Sunday, April 10, 2011


Evening thread.


stronghunter said...

Thank you Steve, and thanks for the call-over, Crunch Bob. We have been missing you, Crunch.

stronghunter said...

Eagle in nest. Belle??

stronghunter said...


Anonymous said...

all is well here. I"ll let you girls go. Can"t beleave you ALL missed the new thread Steve gave you

stronghunter said...

We were pretty involved with the action in the nest, Crunch. The new male is not so nice.

stronghunter said...

Glad you caught the new thread for us, though.

Anonymous said...

I thought it wasa funny. Ahole hour behind. You all do get involed. HE HE

Anonymous said...

I don"t look at what I type

stronghunter said...

Have you been keeping up with what is going on at the nest?

Anonymous said...

Yea a know Lib is gone.

stronghunter said...

This new young eagle is a bit rough around the edges.

Anonymous said...

Yea I say. I think the others is still on old thread. NO one else seams to be here.

stronghunter said...

I think the others got lost somewhere.

stronghunter said...

We have a lot of new members. I posted a bold notice of the new thread.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, you were right, Bob. They were still over there.

stronghunter said...

Really nice video, Lynn. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

We are a coming over. Thanks Crunch
for the call over. We have no warning that they is a New Thread from Steve unless someone like you is just signing in to the blog.
Hi Shirley - I am enjoying this movie
and it is a commercial..

stronghunter said...

What movie, Jo?

paula eagleholic said...


Home safe and sound...

Gotta see what was going on earlier..

stronghunter said...

We had some drama awhile ago, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Good to see you safely home, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Things started happening at 7:52, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Looks like Linda on OC got a video of this last drama between Belle and Truder.

DanaMo said...

Confirmation group over and I am beat. At least I did get to see a little nest action. Good night all I'm exhausted.

magpie said...

getting a wee bit of nearly half-moon light on the nest

Good to see Still Cam is back up and running !!!

magpie said...

had you all noticed that earlier?

Good Evening Eagle Pals xo

magpie said...

Hello crunch bob hello to you and Doris and thanks for the call over

And Thanks Steve for the new thread

magpie said...

Long Day for you DanaMo - good ministry for sure...
Good Night, Sleep Tight !

stronghunter said...

Good night, DanaMo. Rest well.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, by golly it is running, Margy...thanks for the heads up! Beat you are beat after those 12 hours shifts...are you done with them yet?

Crunch Bob, good to see is Doris?

JudyEddy said...

Checking in was a daughters again today I tried to chime in from her puter but it didn't work I saw the rape or HP whatever it was Odd how he seemed to yell at her right before he jumped on her RUDE DUDE I say

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. Finally home. Had a tire issue on the way home but finally made it. Dogs are happy.

magpie said...

For those of you that watch
"Fin-Ferry," the Finland Osprey Nest on the water (which is in dark-time now)
I think the RED thing on the platform, is some kind of a winching strap with the buckle close to our view .. maybe?

Osprey Nest on the Land cam is up and running now too...

have not seen ospreys at either one yet, but maybe, sometime

they are five hours ahead of us time-wise
but you can actually see some faint light at the Land Nest...
there is snow on the ground there

magpie said...

absolutely wonderful that you spoke with your Dad...early May cannot get here soon enough for you I bet !

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and for the call over Crunch Bob.

Crunch Bob? Missed the new thread because we miss YOU! How're you and Doris doing these days. How about a quick update, please and thank you.

Wish I could pretend to be a newbie still but I do not, and have never inquired, about what "wax" means. Guess I was afraid I would have to undergo some extremely painful dematalogical procedure.

Diann, happy shower time. DO NOT save any hot water for others.

Too true, Diann. Decorah nest might have been in a bull-riding rodeo -- lots of swaying and swerving. Last time I checked NBG, all were fed and in a sleepy stupor.

Hey Jo. So happy to know you had a nice day out and visited with Megan. Jealous, of course.

Hi Christine. How's dad? Hope he is making progress. Well, reading on I see he is making progress. So very happy for him and for all the family. Hugs!

Missed the nest activity. Was trying to catch up on comments.

