Saturday, April 16, 2011


Rain thread.

Looks like the eagle found across the river will be examined by some FWS folks from Chesapeake Bay Office.  We'll let you know what they come up with.


1 – 200 of 582   Newer›   Newest»
T-Bird said...

Well good morning.

T-Bird said...

I get to call everyone over. : )

T-Bird said...

Thanks Steve.

Linda said...

Good Morning!! Good time to catch the new thread!

T-Bird said...

Team Liberty!!

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread! Good morning Thelma!

Have read the paper, checked through fb and now off to eat breakfast and then do some house cleaning. Still miserable...nose itching and I'm sneezing, not to mention nose running. Pretty picture, huh?

Have a great Saturday! I boys are coming!!!! ☺ They will be surprised with their new blazers. I love it that they like to dress "like Daddy" and look nice for church.

See ya!

Lolly said...

Oh, forgot....


Mema Jo said...

Good Wet Morning everyone. Thank you
Steve for the fresh thread. I guess
I need to read previous thread and
hope to find out what 'the eagle across
the river' is about.

Lynne2 said...

Hey Jo! The eagle across the river is referring to the dead eagle found.

Hi Thelma! thanks for the call over!

Linda said...

Chrissy just sent a momsters email that Isla laid her second egg today!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and Thelma for calling us over.

I had just posted:
Good Morning to Everyone this wet morning.

Happy Birthday RockyR-Jenny ( :

Contragulations to Isla for 2nd egg!~!!! What a gal that Lady Isla is.

Megan so many names for the moon I too like "the Full Pink Moon" sounds beautiful.

KayIM I can't eat salads nor wheat things. They make me go to the loo many many times a day. Even if I would only take a bite. So wheat pasta and breads are out for me.

Margy hope your shift is over fast for you. I know how you love going and looking for wildflowers.

I remember the "poop shoot facial" but can't remember what type of bird it was. That was so funny lol

Well need to catch up a little on comments.

Saturday, April 16, 2011 10:20:00 AM

Yes when I first started blogging. My husband was worried for me to use my correct name. So since my middle name is Victoria I used Vicky. I really had forgotten about that. Don't even remember writing that poem but I do write poems. Then Vicky from Illnois came onboard. So I told my hubby I was going to use my correct first name Dana. That was Vicky and I wouldn't be gotten mixed up. lol it is funny now cause look how many Dana's there are lol

Mema Jo said...

Alright - I am confident it is the
same eagle found at Antietam Battlefield area near Sharpsburg.
For a moment I thought a second eagle
had been found - I forgot I had to
cross the river.

Linda said...

Found a rare picture from our backyard for a new bird avatar. I'm behind in posts and changes, but I'll catch up before long!!

This is a Northearn Wheater that passed through our yard last November. Don't know if the little avatar pic will do it justice, but what a beautiful bird!

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Isla

Happy Birthday Rocking Circle R Jenny Enjoy your special day

Linda said...

Whoops..........I spelled it wrong. Should be Northern Wheatear!

Mema Jo said...

T-Bird - Good to see you! Stay out
of the rain! I hope Bev's boat doesn't
sink! lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Seems like T-bird could have looked up and said new thread to me. :)

Good morning again.


wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for those that have lost their homes to those fires and for the fireman's family and friends. Terrible!!

Red contragulations to you and Diane ( :

You know I really don't think it truly matters how many years a person has been married. Don't get me wrong 50 yrs and so on it wonderful contragulatons. I think it is what the "two people have together". If I add mind all up I got 43 years of marrige although not to one person. Sure there was good times even with the
ex but the best of my life was when I married Ed. So is it truly the number or what people don't know with some marriages they just stay together for 50 yrs or more. I am not saying that is anyone's case on this blog. I'll take the 21yrs + 1yr lived together. That Ed told me to count that one year when he was dieing as we were married 22 years. Than I would 50 with someone that didn't love me as Ed did.

hedgie said...

Thanks for call over, Thelma!!!

Well, Chesapeake is a lot closer than Denver. Guess that means Craig Koppie or his crew?

Chrissy sent a pic of Isla's new egg on momster mail.

hedgie said...

Linda, that IS a lovely bird!

hedgie said...

Okay, Shar----so you and T-bird communicate well, huh??? LOL!!!!
She probably thought you were WORKING!

glo said...

LOL Sharon and sweet indeed Dana

Kay said...

Glo,Ice Fishing is a stunningly beautiful picture ! Unfortunately it does require a Facebook sign on in order to vote. :o( I wish you luck. In my opinion you have a winner there !

