Friday, April 15, 2011


New thread.

Update:  The bird found at Antietam did not have a brood patch, confirmed now.  We will do our best to still get the bird "sexed" once it is in Denver.


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Bob Quinn said...

Good morning!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grannyblt said...

GM, I see I was talking to myself over on the old thread.

Red, I'm glad your wife laughed at your comment. She must know you well...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am going to bring my posts from my walk down memory lane over here.

Glo blogged first on March 30, 2006.

Here is my first blog! I was scared to death to blog. Don't know what I was scared of but. . . more was revealed!

Blogger eagle-eyed sharon said...

Okay, the spider is a little scary. It really is hard to see the eagles or anything else for that matter through the white legs and body. Nature is a wonderful thing. Okay, did you guys make provisions for things like this. Like -- how are you going to get the spider away from the camera?

Friday, April 07, 2006 6:16:00 AM

On 4/10/2006, Mema Jo, Nilla, Just Vicky, Glo, Paula and I blogged.

And we officially got the live feed on Thursday, April 13, 2006. And that is our walk down memory lane for today! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Bob!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Mema Jo said...

Good 'Red' Morning to all. I kept reading and reading, hoping to catch up before a new thread.. and decided to come on in to be with all my friends.
Good history report Sharon! Exactly like I remember it happening. I remember sending Steve a Lunch Line Up
by our 3 eaglets and that Aaron helped me format it for the home page. Then the rain came and I got a good pic of our tenting Belle. Five years go by fast and so many friends over the years.

Bob The pics yesterday What is
the name of the Blue Bird with the white belly?

Red said...

I've been a blogger since October 2007 but I can't find my first blog.

Lolly said...

Oh, good! Only 6 comments! LOL Just as I am about to catch up....a new thread! LOL I groaned.

Thanks Steve!

So much to comment on. First, I have been on since Spring 2008. In good company with Lynn and Margy. And, speaking of Margy, her official title is either chaplain or Sunshine chairman. Which is it? ♥ U Margy!!

I have traveled across the US twice now, dragging my jubby along, to be with this fantastic group. So, do NOT let the milage stop you from getting together with this Momster/Dadster family.

Storms missed us last night. We had thunder and a sprinkle. Laurel got the bad weather but have not talked with her. She was enjoying the rain. Hopefully Leona will get her electricity back today. Hang on Red, do not blow away. (He who sleeps with good looking doctors!☺)

Lolly said...

I actually forgot to say Good Morning! Cool here this morning and that is good as I am going to be mowing this morning. glad the chick made it through the night.

Robyn......thinking of you this morning. jealous of your pilieated woodpecker. Have only seen one twice. First time was in OK just a couple of years ago. Jack and I were sitting at a campsite in OK. When there he was on a tree right in front of us. A first for us both. We were absolutely thrilled and I got a great picture.

glo said...

First Blogger's name was Beth on 3/22 I have a Beth who still emails me regularly on Glo's Glimpses posts. I am wondering if that is her.

My first Blog was :

Blogger Glo said...

Hey Thanks for this whole sight. Ijust discovered the BLOG this morning. I have been busy eagle watching and didn't see the link before now. I am having a wonderfl time with the eagles and now the BLOG too. Cool.
Thanks so much!!

Friday, March 31, 2006 9:47:00 AM

I obvioulsy started blogging with typos knowing someone like Shaorn would come along and need me here to keep her skills sharp LOL.

Somethings never change ya know and I couldn't resist. It all comes so naturally.

Going to work on Water rising photos today and some from John Deere Admin area Dex and I were out with the camera 3 days last week. Very cold and windy today. Wore my winter coat for coffee and dog treats.

