Sunday, June 05, 2011


New thread.


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Lynne2 said...

Steve should be home soon! They got a lot done at his mom's this if only they would get that house ON THE MARKET.

magpie said...


Okay, cannot stay long, need my afternoon Panda Nap before worktime, one more of these lovely 4-12 shifts

JudyE, thanks for the job description, wow, busy busy lady !

magpie said...

Welcome Home Soon, Steve....get your lovings ready for Brother Cat, and of course, for Wifey Lynnie Pooh ♥ ♥ ☺

Lynne2 said...

UGH...what a shame the case is postponed Lynn.

magpie said...

Oh I keep checking, and keep saying:

Go away blue screen, come back live nest !! It WILL Happen one of these days...I just KNOW IT !

okay, ttfn, hope all are percolating pretty good this afternoon, or still morning on the West Coast, and evening overseas !

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Yes, Dana, that IS Liesl's look-alike in Iris's mail!!! A bit too small to be a fire dog!!

DanaMo---sorry about your tooth. Hate when that happens. Hope you have a gentle dentist.

Jo, nice pic of your Dad. You lost him much too early, too (mine was 50)....:( Mine also played strictly by ear---ANY instrument he picked up or sat in front of!

hedgie said...

Great new Dad pics from Shar and Hoda! Who is with Mr. Crisco, Shar??? Is that you???!!!! Cutie!

Andy, good to see you! Pretty egg....abit bigger than the one I found, but same shade of blue! Have never seen herons around here in the woods!

hedgie said...

Jo, I loved Gran Torino.....but ended sadly. It actually was Lynne who asked.....but I love anything Eastwood is in!

Funny story, JudyE---a parolee!!!

DanaMo said...

Boo hoo still no cam!

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! Did I type Lynn but mean
Lynne about the name of the movie..

hedgie said...

I still say Baez is a JERK! He's totally inept---which surely will play into the prosecution's hand!!

Mema Jo said...

I slid thru safely at the Split..
going to put my feet up

magpie said...

Still Cam is UP !!!

going to check live feed next !!!

Thank You Steve xoxoxo ♥
and the powers that be with you !!

magpie said...

Oh my gosh
Live feed is up also

I can hardly type !!


paula eagleholic said...

Interesting day at work, to say the least. Haven't read back, did you know the still cam is back on?? And the live feed?

paula eagleholic said...

Per OC, they are still working on the sound level...mine was really loud with birds chirping when it first cam on.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, see you found it too, Margy. I sent out an email!

stronghunter said...

Hmm, I can see that a branch is sneaking into the picture. I hope it does not grow too much more.

magpie said...

Thanks Paula....lovely to share this special moment with you ♥

Yah, got up from nap, and Voila!

Can't wait for the first Eagle sighting, especially of Belle of course !!

might have to see it from work, though, hope we are not busy !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I think that is our best color on the cam yet.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the call, Margy!

Where's da birds ????????????

Lots of greenery !

magpie said...

Live and up close and personal
Sycamore Leaves at the Sycamore Palace....

Summer has arrived at the nest for sure

magpie said...

I sent Steve an email, thanked him and the staff for the Nice Surprise !!

okay, must get ready for work...
hope you all enjoy the views...
have entered one picture onto the E-M album, to get things rolling again !

Take care all, might see you from work

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

will want to hear about that "interesting day at work to say the least"
hope everything is OK !

magpie said...

live feed timed out at 14:42 - things are back to normal allrighty !

xox ttfn xoxo

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Paula, what is happening at work???
Glad you were able to see the cams!

Thanks to all involved with getting things working again!

Hope your shift is quiet, Margy!

A young bear was killed on the interstate just across the Potomac on the MD side Fri. night....sure took a long time for that to make the paper.

paula eagleholic said...

My cam froze up, had to reboot it, at 11 something minutes now.

Well, I can't go into the work thingy...but let's just say it opened my eyes and I need to make some changes around here.

paula eagleholic said...

I think the video on the cam looks great...

Really really nice to see our nest, THANK YOU NCTC!!

