Saturday, April 02, 2011


To answer the comment "Do we have and eagle expert at NCTC?"

NCTC has several bald eagle experts, as does the Fish and Wildlife Service Region, which NCTC is in. 

The Service has a long legacy with this bird, including the Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge, south of DC, which was the first National Wildlife Refuge established for an endangered species--the American Bald Eagle.  Also the Bald Eagle Repository in Denver, that helps prevent any trade in bald eagle feathers.

Fresh thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Will call the others over....

magpie said...

Thank you Steve, for the fresh thread, and the information...
appreciate that, and all that you and your staff are doing !!
Best wishes for a nice week-end for you...☺

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the thread and information, Steve. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

magpie said...

Thanks Beagle for the call over !

That's some awewsome nest-visit reporting folks! So, four visits?
I could visual exactly what was going on with your "directionals."

Good One, Wanda !

Oh yes, the Still old buddy! Me and dinosaur's old buddy!
You can get screen grabs from there really easily!
Nice that the Outdoor Channel gave us some techinical updates on their work on the live feed.
Good Morning Eagle Pals !

stronghunter said...

Will came for a short visit. He is off to work now. I need to get ready for the day. Street clothes, In Jo's words, and all of that stuff.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the info and thread Steve.

magpie said...

Hope George will be okay Shirley
Maybe he has a touch of Spring Fever ??


Happy painting day...glad you could check in and get the nest updates !

stronghunter said...

I posted a picture of Belle and her Boy-Toy on my blog. This morning's visit.

magpie said...

p.s. Steve
Rob did a great job getting the Still Cam back up to normal!
Happened just about the time of the first evening visit Friday ....and shortly after 7 pm !

Lynne2 said...

Gotta run, but I see we had POSSIBLE HP??? and Truder brought a FISH???
Oh dear.....wish I could go to the nest today....

Gotta run. I WILL be careful with my knees. I'm just the driver today, and putter awayer of stuff in the new place kitchen and bath.

Have a good day all....can hardly wait to see what happens today with the birds!

stronghunter said...

I don't know. They were concerned at last visit about his weight loss, so I just wanted to see what is going on. He has usually had the opposite problem. Maybe I need to feed him more. He keeps trying to steal the dog food.

hedgie said...

Good Saturday AM!

Congrats to Decorah!!

Thanks for running commentary on nest visit, Lori and Wanda!!
Wanda....that was the last time I was at I-Hop for breakfast, but did go for dinner once since then. That was a fun morning!!

Lynne, sorry your hips are sore today......strange....

DanaMo, best of luck to your daughter!!

Signgirl, sorry you have lost someone.

Akuna......Steve's update was by no means a death announcement. We feel sure that Lib is around somewhere! TEAM LIBERTY!!!!

Shirley, how old is George now? Hope Luna and Flash aren't copping his food!

paula eagleholic said...

sharon did you see any HP?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No Paula I didn't but my cam is so choppy.

stronghunter said...

Luna and Flash could not possibly get George's food. First off, it is out of their reach. Secondly, George would not allow it. George chases them away from their own food. He is the alpha-critter in the house, hands down.

paula eagleholic said...

No Lynne no stick, LOL

Lolly said...

Good morning! Need to go back to the old thread and read the comments.

Leaving shortly for Denton and a soccer game. Gotta get me a gboy fix! Would you believe it has been 2 weeks?! Yikes!

Be back shortly!

stronghunter said...

George is probably about 12. Not a young kitty.

paula eagleholic said...

Time to go get something done...later

paula eagleholic said...

thanks Sharon

hedgie said... were up mighty late and up earlier than I thought you would be! What part of the place is getting painted today??? Hope it's INSIDE....unless weather is better there tha here!

hedgie said...

Hey, Lolly! Hope you have a fun day with the boys.

Shirley, at 12 George is still relatively young. Hope everything is okay.

COmputer screen cam again.....

hedgie said...

Now good color.....and still not an expanded pic.

magpie said...

Snow on the Maine nest,
Eagle on the nest
Here is the link
compliments of Jo yesterday

Maine Nest
It takes a minute to come up, lots of staticky noise there

stronghunter said...

