Having trouble staying awake. Trying to stay up for awhile. I sometimes wake up in the wee small hours if I go to bed too soon. But I need to put together something to wear tomorrow and call it a night. Fingers are not working too well on the keyboard.
Bev, IMHO, I don't think we will see another clutch this year. But Belle teasing us like she did last night...hard to take those kind of nights... is why I made a comment about glad no eagles in the nest tonight!
I seen where there was talking about COPD. I was just diagnosed back in February. I have not had a smoke since I came down sick a week before the doctor told me.
I do understand the way many of you thing about Belle not having another clutch right now, not with Truder. But then I think of how good of a mom she was to Paddy and it saddens me that she doesn't have any young to take care of. So if it were to happen it would make me to upset. But then again I am new to this group and don't have the feeling like you all do for Liberty. I have grown to care about Belle and just want the best for her.
Computer has been impossibly slow today, anyone else have that problem? Might be a Comcast thing here in FL. Whatever, it's driving me nuts, got nothing done - everything took forever to open/shut grrrr
So, I'm going to bed before I throw the computer out the window!
Man could we ever have the COPD Club! We have a large membership right in this blog....... I am thankful I quit smoking after 50+ years... I like waking up each morning no matter what the weather is.
I tried everything to quit smoking. I just don't think I had my heart into it. I really enjoyed having a relaxing smoke. I tried Nicroette gum, Nicroderm, Hypnotism, Acupuncture, Zyban, Wellbrutin, everything. Finally when Chantix finally hit the market it helped me quit. I've been off cigarettes over 3 years now and expected to get better but so far have not had any improvement.
great update on Mason, thanks Jo for posting the link for everyone... wow, great progresss, Hallelujah ! It's been a long time since we were yelling Wake Up Mason at 9 pm every night... back in the day... now he is Way Awake
Eyelids are in protest, they have not been closed enough in the last 24. Have three 12 hour shifts coming up Friday, must get some sleep...
Hoping, praying that all our special folks are coming along okay, and their families...in the illness sector...
God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One xox ♥
Leona, sorry you are in our sub-club here.....but at least we have each other!!! Red, we didn't stop early enough in life for repair! Just hope that it doesn't get worse.....which mine did because of radiation...and I think every new case of bronchitis/pneumonia does more damage.
Good night to all dragging off to sweet sleep. Clouds have rolled in here....rain due before dawn...so it will be a good day to sleep in if anyone can.
wow, ask me how horrible I feel now for having 2 ciggies every evening. I'm so ashamed.....
Evening all!
I'm glad there is no nest activity this evening too! Nowadays I'm just holding on to the Serenity Prayer regarding EVERYTHING, including the situation here. I'd not be thrilled to see a Belle/Truder clutch, and I doubt we will, but if it happens, then I'll accept that. I won't be crazy about it....
Too funny that they now think on OD that we have TWO new birds....UGH!!
ROFLMAO-----OC forum has a post that says "if those are feathers, I'll eat my hat. Looks like the wound(s) is scabbed and healing and Lib may be molting too."
Lynne, don't feel bad! Look how far you've come!!!!
My you-know-what is draggin' bad after my long day. Gonna head for the tub. See you dear friends tomorrow. Prayers for the many needs.......and especially fervent ones for those mentioned today. Peace. Love all of you!
I'll pray for Craig to quit and you pray for Steve to quit!
I'm heading to bed, too. Goodnight old friends and new, prayers for you all...in particular Susan's Mother in Law (hope we hear from her soon) and Christine's dad.
Hi all! We are home. Had a great afternoon and evening. Jacob's program was enjoyable but just being with Laurel and the boys was great. Joey had a dinner he had to go to, so we did not see him.
Smokers should just read your comments today. Maybe it would help some to quit. My daddy smoked and so did Jack's dad, however neither of us have ever smoked, and no one in the family smokes. Thank goodness!
I see that the two eagles were in the nest this evening together. Grrrr! Guess I should go read comments on OD, just to have some laughs.
Between our house and town there are some very high cross country power lines. Jack and I have seen a huge nest on a couple. We have wondered what kind of nests. Well, today we saw two birds on the closest nest. We stopped, wishing we had our binocs. One bird flew....a blue heron! They must have chicks the way they were looking into the nest. We will go back with binocs Saturday.
Tomorrow morning we go to Dallas for Zach's Grandparents day at his school. Following that we are going to Michael's office and then to lunch with him. Yea! I love time with just Michael.
Food Bank/Soup Kitchen delivery has been loaded, unloaded and put away. Boy were we glad to have our new fridge/freezer. We filled the freezer side up to the brim with meat...pork chops, chicken legs, wings, thighs and brests, ground sirloin, etc. It was a good day!
My daughter was here yesterday and they loved it as kids and she wanted some , so i had an extra box. Hope you see this tomorrow.
I missed who go kicked off in American Idol.
The eagles in Vancouver nest on the power lines. the power companies help make them habitable. (becasue they have taken up so much green space putting them up)
Well I am off to bed in a bit.
Hope I will get in here tomorrow
Prayers to all that need them and hugs to everyone here
Leona - I have been thinking about Belle's season and I agree that I would not be upset to see a clutch. As long as Truder is trainable to help..
No definite remarks from Sissy about visit to surgeon today. Her one comment was that she couldn't keep the real food down. But she is going to try again tomorrow.......
Bev - you two will have a blast. Shirley took her gs and daughter's to see them recently.
Sunseeker2 - Good to see you and hope you will join in with all of us. What Lynne2 said about most of us being here on the east coast is true - we do have 1 or more from Iowa -Sometimes they are lurkers but maybe they too will join us here on the blog.
Pia was kicked off Amer. Idol. Can not believe it! As much as I like Scotty, I really thought she was going to win. I think a lot of folks were shocked!
Sounds like a lot of great and useful food was delivered today, Wanda. Now you and Gene just need to get creative and see what kind of meals you can come up with.
I am heading to the shower and then to bed.
Night all! Sweet dreams!
Continued prayers for Christine's dad and special prayers Sissy can eat food tomorrow without feeling sick.
