Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Evening thread.  More press.


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hedgie said...

Another alarm.....severe storm warning.....whole tri-state area...til 9:15......all of us here in eastern panhandle.....Megan in Sharpsburg, Jo and Paula in Frederick area......

JudyEddy said...

I am in process of down loading the 7min visit with Belle and TBird on facebook and I got the action of her sitting in the nest cup and the almost landing on her with the stick he carried in and the tiff they had on the placement of the stick LOVE it It will take a little to down load since it longer than any I have downloaded IF YOU are on facebook and want to see it you can send me a friend request like a few have My face book link is on my profile here at bottom of about me area I made a blue link out of it Ok gonna go see the IDOL I didn't do any of the blog at all my neck would kill me God Bless this nest all who watch it

hedgie said...

Wind up, hear thunder in the distance...don't see lightening yet.

Christine said...

Has that foal nursed at all?

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Truder brought in a stick!

paula eagleholic said...

I made my donation to WCV today...for the care of the eaglets....I don't care about the webcam...

stronghunter said...

Another tornado warning here.

paula eagleholic said...

got about 3 drops here....I'm pissed, my mower is about pooped out, hope it's better tomorrow :( Grass is a mile high...

paula eagleholic said...

Had to stay late at work, couldn't get it all done, then mower pooped out!

Thanks for letting me vent!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, SHELTER......now!!

hedgie said...

Lolly....Scotty is up on AI! Sure hope he wins this!!!

stronghunter said...

Cats are crated. We have a battery operated lantern. It is completely calm here now. We are next to the basement door.

Leona said...

Hedgie my ankle if getting better. Just going to take time.

I was just on the Hummingbird cam and think I see a pip.

Linda said...

Lynn - Thanks.....definitely had some "soft food" tonight. Don't really even feel like eating. Ice helps the swelling. Tomorrow it will be better!! Pain meds aren't dong a thing. I think I'll just try aspirin!

Scotty did great and the judges were happy with it!

Kay said...

Lynn, thanks ever so much for the link to Lori ! Wow ! What a great way for me to get better acquainted with her. I'm impressed !

Thrilled to know there will be funds available for a camera on the triplets !

WVDana, so sorry you're still having those aches n' pains. That's a cute chipmunk on your avatar--going to your profile and the enlarging the pic helped me see the little guy. I've kept you on my daily prayer list---feel better soon !

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Hi Leona! Glad your ankle is getting better....slowly but surely!

Kay said...

My delete due to a double posting.

magpie said...

Well Damn Paula!
sorry about the mower and the grass, just vent all you like on here!

Maintenance finally mowed the jungle here yesterday!

glo said...

One more post tonight again from Ed Clark He is obviously pretty touched himself by all of this.

Ed Clark, Wildlife Center of VA:
One more post for tonight before I put replace the cork on a very long and trying day. I am truly touched, as are my colleagues at the Wildlife Center of Virginia, by the sincere devotion so many of your feel toward these incredible birds. Because we deal with literally thousands of birds, mammal, reptiles and amphibians each year, many of which come to us with no hope whatsoever, we must shield our emotions from too much investment in any individual animal, even eagles. Yet, somehow, these three babies have come into our lives like a lightening bolt. Thirty six hours ago, we were aware of their existence, but that fact had not real relevance to our world. Boy, what a difference a day makes!

I can tell you that the entire staff of the Wildlife Center has completely pulled out all the stops to get ready for your babies. They are sleeping peacefully tonight and will be even happier when they are introduced to their new home tomorrow. We have incredible photos to document the whole journey, and we'll share them as soon as we can.
While I have been getting a lot of accolades today, I am just the captain of an incredible team of professionals who do the real work. Any kind word for me are really compliments for my colleagues...the people with whom I am very honored to work. So, on their behalf, thank you to everyone who cares about these three incredible little creatures. Sleep soundly knowing that we will do anything and everything within our power to see that they are well-cared for and properly reared. When they are ready to be released, we promise that we will have done everything in our power to see that they are prepared for a long and fruitful life in the wild.

Again, thank you everyone. Good night."


JudyEddy said...

The video just posted on face book If you want to click on the link and send me a friend request please do I have my page marked private and you won't be able to see it Looks like Belle put him in his place tonght I wonder if he will ever learn Ok nite again

floralgirl said...

