Gosh its a great day except for the stinkin snow but its gone too just cold. However. I reconnected with a long lost friend I hadn't seen in years. We visited and caught up on our now adult kids etc. Then 2 hours later I checked to see how my photo is doing and I am on the first page now in 4th place. I am so excited. I still have no real high hopes. I am out traveled and out camera geared etc but I also do believe in miracles so MTBR. Thanks to all who have voted or will vote Folks love eagles so once I got to page 1 I think it will be easier to get the stranger vote which is so needed in a Peter Lik contest. If you get the Weather Channel and many of you do, watch him at 8pm eastern or 7 central on Thurs nights. Famous fantastic photographer.
All of you on the East Coast need to be signing in and letting us know you are ok as these storms pass by. What a 3 days of weather it has been indeed. Wish it would all just stop and be nice and springlike!!!
PA-Lynn its ok Wax is a good thing.Use it on the car. We used to race to be the one who got wax. and in really slow times we would go for 1/2 and sometimes 1/4 container of wax :-) This BLOG has always done what it needs to do to get by.
Weather is crazy! Old Town ALexandria is flooded (not unusual!). There may have been a tornado in PawPaw, Loretta...hear the "take cover" warning on Carolyn's phone while we were driving. Tornado DID hit Raleigh and surrounds.....destroyed a Lowe's. Probably lots of other places....NC SUZAN...ARE YOU OKAY???
Yep, SHar....I would take cover even if the siren stopped!!
Sorry to hear that Paula - Well not that you're at the Ott House and staying dry! Are Michael and girlfriend with you or headed home. Glad the party went well for that little gal! My NC news was that tornado did go through Ft Bragg but other then phone line down - my Bragg Bunch is safe! Thank you Lord.
DanaWV....the Dr. Sharpe thing IS a slideshow. Worked fine for me! You don't do anything...just wait for it to start and then it "plays" through.
Jim, I'd say about half of the homes back here have basements....but not in Florida...and probably other "coastal" areas don't. Can dig a basement in sand.
Storm cellars per say----which technically are free dug away from any buildings, are pretty much a thing of the past. They were rural things until the Cold War when some people dug them as bomb shelters! Would be curious to know how many are left!
Jo, didn't hear about Bragg! Glad everything is okay. If it hit there, them hopefully it stayed south of OBX and all is well with Candy.
Rains have been terrible, for sure. Thunder was bad while we were in WalMart. Lots of road closures and small stream flooding. I even have a small rill forming in the owods behind the house....makes it look like a wet weather stream.....have never seen it do that before!
Hi everyone on this wet Saturday. Is it time to build the ark? Does anyone, besides ducks, like this weather?
I'm REALLY ready for Spring and especially sunshine.
WVDana hope you feel better fast. This weather wrecks havoc on us.
Did anyone ever receive a phone call from their doctor on a Saturday? I did. My culture came back with lots of bacteria - yuk! Guess I did wait too long. I am feeling better so I'll continue with the cipro and hope that's it-done!
Was it Shirley or Andy doing last minute taxes? Hope they can get them in on time.
We finally got our federal refund. Even due an additional refund from last year due to our losses in our retirement fund. Just hope there's enough left when Jim decides to retire and the kids are gone - for good.
Another band is near...thundering and lightening again. Rain getting harder again. Is this ever gonna end??
We ate at a pizza buffet....had all my favs: Mexican, supreme, sausage, bacon, pepperoni! Plus yummy garlic bread w/ a marinara sauce. Don't think I'll need dinner tonight.
Pa Nana Well today it was only a snow squall or 2 that didn't stick but it was cold and windy indeed. In the winter he does ok I guess. Its tough though once it gets up to his belly or if the temps get so cold it hurts his feet.
Hi! Guess some of you are about to be in the middle of this storm. It came through here like nothing I have ever seen. Be careful. We just had one last flash of rain and then the sun came out. What can you say about Mother Nature!!!
Thanks all for your concern. I am on the eastern side of Raleigh so we fared better. Lots of tornadoes were here I heard. Very strange weather. Headed your way. Pay attention to the weatherman.
I think the storm is finally letting up here. I can still hear thunder in the distance and it has stopped raining. Rain really poured and lightning was sharp...had to make my bath short!
Gene and I got the Clothes Closet completely finished! 7 huge garbage bags of clothes, had to be put on hangers and some things thrown away. I think we should offer our guests nice things that are clean and no holes. What a relief that is...it was so messy in that room...didn't want the preacher to say "I told you so!" (He said it would be too much work) That is why I asked the congregation to bring the clothing on hangers. COME ON PEOPLE! Shame on them:(
My sister Roanoke Mary drove up through all that mess, called her from work to make SURE she was aware of the tornado warnings in her driving route... she is now IN FREDERICK MD - going to visit her son on Mercantile Drive West off 340 - - geeze, hope she is paying attention !
Glad NC Suzan is Okay! and hope that everyone else will be also !
I have posted 2 photos on my Just For Fun blog that Karla took while she is trying to get home. So far, she can't find a road that isn't flooded. Hope she doesn't have the baby!
Paula I hope you and your family are all OK, disturbing to hear about the weather conditions and I put you in the Light and wish you the best. A busy day for me with the Canadian Federation of University Women... We had an excellent presentation on the importance of farms and Food Citizenship. I also went to yoga and just got back. Our weather forecast speaks of more snow on the way tomorrow!!! I missed the visits today but was glad to read of them. Thank you Steve for the update as to who is going to examine the dead eagle and that we will be updated when you know more.
Tracey and Gail are now under a Tornado WARNING...just called them both. Gail was wathcing a movie and didn't know. She's heading to the basement. Tracey isn't answering the phone.
Our skies looked clear when hubby & I got in the car and wanted to make a quick trip to Walmart. All was well until we were in the check out line and looked outside. That sideways rain and lightening.... Oh My! We waited and thank goodness our car was right up front - so hubby ran to it and then swung around to get me. Had stopped by the time we got on the hgwy but it was a slow safe ride home.
Whew, relieved to hear of more of our Gang being okay ! About freaked when all those tornado warning messages started coming in at work "Bedford" was not a welcome word to read.... Hi Sharon and T-Bird !
Lynne2 I live in Nelson, British Columbia and I was born and lived in Egypt and studied in the United States, Oklahoma, Iowa, Colorado and vacationed in Cape Cod...I am an AFS student from 1967...do you all know of the AFS? American Field Service International Scholarships? My American Family Nathaniel Horton Batchelders are my connection to the USA. I lived with my American family and they continued to be Mom and Dad till they passed and now my siblings in the US are my family. My birth family has already crossed the veil and I only have one birth sister left, she is in Egypt...Oh this is part of my life story....sorry I needed to explain because to simply say Nelson BC would not give you an accurate idea especially with a name like Hoda. It means Serenity in the Light of God...I am still working on the serenity part I like to joke...
