Monday, June 20, 2011


Fresh thread for a rainy day.


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Kay said...

JUDYE, good show, great play by play on the Truder visit ! I slept in as you no doubt surmised. Had a night of thunderstorms rolling through and more expected later today. Get ready all you East of Columbus in the I70 corridor. There's an ill wind a'blowin' ! Still don't know what time Seth and Malcolm will arrive today, but I'm looking forward to their being here. BBL

hedgie said...

DANAWV: it's Liesl! LOL!

hedgie said...

We had a total of 3 storms last evening/early AM, Kay. Sprinkled a little while ago, but now sun is out......we shall see what the afternoon brings!''Lolly, great that you got some precip! Be careful mowing!

hedgie said...

Shirley....I think all kids Hunter's age like to argue----about almost everything! I have had to show the g'girls stuff in writing before they will acquiesce sometimes!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Mucky out there again today. Another good day to
stay inside. Thankful I don't have any plans outside.

Need to read backwards on all the
comments of the day. Don't know if I can catch up or not!


stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn. I guess it is part of their growing-up process. At least, I hope it is something positive!

magpie said...

Hi More Morning Eagle Pals

busy day on June 22 over the years

My parents would be having their 78th anniversary today -
married June 22, 1933

Dad died in 1989
Mother died in 1993

they celebrated their Golden Anniversary at Heartland of Martinsburg....
and renewed their vows
I have told of that before here on the blog

xo ♥

magpie said...

Well, Hunter sure sounds like his own boy, Shirley...

Very interesting and interested
age, he is at

hope the playoffs go off without a hitch tonight

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just saw where Glen Campbell has announced he has Alzheimer's. So sad. I always loved him.

magpie said...

oh dear, he knows it, can express it, how very frightening that must be .. it does not get better, only worse
always loved his songs also, Sharon
still do...

Happy Birthday to your Son Andrew ♥
Enjoy your trip over to see him later, you and Mattie xoxo

magpie said...

Kay ::

okay, I see those tulips blooming open wider......don't I ???
I have old eyes, but
I'm just sayin'

gotta go..
back later

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Actually, it will be me, Mattie, T-Bird, Sissy and Tom. We have to go to Charleston because he doesn't get off work until 6 so we are going to go there for dinner.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Do some chores before getting ready for work.

SO sad about Glen Campbell. I always liked him fact, I just borrowed a CD of his from my MIL.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I have caught up on the blog.

My lawn man Lolly is mowing my wet grass too.

Lolly There is one thing I do not understand. You have lost all this weight. Looking really good lady ( : Yet you never tried to run up that tree after that road runner. Nor chase him when he came down from tree to get that lizard. I thought with all that exercising and hiking. You would have caught that road runner.

Just kidding lol

Hoda said...

Good morning...not a cloud in the skies, a slight breeze and it is already 60 degrees F at 8:29 AM PDT...It is again posted as being in the 80's today, they actually upped it to 86 degrees F!!! I'll say like Lolly SHHHHHHHHHHHHH don't tell anybody, but I think it might be that summer has arrived here???Fingers and toes crossed. It is a BEAUTIFUL MORNING.

Hoda said...

A TOAST to your parents MARGY on what would have been their anniversary.Hear Hear to Margy's Parents. Thank you for sharing.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I am so happy that the warmth has reached you! We need our
humidity to get lower... Very hot out but too hot to enjoy because
it is mucky!

wvgal_dana said...

ok to the blog comments I have caught up to:

I too seen the story about the
dying man and his faithful dog.
Yes Hedgie-Lynn very touching and
I agree .. sniffle sniffle.

I now remember bad breath. Liesl
has to have her teeth cleaned.

Diann I hope they can give
you that injection soon. Sorry for
your pain. I know you always have
pain in different places with your
condition. In my prayers always.

Wanda I am sorry that you
haven't been able to get your knee
replaced. I do know the pain. I
keep you in my prayers. I am glad
you are having GG's back checked
out where that tick was. Your such
a great daughter ♥

Lynne2 Very cute new avatar ( :

Loretta Very interesting about archaeologists working in the Pax. River for buried ships and/or artifacts from the War of 1812. My Ed loved watching tv that showed things like that. On I see that Mom Osprey has as you said
"3 itty bitties" in the nest. Goodie!

JudyE I have never said anything but I love your saying you usually put when you are signing off for the night.
""Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 See talk about your Mil & Fil moving closer to you all. See you was hoping
for inlaw type apartment house. That they would get. So you and Steve would be right there to help them out. See their house still
needs to be sold. Putting those things in prayers. Talbot County would be nice ( :

JudyE might be a lot of ordering of those "eagle slippers" lol JudyE you can call the phone number
and order them through a customer representive. That way it won't be online. I do that quite often.

Margy I love you non-toxic mixture for aphids. Cooking oil, dish detergent and water
to spray plants with. I will have to give that a try. ty

Sad about the shotting of the Goshawk. Some people should NOT have a gun/rifel/shotgun in their hands!! SAD!!! SAD!!!


Hoda Have heard and used that saying that ery often.
My Father taught that saying to me.

