Sunday, June 19, 2011


New thread.


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Kay said...

Aha, living color on the still cam. The nest and surroundings are plum beautotious this morning ! Now we just need a couple of eagles there !!!

DanaMo said...

Well...I think I will go back to bed!

Kay, we will definitely meet. I think we will be driving down on the 19th and leaving Dayton to come home on the 28th. We will be attending Aric's orientation since he will be missing it because of his trip to Spain to see the Pope. I think he is going to have to fly in from Spain and continue onto another flight to Dayton. He is going to be exhausted, but he is the one who wants to do it all, and how can you pass up a trip to see the Pope. Just wish it wasn't so late in August. Oh well. We will deal with it and make it work.

DanaMo said...

And we split.

Kay said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch. Got waxed when I was not ready for it. That split came sneaking up on me !

Lori O. said...

Color in the nest now.

Maybe it's the rain that's keeping them away. But many times Truder has come in all wet...hoping.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDS LOOKS like the whole gang is here today

PAULA's back from Paradise

Welcome home LYNN2 so sad no bears

HODA fingers crossed that you get some warm weather

384 wildfires in FL 93% of Fl is in a drought

I have gotten caught up reading NO eagles this AM HUH

Hope we get the cam up today

DANA hope you get some extra ZZZZs I want to go back to be do you think work would understand HAHA

Kay said...

DANA, don't blame you a bit for heading back to bed ! I'm going to stick with LORI until 7, then I'm off to my other morning rituals.

What an exciting year for Aric ! How wonderful that he has a family who will stand in for him when needed ! I will so look forward to seeing you !

Kay said...

Hello JUDYE ! So you're all over the food poinsoning or whatever that was ? Are you sure ? I think WallyWorld would allow you a sick day if needed !☺

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

This picture I got from facebook I thought it was the cutest and funniest bird

Kay said...

JUDYE, I only get a FB sign on page when I go to that link ?? :9

We don't have MARGY or MEGAN with us yet today. Both getting extra sleep, I hope !

JudyEddy said...

Well feeling somewhat better today had severe stomach pains last night

will try again on the link

Kay said...

A most unusual bird, JUDYE ! Wonder what it is ?

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Geez, is that a real bird JUDY?

JudyEddy said...

YEP Its a Florida bird a photographer took it Its all wet

Check out the link now I think it works ONE MORE TRY

DanaMo said...

Aw! Love it!

JudyEddy said...

OK I'm signing off to head out the door YUK BBL HAGD

JudyEddy said...

I should have typed on the link that make sure you just let it play It does ask to click on two different title on the video but just let it play I should have typed that on the ONE MORE TRY and I only named it that to see if the link would take OH WELL I thought it was cute Tracey posted on facebook

Kay said...

Thank you, Video Queen ! HAGD !

Lori O. said...

KAY - another BIG HUG! How you feeling? Did you get rid of your Malcolm induced aches and pains?

Lori O. said...

Still no EAGLES in the nest, but it does not look like it's raining so I would not be surprised to see Truder or Belle at any time.

Kay said...

Thank you, LORI, can never get too many hugs !♥♥♥ The pains are not completely gone, but much, much better. Just proves taking care of Malcolm called some rarely used muscles n' parts into service. I think walking isn't sufficient and need to add another kind of exercise or two into my routine.:(

Kay said...

What I really need is one of those trick leashes with invisible dog attached. Then I need to simulate the tugging at the leash and really get animated upon seeing a squirrel ! My neighbors will be calling for the White Coat brigade !

Kay said...

The Fab Four at WCV are not very active yet today, but looks like everything there is okay.

Lori O. said...

Hear that? Anyone who goes to a fair or carnival, get KAY one of those leashes with the invisible dog! LOL!

Kay said...

Oh yeh, and I'll need a bunch of poop bags, that will work the "bend over" group of muscles.

Kay said...

I was planning on a 7 a.m. exit, but just can't leave you alone, LORI. It's not like I have a heavy sked. ahead. In fact, this may be another kick back day--a day for refusing to dress, etc.. Better get some of those in before I get my invisible dog. There'll be no rest for me then !

Kay said...

My dog will be named Casper.

Lori O. said...