JO I am going to Frederick in the morning...will shout out a big out loud Hello while driving ! Am going to meet several relatives-in-law (nephews and nieces ) and a few "grands" same category Sister Roanoke Mary - her family... It's a birthday party !
Hoda - you are a very interesting person! I do remember AFS students during my school years. I am so glad you have joined with us - We can be a family for you ♥
Sharon, of the Eagle Eyes...and a BEAUTIFUL SATE you live in so many lovely pictures and stories from there...how lucky can you get...I hope you are all safe from the weather and that it improves soon...
I am going to try to get to bed early...picked a great night for that, there is some kind of party upstairs, lots of bowling balls.... (not really, but it sounds like it)
Will continue to pray for safety for all in this storm's path, too many fatality reports in NC - very very sad.... As Sissy and Sharon often have said, life can turn on a dime
God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥
that would be BEAUTIFUL STATE you live in Virginai, West Virginia...
Mema Jo thank you for your kind words, I already feel close by visiting with you all on this site and I feel fortunate...thank you. I am glad you made a safe trip on the highway and I hope you all come home safe and sound...I send prayers your way...
I'm back....I think the storms are over....I hope!
Had a very rude awakening.....was napping and came awake feeling something biting my chin. Grabbed and threw.....no idea what it was, BUT...I'm sure I DO know what it was. Very unsettling to me......Still o the edge of hysteria.
NCSuzan...so glad that you are okay. Warnings got real intense.....Culpeper----Shirley, hope your school and students are all okay. Then Frederick....worried about Jo and Paula.....so far, haven't heard of any touchdowns. Paula, you have a creek to cross to get in to your development, don't you?
Roads closures galore....no way in or out of Charles Town on the east or north; can only head west to S'town or hereabouts, or south toward Winchester. Christie got home fro Glen Burnie on 340 just before they closed it, Jo.
Hoda, thanks so much for filling us in on your heritage. Lovely meaning---I always wondered about it because Hoda Kotb on television here in the States. I, too, remember AFS...we always had several students at my high school, and they all were great, well-rounded kids! And BRAINY, too!
Thanks, Lynne2.....you know how I feel about those critters. I think it may take some PB/Choco ice cream to settle me down.
Diann, how come your furnace didn't qualify for the tax credit? Speaking of which...we haven't heard from BEagle in a long time...wonder if hers did? Was it based on date of installation??
Margy....were you still working when someone called and said that Back Creek bridge was in trouble? LOL----we had just crossed it. Turned and went back to double check and it was fine! Which we knew it was, because creek was really not up at all compared to what we've seen before!!
Lynne2 Grand Ma Batchelder did the relief work around the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC...Daniel French commissioned her for the work...Evelyn Gwendolyn Beatrice Batchelder...Grand Pa was a Head Master of Loomis School in Connecticut this is what I think you will find on Google...
More road closures just announced around here. Opequon Creek has closed some of them and flood alert out until late tomorrow. Now weather alert for High Wind Warning until tomorrow night. Argh!
Hoda....go to my profile and click on Lynn's Lair.....I posted a pic that just cropped up on my news feed of our tv reporter/newscaster Hoda Kotb for you!
Oh dear, the weather sounds worst by the minute. Paula are you safe somewhere in doors. I am sorry about your dog being alone, I like him because he helps you paint and likes to play.I have to trust that you will all be well and that you will manage to get home OK...I feel wonderful when I hear that someone else made it home and so I will simply think that this is going to be manageable for every one...
Hedgie - Yes I was still at work, by the time the fire department was well on its way, the caller modified the location...it was a washout near Dr. T's Veterinarian's office
Hedgie, thanks a very modern looking woman and seems she can argue anything...all this just from a picture???It is what I thought. Kotb means Books, so she is Serenity in the Light of God (through) Books!!!???
Yes I am safe here at the ott house...just have to wait for the water too go down...drinking tea now...although the ouple of beers tasted good...excuse the typos please...
Band not too bad and the poor pace is mt cause of the flooding...
Don't have neighbors number on my cell...unlisted..guess I should put on here for future emergency
Margy---water rescue off McCubbins Hollow Rd. now----person in vehicle. Dumb! And now they are calling the hole by Dr. T's a sink hole and DOH can't do anything more until the water recedes. Jess got a pic of it when we drove by.....it had NOT taken any of the hard-surface road....just a bit of that lane. And there are railroad ties FLOATING down in the bowery on East Moler!
Mai attended her first adoption event today. She did noot do well around big dogs, but was good with kids (even a toddler) and small dogs. Foster mom didn't say whether she drew any applications or not. She sent a pic---Mai did not look real happy.
Once again, I return to find I am a week away from catching up.
Margy, enjoy the birthday party tomorrow.
Jo, Paula, all others, relieved to know you are all safe and not stranded outside in the weather.
Paula, safe travel for Michael. Nugz will be okay but I know I would be crazed to get home to him.
Wanda, glad Karla has a place to stay that is warm and safe.
Lynn, I'm sorry about the sp___r incident. Not funny, I know.
Hoda, fascinating life story. Please start saving your pennies so you can join us at the NCTC Open House next October. You cannot imagine how much fun it will be.
Well, I expect the stealthy footsteps I hear are those of the sandperson skulking down the hall. So I will set the night light for 11pm. Andy, please set our alarm for us when you come in, please and thank you -- hope you got all your transcription finished.
Restful sleep for all and a safe journey through the night.
Well, the woman who picked up the chinchilla from Susan in Fredericksburg had an exciting trip to North Carolina. She was headed to Raleigh and the wind was blowing so hard it was rocking the car which caused the chinchilla to get upset and bark. \
I did not know that chinchillas bark, but they do. Anyway, Susan's friend had to pull off the road for awhile, but eventually made it safely to Raleigh.
I'm glad everyone is safe even if you can't get home. We are used to the stormy weather here in north Alabama but sometimes its still hard to take. My bedtime now. See you all tomorrow.
Funny thing, when Susan was here earlier, she said, "I guess I don't even have to ask, but do you know about the Decorah eagles?" Someone had seen them and sent her a message.
WOWEEEeee - some weather eh? Some of my pine trees looked they they had wrapped their limbs around themselves. Haven't heard that many tornado warnings since I've been here - 9 yrs.
PAULA, I hope you get home and get some sleep soon. Long day!
HODA, I've enjoyed reading about you and your American family. Very interesting. You've come to the best extended family here! ♥
MARGY - I hope you will yell a loud Good Morning to me as your roar through Frederick on your way to the party Sunday.
So exciting to see GLO'S picture is doing so well! Front page is awesome! Still have to get to FB Glo.