Welcome back to home Paula.

Don't understand the nest activity so will let Belle work it out to her satisfaction.

Okay, I'm headed for some mindless t.v.


magpie said...

Three 12's behind me now Paula, have two days off then start again..what a day to be stuck inside today !!
Welcome Home!

and same to you Sharon
Hope your week-end was "groovy" LOL but am sorry to hear about a tire issue, WOOF !!

magpie said...

me and dinosaur, we keep close tabs on that Still Cam !

magpie said...

Think I will have some mindless shower time !


oh Yes, Jo, sounds like a great day for you and family, and
Glad you and Megan could share some Momster time!

Lolly a year ago tomorrow I found my first wild red columbines around here, going to check it out Monday...
Have not seen Stars of Bethlehem yet...they are late!

stronghunter said...

Judie, I sent you the wax story.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, considering I do not believe in coincidences, here is my God-incidence for today. Coming home, I decided that I wanted a tea from a store at the Claytor Lake exit. Teazzers tea, really good stuff. Anyway, T-bird was driving. We got to the end of the ramp, I looked back at Mopsy to make sure she was okay. I saw smoke coming from the side of the car. We drive to the store and I get out to check to see what it was. My tire was right on the verge of blowing. The flat part that sits on the road was bulging really bad on one side. God is so in charge. A guy that worked there changed the tire for us. We offered him some money and he wouldn't take it. Made it home on a donut tire.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, that certainly was a clumsy attempt at mating by Truder...

Here's a video from lovesthebabies at Hancock forum...

Evening bonding attempt

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Sharon, close call. Not fun when a tire blows, can be rather dangerous. Nice of the guy to change it for you.

Judie said...

Just took a quick look at Ted and Lucky. Good timing. Lucky woke Ted up for a wrestling session. I really like those guys.

hedgie said...

Well, I just now saw that Crunch Bob called us over. Been wondering where you were, Bob!!

A Must See

hedgie said...

Bob, glad to hear that you and Doris are doing okay!

Paula, glad you are home safely!

Good night, Dana and Leona.

Hey, Margy---bet you are beat for sure!!!

Wonder when the still cam came up? Never even thought to check it!

hedgie said...

Margy, FinFerry nest has shrunk....the red on the right is a light (like a hooded traffic light). It blinks red, which lights up a chain. That is what we see at nighttime.

hedgie said...

Sharon, glad you made it safely. Hope you had a spare and some hunk changed it for you!!!
Would you please explain to the newbies how the wax story (which I shared with some whow ere curious) became the WAX we give on the 100's????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The wax - well, we had thought that someone needed to be awarded something special for commenting on the 100 marks and it was around the same time that the wax story came out, so we decided to award the winners cans of wax to use as they saw fit. Normabyrd would always pass her can on to me when she would win. I have got to get to Romney to get her back on here. I miss her so much.

Judie said...

Hmmm, well, regardless, I do hope the interloper develops better interpersonal skills. Not looking so good so far.

Thank you, Shirley. Will go to email in a moment.

Hey Sharon. Close call. So glad to know you are home safe.

Hi Lynn, happy to know the meeting when well. Surely a deserving cause.

Lolly said...

Lynn, great video. Thanks for sharing.

Sharon, so glad you are home safe and sound. That was a close call!

Paula, we will be anxious to see your pictures. Did get a lot done or just spend your time walking on the beach looking for eagles?

Judie said...

Sorry Margy. Glad you're home. Please try to get some restful sleep.

Lolly said...

Yes, Sharon, you would be doing us all a great big favor if you could visit Norma, get her set up and back to the blog. I certainly miss our ray of sunshine.

paula eagleholic said...

I did get a lot done, Lolly. The eagles are certainly a nice distraction! Did some more raking today and cut my pampas grasses.

Hang on, I'll post a couple of pics in a minute.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to put my feet up and read for a while. We might get rain tonight. Need to listen to the weather report.

Oh, and Jack is sad. STARS lost, his hockey season is over. And, it is a long time til football. He really is not into baseball.

Lolly said...