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn!! I got the wax story and just read it. LOL

Call me stupid, but what does it mean when you say someone got wax on the blog? Am I missing something?

T-Bird said...

Sorry Eagle-Eye.

Kay said...

WV Dana, what a bummer that you "can't eat salads nor wheat things". Do you have to buy gluton free stuff ?

hedgie said...

Linda, I'll let Sharon explain!!!

T-Bird said...

Hmm, to get dressed or not to get dressed? : )

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It was the off season and we were bored, so we decided that whoever got the comment on the 100s - 100, 200, 300, etc., they should be awarded a prize. This was around the same time the wax story went around so we thought the prize should be cans of wax.

Kay said...

T-Bird, I vote for NOT. At least I haven't done so yet ! Keep thinking I should, in case the kids come by or sumthin', but I just keep finding other, very important, things to do ! ☺

Linda said...

T-Bird - NOT!! Enjoy a pajama day!! It's raining, right?

glo said...

OK Thanks Kay. I am glad you could see it. Sorry you couldn't vote. I do have a copy of it hanging on my wall. I like ti too :-)

Kay said...

Sharon, do you think we should come up with a prize for the person who spots a new thread and calls everyone over ?

glo said...

Yep Vicky and I slid on in on wax a few years back. :-)

Lynne2 said...

WOW LINDA!!! That IS a rare bird!! Just looked it cool!

Steve and I will be very lucky if we get 20 years together, but I hope we do!

When I turned 40 with no prospects in sight of ever getting married, I jokingly said that I was going to throw myself a "Spinster Shower", sighting that once you get to that age without ever being married, it was only right to do so....why should only the Brides to Be have all the fun? And then since it was only about 12 weeks from first date to wedding date, no one even had a shower for me anyway :(

WV sUSAn said...

Have we seen anyone at our nest since the early visit?

Lynne2 said...

I think the prized for spotting a new thread should be a POOP SHOOT FACIAL!!! (a PSF!)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No one at the nest while I have been here.

T-Bird, you have to get dressed so you can get us some lunch.

Kay said...

Glo, do you have anything against do,re,mi,fa,so or la ? LOL

Kay said...

Lynne2, I'm all in favor of the Poop Shot Facial ! Goes right along with a good waxing !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle gangstas!

Lot's of sleep here - fell asleep at 8:30 then woke up at 3am -- ambled for an hour and went back to bed, then up again at 9:30! I hate missing a sunrise.

All caught up on the blog now. What an awesome group of people we have here. ((( Big Hugs )))

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I first signed into my facebook page. Then I went to your link for Scott. When I click to vote it came up wanting all my information I "declined". Does my vote still count. Same thing happened when I click on vote for your picture?????????

I really had forgotten until I seen where it was said I was once wvgal_vicky. Then it all refreshed my memory. Funny how scared my hubby was for me on the internet at that time. lol

Kay said...

Lynne2, what is your December anniversary date ? Stan and I were married on the 17th. So glad you waited and got just THE right guy !

Linda said...

Thanks, Sharon, for explaining the WAX on the forum. I think I remembered that a while back, but never got the WAX story!!

Lynne2 - That bird was just perched in the back yard one day and my husband got as good of a picture as he could. Then we had to look it up to figure out what it was. Haven't seen it since............

Lori O. said...

So happy to hear both Belle and Truder were here this morning.

KayIM - think deeply then share your willpower secrets with us. There has to have been something that you lost the weight.

LOLLY - I am still giggling about your fantasy of going to the Dr. and her telling you that you have to gain weight! I would post that on a billboard in Times Sq. if that happened to me!

WV sUSAn said...

Got watch Isla lay #2. Nary a peep except for the ducks flying over. She puffed up for a couple minutes and there it was!!! I guess #60 is easier. NOT

Decorah is snow covered. Wow. After the terrible storm yesterday, then snow today, they are having quite a wkend of weather.

WV sUSAn said...

EJ shd be next for a second egg if she can keep Odin off her back. Haha. He's a busy boy!

T-Bird said...

Oh, okay Eagle-Eye.

Lynne2 said...

yep, WAX, and PSF...keeping all in the name of beauty!

Kay that is great you were able to loose the weight to control the diabetes! I was diagnosed with Hyperinsulinanemia 2 years ago, which is a pre-diabetic condition, and I have not taken it seriously. I'm trying to do that now.

Linda said...

I can't even get to the Decorah site.

Lynne2 said...

thank goodness your hubby was ready with the camera Linda!!!