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - That blue bird with the white belly is a tree swallow. They are entertaining little birds. They fly all around me and spin me around.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, I lied. One more:

From a post by Sharon at 6:41 this am:

6:41 a.m. He is at the launching pad. Been moving his wings a little bit, trying to get up the courage. Just back over to 9 o'clock and did a little poop shoot and then back to the launching pad. Lightened that load a little bit! Oh my God, he just spread his wings out, he has the look. Nope, folded them back in! Doing a lot of flapping all over the nest. Back at the launching pad, looking around. Just moved a little closer to the edge. He wants to really bad! He is so close to the edge, his head gets out of camera range sometimes. He keeps spreading his wings out like he is going to and then back in. It is 6:50 now. A little head bopping going on. Camera freezing up a little bit. Wings back out. Now back in but head still bobbing. My heart is racing. Head keeps going out of view. 6:56 a.m. Wings back out. 6:58 a.m. SPUNKY HAS FLEDGED!!!

Lolly said...

Very cool post, Sharon!!!

hedgie said...

Bringing over from old thread:

grannyblt said...
Morning all from western PA

I've been keeping up with the nest activities and the blog but haven't posted. Real life, ya know.

Went birding last weekend and saw 2 active Eagle nests with a parent evidently sitting. We were looking for Osprey to return to last years nests and only saw Canada Geese sitting on them!! After the second such sighting we saw an Osprey flying towards a power line pole beside the road, where it's mate was busy with sticks. If that nest continues to grow we will have a very close up nest to watch this season.

Friday, April 15, 2011 9:31:00 AM

Good to see you, Lynne1! We were asking about you yesterday! Great to SEE you in your avatar! How is your Mom? And how is everything in your part of PA?

hedgie said...

hedgie said...
Bad weather predictions for eastern MO, too....thankfully, Mom and sis both have basements.
Looks like a bad cell headed for Red now

Friday, April 15, 2011 10:05:00 AM

glo said...

Oh Sharon I will never ever forget that post. Of course I was at coffee and dog treats. But it is in fact a very famous post for all who watched.

I want you all to know that I never deleted the Farewell Page, the stupid site I posted it to closed their domain. BUT I still have each and every Farewell Tribute that was mailed to me and posted to that site. Many of you have a special award I sent to all who submitted a post. Mits came up with the term Guardian Eagle and I made an avatar featuring that name. This is a good time indeed to be thinking about Guardian Eagle I wonder if I still have the avatar too. I must go look. Geeesh its like 5 years old now too. Along with our Big boy, Miss in Between and Spunky. God holds them all in the palm of His hand wherever they are.

hedgie said...

Lynne2-----tried your bear report link again this morning and same thing happened!! And puter had been off all night! Just don't understand at all.

Lynne2 said...

Sharon, love the history blogs!

I have a box out hoping that I'll get a tree swallow!

Boy am I sorry I have to go to work today, it's sooooo beautiful!

Uh, someone throw a bucket of cold water on Lori the Not a Pig....

Gotta go...have a good one everybody!

Lynne2 said...

oh STRANGE! We are going to have to figure this out somehow....

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Sharon, I didn't remember the live feed so early...but it was about a month after they hatched or so...

Good Morning, Bob! Lovely Pics!

hedgie said...

Glo, what is the Farewell Tribute?

NatureNut said...

Happy TGIF!!
It is raining pink petals from the crabapple tree here at home.
Speaking of that, put some Park pics including redbuds on Blog.

Gotta hit the trail---Later ☺

paula eagleholic said...

I do remember that Spunky fledge post!!

paula eagleholic said...

I remember that Spunky fledged on Flag Day, and it was the same day that Michael graduated high school!

glo said...

Spunky has fledged video

Lolly said...

Have just been down memory lane looking for my first post. Would you believe I am crying! I miss Deb!!!! Also, miss Suz, Norma, and Mits!

My first post was Feb. 27, 2008.......Lolly said...
I have been watching this blog. I have learned so much! This is my first time to watch the eagles and I am hooked! I have a couple of questions. Yesterday there was talk about a snowy owl nest. How do I find it? Also, when I log on to the Colorado nest, it buffers and then stops. Any help with these problems would be appreciated. Thanks! Lolly

And, Sharon was the first to welcome me. How about that, Sharon. ♥ U!

glo said...