Looks very cold in Maine, Margy. Thanks for the link. I haven't spent much time watching other nests recently.

magpie said...

See you added your pictures to the APRIL E-M album...

Thanks to Jo for keeping those albums going for us...
It's a good picure diary of what is going on at the nest

magpie said...

You're welcome Shirley
Jo gets the credit
so manyof my favorites from past years are outdated...
that was one of them

Thank you Jo !

magpie said...

time for me to disappear and get to work on my Saturday things

so.... no endless posts from me for awhile ☺

Best wishes for a good day, EVERYONE
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Have now read back on the blog. Good reporting on the nest visits. Now understand fish stick, LOL, and possible HP. Very interesting!

Lynne, I have had only one shot to a knee and it hurt the day after, but then it was great. Have not needed another since but I know I have to be careful with my knees. I do still go down on themn while working in the yard. So, I am really doing pretty good! I do have knee wraps that I use, especially when hiking. Coming down the mountain is what gets to my knees.

magpie said...

windy day in Scotland
looks like Isla finally finished her fish
she just left the nest and just came back- I guess it is Isla
Loch Garten is empty
Decorah looks good, windy there
did not see any second hatch there
cammers are there and zooming in

magpie said...

Hi Lolly
hope you have fun today ☺

cool here, rain is done, sun is pushing its way through the clouds

a great cool spring day for us in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia

Linda said...

Morning All!

I have some catching up to do, but see the Maine nest is empty at the minute.

Darling bobblehead at Decorah!!

I sent an email showing the eaglet check-up pictures from CRC. Hope that other eaglet is okay. Those 10 second shots are NOTHING like the live shots.

Hope it's a great day for all!♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Here's a slideshow of the surviving CRC chick during his exam the other day. Look at the size! And those feet and talons are humongous! I am very surprised that the people aren't wearing wonder it took so long for the parents to tend him again.
CRC Eaglet
Thanks to Linda for sending it on momster mail!

hedgie said...

LOL, Pa Lynn......didn't realize that was YOU!!!!!

hedgie said...

I should have checked my cheat sheet!!!
BTW---am updating that and will send out sometime this weekend!

hedgie said...

Blue desktop now again....:(

hedgie said...

Now gray screen.......wait for it, wait for it.........

hedgie said...

Still waiting.......

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn(hedgie) for posting it here. I haven't figured out that one yet. I will after tax season!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And waiting. . .

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynn, for that slide show of the eaglet. Wow, what shots1 And, I see the middle toe of the talon is longer. Wonder if that is always the case?

Gotta run! See you all later!

hedgie said...

Back up.....good color.....

hedgie said...

I think the middle talon is always longer.....just a matter of by how much if we are using it for ID purposes.

hedgie said...

I sure don't understand just what the problem is.....or where it is! Very disconcerting.....

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all... I just signed in and will need to read the previous early am blog.
Steve - Thanks for a new thread & for the info you gave us.

Margy - I may bring on the albums but you need to be commended for filling them with photos! ((hugs))

Lynne - you just have to get those Hips in Motion! Please take care.

The sun just peeked out here in the valley. I wish it would stay.

Leona said...

Morning All!!!

Can't believe I missed Belle and T this morning. Guess I need to get up earlier.

Great news on the Decorah eaglet. Anyone know about what time it hatched.

FuzzleMA Those picture are some amazing screen captures.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to be away for a few hours.
Watch out for any HP !


Linda said...

What a cute little bobblehead at Decorah. Great shot right now!

Linda said...

Absolutely adorable close-up. Leona, I hope you're capturing these darling shots cuz I have no clue how to do it!!

hedgie said...

Have a good afternoon, Jo!!

Leona....don't know what time Decorah hatched....Glo had a pic on FB...I'll see if it's time-stamped.

hedgie said...

No time stamp but she posted it 3 hrs. ago....and the shell was still I would say early morning hours.

Leona said...

Just posted screen shots of Decorahs eaglet.

Decorah Eagles

Linda said...

No hedgie, just a couple minutes the Mom was off the nest and the camera was zoomed in really close on the eaglet. It was just adorable!!!

hedgie said...