T-Bird said...

I know, I can't wait Mema Jo. Sure is cool and windy here this morning.

Lori O. said...

Dana WV I always want to give you a hug. From losing my Perry I can tell you that you never forget, your memories just become happier over time. Losing someone to a long illness and seeing them through it is the greatest gift you could ever give Ed. Of all my life, I think taking care of Perry through cancer was the most important thing I've ever done in my life.

Kay said...

T-Bird, stay in your P.J.'s and call for pizza delivery. Sharon can answer the door !!!

Lori, I guess the doc and literature put a fear in me when I read about all the dire side effects of the disease. I also hate taking any more pills than necessary and sure didn't relish the idea of "shooting" myself daily.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon one and all home for lunch boy was it nice at work so many hugs telling me I can't ever go on vacation again or if I do they all want to go the same time as me so many issue Wow the tree is swaying so much now getting dizzy looking at it LOL BBL

hedgie said...

Oh no----sleet or freezing rain mixed in here now.....48°---go figure. Guess it's colder upstairs.

stronghunter said...

Brought over. I do not know why I posted this on Friday's thread.

stronghunter said...
Okay, Glo, I hope I did it right. I voted for Ice Fishing.

Saturday, April 16, 2011 11:48:00 AM

Lynne2 said...

oh Lori, I'm so sorry for your loss. I saw when I friended you on FB that you were a widow, but I didn't want to be nosy and ask. ((((HUGS))))

stronghunter said...

The poop shoot facial story is the one I think I got rather than the current wax story.

I don't think I want to do that either.

Judie said...

Good very late morning to all.

Thank you Steve and Thelma.

I see Decorah has snow, Jason has been return to NABC, some female eagle seems to be moving in at the Maine nest but am not up-to-date on that, NBG rain, Phoebe is basking in the sunlight, our nest MT, raining and cold here in VA.

Congratulations to Isla.

Have a nice day, Lolly. Hope you get some relief.

Good morning, Jo. Yes, same eagle.

So like the name Victoria but I like Dana, also.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE Makes a welcome back worth the time off! You'll have to do that again

Martinsburg - You're coming up in Style
Ground broken on Macy's Inc. in Martinsburg, W.Va

Kay said...

Lynne2, oh please, do take it very seriously ! In my case I don't want the kids to ever say "why didn't she take care of herself?". That's what my sister and I said when we lost our dear mother when she was only 45 and had ignored a growth growing in her abdomen until it was too late. 30 years later my sisses family and I would agonize the same way when she died of colon cancer after ignoring symptoms. I made a resolution to change that family habit, so far, so good.

Lori, I, of course, had no idea you'd suffered the same loss Dana and I experienced. You are so right about about seeing someone through a terminal illness and feeling good about having done so. I was primary care giver for Mother, Karen and Stan and I've never regretted a moment of it. We can all rest easy knowing we did the right thing.

Lori O. said...

Me too. Voted for GLO & SCOTT's pictures.

Still need to read JO's link on the NCTC stuff.

wvgal_dana said...

I have a friend that stayed married for 46 years. She was married to an alcoholic all those years. Many times thought of divorce but they never did. He didn't have a good word to say about her (he was mean). When he
died she told me, "I have tried and tried to thing of something good to say about him but I can't". She later was with a man for 6 years and with his passing she is going through something she never went through before. Missing and loosing someone that she loved, had good memories with and had a special bond in love with this person. She is having a hard time with loosing the man of 6 years who she was never married to due to Social Security.

Well she can say, "I was married 46years". I am just saying a lot of times people just stay together and you or me don't know how their marriage was. Her best years was with the person of 6 years.

hedgie said...

LOL, Lynne---Wanda is too busy to do the facials anymore!!

Sorry you never got a shower...what is wrong with your friends??

I never get PJ days anymore....with a neighbor so close, I can't go out to get papers in the morning in my nightclothes, so now always get dressed as soon as I get up. Hate it!

Going out this afternoon with Caro (Jewels) and Jess for a bite of lunch and to pick out their glasses. Hoping that WalMart has a decent frame selection---surely less expensive there than at the optical businesses. NOT a nice day to be out and about....but have to work around her crazy work schedule.

stronghunter said...

Oh, wow, it looks positively wicked at Decorah. And that wind is fierce.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Judie.... Margy sent pic to me
from the sUSAn event at the Rumsey.
I wish you would get one just like it.
They may not let us sit side-by-side
ever again cause we were having too
much fun! lol

hedgie said...

