatch #3 has occured
maybe it is hot there, definitely is sunny ☼

little tug boat was crusing past the Finalnd Water nest...don't see a hatch there yet
Parent was standing sentinel on the side of the next until the boat went on past

magpie said...

nice big half-eaten fish at BWE with the Juvie still there

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

It's Friday for some....

Happy Early Blast-Off Trails to the Beach Paula and Nugz

Lori O. said...

My pleasure MARGY to report on the Eagle visits. Best part of the day!

So glad you are all here now. I was missing you - KAY, MARGY, MEGAN, DANA, and well JUDYE hasn't shown up yet, but I missed all of you.

KAY - When is Malcolm coming? You are going to have so much fun with him. Dalai has chewed a remote or two herself. Just have to keep things up high.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds got up a little bit ago trying to do some quick reading I did skim and saw that the eagles visited this am

magpie said...

Thanks Lori
Sorry you didn't have any viewing's always more fun to share that kind of joy...

sleep was poor last night...
kept hitting the snooze button
time to find a time to speak with upstairs neighbors about some noise things

Well, it is FRIDAY for everyone, with the week-end upon us...
I have today and tomorrow yet on the clock...

My avatar might look like a cake, but it is actually a plastic gravesite marker flag
but I have recipes for cakes that would look like this !

Configuring my RED outfit for the day
will be back one more time before time to go

JudyEddy said...

SHARON wow what a beautiful place to have a wedding

HEDGIE Yeah saw a lightening bug Cool Beans I wish I could see one
SHIRLEY that was nice of her to give you a bird feeder

HODA is having her own heat wave taking more cloths off

PAULA thanks for the eagle story

Getting ready to get Jordyn to see what adventures we can do today I think we will go see Winter the Dolphin today I mentioned it to her yesterday

LORI that was so neat for her to the WE picture really sweet

Loved the commentary of the eagles this morning Just couldn't make myself get up
Ok heading out the door See ya all later probably when she goes for a nap

magpie said...

two adult O's at Finney2

and it looks like the juvie at BWE took the half fish but left another one behind

feeding time at BWO

magpie said...

anyone send text messages ?
I have US Cellular
sent one on Wednesday mid-day to someone
took 'til late Thursday for it "arrive" at its destination

Two Days, Count 'em : TWO !
Sure hope you have that cooler weather for Graduation Saturday

Well, it IS that time now
time to go that is

Best wishes once again, for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Happy Day

see you much later on, or, maybe from work once or twice
RED for the MILITARY today
Salute a soldier, and keep them ALL in our prayers
xoxo ♥

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

I see the eagles were in and out this morning. Thank you for the updates.

Shirley, I am so sorry about Hunter but relieved to know he recovered quickly. Hopefully, there will be some reconsideration about playing sports in extreme heat.

Judie said...

Sharon, lovely setting for Andrew and Kelsey's wedding and reception.

Megan, have a good market weekend. Glad Vincent seems to have healed enough to go off and do vulture things.

Margy, happy Red Friday.

Lori, congratulations on the newest vulture arrival. Keep us posted.

Lynn, so nice of Hoda to check out the pharmacy situation for you. I would never have thought about how the wording might suggest something unusual.

Kay, yes the plane is going to a museum. I think it is Charlotte NC -- Wright Bros. and all. Enjoy Malcom's visit. Don't know how DanaMo handles three at a time.

JudyE, have fun with Jordyn. Hope you visit the dolphins.

Kay, shopped at a Kroger when I lived in Vandalia. Was there for about 14 years. Worked at Wright-Patterson.

Okay, headed for coffee, newspaper, and the trial.


Judie said...

Oh, and to look up piss ants, pissants, or whatever got hold of Liesl.

Mema Jo said...

Good Cooler Morning! Good to come on and see that our Early Birds are
up and eager to go!
I'll return - I need to get my
meds in me!


paula eagleholic said...


Thanks so much for the play by play this morning! Sure wish I could get up early enough to see our eagles.

stronghunter said...


Wright brothers--my father met one of them. I assume it was when my parents lived in the Kitty Hawk area.

Lori O. said...

No problem doing Eagle Nest play by play.

I try to write it so you can visualize it.

