Thursday, April 21, 2011


New thread.


The eagle we brought over to the rehab center in MD on Monday is still at the Vet.  No broken bones, but blunt force trauma (hit by a car), that caused some internal injuries.  We are told that the eagle is being fed by a feeding tube right now, and will likely be moved back to the rehab center tomorrow.  We'll keep our fingers crossed that it is recovering.

Also, a Pittsburgh paper published this article a little more than a week ago.


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Red said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. I'll get the others.

Costume Lady said...

THANKS, STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD. Everyone is watching NBG banding right now:)

Lolly said...

They are sexing the eaglets by the size of the feet.

Lolly said...

The special events cam on the ground with sound is still going.

Special Events cam NBG

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve.

Costume Lady said...

DANA try googling NBG EAGLE CAM.

stronghunter said...

Thanks Red and Wanda for the call-over.

Lolly said...

This last eaglet is the oldest. They banded the birds by the youngest first (male), middle eaglet female, and the oldest a female too! Fleshy larger feet. That does not sound appealing!

Costume Lady said...

Maybe they are sexing them by weight??

Costume Lady said...

Special Events Link is so crowded that you can't get in. Try the regular site and you will SEE what is going on, but cannot HEAR.

Lolly said...

They did it by the feet measurement, Wanda.

Lolly said...

Good view of the gardens. Now back up to the nest.

stronghunter said...

Yep, that is what I am doing, seeing but not hearing.

hedgie said...

In case anyone missed it...there is a new osprey cam listed on the main FinFerry page........osprey is in the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Congrats Red, you get the PSF!!

Lolly said...

We went to the gardens when Buddy was just an egg. ☺

hedgie said...

Well, Red, I don't know whether you get a PSF or a fishicure---I am so confused!

Red said...

I want the fishicure. haha

Lynne2 said...

They can determine the sex of the birds by measuring the depth of the beak, and the length of the rear toe's talon.

Lolly said...

So very sorry you could not get the special events cam. They were talking and giving lots of detail, like the weight of each and talking about the feathers. They said they could see a lot of difference in the oldest chicks feathers. She weighed over 7 lbs.

hedgie said...

Bag back in nest.

Costume Lady said...


Kay said...

Oh, for cute ! Wonder if Allison is Julian's main squeeze or a daughter ? Happy Birthday, Allison !

stronghunter said...

"Happy Birthday Allison!" Cute.

hedgie said...

Awwww...wonder who Allsion is? Wife, girlfriend?? Sweet gesture!

Costume Lady said...

I Hope Allison is watching:)

Lolly said...

Do you see the sign? LOL It says Happy Birthday, Allison. How fantastic!

Lolly said...

Maybe it is his daughter!

Costume Lady said...

I like a man who's not afraid to show his affection:) In front of the WORLD, no less:)
He and Allison just got their 15 minutes of FAME!

Costume Lady said...

Look at he baby just sitting there so nice.

paula eagleholic said...

I see the happy birthday sign!

boy that was quick banding!

Lynne2 said...

Lost my feed and can't get it back

Lolly said...

Martha Allison, my mother's name, and it is her birthday tomorrow. ☺ She would have been 95 tomorrow. Oh, dear, now I am clouding up.

Costume Lady said...

1 back in the nest...2 back in the nest.

Lolly said...

Lucky lady getting to hold the final chick getting ready to head up.

paula eagleholic said...

I like that NBG at least bands and sexes the eaglets.

Lolly said...

If Laurel had ever had a girl, we would have had a Catherine Allison.

Robyn said...

I couldn't open their regular cam but got in thru the secial cam link but it took almost 10 minutes.

They look so much bigger next to the people then they do in nest.

All I keep remembering is the one eaglet who flew out of tree and ended up upside down on a limb below the nest

Costume Lady said...

For those of you who aren't watching the NBG banding of the three eaglets...the tree climber just held up a sign which read:

Lolly said...

Special events cam has now officially closed.

Robyn said...

Oh and Good moring everyone, looks like it is going to be a nice day alas not too nice my final is due today :(

paula eagleholic said...

Cool job!

Costume Lady said...

All thee eaglets are back in the nest now...seem so calm.