Lori----no sunrise to observe today! Good that you caught up on some sleep!

stronghunter said...

I need a little help figuring out how to vote for Scott's picture.

wvgal_dana said...

Going to lie down awhile. I put drops in my eyes. Oh how I'd love to say, "remove the thumb print scanner for Dana". I sprayed weed and grass killer under the fence yesterday. Did not have to been over. Just walking the uneven ground and pressing the sprayer. My hands,fingers, arms, back, legs, neck my hold body feels like it has been in a wreck and it is the next day after the wreck.

Took to Tylenol and will lie down awhile.

I will catch up again.

Lynne2 said...

Feel better Dana!

grannyblt said...

GM all--or is it afternoon.I have 590 e-mails to read. I should know better than to check the box that says e-mail replies to posts. See ya all later.......

Lynne2 said...

there are White Throated and Song Sparrows just singing up a storm (ha ha! no pun intended) outside here!

stronghunter said...

Hope you feel better soon, Dana.

Lynne2 said...

oh my! happy reading Lynne1 !

hedgie said...

Lori, so sorry about Perry. Think this is the first I've heard you mention that. Must have been---and still is---very hard for you. (((HUGS)))

Sharon and Thelma....if you tell me that you are in the same room and still "talking" to each other on here, I'm gonna fall off my chair laughing!

Kay said...

WVDana, you're right, it's quality rather than quantity. At the same time, I do have great admiration for those momsters/dadsters who are celebrating many wonderful years with their mates.

Lynne2, I'm really high on our PSF idea, hope we hear from others on the topic. "So n' So got the PSF", oh yeah !

Shirley, I don't think there is a Poop Shot Facial story. Lynne and I are just trying to get one going !

Lori O. said...

Lynn - Put on a robe and just get the paper.
But I understand. I got this place - 4 acres and woods - cause I didn't want to see anyone if I wanted to get the paper naked!
LOL! That's a pic that'll scare the H-E-double-toothpick out of you! Now, of course, I read everything online.

Kay - your daily BIG HUG♥

Mema Jo said...

Dana - I pray that the scenarios of unhappy 'Marriage in Years' concerns a
small minority. There would be so many unhappy couples in the world if this were true.

stronghunter said...

Hugs, Lori.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - I didn't know you were a
'naked paper getter'! ROFL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I actually just have to move my head about 1 inch in order to get a visual on T-Bird. I am in the office/dining room and she is in the living room about 7 feet away. :)

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo....just hope Macy's stays for the long haul. Many come in big guns, and then fizzle out!
Dr. was asking me about GM the other day....1500 employees when I started in '78 (plant opened in '68) only 80.
Corning gone, 3M gone, Verizon warehouse gone.....very sad.

Judie said...

Linda, beautiful bird. Never even heard of a Northern Wheatear. Need to look up some information.

Sharon, maybe you and Thelma could try two tin cans with a string?

Well, if y'all don't mind, I will just say "pass the wax and poop shoot facial" after I slam the door shut.

This is, indeed, a very lazy day. Even if I couldn't see or hear the rain, my joints are letting me know.

Need to get back to tweaking the exam answer choices. Makes my brain tired.


magpie said...

Good Afternoon, East Coast Time

halfway through the shift,
LOL if Jewels was working same shift with me...we could talk back and forth on the Blog t-Bird and Sharon are !

love that Northern Wheatear PA-Lynn Linda !!
and Jo's House Finch, and all the same old avatars as well

stronghunter said...

It is really windy here. Both of my daughters are out on the road somewhere. I will be glad when they are here. Of course, we plan to go right back out again. Suzi needs new tires; we are going to Costco.

JudyEddy said...

Just noticed on Facebook that Nilla Janet L Kolb is not longer on it either when Nctc went so did she and we just became friend on Facebook Hmmm I hope everything is ok any one know anything!/USFWSNCTC

National Conservation Training Center.. is a new facebook page or could be old but I just found it - if any interested in it shows Nctc updates YEAH

Ok back to work YUK

Lori O. said...

Thanks Lynn. Perry was the love of my life. Married once before at 27 and knew it wasn't love but figured it didn't get any better. Divorced 4 years later. I never knew whatPerry & I had really existed for anyone. I always tell everyone I had to wait until I was 42 to find Mr Perfect...

Kate's home have to go haul groceries.

Mema Jo said...

PSF was when we were a 'small' group.
There was an article in a newspaper brought to our attention by Mits (a momster) and Wanda took off with it.
She would post a before and after pic
of the person and all of them were
hilarious. Doubtful that it could be
accomplished in our present day blog.
BUT nothing is impossible if the 2 of
you can get something new going. We
are a FUN group!

