Friday, June 03, 2011


Still working on the cam...microwave is the problem du jour.

New thread.


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Lolly said...

Well, I am going to gather up my WAX and enjoy it!!!

Mema Jo said...

You go gal! Have a good rest of the day, Lolly!

Shirley - Guess that "home alone"
is a great feeling that you don't have too much of these days! You
take advantage of it cause it will
keep you 'sane'! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching for the loons
and their little loonies - but
no show for now.

stronghunter said...

Pretty soon it will be Hunter and me at home.

hedgie said...

Lolly, it IS nice when company leaves so that you can feel comfortable in your own home again! You can run around in your undies, etc.!!!!! But glad you had a nice party and that you are heading for more fun.

Hoda, Kay does have the "accent" down, doesn't she? That is also the "sound" of Michiganders---heard it all the time at work!

Hoda said...

I was thinking of my American Dad and looked at pictures this morning. I found this picture taken shortly before he died. Nathaniel Horton batchelder Jr, touching Liberty Bell. He was blind towards the end of his life and they allowed him to touch it as he had wanted to visit it.He was 89 years old. He felt humbled and proud to touch it.Way to go Dad.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful picture, Hoda. What a nice memory for you.

Hoda said...

Nathaniel Horton Batchelder Jr. I missed a capital letter on the last post...BBL off to the walkathon...I have a picture of him smiling after he touched the bell I will post it later, I have so much gratitude in my life for his life and his love.

Lolly said...

Great story, Hoda. Have a Liberty Bell story myself. My maternal grandmother, when she was young and attractive flirted with the guard and also gotto run her finger down the Liberty Bell.

Mema Jo said...

Wonderful Liberty Bell stories!

Shirley - with it just Hunter and you - You will be one busy lady
influencing your grandson! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time it is already.

Costume Lady said...

Hello everyone...
Just checking need for Silver Alert:)
Hope Brother Cat can be perked up by his Vet today and perk up Lynne, too!
Yard and deck work today...GG gave me the day off! That's 2 days this week:) She sat outside and watched all three grandsons playing football, last evening (Brandon, Dustin and Jayden) Jayden was a hoot. He'd get the ball and run away from the boys and give it to his Gramma (Karla) and just laugh and laugh! GG surely slept well!
Have a beautiful day...BBML

Kay said...

JO, what's for lunch ?

LYNN, love dem bears ! I saw a Yahoo headline earlier that said roughhousing is good for our little ones. Apparently bears think it's good for their young, too. Faith's antics are adorable ! I pled with Finney2 Mom to get up and let me see what she's hiding, but she wouldn't budge.

LOLLY and HODA, great Liberty Bell stories ! I've been there twice and it's awesome to see, but I have no good stories to tell about it.

HODA, the avatar is a good reminder that Father's Day is coming up soon, June 19th. Do Canadians have days celebrating Moms n' Dads ?

hedgie said...

Great pic and memory, Hoda. Were you with him when it occurred??

Lolly----flirting can often result in special privilege!

No stories for me---I was there, viewed it and took pic!!

Shirley, how is Flash this morming?
Still scootching? :(

JudyEddy said...

Being Fathers Day is just around the corner I have decided to post pictures of my DAD

This one is a pencil drawing a good friend of mine did for my Mom after my dad had passed away

Home for lunch No new thread yet I see and No camera also
SO SAD :-{

JudyEddy said...

the orginal picture is also in the picture bottom of it

wvgal_dana said...

Hi folks its been awhile.
Been hauling water to those rose of sharon. Mom gave me and pretty
much got my hands and legs hurting. Plus have had a lot of other stuff I've had to do. Didn't
want you sending out an alert lol

Belated happy Birthday
to Jessica Lynn's grandaughter.

Wondering about Wanda's knee?

Paula glad Michael will be
getting his iphone back.

Lynne2 been praying even if
I'm not on here for Bro cat.