Wouldn't you love to have the job of cam operator at Decorah or Maine or NBG????? Cool!

Linda said...

Sure would!! Leona, did you get shome shot of the eaglet at 10:30CDT? The camera zoom was amazing. It was right on that eaglet's little face and I would have loved to capture the shot of the little one right in the middle of those two eggs. So cute......

Linda said...

Both eagles on nest in ME

Linda said...

Looks like one is going to roll and warm up the eggs a bit. Hope so!

Leona said...

I miss getting the close up of his face. :(

Linda said...

I haven't kept up with the "mystery" at that nest in Maine too much, but I sure hope those chicks hatch.

One eagle is on the eggs and the other is screeching LOUD!

Leona said...

Oh that is great news for Maine...Glad both eagles are fine.

Linda said...

Oh well, Leona......there will be plenty more opportunities for those face shots. That camera operator ROCKS!!

Leona said...

PA-Lynn yes that camera operator ROCKS!!

hedgie said...

Linda, are you going to leave that in your blog name? If so, I'll add it to the cheat sheet!

Leona said...

Hedgie... what cheat sheet?

Linda said...

Yes, Lynn, I think I will. I should just change my Display name to me real name.

When I first started I wasn't sure how to or what to do, so I distinguished myself with PA (where I live) and Lynn because my hubby calls me that!

There aren't any Linda's that I've seen, so maybe it would be easier....I don't know!

Linda said...

I'll definitley leave it in my blog name becaue it is confusing if you get an email from me.

I'm new at this, what do you think?

hedgie said...

WooHoo-----the female is back in ME?????? Hooray!!! Whew! Was so afraid that she was lost and papa was going to have to abandon the egg(s).

Linda said...

Lynn, are you talking about the Maine nest? Cuz....they're both gone again. Hmmmmm

Linda said...

How often do 3-4 week eaglets need to be fed? That pool eaglet at CRC sure seems to be alone for long periods of time. Don't know if is normal or not.....

hedgie said...

Oops-----does ME already ahve a hatch???

hedgie said...

Sure, Linda, leave it on. That's fine!

FuzzleMT said...

Glo reported the Decorah hatch at 3:41 last night while we were sleeping. This is the first I've been to any other nest other than ours. I just hated to see another eaglet after Paddy, but I guess we do eventually . . .


wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon to Everyone ( :

GrannieKay I read your comment on 4/1/01 1:44pm about having to
take your chi. to the vet for a spider bite. How is she doing??

I have some errands to run and after I come back I need to catch up on the comments. Just a little behind. lol What I just wrote lol I wished it was little lol

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch to click email box Hello one and all I hope you have a great day

magpie said...

Oh, I am so happy to read of your posts of the Two Eagles at Maine !!

Just keep this thought in mind, folks:

from Lamentations 3:25

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

Maine Nest
The live cam
our personal situations, and so many other things !
Keep the Faith, and weave love, peace, faith, and hope into what you do ♥

and let's hope: Liberty and Belle...
Team Liberty !!

Judie said...

Good very early afternoon.

Really nice pictures, Leona. Thank you.

Shirley, if it hasn't been done, ask for a T4 test for George. It, and a newer one, are for thyroid. Our male had thyroid problems later in life.

Maine nest was MT just now.

Have a lovely day, everyone.

magpie said...

when you return:

THANK YOU !! The Dinosaur and I, we like those E-M albums!
It's something we can successfully accomplish together !

magpie said...

I just love it when you pop in !
♥ ☺ ♥ ☺
You have a lovely day, also

magpie said...

I love it when everyone pops in ☺

headed out, not sure what's on the dance card today but I am going to fill it !!

ttfn xo

hedgie said...

Noticed on Glo's screen grab that cam had over 16000 viewers!!! Obviously # of viewers NOT a problem for UStream.

wvgal_dana said...

If you click on my name and go to my blogs


Go to "Nest Of Liberty and Belle"---there you will see
the last pictures I got of Liberty. Can't remember if
you need to click on "older post" to see more.


Then after that if you go to my blog that say's
"Nest at NCTC after 3/21/2011"
you can see how I am trying to accept the happenings with
Liberty and Belle.