Costume Lady said...

OK, Julien...JUMP!

Kay said...

Don't cha' just love a man who knows the ropes ? !!!!

Robyn said...

He is taking a picture of them :)

Lolly said...

Did you see that? The tree climber pulled out his own little camera and is taking pictures. Love it!

Red said...

Climber is taking photos of himself and the eaglets. lol

stronghunter said...

Good one, Kay.

Costume Lady said...

Climber has a gazillion ropes and gadgets to untangle before his job is done.

Lolly said...

Wanda! Are you one of those who yell for folks to jump when they are on a ledge? Shame! LOL

Costume Lady said...

Kay, you are really SHARP today;)

paula eagleholic said...

Now he's working on getting the ropes off...

Costume Lady said...

Yep, that all the time:)

Lolly said...

Down he goes!

Robyn said...

My pileated is outside making a rukus, they are so loud lol

Lolly said...

More picture taking? LOL

paula eagleholic said...

couple more pictures

Costume Lady said...

Those babies are just sitting side by side, being so well behaved while Julien untangles the ropes.
I'll bet Mom & Dad are very near by.

Robyn said...

LOL he is funny leaning back taking pics

Lolly said...

That is too funny! He will have the best pictures of all!

Costume Lady said...

Wonder how much Julien is being paid for that fete. Maybe he has volunteered his talents.

Costume Lady said...

Look at thos BIG feet on that baby!

Robyn said...

they have HUGE feet

Lolly said...

Now down he goes!

paula eagleholic said...

Bye Julian...great job!

Kay said...

Okay, now take your shirts off so Wanda can make our comparison !

Costume Lady said...

I meant the eaglet, not the tree climber:)

hedgie said...

All done....down goes Julian.

Kay said...

Well, I tried Wanda.

Lolly said...

The tree service was free, but maybe he is paid by the tree company. Or, maybe he owns the tree service.

Costume Lady said...

OK, ladies and gents, lets give a BIG HAND to Julian and the cameraman!!!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Cameraman is showing a CLOSE-UP of those BIG feet:)

Lolly said...

How, is that for a BIG FOOT shot?!!!

Kay said...

Nuckles Tree Service does provide all this for free. Great advertising ! I'm sure they pay Julian well.

stronghunter said...


Clap! Clap!


Lolly said...

Poor babies are so tired! What an ordeal!

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I are just hanging out today. It feels good.

Costume Lady said...

Baby with the BIG feet is going to take a Panda nap, now:)

paula eagleholic said...

If I were that tree service, I would donate my time and truck...good publicity!

DanaMo said...

Well pooh now it comes up.

Costume Lady said...

Second baby is napping now.

stronghunter said...

Guess all the excitement wore out the eaglets.

Lolly said...

Just think, Shirley, you get to just hang out all the time next year. It will be a funny feeling when school starts next year. It also takes a while to not feel guilty to just sit and do nothing in the middle of the day. I still find it hard to sit and read during the day.

stronghunter said...

I suppose it was really busy, DanaMo. I was not able to get the cam with sound.

Red said...

I'll sure need my nap today. Scooter and I had a bad stormy night. lol

Costume Lady said...

Third baby is looking all around, maybe wondering where Mom and Dad are. Oh, BIG yawn from baby with BIG feet:)

Kay said...

Wow, what a morning ! We only have to see Truder for a short time, then Belle sticks around for a long time and the NBG banding. It's been great fun watching with all of you---much better than watching alone ! Time to get some stuff done---like my walk, huh Lolly ?

See ya later !

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, you are so right...feel guilty doing nothing but enjoying life at first, after retiring.

Costume Lady said...

My new porch is done, as of 9o'clock this morning. I would like to go out and sit with my coffee, but it is too cold and the coffee is all gone:(

hedgie said...

Very nice session, for sure. I think all banding climbers take pics!!! Julian is who placed the new cam this year, too. Cool that he got the honors today.

I got one pic of the big talons...but only one foot!

Kay said...

Hey gals and guys, we earned it ! "They" say life begins at 40, but I'm sayin' it begins upon retirement !

Hoda said...