KAY - LOL Casper! Sometimes of I think of Casper the friendly ghost, sometimes I go first to Caspar Weinberger, Reagan's Sec. of Defense. Actually both would be ghosts today. OH, not nice, Lori. Sorry.

Lori O. said...

Well, Kay, keep your night clothes on...I get that. Do it myself sometimes on weekend. More likely, I fall asleep in my clothes and just get up in the morning and start gardening again! OINK for me.
You're fine, Kay.

Kay said...

Okay, so his full name will be Casper Whinebarker. The neighbor dogs and Malcolm will be mystified as they try to figure out where to sniff !

Lori O. said...

ROTFLMAO!!! Caspar Whinebarker---LOL! That's hysterical.

Kay said...

Hope someone else shows up soon cause I'm getting sillier by the minute !

Lori O. said...

They won't. This is what I call "the dead zone."

Go read your papers and SPORKLE, and if we both keep the still cam up we should be fine. Just don't change your clothes.

Lori O. said...

I fully expect Truder to drop in. He loves this nest too much to stay away.

Kay said...

Okay, gotcha ! I have been checking mail, nests and a couple of papers already. Will continue with that and will keep the still cam up, too.

Lori O. said...

But. please keep the silliness going. I'm very impressed and thoroughly amused, Kay!

Kay said...

What a great audience you are, LORI ! So easily amused !♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Speaking of silliness, check this out and be sure to read the comments down below ☺:

Nude Bicyclists

Lori O. said...

Very funny KAY! Bicycle seat are uncomfortable enough with clothes. Absolutely, I'm down with a new bike if I ever go to Portland! I'm not touching that seat even to put a new one on it. Toss the bike!

hedgie said...


Thanks for postage info, Margy! It's not the cost that matters----just to be able to post it from here rather than making a trip to the P.O.!!!!

Raining steadily here....has been since about 2 I think. This is the kind of rain that Megan needs, I'm sure.

Kay said...

LOL, LORI, I'm with you ! Travel tip: never rent a bike in Portland, OR.

Oh, my, one of my favs, Hallelujah is playing right now. Especially love K.D. Lang's version, but Bon Jovi will do for today !

Kay said...

LOLLY, be sure to tell us how you and Jack met, as requested in an earlier post. How are you Love Birds celerbrating the day ?

Kay said...

Hey, LYNN, good to "see" ya ! Sounds like our rain moved on into your area. We still have a forecast of storms or rain through Friday. Sat/Sun should be hot, but sunny days. So very tired of rain, but hate to say it because I know it beats drought.

Kay said...

Okay, now that others are beginning to stir I'm going to take a break. My derriere is numb !

Have a great day LORI and LYNN !


Kay said...

Came back to share this article from my hometown newspaper, The Arizona Daily Star. Kleenex warning !

Gabby Giffords

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Love those beautiful tulips, Kay.

hedgie said...

Lori and Kay, you are full of the humor this morning! You have me LMBO!

DanaMo---what a wonderful experience for Aric ahead!!! How did he get so lucky?

Rain is interfering with my satellite----can't get the channel with the trial....will have to rely on the online version only....which is okay, but not exactly portable throughout the house!

hedgie said...

I would think that it IS raining at the nest----radar looks like this is a widespread cell.

stronghunter said...

HDLN--is that the channel where you watch the trial?

Where do you watch online?

stronghunter said...

Very damp day here today. We do need it.

stronghunter said...

I see that this is the last day of school in DC. They said one extra day because of a snow day this year. They do not get many snow days in DC.

Costume Lady said...

It rained most of the night and is sprinkling right now, Belle and Lib seldom visited when it was rainy, so today my be no exception.

Our early morning girls were a hoot today:)

We had a worker coming to help clean up our yard and woods today, but it is too wet and rainy to get into that. Going to be rainy all week, so the yard will stay unkempt another week:( Seems like we will never get caught up!

stronghunter said...

Found the online trial.

Lori O. said...



AND the live cam is working!!!


hedgie said...

Shirley, trial is on TruTV from 9-3...not sure that HLN is carrying it full-time, but they pick up at 3 and go til 5.
Trial online

stronghunter said...

For Kay

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...


**** NEW THREAD ****

JudyEddy said...

Home for the day LM engaged

DanaMo said...

yay!!! I see the cam is up. Any visits today? None this morning when I was up and on last.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...