Monday, April 04, 2011


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Info posted below the live feed.

Note: Audio is disabled due to outside training activities conducted by FWS law enforcement. This training is not conducted near the eagles' nest, but the sound carries and we didn't want anybody to be alarmed. The sound may be disabled through April 18. Due to audio being disabled, we were able to restore the video to the prior state and with better color. Thank you.

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve and thanks, Paula for the call over.

Have been reading the paper and keeping an eye on the nest as well as Loch of the Lowes. Saw some more HP going on over there!

Lolly said...

After our storms last night, it is 55 this morning! Also, temps in the 40's tomorrow. Up and down, up and down! Never know what to wear! Shorts yesterday, jeans today!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Lolly! I am painting ALL the paneling at the beach house. Looks so much better already with just one coat of primer :)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Just finished catching up on previous thread.
Paula that is really going to brighten
up your place. Your 'before' pics are great & your 'after' pics will be even better.
Lolly - Thanks for the Smiling Sun return. I put the tree on again-don't like not having it visible.

Mema Jo said...

I guess our pair was robbing all the fields of their Fluff early this am.
Look quite comfy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, we don't have a pair. We have Belle and the Jerk.


I am so glad the cam is back to normal.

Lolly said...

LOl Jo! I missed my sun, too. The sun is always easy to find when I am trying to find where I left off. Keeping up on this blog is so hard to do!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to all on this bright Monday.

Prayers continue for Susan & Grey and Grey's Mother.

Sorry yesterday I commented about the "poll for intruder's name". Then after asking Mema Jo to look at my comment. I left and shut down my computer. Too much lightening and thunder. I did not want to take a chance of losing computer.

So no sound on our live feed until after April 18th. Ok..

Mema Jo said...

I was just saying BOTH eagles which is 2 eagles and not really a pair - they are just doing things together.

Team Liberty

Kay said...

Sorry, Lori and all early birds, I missed you and the nest action this morning by sleeping in until 8. Would not mind a bit if this resets my internal clock just a tad. There is no reason, in retirement, for one to be up before sunrise !

Paula, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your beach house and the spectacular eagle show ! I think Lori called it your own personal bird sanctuary and it's beautiful !

Hedgie thanks for bringing us newbies up to speed on your work history and how it brought you in contact with Dale Sr.. His accident rocked all Nascar fans, but it had to be far more traumatic for those who were closer to him and his organization ! If I had that cutout I'd take joy in placing it in my front window, though it might cause a traffic jamb !

Mema Jo said...

Dana I had answered your comment about having a poll for a name
for the "eagle not to be named with the
mark of an "X" on his head" was an
excellent idea IF he stays around.
Not sure when you would want suggestions or even when to vote but one name would help bloggers when referring to the "jerk, Turd, Truder, or Spot(Tee hee)".

Scott said...

Thank you Lolly

Mema Jo said...

Morning Kay IM - I thoroughly agree with the Retirement's required Wake Up Time... I love 9am.
Our comments should give Shirley some encouragement about retiring...

Mema Jo said...

Scott - It isn't always greener on the other side, is it? I am referring to
your finding the nest at Front Royal
almost right in your own backyard.

The pictures are spectacular.

hedgie said...

Kay, not close enough to road to cause a traffic jam! LOL! Maybe I should put him between the verticals and the sliding glass door on my bedroom balcony! Might deter any cat burglers!!

hedgie said...

Right on, Shar! TEAM LIBERTY!

Kay said...

Jo is right, Shirley, come join us ! It's a wonderful life !

hedgie said...

Paula, painting the paneling will brighten/lighten things up very nicely!

Lolly said...

I am off to start my day. Need to eat and then walk. Need to get to the grocery store and then the nursery to buy plants. I imagine this afternoon will be beautiful to work in the yard, not too hot! Also, after the rain, I will not be moaning over the lack of rain.

Have a great Monday, and an even better week!!!