Hedgie Several folks who watched the first year sent me Tributes to our Eagle family and they were all put on a very special web site I had made of the season. Its a Kleenex kind of thing too BUT it was full of Happy tears and wonderful memories of that first year at the nest. Maybe I will go make a Blog with just those Tributes from all who sent them since the web page domain is gone. Folks will all have access to them. A little time consuming but not too bad. Yep project for the rainy days we have for a few now here.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, isn't it fun to look back at the old posts? Can't believe some had no comments! Not likely nowadays!

Mema Jo said...

Bob - those tree swallows made good subjects for photos. Thanks.

Robyn - praying for you!

SPUNKY, I'll never forget you

I am getting ready to venture out ...

Love you all! BBL

NatureNut said...

Re:Pics Lynne, one of the names for the purple field flowers is Gill-Over-The-Ground.In our yard, too.
Lynn, you mentioned the stew pot chained to porch railing. Frank had bought 2 huge light brown pots for front porch years ago. One morning they were gone! Was right before Mother's Day---HMMMMM!

NatureNut said...

Also, best wishes for Robyn today!!! ☺

grannyblt said...

Thanks Hedgie...western PA is finally sunny for the day. We get the weather about a day before the nest site. Supposed to be very rainy tomorrow. Spring is finally coming, but not soon enough for me. When the time comes, I may go back to TX where I lived for over 40 years.
Mom is still in the nursing home. She can't stand without assistance and she fell last week when I was helping her to the bathroom--and there were 3 grab bars within reach. It is heartbreaking, but she is getting better care there than I can give her. There is a bird feeder at her window, so she sees an occasional house sparrow or house finch--to keep this bird related.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just felt the need to remember better days and not so much doom and gloom!

By the way, I had to fix 2 typos on the repost from Spunky's fledge. I typed lauch instead of launch. I was shaking like a leaf that morning. Steve reposted it on the front page of the blog. :)

Lolly said...

Lynne, where in Tx did you live?

grannyblt said...

Lolly, I lived in Houston. My bird book says I saw my first Pileated woodpeckers at Martin Dyes State Park in '79.

hedgie said...

From Peter at PVAS:


Sad to hear this. I have not heard of any other nests where an adult is absent but will pass this along to our birders and ask them to report to you if they've heard of anything.


Lolly said...

Forgot to say to

DanaMo, loved your comment about the Kindle, the gift that keeps on taking. LOL Love my Kindle and you are so right. I finish one book and $'s and seconds later I have the next book.

Lolly said...

Okay, I was thinking it was Houston. They are now seeing more eagles in that area. Wish we would get a few around the lakes up in this area. (Dallas/Ft Worth)

floralgirl said...

Will they find out the cause of death, Steve? Meaning whether or not it was from natural causes or injured by man, ie: bullet wounds?

paula eagleholic said...

OK, here's some REALLY GOOD NEWS!!!

NO BROOD PATCH on the eagle found at Antietam!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Thanks Paula!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Sorry, about your Mom, Lynne. I know that it is hard. Mother was only in a nursing home for one month. Do not think she even knows where she was. We got her a private room and she was on hospice care. All her meals were brought to her as she was too weak to walk. We were with her around the clock. Never left her alone.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, Megan, I see why you were commenting, Steve just posted that info on the front of the blog.

Lolly said...



Lolly said...

With that wonderful, fantastic, awesome news I am off to eat breakfast and then out to mow.

Have a great day! ☺

Lolly said...

And another

TEAM LIBERTY!!!!!!!! ☺

hedgie said...

Thanks, Loretta, for letting me know about the chained pot!

Glo, cool about your tribute.

Nice memories of early posters!!!

Lynne1....your Mom is getting the best possible care, and you can take care of you!

glo said...

LOL Sharon and I wasn't at coffee I was sleeping. Its an hour earlier where I live. I woke up to your post. I didn't see typos but then it was before coffee. Glad we had the Fraps going that year. We can look back.