That is why I haven't been on. Been busy trying to
work it all out in my mind and heart.

magpie said...

weird little something in the middle of the nest
my "eyes" see it as a teeny brown bird !
That's NOT what it is, maybe a nut shell, or something or other
makes it look like there is Hole in the nest

magpie said...

Thanks DanaWV
AND there are a pile of pictures of Liberty, Belle and family in the E-M albums
and backtracking on Paula's eagletmomsters blog... !

okay, bye

Mema Jo said...

Both adult eagles in Maine nest

Linda said...

No hatch in Maine, yet, hedgie. I was just worried about the eggs being kept warm. Mom is back again

Love your quote from Lamentations.

Another favorite of mine is Isaiah 40:31 - (very much like the quote from Lamentations)

Those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

We'll wait and keep the faith.. ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Linda...yes, Maine----they had it on their discussion page that she was on the nest again! Of course, when I went to the cam, neither were there.....

Mema Jo said...

I'm gone... BBL

Linda said... was Margy that quoted Lamentations!!

Sorry Margy!! That was beautiful!!

Eagle in Maine is upset again!!!
Lots of calls. Wish I could interpret them!

hedgie said...

Not sure of feeding frequencies...

Irene, guess I didn't look back far enough on GLo's page! So a middle-of-the-night hatch! GLad that she caught it!

Linda said...

Okay, time to focus on work for a change.

My feed from Decorah keeps going off air. I wonder if it is a problem on their end or if it is because I have too many live feed windows open on my monitors!! LOL

Linda said...

They haven't fed that eaglet in the 2.5 hours I have had it on my screen over at CRC. I hope that is normal for a 4 week old chick. I hate that 10 second interval shot. Makes things look worse than they probably are!

FuzzleMT said...

@DanaWV: wrenched my heart again - I miss Lib . . .

hedgie said...

Dana, where are you getting the Lib in nest 3/21?? It was actually the Tues. before hatch that Lib was last seen in the nest which was the 15th.

magpie said...

I have this in mind...
Liberty is a strong, smart eagle.
Belle is a strong, smart eagle.
Truder, the same.
They are all doing what they do best, Eagle Things...
Liberty may have a "broken heart" but like many rejected males so to speak...perhaps he is waiting, maybe forever for Belle to come to her eagle senses....and find a way to re-unite.
Or, he might be, like a rejected male, working on getting over his heartache, and will eventually search out a strong, smart female to mate with

It's not that I don't care, nor that my heart is not breaking over how the things have developed....
but...I'm trying to "think" like an Eagle...

Love you, friends, joined at the heart with all of you
ttfn xoxo

hedgie said...

Saw a video compiled by Glo of the Decorah hatch process for 24 hrs. Looks like 2:43AM (central time) was when the eaglet was first seen...and Mama rolled eggs right over top of it!! So that would have been 3:43 eastern DST.

magpie said...

Whoa, this perfect Eastern Panhandle Spring Day Day has taken a slight turn for the worse...
cool rainy now
but it will change back!

okay I think I said Bye

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,



How goes it?? I see the pair has been in the nest and rearranging things this morning.
C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

NatureNut said...

Wonderful info, Steve! Thank you!

Happy Saturday Everyone.
Was outside awhile ago in the sun contemplating working on flower pots--removing any old dead annuals. Then it got dark and windy & now we have ice balls!!!!

Since it may be daylight across the pond, gonna check some cams!

WV sUSAn said...

I see that too Margy. Can't tell what though.

hedgie said...

Bev sent this in momster mail about ME nest situation:

The female turned up this morning after a 2 day absence.

She does not appear to have any interest in the eggs. The male incubates and she chases him off. It is all strange but this is nature and we do not know how they think. I believe in the wait and see.

glo said...

Eaglet at Decorah hatched around 2:30 am Central time this morning. Just a few minutes before I posted on here that Decorah had a hatch. Just keeping you up to date on good things :-). And yes Steves intro to Sat encouraged me to stop and read this thread. No comment on Belle and whats his name just not gonna go there.