Kay said...

Ha ! Placing Dale in a bedroom window is an even better idea ! All my gal pals would be so jealous !

Kay said...

Looks like Pet Avatar week is over. I'm replacing Rico with a pic of my stepson's race car, since a couple of us have been discussing racing. He lives in Phoenix, builds racing engines and took his dad's old number 73 for his own car. He's not the racer his dad was, but it's definitely in the blood.

Mema Jo said...

Talk about starting my day - It's about that time and Lolly you are
much earlier in your time zone then
I am.. It means you can stay up later.
I have a task today to publish the
April birthday list. I publish the name and birth date and the email address - this enables anyone to send you e-cards and bombard you with good wishes here on the blog. If you are a Facebook member, your name appears (if you have given them you month and date of birth) in the top upper
right under events.

I am asking that anyone (new bloggers)
wishes to participate - Send me an email with your birth month & date. By doing this you are also telling me that I can publish your email address when I send out the message to the Momsters in the email.

Kay said...

Oops, got ahead of myself. Here's #73.

Kay said...

Just sent you my birth date, Jo. Sounds like a lot of fun for all !

Mema Jo said...

As of now we have:
11th Paula eagleholic
19th Diann O'Donnell (PANana)
23rd Anne-Marie from CA
27th Donna Cox (Mauley)
29th Ophelia Thompson

Some of these are long time members &
not participating on the blog. However, I feel if we acknowledge them with a card signed Momster ...
it may bring them back to us.
When I send the list on Email I will include the persons email address.
Include your User ID

Mema Jo said...

Good Looking #73!

Scott said...

@Mema Jo Thanks...I got very lucky to find this nest, I know of another one about 15 minutes away, just don't know the actual location yet. No worries, I'm still planning on getting shots like this of Belle, Lib(hopefully) and whoever else is there when I can.

Mema Jo said...

I am heading for street clothes


Kay said...

Wow ! The nest cam is the best it's been in days. Look at all the Spring green !

movin said...

Good Morning,


Cool and Cloudy this A.M. in So Cal, but it's supposed to heat up this afternoon.

Must be running out of lumber in the area of the BWO nest....

Both of Phoebe's youngest are perched on the nest edge and looking very ready for a flight.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Scott said...

New Avatar test

hedgie said...

New avatar test PASSED, Scott! Lovely.

Kay, love your son's car!!

Jo means your blog name, not your user ID!!!!!!

Kay said...

That's a very authoraative looking Eagle, Scott. I like it !

Just toured my other nests, all having windy days.

Hampton Roads triplets exploring outside the nest bowl while Mom looks on from a branch above. Oklahoma twins 2 months old, eating on their own and lots of wingersizing. Ma Hornsby just did egg roll and seems agitated, calliing out to Pa. Time for a break, Ma ?

The OK comment section dealing with FEW, a Hans-ish agitator. There are others I check in on,too, NC, TH, Lake Washington.... If you see comments on any of them by a Kay---tain't me. You all have the distinction of being the only people I risk irritating with my chatter !

JudyEddy said...

check email box BBL

movin said...

WE pair has been looking like they expect a hatchling for a couple of days, but as of this morning nobody has seen one yet.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

black bird on nest LOL looks so little

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon all! It's a balmy 66 degrees with gusty breezes and hazy sunshine.

Meet Puddles, my cocker spaniel! Her name is NOT because she puddles, but because she loves water!

So, I was reading back a bit and I see there was a question of the identity of an eagle in the nest that had neither Belles neck collar or Truder's spots. But I can't seem to find anything about an opinion on who it was.....????

JudyEddy said...

two tiny black birds now one on each side funny they looks so smalll moving twigs around

Kay said...

I asked the same question about the mystery guest in a post yesterday. No one has responded or even mentioned it since ????

JudyEddy said...

Thank you Thank you for fixing the cams looks great BBL Off to work inventory prep from tomorrow YUK

Lynne2 said...