If there's any particular info anyone wants from early morning nest observations, I'm sure all Early Birds would be happy to do whatever they can.

JUDIE - would love to watch the trial but I know how wound up Lynn gets, I think I would too. URGH!

PAULA - It's a beautiful day to take off for the beach. So nice you get to go early. Drive safely. Extra love for NUGZ.

WANDA - have you recovered from yesterday?

KAY - Look at your computer performance graphs and see how much memory you have and how much you're using. Have Hugh look at that, or have him sit with you and show him how it bogs down. MARGY is first on the list for a new computer. I just hope you're not #2.

hedgie said...

Shirley, hope that all works out for Jimmy.....did you see Lori's post??? DO find out what the tuition would be.....maybe we could help!

Lori, so sorry you were alone for the AM visit....but you kept a great record of it!!! I was awake at 5 and couldn't believe that it was already getting light!
Did not turn on puter, tho'---snuck back up to bed to keep from waking Liesl...and slept til almost 8 again! Love it!

hedgie said...

Lori, I also posted yesterday that WCV got in three other baby eagles (from VA areas) were brought in, too! Busy year...lots of "incidents" everywhere it seems.

hedgie said...

Kay, many of our groceries are 24 hr. stores.
Re: Malcolm chewing----I had to put a board under my desk in the office because Liesl kept nosing among all the wires/cords for all computer stuff and I caught her starting to chew one. So board blocked her access. Now if I'm at the desk, she lays under it and on my feet!

hedgie said...

Lori, so cool that you now have two little vultures, AND that parent was more accepting!

Finney1 has not let me see that third harchling yet. :( Finney2 still only showing 2, but third egg is not visible....??

Lori O. said...

Lynn - I saw all those new "young eagles" at WCV this morning, but I need email to work the paper you emailed me with all the html for entering things. Can't remember all that for entering links. CRS!

Definitely SHIRLEY - please let us know about Jimmy's tuition. You're a good egg, Lynn!

Hopping off now to get on the road. Think I've already missed my book on XM Book Radio. They've been doing an Orson Scott Card book at 10:30 - 11:00am M-Fri for as long as I can remember. Doing "The Lost Gate" now. Never liked Sci-Fi before, though this certainly isn't hard core sci-fi.

PAULA - Have a great time!

hedgie said...

Margy, mine is US Cellular.....have never had that problem with texts....HAVE had folks wait a long time to I, too, have done.....ring tones are not loud enough for me to always hear it ring!!

hedgie said...

I remember when we used to have Kroger's down home (DC)....there is still one where Mom lives in MO.

hedgie said...

Lori, do you need the html instructions again, or you just didn't have them at work with you??

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, great news about the second vulture chick hatching!

Costume Lady said...

I have to chuckle everytime I see a mention of LORI'S Vultures and MEGAN feeding one til it healed! We, who couldn't stand to see them land on the BWO nest and elsewhere...EEEEWWWWIII!!! We do care about all wildlife, don't we? (Except spiders and snakes!)

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Family ( :

I have been doing some work around here.

I too catch up on comments before midnight lol

Hope everyone is feeling a little better.

Wanda now there are some people that do like snakes. They have them as pets.

I think it is funny too how we would say things for vultures. Like "a want to be eagle" or "tv". Now because of Megan and Lori we have a different outlook on the vulture.

stronghunter said...

I sent a message to the administration and guidance about Jimmy (Johnny). Counselor wants to see him if I see him again. I passed the word on to one of his other teachers.

You are so kind to make the offer to help him. I think the school will take care of him if it is necessary.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm watching the NBG eaglets. One is near the tub. It just flew up on edge of tub. Now it jumped down. Didn't do any splashing.

So glad the MD eaglet is at this Rescue.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lori, I have recovered from gardening, yesterday. I don't think I have ever been so hot! GG's flower bed runs alongside her driveway which is asphalt...that sure does get hot. Planted a back row of yellow marigolds, middle row of pink angel wing begonias and front row of pink and whit polka dot plants. Need to plant her favorite flower garden in the back of the house where she can see it as she sits at her kitchen table.
Planted some flowers on my deck this morning. Put a water lily and water hyacinth in my water garden tub. Just about done there. I love to garden on the weeds, no snakes, no groundhogs, no armadillos:)

stronghunter said...