Ya know though everyone has a first year So this is an open invitation for all who want to share their first year experience with NCTC:

In addition to the Farewell Tributes shared for that first year. anyone who wants to send a Tribute to me with their emotions and even favorite photo from that year can do that. I will make a Tribute to our Eagles Blog and post them all there.

I had asked that year that the Tributes be short enough to be readable in a small amount of time. Invited folks to include a favorite photo if they wanted to. A few did, but many did not. Anyway you will need to tell me which year for your Tribute. So I get them entered in the right places. I will work on the New Blog in a Little while so you can see kind of how it went the first year.

My email is on my Blog profile page. I hope you will all feel free to join in. Even if this is your first year and some of it is sad, some is also funny at times and we can all use that funny part to help each other through too. Send away whenever you choose. I will remind once the Blog is ready.

hedgie said...

Red, your comment to the anesthesiologist was great!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

In December 2006, I was in the hospital in Charlottesville at the University of Virginia with a liver abscess and received 3 roses from Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky! Absolutely priceless.

floralgirl said...

Oh yes, sorry, I had just opened the page and assumed you guys had seen The news about the brood patch. I did wonder why you hadn't really commented. Sad to see any eagle dead, but glad it's not liberty, again,we do see bald eagles fly over here, the river is not that far away as a bird flies. The spot where the eagle was found is minutes from my house.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay sorry for the lost of your friend (((Hugs)))

I sure hope GG is going to be ok Wanda. She is in my prayers.

NCSusan I love your bluebird eggs. I wrote you a message in there.

Gene is so funny I know Wanda you just love that about him. I know I loved that part about Ed. Keep those memoris. ( :

Roby I pray for you and your friend that are having the treatments. For good results.

Diann you know I keep you always in prayers and will continue to do so.

Shirley my thoughts are with you as to whether or not to retire.

Prayers still for Grey's Mother and for him and Susan.

My prayers include all of you for your feelings of it might be Liberty - it might not be Liberty.
I know you haven't seen me on here. It is because when I read it I just broke down. I just couldn't
read anymore. Thank you Paula for asking them to re-check for the brood patch. I remember when I sat
down at NCTC watching when Liberty flew towards the nest and the intruder flew out of nest tree. Heading towards Liberty and Lib made the turn flying towards
the east. I had wondered then in what direction would Liberty keep flying to draw the intruder away. I just can't get that picture out of my mind.

I know this could not be affecting me more than anyone else. It really seems to have broken my spirit for now.
Losing my Ed 2009, losing my Little Man and now Liberty
not being around. Just seems to have hit me hard.

I think the only thing that could brighten up my spirits is that Steve would come on and say they made a mistake and it was a female eagle not a male they found dead. That would make me sad for the female eagle. But it might bring
me back and relieve this "heavy heart" I have.

I just read the message "it did NOT have a brood patch".
That gives me hope.

You all have been such friends to me without knowing you are here would be terrible. Thank you for this blog.

Mema Jo enjoy your Beach house lol

I do need one thing: I can not find my camera..I think
it is someplace in this house. I pray but could the Saint
that helps find lost things please be ask to help me find
it. Thank you ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I am going now to help my Mom take flowers to put on my Dad's grave.

I did Ed's yesterday for Easter.

♥♥♥ Love to all and may your pains ease up and may God Bless each and every one of you and your families.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi DanaWV....

We are all here together in this!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes we are Dana! I have had intentions of backing off and cannot make myself. This is too much a part of my normal every day life.

St. Anthony will help you find your camera!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Paula and Sharon ( :

I love this blog and the people that make it up.

Going now to help my Mother.

Every enjoy your day I hope.

PammySue said...

Hello all. Looks like a beautiful day.
The latest update seems to be good news. :)

I have not read everything, but I see that DanaMo's chick is OK. More good news.

I have a doctor's appointment later. No fun.

Hoda said...

It is good news that the dead eagle did not have a brood patch. I still am very concerned as to Liberty's whereabouts,and Belle's bonding behaviour with Truder. So I can not bring myself to the point of feeling really relieved that there was no brood patch.I have not made the connection to saying Liberty is well. I would like to mind you, but I am not there. Too much of an emotional roller coaster, so I say it is a wonder to be able to watch whatever eagle activity is going on and leave it at that.