Hmmmm....well, I'm clueless about that. Strange no one else responded. I wonder if a picture was captured? I was reading back through really fast....maybe I missed something.

Well I searched and searched for the black birds in the nest. Didn't see them. Realized feed had stopped. DUH.
I see them now and they look like Starlings, ooops, now the look gone.

Kay said...

The blackbirds do look soooo little in the nest. I think they're on tour and marveling at the work of the master nest builders of the bird world !

Kay said...

I searched for a picture of the mystery bird, but found none.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Kay.....I sorry to say that they are likely eating the bugs that are eating the decaying food in the nest, and the decaying food too.....But your thought is much nicer!

Kay said...

I know you're right Lynne, but can't you just hear one saying to the other, "Look, honey, do you think we could put in a little rail like this at our place ?"

Lynne2 said...

and they're back snooping around again!

Kay said...

Curious that there are only two of them---surprised they haven't attracted the attention of a whole flock.

Kay said...

Oofta ! Sudden lightning and immediate loud clap of thunder during a downpour. I'm outta here for a while. BBL

Lynne2 said...

they are so small that I bet there is a cavity somewhere in the sides of that nest where they could easily build a nest of their own! Like a squirrel did in an eagle nest.....can't remember off hand where...

Lynne2 said...

stay safe...I see the line of storms coming at ya

Lynne2 said...

Jim, I haven't watched WE so I have no idea what is going on there.

Lynne2 said...

off to get some things done....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think Lib hired that little feller sitting in the nest to scope things out for him, a spy if you will.

Leona said...

Afternoon everyone. I hope all had a good night.

Leona said...

Anyone been watching Decorah. Can anyone tell me what that is they have in the nest?

turtledove said...

Good afternoon, everyone. Such a nice day so far, high of 82 expected.

Where is the WE Nest? What does WE stand for? I hear they have I mean...eggs about to hatch.

hedgie said...

Now two black birds in the nest---oops, one poofed. They are digging for nestovers, I guess....won't find much. Not much food has been there!

hedgie said...

And two again!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Delusions of grandeur?

hedgie said...

Wanda posted a pic of the mystery guest on her blog.......but all I get is a red X and can't display the pic.:( Anyone else try it???

hedgie said...

Turtledove, WE is West the Channel Islands/Catalina group...let me look for link....

hedgie said...

West End, et al

movin said...

I believe somebody mentioned blackbirds....

Earlier, I saw one good sized black bird with a yellow bill in the nest ... end closest to the camera.

I believe it is a female Starling.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Scott said...

@Kay IM - thanks, it is one of my favorites that I took yesterday!!

@hedgie - thanks!

turtledove said...

Thanks for the link, Hedgie!

Robyn said...

Hello Hello!!

What a nice day, just nice because it looks like it may rain but the temp is 66 and I was capable of opening a few windows... Spring!

Scott if you don't mind sharing nest in Front Royal I would sure appreciate it. I camp in FR several times over the summer with friends and the girls. My besties husband collects eagle stuff and of course his favorite bird I am sure he would enjoy watching them.

Hospital called and wants Tori there at 530am tomorrow, so early...

Christine said...

Good afternoon. I have a question. In looking at all the carnage in the Decorah nest I'm wondering if they do any sort trash removal? The nest is getting pretty crowded!

Leona said...

Does anyone have the link to the video of the Maine Intruder?

Lynne2 said...

Christine, no, no regular house cleaning! They just keep building/covering over the "mess"! YUK! It's thought that that is why a pair will build another nest and use it for a year or "air" the other one out!

Scott said...

@Robyn I understand and definitely would, but the nest is on private property and the land owner specifically asked that I not relay the position in respect to him, his neighbors and the eagles. I know that nobody here would take be disrespectful, but I have to stick to my word.

Scott said...

@Robyn BTW...where do you camp when you are in town? We are out at Skyline Ranch almost every weekend.