Glad everyone is safe. Was wishing that LOLLY could have had some of this rain for the fires in Texas. Better get to bed if I'll be watching the nest in the morning. :)
Interesting story about your adventurous life, Hoda. I remember AFS. One of my friends was the sponsor for the AFS when I first started teaching back in the 1960s.
Lynn - - there oughta be a HUGE fine for folks that drive into a water-covered road...IF they survive to get out and try to pay it! Puts lots of people besides themselves at risk also
Water is starting to recede...maybe another 30 to 60 minutes I can go home...keeping fingers crossed sump pump is still running...the electric went out here for a minute earlier tonight5
For those of you interested in the Bri Maine nest, the following is what I've observed this past week, or read today (today is the first day I could view the chat). On Tuesday, I saw an egg. Dad sat on egg most times that I took a peek. Mom with spot on her tail feathers would not sit on the egg, though she came to the nest occassionally and sat in her perch. Late yesterday, I saw an intruder come into the nest while Dad was on nest cup. Dad was frantic, he managed to scare eagle off. Based on todays chat, followers believe this is a female intruder, who has a name of Step Mom because she appears interested in sitting on nest. Dad actually allowed her in the nest area while he took off for 5 min (I observed this.)
Oh, and based on chat, the egg I saw on Tuesday is a new egg from Mom with spot on tail. Oh, and this reminds me of the OD chat.....the chainsaw incident about 10 days ago.....was alledgely....vindintive human men, bent on scaring the eagles on purpose. Another chatter said this wasn't the case, that men were working in the area. Either way, this tramatized mom with spot on tail.
Paula, good news that the water is receding...half an hour to an hour more you thought...do you have long to drive? I keep all of you in my prayers as you spend this night and may tomorrow be more peaceful in terms of the weather...
Bri Maine dad has a great name....Trooper....because he has been sitting on this nest alone for at least 10 days. Chatters believe he broke 1 egg in confrontation 10 days ago, and buried the other egg sometime a week ago. Like I said, I saw an egg on Tuesday and chatters believe it's a new egg.
Paula, is the Bri forum the same as the chat on the cam? All day long they were saying it's a new egg. New or not, I saw an egg on Tuesday. I personally thought it was the original egg.
Liz, last year at Maine there was construction going on for weeks.....the saws and hammering didn't seem to bother the eagles then. I am sure that if anyone is doing anyhting vindictive, the authorities would take action. Do you think the male let the intruder sit BECAUSE the resident mama isn't doing her job?
Lynn said the osprey had returned to Fin-Ferry and she was so right! pic on Feathers... see that BWO Osprey is NOT on the platform as of 11 - but it could be there but the cam is asleep for the night
Thanks for the well-wishes on my trek to Frederick...
Hedgie, yes, I believe the resident Bri dad is allowing the intruder female into the nest without too much fuss, because the resident mom (with spot on tail feathers) isnt' doing her job. Chatters believe this too.
Safe travel magpie...I hope the road conditions are good for you tomorrow. Thanks Paula for letting us know a 1/4 of a mile...drive safely and let us know when you get in...anyone else still out there needing to get home or to find shelter? God's Grace be with you...
Well, Nugz was crying when I came in the door! He was OK....he's eaten and is outside now.
Don't know how my basement didn't flood. I have an outside electric plug...that when it gets wets, the GFI goes off and shuts off a whole wall in the basement...and that's where the sump pump is plugged in. It was off when I came home...so don't know how I dodged that bullet!
Big sigh of relief. Most have reported who blog on a routine basement and are safe in their homes. Its bedtime here too. Good night. What a day indeed.
Getting on to say good night. can not keep my eyes open. Can not read the blog, I fall asleep. i think med I took for allergies has done me in plus not good sleep last night.
Had a great time with Laurel and the boys. The blazers fit great and they were happy!
Read enough to know about all of the bad weather you have had. Hope all are safe and secure.
One of those restless nights and where do I head ? Right ! I'll bet you do the same thing. Can't imagine what is keeping me awake--nothing unusual to eat or drink---a quiet evening with my grandson. Didn't watch or listen to any news, so was amazed to open up Yahoo and see the wide swath path of devastating storms, tornadoes and flooding. Panic ! Many of my newfound friends are in that path. So, to this blog and reading from yesterday morning forward, I began to see the weather drama unfold for so many of you. I won't go through a list of names, etc., but will say it made me so happy to reach 12:30 a.m. and to know all were safe and accounted for ! You may have some yard clean up to do, but it sounds like you, your pets and your homes are all in good shape. ♫♫Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow♫♫
I knew about the snow Glo mentioned because my daughter, Eileen called at 9:30pm to say she was back from Chicago and safely home in Grand Rapids, MI. There was rain and some snow along the way, both ways. She welcomed her son, Max, home from India, where he's been doing a field study for 3months. He was in beautiful northeast India, at the base of the Himalayas. Can't wait to see his pictures and hear his stories ! An Anthropology major, he will graduate from Michigan State on May 7th. We're so proud of him ! Maybe that news pumped up my adrenalin and made it difficult to sleep.
Lynn, took note of your list of company closings for WV--a similar list can be made for Ohio. Sad ! Hope that spider bite did not turn into anything serious.
Hoda, thanks for sharing your amazing and inspiring story ! I am loving hearing more and more about the individual lives of so many Momsters and Dadsters. Wish I'd found you all a lot sooner !
I'd better try for some more zzz's because I'd like to be up in time for daybreak at the nest. Hopefully Lori and DanaMo and Megan will be there---I'd like confirmation that they've weathered the storm well. Margy will be missed, but I'm hoping she has safe travels and much fun !
See ya later alligator, after while crocodile ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
That was short and I expect we'll see him and/or Belle back before long. We need to see that she' okay after yesterdays storm. Wonder is the power in out in some of the hard hit areas ? Could be reason only Florida and Ohio have reported in so far.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 582 Newer› Newest»Red - In case that didn't work, it was www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles
I was trying to do a link for the first time!!
Gosh its a great day except for the stinkin snow but its gone too just cold. However. I reconnected with a long lost friend I hadn't seen in years. We visited and caught up on our now adult kids etc. Then 2 hours later I checked to see how my photo is doing and I am on the first page now in 4th place. I am so excited. I still have no real high hopes. I am out traveled and out camera geared etc but I also do believe in miracles so MTBR.
Thanks to all who have voted or will vote Folks love eagles so once I got to page 1 I think it will be easier to get the stranger vote which is so needed in a Peter Lik contest. If you get the Weather Channel and many of you do, watch him at 8pm eastern or 7 central on Thurs nights. Famous fantastic photographer.
All of you on the East Coast need to be signing in and letting us know you are ok as these storms pass by. What a 3 days of weather it has been indeed. Wish it would all just stop and be nice and springlike!!!
Oh NO!!! I got waxed!!!!
32 tornados in NC today. OMG. I sure hope NC SUZ is ok....