I'm saying a prayer that I get through this last block without sending one of these kids packing. They are a bunch.

For example, kid just came back to ask me a question. Another kid signaled to him to stand in my line of vision so I could not see what he was doing.

Costume Lady said...

You are so right about snakes, DANA, and spiders too. Just not to my liking!

Shirley, if the school doesn't help that young man...I, along with the others on here, would be willing to help with the tuition. It breaks my heart to hear of a child being thrown out of their home by an unreasonable parent:(

Costume Lady said...

Our family is not coming to visit this evening...going to beach, some has strep, some has to work, GG wants to go have crab legs. Hooray for her, that she feels well enough to go out!:)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, do be careful with you long posts...Blogger Cop is doing traffic stops...copy first!

hedgie said...

Just realized that when I was talking a out the Frontier tech help last night that I said "shirley" when I really meant "peggy"!!!! Duh! Must have just been thinking about our Shirley too much while I was typing!!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley read that about Johnny-real name Jimmy. So glad that friends parents took him in. It is terrible when a kid it trying and wanting an education. Then has parent/s that don't care about their own kids. There should be scholarships since he would just be graduating. Prayers for him to continue onto college.

hedgie said...

Wanda, I've always had the raccoons ruin anything I pot on the deck. Gave up a few years ago!!

Enjoy your crab legs and all the other goodies tonight!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lori that was neat what Kate did for your birthday. Now I understand more of why your picture was under the WE cam. Kate that is a very nice thing to do for your friend Lori. Plus helping Dr. Sharpe is always a "wonderful thing for someone to do". I think he and his programs and all he does. Is just magnificent.

Mema Jo said...

Paula good traveling on the road to
your heavenly home! I bet Nugz gets
excited to get in the car and start
rolling down the highway!

Shirley - if it would be appropriate for donations to the
young man's summer school - just
say the word that you would accept our $$ and take care of getting him
signed up

wvgal_dana said...

Need to head to Lowes later

wvgal_dana said...

Paula prayers for a safe trip for you and Nugz. ENJOY !!! ( :

Mema Jo said...

Headed out and will BBILW

Hoda said...


This is what I found out from the Better Business Bureau in Vancouver about the Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy.

Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy is NOT approved by them.
They have several complaints against the company in regards ADVERTISING, SALES and MISREPRESENTATION OF PRODUCT and they have not been able to locate the company as such and they have not had any answers from them and they have had no resolution to any of the complaints.Some complaints were from people who sent money in but received no product.Others were from people who received questionable products. They receive the lowest rating from the Better Business Bureau because of that.There is absolutely no background information on this company other than what is said on their website and no verification or ways to verify this independent sources to verify as they have not answered any of the complaints nor responded to BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Inquiries. The guy I spoke to, Mark,said he would not do business with them based on the report. When I said their seal says they are from Ontario he told me they could not locate them in Ontario nor could they get the Ontario Health Dept to verify them.

I feel sorry that this is not a more positive outcome Lynn because you spoke of your pain and you want resolution. I would tend to trust FDA approved sources...Canada uses the FDA standards from the United States and that which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration is legitimate.

I hope this helps you make a decision as to ordering and or taking that which they send if they send anything. God Bless.

Hoda said...

I forgot my manners, I was so wound up from talking to the chap from the Better Business Bureau.


Yes Judy E I am taking off clothes and no Judie I am not planting any of them in my garden!!! ;^) !!!

DanaMo said...

Just stopped in to say hello to all you afternooners. I am busy today floating around the pool, reading a good book on my Kindle (very carefully I might add).

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the traveling wishes, headed home now to feed Nugz and pack the car...catch ya later tonight!

DanaMO...enjoy ☺

Hoda said...

Travel well Paula and say hi to Nugz...wish you both a safe journey and look forward to hearing from you when you get to the Beach House...

Lori O. said...

WANDA, LOLLY would love you for that. LOL - No Armadillos!