Lynne2 said...

Leona, I thought I saved the link, but I guess I didn't....sorry. Someone will come on who has it, I'm sure!

Robyn said...

Scott I understand and if it is pvt property then we wont need to go, we sometimes see them when we drive along the skyline.

We go to this little hole in the wall camp grd, we like the cabins and it is quiet. I don't recall the name but remember how to get there :). This year I am getting the girls their own cabin.

It is just south of FR, where the main rd turns into 2 lanes

Christine said...

Thanks Lynne, that's what I thought, but EW! ;-}

Maine intruder? What did I miss? I had house guests all weekend and didn't get to check on nests very often.

paula eagleholic said...

Christine..sometimes they do do nest cleaning....parent will take off with nestovers...

Christine said...

OMG! They have the video on their blog :(

Christine said...

Thanks Paula :)

Lynne2 said...

Saw my first little white butterflies a bit ago while out playing with the dogs~not 100% sure if Checkered White, West VA White or Cabbage White....they flutter SO fast! But I'm guess Cabbage Whites!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Paula, for the correction....yes I have seem nestover flyouts too.....

Thanks for the link Christine...Leona was looking for it. Making a blue link:

Maine Eagle Nest Attack From March 31

paula eagleholic said...

The PH cam is being taken down today since K10 and K26 have relocated. If at all possible, they will place on a different nest on the Northern Channel Islands.

AT the WE is day 40 for the first 37 for the second egg, and day 33 for the 3rd looks like the first egg probably won't hatch

hedgie said...

Loch update

paula eagleholic said...

They do cover up the nestovers, too, sometimes digging them up later and eating them...this is also known as "the pantry" ☺

hedgie said...

No rain here yet.....76° but 88° in sunroom....A/C is on for a little while!

Leona said...

Thanks Christine and Lynne2

Liz said...

What is that "food" in the Decorah nest? Surely it isn't the rabbit that is a week old? The dark stuff to the left is horse hair.

Robyn said...

72 here Hedgie, sun is out sky is blue with a slight overcast

Leona said...

I asked that earlier Liz and yet to find out what it is.

Leona said...

There is a new rabbit, a black bird and mystery meat in the nest.

hedgie said...

A fish on top of the pile according to a pic posted on their website.

hedgie said...

Sure would be a nice day to start painting railings........but not with rain in forecast. Just my luck it would pour 20 mins. later!

Liz said...

Umm, mystery meat, kinda like potted meat food product?

Christine said...

Honestly it looked like a baby groundhog to me. Looks like they have a pheasant and black bird under that too. Thus the nest-keeping questions LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Liz - mystery meat = unidentifiable ☺

Leona said...

I don't think is a baby groundhog. If you look the head is real small.

Leona said...

After looking again I think your right it is a ground hog.

Christine said...

There are horses on the ground below the nest...coool :)

Lynne2 said...


I have made a meatloaf the has to go into the oven at ****4:15PM****

For those of you newbies I have now not once, but TWICE, made meatloaf, turned on the oven, and FORGOT to put said meatloaf IN the oven to cook. Thank GOD for my wonderful and understanding husband!!

So if anyone is on around that time, please post a reminder for me!!

Thank you!

Lynne2 said...

OOOOO I see them! It looks like they are floating in fog!

Think you are right about the groundhog.....eeeewwwwie! Another reason why nest watching isn't for the faint hearted!

Leona said...

I will do my best to remind you Lynne2

Lynne2 said...

Thank you Leona!

I'm just so pathetic......LOL!!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Wow, it is windy at Decorah.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, probably NOT a good idea to paint railing. Nothing on our radar yet but very impressive line of storms rolling through the midwest heading our way. No advisories issued for us yet, and hopefully the cooling of the day will lesson the punch of severity by the time it gets here late tonight.....

Lynne2 said...