I just need to see Decorah feed that eaglet BUT their cam is currently down or my computer has had it hmmm.

glo said...

oooops Hedgie I didn't make that long video. Just shared the link. I made the short 10 sec version in the middle of the night.Mama eagle announced loudly that I should wake up and take a peak and there it was. I had it already to hit record as I thought for sure it would happen. You know i have lots of video but we will see if i actually make a long video of it all. Decorah does a fantastic job sharing everything for everyone very well.

OK its lunch time and then Dex and i may head to the Marina to check river levels or we might take a stroll at home and a nap. I am really quite tired.

Robyn said...

Odin just arrived with a fish for EJ

hello momsters and dadsters been busy this day working on a report for class just thought I would pop in and say HELLO :)

Keeping up with the post in between homework and cams

Harbinger said...

Hi, all! Trouble keeping up even with the less than 1000 post threads. I hope you're all having a good Saturday!

Does anyone know what that is in the nest on the side of the original egg cup?

SusanP said...

Hey Shirley - hope George is ok!

movin said...

Have you looked at Atlanta recently. That baby Panda, which could hardly crawl around the den, is starting to develop, and they have a great video in the report section showing him and Lun Lun playing. You got to see it.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

ME: I used to watch that a couple of years ago, but it is so well situated, overhanging a big river, that it is under constant attack from other eagles traveling up and down the river.

And it seems to be right in the way of every big storm to go through the area too.

Anyway, they were constantly losing the chicks to storms, or one of the pair getting knocked out by challengers, and I finally lost interest.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Leona said...

Sorry I disappeared. I have been trying to find a dog bed for my little girl and Target is out and I am not real sure if I can trust these other online stores.

Leona said...

Is both Outdoor Channel and Decorah cameras off line or is there something wrong on my end?

hedgie said...

Leona, I have our cam okay, but also kept losing Decorah. Shut it down for the time being.

Oh, hurray---glad to hear that Odin arrived----I missed that!
Guess it is dark across the pond now....but Isla's nest does have light on cam 2. Thanks, Robyn!!!

Jim, panda is growing!!!

Leona, try Petsmart online.

Ice, Loretta? Oh no! Know they predicted possibility....only intermittant sprinkles here so far.

Okay, Glo....well, whoever made it, job well done!!

Robyn said...

Hedgie, it is still light and there has been quite a bit of HP going on, that lad wasted no time after his 3k flight. He really is a striking bird

Leona said...

Thanks hedgie I will. I posted a picture of the dog bed on my facebook wall.

hedgie said...

No idea what the brown thing is in nest.....maybe someone with a magnifying glass can tell!

WV sUSAn said...

EJ and Odin are three for three on the HP and that was fast. No, the flight in hasn't phased that boy!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Lady is still in waiting. Hope tomorrow's the day for Laird to show himself.

Odin is so handsome!!

WV sUSAn said...

No clue what the brown thing is n our nest.

WV sUSAn said...

Now it's an eagle. Ha

Leona said...

Petsmart didn't have it. :(

WV sUSAn said...

Yes it's T

WV sUSAn said...

Still alone and digging

stronghunter said...


Back from my journeys.

Leona, don't know what kind of pet beds your prefer, or if you have Costco there, but that is where we have had good luck.

I see an eagle on our nest.

WV sUSAn said...

This choppy feed is dreadful.

T still digging.

Leona said...

Thanks stronghunter I will try there.

WV sUSAn said...

T is still hanging out and looking around.

hedgie said...

Turd in nest.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the advice about George, Judie. I had already left the vet's when I read it.

George hasn't lost weight after all, but we agreed that maybe he needs some more food. Maybe that's why he keeps trying to steal dog food. Vet decided that I should give him another feeding at bedtime. I had been giving him a snack from time to time, so I will just make it a regular thing.

I see that Rudy Boy Toy is still sitting in the nest.

WV sUSAn said...

Ts been there since 2:57 blog time.

Working on nest again.

paula eagleholic said...

Stopped for a bite and see wee have Truder in the nest

Just had a quick showerrun thru here

stronghunter said...

I do have an understanding with the vet that I'll return if George seems to be having problems. I'll remember what you said, Judie.

WV sUSAn said...