I am very glad I watched that...they said the truck and the tree service were donated and what a wonderful experience to see humans in their best form!!!It was good to see a close up of the eaglets on the ground and I was surprised they were not running around more except for the one who tried to and was brought back...

paula eagleholic said...

The blood test they will do on the eaglets is a DNA test, among other tests I'm will confirm the sex of the eaglets. Beak and tarsus measurements, along with weight are pretty good indicators. DNA will confirm the measurements.

stronghunter said...

My friend who quit last year said that she figured she would not really feel the freedom until school started up in August. Funny thing is that I have not had time to talk to her.

She did not teach as many years, came in to teach 6 years after her daughter graduated before deciding that she wanted to stay home with her husband. She had taught in the past before staying home with daughter.

Her plan is to write a novel. I hope she can pull it off. She also travels to South Africa every year.

Robyn said...

look at those lucky people who were there for the banding...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Missed the NBG excitement because I was watching a Train concert! :) Did you know that I love them!

Hoda said...

I thought they said the there are two females and one male and they knew that from the fleshiness/thinness of their feet...

Lolly said...

I retired early at age 56. Have been retired 11 years now and it has been such a joy. Could definitley used more money, but getting my life back has been so worth it! I was so tired!! Did nothing but teach and then collapse! Retired at end of school year, Jack retired end of July same year, and Joseph arrived in October. Perfect timing!

Red said...

A little bird told me Sharon. lol

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, what a cute and fitting Avatar:)

Lynne2 said...

Gotta get moving...lots of things to take care of before we leave tomorrow AM. And I am trying to get as much done as I can before I leave for work. Have a good day!

Costume Lady said...

2 babies are still lying low, but third eaglet is still up and looking around. MOMMY...DADDY!! I'm hungry!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, the redbuds are beautiful, right now...enjoy the drive and visit.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said Hunter was so happy I would be home today because it meant he could sleep in. We both slept in. It was so nice.

Lolly said...

They did say one male and two females, but sure they will use the blood tests to confirm it. However, I did not see them draw blood. Did not hear them mention it.

I am off to read the paper now.

Have a great day! It has been a doozy so far!

stronghunter said...

I really could not see everything they were doing.

Linda said...

Wow, that was fun watching the NBG banding of the eaglets!!

I hooked my laptop up to the 52" tv in the living room and had the two feeds side by side!!

Better than the garbage we see on TV, that's for sure!!

paula eagleholic said...

Bandings are always so very interesting to watch!

Glad Belle paid us a nice long visit....I suspect we will start to see less and less of Belle and Truder in the nest.

hedgie said...

Yippee, Wanda!!! Congrats! Can't wait to see it!

hedgie said...

Red, sorry the storms caused you a nd Scooter to lose sleep....just thankful that there wasn't any bad news on your homefront!

Linda said...

Wanda - Congrats on getting that porch done!! You'll be spending many mornings with coffee on it very soon!!

Linda said...

Okay, so today I have to find a bunny avatar picture.

We had a bunny baby a few years back that Dennis found swirling around in the skimmer basket in our pool in Ft. Lauderdale. We, of course, rescued it and when we moved to PA, brought him with us.

Saw so many bunnies around here we decided to let it go, since it was getting pretty aggressive in his cage.

Named him Skimmer!!

hedgie said... your final online? How long will it take? I know you will do fine!!! All momster students get excellent grades!!!

Robyn said...

Hedgie yes online 3.5 hrs, but we are talking statistics :(

I can't find the number you sent me for the book over in Scotland, would you mind resending it when you have time

stronghunter said...

All of the NBG eaglets are now snoozing. Plumb wore out.

stronghunter said...

Maybe Belle and Truder will spend the spring and summer down by the river fishing. I do hope we get some more visits, though.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm sure we will still see them, Shirley, but I am thinking it will be less and less....

Hoda said...

Feeding at WhiteRock nest.

JudyEddy said...

Back from the park with Jordyn now to get her down for a nap BBL

stronghunter said...

Had not seen the White Rock nest before, Hoda. Very nice view.

glo said...

Hi everyone. Checking in late. While you all were watching NBG banding I was out taking flood pictures. There is a new Glo's Glimpses today from last week, but I will be putting together a flood video today or tomorrow of Mississippi flooding in our area.