Looking forward to a less busy weekend, but most of all a visit from Belle and someone this morning. I hope Belle is feeling better, less sad looking today.
Good morning Lori, DanaMo, any other early risers lurking out there ! Just caught up with posts from last night and see we have a newbie to welcome. Hi, Sunseeker from Iowa. I'm a newbie as of late March and can assure you, you've landed in the best place to be for eagle lovers !
Good on you, Lori, for the eagerness to quit smoking. Hope Paula takes you up on the challenge. I think it's possibly the most difficult addiction to conquer, but well worth the effort.
Yes, good for you Lori. It is the hardest thing to do. I quit 20 years ago when I married my husband but there are still days when I think "man I cigarette would sure be good right now". I don't think that ever leaves you.
I was amazed reading back this morning how many of us smoke/or smoked. Yah, it's just time to quit. I'll miss it, but gotta suck it up....I'm usually not good at that. Chantix helped a lot the first time I quit. I tried it again and it made me sick to my stomach, but I think that's what I'll try again. Thanks for the support Kay!
HP???? I walked away for 30 seconds to feed the dogs and I missed HP???? Why are they HPing anyway?
Good morning all! Today I am sporting my favorite songbird, the Wood Thrush. Getting tired of waiting for them to show up in person! The song is very pretty and almost haunting. If you go to my blog, June 2010 and click on the RELAX title, you can hear the WT in the woods in the middle video. OR, I also put an audio clip on my profile too.
DanaMo, I'm losing it and the nestcapades are all running together for me. Go back to 5:53pm yesterday for Hedgies "Turd alert". I was even in on the reporting and didn't remember it this morning. Yikes !
Checking back in to be sure DanaMo got my message.
Paula, he just flew in and landed on her, she sort of flattened herself out and let him go at it. It all happens fast, of course. Afterward they stayed close together, both grasping at straw in the bowl area. She is not fighting him off, that's for sure.
All the experts say it's too late in the season to lay, brood, hatch, etc.. These two do not seem to know that !
Sunseeker......welcome! Join in the gab.....that is our specialty!
LOL Christine...I was thinking the same thing. Truder is a teenager with only one thing on his mind.
Going to read the paper and then get ready to head to Dallas for the day. Go to Denton, dress nice but casual...Go to Dallas, dress really nice. Groan! I am the casual type. LOL
Just a word of reminder.......if the feds shut down at MN, it may well affect our viewing....don't know if they would turn the cam off or not----probably not???----but if anything happens to it, it won't get reset/fixed/etc. until the gov't. gets back up and running.
Good morning everyone. Since when is HP just a teenage thing. I thought it was just a man thing. lol Have a nice day everyone. Welcome Sunseeker from Iowa.
Good Morning Everyone!! And Welcome, Sunseeker! That is a good name, especially for today here on East Coast!
Been reading early comments----HP? Gotta hit the trail--don't know if puters fixed at work or not.May be back w/homework! ☺ Have a super TGIF (for those that don't work Sat!)
Bev, wishing the best for your daughter and the baby. Enjoy the Globe Trotters.
Wishing Sissy a good doctor visit with painless outcome.
Shirley, have a nice visit to medieval times.
Lolly, so glad you had a nice time with Jacob and Laurel. Keep us posted on the Blue Herons, and please enjoy grandparent's day.
Wanda, sounds like a great day for stocking up for the food kitchen. I'm guessing the best part was lots of food for fewest $. I'm headed to the soup kitchen!
Welcome, Sunseeker. Many of us also enjoy birds other than eagles.
DanaMO, I enjoyed the Postcard Killers.
Margie. Glad you found your spectacles. Have a quiet day at work. Yes, hope the weather helps keep brush fires down.
Megan, thank you for the weather report. I guess market is upon you again. Hope it will be a good market weekend.
Good morning to all I have missed/not spoken with.
Will be back when I can. Need to begin creating crime scenes for a final exam. Tiring and very time-consuming.
Wanda, too funny. Had to come back. Boys think about HP all the time, teens do HP all the time, then the elders think about HP once-in-a-while. The cycle of life?
Best thing I can say about a Fed. shut down is that driving to school/parking will be a piece of diaper cake.
Hi again....my Wood Thrush and I are back and I highly advise taking a listen to his song!
Gov shutdown will affect (among the obvious, and other things) the HUGE reenactment event going on at Ft Sumter in SC next week where thousands and thousands of reenactors and tourists plan to take part or attend the event marking the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War. YEARS in the planning.....
Oh Lynne, that would be the pits, wouldn't it?? And all those naysayers about the event are probably sitting back hoping it happens. Sure don't understand why it has created so much controversy. History is history....I don't care if people don't like it....it can't be changed, so honor it.
I can't get your woodthrush sound to play on your profile....:(
Lynne, I love hearing a wood thrush. We have both the wood thrush and the brown thrush here and lots of people think they are the same bird but they are not. The wood thrush has a much brighter voice.
I can't believe you all saw what you say you saw in our nest - Maybe we will have a reason for a May/June Nest Visit!
Good rainy Morning ! I read comments and I have my red shirt on and I am really concerned with th Gov't shut down. I'll be viewing TV CNN for the latest.. What a havoc this is going to cause.
JO, I woke up to it the very first time I ever heard it in June of 09 when we where camping! It was so cool, and I had no idea what it was. Finally saw it while singing and IDed it with my book. Been in love ever since! I hear them hear now, too.
Good morning everyone! Sorry I have been neglecting you guys lately. Doesn't mean I don't love ya though!!
The doctor told me to give myself a break, that the pain is completely normal. He said if I had to have this procedure done open instead of laparoscopic I would just be leaving the hospital today. The external incisions being smaller than with an open procedure has nothing to do with what was done on the inside. He said this is a big surgery and it takes time to heal. He did tell me I can start trying other foods, no chunks of meat or anything, but soft foods. He said I could have spaghetti with meat sauce, so that is what I fixed for supper last night. I ate way too much and got sick as a dog. With this surgery, I no longer have the ability to vomit, so being sick on my stomach sucks! So, I am going to practice moderation and baby steps and try to take it easy. No work for 2 more weeks (wallet is say OUCH!!).