PA-Lynn its ok Wax is a good thing.Use it on the car. We used to race to be the one who got wax. and in really slow times we would go for 1/2 and sometimes 1/4 container of wax :-) This BLOG has always done what it needs to do to get by.
weather channel showing some of the damage in NC.....pretty bad.
Well I got Decorah up and I don't know whT dad brought in... Knda looks like a bird.
Our weather is looking good here. Hope everyone is inside safe and warm and all travelers get safely to their destinations.
Sound like our group is falling apart but I want to say I hope all hearts and bodies are healing and tomorrow will be a better day.
DITTO on the crappy year!!!
RIP sweet little Jason. Hope you get lots of bear hugs in heaven
Found Kathryn and Susan eating their way around Costco.
We went a Japanese restaurant and had sushi for lunch. I really wanted a steak. Maybe later.
Hello! I'm back and a bit poorer.
Weather is crazy!
Old Town ALexandria is flooded (not unusual!).
There may have been a tornado in PawPaw, Loretta...hear the "take cover" warning on Carolyn's phone while we were driving.
Tornado DID hit Raleigh and surrounds.....destroyed a Lowe's.
Probably lots of other places....NC SUZAN...ARE YOU OKAY???
Yep, SHar....I would take cover even if the siren stopped!!
Howdy all!
Had a great time at the party....tried to get home and cannot get in my neighborhood due to flooding...so I am waiting it out at the ott house in town
Thanks glo!!! LOL
Glad to hear you're back Shirley. I wondered if you were caught in the bad weather.
You, too, Lynn. Stay inside and warm.
Continued prayer for healing for this group. God is Good!!
oh no Paula, that's sucks! Glad you had fun at the party though. Hope you don't have to wait too long to get home.
we have a feisty cell heading at us and I may have to shut down. The wind is really scary.
on FB
Megan Webber
Made it to Boonsboro, hoping we can make it back home. Roads are flooded everywhere
4 minutes ago via iPhone · LikeUnlike ·
Sorry to hear that Paula - Well not that you're at the Ott House and staying dry! Are Michael and girlfriend with you or headed home.
Glad the party went well for that little gal!
My NC news was that tornado did go through Ft Bragg but other then phone line down - my Bragg Bunch is safe!
Thank you Lord.
Anxious to hear from others that they are ok.
SO glad the Ft Bragg gang is safe Jo. LOTS of damage in the area.
DanaWV....the Dr. Sharpe thing IS a slideshow. Worked fine for me!
You don't do anything...just wait for it to start and then it "plays" through.
Jim, I'd say about half of the homes back here have basements....but not in Florida...and probably other "coastal" areas don't. Can dig a basement in sand.
Storm cellars per say----which technically are free dug away from any buildings, are pretty much a thing of the past. They were rural things until the Cold War when some people dug them as bomb shelters! Would be curious to know how many are left!
Jo, didn't hear about Bragg! Glad everything is okay. If it hit there, them hopefully it stayed south of OBX and all is well with Candy.
I surely want to start seeing that the storms are past and all is well. Geeesh what a weekend indeed.
Rains have been terrible, for sure. Thunder was bad while we were in WalMart. Lots of road closures and small stream flooding. I even have a small rill forming in the owods behind the house....makes it look like a wet weather stream.....have never seen it do that before!
Back don't know if storm has left area or just a break.
Jo so glad Ft. Bragg gang is ok.
Lynne2 take cover if it is headed your way.
May God take care of all Momsters and Dadsters and their families.
SharonDid you connect Janet-Nilla?????? I am worried !!
Take a look at the BWE
Wetter than wet... Guess they will
dry out tomorrow....
Interesting pics on the BWO updates
CRC Cam - lots of standing water in
the grass - Eaglet really has his
darker feathers & he isn't lying in a puddle
Decorah feeding time ...
Hearing about lots of flooded roads now...and see the warnings ya,ll posted earlier
Hi everyone on this wet Saturday.
Is it time to build the ark?
Does anyone, besides ducks, like this weather?
I'm REALLY ready for Spring and especially sunshine.
WVDana hope you feel better fast. This weather wrecks havoc on us.
Did anyone ever receive a phone call from their doctor on a Saturday? I did. My culture came back with lots of bacteria - yuk! Guess I did wait too long. I am feeling better so I'll continue with the cipro and hope that's it-done!
Was it Shirley or Andy doing last minute taxes? Hope they can get them in on time.
We finally got our federal refund. Even due an additional refund from last year due to our losses in our retirement fund. Just hope there's enough left when Jim decides to retire and the kids are gone - for good.
Oh Yes, before I leave
I Love the Cardinal, Dana
Another band is near...thundering and lightening again. Rain getting harder again. Is this ever gonna end??
We ate at a pizza buffet....had all my favs: Mexican, supreme, sausage, bacon, pepperoni! Plus yummy garlic bread w/ a marinara sauce. Don't think I'll need dinner tonight.
Glo, snow? How does Dex feel about going out in it?
Was just in my email.
I waited and waited to start the computer up again. What happens it starts thundering and pour again.
I think this computer and this storm have some kind of an "evil connection".
Shutting down fast,.HUGS
Pa Nana Well today it was only a snow squall or 2 that didn't stick but it was cold and windy indeed. In the winter he does ok I guess. Its tough though once it gets up to his belly or if the temps get so cold it hurts his feet.
Shutting down. BBL when this one is over!
Thanks Linda, I was using that link but guess my bookmark got corrupted. That happens sometimes.
Evening everyone. Sorry I wasn't on earlier.. I went to visit my daughter today.
Hi! Guess some of you are about to be in the middle of this storm. It came through here like nothing I have ever seen. Be careful. We just had one last flash of rain and then the sun came out. What can you say about Mother Nature!!!
My tax forms are sitting in my computer waiting to be sent off. I want to look over them again.
Thanks all for your concern. I am on the eastern side of Raleigh so we fared better. Lots of tornadoes were here I heard. Very strange weather. Headed your way. Pay attention to the weatherman.
Yes michael and laura finally made it here too...might be a couple of hours before I can get home
Should be getting a nice refund on my taxes this year.
Glad you are OK SUZ!!!!
Megan made it home but she has no power.
Are you mentally spending that refund yet Shirley!
looks like another bad one on top of Frederick
Tornado warnings in Frederick and Mongomery Cos in MD
southern Frederick, northeastern Montgomery
I think the storm is finally letting up here. I can still hear thunder in the distance and it has stopped raining. Rain really poured and lightning was sharp...had to make my bath short!
Gene and I got the Clothes Closet completely finished! 7 huge garbage bags of clothes, had to be put on hangers and some things thrown away. I think we should offer our guests nice things that are clean and no holes.