Whew- latest storm is just skirting by us here- so far so good... Nasty nasty storms in the area.. The winds are ferocious. We have been lucky so far.

magpie said...

Thanks for the posts, Glo, have much back-track reading to do

hoping, praying, that all will be well there at your roost...

Linda said...

Thanks, Glo for posting Ed Clark's final post tonight. Of course I'm reading through my tears! What a beautiful post from someone who has to do his best to keep his emotions out of it.

Thanks to Ed for assuring all of us that they are doing their best to take excellent care of "our" babies!! We do get attached, don't we??

magpie said...

..and that goes for EVERYONE in the storm's path!

Mema Jo said...

Christine - The foal has nursed a good bit. At first they almost had to lead her because she was wobbly and acted like she wanted to explore already. She is going to
be a frisky foal..... Today the vet would come in the stable and check her out. So Yes they finally bonded.

Mema Jo said...

PA Lynn Linda - Aspirin may not be the best thing to take - Try Aleve

stronghunter said...

Judie and I had the privilege of seeing Ed Clark at the triple eagle release in July of 2009. That was when I was learning to use my camera, but I did get some pictures that are on my blog postings for that time.

Linda said...

Thanks, Jo - Your're right because of bleeding, right??

I guess I should have thought of that!!

glo said...

Shirley. I have been to an eagle release. It was an awesome experience indeed. Whenever I am in that area I think about that eagle and wonder how he is doing His name was Ruffles. Yep he did get a name.

stronghunter said...

That was the first time I had ever been to an eagle release, and it was the first time I met anyone from this blog. Judie and I found each other pretty quickly, or I should say Judie spotted me in my hot pink capri pants.

Ed Clark was impressive.

hedgie said...

Oooohhhhh.....Linda----if I'm not too late....NOT ASPIRIN!!!! Increases bleeding!!!!

stronghunter said...

We got to see three eagles released that day. It was a great experience.

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, thanks for posting those words from Ed. Their world is turned upside down as well!

Linda said...

I can't wait for the day to see something like that, Shirley!

hedgie said...

SHIRLEY...another warning now until 10!!

Kay said...

Glo, Lynn, thanks for all the postings of links and information today. I've long been impressed with the caring, thoughtful people associated with NBG, VA Wildlife Center,WVEC.... I'm more impressed than ever after these two very traumatic days.

Closing up shop for today, with prayers for all in need.


hedgie said...

KayIM....Lori is even lovelier in person than in her pic!!

stronghunter said...

Another tornado warning. It is going to be a long night.

stronghunter said...

I would not have gone if it had not been for Judie.

stronghunter said...

Very calm here right now. The air is heavy. We are standing by.

Linda said...

Good Night KayIM ♥♥♥

Judie said...

Turning in early.

Long day. Two cases of serious plagiarism -- as in entire papers. Now have that to deal with before the final exam on Tuesday and submission of final course grades.

Therapy in the morning -- the ankle. May need a different kind of therapy by next week. Oh, right. All I need is a mirror.

Thanks to all who posted updates from Ed Clarke.

Shirley, Darth and I had a lovely time watching the eagle release. Looks like we may have another opportunity come end of summer.

Seems everyone is safe and I am grateful.

Night light is set for automatic 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn. Guess I'm not thinking straight. I was thinking it would reduce swelling and if the pain got worse, I could take something else in 4 hours instead of the longer time span with Aleve!!

Found some Motrin and took that!

Now the storms are in our neighborhood and my 65lb border collie wants to be ON me when he is nervous from the storms! Ugh!

The more my husband tries to help me the worse he seems to get!! Just wants his momma!!

mariadangeloart said...

Good night all. Stay safe.

stronghunter said...

Tornado warning is cancelled here already. Good grief.

hedgie said...

Linda, you can do Tylenol in-between doses of Aleve.

Wind is really blowing here. Donald cleaned stick soff roof today---I hear more hitting! That's what happens when you live in the woods! There are always dead sticks ready to fall.

Glo, thanks for adding Ed Clark's goodnight report.

hedgie said...

Judie, it must be so discouraging for you to have to deal with wannabe adults who so flagrantly violate the "law"......what is the U's policy for "punishment"???

hedgie said...

Ummm...Judie, I don't get the connection between therapy and mirror...????

Lolly said...

Lynn, have not missed AI. I am still watching as I recorded it. They have all been so good tonight. Wow! Yep, still wanting Scotty to win!

stronghunter said...