Kay I loved your prayer poem too.

Sharon Andrew definitely does you proud.

Wanda Prayers for GG and you too. That must be so hard to see her in so much pain and not get relief.

Red said...

Hedgie, you have email.

glo said...

Today is Our Elias 5th Anniversary of being home with her Forever Family. They are doing some special celebrating for her at her schooltoday. She feels special and very loved which of course she really really is.

Share in our special memory from 5 years ago today

Read the letter from her parents. Then scroll down to You Tube video called Elia's Church surprise . No on at church except for "Uncle Jerry" and the musicians knew that she was actually hiding in the Pastors Office that morning.This exhausted young couple had actually been from Nogales Mexico to Tijuana during the week after a 3 am phone call from the orphanage to come and get her, the adoption was approved. Those in church listening at first thought it was just Becky and Eric doing a morning special which they often do for their church. Uncle Gerry often came late as he is with Border patrol and often brought his own grandchild to church. LISTEN to what happens when he steps up to the platform.
There are other links on the page but I know you have web cams to watch among all the other things in your family today. But we are celebrating an dinvite you to learn of the journey or take a few minutes to remember with us.

Linda said...

Since I'm behind the times catching up on the newer bunny avatars, I started looking this morning.

As I thought further, I decided to put up the crown of thorns cross to represent the true meaning of Easter (Resurrection Day!) My Resurrection Cross Avatar will come Sunday.

For now, I'm remembering He suffered and died for MY sins!

I will honor HIM in all I do! Thanks, Lord for saving me.....and you, too!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Lolly said...

Glo, thank you for sharing. I got very emotional watching him carry her down the aisle. I left a comment. Our Michael is adopted so adoption has very special meaning to me. How blessed you all are to have her!

hedgie said...

We have SOUND!

DanaMo said...

yay for sound!

DanaMo said...

and we still have color

Lolly said...

Yea, sound and the color is pretty good as well.

glo said...

Thank you Lolly Yes I still get emotional. And she is so cherished. Awesome gift to our family indeed.

JudyEddy said...

Hey I think there is sound on the nest I hear the wind and it s the only cam I got up

Lolly said...

Not working outside today as it is misty and we might go to Denton this afternoon. So, now off to work on my closet. Time, actually past time, to switch my clothes from winter to summer.

JudyEddy said...

My camera had turned off and when I turned back on I hear the wind Ok I'm going take a nape toooo BBL MB

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Glo, I just read your post and teared up. I remember watching that video and bawling like a baby! Such a beautiful child and beautiful story.

Linda said...

Glo - Thanks for sharing. What a blessing Elia must be in your lives!! I, too, couldn't help but get emotional reading the story and seeing the video! God is Good!!

hedgie said...

Red and have email!

Lovely, Linda...thank you. It is indeed a very special time....from despair to glory.

glo said...

:-) I knew some offyou would remember the journey as we traveled it and others needed to meet our girl for the first time and learn how she found her way to our Forever Family.

Elia at 5 years old We celebrate her birthday in June but her coming home day is today!!

hedgie said...

Glo, loved watching it all again!

Costume Lady said...

It is a heart-warming documentary, Glo. She is becoming a lovely young lady:)

glo said...

She is growing up so fast. Gosh all of this seems so much like yesterday and yet those 9 months seemed to take forever especially from Christmas til just past Easter.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL.


[:~D] Jim

Hoda said...

Glo, I love the twinkle in her eyes and the dimples on her cheeks lovely young lady and so full of wonderful joy in her clothing and appearance...GREAT to have family.

movin said...

Is anyone else getting dumb messages about their "cookies" being disabled when they try to sign in to this blog??

I've been getting the thing for the best part of a week, and on another site, it tries to tell me my "java script" is disabled". Both are bogus, and in fact, I couldn't have gotten to the blog page without cookies....

I wonder if it is common to others or if it relates to that attack site I ran into the other night and the trojans I got from that.

Do you have stuff like that happening to you?

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

Not seeing the Sheptown pair lately?

I really miss Liberty...
And I don't seem to care about the pair as much now...

Strange, but that's the way it is.

[:~D] Jim

glo said...