I am not loving the events at our nest, to say the least.
Beautiful song .. and varied ... from the Wood Thrush. Actually it is closely related to Robin and other thrushes, so maybe this one that the Mockingbird mimics.
They are similar to mocking birds. They sing much more during breeding season. They have only recently been spending the winters here because of it being warmer.
Good Morning Everyone and Lurkers on this damp Friday.
Bev prayers for you daughter and the baby she is carrying.adding prayers for you too.
See we have a person called "sunseeker2". Welcome you are from Iowa. Are you in the area of the eagle nest there in Decorah? Beautiful eagle nest. Hope you join in with us.
Wanda sounds like a nice load of meat!!
Saddened to see Pia go. I don't think the public was into voting Wednesday night. That is a church night. Maybe that had something to do with the votes.
Shirley hoping your area or at least during field trip it does not rain during the field trip time.
I thought I read somewhere that Sissy is not to eat solids, it was liquids then move up to soft foods. Can anyone help me with this? Can't Sissy get the soft foods down? Prayers for Sissy.
Speaking of bird songs and calls, The Masters golf tournament is on now, and every year they have some very distinctive and beautiful bird calls on the sound track. We never hear anything like them out here in the West.
Anybody know anything about birds that love the game of golf back East??
Speaking of smoking (from last night), I quit smoking in 11/1998 and have never looked back. I am so grateful to be free from those nasty things. Tom quit a few months ago, but he has been smoking some here and there. Very disappointing for sure, as he has lost 3 brothers to cancer at a young age. But I can't give him the "want to" to quit, so I will just have to keep praying he quits for good.
Hi Lynne, also don't know why historical reenactments are a problem except some people just don't want to be reminded of certain events in U.S. development as a nation.
Lynne2, I was able to hear the Wood Thrush and the song is, indeed, lovely. Don't think I've ever seen/heard on around here but will pay more attention now.
Hi Jo, Red, and Jim.
Say Jim, looks like Phoebe is truly childless. Maybe one more clutch?
Lynn, where's the animal advocates open house? Is this similar to an adoption opportunity?
My sister Donna had one of those bird song clocks. I hated it! It is now at Sharon and Thelma's and it gets me every time. I never remember the clock when I hear the bird chirping on the hour and think one is in the house. Too funny!!
Magpie, where ever you are, thanks so much for the card. You are one of the most thoughtful women I have ever met! Eaglet Momsters rock for sure! So blessed to be part of this awesome group of people.
Sissy, sorry you are still having problems but glad it's all "normal" for what you had done.
Megan's Russ quit smoking a while back....wonder how he's doing with that?
I'm having trouble because I live with a smoker. Steve goes outside to smoke now, but never the less there are cigs in the house and it's not been easy. But I'm only doing one or two in the evenings. The rest of the time I just EAT
Judie, any time you want to experience it you can also go to June of last year on my blog to the RELAX link and there's a video of the forest with the WT singing from our camping trip last year! I like to listen from time to time!
Good morning everyone, the blog is so much easier to keep up with. There is HP in the nest? Could they be doing HP off camera ya think? Maybe Belle doesn't want to look like a hussy having HP in front of others with Lib so recently gone ;).
Well, okay. I seem to not be keeping my schedule. Too much important on the blog, I guess.
Important: Bev, sorry you were sick from too much food but glad the pain/discomfort is normal and part of healing. Yes, take baby steps rather than giant steps. Hugs!
Sissy, I just saw an article this morning about incision-less fundiplication!! 85% success rate.... Glad you have been reassured about the discomfort, and hope you can soon eat what you want!
Jim....love Lynne's answer---birdies and eagles in high demand at Augusta!! Hope no golfer HITS a bird, tho'!
Judie, we are having our one year anniversary celebration and open house at our fabulous county park (Poor House Farm Park) on 5/15. Some rescues and the local shelter folks will be there, but it's not an adoption event. It's more to get the community interested and hopefully involved...Fiona, the poor dog from Berkeley Springs who was dragged behind a vehicle last summer will be there with her adoptive mama...she is doing so well! We hope to have representatives from Days End Farm Horse Rescue there---they took the critical horses from that rescue last year.
Yeah, those are funny birdies, I agree, but I'm serious about the distinctive bird calls at Augusta ... and at some other courses in the South and in the East.
They are usually loud and very distinctive ... at least distinctive from anything we hear out West, so I was hoping someone could give me a clue as to what they are.
Thank you so much Dana for your thoughts! I haven't heard anything today, which I was told to take as good news. I think they're going to try and take him off the ventilator......fingers crossed!
Hilarious!!! Jim, Google Bird sounds at the masters.....what a HOOT, PUN INTENDED!!
Just breezing through but it seems there is controversy as to whether sounds are REAL, or FAKE, placed into the broadcast to make it more naturally pleasing!! Going to read more.....
Lynne, I have never heard it said that the bird sounds and songs at the Masters was 'piped in', but often thought that it sounded too repetitive to be real...same singing, same sounds, over and over like a recording. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful sound, along with the beauty of the azaleas.
Jim, I know that I HEAR the birds when I watch golf, but I barely pay attention to them.....so can't answer your question. Bet Red can, tho' since he's down there in the south and is more familiar with the regionals.
Wanda, they put dry ice on the azaleas to keep them from blooming before the Masters!!! LOL! Spray paint the grass and add blue dye to water. They go all out for the beauty!!
guess there's nothing wrong with that...prestigious tournament, big TV audience. It is beautiful. So if they "pipe in" birds....well, guess it just adds to the ambiance ! Of course it'd be nice to think that all they do is actually environmentally safe, but I doubt it....
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 924 Newer› Newest»I hope so too, Margy.
hoping to hear from Sharon or Sissy on that doctor visit Sissy made today regarding the presence of pain....
Hoping that all is well in Bluefield with Sissy !
Wow, that was fun!! Split time.
Prayers for Sissy.