Lynne2 said...

oh Sharon, don't strain yourself moving an inch to see might fall off the chair!

stronghunter said...

Well, I have been going out to the mailbox in my pj's for quite awhile. I have student who come to school in pj's. I won't be doing that.

And my students can't see me go to the mailbox. I live too far away from them.

stronghunter said...

Bloody beak on the Decorah eagle, and something bloody behind her.

stronghunter said...

That's "students."

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - Nilla, Janet, was one in the
1st Momsters group. If you go to our E_M photo albums of Nest visits or Open
House activies I'm sure you will find

magpie said...

I shall get you a copy of that picture Jo mentioned...
want to post them on my blog too but will try to send out hard copies first...
it is a pretty fun capture ☺

okay must get back to work...

Hope everyone enjoys what it is on their dance cards today, and if not..that whatever is gets done PRONTO

stronghunter said...

Not too long since Nilla posted on here.

Kay said...

Fun reading about various newspaper retrieval ideas ! I have a young woman who places my paper right on my doorstep inside the locked and common entry we and two other residents share. She's out early with a dog. On days when she's away I just don a robe and get it myself, feeling sure the neighbors have seen worse sights !

MemaJo, didn't realize there really was a PSF story ! Lynne2 and I were just trying to come up with something to award the person calling others over to a new thread. Seems an important task and worth receiving a PSF for ! No pictures needed, however !

hedgie said... is your Sat. going? Besides damp?? your middle name Victoria??? Something tells me it is....I love it, too!

Judie said...

Lynn, have fun with Carolyn and Jess. Never checked frames anywhere. I've used the same two pairs of frames for years -- just insert new "seeing" part.

Jo, I don't need to see a picture to know we were having too much fun! However, save the picture and bring it for me to see next time we have too much fun together.

Dana, hope the Tylenol works quickly. Feel better.

Hi Shirley. How are you feeling this weekend? More optimistic, I hope.

Okay, I really do have to leave now. I'll close the door quietly.

stronghunter said...

Feeding at Decorah.

Kay said...

Yikes, it's afternoon, time flies... Now I really will get dressed and try to accomplish something before Seth arrives for our usual Sat/Sun time together. Won't be around for the evening nest visitation watch, but will catch up tomorrow.

Feel better WV Dana and any of you suffering with some aches, pains or angst today !

hedgie said...

Okay, Shar-----then T-bird just knows not to talk when you're working! Got it!

stronghunter said...

Reasonably optimistic, Judie.

I am looking forward to seeing Suzi soon.

Judie said...

Lordy, I just do NOT want to mess with that exam. Thank you everyone for providing me with an great excuse!

No, middle is Marie.

Many thanks, Margy. Received your mail and will respond.

I really am leaving this time. I mean it!

Red said...

Good morning everyone. I'm just lurking today. :) ☺

hedgie said...

Judie, this is first glasses for both of them! Even tho' my "dress" glasses get new frames every other year, I just replaced my everyday frames for the first time in 6 years!

hedgie said...

That is really strange that Nilla left FB. WOnder what that's all about. Glo or Robyn....any idea???

stronghunter said...

Hello, Lurking Red.

Linda said...

I saw the oldest eaglet at Decorah take he own food last night. The fish parts were right outside the nest cup and he just reached up and started chomping down!! What a riot. I don't think I've seen an eaglet take food on its own that young, in my short time viewing them.

hedgie said...

Hope things are safe where NCSuzan is....severe warnings out for Raleigh Co.---assume that Raleigh in is that Co.

glo said...

Thanks to those who have voted. I have no idea if you don't allow facebook access if your vote will count. Probably not since it appears they are promoting the contest. I am now in 5th for votes and views so many are helping out. I really don't care nor do I think I have a chance for that Grand Prize. A book would be nice though especially if Peter Lik would sign it :-) and I am sure I could learn lots. Its fun to enter and see how you do though especially since I have neither a studio nor Professional quality equipment. I do have eagles and a nice camera, some experience with them and tolerate cold so it works for me :-)

NatureNut said...

Hope Sat. is Happy for everyone, even if wet! Talked to our friends from Paw Paw & they got a LOT of rain. It and the crabapple petals are blowing uphill!!! That means from the south.

Re: Linda's wheatear--few years ago Margy got a pic of the Finland (land) osprey nest that had a strange bird in it. I showed it to Park naturalist, Greg K. and it was a wheatear. Not sure if exact species---(pic in old dead 'puter)

I'll have to ask Greg if he knows anything about the eagle. He knows Craig Koppie.