HodaShe so often has that beautiful twinkle in her eye. Great personality and sense of humor. So fun to be around indeed. Hope you found the link to her special day today that I posted at 12:07

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Hope your day is going great.

Just looked in at our nest and I have sound. Did the schedule change again?

Missed the banding at NBG but hope they have pix later. I'm just not a morning person.

Now to catch up here - if possible.

Hoda said...

Glo I could not get the video to work on my computer but felt very happy to see the picture...

movin said...

I see an Osprey on the Finney-by-the-sea nest.

First of the season as far as I know.

[:~D] Jim

Linda said...

PA Nana - I'm not a morning person, either. Problem is, I'm not much of a night person, too!! I'm good from 10am till 10pm!! Prefer to sleep the rest of the time!! LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here late today. Slept in this morning (probably because it's pretty gloomy outside), and it felt good! I think I have sleeping sickness!

Didn't get here early enough to see the banding, but glad it went well.

Jim, I'm with you--I love Belle, but just can't seem to bond with Truder!
Thank God that Belle gave us a nice long visit this morning, so we know she's OK!

Prayers for Leona--OMG, a broken ankle! Judie, maybe you can give Leona some good advice on how to cope!

Well, have MUCH transcription to complete today, and turn in tonight at school. Gotta get BUSY!!! Have a good day, everyone! Later.... :o]

hedgie said...

Jim, Belle and Turd bird were in the nest this morning. Belle satyed quite a while. First time we had seen her since Sun.

No strange cookie messages here, thank goodness!!!

hedgie said...

Jim, osprey have been on FinFerry for over a week. I sent you a pic yesterday. Check you mail!!!

Linda said...

That Pittsburg article about the elementary school kids, their learining about the eagles and actually gleaning about bullying from the Intruder kind of reminds me, that the TURD BIRD was responsible for Belle and Lib not being able to protect and care for PJ and its sibling. Maybe "Bully" can be thrown in the hat for names, if he sticks around!!

PJ would be 5 weeks old today! Poor little Paddy!

hedgie said...

Turns out I am having Easter dinner here...for the first time in several years! Off to the GROSS-ery I go. Luckily, my ham is on sale! Later, gators.

movin said...

Thanks for the info, Hedgie.

Strange the Osprey were never on the seaside nest when I looked in the last week... Not much in the way of nest rebuilding done either.

[:~D] Jim

PA Nana said...

Question? Want to get my hunmingbird feeders ready and can anyone tell me if it's okay to use Splenda, etc. in place of regular sugar?

Hoda said...

Heads up!!! Steve posted an update as to the state of the eagle hit by a car next to the Ferry. The update is under the new thread and I copied it to past here:

The eagle we brought over to the rehab center in MD on Monday is still at the Vet. No broken bones, but blunt force trauma (hit by a car), that caused some internal injuries. We are told that the eagle is being fed by a feeding tube right now, and will likely be moved back to the rehab center tomorrow. We'll keep our fingers crossed that it is recovering.

movin said...

PANana, no sugar substitutes and no honey for the Hummers ..

I still use the Perky Pet nectar mix, but some say that's even unnecessary. I started feeding them with it, and I still use about a quarter PP and the remainder straight sugar.

About 3 parts water to 1 part sweet stuff works in the warmer months here, but in winter I give them 1 to 2 .. quite a few stay the winter in So Cal, especially if you feed them.

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

Good news that the injured eagle is recovering, Hoda. Thanks for the heads-up.

[:~D] Jim

floralgirl said...

I use 4 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar. Heat until sugar dissolves. I don't use any kind of mix or red food coloring, I just don't believe it's needed.

PA Nana said...

THanks Jim & Megan.
I also us 4 to 1 but wondered if a sugar substitute could be used.

I'll invest in regular sugar for the hummers. I use Splenda in baking = when I, or Chris, bake.

DanaMo said...

Just got back from a nice walk. Ah spring...maybe?

DanaMo said...

Interesting article in the Pittsburgh paper that Steve linked. The bullying issue didn't really come up in my classroom. I guess I went with the nature of the whole thing and how this is how it is in nature. Gee I hope I didn't miss a teachable moment...I think we were all just overcome with sadness at what happened to relate it in other ways.