Sharon mentioned, Sissy wanted to check in with the doc to see/make sure her pain is "normal" if pain can ever seem to be "normal"
Having trouble staying awake. Trying to stay up for awhile. I sometimes wake up in the wee small hours if I go to bed too soon. But I need to put together something to wear tomorrow and call it a night. Fingers are not working too well on the keyboard.
Good night. Rest well, everyone.
thanks for all the kind thoughts everyone. We are taking one day at a time.
My daughters fiancee talks to the baby and says, "We are ready for you , but could you please a little bit more. "
Yep, these days its kids first and then marriage but they are both 30 and are smart and we love them both.
My other daughter has a 10 year old.
I hope Sissy gets some answers on her pain also
I do not always come here lately but I do try an dread e-mails and answer some of them.
Trying to see if anyone is present at nest.
night Stronghunter
Da' Bears!
My Mom had COPD too...
Thanks for the article link...
Okay, Shirley....got it and replied!
No eagles here tonight, Bev.
I don't think Liberty would be nesting close to NCTC...
You quit, didn't you, Paula?
I had forgotten that your mom had it, too.
I did for awhile, Lynn. Need to quit again...for good.
Don't give up trying!
Thanks Paula.
I guess no one here want Belle to have a second clutch???
My husband went to a doctor hypmotist to quit smoking. He has smoked from 16 years to 1985 (2 packs a day). He has never looked back.
WE ... 3rd chick hatched today!!
Bev, IMHO, I don't think we will see another clutch this year. But Belle teasing us like she did last night...hard to take those kind of nights... is why I made a comment about glad no eagles in the nest tonight!
I just haven't seen all the "normal" pre-nesting activities thus far.
And truth be told, I don't wan't to see Belle have a clutch with the Truder...not right now. If it comes to be next year, then so be it.
I think that is how we all feel, Paula.
Evening everyone.
I hope everyone has had a good day.
Been trying to catch up on postings.
I seen where there was talking about COPD. I was just diagnosed back in February. I have not had a smoke since I came down sick a week before the doctor told me.
I can understand how you all feel about the nest.
You grow attached to a pair.
Well I guess it is all wait and see through the rest of the year.
Poor hubby has to have KD for supper tonight.
I do understand the way many of you thing about Belle not having another clutch right now, not with Truder. But then I think of how good of a mom she was to Paddy and it saddens me that she doesn't have any young to take care of. So if it were to happen it would make me to upset. But then again I am new to this group and don't have the feeling like you all do for Liberty. I have grown to care about Belle and just want the best for her.
Computer has been impossibly slow today, anyone else have that problem? Might be a Comcast thing here in FL. Whatever, it's driving me nuts, got nothing done - everything took forever to open/shut grrrr
So, I'm going to bed before I throw the computer out the window!
Hope to see you all tomorrow!
Prayers and healing for all!
Man could we ever have the COPD Club!
We have a large membership right in this blog.......
I am thankful I quit smoking after 50+ years... I like waking up each morning no matter what the weather is.
I am into my 2nd TV show......
I tried everything to quit smoking. I just don't think I had my heart into it. I really enjoyed having a relaxing smoke. I tried Nicroette gum, Nicroderm, Hypnotism, Acupuncture, Zyban, Wellbrutin, everything. Finally when Chantix finally hit the market it helped me quit. I've been off cigarettes over 3 years now and expected to get better but so far have not had any improvement.
I guess my lungs are beyond repair.
5 AM comes early. Going to bed now.
Well, dear friends, eyes want to close so time to say
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Bev, what is KD for supper mean?
great update on Mason, thanks Jo for posting the link for everyone...
wow, great progresss, Hallelujah !
It's been a long time since we were yelling Wake Up Mason at 9 pm every night... back in the day... now he is Way Awake
Eyelids are in protest, they have not been closed enough in the last 24.
Have three 12 hour shifts coming up Friday, must get some sleep...
Hoping, praying that all our special folks are coming along okay, and their families...in the illness sector...
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥
uh, that would be three 12-hour shifts STARTING Friday..though these days lately feel like 36-hour days !
glad you asked that question about KD for supper, Paula, 'cuz I was wondering also ! Can't wait to see the answer ☺
Good Night Eagle Pals !
Well, the S*** over at the OD forum keeps getting funnier and funnier...now it's a whole new pair in the nest! OMG!
Leona, sorry you are in our sub-club here.....but at least we have each other!!!
Red, we didn't stop early enough in life for repair! Just hope that it doesn't get worse.....which mine did because of radiation...and I think every new case of bronchitis/pneumonia does more damage.
Good night to all dragging off to sweet sleep. Clouds have rolled in here....rain due before dawn...so it will be a good day to sleep in if anyone can.
hedgie guess if I was in a club this is the best group to be with. :)
wow, ask me how horrible I feel now for having 2 ciggies every evening. I'm so ashamed.....
Evening all!
I'm glad there is no nest activity this evening too! Nowadays I'm just holding on to the Serenity Prayer regarding EVERYTHING, including the situation here. I'd not be thrilled to see a Belle/Truder clutch, and I doubt we will, but if it happens, then I'll accept that. I won't be crazy about it....
Too funny that they now think on OD that we have TWO new birds....UGH!!
ROFLMAO-----OC forum has a post that says "if those are feathers, I'll eat my hat. Looks like the wound(s) is scabbed and healing and Lib may be molting too."
Lynne, don't feel bad! Look how far you've come!!!!
My you-know-what is draggin' bad after my long day. Gonna head for the tub. See you dear friends tomorrow. Prayers for the many needs.......and especially fervent ones for those mentioned today.
Peace. Love all of you!
Goodnight dear friends. Prayers for all needs and wants, especially those with serious medical issues and those in pain of body or soul.
God bless!
aw Leona, love the avatar!
Margy....LOVE LOVE LOVE the Redbuds!
Hope you get some good rest, and sure wish you didn't have such long shifts all weekend.
Yeah, Lynn, I guess I have come a long way.....wish I could get Steve to quit.
Hello from Iowa, been watching all of you, really quite impressed.
I cannot believe how many people have COPD. Craig keeps saying he is going to quit smoking, but has not done it. :(
I have to get up early--BOO--so I am going to go try and fall asleep.