Shirley! I was speed reading back earlier and see a retirement could be in your near future! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Love this weather, but you know...the STINKBUGS are EVERYWHERE!

Lynne2 said...

hmmmm. maybe NOT a groundhog....seems to be a long rat like tail on it....muskrat maybe? They live near water.

Lynne2 said...

OK, time to clean the carpet......

hedgie said...

LOL...outdoor thermometer say 104! Sunroom say 94........needless to say, both are IN the sun!!!!

Leona said...

Oh now that you mentioned it Lynne2 I see the tail too.

Leona said...

I just got done making up some puppy chow. Yum Yum

hedgie said...

Lynne, it is now 3:45........start preheating in 15 mins.!!!!

Nope, railings have to wait until I've made a trip to Lowe's---gotta get me one of those little electric hand sanders!!! SO many coats of paint and it's peeling on the top. Wire brush and putty knife aren't going to work!

hedgie said...

Yep, I vote for rat now, too! YUCK! Wind is really blowing hard! Momma is looking a bit bedraggled.

Christine said...

They don't seem very picky with their diet LOL! Look at the Hampton cam -- they're blowing all over the place!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynne2 - 7 more minutes.

hedgie said...

Lynne....1 minute to go!!

Christine said...


Lynne2 said...

WOOOO HOOOOO I got it in on time!!!!

Thanks everyone!!

Leona said...

Lynne2 time to put on meatloaf.

Leona said...

a bit late on my part... :)

DanaMo said...

OmGosh, just tried to catch up from being gone since this morning! Lots of posts.

Lynne2 Glad you got your meatloaf in. I think I will see what the Schwans man brings tonight! LOL!

No eagles all day?

I think I will change my avatar to my very unique Naked Necked Turkin from 2 years ago since I have eggs incubating right now.

IrisF said...

WOW! So many posts to catch up on,...I gave up and started with Monday! Actually made it to post 120.

Need to change my avatar back to my nesting robins (on my wreath on the front door)

Hope I can stay caught up now - fat chance! Just started our taxes!

DanaMo said... didn't change???

DanaMo said...

Oh there it is...but maybe I should have used the chick that looked like an eagle.

IrisF said...

OK, so I forgot my manners, Hello to all the Momsters and Dadsters. Glad to be here!

I think it would help to take a speed reading course to be able to keep up with all the posts.

Love you all, though and will keep trying. (((((hugs)))))

DanaMo said...

Well I have to leave again, I hope I don't miss a visit.

paula eagleholic said...

WE nest has a hatch today! ☺

T-Bird said...

Good evening my eagle peeps.

Lynne2 said...

Looks like the baby hummers will be gone shortly!

GrannieKay said...

Has anyone looked at the Maine Nest.
OMG, the rain is brutal! and. . .
they have the cam zoomed in above the nest. Those poor birds. It's just been one thing after another.

hedgie said...

Hi, Iris!! Get those taxes finished and then you can spend more time here! Are your robins in the wreath now??

DanaMo, cute chicky!

Yes, Maine is terrible....they can't get a break up there.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the two black birds are back

hedgie said...

What is this world coming to? Prince William has asked Snoop Dog to write a song for his bachelor party.......??????????

DanaMo said...

Guess those black birds are looking for scraps.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Archie and Edith have sure been busy in the nest today.

IrisF said...

No Lynn, the robin chicks are from 2008 - we found the eggs in a nest on the wreath when we returned from FL. We had to use the garage to get in and out of the house until they hatched and fledged! Won't know if we have more until we return to PA this year.

After they fledged, I put one of those Audobon robins that sound like a real robin into the nest. Boy was that Momma Robin mad. She screamed and screamed - she finally built a new nest in our holly bush, just a few feet from the front door. Until then, I didn't realize they had more than one clutch(clothes) a year.

They sure made a mess of the front door and porch though! But it was worth it they were so cute!

Kay said...

C'mon Belle, I came to see you before another storm rolls through central Ohio. Come home, dismiss your cleaning service and show us you're okay !