Judie, I talked to my students about plagiarism today. Explained that it's why I want to see their rough drafts. A student who has written a draft is less likely to resort to plagiarism--at least I hope so.

hedgie said...

LINDA----me again....don't take Aleve AMD Motrin!! That's a no-no!!! They are both NSAID's....one or the other, and Tylenol between doses!

Linda said...

Thanks, again, Lynn!!

I'm always afraid of taking the wrong stuff and the few pain medications I have had over the years don't seem to do much more than give me a headache!

Christine said...

Shirley, where do you live hon?

Christine said...

BTW I'm going to CRC this weekend. If I see Bob or Natalie I'm going to ask if I can be there for Kinsey's release. I doubt it, but worth asking!

magpie said...

It is our Judie quiz for the night, Lynn...
hmm, thinking about it also.
Hope we can find that it is complimentary ☺ and not a negative crack on herself :(

Oh, something I read on Puleston refers to H-P after a first egg is laid, as "Tilt"
or "Tilting." LOL
say that it helps to get the other eggs a'rollin' out if I read it correctly.

hedgie said...

Christine, Shirley is in Fredericksburg, VA.
Hope you can go to Kinsey's release!

stronghunter said...

Fredericksburg (Spotsylvania County) Virginia.

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy...seems like that would push it back in!!

stronghunter said...

Halfway between Washington, DC and Richmond, VA.

Lynne2 said...

I'm back....got distracted by the tornado warning! That doesn't happen here very often. The cell in question was clearly visible out the front window. Instead of preparing to go to the basement (oh, we don't have one, but we can go outside, around the corner and down into a small cellar), I was taking pictures! The storm lost most of it's strength but the sky was most impressive!

stronghunter said...

I don't know what Judie means, either. Will go back and look at her message again.

stronghunter said...

Be careful, Lynne, but post your pics.

stronghunter said...

Looks like the release for the NBG eaglets might be in the Hampton Roads area. I'm ready to go. I will be a free woman then.

Linda said...

Lynne2 - So you're some kind of storm chaser?? LOL Better be careful, girl!

Christine said...

I used to run up and down 95 to my freind's house in Beaverdam, VA. Hope you're all safe!!

Lynne2 said...

I am some kind of IDIOT!! There were so many warnings going off on the Weather Channel and I missed ours at first....then, just like my dad used to say, it got really still outside. That's when I started paying attention and sure enough, the warning came on.

Lynne2 said...

as I was watching outside, I could see it was moving off to the east more. Then they said it was loosing it's punch, so I wasn't really worried. Much.

Christine said...

I'm heading to bed. Trying to wait until the storms get closer to give Sadie (my black lab) her valium. She's a mess when the storms come!!!

Linda said...

Lynne2 - Dennis (my husband) loves the high winds and threatening weather!! I've lived through a tornado that took off the second story of our house, so I have a respectable FEAR of them!!

stronghunter said...

Speaking of students and papers. . . I am getting really frustrated with some of my students.

I have one girl who is already insisting that she has four additional days to complete her paper which is due May 20 because she was absent two days this week. I said no, but she insists that that is the way the system works. Can you imagine how hard it would be to keep up with something like that?

Lynne2 said...

no word from Loretta yet...or Red.

SO much damage in Birmingham. Hopefully not so bad in Huntsville.

Lynne2 said...

I remember you saying that Linda....YIKES! I am afraid, but fascinated at the same time. I would do a Storm Chaser Vacation!

Lynne2 said...

actually, it looks like Huntsville was just under a Tornado Warning.

Mom and filly are settled in for the evening!

Lynne2 said...

On FB there is a post with pics of the Trips getting their exams!

stronghunter said...

Storms are fascinating, but I will not be going on a storm-chaser vacation. We ran from a hurricane at my insistence.

Linda said...

Lynne2 - Having lived in the Ft. Lauderdale area for 35 years, we experienced quite a few hurricanes. We had a couple pretty bad hits in 2004 and 2005. but you can prepare for hurricanes in advance. It is usually the tornadoes that spawn from the weather within the hurricanes that cause the worst damage.

I'd take hurricanes over tornadoes any day. It is just a pain to not know exactly where the hurricanes are going to come on shore, so you may find yourself putting up the shutters and bringing EVERYTHING inside on several occasions only to find out you're not in the strike zone!! Better to be safe than sorry!

stronghunter said...