Thanks Lynne2 for posting
that. Larry is so protective
of the loons ..I just love
how he writes about the
adults and the chicks.
Reminds me of Deb a lot.

Lynn-Hedgie love those pics
of Liesl. She is a cutie I( :

Loretta thanks for the
pictures. Those chicks I
bet enjoyed that shower.

Lynne2 that is terrible for Dr. Baker. Having all that drawn then
having to go back and redraw more. Terrible about the disease. Glad
it is cureable but that is a long time.

Sad about James Arness. I was surprised when I seen it on the new Hedgie.

WOW JudyE that link has a lot of information. thanks

I see Megan's daughter Madeleine has graduated.

I see Brother cat has comed
home !!!! Now he is off to
the vet....????

Lolly said...

Expecting Laurel and family any minute. We are eating a bite of lunch and then heading out.

See you this evening.

Ta Ta!!

paula eagleholic said...

Cool osprey battle out had a fish...two others around...darn camera..had an error missed the fish pic but got some others

Hello everyone

Mema Jo said...

Hi there Paula Sounds like your day is quite full of events!

Wanda - sure wish you had a video
of the football game!

Kay - Yoplait Bananas Strawberry
Now I am looking for something

Car washing in my front yard - I
need to go supervise!

magpie said...

chicks on nest, parent off the nest at BWO
won't last long for sure until a parent returns...

Hello !

magpie said...

thought that would be quick!
now I think it is chow time at BWO

Mema Jo said...

Decorah nest - great close up of
one of the eaglets.........

Mema Jo said...

Not that we are going to be getting any photo soon for our E_M
album -
Changed 05/02 to 6/30

and then started the JULY album

hedgie said...

Dana....don't you have a garden hose to water with?????

Wanda, glad the boys had fun entertaining GG!

Christie and Shannon's Weimeraner, HArley, gave Chris a really bad scare.....he was not acting right all day yesterday, and was the same when she got home from work last night. This morning she came awake to the sound of him falling. He was posturing with his front feet/legs (curving in towards his chest)....she called Shannon who was just leaving work---he stopped at vet's on his way in and they took him over as soon as he got home. Vet could not find anything wrong and Harley was acting normally again......possible he could have had a TIA, or a petit mal seizure....MTBD. :(

magpie said...

Thought I saw an egg out of the nest cup at Finney2 around 0930 our time this morning, so maybe Lynn is right, a hatchling ? - guess maybe that was the hatched egg piece...hope so

Wonderful pictures, Hoda and JudyE

Sounds great, Wanda, your report

just passing through, not much time to do a lot of magpie-ing,
4-12's do not suit me, and Lynn's Carolyn got off at 12 last night and back in at 0800 - I will have two hours with her this afternoon...4 - 6 pm ☺

Hope all will be well, with Brother Cat, and the various aches and pains, ailments, and any trials and travails we are going through...

And Enjoy your Respective Days, today...☺
going to grab a short nap, or at least, a rest period.

Love you all, Precious Pals..
xoxo ☺

Mema Jo said...

Expert Says 2011 Tornadoes 106% Above Average - That is a lot!
The devastation has reached an
all time high!

magpie said...

oh dear, Lynn, sorry to hear that...
prayers to Saint Francis on that one....

Hey! Dannon has a great key lime pie yogurt...just makes me want REAL key lime pie though. And Yoplait has a great mango, and a great Lemon Burst! I buy LOTS of yogurt

Okay, wish I could say more, to more of you, I know you understand, but I'm just sayin'...

How about some (( Hugs ♥ )) in the meanwhile ???

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Thanks Jo on the E-M album reconfiguration...hope we can start adding pictures soon !!
okay, 'bye

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy. There is a chick at Finney2!!!!

magpie said...

OK, Lynn I saw your post pre-split, so it is confirmed:
YAY and Thanks !
now, okay, 'bye, really, I have to !

wvgal_dana said...