What a relief that is...it was so messy in that room...didn't want the preacher to say "I told you so!" (He said it would be too much work) That is why I asked the congregation to bring the clothing on hangers. COME ON PEOPLE! Shame on them:(
Tornado warning for frederick county...
We are land locked now....no way home or in or out of town.
Mema Jo - Glad your gang fared well in the storms!
NCSuzan - Certainly glad you're safe, too. We wondered when we heard about those tornado warnings in your area.
Red - Glad you got the Decorah site working again. I had the same problem with my bookmark.
Paula - Sorry you can't make it home yet....
Stay safe and shut down when it gets close!!
My sister Roanoke Mary drove up through all that mess, called her from work to make SURE she was aware of the tornado warnings in her driving route...
she is now IN FREDERICK MD - going to visit her son on Mercantile Drive West off 340 - - geeze, hope she is paying attention !
Glad NC Suzan is Okay!
and hope that everyone else will be also !
the Royal Nest must be soaked...
sorry Megan does not have power!
way too much rain !!
BWE eaglets are drenched !
When I saw DanaWA's cardinal at first I thought it was red Hershey Kiss !
guess I better get to the eye doctor
Yay on the Scottish Osprey nests' eggciting activity
oh man
bowling ball's parents upstairs
are playing music with loud bass
Bleeeah !
sorry you are stranded...
but glad to hear the party went well !! ☺
can't believe I can blog with live feed running
Whew! Thank Goodness, The Bragg Bunch is okay too...
I thought we were going to get it worse here....
with what was so close in Hampshire and Hardy Counties....
Oh my, Lynn. Nothing worse than a rill forming in the owoods.
Paula, so happy Gianni's party was fun. Just hoping you can get home quickly.
Sure hope Megan checks in to let us know she's okay.
Okay, I need to put my ankle up for a little while.
Sounds as if most everyone is safe and okay even if inconvenienced. I'll be back later.
Hey, I just noticed that the female Osprey is about to spend the night at BWO ... looks like it.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Margie - Glad you're okay, too! We're getting lots of rain and wicked winds. Maybe some thunder storms coming our way in an hour or so.
I think I'll take my shower now, just in case!
Ah, Shirley, it was you doing your taxes.
Glad you could claim a deduction for your new furnace - we couldn't.
Sure you'll be glad when you send the form to its destination.
Tornado warning in Adams and York counties PA
I have posted 2 photos on my Just For Fun blog that Karla took while she is trying to get home. So far, she can't find a road that isn't flooded. Hope she doesn't have the baby!
got a sever T'storm warning, it's a bad one heading right to us. But I got a decent walk in with the dogs and a shower!
Steve has discovered a new flower. It's called a Hychithia.
knew there was a tornado warning in Bedford..
Southern gals.....where and how are you ???
Lynn, glad you and the girls had your outing and oboy about the new glasses ☺
this storm is affecting a great number of our Momsters and Dadsters....and their families
Prayers, and more prayers...
Margy, so glad you are home! Sure hope your sis is OK!
Leesburg had a tornado warning...my brother is there. Some wind damage..
Poor Paula! Poor Nugz...unless he is with her....
Prayers that Karla gets home safe and soon.
Paula I hope you and your family are all OK, disturbing to hear about the weather conditions and I put you in the Light and wish you the best.
A busy day for me with the Canadian Federation of University Women...
We had an excellent presentation on the importance of farms and Food Citizenship. I also went to yoga and just got back. Our weather forecast speaks of more snow on the way tomorrow!!! I missed the visits today but was glad to read of them.
Thank you Steve for the update as to who is going to examine the dead eagle and that we will be updated when you know more.
Prayers indeed. I want it to go away.
Wow Wanda............that's a wash out and major flooding!
Hoda, what part of the world are you in?
Tracey and Gail are now under a Tornado WARNING...just called them both. Gail was wathcing a movie and didn't know. She's heading to the basement. Tracey isn't answering the phone.
You know, Linda...Karla is 45 and I never stop worrying about her! I know we are all the same...never stop MOTHERING:)
We are here and all good.
That is so true, Wanda! We just can't help it!!
It's probably why we love these nests so much. We love the "mothering!"
Glad you're safe and sound Sharon!
Good that you good, Sharon:)
I am back in my house and dried out!
Our skies looked clear when hubby & I
got in the car and wanted to make a
quick trip to Walmart. All was well
until we were in the check out line
and looked outside. That sideways rain
and lightening.... Oh My! We waited
and thank goodness our car was right
up front - so hubby ran to it and then
swung around to get me. Had stopped by
the time we got on the hgwy but it
was a slow safe ride home.
Well the Still cam has a little light, live feed dark for me - have not seen an evening visit, saw that there was quick mid-day visit
Hope that Karla gets home soon, and okay, Wanda
Yep, the Osprey is still on the platform at BWO
Nice alert, Jim, thanks !
Hope that Rocking Circle R had a nice birthday, and that she saw our Greetings ! Thinking of you Jenny ♥
Whew, relieved to hear of more of our Gang being okay !
About freaked when all those tornado warning messages started coming in at work
"Bedford" was not a welcome word to read....
Hi Sharon and T-Bird !
Lynne2 I live in Nelson, British Columbia and I was born and lived in Egypt and studied in the United States, Oklahoma, Iowa, Colorado and vacationed in Cape Cod...I am an AFS student from 1967...do you all know of the AFS? American Field Service International Scholarships? My American Family Nathaniel Horton Batchelders are my connection to the USA.
I lived with my American family and they continued to be Mom and Dad till they passed and now my siblings in the US are my family. My birth family has already crossed the veil and I only have one birth sister left, she is in Egypt...Oh this is part of my life story....sorry I needed to explain because to simply say Nelson BC would not give you an accurate idea especially with a name like Hoda. It means Serenity in the Light of God...I am still working on the serenity part I like to joke...
I am going to Frederick in the morning...will shout out a big out loud Hello while driving !
Am going to meet several relatives-in-law (nephews and nieces ) and a few "grands" same category
Sister Roanoke Mary - her family...
It's a birthday party !
Check the osprey at BWO !
We had the tornado siren earlier today. That was kind of skeery!
Hoda, it sounds like your life has been quite the adventure. I have lived in West Virginia and Virginia all my life. I am a country girl for sure.
Nice to hear about you and your family, Hoda, and a wonderful meaning for your name
Holler real loud!
Hoda - you are a very interesting
person! I do remember AFS students during my school years. I am so glad you have joined with us - We can be a family for you ♥
Sharon, of the Eagle Eyes...and a BEAUTIFUL SATE you live in so many lovely pictures and stories from there...how lucky can you get...I hope you are all safe from the weather and that it improves soon...
I am going to try to get to bed early...picked a great night for that, there is some kind of party upstairs, lots of bowling balls....
(not really, but it sounds like it)
Will continue to pray for safety for all in this storm's path, too many fatality reports in NC -
very very sad....