Linda said...

We also use sugar instead of the hummingbird nectar they sell in the stores. Birds and Blooms says it works just as well.

In the first month of spring when they are coming back from their journey, we use 1/3 c sugar for each cup of water. We do the same to boost them up before they journey south again.

In the summer months when the flowers are plentiful and they've recouperated from their flight, we back it down to 1/4 c sugar to 1 c water.

Like Megan said, boil for only a minute and let it cool!

So happy the hummers are coming back!

Lolly said...

I read somewhere you do not even have to heat the water. I do 1 to 4 ratio and do not heat. Works great, and no food color.

No, No, No, never use sugar substitute. They will not even come to your feeder. When Laurel was in 7th grade that was her science experiment for the Science Fair. She won at her school, and then won first place at regional in the zoological division. We were thrilled. She put up several feeders for the experiment, not sure of the procedure, but remember the artificial sweetener did not even attract them.

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Wanda, now through with my closet. Wish we lived closer, have clothes to take to Goodwill. Would like to give them to you.

Lolly said...

Oh, poor eagle. Hope those internal injuries do heal. Such a beautiful bird too!

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Good Afternoon ! Just took my first look at the NBG threesome since the banding. They're all piled up together sleeping like logs. Moderator says Mom is in nearby tree, having flown in just a half hour after it was all over. Dad is probably out in search of food. He says they took 2 feathers from each eaglet for DNA testing and that the blood was drawn to test for chemicals levels.

Glo, I was already acquainted with Elia through your blog, but loved seeing the update and her wonderful toothy grin ! What a happy child and with justification ! Your meaningful avatar is lovely.

PA Lynn, that goes for your avatar as well ! Thanks for the reminder. It's so easy to get caught up in colored eggs, peeps, baskets and new clothes and forget what Easter is really all about !

Lolly, wish it were time to switch out the Winter clothes for Spring attire ! We're out of the heaviest stuff, but certainly not in light weight clothing and wraps.:o(

Jim, I've been getting those same messages from about a week after I became a regular here and forward to this day. Paula gave me a hint which I must use every couple of days. I free it up and get on with blogging by going up to "tools" and deleting browsing history. Then I have to sign back on to all places that have remembered my sign on as I begin to use them. What a pain ! The cookies and Java messages are also bogus here. If you figure out how we can get rid of this annoyance for good, let me know, please ! I've run my Mahlware program and Norton Antivirus and nothing wrong ever shows up, by the way.

Kay said...

Our nest sound keeps cutting in and out, but the color is still good. Glad to get Steve's update on the injured eagle and like everyone else I'm hoping it will make it. Interesting the way bullying dovetailed with two different subjects those Pittsburgh kids were studying. I'm sure we all picked up on some discrepensies, but that's okay. At least it gets people interested in the plight of eagles in the wild. Have any of you seen an article to date that gets it all down right ?

Lolly said...

Jack is not home yet, but we will leave as soon as he gets home.

See you later this evening.

I am off to a t-ball game and hope it does not get cancelled!

Red said...

Diane and I are going out to eat this evening. Normally we go on Fridays but Fridays are getting too crowded. This is my reward for cooking all week. smile

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dropping in to see what's happening. Eating a late lunch.

Glad to hear that the eagle hit by a car has no broken bones. Bet the poor thing does have some internal injuries, all right, and a few bruises, too! Hope it will be OK. I imagine the poor baby is pretty sore all over right now! Mega prayers! It is a beautiful bird.

Well, gotta get busy again. No rest for the weary with transcription to finish! Will check back in later. :o]

Liz said...

Norfolk dad was just in the nest feeding the newly banded eaglets. (First feeding since this morning.)

hedgie said...

Back from foraging, as Judie calls it!
Can't help but wonder if a broken bone or two might not have been a better report than internal injuries....just sayin'....guess that's the nurse in me.
Interesting article....don't think it was appropriate, tho', to not tell the kids the truth about Paddy. Kids are not nearly as badly affected by the truth as adults seem to think.
And, no... have yet to see an article that is 100% correct in all they relate!