PammySue said...

Hello out there. I need to change my avatar. Don't know to what, though.

Kay said...

How about a picture of Craig, Pammy Sue ? Hope I got his name right !

hedgie said...

Okay, I need a computer expert! How do you know if your sound card is bad??? On my PC, I have no sound from external or internal speakers...........all connections secure...any suggestions?

hedgie said...

Hey, Pammie! How was your weekend?? Did you go home?
I agree.....Craig deserves the honor!

Iris, I didn't know the robins had more than one clutch, either! How soon are you heading north?

PammySue said...

Lynn, yes, I did go home to Capon Bridge. I do that a lot. I am extremely close with my family. :)

By popular demand, here is a picture of Craig. He is holding his 25 lb. cat, Buddy. Poor Buddy is wearing a jacket that is made for a small dog. He is not happy.
He kept stiffening up his body and just falling over. It was funny, but we only left it on him for a few minutes since he was so traumatized. heehee

Lynne2 said...

are Archie and Edith the Starlings in the nest?

Kay, hope the stroms weren't too bad out there. Heading our way now but will likely loose some of their punch with the cooler evening and the trip over the mountains....I hope, anyway!

Christine said...

Hey, have you all been following the Maine cam?

Christine said...

BTW Lynne2, how did your meatloaf turn out?

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Good Evening to Everyone! Been out & about today, then Panda Nap!

Saw Paula's opening Note!If Law Enforcement is around, maybe they'll search for Lib!!
Team Liberty

I didn't see nest cam much in '07, but wonder if anyone remembers how long parents visited nest after eggs didn't hatch.Just wondering if we'll see Belle much longer.

Kay said...

Thank you, Pammy Sue, cute guy and cool cat !

That nearby lighening strike knocked the power off for second, just enough to mean a reset of all clocks. For two hours after that sirens screamed up and down the nearby main street, but I haven't heard any reports on damage. Several torrential downpours this afternoon---May flowers should be gorgeous !

I think Sharon cleverly dubbed the starlings, Archie and Edith.

Kay said...

Oops, of course, I meant lightening, or is it lightning ??

PammySue said...

Iris, I loved your story about the robin nesting on your door. So glad you chose to use another entrance so you wouldn't disturb the babies.

I also agree that we all need to invest in a speed-reading course.

hedgie said...

Oh, Pammie, poor Buddy the cat! He must have been really freaked out to stiffen and fall!

Oh-oh....RR track fire not too far from here......actually apparently multiple seperate blazes...

hedgie said...

Wind is blowing SO hard.....praying for safety for out firefighters.

Liz said...

On the subject of voting for a real name for the intruder if he mates with Belle next year......if we vote vote will be Turd Bird. If we wait to vote next season.....I may be kinder in my vote and go with Truder.

Lynne2 said...

Great story about the Robins Iris!

MEATLOAF YUMMY! Cleaning up meatloaf pan, not so much....

Liz said...

Does anyone have video of the HP at Isla's nest? I missed the birds and bees education.

NatureNut said...

Lynn, et al, noticed last night I think stories about Dale Earndardt, Sr. & thought of something that happenened around here. One cold wet Sunday AM, a few weeks after his fatal accident, heard on news that there would be a memorial caravan of cars w/lights on driving all atround the Beltway. Our street goes overtop Beltway about 1 mile down. I found a white foam rectangle packaging sheet, got marker & made big, black 3 on it. We went down street to overpass w/raincoats, umbrellas & held sign above fence. Lots of lines of cars passed by & honked at us!Seemed a fitting tribute.

Lolly said...

Good evening!

Liz I back your vote for the name for Belle's boy toy! My sentiments exactly!

Iris, I remember your bird nest on the door. I was a newbie at that and could never remember who it was that had that nest.