As Sissy and Sharon often have said, life can turn on a dime
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
I need to change back to the Sycamore Palace - I can't find my comments with the House Finch! lol
I am thinking about Christine and her
being ok.
Camera on Decorah nest has moved back
(panned out)
that would be BEAUTIFUL STATE you live in Virginai, West Virginia...
Mema Jo thank you for your kind words, I already feel close by visiting with you all on this site and I feel fortunate...thank you. I am glad you made a safe trip on the highway and I hope you all come home safe and sound...I send prayers your way...
I'm back....I think the storms are over....I hope!
Had a very rude awakening.....was napping and came awake feeling something biting my chin. Grabbed and threw.....no idea what it was, BUT...I'm sure I DO know what it was. Very unsettling to me......Still o the edge of hysteria.
NCSuzan...so glad that you are okay.
Warnings got real intense.....Culpeper----Shirley, hope your school and students are all okay.
Then Frederick....worried about Jo and Paula.....so far, haven't heard of any touchdowns.
Paula, you have a creek to cross to get in to your development, don't you?
Roads closures galore....no way in or out of Charles Town on the east or north; can only head west to S'town or hereabouts, or south toward Winchester. Christie got home fro Glen Burnie on 340 just before they closed it, Jo.
Wow Hoda! That's a pretty amazing life! Your family...where have I heard the name? Going to Google it! Love the meaning of your name!
Glad you are home Lynn. I'm so sorry you got bitten by a Sp**** and I hope you are OK.
Well there is one road open...only one lane...but not to my house...but think michael can get out...he has to work tomorrow
Hoda, thanks so much for filling us in on your heritage. Lovely meaning---I always wondered about it because Hoda Kotb on television here in the States.
I, too, remember AFS...we always had several students at my high school, and they all were great, well-rounded kids! And BRAINY, too!
Sure hope the water recedes fast Paula!
Looks like the worst of it is over. That severe storm we were getting was only severe rain! No lightning. I'm hoping poor Daisy calms down now.
Thanks, Lynne2.....you know how I feel about those critters.
I think it may take some PB/Choco ice cream to settle me down.
Diann, how come your furnace didn't qualify for the tax credit?
Speaking of which...we haven't heard from BEagle in a long time...wonder if hers did? Was it based on date of installation??
Great show about the Chesapeake Bay Bridge on Maryland Public television!!!
Hey, where IS BEagle??????
Margy....were you still working when someone called and said that Back Creek bridge was in trouble? LOL----we had just crossed it. Turned and went back to double check and it was fine! Which we knew it was, because creek was really not up at all compared to what we've seen before!!
Hoda...we had an AFS student live with us when I was 16...didn.t quite work out...and we lost touch
Glad to hear everyone is OK
Stillcant get home...dog is there alone...I hope he isn't to frightened from the thumder
Rain has finally stopped here.
Karla is still not home...waiting at the Berryville Moose. She can sleep there if necessary.
One more flooded road photo on blog.
Lynne2 Grand Ma Batchelder did the relief work around the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC...Daniel French commissioned her for the work...Evelyn Gwendolyn Beatrice Batchelder...Grand Pa was a Head Master of Loomis School in Connecticut this is what I think you will find on Google...
More road closures just announced around here. Opequon Creek has closed some of them and flood alert out until late tomorrow. Now weather alert for High Wind Warning until tomorrow night. Argh!
The fire siren has gone off about 10 times sine 6pm...couple of water rescues and numerous other things
Michael is taking a nap in his car before he heads out...sitting here listening to the band warm up
wow Hoda, cool stuff! You should make a blog and post some pictures of you amazing life adventures!
cool article from BW
Eaglet Feathers
Hoda....go to my profile and click on Lynn's Lair.....I posted a pic that just cropped up on my news feed of our tv reporter/newscaster Hoda Kotb for you!
Oh, dear, Paula.....can a neighbor go check on Nugz???
Wanda, glad that Karla "parked" herself and is waiting it out.
Stunning avatar...
why try to sleep when there is so much noise upstairs
you folks are much more interesting ! And so quiet ☺
Oh dear, the weather sounds worst by the minute. Paula are you safe somewhere in doors. I am sorry about your dog being alone, I like him because he helps you paint and likes to play.I have to trust that you will all be well and that you will manage to get home OK...I feel wonderful when I hear that someone else made it home and so I will simply think that this is going to be manageable for every one...
I am so sorry you can't get home to your roost....
and might not, for awhile
My sister Mary picked up Rt 340 around Berryville around 4:30 - guess she squeaked through just in time
NO fishing in the Potomac for Belle and Truder I would bet for a couple of days...unless they find something flopping around on the shore
Hedgie -
Yes I was still at work, by the time the fire department was well on its way, the caller modified the location...it was a washout near Dr. T's Veterinarian's office
If you all haven't seen Wanda's new avatar, back track a dozen or so posts and treat yourself !
your words are very comforting, Thank You ♥ for being here with us tonight
Hedgie, thanks a very modern looking woman and seems she can argue anything...all this just from a picture???It is what I thought. Kotb means Books, so she is Serenity in the Light of God (through) Books!!!???
Wow, Hoda, yur American family is renowned!!
Great article about the feathers, Lynne. Thanks!
Yes I am safe here at the ott house...just have to wait for the water too go down...drinking tea now...although the ouple of beers tasted good...excuse the typos please...
Band not too bad and the poor pace is mt cause of the flooding...
Don't have neighbors number on my cell...unlisted..guess I should put on here for future emergency
Margy---water rescue off McCubbins Hollow Rd. now----person in vehicle. Dumb!
And now they are calling the hole by Dr. T's a sink hole and DOH can't do anything more until the water recedes. Jess got a pic of it when we drove by.....it had NOT taken any of the hard-surface road....just a bit of that lane.
And there are railroad ties FLOATING down in the bowery on East Moler!
Mai attended her first adoption event today. She did noot do well around big dogs, but was good with kids (even a toddler) and small dogs. Foster mom didn't say whether she drew any applications or not. She sent a pic---Mai did not look real happy.
Hoda, that's neat. She is a well-respected journalist.
Lynne2 - Thanks for the link about the different types of eagle feathers. So interesting.....these creatures!
Aw lynn was hoping mai had a new home by now
I think I'm going to watch the news and turn in early tonight.
Prayers for safety for all in the path of these storms.
Paula, I hope you get home soon.
Anyone else out there not home yet, prayers for safe travels.
Let's hope for some sunshine tomorrow!!
Night!! God Bless ♥♥♥
Once again, I return to find I am a week away from catching up.
Margy, enjoy the birthday party tomorrow.
Jo, Paula, all others, relieved to know you are all safe and not stranded outside in the weather.