I hear you. I love my garden off the deck, but the hill garden can be scary when it comes to wildlife and HORNETS, YELLOW JACKETS, etc. Had a swarm come after me when I was watering up there. I ran out of there so fast pealing off clothes as fast as I could. Glad I live in the country. Kate always jokes that she hopes I never get stung by a bee in public or I'll start taking my clothes off! LOL.

Lori O. said...

WANDA - you GG garden along the drive sounds beautiful. Mass planting like that is so much more striking, though the messier English type garden is more fun!

I would just LOVE to have a water tub on my deck. Of course a big pond would be lovely but they attract snakes.

SHIRLEY - just 2 more days!!! If we can contribute for Jimmy/Johnny now, our prayers would do him more good than anything. Do I hear an AMEN? ☺

Hoda said...


Judie said...

Paula, may be getting here too late; however, wishing you a safe drive and fun in the sun with Nugz.

Hoda said...

OK I am off to yoga and some errands to run...see you all later in the afternoon...NO jacket is needed again today!!! HURRAH!!!

Judie said...

Wanda, so glad you got GG's flowers planted and just want you to be so careful in this heat, please. Enjoy crab legs. It sure has been a long while since we read those words from you.

Hoda, what a very sweet and generous effort you made to help Lynn know about that "pharmacy." Just so sorry it appears to be too risky perhaps. As for your clothes, well, I rather suspect you are planting a secret clothes garden. Must contact my RCMP buddy to check on you -- he claims he does NOT ride a horse. Are you boat racing tonight or tomorrow morning?

Hi to both our Dana ladies.

Shirley, let us know if we can help the student.

Going back to watching the trial.

Judie said...

Yep, make a copy. As Wanda said, blogger cop is making traffic stops.

hedgie said...

Christie is here and so is THUNDER!! Shutting down. BBL!

magpie said...

Yes Lynn thinking that thunderstorming is coming straight from Morgan County

waiting on whether it will make to to Martinsburg

Hello Jewels, oh yeah, you are just a few workstations over from me !!

guess I could just say HI! in person


magpie said...

well, I can't stay long

going to keep my nose to the grind and watch the clock...

Hope everyone is percolating along okay...
xoxo ttfn

magpie said...

well, I can't stay long

going to keep my nose to the grind and watch the clock...

Hope everyone is percolating along okay...
xoxo ttfn

magpie said...

oh you guessed it:
Service Error 503 got me!

magpie said...

Your daughter- here wtih me -
would like to be there right now
at your roost, what with the storm and all...☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Well, Hubby took today off, so we took care of the bulldogs, went out to breakfast, then took Emma to the dog park. It was almost sprinkling (but more like a heavy mist) when we got there, so the ground was wet. Miss Emma had the BEST time getting herself muddy! For most of the time we were there, she was the ONLY dog in the small dog part of the park! We hesitated to try the big dog side, because there was a fairly agressive mixed-breed over there, causing a bit of trouble. For about the last 20 min. of our visit, a Pomeranian mix was there, and she and Emma had fun playing together. When we got home, Emma got a really good bath. We must have rinsed about 5 pounds of mud down the drain! She is towel-dried, and in her crate taking a well-earned nap as she air dries. (She does NOT like the hair drier!)

After Hubby & I catch our breath, we are going grossery shopping at Walmart and Trader Joe's. At 3 pm, Hubby has an appt. for a bone density test.

Better get going--now is my chance to catch my breath before we take off again.

Oh--Hoda, THANK YOU for checking out that pharmacy for our Lynn! I believe the Lord gave you discernment about them, and I thank Him for that!

Later tonight when we've finished dinner and taken care of the bulldogs, I will download some pictures into the laptop, and try to figure out how to share them with you. Got some good ones of Emma's bath.

Well, better go put my feet up for a moment or two, before we take off again! (BTW, we are both wearing red T-shirts today.) HAGD, everyone! :o]

CarolAnne said...

Hi all, just passing thru - eyes do not let me linger too long.
LYNN - RE: quinine - have you tried just drinking tonic water (it has quinine in it)i.e. gin & tonic or straight tonic water if you can stand the taste. Have heard of others who drink it regularly for leg cramps. Good luck in your search for relief.

CarolAnne said...

Also, Steve has done his thing and there is a new thread/post

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 298 of 298   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...