Guess you had to spend some time getting paint out of your assistants tail. LOL

stronghunter said...

Bless you, Margy. You have put in such a long day.

Sharon, glad you spotted the tire before it blew.

hedgie said...

I've seen hoodies at FinFerry and I think Mits saw on the forum that osprey have been seen at FinLAND nest. Snow must be new---it wasn't there yesterday.

stronghunter said...

It would be wonderful to have Norma back on here.

hedgie said...

Shar---so glad the tire didn't blow---so dangerous! Don't run on that donut any more than necessary!

Lolly said...

Lynn, for some reason my finferry link is not working. Can get the other Fin came, but the ferry one.....and I need to catch the ferry! Help! Would appreciate a link.

Judie said...

I cannot state how fortunate I have been not to have been a wax recipient. I will do my best NOT to be the person who posts at 100. I do believe I have experienced more than my share of pain over the past six months. Thank you one and all.

Okay, off to listen to the news -- or a rehash of whatever.

The night light is set for 11pm. The sandperson will arrive shortly before. Restful sleep for those headed back the hallway, up the stairs, down to the tub, into the recliner, or just stumbling in later. Andy, please set the security for us when you come in, please and thank you.

stronghunter said...

Bird Attack on Squirrel at Feeder

paula eagleholic said...

OK, put an eagle pic on my Paula's Prings blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, the assistant has paint on his head and his side, LOL. Gotta try and brush it out tomorrow!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That eagle looks little in that big tree Paula. Beautiful and, yes, I am envious.

stronghunter said...

I have clothes in the dryer. About ready to pull them out and head upstairs.

magpie said...

Okay Lynn, I'll take your word for it on the blinking red light at Fin Ferry...I surely remember the glowing chain!
I've seen Hooded Crows and ravens, and also a Sea Eagle there about three weeks ago.
When I posted a day or so ago about Finland Land, I saw the snow there that day
maybe my eyes are not working so great...

Sharon! Yes a Good-God Incident...glad all turned out okay

magpie said...

you have certainly a piece of heaven on earth at your Beach Roost...great picture, beautiful eagle

Lolly said...

Finally found him in the first pic. Had to compare the two pics and look for the limb. LOL Sort of like a jig saw puzzle! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and I put some actual pictures of the beach on my blog too...have had house, eagle pics, but forgot to take pics of the actual beach!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, that's why they are hard to spot! Totally missed the juvie today, he was on the left side when I went out. This one was pretty much in view...since I finally knew where to look!

Lolly said...

I finally got the finferry cam to work. Clicked on the page on a familiar word and up it came. Do not know why it was not working.

hedgie said...

Ha...watched the video...missed the HP attempt because my capture frame covered it! Someone better teach turd bird that you don't scream at the lady and then try something.

stronghunter said...

I have to resort to Beakspeak fairly often to get to cams, Lolly.

hedgie said...

Thanks, now we all know the story!!! Yep, Normabyrd needs to get her puter kicked in it's rear!!

magpie said...

put some pictures of the Sea Eagle at Finland on March 16 on Feathers, Fur and Miscellaneous link...
have not seen them since!
You can see the RED on the platform

okay, now on to more of Paula's pictures

Kay said...

Sharon, so glad you stopped when you did, God is Good ! I appreciate "the rest of the story" on the Wax. Funny ! Wonder how some of those cans of wax have been used over the years ! LOL

Paula, thanks for bringing over the video of the nest action for those of us who missed it. It looked like Belle made a big turn swooping her tail over t's head and almost knocking him off balance. Could that have angered him ? It's so hard to think like an eagle and to understand all we see. Thanks, too for sharing the beautiful eagle in your prints. That place of yours is my idea of utopia !

Shirley,that squirrel seemed almost oblivious to the attack, but the little bird was giving it his all.

Hedgie, I love odd couple animal stories ! People could learn a lot from animals, huh ?

And so, goodnight all. I must get some zzz's so I can be among the early birds.

Prayers and good thoughts for all !

stronghunter said...

Will see you all tomorrow. Good night, friends. God bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Love the goose and the deer story...and the deer and the dog story, Lynne.

hedgie said...