Lynne2 said...

Tornado watches now in effect for southern VA and much of NC.....stay safe y'all.

stronghunter said...

Don't think there is a Raleigh County in NC, Lynn. Must be the city of Raleigh.

Linda said...

Loretta - It sure is a beautiful bird. At first I thought it was a cedar wax wing, but quickly realized it wasn't!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Technically Red, if you post, that makes you a nonlurker.

hedgie said...

Looks like that big, bad cell is close to Shar and T-bird, too, and heading your way, Shirley.

Judie said...

Just checked the ospreys and both nests are occupied and adults are posing for our viewing pleasure.

Glo, I don't belong to any social networks except this blog but I do wish you success in the contest.

Need to turn on weather channel as the dreary rain is turning to darker and darker. Darth is out hunting for food (and getting his "do" did) so I hope he won't be out much longer.

Good for you, Lynn. I just cannot bring myself to pay for frames when the ones I have are perfectly good.

Hi Lowreeda! Let us know if you find out anything about the eagle.

Off to the weather channel...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I will call Nilla as soon as I get off work.

hedgie said...

Okay, weather guy said Randolph Co....guess my ears weren't open!
I think WV has a Randolph Co., too!

stronghunter said...

Raleigh is in Wake County.

Judie said...

I think Red posting he is just lurking was a trick -- see if we're paying

hedgie said...

Hey, Facebookers: did you know this?
Helpful FB hint of the day: When writing a post, if you want multiple paragraphs, hit "shift + enter" twice to create a paragraph break. :)

stronghunter said...

NC storms are honing in on Greensboro. And, yes, we might get some storms here.

I am heading out to meet Suzi at Costco. She will need my card to get her tires.


hedgie said...

Check this out: short but cool.

About Dr. Sharpe

Lori O. said...

Oh my, Shirley. Costco on a Saturday. I always laugh about the people who eat th eir way around the store trying all the food don't eat too much. :)

Lori O. said...

Can't wait to watch the Dr. Sharpe video. What an awesome job he has and a great job he does with the Channel Island eagles.

WV sUSAn said...

Linda. E1 at Decorah is a beast. She's liable to eat one of her sins before it's over!!

Margy. You are such a sweetheart. Tks for card and pics. Will pass one along to MIL!!!

Get in here Red.

DanaMo said...

Hedgie, I live in a neighborhood and I don't care who sees me in my PJ's! LOL! I do it all the time.

I think these days there are less people who stay in unhappy marriages. Years ago I think it was more the norm to stay in it because it was what they felt they should do or because of children, or whatever...I don't think that is the case these days. I'm in it because of love...:) but we are only married 21 years so far. I can't imagine life without my husband and I take that as a sign that we will be together for a long time. As for my parents, I think that they are attached. I suspect that organs such as heart and lungs as well as bones are all somehow connected. One could not function without the other!! LOL

DanaMo said...

Anyone else ready to have that sound back!!!!

Lori O. said...

Glo - I clicked the PUBLISH button for your picture so hopefully it will go out and more people will vote for it. There's so many wildlife lovers out there - can't imagine they won't.


hedgie said...

Another cam that I CAN'T open.
Falcon nest with eggs ready to hatch, James River, VA:
Falcon Cam

hedgie said...

DanaMo-----don't hold your breath about the sound!!! frankly, I'd rather have the better image than sound at this eaglets to listen to....:(

hedgie said...

For newbies who don't know....Dr. Sharpe is THE eagle expert! He scales mountainous crags to reach lofty aeries to band eaglets, or to remove eggs for incubation (replacing them with wooden ones) and then returning eaglets to the nests. He is responsible for the great recovery of the eagle population on the Channels and Catalinas isles.

glo said...

Thanks Lori I think we need to connect on facebook. I can't even go to your wall to thank you. I know you saw it here but not sure what name to even look for. Send me an email with your name and I will send friend request. Your vote will count and all your friends whether or not we connect. Would just like to.

Thanks Judie for the well wishes. Not too sure I have any real chance but its still fun to try. I hope you clicked the link to see the photo anyway. You can do that without being on Facebook.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - I don't know where Nilla went..
I see what you mean. She always played
the games and had her own page. I'll email her and ask

hedgie said...

Tornado watch out for us and all surrounding areas.

hedgie said...

That's DC, too!!

Lolly said...

House cleaning done, now to clean up my personal appearance.