Paula, safe travel for Michael. Nugz will be okay but I know I would be crazed to get home to him.
Wanda, glad Karla has a place to stay that is warm and safe.
Lynn, I'm sorry about the sp___r incident. Not funny, I know.
Hoda, fascinating life story. Please start saving your pennies so you can join us at the NCTC Open House next October. You cannot imagine how much fun it will be.
Well, I expect the stealthy footsteps I hear are those of the sandperson skulking down the hall. So I will set the night light for 11pm. Andy, please set our alarm for us when you come in, please and thank you -- hope you got all your transcription finished.
Restful sleep for all and a safe journey through the night.
Good night, Judie.
Goodnight, Judie! Rest well. Hope that the dampness isn't causing too much worse pain. Tell Darth hi and bye!
Well, the woman who picked up the chinchilla from Susan in Fredericksburg had an exciting trip to North Carolina. She was headed to Raleigh and the wind was blowing so hard it was rocking the car which caused the chinchilla to get upset and bark. \
I did not know that chinchillas bark, but they do. Anyway, Susan's friend had to pull off the road for awhile, but eventually made it safely to Raleigh.
Lynn, I am sure Mai will get adopted. This was just the first event.
I'm glad everyone is safe even if you can't get home. We are used to the stormy weather here in north Alabama but sometimes its still hard to take. My bedtime now. See you all tomorrow.
Good night judiee rest well
Michael made it out and is headed home...I will bring his and lauras thigs to the beach next weekend
Shirley I did not know chinchillas barked either
Lynne sorry about the bite...would have freaked me out too
Ill go check the road
soon...finally stopped raining here
Hoda you have a lovely name
Oh, Paula, I am sorry you got stranded by the storms. I hope you get home soon.
Funny thing, when Susan was here earlier, she said, "I guess I don't even have to ask, but do you know about the Decorah eagles?" Someone had seen them and sent her a message.
Yeah, Susan says it is not good when Chinchillas decide to bark at night. It seems they throw things at you if you ignore them, too.
WOWEEEeee - some weather eh? Some of my pine trees looked they they had wrapped their limbs around themselves. Haven't heard that many tornado warnings since I've been here - 9 yrs.
PAULA, I hope you get home and get some sleep soon. Long day!
HODA, I've enjoyed reading about you and your American family. Very interesting. You've come to the best extended family here! ♥
MARGY - I hope you will yell a loud Good Morning to me as your roar through Frederick on your way to the party Sunday.
So exciting to see GLO'S picture is doing so well! Front page is awesome! Still have to get to FB Glo.
Glad everyone is safe. Was wishing that LOLLY could have had some of this rain for the fires in Texas. Better get to bed if I'll be watching the nest in the morning. :)
Interesting story about your adventurous life, Hoda. I remember AFS. One of my friends was the sponsor for the AFS when I first started teaching back in the 1960s.
Good night Shirley - sweet dreams of how to spend that extra grand!
Lynn, sorry about the eight-legged critter.
Evening, everyone. Am so sorry for all the flooding you are having. And at night when you cannot see. Is Paula the only one out?
Lynn, we have been in contact with our friends on the Outer Banks and they are now getting this storm.
What a night for everyone. Please be careful and don't do anything unnecessary.
Glad to learn you are okay in Raleigh, Suzan.
Hope everybody on the Outer Banks is okay.
Thank you. I am fine though it was the strangest storm ever!
Good night, Red!
Wow, Suzan, thought it had all left NC. Poor Candy....hope everything is okay for her and Jim!
Margy, hope your day tomorrow is packed with lots of fun and memory-making!
Night, Lori!! P.S. Where did you live before Frederick?
Night, Linda!! Almost news time here.
shirley, that is such a fragile strip of land that it would not take too much to wash it away. But so far I think everything is fine!
Soon as I saw Lori's name: Snap!
Of course I remembered SHE is in Frederick, so I will let out a roar for both Jo, and Lori...
Of all places for that chinchilla to travel to today, Shirley: Raleigh NC!
So scary, NC Suzan so very relieved you are okay !
I think the bowling balls are dancing upstairs :(
Lynn - - there oughta be a HUGE fine for folks that drive into a water-covered road...IF they survive to get out and try to pay it! Puts lots of people besides themselves at risk also
Water is starting to recede...maybe another 30 to 60 minutes I can go home...keeping fingers crossed sump pump is still running...the electric went out here for a minute earlier tonight5
For those of you interested in the Bri Maine nest, the following is what I've observed this past week, or read today (today is the first day I could view the chat).
On Tuesday, I saw an egg. Dad sat on egg most times that I took a peek. Mom with spot on her tail feathers would not sit on the egg, though she came to the nest occassionally and sat in her perch. Late yesterday, I saw an intruder come into the nest while Dad was on nest cup. Dad was frantic, he managed to scare eagle off.
Based on todays chat, followers believe this is a female intruder, who has a name of Step Mom because she appears interested in sitting on nest. Dad actually allowed her in the nest area while he took off for 5 min (I observed this.)
I'll be listening Margy!
Lynn - lived in SoCalif 40 yrs before here!
I love you all. Sleep well and sweet dreams.
Safe travels for Michael, Paula, hope you and Nugz are reunited soon
I'm intentionally skipping the morning nest visit Sunday, if there is one...need to collect some energy for busy day with family
Oh, and based on chat, the egg I saw on Tuesday is a new egg from Mom with spot on tail. Oh, and this reminds me of the OD chat.....the chainsaw incident about 10 days ago.....was alledgely....vindintive human men, bent on scaring the eagles on purpose. Another chatter said this wasn't the case, that men were working in the area. Either way, this tramatized mom with spot on tail.
well there's another family here that can't get home to my neighborhood too...they were in frederick this evening...
Lori what are you doing up girl?
Margy sorry you are still up!
Rough news about Maine, Liz...thanks for posting, though it is difficult to ponder
Think I will watch some news also, then hit the sack
sure hope Megan's outdoor and indoor gardens made it through the day okay today...and Sunday she will have to deal with the daggone wind!
Paula, good news that the water is receding...half an hour to an hour more you thought...do you have long to drive? I keep all of you in my prayers as you spend this night and may tomorrow be more peaceful in terms of the weather...
Well the nearly full moon sure has not made it out of the clouds, nest is very dark
Well, going to give this another try...
taking those prayers to the pillows with me
God Bless You, All...be careful...
xo Love, and Good Night xo
Good night all. I am heading upstairs. See you tomorrow. Stay safe.
Lori Did you find your friend request for facebook. I have sent it. I also sent you an email response with some other things to ponder :-)
There is an osprey at Finland Water Nest !!!
Bri Maine dad has a great name....Trooper....because he has been sitting on this nest alone for at least 10 days. Chatters believe he broke 1 egg in confrontation 10 days ago, and buried the other egg sometime a week ago. Like I said, I saw an egg on Tuesday and chatters believe it's a new egg.