Lolly, old site for FinFerry takes you to new one after a bit, but here is direct link to the webcams page. Click on Webcams on top left, and then the first one is FinFerry, but the others are all cool, too---just not nests!

Lolly said...

Nite Shirley!

Paula, beautiful pictures! Sigh....

Could pick out the osprey nest, but never saw Nugz. I am blind.

magpie said...

Great more pictures Paula, I clicked on each picture twice and saw everything I was looking for !

Good Night, Shirley, Good Night, Kay... will probably see you in the morning ☺

magpie said...

ooops missed Goodnighting you

stronghunter said...

Tornado in Texas. Wild night.

Kay said...

Oh, Lolly, I meant to mention, Ohio now has a governor who is much like the jewel you have in Texas. I feel your pain !

Night, night.

stronghunter said...

Dallas-Fort Worth area. Look out, Lolly.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Margy--see what you meant---I thought you were talking about the red at nighttime when it shines on the chain! The red showing in the daylight looks like it's just part of the assembly of the light casing but guess it could be a strap hoolding it in place.

Goodnight to all turning in.....sweet dreams. For those who have to go punch the old time clock, have a good Monday!

Lolly said...

Oh, my! Weather not good! Huge area of BAD weather heading our way. Tornados and hail! Might go north of us. 60 mph wind and golf ball hail.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, Nugz is hard to see in the second picture...he's the same color as the grass, but you can see his tail sticking up :)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yuck, Lolly. You need rain, not hail and tornados!

Lolly said...

It is going just north of us, but headed in Laurel's direction.

Lynn, thanks for the Link.

stronghunter said...

Definitely looks bad, Lolly. Hang in there.

hedgie said...

Great pics, Paula!! Does your property go all the way down to the shoreline??

hedgie said...

Did you stick your toes in yet???

Lolly said...

Yes, need hail and no tornados. This one area is missing us but more coming behind it. Going to be an interesting night.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, please be safe. No basement to shelter in, I bet, right??? 60 mi. north---is that where Laurel is?

stronghunter said...

Storms all the way from Texas to Canada.

Lolly said...

You are basement here. Yes, Laurel is approx 60 miles north. We would go to a closet. Been there, done that!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, yes it does! It's my beach :) And actually, I haven't put my toes in yet! Been too chilly!

Lolly said...

Purple and black on the weather map. Not good for some folks.

Lolly said...

The ferry is on time! I see it coming! Let's hop on and go for a ride. Where is Wanda? Do not want to leave her!

magpie said...

dear Lolly
praying right now that you and Jack and Laurel and family will be spared any trouble

stronghunter said...

Looks like they are training to the northeast, so maybe you will just get some rain, Lolly.

Lolly said...

Can not believe it is on time!

magpie said...

thanks for the video link of the nestcapades, many interesting things to ponder...

I think Truder DOES NOT really like working the sticks....I am hoping he decides he does NOT like housekeeping for sure and moves on...

Belle is definitely in charge of the Royal Nest and how it is to be set up !

Lolly said...

Thank you for your prayers. We have the TV on and will be keeping up with the latest on the path.

Right now I am concerned for Laurel and it is now entering Denton county.

magpie said...

missed the ferry, going to check those nests NOW...

so glad to see unfrozen water for a's been a looong winter there

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Lolly. I am looking at the Weather Channel, and they do show the worst of the storms passing to the west of both you and Laurel. Isn't she in Denton?

magpie said...

okay Lolly, will be hopeful and prayerful...

Liberty is a good housekeeper...he knows the routine so much better


hedgie said...

Does Laurel have a basement??
Prayers that no harm comes to anyone.

Paula, don't think I would be able to resist, no matter how cold it is!!

Lolly, how do you know the ferry schedule??? LOL----can't make a road trip to get to it! Bet Wanda has had a l-o-n-g day!

Lolly said...

Yes, Laurel is on the north side of Denton, sort of north-east. She lives on the very edge of the city.

hedgie said...

Bear Den Flooded

hedgie said...

Hard to believe that the cubs only weigh 4 lbs. at this stage, isn't it?