Good night, everybody. Sweet dreams.
Hi Sunseeker! Welcome....many of us are in the Eastern Time zone and have gone to bed! I think you are an hour behind us in Iowa!
Hi Pam, bye Pam!
Hello, sunseeker2. :)
Hello and goodbye to you, Lynne. :)
I'll pray for Craig to quit and you pray for Steve to quit!
I'm heading to bed, too. Goodnight old friends and new, prayers for you all...in particular Susan's Mother in Law (hope we hear from her soon) and Christine's dad.
Thanks Lynne2
Hi Sunseeker2....nice of you to join us!
Hate to say Hi and run, but I've got to get up early tomorrow...have a busy day tomorrow, will try to check in when I can.
Gnite to all those turning in!
Hugs to all ♥
I am calling it a night. I have been up since 5am.... Night all...
Hi all! We are home. Had a great afternoon and evening. Jacob's program was enjoyable but just being with Laurel and the boys was great. Joey had a dinner he had to go to, so we did not see him.
Smokers should just read your comments today. Maybe it would help some to quit. My daddy smoked and so did Jack's dad, however neither of us have ever smoked, and no one in the family smokes. Thank goodness!
I see that the two eagles were in the nest this evening together. Grrrr! Guess I should go read comments on OD, just to have some laughs.
Between our house and town there are some very high cross country power lines. Jack and I have seen a huge nest on a couple. We have wondered what kind of nests. Well, today we saw two birds on the closest nest. We stopped, wishing we had our binocs. One bird flew....a blue heron! They must have chicks the way they were looking into the nest. We will go back with binocs Saturday.
Tomorrow morning we go to Dallas for Zach's Grandparents day at his school. Following that we are going to Michael's office and then to lunch with him. Yea! I love time with just Michael.
Food Bank/Soup Kitchen delivery has been loaded, unloaded and put away. Boy were we glad to have our new fridge/freezer. We filled the freezer side up to the brim with meat...pork chops, chicken legs, wings, thighs and brests, ground sirloin, etc. It was a good day!
sorry I was so late in getting back in.
Making my diaper cake
Paula, KD is Kraft dinner LOL
My daughter was here yesterday and they loved it as kids and she wanted some , so i had an extra box.
Hope you see this tomorrow.
I missed who go kicked off in American Idol.
The eagles in Vancouver nest on the power lines. the power companies help make them habitable. (becasue they have taken up so much green space putting them up)
Well I am off to bed in a bit.
Hope I will get in here tomorrow
Prayers to all that need them and hugs to everyone here
Hubby just reminded me we are going to the Harlem Globe trotters tomorrow night.
He has always wanted to go and so I got us tickets for his birthday.
lol Isn't KD Kitchen duty? lol
Leona - I have been thinking about Belle's season and I agree that I would
not be upset to see a clutch. As long as Truder is trainable to help..
No definite remarks from Sissy about visit to surgeon today. Her one comment was that she couldn't keep the real food down. But she is going to try again tomorrow.......
Bev - you two will have a blast.
Shirley took her gs and daughter's to see them recently.
Sunseeker2 - Good to see you and hope you will join in with all of us. What
Lynne2 said about most of us being here
on the east coast is true - we do have
1 or more from Iowa -Sometimes they are lurkers but maybe they too will join us here on the blog.
Glad you enjoyed your evening with Laurel and the boys, Lollie.
Oh Bev - I was way off on the KD
lol - I love Kraft mac/cheese...
It is time to close down for the day..
It has been a good day but a long day.
So many prayers to offer up this evening - I won't forget any of you needing help
Good night friends
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Pia was kicked off Amer. Idol. Can not believe it! As much as I like Scotty, I really thought she was going to win. I think a lot of folks were shocked!
Sounds like a lot of great and useful food was delivered today, Wanda. Now you and Gene just need to get creative and see what kind of meals you can come up with.
I am heading to the shower and then to bed.
Night all!
Sweet dreams!
Continued prayers for Christine's dad and special prayers Sissy can eat food tomorrow without feeling sick.
Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. I am glad there is an empty nest.
I cannot believe Pia was kicked off. she sang so great last night
NOw I must turn in
Night all.
Time for bed... thanks and, wow, feel like you all are so wonderful, hope you all can put up with a birder from Iowa,just loving life.
Goodnight all. Nice feeling about all ahead of us! Thanks.
Good morning eagle lovers!
Looking forward to a less busy weekend, but most of all a visit from Belle and someone this morning. I hope Belle is feeling better, less sad looking today.
PAULA - I'll quit with you. I have to, need to, want to but a friend makes it easier!
An early good morning to Margy, Kay, DanaMo, Megan and other early risers!
You are really early Lori! Your time stamp says 4:08 wow. The flying labs let me sleep a little this morning. Raining here in Hagerstown.
The nest is black...gonna go read Patterson and have my coffee while I wait for daylight.
Good morning Lori, DanaMo, any other early risers lurking out there ! Just caught up with posts from last night and see we have a newbie to welcome. Hi, Sunseeker from Iowa. I'm a newbie as of late March and can assure you, you've landed in the best place to be for eagle lovers !
Good on you, Lori, for the eagerness to quit smoking. Hope Paula takes you up on the challenge. I think it's possibly the most difficult addiction to conquer, but well worth the effort.
Morning Kay!
Hi Dana ! How are the pooches this morning ?
Yes, good for you Lori. It is the hardest thing to do. I quit 20 years ago when I married my husband but there are still days when I think "man I cigarette would sure be good right now". I don't think that ever leaves you.
All the pups are good. Snoozing again after filling their bellies! :)
I'm not a smoker, but have been in situations where I wish I were so I could say, "See you later, I've gotta go outside for a smoke !"
Morning all:)
today's nest weather- Rain. Highs in the upper 40s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain near 100 percent.
Ah...finished James Patterson's The Postcard Killers. Good read. Now I have to figure out what to buy next. Maybe Tick Tock.
Can anyone save me a read through? Did we have visits yesterday evening?