But...now it is not there :(
but in a couple of minutes, the pic will be on my Feathers link
Night shirley
Margy have fun tomorrow!
I am one quarter mile from home!
Liz...the maine forum says there was no new egg laid this wekk..as wellas the bri forum
Paula How far do you have to drive to get to your beach house?
Paula, is the Bri forum the same as the chat on the cam? All day long they were saying it's a new egg. New or not, I saw an egg on Tuesday. I personally thought it was the original egg.
OK Paula I see you are 1/4 mile form home. At least you don't have far to go at all once it is safe to do so.
Liz, last year at Maine there was construction going on for weeks.....the saws and hammering didn't seem to bother the eagles then. I am sure that if anyone is doing anyhting vindictive, the authorities would take action.
Do you think the male let the intruder sit BECAUSE the resident mama isn't doing her job?
Lori, quite a switch from So Cal to this neck of the woods!
Lynn said the osprey had returned to Fin-Ferry and she was so right!
pic on Feathers...
see that BWO Osprey is NOT on the platform as of 11 - but it could be there but the cam is asleep for the night
Thanks for the well-wishes on my trek to Frederick...
Really going to bed now....
Hedgie, yes, I believe the resident Bri dad is allowing the intruder female into the nest without too much fuss, because the resident mom (with spot on tail feathers) isnt' doing her job. Chatters believe this too.
I will say goodnight now. Hope everyone has a good one. I THINK the bad weather is over---except for the winds!
See all y'all tomorrow. Prayers.
Safe travel magpie...I hope the road conditions are good for you tomorrow.
Thanks Paula for letting us know a 1/4 of a mile...drive safely and let us know when you get in...anyone else still out there needing to get home or to find shelter? God's Grace be with you...
Omg I am in the driveway!
HURRAH you are home safe Paula, I bet your dog will be very pleased to see you...
OK now we need a Nugzy hug report, power and house condition info
Liz - will the intruder female help dad as far as incubating those eggs.
I sorta got lost surfing the other
cams. Decorah holds my attention a lot.
Well, Nugz was crying when I came in the door! He was OK....he's eaten and is outside now.
Don't know how my basement didn't flood. I have an outside electric plug...that when it gets wets, the GFI goes off and shuts off a whole wall in the basement...and that's where the sump pump is plugged in. It was off when I came home...so don't know how I dodged that bullet!
Oh Paula - just be thankful that the rain was coming down sideways! lol
I need to find my pillow........
Good Night Everyone
Stay safe and dry
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Big sigh of relief. Most have reported who blog on a routine basement and are safe in their homes. Its bedtime here too. Good night. What a day indeed.
Glo, the beach house is 3 1/2 hours away from home.
Liz, the BRI forum you can get off the regular link to the cam...well maybe not...here it is
What I call the Maine forum is now the WOW forum
Those are copy and paste...too tired to do links!
Came back to say goodnight.
My eyes are so tired and I'm yawning.......
Now that we're out of the tornado warning, it's time to relax.
Everyone have a good evening, stay safe and dry. And know all is in God's hands.
God bless!
Gnite, all!
Dog is ready for bed and so am I!
See ya in the morning!
Hugs to all ♥
Glad to hear that you made it home safely, Paula. My Karla made it home a short while ago. All our chicks are at their roosts:)
Getting on to say good night. can not keep my eyes open. Can not read the blog, I fall asleep. i think med I took for allergies has done me in plus not good sleep last night.
Had a great time with Laurel and the boys. The blazers fit great and they were happy!
Read enough to know about all of the bad weather you have had. Hope all are safe and secure.
Will catch up tomorrow.
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
One of those restless nights and where do I head ? Right ! I'll bet you do the same thing. Can't imagine what is keeping me awake--nothing unusual to eat or drink---a quiet evening with my grandson. Didn't watch or listen to any news, so was amazed to open up Yahoo and see the wide swath path of devastating storms, tornadoes and flooding. Panic ! Many of my newfound friends are in that path. So, to this blog and reading from yesterday morning forward, I began to see the weather drama unfold for so many of you. I won't go through a list of names, etc., but will say it made me so happy to reach 12:30 a.m. and to know all were safe and accounted for ! You may have some yard clean up to do, but it sounds like you, your pets and your homes are all in good shape.
♫♫Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow♫♫
I knew about the snow Glo mentioned because my daughter, Eileen called at 9:30pm to say she was back from Chicago and safely home in Grand Rapids, MI. There was rain and some snow along the way, both ways. She welcomed her son, Max, home from India, where he's been doing a field study for 3months. He was in beautiful northeast India, at the base of the Himalayas. Can't wait to see his pictures and hear his stories ! An Anthropology major, he will graduate from Michigan State on May 7th. We're so proud of him ! Maybe that news pumped up my adrenalin and made it difficult to sleep.
Lynn, took note of your list of company closings for WV--a similar list can be made for Ohio. Sad !
Hope that spider bite did not turn into anything serious.
Hoda, thanks for sharing your amazing and inspiring story ! I am loving hearing more and more about the individual lives of so many Momsters and Dadsters. Wish I'd found you all a lot sooner !
I'd better try for some more zzz's because I'd like to be up in time for daybreak at the nest. Hopefully Lori and DanaMo and Megan will be there---I'd like confirmation that they've weathered the storm well. Margy will be missed, but I'm hoping she has safe travels and much fun !
See ya later alligator, after while crocodile ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Good mornning ! Full daylight on the nest. Anyone else out there today ?
RuDeBoY here
Eagle just landed
Truder in at 6:08
looks like turd bird hard to see spot
Picking at fluff, looking around, standing on nest cup area.
Hi Judy, Happy to see you ! I thought I was alone so just kept typing when he landed as I sending out my Good Morning post.
How are things where you are this morning ?
Stiff breeze a'blowin' at the nest again today ! Guess that means all of you in last nights storm path are still having some that, too.
He walked over to the 7 o'clock, looked around and flew away
That was short and I expect we'll see him and/or Belle back before long. We need to see that she' okay after yesterdays storm. Wonder is the power in out in some of the hard hit areas ? Could be reason only Florida and Ohio have reported in so far.
The power goes out here at the drop of a hat, so had we seen the same weather I'd not be sitting at my computer right now.
Color arrives !
Looks like we are the only two at the moment But as for me I'm off to work in a few min see ya at lunch
Two dark blobs prominent today. One at 7 o'clock and the other at 1. The neatnik in me want them to throw them out of the nest !
Good morning Kay and JudyE
No power outages here. I'm surprised the wind is so gusty though. I really thought things were suppose to calm down.
Speaking of calming down, the flying labs are wound up this morning like crazy! Geez.
Oh, sorry you must go Judy ! Have a good day at Wally World !
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