Tornado warning in Culpeper County now. My place of employment.

Linda said...

Oh year, 1992 - Hurrican Andrew was a bad one, too, but mostly for the Miami area.

DanaMo said...

Shirley, she could have been working on it when she was absent, it's not like she is working on it in school, is it? That is a new one on me.What a joke.

Thunder storms in Hagerstown. Included in the watch, but nothing happening. Wind was awful today and of course we put our awning up! Suppose to storm really bad again in the morning. Keep safe everyone and hopefully I will catch up with the early birds before being with my cabinets! We are forming quite a relationship! LOL!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone.
Got home late, had to stay in car for awhile to wait for rain to slow down! It's finally finished.
Watched end of Idol & have been watching the new foal & mare. Hope it learned to nurse. While I saw them, foal would sniff Mom's belly, but didn't drink.
We had some "agressive" nature moments at Chelsea today. Tried to go out front door & a little black jumping spider was there, scaring my buddy, Kathy. (She's worse than I am!) So I started to stomp my foot to make him run ahead of us. But,NO! He did a clockwise 180° getting ready to attack my shoe!We went out the back (kitchen) door. A neat skink was on the wooden railing, but jumped to the brick wall near downspout.Just below was a black racer who saw the skink & jumped/slithered up the bricks behind downspout, but missed him!There was another small jumping spider incident, but not nice.
Later when we finally got out front door, the wind was blowing harder and we were pelted w/maple keys and oak catkins! Ain't spring grand??

JudyEddy said...

The EXAM of one of the eaglets

JudyEddy said...

oops didnt work will try again

Linda said...

Our huge oak tree split in half and fell over onto four vehicles in our driveway. Extensive damage!! That was Hurricane Wilma in 2004 or 2005.

Of course on the other side of the driveway there was only one car - my husband's police car. It was unharmed. All the ones we OWNED were either totaled or damaged extensively!!

JudyEddy said...

of one of the Eaglets

cross your finger lets see if it worked

Lynne2 said...

wow Linda....you have had a weather filled life, haven't you!

Shirley, perhaps the tornado will take the nutty students with it back to OZ. LOL!

Lynne2 said...

wow Loretta, you certainly cause trouble for the wildlife today! Chasing spiders, making skinks jump to an almost certain death by Racer, good grief! Glad you are home and safe!

paula eagleholic said...

Hurricane Andrew is how I ended up with Lacey....she was brought north by a breeder, to be adopted out, along with quite a few other dogs

paula eagleholic said...

Lacey was a golden retreiver!

Lynne2 said...

Transcript of Ed Clarke's comments today and pictures of the trips and work being done for them!


paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda, keep those jumping spiders down there!

Linda said...

Lynne - Yeah, I guess you could say that. I have LOTS of hurricane stories!! I remember we weren't thinking Hurricane Andrew kind of snuck up on us and we weren't prepared. My husband used plywood to board up the house back then and we ran out. So he took apart our wooden shadow box fence and used the planks to board up the remaining windows!! He was doing that 4 hours before it hit!!

Meanwhile I was carrying my sleeping 5 year old son from room to room wherever I went because I was afraid to be seperated from him in case something happened! I couldn't bear the thought of something happening and not having him right with me!!

Guess I was kind of freaking out because of my history!

Lynne2 said...

Seems there are quite a few of us with T'storm Scardy Dogs! I feel SO bad for Daisy. I think we are in for a LONG night here....more storms on the way, mostly looks like they'll come very early in the AM. KEEP THE WEATHER RADIOS ON!!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, can you imagine:

John is absent 3 days, which postpones his paper until the 26th, Mary is absent 5 days, which gives her 10 days, etc. At the end, nobody's paper is due on the same day. What fun, all you gotta do is stay home a few days and mess up the whole system. A reward for staying home. I am so glad I am retiring.

Lynne2 said...

Good grief Linda!

Mema Jo said...

Well all is calm at the Itchy Withers Farm - both Mom and her little girl are bedded down in the
hay (was going to say fluff) lol
Their cam is still on.

The 6 newborn Shiba Inu Puppies are all bedded down in one pile!
Adorable 3 little gals & 3 little guys.

Lily, Hope and Faith are safety in a thicket of young balsams for shelter. They were holed up in a snowstorm.

I am talking my self into getting
into my nice comfy bed.