I was amazed reading back this morning how many of us smoke/or smoked. Yah, it's just time to quit. I'll miss it, but gotta suck it up....I'm usually not good at that. Chantix helped a lot the first time I quit. I tried it again and it made me sick to my stomach, but I think that's what I'll try again. Thanks for the support Kay!
I'll be lurking now -- watching the visit, but busy at work again.
DanaMO give your three flying canines my love and an extra cookie.
OH heck, extra cookies today for Emma, Toby, Luna, George and all.
Eagle on nest
Belle !
dabbled at nest cup area, adjusted a little grass on her way to sit at 6oclock position---just looking around
now back to nest cup and looking all around
Thanks Kay, I was "shopping" and would have missed it.
Check it out- HP attempt! Truder flew into the nest and got right on top of Belle
Truder and immediate HP !
both doint nestorations now
I missed the HP sounds like he didn't know how. He seems more interested in moving sticks around.
Well, I guess it was just a matter of time.
Couldn't get a screen grab of that...
Good Morning Egle Pals
Belle flew out and now there goes Truder
Belle flew off and now Turd
make that "doing", Belle moved a big clump of grass from the bowl. She just flew out at the 9oclock position. Truder now flies out of the 3 spot
TRuder flies right back into nest
Truder back and moving more grass
lost my glasses and was looking for them and lurking...found the glasses
Yeah, it took Truder a couple of seconds to get his act together
called you all Egle Pals, that would be Eagle Pals
Truder out again
wish Lori had been able to see it..
and anyone else signed on and watching, I got lucky
Thanks Megan for the weather report, think it is right on the money already now, good, this will hold down the wild fires from sparking train wheels
HP???? I walked away for 30 seconds to feed the dogs and I missed HP???? Why are they HPing anyway?
Good morning all! Today I am sporting my favorite songbird, the Wood Thrush. Getting tired of waiting for them to show up in person! The song is very pretty and almost haunting. If you go to my blog, June 2010 and click on the RELAX title, you can hear the WT in the woods in the middle video. OR, I also put an audio clip on my profile too.
It's hard to look for glasses when you can't see to look for them. Thank you, Saint Anthony !!
Great reports from Wanda, Lolly...and others late last night
and Good Nest Reporting this morning !
time to get ready for work
see you much much later this evening
Best wishes for a Good Day
xoxo ♥
sorry weather report not so great for your field trip, hope it misses your area
you might have to wear a medieval rain coat
Oops, DanaMo, apparently I was wrong. Lolly's comment speaks of missing a visitation last night. I'll have to go back for a closer read myself.
WEAR RED - It's Friday !
DanaMo, I'm losing it and the nestcapades are all running together for me. Go back to 5:53pm yesterday for Hedgies "Turd alert". I was even in on the reporting and didn't remember it this morning. Yikes !
My pajamas are red today--maybe I'll just leave them on for the day! Time for my newspapers---see you later ! Have a good day !
Bye Kay, thanks.
I'm off too!
Have a great day everyone!
HP...yuck. What did Belle do?
Checking back in to be sure DanaMo got my message.
Paula, he just flew in and landed on her, she sort of flattened herself out and let him go at it. It all happens fast, of course. Afterward they stayed close together, both grasping at straw in the bowl area. She is not fighting him off, that's for sure.
All the experts say it's too late in the season to lay, brood, hatch, etc.. These two do not seem to know that !
That should be grasping at grass. Freudian slip as "grasping at straws" grabbed my mind.
Good morning everyone. I hope all are well today.
HP??? Typical teenager.... That's all they think about! ;-}
Good morning all. Rainy, cool and yucky day!
Gotta pull out the umbrella and go get the papers....at least the wind isn't blowing!
Thanks, Kay
Good morning eagle budlets. I have to say my heart hurts a little bit over the HP thing.
Good morning!☺ And how is everyone this morning?
Sunseeker......welcome! Join in the gab.....that is our specialty!
LOL Christine...I was thinking the same thing. Truder is a teenager with only one thing on his mind.
Going to read the paper and then get ready to head to Dallas for the day. Go to Denton, dress nice but casual...Go to Dallas, dress really nice. Groan! I am the casual type. LOL
Will be lurking as I read the paper.
Oh, forgot to tell you. LOL Laurel told me she was watching the Decorah eagles at school yesterday. Think it is so funny!☺
Just a word of reminder.......if the feds shut down at MN, it may well affect our viewing....don't know if they would turn the cam off or not----probably not???----but if anything happens to it, it won't get reset/fixed/etc. until the gov't. gets back up and running.
Interesting factoid: NCTC has 130 federal employees (EE's as we abbreviated it at GM) and 110 contracted ee's.
Welcome, Sunseeker. What part of Iowa? My grandparents hailed from Cedar Rapids.
Lolly, glad you had a good time yesterday with Laurel and the boys, and more fun to be had today!
Bev....does your hubby know where you're taking him, or is it a surprize?? Enjoy!! Love them Globetrotters!!!
Good morning everyone. Since when is HP just a teenage thing. I thought it was just a man thing. lol
Have a nice day everyone.
Welcome Sunseeker from Iowa.
RED, men think about HP all the time, teenagers DO it all the time:)
Welcome to our newest friend,
Hi. On the bus. Been lurking. Welcome sunseeker. HP? Golly.
LOLLY, eagle watching IS CONTAGEOUS, and Laurel has caught the bug:) She will understand your passion now that she is viewing eagles.
Shirley, do your students know what HP is? (in the bird world)
Sprinkles of rain here.
Thanks for kind words, Margy.
Good Morning Everyone!!
And Welcome, Sunseeker! That is a good name, especially for today here on East Coast!
Been reading early comments----HP?
Gotta hit the trail--don't know if puters fixed at work or not.May be back w/homework! ☺
Have a super TGIF (for those that don't work Sat!)
Good morning to all.
Bev, wishing the best for your daughter and the baby. Enjoy the Globe Trotters.
Wishing Sissy a good doctor visit with painless outcome.
Shirley, have a nice visit to medieval times.
Lolly, so glad you had a nice time with Jacob and Laurel. Keep us posted on the Blue Herons, and please enjoy grandparent's day.