Yea Lolly is getting rain for her beautiful yard and plants. Happy Happy for Lolly...rain!!!

I see Margy has left for work. Hope it is not terrible things that happens just regular stuff.

Hedgie-Lynn Happy 93rd Anniversary that would have been for your parents.

WOW Shirley kids 8-10 yrs. old baseball 11pm. I just don't understand why they do that. It just does not seem right to keep that age up that late!!! Then after
getting home they have to unwind.

Hoda said...

I take risks and live on the edge!!! I actually think that I will go out today without a jacket/coat...LOL I feel happy and much lighter...

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and once again I tied down loading this am visit but was not successful something has changed the way you download videos now the set up is different there is a blue bar to bottom of screen that progresses with unloading say uploading 1 of 1 and to the top it counts down the MB and when its done or thinks it down it goes back to same page at to upload Can any one else check to see if its just me and thanks in advance if you do Odd 6 times and it doesn't upload PUTER troubles ??? I wish I knew of well I tried

wvgal_dana said...

Good commenting on Truder in the nest this AM.

Lolly I did forget to
comment on the roadrunner. I
loved it. Wish I had seen one.
That is so neat !!
Although I do have to tell you
Jack has me lmbo.
Now he'll have to find a new
friendly lizard. lol

Sorry to hear about Glen Campbell
having Alzheimer's.
I enjoyed his music so much.

Andrew's Birthday dinner tonight in Charleston with
Mother-Sharon, Mattie, Thelma,
Sissy and Tom. per Sharon's
comment. Sounds like FUN!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn Sorry about earlier how I spelt Liesl's name.

wvgal_dana said...

Click on this link:

on left side 9th item down "Farrier Tools" put cursor there The Mystery Item Lynne2 posted is not for horses

JudyEddy said...

I thinkt it may be a tabacco cutter from germany

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

OK!!! Found the sun glasses and am heading out to yoga and my volunteer time at the Library...I do not know when I will be back as I would like to go to the beach with a friend and walk around in the park also...HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE.

wvgal_dana said...

Need to go run to post office and other errands. Later ♥

stronghunter said...

Game tonight is AT 7:00, and they are not starting over. They will continue last night's game. Makes a lot more sense.

stronghunter said...

Tonight's game determines who plays tomorrow night, so it is important.

Costume Lady said...

Good Afternoon...
Getting ready to go into GG's for her Dr. appointment. I'm so anxious to see if the Wheely Walker helps her walk any better. She hasn't been out to her garden yet...present walker won't go in grass. Hope she likes it.

My Dustin has gone home...I feel so sad for some reason. I know I will see him Friday...what's wrong with me?

Have a good day, everyone♥

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, good thinking! I can't find it though....the only tobacco cutters I see are large things....but if you can find more info let me know!

OUTA HERE off to work have a good day and keep your eyes to the skies....storms predicted for later!

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, will you be going to the game? GOOD LUCK, HUNTER!

hedgie said...

Fish Eagle
Play the video to listen!

hedgie said...

DANAWV----not my parent's anniversary.....Grandparents!

Cool, Margy, that your folks share this date with them!

Feel so bad for Glen Campbell....always one of my favs.

Hoda, rah,rah for warmer temps!!! Hope it goes up that high for you!

hedgie said...

Jo, the mugginess is a killer.....ugh!

hedgie said...

Shirley, how's your mouth feeling this morning? And Kat's jaw??
Smart game officials to pick up from last evening. Go Padres!!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, have a good day at work.
Wanda, hope GG's apptmt. goes well.

Well, everyone leaves when I come, so I'll go back out the blog door!

stronghunter said...

My mouth is much better this morning. Is better now than when I got up.

Yes, I think I will go to the game this evening. I missed a lot of games and practices when I was working.

stronghunter said...

I hope GG's appointment goes well.

Maybe you are just sad because Dustin left, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Ump at Hunter's game last night was very young. I'm betting he called someone before he called the game. The other team had already left. Our team was ready to wait so the other team would have to forfeit, but that did not happen since the game was called.

I hope they will be able to finish the game tonight. We're ahead, 5-0, I think.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn's jaw is another story. She took medicines too late last night. Had trouble getting up. She figures she might take med at the game if necessary, and I can drive home.

She is trying to find a doctor her insurance will accept.

stronghunter said...

Hunter in his catcher's gear.

magpie said...

Well Ladies and Gentlemen:



Lolly said...

Shirley, is it time to have a family conference and at the conference have it explained to Hunter by his mother that he is to do what you tell him to do. I think that living with you that he should be told in no uncertain terms that you are to be obeyed. That must be terribly frustrating!

Yard is mowed, clipped, edged and blown. Won't do that for two whole weeks. Wowser!!!

Have showered and now need to dry my hair. Leave for a doctor's appointment in 2 hours.

Tomorrow is the day to get the do done, last minute grocery shopping, last minute packing, and take Annie to camp!

magpie said...





JudyEddy said...

Well now the video is downloading the way it was suppose to earlier who know what the dealo was with it This am visit by Truder is on the blog Nest Video Its another short one

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...