Kay....when you go to delete cookies and browing history, there is a box to uncheck that won't delete your passwords.

glo said...

Took lots of flood photos today in Davenport on the skybridge and surrounding area and back at the Marina. Was so enjoying a blue heron who I really thought would go fishing so I turned on the small video my point and shoot will make. Just as he went for that fish a car goes by :-( so you hear splatter splatter and see him come up with the fish. Its good but darn split second timing on that car. I am going to make a flood video over the next day or two from our area to share. It is indeed the mighty Mississippi but it sure could be much worse.

hedgie said...

BWO has second egg!!!!!

hedgie said...

Enjoy your dinners out, Lolly and Red!!!! Same way around here, Red---you'd never know there's a recession judging by the restaurants!

hedgie said...

Glo, we'll be waiting!!! You gonna use Ol' Man River as your music? I'm sure you have seen it much worse through the years.

JudyEddy said...

Ok this dumb newbie just saw Truder on the nest and I posted it not realizing it was on MONdays day how that happened I don't know Odd Well he was only there a minute at 533 and left at 533 it on Mondays post duh I guess no one saw but me

JudyEddy said...

Maybe I was hallucinating

hedgie said...

OMG----possible link between LOW cholesterol and autism. Wouldn't that be miraculous???

OMG elderly female got left at interstate rest stop along the interstate here.....whoever was driving doesn't have a cell phone or anyway to contact.....APB out to try to locate him. Rest stop closes at 6----police trying to finding a shelter to take her to. She doesn't have her pocketbook with her. Sure hope that it is just an inattentive hubby and not a case of elder-dumping.

hedgie said...

NIH entering Phase 2 of trials....looking for autistic kids between 4 and 12 for the study. Pass the word!!

hedgie said... can go back and trashcan it if you want!! I must have missed it----guess I was "indisposed"!

JudyEddy said...

There are Banding pictures of the eaglets on face book some really nice one not for sure who all has face book or not I can bring them over to a blog if some people don't have FB Let me know and I will be glad to BBL gonna forage for food Didn't go to my daughters for dinner after watching Jordyn Just don't feel to good -fighting a cold- taking Zicam which usually helps

hedgie said...

Another quake in Japan....6.0.

Linda said...

Lynn - Interesting info about low cholesterol and autism. Seems like there are so many more cases of that in recent years! Life sure has changed, hasn't it?

And that poor elderly lady left at the rest stop? On purpose? Poor thing.

wvgal_dana said...

Haven't read comment.First I've been on not feeling well. Pick up a bug.

Prayers for everone.

Take Care.


glo said...

oh Hedgie Now that is very very sad. I feel so badly for her. She must be so frightened. Have no idea how I feel about who left her until we know more but OMG thats terrible stuff indeed.

glo said...

Ol Man River will definitely be the music. Actually Its about as bad as I have gone to see it now. It was much worse a few years ago but I didn't go over. It wasn't quite as bad last time I made Ol Man River. Today I could not get to the garage I was able to atleast walk to when I made that one. Might be a difference in where and timing of sandbags too. Lots of sandbags underwater in some area. Got pictures of that. Last weekends rain upped the levels for us.

Ms Bookworm said...

WV Dana,
Saying some heavy duty prayers for your swift recovery! So sorry to hear that your feelin' poorly!:O[ Hope you improve SOON!!! (((HUGS))))!!! Hang in there!!!

hedgie said...

Feel better, JudyE.

hedgie said...

Feel better, Dana!

hedgie said...

Heard two possible scenarios for the lady----Hampton Inn said they would put her up, but also heard dispatcher say she was waiting for a call back from Red Cross.....
I hope it's just one of those situations where maybe they had a van or camper and she got out while driver was inside, and he just didn't notcie---perhaps he, too, is elderly and maybe a bit senile...???

Linda said...

Sounds a bit strange, Lynn!

Does the woman know who she is?

Linda said...

WV Dana - Hope you feel better soon. Take it easy and get some rest!

Maybe all this dampness is catching up with everyone.

I'm still fighting a migraine (not quite as bad today) and now am getting a scratchy throat...Grrr.

Maybe it's because I got up too early this morning!! LOL

magpie said...

Please be ready for a SPLIT

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...