Wanda, sounds like a great day for stocking up for the food kitchen. I'm guessing the best part was lots of food for fewest $. I'm headed to the soup kitchen!
Welcome, Sunseeker. Many of us also enjoy birds other than eagles.
DanaMO, I enjoyed the Postcard Killers.
Margie. Glad you found your spectacles. Have a quiet day at work. Yes, hope the weather helps keep brush fires down.
Megan, thank you for the weather report. I guess market is upon you again. Hope it will be a good market weekend.
Good morning to all I have missed/not spoken with.
Will be back when I can. Need to begin creating crime scenes for a final exam. Tiring and very time-consuming.
Have a lovely day.
Starlings are back.
I haven't discussed bird HP with them. They would be amazed at what I am doing now. I have never shared the blog with them. Do not intend to.
Just let them see the nest sometimes.
Wanda, too funny. Had to come back. Boys think about HP all the time, teens do HP all the time, then the elders think about HP once-in-a-while. The cycle of life?
Best thing I can say about a Fed. shut down is that driving to school/parking will be a piece of diaper cake.
Bye. I really mean it this time!
Hi Judie!
Hi again....my Wood Thrush and I are back and I highly advise taking a listen to his song!
Gov shutdown will affect (among the obvious, and other things) the HUGE reenactment event going on at Ft Sumter in SC next week where thousands and thousands of reenactors and tourists plan to take part or attend the event marking the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War. YEARS in the planning.....
Hey, Judie! Good to see you this rainy morning! You brighten the day for me!
Have a lot of computer stuff to do on the PC for our upcoming Animal Advocates Open House, so will check in periodically.
Oh Lynne, that would be the pits, wouldn't it?? And all those naysayers about the event are probably sitting back hoping it happens. Sure don't understand why it has created so much controversy. History is history....I don't care if people don't like it....it can't be changed, so honor it.
I can't get your woodthrush sound to play on your profile....:(
Lynne, I love hearing a wood thrush. We have both the wood thrush and the brown thrush here and lots of people think they are the same bird but they are not. The wood thrush has a much brighter voice.
For those of you that cannot hear Lynne's Wood Thrush.
Wood Thrush
It's not hard to figure out the Wood Thrush is related to the Mocking Bird. lol
hey Thanks Red!
Do you have the WTs all year, or do they migrate north this time of year?
It would suck Lynn. And yeah, history is history.
oh never mind Red....they enter the US in April and leave in Aug for Central America to over winter there.
I can't believe you all saw what you say you saw in our nest - Maybe we will have a reason for a May/June Nest Visit!
Good rainy Morning ! I read comments
and I have my red shirt on and I am really concerned with th Gov't shut down. I'll be viewing TV CNN for the latest.. What a havoc this is going to cause.
We have Wood Thrush's all year but in extreme cold they may go a little farther south. I'm in north Alabama.
Lynn, I don't know why my audio clip won't work for you. It works for me...unless you tried while I was editing my blog maybe? Hmmmm...
Do they sing the good song all year or just during spring/summer?
The wood thrush has a beautiful song.
I would like to wake up to it.
Checked out Duke Farms and Decorah
Looks like they are all down for
morning naps. BWE eaglets are also napping.
good morning to all
for a TGIF day.
[:~D] Jim
lYNNE, song worked for me. Thanks for that link to all the different songbirds! Love it:)
JO, I woke up to it the very first time I ever heard it in June of 09 when we where camping! It was so cool, and I had no idea what it was. Finally saw it while singing and IDed it with my book. Been in love ever since! I hear them hear now, too.
Good morning everyone! Sorry I have been neglecting you guys lately. Doesn't mean I don't love ya though!!
The doctor told me to give myself a break, that the pain is completely normal. He said if I had to have this procedure done open instead of laparoscopic I would just be leaving the hospital today. The external incisions being smaller than with an open procedure has nothing to do with what was done on the inside. He said this is a big surgery and it takes time to heal. He did tell me I can start trying other foods, no chunks of meat or anything, but soft foods. He said I could have spaghetti with meat sauce, so that is what I fixed for supper last night. I ate way too much and got sick as a dog. With this surgery, I no longer have the ability to vomit, so being sick on my stomach sucks! So, I am going to practice moderation and baby steps and try to take it easy. No work for 2 more weeks (wallet is say OUCH!!).
I am not loving the events at our nest, to say the least.
Beautiful song .. and varied ... from the Wood Thrush. Actually it is closely related to Robin and other thrushes, so maybe this one that the Mockingbird mimics.
[:~D] Jim
They are similar to mocking birds. They sing much more during breeding season. They have only recently been spending the winters here because of it being warmer.
Good Morning Everyone and Lurkers on this damp Friday.
Bev prayers for you daughter and the baby she is carrying.adding prayers for you too.
See we have a person called "sunseeker2".
Welcome you are from Iowa. Are you in the area of the eagle nest there in Decorah? Beautiful eagle nest. Hope you join in with us.
Wanda sounds like a nice load of meat!!
Saddened to see Pia go. I don't think the public was into voting Wednesday night. That is a
church night. Maybe that had something to do with the votes.
Shirley hoping your area or at least during field trip it does not rain during the field
trip time.
I thought I read somewhere that Sissy is not to eat solids, it was liquids then move up to soft foods. Can anyone help me with this? Can't Sissy get the soft foods down? Prayers for Sissy.
Dang HP with intuder and Belle grrrr
Speaking of bird songs and calls, The Masters golf tournament is on now, and every year they have some very distinctive and beautiful bird calls on the sound track. We never hear anything like them out here in the West.
Anybody know anything about birds that love the game of golf back East??
[:~D] Jim
Morning Jim!
JO!!! You CAN wake up to the Wood Thrush! Or any of 9 different birds, or all of them!! I'm going to have to get one of these some day!
Birdsong Alarm Clock
Speaking of smoking (from last night), I quit smoking in 11/1998 and have never looked back. I am so grateful to be free from those nasty things. Tom quit a few months ago, but he has been smoking some here and there. Very disappointing for sure, as he has lost 3 brothers to cancer at a young age. But I can't give him the "want to" to quit, so I will just have to keep praying he quits for good.