Good Night all my friends and thank you for such great friendships which offer support to
all events of the day.
Hugs for all and Prayers for all
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Linda said...

Wow, Paula, I remember when they were doing that for animals displaced by Hurricane Andrew. So many animals that didn't have homes and so many people without homes.

Linda said...

Good Night, Jo!!

Sweet Dreams and Prayers for you, too! ♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

Good night Jo!

Think I'll head up now too. Prayers for all of you!

stronghunter said...

They are saying that we could be setting a record for tornadoes with these storms.

Our weather radio is in the living room, a bit hard to hear from the bedrooms, but I am afraid to move it. It is there because we lost the signal in other parts of the house. I think I will leave it where it is and leave my door open.

Linda said...

I wonder if those NBG eaglets will eat the fish on their own. I don't remember seeing feedings in the last week or so.

Poor little things have had quite a day. I hope they got their bellies full and will be able to sleep tonight. They must be so out of sorts right now.

Let's pray they adjust quickly and they do well!

Lolly said...

Shirley, got a good laugh about the student who said she had more days because she was absent. That is a riot! What will they come up with next?

Linda said...

I think I will try and get some sleep, too.

I hope the storms pass soon for all. Stay safe!!

It was catch up with some of you tonight.

Blessings and Prayers for all!!


Lynne2 said...

Interactive Map of Southern Tornadoes

stronghunter said...

Of course, there is a system for students to have additional time to make up work if they have been absent, but it does not mean that each day you are absent requires the teacher to put everything on hold for you for the rest of the term.

Perhaps I should send her to a counselor to get it explained. I think she is planning to fight me on this. For real.

NatureNut said...

I didn't even know any jumping spiders were around until my co-worker mentioned them today.As long as they sit still, I can look at them. Some have beautiful emerald green eyes!
When we had our retirement/roast party for good old Clyde at Park, Friday, I told a tale on him. Few years ago, there was a HUGE black, fuzzy S----r just inside the Vis. Ctr. door. Clyde happened to be outside & I asked for his assistance in getting it out. We got a big paper cup that he put on top of it & then slid a piece of cardboard underneath. He then proceeded to chase me all over the Park!!! When I unlocked back door Tuesday AM, large black S----r inside!!!! And I thought Clyde went to Ocean City!!!

Lynne2 said...

How many days til retirement Shirley??

Lynne2 said...

The map actually shows ALL the tornadoes.

Lynne2 said...

It's getting really windy and creepy outside....

stronghunter said...

That is an incredible number of tornadoes, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

32, Lynne. Counting teacher workdays.

Lynne2 said...

I'm sure you must be having very mixed emotions about retirement. Except with things like this! I'm thinking...DUNCE CAPS!

NatureNut said...

Good grief, hope weather does not bother all you Momsters or anyone else!!
Good to read Ed Clarks remarkable words about the NBG family and fans. Praying everything works out for them. Boy, I'd love to see them released. (BTW, I thought last night that I had seen Father eagle w/trips, but think I was wrong.Stood up in front of screen & some of the brown part was a small stretching wing & light color was tree trunk.

Almost time for news, so I will sign off & say, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lynne2 said...

Record breaking I'm sure. So sad.... you can click on any of them and it'll give you the info about it.

Maybe Red's power is just out and that's why he isn't here. I'm still going to WORTY about him til we know he is OK.

stronghunter said...

Bad storm bearing down on Manassas.

hedgie said...

Linda, 2004 was the last straw for my Mom. Her bro had passed and she was alone--in Port St. Lucie...so the following spring she moved north...to St. Louis area where my sister is!

stronghunter said...

Yes, prayers for Ed.

Lynne2 said...

I'm leaving, really. Going to watch the news, say some extra prayers.

AWWWW...the HUMAN mother is in with Lilly Grace and her mom! I hope she is just enjoying the miracle and that nothing is wrong!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Linda, that is some experience with hurricanes. I would not want to be away from my baby, either.

Lynne2 said...

OMG she is snuggling with the Filly!!!! SO adorable!

stronghunter said...

Watching the news here, too.

Lynne2 said...

OMG, 40 fatalities in Alabama.....

Costume Lady said...

I just saw the female human walk into the stall and pet mama horse and tried to pet Lilly Grace, but I believe she was a bit shy.
Love the name, Lilly Grace...my neighbor's granddaughter's name:)

Lynne2 said...

oh Wanda you JUST missed the coolest thing, the human was on the ground with the filly's head in her lap. It was so wonderful to watch!