As for getting the newspaper, on Sunday morning if I am the first up, I get the paper in my pj's with a robe on. So be it! And, it is a long walk down the drive. So be it! Least I am not looking at me! The rest of the time, well I get dressed first thing. Do not leave the bedroom not dressed and that is Jack's enfluence!

Now, as for marriage. Been in it almost 46 years for LOVE! Jack is my best friend, pal, and lover! One could not ask for a better Jubby!

Lolly said...

See your weather...hang on to your hats!

glo said...

Yes I tried to message Nilla about the photo contest and thats how I found out she isn't on facebook anymore. I hope it is not a health issue. She does struggle with that at times.

hedgie said...

Shutting down....Carolyn should be here any minute. See you all later today. Stay safe!

Lolly said...

Oh and Lynn, I did see your post..."Shhh, don't tell Lolly"! LOL I am now at 3 hrs 33 min. Wahoooo! Of course, there is not bird to see. I do see the nest blowing in the wind.

glo said...

Gosh all of you out east please listen to the weather and take appropriate precautions. Be safe and check back in.

DanaMo said...

WOW Hagerstown included in that Watch...I always forget the difference between a watch and a warning. Does the watch mean conditions are in place??? then a warning is...?

DanaMo said...

New avatar-Adam (son #3) and Boomerang. I needed a change from the chicks.

Mema Jo said...

Breaking away for a while.....

glo said...

Yes DanaMo it means watch and listen etc etc. warning me Its here take cover

DanaMo said...

Thanks...I'll sign off for now. Everyone stay safe.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Was posting on the wrong page. Just had a tornado siren go off in Bedford and then it stopped. What do you do in that instance? We didn't have tornadoes in Bluefield.

Liz said...

am i the only one seeing 2 birds in the nest? Turd at the 12 position, Bell at 5, eating something.

Liz said...

Turd poofed. Belle still eating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes you were and now there are 2 of us. Belle is eating.

Liz said...

Belle poof. whatever she ate was small. no nestovers.

movin said...




What's the haps??

We are "enjoying" a too-hot-suddenly spell in So Cal. But at least the desert winds have not been the high speed kind that sandblast your face when you step outdoors ... yet.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn Dr. Sharpe link did not work for me. Took me to how to set up a slideshow.

Did it work for anyone?

Thank you back and feeling a little better. Now if I don't fly where to hide. lol

Judie said...

Hi Dana. I got the same thing when I opened the Dr. Sharpe link but a second attempt worked just fine. Try again.

Hi Jim. Well, don't know if the sandy wind is any better or worse than severe storms/tornado warnings.

Think Liz and Sharon are hallucinating. I checked right after Liz's post > empty nest. Just can't get the timing right.

Lynne2 said...

DanaMo, a WATCH means that conditions are favorable, a WARNING means it's eminent.

Wow Sharon, that's scary!

I've been out to the GROSSery store. What a mess out there! But the worse it to come....

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Sweet Judie ( :

I do want everyone to understand. That I do take seriously our Momsters and Dadsters that have a long wonderful marriage !!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I got with the avatar program.

Lynne2 said...

the tornado watch technically doesn't include us in this part of Baltimore Co....but includes just a hair north of us, west and also south of us.

Lynne2 said...

oooooo Beautiful Cardinal DanaWV! Jo's gonna love it!

Lynne2 said...

oh they just updated and we are now included.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I went back and voted and let it publish to my facebook. So you got my vote now ( :

Lynne2 said...

got the weather radio on.

Judie said...

WOW! Dana, Jo is going to be soooooo jealous! Beautiful cardinal avatar.

wvgal_dana said...

Bad thunder so I am shutting down hope to come back.

If this is a tornado then I'll end up where the other stuff is look for me there PLEASE ( : HUGS TO YOU ALL!!!!!

Linda said...

Okay, so how am I supposed to try and lose weight with the smell of fresh homemade bread in the oven??

My husband makes it about every other day. Ugh!!!

movin said...

Yes, Dana, the link opened a piece on Dr. Sharpe for me.... Gotta find my magnifier before I can read the tiny text though.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

oh no, tornado warning for Raleigh NC.....RUN FOR THE BASEMENT SUZAN

Lynne2 said...

Was Lynn going out with Carolyn?

Lynne2 said...

bad cell coming at the general DC area, then us....

Lynne2 said...

Hey Linda, tell your husband to knock it off! LOL!

Linda said...

Some supporter he is, huh??

Be safe!

Lynne2 said...


movin said...

Has anyone been following the Maine nest??