Don't know anything about birds that love golf...but I know golfers love BIRDIES and EAGLES!!!!
Hi Lynne, also don't know why historical reenactments are a problem except some people just don't want to be reminded of certain events in U.S. development as a nation.
Lynne2, I was able to hear the Wood Thrush and the song is, indeed, lovely. Don't think I've ever seen/heard on around here but will pay more attention now.
Hi Jo, Red, and Jim.
Say Jim, looks like Phoebe is truly childless. Maybe one more clutch?
Lynn, where's the animal advocates open house? Is this similar to an adoption opportunity?
Okay, back to crime.
I like my new bird feeder. Just that the male cardinal seems to have not figured out to hold on and eat. Female cardinal has gotten it figured out.
Not too many gackles they don't get enough food with this feeder so they leave NICE ( :
My sister Donna had one of those bird song clocks. I hated it! It is now at Sharon and Thelma's and it gets me every time. I never remember the clock when I hear the bird chirping on the hour and think one is in the house. Too funny!!
Magpie, where ever you are, thanks so much for the card. You are one of the most thoughtful women I have ever met! Eaglet Momsters rock for sure! So blessed to be part of this awesome group of people.
Sissy, sorry you are still having problems but glad it's all "normal" for what you had done.
Megan's Russ quit smoking a while back....wonder how he's doing with that?
I'm having trouble because I live with a smoker. Steve goes outside to smoke now, but never the less there are cigs in the house and it's not been easy. But I'm only doing one or two in the evenings. The rest of the time I just EAT
Judie Judie Judie so wonderful to see you on here while I am here. ♥♥♥♥♥
Little Po at Atlanta is getting to be quite the climber, love watching pandas at that age. Well, heck, I love watching pandas at ANY age!!
Prayers continue for recovery and healing for Christine's Dad.
Judie, any time you want to experience it you can also go to June of last year on my blog to the RELAX link and there's a video of the forest with the WT singing from our camping trip last year! I like to listen from time to time!
Good morning everyone, the blog is so much easier to keep up with. There is HP in the nest? Could they be doing HP off camera ya think? Maybe Belle doesn't want to look like a hussy having HP in front of others with Lib so recently gone ;).
Does intruder even know what to do?
Well, okay. I seem to not be keeping my schedule. Too much important on the blog, I guess.
Important: Bev, sorry you were sick from too much food but glad the pain/discomfort is normal and part of healing. Yes, take baby steps rather than giant steps. Hugs!
Lun Lun is such an awesome mommy!!
Sissy what did the doctor say?
Thanks, Red! And Lynne, that must have been the problem because it played fine just now!!!! Guess we were both there at the same time!!
Dana, I posted it just a few minutes ago on the blog, around 11:32. Thanks so much to all for all the prayers and well wishes.
Sissy, I just saw an article this morning about incision-less fundiplication!! 85% success rate....
Glad you have been reassured about the discomfort, and hope you can soon eat what you want!
The clock would really get the attention of our 2 cats! lol
Truthfully Lynne I wake up to the tune
of "Coffee's ready"
Sissy I have been worrying about you
Take it slow and Heal!
Both Decorah adults in nest
Jim....love Lynne's answer---birdies and eagles in high demand at Augusta!! Hope no golfer HITS a bird, tho'!
Judie, we are having our one year anniversary celebration and open house at our fabulous county park (Poor House Farm Park) on 5/15. Some rescues and the local shelter folks will be there, but it's not an adoption event. It's more to get the community interested and hopefully involved...Fiona, the poor dog from Berkeley Springs who was dragged behind a vehicle last summer will be there with her adoptive mama...she is doing so well! We hope to have representatives from Days End Farm Horse Rescue there---they took the critical horses from that rescue last year.
In the unlikely event that nobody has reported it, WE's third egg has hatched.
[:~D] Jim
I have the birdsong clock in the office....but it's not an alarm clock. Cool!
Thanks, Jim. Congrats to WE!!!!!
Hope everything goes well for them.
Margy is having a very busy day at work. They started out short-handed....had to call in someone who was off.
Yeah, those are funny birdies, I agree, but I'm serious about the distinctive bird calls at Augusta ... and at some other courses in the South and in the East.
They are usually loud and very distinctive ... at least distinctive from anything we hear out West, so I was hoping someone could give me a clue as to what they are.
[:~D] Jim
Thank you so much Dana for your thoughts! I haven't heard anything today, which I was told to take as good news. I think they're going to try and take him off the ventilator......fingers crossed!
From Tara:
My dad is the same really. He was awake and I got to talk to him about everybody praying for him and he liked that. I can feel the prayers.
Hilarious!!! Jim, Google Bird sounds at the masters.....what a HOOT, PUN INTENDED!!
Just breezing through but it seems there is controversy as to whether sounds are REAL, or FAKE, placed into the broadcast to make it more naturally pleasing!! Going to read more.....
My naptime now. Catch ya later.
Something is distracting the nesting adult at Decorah.....
my Decorah is off air...
Jim is the Master's on NOW? What channel? I'd like to have a listen....fake or real, maybe I can tell what the birds are!
oh, my bad. needed a refresh...
Lynne, I have never heard it said that the bird sounds and songs at the Masters was 'piped in', but often thought that it sounded too repetitive to be real...same singing, same sounds, over and over like a recording. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful sound, along with the beauty of the azaleas.
Jim, I know that I HEAR the birds when I watch golf, but I barely pay attention to them.....so can't answer your question. Bet Red can, tho' since he's down there in the south and is more familiar with the regionals.
Wanda, they put dry ice on the azaleas to keep them from blooming before the Masters!!! LOL! Spray paint the grass and add blue dye to water. They go all out for the beauty!!
guess there's nothing wrong with that...prestigious tournament, big TV audience. It is beautiful. So if they "pipe in" birds....well, guess it just adds to the ambiance ! Of course it'd be nice to think that all they do is actually environmentally safe, but I doubt it....
Lynne.....coverage starting at 3pm on ESPN, but it's on the Golf Channel now if you get it.
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