That is great a chick at Finney 2.

Sorry about Harley-adding to prayer list.

Lynne2 said...

SO, Lynn is running around in her undies and condoning flirting...HMMMMMMM.

Hope your granddog is OK Lynn! Could very well have been a seizure.

Well, good news from Dr Baker....Brother's bloodwork is fine except of course he is dehydrated and his WBCs are slightly elevated. Temp, ab palp, heart and lungs sound fine, he doesn't have a urinary blockage. YAY!! NO elevations in kidney function or liver function (when cats don't eat for a few days, it can cause a serious liver problem) which is great! No sign of injury or wound or neurological troubles.He'll stay in hospital til later this evening on IV fluids, possibly overnight...she'll decide later this afternoon. So, at this point, there is apparently nothing seriously wrong with him!

Lynne2 said...


stronghunter said...

My father.

magpie said...

That is a very handsome portrait, Shirley, of your father

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Dana Gray.

magpie said...

Good Report, Lynne, on Brother Cat.
I think I should like to have such a physical work-up one of these days

I am drawing a blank, fear that I have missed something by speed-reading

"Momster Gray" ?
- - well,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! And Best Wishes for a Colorful Birthday ! xoxo

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy.

magpie said...

oh shucks I blew it:


sure sorry I missed something...

Birthdays are Special, so that makes YOU Special ☺

magpie said...

time to go visit the salt mines.

Sure missing Judie here today, hope the house is - at least - somewhat cooler...

Best Wishes for a Good Afternoon and Evening, Precious Pals

xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Sounds like you are headed into work now Margy. Hope you day goes well. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Starting to look like it is going to rain.

Lynn-Hedgie yes I have a hose. By the time I hook it up ...stop the leak. Plus all the trouble rolling the hose back up in that darn thing. I can be finished watering.

One of these days I'm going to get a plumber to put a spigot on the side near the front. It is all the way in the back now.

hedgie said...

Margy---if you haven't left yet....!!!! SIL's bro just told me that he saw an adult eagle in a cornfield on Kitchen's Orchard Rd. this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was on the ground----probably had a creature that he was feeding on. Donald said he was about 75' off the road. NO indication that anything was wrong with him!

magpie said...

I'm leaving now on that good note, Lynn ! Neato !

Only two hours and less than a half hour til Caro is free for the day !

Hi Dana...

take care now, you folks

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I'll have to look at the map to see where Kitchen's Orchard Rd. is. Don't know that one.

Boy that is great he seen an eagle.

Is it getting ready to rain back your way?

hedgie said...

I know it's a pain, Dana, but hauling pails of water is HARDER work!!!!

Decks blown, roof of sunroom blown, rest of still-wet leaves cleaned away from far end of house. Donald got the weed-eating all done along the road. So now clouds are rolling in heavily and it's looking threatening.

Gotta go some clothes out of the dryer.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANA GRAY!! Another momster photog extraordinaire!!

Margy, have a good shift. Give my tired gal a hug, please!

hedgie said...

Thundering---sounds like it's over the river.

hedgie said...

Lynne, glad that Bro Cat is getting hydrated. Maybe going through that will teach him a lesson!! Good that she couldn't find anything else wrong with him!
God is GOOD!

hedgie said...

Dana, Kitchen's Orchard is off Grade Rd. Closer to the Rt. 11 end, I think, than to Vineyard Rd.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok thanks Hedgie-Lynn now I know the area. ty ( :

hedgie said...

Okay, Dana, it runs between Grade and Koontztown Rds.

hedgie said...

Sofa time to ease my back until last load is ready to some out of dryer. Thunder closer....shutting down. BBL!

wvgal_dana said...

I seen last night on the new that Mei might be pregrant. She has been making a bamboo nest. I HOPE !!! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Well the thunder is here so I will bbl shutting down.

JudyEddy said...

all alone on the new thread come on over no news either

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...