Lynne2 said...

now saying 45 with more fatalities expected. SO so sad....Please Lord, let Bill and Diane be OK.

Costume Lady said...

Hope Mr. & Mrs. Red are OK.
Maybe they are still celebrating Diane's birthday:)

Judie said...

Came back to shut the computer down. Storming here again.

Shirley, looks like you are in for another round of nasty weather.

Lowreeda, glad to see you report in and that all is well. Maybe you could use an eagle cane to scare the big black s____r away.

About the mirror: commented while in the hospital that I would have to deal with fear of stairs and a doctor, looked all of age 12, said he would recommend a psychologist. I said: "Well, duh, maybe I could just talk to a mirror for free." He left the room quickly. So, by next week I may be talking to a mirror.

Shirley, I feel your pain. Course, I would say fine, take your time and don't forget to stop by the Principle's office before you leave today. Remember, you can get away with that now. What are they going to do? Fire you?

Okay, too much lightning. Shutting down.


hedgie said...

Good night to all turning in.

Shirley, I can see extension if a prolonged illness absence was involved, but not for hit and miss days! Ridiculous.

Lynne, Carolyn and I will join you on a storm chase!

Loretta...glad you are home. Sorry about your rough nature day....ugh...I hate spiders! But guess you all know THAT!

stronghunter said...

It is empowering to know that there is not much they can do to me, Judie.

Lynne2 said...

Diane was at work today, last post from Red was a few minutes til 6pm.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

really, I have lost my mind.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, eagle cane will kill spiders and snakes...I have done both!

Hoda said...

The New York Times reports deadly tornadoes in Tuscaloosa Alabama...where does Red live?

hedgie said...

Okay, Judie...understand now! DUH is right!!! What a doofas he was!

They said that Tuscaloosa is a real mess....at least 2 fatalities...
Don't think Red blogs once Diane gets home....but wish he had come in to say "we're fine!"...

hedgie said...

The rescue has contacted all of my references!!!! Good sign!

Lynne2 said...

He is in Huntsville, Hoda. Also hit with a tornado this evening.

magpie said...

I'm a very long way from catching up

better slide this:
Prayers for all in the Storms' Paths...

God Bless All Wildlife, which includes
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥ See you in the Morning....
God Willing....

Leona said...

Just can't believe this weather. I hope all my friends and family in that area of these storms are safe.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, when I hit the lottery....TORNADO CHASING!

So glad all the references have been called! I'll bet you'll hear much sooner than they said!

Lynne2 said...

How' the ankle Leona??

Hoda said...

God Keep them all safe and sound from the tornadoes...I am sorry for the fatalities

Costume Lady said...

Red is now living in Huntsville, Al. Don't know where that is in relation to the tornado that struck in Alabama.

hedgie said...

Hoda, Red is in Huntsville.

stronghunter said...

The department's rule is that the research papers are required to pass the course and no late papers are accepted.

Certainly, we can take into consideration extenuating circumstances. That is left open to teacher discretion. What usually happens is that we say that the kid can turn in a late paper with the understanding that the highest grade they will receive is one point below passing. If someone has a true emergency, there are ways to handle things.

Funny thing, many years ago, a fellow teacher told her students that she would not accept any excuses for a late paper and ended up with one girl who came to turn in her paper with a hospital bracelet on her arm. The girl then went back to the hospital. The teacher felt bad about that one.

I always manage to get my toughness back when a kid says, "Oh, I always turn my papers in late."

Costume Lady said...

Sorry Lynne, didn't see you info on Red's roost:)

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynn! That is really exciting! Will you keep the name Sissy?

I am off for the night. Heading to the shower.

Prayers for folks experiencing terrifying weather.

Christine said...

Ladies, does anyone know the iPhone app that texts warnings?

stronghunter said...

Earlier, I meant to say prayers for Red--and for Dianne.

Lynne2 said...

Mare is having a roll in the hay, baby is fascinated. Now she's up, and it's midnight snack time!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry Christine, don't have an iPhone. I know that the weather channel has something that you can subscribe to that will send warnings to your phone though.

hedgie said...

On that interactive map, there are three td's real close to Bankhead Nat'l Forest which is where my cousin works. It is west of Huntsville. Further west, map shows Hernando, MS---no td's there, but I have a good friend who lives there.
Map is cool, Lynne. TY!

stronghunter said...