Lolly said...

Check the ferry tomorrow. It always comes around 10;20, give or take. Did you see it? You can also see it coming, the very tip top of it above the land. Remember when we used to catch it? Do not know the other times in the day, but knew about this time. LOL

No, Laurel does not have a basement either. Not many homes in Texas have basements.

Mema Jo said...

My movie is finished and then next Sun eve it will continue each week. Pretty times too many characters and plots to keep up with.

Good night to all leaving - I have some
reading to do and pictures to see.
Hope this weather doesn't give any
problems to any of you.

lol I was over on the old thread

Mema Jo said...

Stay safe and pray Laurel will be too, Lolly/Jack.

Sharon Just shows who is the
driver's seat! Keep The Faith ♥

Lolly said...

I said long ago that I was going to leave and read. LOL Here I sit! So, now I am going to read.

Will be back to say good night.

magpie said...

Fin-Ferry water was not so frozen looking mid-day Sunday...
think it refroze "overnight" there

when Finland Land cam was first "on" it was all out of kilter for a few days...couldn't even see the nest

this storm system is going to affect a lot of people, many of our Momsters and Dadsters and families....Prayer Watch in Effect !

hedgie said...

The bad weather started early in the upper mid-west....apparently late morning in western Iowa.
Hope everything does out----that kind of weather is BAD anytime, but I think much more awful in the dark as far as dangers with downed lines, trying to look for injured, etc.

paula eagleholic said...

My laundry for tonight is done, so I am going to hit the hay.

Catch ya'll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Carolyn has had a mighty busy evening, Margy----she's on police. Know she's not comfortable with it but sounds like she's doing well.

Stork cams all have sitting birds. Love the storks!

hedgie said...

G'night, Paula Beachgirl!

hedgie said...

Golf delayed CBS almost time to get my bath before Carolyn gets off work, so will have to wait until after speaking with her shortly after 12.

magpie said...

am sure Carolyn will get things down pat, Lynn...

Going to take my weather prayers to bed with me....for all in the storms' paths...

Good Night Eagle Pals
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

My busy day is going to come to a
screeching halt - cause I am tired...

Good night my friends
Prayers for all our needs/wants and prayers of thankfulness for Christine's
dad's progress.
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

GrannieKay said...

Has anyone taken a look at the Decorah Eagle. Poor bird is flat on the nest facing 1 oclock with the wind just tearing at it's feathers. Head nose down into the nest hanging on for dear live. Tail being picked up and tipped back over it's back. It has to be an agony. Feathers being flipped forward at wind gusts. It is heart breaking to watch. I don't know if the 3 eaglets are safe under there or not. I imagine they are but won't know till this weather passes.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Granniekay, she's been fighting that weather for a long time. Hope that everything is okay for them all.

hedgie said...

I'm going to say my goodnights now. Tired...eyes getting heavy. Prayers for all, and peace.

Costume Lady said...

This has been a good day...
Band at church was wonderful,
Prep for Lenten Service reception went smoothly,
GG was feeling well and chipper and her booboo on elbow looks much better today.
Did not go to the Lenten Service, just because!:)
Gene and I worked on ideas for the landing of our porch. I think we agree on how we would like it.
Love Paula's lucky she is!
Good to hear from Crunch that he checks in with us from time to time.

Those eagles are crazy...don't know what to think about that situation. Just don't want any babies that belong to Truder, almost like they would be illegitimate:(

Love your WV columbine, Lolly...they will be fuller next year. My Texas columbine did survive the winter, but too early to tell if they will bloom.


Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower now. Still no rain here. Really sort of too quiet! No wind! I hear thunder in the far distance.

Well, I do believe it is Monday the 11th where you are, Paula

♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Paula
Happy Birthday to you....and many more! ♫♪♫

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


I happened to be awake tonight after napping much of the afternoon away, so managed to sort of get caught up here.

Glad to see that Sharon got through the tire incident OK. THANK GOD, for sure!

I agree with everyone else that the Truder needs to be far more civil with our Belle! Just who does he think he is, anyway?! TEAM LIBERTY!!