EJ and O. More HP

T still on nest

Robyn said...

make that 4 out of 4 Susan :)

I should lower my volume I hear chirps and they are distracting me from researching class work

WV sUSAn said...

Maybe B and Lib are off fishing and T is pouting. Wishful thinking.

T sitting and looking around.

Robyn said...

Susan will Odin and EJ stay in he nest now or will they still perch elsewhere?

WV sUSAn said...

Robyn. That Odin is not playn around. A real go getter.

T still sitting.

paula eagleholic said...

Sun back out here...real mix today

GrannieKay said...

Please, what is the url for EJ & O?

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, GG was pleased that you brought her a book. She read some of it and she said that she kept falling asleep. Said "I think I could get interested in it if I could stay awake long enough to read it"...LOL
Thank you sooo much!

WV sUSAn said...

Robyn. Don't know. With all the HP she may lay eggs tonite. Hahahaha. They will probably perch nearby.

WV sUSAn said...

T still on nest. Wow

hedgie said...

Alright, I am confused.......what happened to the 2nd L of L cam???? Now there is only one listed and no info about times for watching in daylight and dark......did they turn one off???

paula eagleholic said...

shirley...glad george is ok

Costume Lady said...

I posted, what I thought may have been HP, on the Momster's Album, this morning. Can't get it to post on my blog. Check it out and see what you think. Can't know for sure on the STILL cam. Does show his intentions, anyway.

WV sUSAn said...

Lady stretched then flew. Back on nest w a poop shoot.

T still stands.

Costume Lady said...

I did get photos posted on my Wild and Wonderful, going through and around Robinhod's Barn:) Check it out...

hedgie said...


Wanda, I hope GG enjoys it!!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. They change that by the minute. Access thru Wildlife tab at top, then cams and click on osprey pic cam one. It's a mess

hedgie said...

Wanda----it DOES appear to be that way----how long did it last??

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn needs details Wanda.

WV sUSAn said...

Think EJ is above the cam.

T still stands.

paula eagleholic said...

Still see T

Oh the osprey are here but I hane not seen them yet

Catch ya later

GrannieKay said...

Thank you! That's the first time I've looked and someone was on the nest. Beautiful!

WV sUSAn said...

Lady flew off again at Lowes.

T still on the nest

Red said...

Good afternoon everyone. I was just scanning the internet and found this article. Seems to me it's a little late to be moving the nest and little ones. Can't they just let them be?

Bombing Hawk

Costume Lady said...

Lynn...LOL...HP was just from one still to the next one. Don't know if it was just an attempt or a success:) Live feed is sooo important!

Leona said...

If I am seeing this right the Duke Farm cam just started up yesterday.

Duke Farm

WV sUSAn said...

T still hanging n there.

I'm going to shower.

Lady still off the nest.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, No! Lily and cubs have moved out of the den. Mr. Bill, say it isn't so! I haven't watched in a while and now they are gone:( :(

Leona said...

Well I think I am going to take my little dog outside for a bit.


NatureNut said...

Back from other sites all over!
Saw Glo's post & I, too, cannot get Decorah to open.
Noticed on LOtL cam, that even tho it's running, there is no time/seconds moving at bottom. Guess that time spot would just be for videos.
Wrote this awhile ago, so have to recheck those cams. At 2 PM here, was very bright in UK!Fubby switched user sides while I was on phione & comment I hadn't posted didn't disappear!!!

NatureNut said...

Lynn, Chrissy wrote me last night that LOL Cam 2 is only one showing now! See there is no choice on SWT site anymore.

NatureNut said...

Red, very unusual hawk story. Maybe the Vets should wear combat helmets for awhile & leave the nest alone!!! ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Both in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And now none.

NatureNut said...

WHOOPPEE! Decorah cam is on again!!

Darker now at LOtL. Can't see Isla in nest---maybe she's perching.

hedgie said...

On the SWF site with the picture options for cams, it still has 1 and 2....but they both are the same view. On the pages that have the cam titles on the left, now only has the one cam listed, not two. Strange indeed.....and their HD cam attempt is definitely lacking. :(

Wanda, I posted that Bear Report early this morning, I think.....sure hope they can keep track. At least they got Lily's collar back on. Hope they all do well. :(

hedgie said...