Costume Lady said...

What awesome color on our cam! With this new and improved picture, Belle will be a sight to behold, more beautiful than ever:)

Kay said...

PAULA, thanks for the e-mail heads up on the camera ! It's so good to see the nest---you can tell there has been some rain and greening up since we last saw it. So looking forward to seeing Belle and even Truder---maybe he's matured a bit over the last week or so ? Okay, wishful thinking. ☺

LOL, JUDYE, I'm sure you look good in prison stripes ! Thanks for the good job description--it's great that you get that much walking in, no need for an exercise program for you.

Kay said...

JO, what a wonderful picture of your Dad at the piano. Can't believe it, but you, LYNN and I all have talented dads in common. My dad played the piano/organ, harmonica and guitar, all by ear. He rigged up a coat hanger holder that looped over his ears so he could play the harmonica and guitar at the same time. Mother was a pianist---we had some great musical evenings in those days before TV came into it's prime ! I always hoped one of the grandkids would get those musical genes since my sis and I did not. No such luck. Oldest grandson plays the guitar, but not by ear.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon in Eagleland! Been putzing around here today--finished my outside planting fun, now have to clean up house---BOO!
Our friends from Paw Paw are down for GD's graduation in AM! I remember when her parents got married!!!
OMG, I just read a cam is alive!!!! Gotta check!

Kay said...

LYNN, hope you're feeling much better by now ! Too bad the trial was postponed. Such an inconvenience for so many. :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have sound on the cam.

hedgie said...

Okay, Paula----whip those guys into shape!!!

NatureNut said...

Wow, a jungle in the nest!
Checked Isla & her eggs haven't hatched yet. She's busy chirping in the nest. Can't understand why it looks like daytime there at 9PM??!Wonder if cam is replaying from earlier or they have late sunset?!

Costume Lady said...

I would have thought Steve would have given us the good news along with a new thread~
Outdoor C. announced on that forum that the cam was back on.
Margy and Paula, how did you find out...just watching at the right time?

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, looks like Isla's baby days my have come to an end:( Someone needs to tell her that it's alright for her to retire, now:)

hedgie said...

Kay, my Dad, too, could play the harmonica while he played guitar....I think he had a store-bought contraption! Accordion, fiddle, etc. also were in our house! My sister could have been a concert pianist if she had pursued it; she is now taking cello lessons! I play piano....but not for public consumption! Mom, too. I would love to learn to play the harp---but they cost $35,000!!!!
I have Daddy's harmonica, but the reeds are all cracked. Supposedly can't be fixed. But I blow it occassionally because it has a delicious smell and taste to it that brings back lots of memories!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
WOW! We have our cams back!!!! Beautiful picture! I don't seem to have any sound, though. Have the volume turned way up, too. Anyone else with no volume still?

Ms Bookworm said...

Thank you to Steve and everyone responsible for getting our cams back!
Your hard work is MUCH appreciated!

DanaMo said...

We've got a cam! Yahoo! Yipee!

DanaMo said...

Now we just need some eagles!

hedgie said...

Agree, Wanda....time for Isla to "give up the ghost" so to speak....Chrissy is hoping that she will head on south early, but wish she would at elast stop tending eggs that are no good.

Loretta, enjoy the graduation if you're going, too!

Kay said...

LYNN and LYNNE, my NOAA radio arrived today ! According to Murphy's Law that should guarantee there will be no use for it for months to come ! ☺

LYNN, like you, I play piano for my own consumption only. One of those things you rebel against as a kid and then spend years wishing you'd taken it seriously ! When my Daddy died we had enough harmonicas for his 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren. Mine is on display on a shelf in my bedroom and I see it every day ! Special memories, aren't they ?!!

Kay said...

ANDY, no sound here either. I think it was Paula who said they're working on it because the volume was way too loud when the cam came back up.

Kay said...

DANAMO, what did the dentist say or do ?

JudyEddy said...

Looks like camera is back on is it working the still one Havent read the blog just got home and saw GREEN

JudyEddy said...

and I got the other up yeah

DanaMo said...