Lynne, you are a hoot! You got lots of reminders about the meatloaf. Read your post to Jack. His comment..."Another person who does not know how to use a timer." LOL I think he was referring to me. Bless him!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Turd bird in nest.

Lolly said...

I planted 6 flats of begonias today. Have 2 flats of impatiens to plant tomorrow. Beginning to shape up around here. However, things look a mess what with last night's storm and the wind today, there are small branches down every where!

paula eagleholic said...

'truder in the nest...

boy we need sound, Belle is there too and they are calling out

hedgie said...

Belle, too.

NatureNut said...

Was stopped at red light on 301 in Upper Marlboro area years ago & next to me was huge Earnhardt transporter truck! Got a pic of the red & black cab door w/the big 3. In old dead 'puter, but sure it's on a backup disc somewhere.

hedgie said...

Both hollering for a few seconds.

Lolly said...

Well, if it isn't Belle with her boy toy, Turd Bird!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle and Jerk are in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Turder scootched down in the moving fluff

Lolly said...

My cam keepts freezing up! Grrrr!

paula eagleholic said...

They sure did bring in a lot of fluff over the weekend

NatureNut said...

Turd messing w/fluff.

Linda said...

Evening - Logged in to see both in the nest at their normal time. At least they are somewhat predictable on some of their visits.

Looks like he's digging again.

How's everyone doing today?

Lolly said...

Lots of flugg there!!

Wouldn't it be a riot if Belle deposits and egg or two in that flugg!

Liz said...

He isn't a very handsome bird is he? Homely.

paula eagleholic said...

I am not ready for a name vote...I say wait till fall...

Linda said...

Dad just joined Mom in the Decorah nest and they're both screeching. Mostly dad.....

paula eagleholic said...

Loretta, I think in '07 when they lost the 3 eggs...I recall them hanging around for 4-6 weeks or so...I remember we were all hoping for another clutch...

Lolly said...

I am not ready for a name vote either and I am afraid he already has a name or two that we will not forget.

Linda said...

What would be a riot would be if Belle deposits a couple eggs and they're NOT JERK's!!

paula eagleholic said...

I wish she would peck his eyes out

paula eagleholic said...

Don't think he knows how to beak...

Lolly said...

Go after him, Belle!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That bird is ugly.

Robyn said...

yanno what would really confuse this even more... if the intruder laid an egg or 2... kinda like an eagle conspiracy ;)

IrisF said...

It seems that Belle is holding her ground here. He still looks pretty submissive...

Lolly said...

He really has a skinny neck and a small head. Pea brain! LOL Love your comment Paula!

NatureNut said...

Got a peak right after beaking!

Linda said...

Is anyone getting sound there?

IrisF said...

Sound is off until the 18th

Lolly said...

Linda, read the comment below the picture.

JudyEddy said...

POOF TurdBrid

Linda said...

Robyn, YOu like to mix things up a bit!!

Turd gone

Kay said...

Oh, Loretta, that is such a nice Dale Sr. tribute story. It brought a lump to my throat. We've lost other drivers, of course, but none seemed to effect the fans as profoundly as his death did.

Liz, the robin story is so sweet ! Every year I hang a couple of Boston Ferns out on the front porch. And, every year I contend with sparrows who like to nest in them. They make such a mess of the ferns and the porch that I've learned to watch closely and just keep removing their little beginnings of a nest daily until they give up and nest elsewhere. Is that cruel? Does anyone know how to keep them away in the first place?

Lolly said...

Turd poof!

paula eagleholic said...

Truder off to the left...

No Lolly, don't think we will ever forget the list of names...poor bird, LOL

NatureNut said...

Turd poofed & turned on night light!

paula eagleholic said...

Think he's getting a complex yet?

hedgie said...

Turd gone! Belle hanging in the wind and fluff.

Linda said...


You can just tell me I'm a pea brain, too. I won't be offended!! Didn't open my window large enough..........sorry!!!

Costume Lady said...

That was a cool landing:)

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...