Have had quite a busy day today, and I'm tired. Saying prayers for everyone, especially those in need of healing. Prayers for all of God's creatures, too.

Judie, thanks for setting the night light. I'm checking to make sure the porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and WV Dana's thumbprint security are enabled. Hope everyone has sweet eagle dreams. I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Kay said...

Good morning ! Can just begin to see the tree, bottom left of screen, as day break approaches.

Hope and pray Lolly, Jack and Laurel made it safely through the overnight storms.

Paula, I'm joining the Happy Birthday Chorus ! Hope it's a wonderful day for you !


One seventh of your life is spent on Monday.

May this one be an Apple Dumpling Dandy Day for each and every one of you !

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals.

Happy Birthday Paula! Hope this is your BEST birthday ever, filled with many special moments all the day through. xox ♥ ☺

magpie said...

STILL CAM is up and running by the way everyone...

magpie said...

Hello Kay ☺

Kay said...

Good morning, Margy ! You are so dedicated. Didn't I read that you have a couple of days off after a tiring week ?

Kay said...

Happy to know the still cam is up. I hadn't yet check. Amazing how much we missed having it yesterday.

Kay said...

Yet "checked" that is.

Lori O. said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Paula!

May all your wishes and dreans come true this year.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay and Margy!

Kay said...

Hey Lori ! Are you at work or do you finally get a day off ?

magpie said...

that is correct, Kay, off for a couple of days...know I can be here to watch this morning...
thanks for the much history in the making here at the Royal Nest

same thing here this morning, with live feed up it slows down blogging, so will be watching but not posting too much

magpie said...

whew just realized had to refresh live at 14 mins

Kay said...

Thanks for the Refreshing reminder !

magpie said...

Hey Lori Hi !

Prayers for all with the weather chaos...

Kay said...

Eagle on nest

magpie said...

Truder in from the top at 12

Kay said...


Kay said...

nosin' around in nest cup site, as usual !

Kay said...

he doesn't look quite as scruffy this morning. Tail feathers all nicely pressed ;o)

floralgirl said...

Morning :)
Today's nest weather - Mostly cloudy this morning...then partly sunny with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Highs in the lower 80s. South winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent.


Kay said...

Just looking all around, expecting Belle perhaps and she arrives !

floralgirl said...

Did you see that. Belle flew by the nest, whoops, and then she flew in!

floralgirl said...

Well, he is really bad at it, but hp again, if you want to call it that.

Kay said...

Yikes, he's at it again. He does believe in rough stuff, definitely HP

Kay said...

she's calm and sitting at high noon, begins to fiddle with flugg again and he's sitting quietly at 9o'clock position.

floralgirl said...

Belle flew out to the left

magpie said...

Belle out from the 11

I would have left a lot sooner if it was me!

Kay said...

Had to refresh and now Belle is gone. Truder still at 9 oclock and gazing around.

magpie said...

and I'm not sure I would come back !

Good Morning Megan
Thanks for the weather report

noticed last night Truder's spot looks like an angry pimple !

magpie said...

weather channel playing "Happy Together " by the Turtles

floralgirl said...

Truder flew out to the left

magpie said...

Truder out from the 8:30

Kay said...

he poofed at 6:31

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone. Been busy writing lesson plans and never brought the cam up. Looks like I missed a visit. :(

magpie said...

well DanaMo
your life has to come first...
there's always later, and tomorrow...

Best wishes for a good day everyone...

Kay said...

LOL on "Happy Together". Belle sure feels different about him than we do. She keeps coming back for more. The older woman working at teaching him about the facts of life in preparation for next nesting season ???

Hi Megan and thanks as always for the weather report !

Kay said...

Have a good day , Margy ! Get some rest !!!!

magpie said...

little blackbird under nest at the 8

daylight color is on

Kay said...

We've got color !

Kay said...

Is that the "black blob" at 12 o'clock ?

Kay said...

Hi DanaMO !

turtledove said...

There's a NEW THREAD.

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andy, the southern delegation, i.e. T-bird, EE Sissy and myself all say ditto to your post.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...