Need a crown. Thankfully the fillings in the tooth are good and the roots are fine, so it's just going to get a crown. It takes a while though and he said it has a crack the whole way through it. Crown prep is Wednesday, then I think it will be a week or two before he actually puts the new crown on... poosha!

JudyEddy said...

My sound is intermittent but we have a nest to watch I an so excited like a little kid I can't wait to see if they show up ok gonna start reading the blog 113 comments in my email box boy you all are chatter boxes this afternoon

hedgie said...

Finney2 is frozen again....seems to be a daily occurrence. :(

hedgie said...

Oh, many coinky-dinks among so many of us momsters! I have always regretted not continuing with my piano lessons...I took some for a couple of years as an adult which really helped me a lot, but stopped when ur news house was being built---old house sold much too quickly and we ended up living in camper for 10 mos. so piano was in storage! Then it was just too far a trip to make!

DanaMo said...

I do have sound...

hedgie said...

I do, too, DanaMo, but just wind sounds!

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY Funny how dogs will just eat about anything I love the counter surfing toothpaste staple eating Wouldn't you think it would hurt comin out the other end the electric toothbrush My grand dog loves to eat Destin Butt cream YUK Tube and all

LORI ask what I was going to spend my bonus on I was going to buy a cheap 250 lap top and router or a 24 in monitor not for sure should shave it for vacation etc Will see not in any hurry its not
burning a hole in my pocket or bank yet. the monitor I want is on 179 not bad plus my 10%assoc discount on top of that

I am so glad that we are now able to make comments on peeps pictures I think what it is a glitch we are already logged on the the blog through google and I think when we are re logging on to make a comment that is the problem so just unclicking the box fixed it HMMM you think we should let Google know of their problem that we figured out I'm sure it applies to all blogger blogs

Another silly question dead heading isn't that just popping the bud off flicking it as I say, I always think of the old thing or song can't remember it all just the part Momma had a baby and it head popped of then you would flick the flower off with your thumb and pointer finger-- any of you remember it

MEMO JO sorry you lost your daddy so young of an age Love the picture of him at the piano
My younger sister is the same way she can pick up any instrument and play it she use to play the accordion at restaurant she plays guitar, piano,all wind inst Talented she is me and my older sister have no talent we couldn't even do the little black plastic flute in school ( my sister thinks her's was wooded)

Still reading only have 70 more to read will be there pretty soon I am listening to the trail also SYIAW IH

hedgie said...

New Eaglet at WCV
This one was found not too far from Loretta's community! Maybe it is one of George's offspring!

JudyEddy said...

I think I just figured something out the fan or as I say my engine revives up when I get email from the blog ODD

Lolly said...

Hellooooo! Home from Denton. Have been speed reading the blog and sharing the screen with a beautiful nest. Wahoooooo!

We loaded Jack's truck, Joey's Explorer and Laurel's mini van. Got every thing in, so we only had one trip. Took everything to her new (but old) school. The teacher there who is leaving has not packed one thing, the room is a mess. The principal gave Laurel a room to store her stuff and she said the janitors will move it for her to her room. That is good as it is in the basement. (They call it the Garden level! LOL) Her new room is much smaller than her old room, also the teacher had tables, not desks. Laurel did not like that and hopes to get it changed. Told her I would help unpack and set up her room in August. Everyone was VERY friendly and nice. Laurel is very excited to be there, away from her old principal. Much nicer "atmosphere". Yea!

Hoda said...


NatureNut said...

Well gang, it's late again! I must check if we had a bird sighting. Saw from one of Chrissy's emails that Isla's eggs must not be viable. How sad--she may not produce fertile ones again. I hope they can retrieve eggs for testing later.

BTW, meant to tell Mema Jo that the wonderful email she sent about Eagle Car should go in the OH raffle!!! LOL (the car)

Gotta shampoo the do, so if I don't return, please have
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

Just saw Lynn's link about the Fort Wash. eaglet. Unusual!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 263 of 263   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...