Hmm, fear of stairs, Judie. I have a fear of sidewalks. Especially the sidewalk around to the side of the building of the high school. So, I just avoid it. I could manage to use it if I wanted to, but I do not want to. There is another way into the building.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Lynne, I believe you have lost your mind!

Lynn, glad to hear they are moving quickly!! Awesome!

stronghunter said...

I think we might just hit 1,000 tonight. I remember a time when we did not go onto a new thread just because we wanted to hit 1,000.

stronghunter said...

I have an iPhone, but I don't know about that feature.

JudyEddy said...

I just went on the interactive map Everyone please pray for Red it looks like lots of tornadoes there

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, lightning again....I'm really leaving now! Be safe everyone.

hedgie said...

New Finland nest DEFINITELY has an egg now...this one looks like an ordinary egg. First one looked like a rock and haven't seen it lately. So maybe it wasn't an egg!
All three osprey nests have mama's sitting now! Long daylight hours are getting longer fast! 0630 now.

hedgie said...

Confirmed tornado td at Andrews AFB!

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Google "iPhone weather warnings," Christine.

Christine said...

Thanks, I just downloaded. Supposed to get ugly here in next 3-4 hours :( Be safe everyone! Have my radio, dogs and flashlight :) just doped up the dog too! Hope she can move if I need her to, she weighs 67lbs!!!

hedgie said...

15 dead in Tuscaloosa. Police dept. and fire station destroyed. Communication tower down. My goodness. :(

hedgie said...

Christine, my daughter gets weather on her phone, but I don't remember where from. She's at work...I can ask her tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Shirley, Red or Bill=same person!! Bet he answers to both!!

PA Nana said...

Have I caught up? I don't scan the posts, I read all of them which can take a long while.

We're heading for 1000 posts! Only remember that number at Christmas time, was it last year or this?

Didn't get the serious storms - yet. Probably by morning and I'll be sound asleep.

Saying goodnight and prayers for restful sleep to all who have already dented their pillows. I'm waiting a while until my meds work.

Again thanks to all for the informative posts and links re NBG;
And the horses too. I missed the birth but saw the filly trying to stand and nurse. Welcome little horsey.

I haven't checked facebook or email this evening. Guess I'll check on them now.

If I don't get back, those still remaing, please rest peacefully and hopefully catch up with you tomorrow.

Goodnight and God bless!

hedgie said...

Lolly, not sure about the name.....may have to make an adjustment. Don't want her mixed up with OUR Sissy!!!

stronghunter said...

I think I typed "Ed," Lynn. But that is okay. There are Eds out there who might need a prayer.

stronghunter said...

On students . . . kids were asking me if I really read their papers, and if I really read all of their source information. Yep, I read the papers. Nope, I do not always read the source information. The important word there is "always," Sometimes I do read the source information.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Diann! You're like me----can't stand NOT to read what everybody has to say!!!
Hope the bad weather misses your area, and Christine's too. It is all too much to fathom.....as of last night there had been over 500 tornados this month. Most ever in one month before was 200-something. And now with all of today's activity....it has to be over 600.....unbelievable.

stronghunter said...

Sometimes I have to skim the messages. I will have more time soon.

PA Nana said...

I'm just nosy and want to know everything. Always afraid of missing something. Like Lynne's new word.

Anyway, I'll try to keep up best I can. If anything of real importance comes up, someone please email me. Thanks!

Going, going, gone. nite nite

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley...guess it was Lynne who said Bill---figured some might not know Red's real name! I did wonder who Ed was!

hedgie said...

I am heading to the tub. Will check back afterwards.

Leona said...

Lynne2 my ankle is getting better. Just not liking the boot thing they have me wearing.

Costume Lady said...

Heard on the radio, when going in to GG's, that I-81 was closed due to a helecopter landing to transport victims of a car wreck. Just now read this:
One dead, 4 hurt following crash on I-81 near Martinsburg

I hate to drive on I81...dangerous highway...a wreck nearly every day!

kickngbird said...

Here's a little good news - Ma Hornby just did an egg roll, and one of the 2 eggs is cheeping loudly, with a big hole to cheep through! An eaglet is expected by morning.

Costume Lady said...

I think I am talking to myself in the mirror:)


stronghunter said...