I just tuned in, and it appears they are incubating some eggs.

Apparently the "usual challenges" didn't succeed this year, and they were able to get a nesting season started this year.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Jim, I think I have this right...the Maine nest had an intruder, the female was gone for a few days. She is back but last I read she wasn't really incubating. I don't think the eggs are viable. Very sad. But the male I think has been trying to incubate. Hope I have my fact straight...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That sounds correct Lynne2. Just more crap in this crappy year.

NatureNut said...

OMG, after months of trying, I almost finally got new blog acct. open for LOtL. When I hit connect or something everything in house blew away!!!!! Guess wind knocked out power & I thought it was Scotland!! LOL
Just now, got a black & white "Safe Mode" error screen when turning on 'puter!!!And we have surge protecter.
No rain now, just wind but also thunder. Maybe I should even unplug everything!!
We don't have rain anymore

Lynne2 said...

NWS Severe T storm warning for counties in South Central Pa.

Lynne2 said...

thanks Sharon. Crappy is right.

Loretta, don't let your guard down....lots of storms on the move.

NatureNut said...

End of post was line that got lost in the mix!

Thx, Lynne for weather reports.Car races on our TV!Duh Stopped raining in AL!!!

NatureNut said...

Really windy, gonna shut down for awhile. Hate to lose a month old 'puter! ☺

WV sUSAn said...

Oh boy. Two for two. EJJ has egg #2. Yippeeeee

movin said...

You know, back in Minnesota and surrounding prairie areas, they used to have "storm cellars" and basements in the older style frame houses, and they came in handy in situations like what's going on in your area.

Do they have anything like that back East??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

some older places do I'm sure Jim, but most just have regular basements! Which works!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say "Howdy."

Got home from breakfast out just a while ago, and have been attempting to get caught up. Have decided there's no way. Have tons of transcription to get done, so have to get busy.

WV Dana, hope you feel even better, really quickly! Prayers!

Boy, it's really unseasonably WARM here today! Think it's about 87 outside right now! Hope it's cooler tomorrow!

Well, better get BUSY. Will check in later. Hope everyone's having a good Saturday! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--almost forgot!

Happy Birthday to Rocking Circle R Jenny!


Congratulations to Isla!!!!

TEAM LIBERTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

a tornado has inflicted heavy damage in the Raleigh area per the Weather Channel. Sure hope Suzan is OK. Now they bad storms are heading towards Candy.

Red said...

sounds like you all have the weather I had yesterday.

Lynne2 said...

yeah Red, it's getting a bit dicey around here.

Linda said...

My hope is we're not hearing from many because they've shut down due to the storms. Prayers that everyone is okay. We've surely had some powerful weather this year!

Linda said...

Lynne2 - Is it bad where you are? We're expecting storms later this evening, but the wind has been howling all day.

Hope Shirley made it back home from Costco without incident. Anyone who had to go out probably didn't have fun!

Mema Jo said...

It has stopped raining and no more lightening/thundering here in
Frederick County, MD. No wind at this time.
Call from family at Ft Bragg that the
tornado went through but that they are
safe! It was a quick call - details later.
This weather is enough to keep us inside and not going to Mass. We're still praying, don't get me wrong.

Lynne2 said...

it's starting to get bad here Linda...wind really picking up and pouring, starting to hear thunder, but it looks like the line of storms is starting to break up just a bit so I'm hoping we miss the really severe stuff.

Linda said...

What is that rather fat looking thing Dad brought back to the Decorah nest? Maybe some type of larger bird?

The wind is really whipping at NBG, too. Mom looks worried, is standing over the eaglets, who don't look to be moving around too much. Hope all is well. I guess they stay low in these storms.

Judie said...

Not to worry, Dana. I'll know just where to find you but you'd better not have the crock pot lid or the shiny garland in your possession. Evidence, you know.

Linda, will send address pronto and eagerly await the arrive of fresh-baked bread.

Jo, glad the Ft. Bragg gang is okay. Stay safe, please. Need more funny pictures together! I believe prayers are accepted regardless of the senders location.

Hi Andy, hope you get your transcription finished.

Prayer for Suzan and Candy.

Serious weather here now so shutting down. Everyone use caution. BBL

Red said...

I can't get to the Decorah nest cam. Anyone else having problems with it?

Linda said...

Judy - Thanks for saving me the calories of the fresh baked bread!! It's just so nice to know so many people here care!

Linda said...

Red - I usually go to the raptor resource web page, but couldn't get it to work today.

Try Decorah Eagles

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 582   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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