LOL, full-bird colonels! Good one! I think someone better just tell them to leave the whole situation alone---and yeah, wear helmets! But guess the hawks aren't protected, so no one will prevent it.

hedgie said...

Duke Farms has a good cam, too. Any eggs yet??

NatureNut said...

Sad not to see the Bears, but at least we can see all the past updates w/news & recent videos.I'm sure there will be more since they can track. Adorable!!!

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Lynn, did they get a collar on Hope?

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, can't remember your kitties names. Was that taken when your stray first came to you?

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon everyone. I can't get the cam to come up. Is it just me?

hedgie said...

Wanda, no....Hope would not cooperate.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How is everyone this evening?

NatureNut said...

Yes, Wanda! I can't get at a more current picture of the 2 together & that doesn't happen much anymore!!!!
Binky is now 4+ yrs. old--she was an Austin, TX stray my daughter brought up on plane! Found by her coworkers at a lunch restaurant!!!
"Baby" Scooter, a stray around our house & a couple neighboring ones, had recently joined our family in this pic. She is now 2+ & VERY fast--hence the name!

Robyn said...

WOW what a feast for the eaglet in Decorah

WV sUSAn said...

Oh my. Check out Decorah eaglet. Gonna have some rabbit.

NatureNut said...

Hi Sissy, hope you're feeling better. I just tried Live cam when EE saw birds, but mine is gray. Still is working for me.
I'm having tyrouble w/Blogger, but don't know if it's just me.When hitting Publish, seems like taking forever to post & if I hit it again, posts twice!!Also sometimes taking me to Blogger sign in page AGAIN when trying to publish. I can't hardly believe 3 week old puter could be messed up this soon---but guess it could happen!! LOL

Costume Lady said...

Never heard the story on Binky...a Texan cat riding on an airplane. They do things in a big way in Texas:)

Costume Lady said...

LOL...Hope is a free spirit!:)

hedgie said...

Heading out soon for dinner with Carolyn before her work shift at 8.
See you all later this evening.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta----it's not your puter that causes the blogger cop problems! It's google!!

NatureNut said...

Wanda, Sherry told us & we saw some things about Binky as a kitten that have sometimes continued! They had young adult female cat that had also been stray found by coworker & Binky was able to tear up some of their kitty toys! The evening they came to our house, Sherry was holding Binky in her lap & I got a pic of "Binky biting 1st Mom's arm goodbye"!Luckily Sher had long sleeve jacket on before we took her to hotel.Later that night, Binky sat in chair w/Frank, chased goldfish screensaver & then went to bed w/him! We call her Jekyll/Hyde sometimes!! ☺

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home and checking blog and cams before heading outside. Jacob won his game, Joseph lost his game, BUT both boys played well and I am proud. Coaches and parents always comment on Joseph. They like to watch him play. He is a hustler! Non stop all the time!

I posted pics on fb of them today. After the games we always go to Subway for lunch. Laurel had not realized they both were number 4. LOL

Need to go to see the possible HP picture.

Lolly said...

Texas kitties....are surely the best. LOL

Lolly said...

No live feed?

Lolly said...

Whoops, I do have it. It just took a long time to come up.

Lolly said...

Just looked at the pictures post today. Could be HP, hard to tell.

Margy, the 2nd picture, thay you posted, is so good. The color was great at that moment.

Ok, do not want to waste time indoors. Headed out!

NatureNut said...

Just checked Live---it opened, but is offcenter like the other night---& No Commercial!!!!!

movin said...

Boy, they've been expecting the first egg hatching at WE for at least two days now, but there's still no apparent sign of a new chick....

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda...can't tell from your pic...

Duke farms cam has been on

Sunny here now :)

NatureNut said...

Put more osprey pics on Blog

Din din ready---porterhouse--YUM

JudyEddy said...

eagle in nest

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Almost split time.

JudyEddy said...


glo said...

Dear Momsters and Dadsters I hope this video will bring a smile to your hearts.

Decorah baby has first and second feedings"

glo said...

wax :-)

glo said...

Oh and split coming too wheeeeee!

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...