Believe it or not, students have been working on their papers at school. I took them to the library twice and had them read their information in class. I will expect them to do some things at home, but I try to get them started at school.

I gave them a list of things they need to have--3x5 cards, a report cover, a large envelope, etc. Several kids asked if I couldn't just buy the things and hand them out. Oh good grief!! Quite a few kids ask me to explain what a report cover is. It just blows my mind.

Today a girl turned in her paper early which gains her five points, but she did not have a report cover, which costs her five points. I suggested she should have a cover, but she did not know what I meant. I explained and she found one in her book bag. Oh, they have so much to learn. This was an honors student. It's scary.

stronghunter said...

Yay for Hornby!!

stronghunter said...

I think I can relax now and sleep. It seems to have calmed down for now. Maybe George was getting revenge for being crated today, but he went up and sprayed the wall in my bedroom tonight. I caught him in the act.

I need suggestions for curing a spraying cat.

stronghunter said...

Not the first time George has done this.

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. God bless. Stay safe my friends.

Leona said...

Night everyone keep safe.

hedgie said...

Wanda, it was truly a grim scene on the interstate....

Kickngbird---you still here? Was wondering what tribe your hubby's kinfolk descended from???

hedgie said...

Shirley, your students just blow my mind......I think I need to ask Jessica what it's like in her classes---of course, she's not in any honors class! So it's probably even worse!

Don't know what to tell you about George. Maybe Lynne will have suggestions.

Tornado warning two counties over (Hampshire for any locals on here).....watch re-instated for us. Think I better take the radio to bed with me.

Safe sleep for all. Talk to you in the morning. Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

The watch is until 8am now.

kickngbird said...

Hi hedgie - I had left but came back. Hubby is half Choctaw.

Lori O. said...


I am so excited to read that there will be a cam on the triplets at WCV. Long live Ed Clark! That will ease the pain of so many and greatly benefit the center.

JUDY-E, thanks so much for the link of the eaglets exam at WCV. I was so good to see that and that they had arrived.

Lori O. said...

Yuck! Almost drank a SB in my water glass!

Lori O. said...

I've been thinking of Red since I got up this morning. Storms and tornados were horrific yesterday and last night. Last count was 72 people had died!

Prayers needed for Red and his family and for all of those in flooded areas too.

Tornado Watch continues in DC area until 8AM.

Lori O. said...

OKay, getting ready for work and Day 3 of the new diet. I need to regain (bad choice of words) about half my wardrobe.

Lynn - I know you will get that puppy. What will you name her, or will you wait to see her personality? She's adorable and what sweet eyes.

See ya'll later at the SSCC!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Got home from school just before 10 pm Pacific time, and has taken until now to catch up!

Prayers indeed going up for everyone having severe weather--really scary!
Hope we hear from Red. Concerned for him and his wife!

Praying, also, for all those pets that are scared by the storms.

So glad the 3 eaglets are settled into their new home. Glad they will have a cam on them. I am SO impressed by Ed Clark! He certainly has my respect. I'm so grateful for all the staff who have really stepped up to the plate in caring for the eaglets in an emergency situation! They are all to be commended. Prayers for all of them, and for the eaglets and their dad!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hoping that Lynne2 & Steve and Judie & Darth are safe. Also Shirley & family. Prayers for their protection! Gosh, it's sure a rough weather situation!

My brain is just fried tonight after a tricky English exam and a long night of class lecture!

Miss Emma needed some attention from me when I got home, too. She spent about 30 minutes in my lap. All is well with her now.

Lynn, I'm praying that this doxie pup will be the right one for you (she sure sounds like she is!), and that you will be able to adopt her!

Well, additional prayers to cover everyone, and all pets and critters.
Checking to be sure the porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep safely and well, everyone, and I will talk to you in the morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

floralgirl said...

Very heavy downpour here now, winds still gusting.

floralgirl said...

Wow- that was one intense line of storms that just passed over- scary

Lori O. said...

Hey Early Birders!

Just a quick heads up I expect to be, but pray not, extremely busy with all the weather warnings for the area this morning. It's crazy trying to keep up with them for 3 states, DC, and multiple counties in each. The come in a diff times and expire only minutes later and sometimes early. SO, I will not likely be watching when B & T arrive - and I hope they do!

floralgirl said...

That line now has a possible tornado, heading towards Thurmont.

Lori O. said...

I wish I could bring Lynne and Megan to work with me on weather days like this!

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...