Liz said...

So glad to hear the male eagle did not have a brood patch. There is hope for Lib, that he will come back next season. I've read of other nests where a mate has gone missing for months and then come back next season. We all know that Truder is not a good match for Belle.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jerk may be a good match with Belle's alter ego, Jez, but definitely not a good match for Belle. Jerk and Belle just does not have a good ring to it like Liberty and Belle! Yes, pun intended! :)

Red said...

But when you JERK the rope the Belle rings. lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Red said...

My nap time if this nutty dog will relax while we have a little thunder.

movin said...


good morning to

the members of the

Sheptown eagle lovers



Well, from over cooled to over heated we go today ... desert winds.

From barely 60° to over 80° in the beat of a heart.

I'm glad to learn that it wasn't Liberty that they found.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Well, duh, Megan...that was NOT there when I came over to the new thread!!!!

hedgie said...

Good news! Thanks so much for calling our attention to it!

movin said...

Mema Jo, I "think" that blue and white bird in Bob's photos is the Tree Swallow.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Tornado warnings in Alabama and Mississippi. Look out if you are in that area.

Getting ready to work on taxes. I really waited until the last minute. I do know I have until Monday.

I have to load everything into the program on my computer.

Slept in a bit this morning and then had to take Hunter's forgotten homework folder to school.

stronghunter said...

My first blog entry was the day everyone was looking for Hidey after he/she blew out of the nest. I had been lurking for about a month.

stronghunter said...

Need to get going on the taxes so I can get some of these knots out of my stomach.

JudyEddy said...

Good mornin one and all Jordyn is down for her nap and here I should be doing something last day of vacation and back to work tomorrow I had the roof inspector our this mornin and Yeah maybe 5-7 more years on roof left My insurance decided not to cover me after all these years so now I'm stuck with Citizens went up 600. No other co is signing Fl people looks like they have us by the balls if you know what I mean.
Didn't get to go to see Traceys eagle nest Her dad passed away this week
Well housework isn't getting done on its own BBL always lurking

DanaMo said...

Even with the new thread I can't catch up!

Costume Lady said...

Sorry that insurance wont help with the roof, JudyE.
Wonder if our insurance will cover a damaged roof caused by squirrels?
84 Lumber just brought materials to build new porch. Workers are starting on Monday. WooHoo!!

Costume Lady said... glad little peeper survived your surgery...what a good teacher you are! Love teachers who go the extra mile for their students!

JudyEddy said...

I just had to get the roof inspected before Citizens would cover me I just got a new one in 1997 and they insisted on inspecting before insuring me so I don't need a new one for at least 5-7 years He was surprised it was in such good shape since it been since 97 So now I just got to go sign papers BBL

glo said...

Soaring Through The Years

OK the Tribute Blog is ready for ALL of you. There are 5 empty threads waiting for your entries and the

2006 Tribute thread is here

Please take a few minutes even though many of you are saving to your own Blogs and we have a Momster album as well, this would be a once a year comment place for the highlights of an eagle Season for you, be it your First Season or not. HINT Palmers Season meant a lot to all who Blogged that year. Got a photo or memory send it to me.

Kind of a spot online that will always be here hopefully as long as there is a BLOGGER anyway. Easy for all to bookmark, read and remember . Its called Soaring Through The Years. Lets soar on folks.

I sincerely want each thread to catch on and all are indeed so very welcome to contribute BUT either way I did want these Tributes available from 2006 once again since the other domain is gone. I know several of you would visit occasionally. I have added a video highlight at the end as well.

Hoda said...

I have been watching the Hancock Foundation nest in White Rock BC. Two eggs due to hatch the 17th and the 20th period. Stunning views of Boundary Bay and Victoria Bc. Two cameras, a close up and a wide angle.
I hope this URL comes through ok...

Hoda said...

Well I see the URL did not show up where by you can simply click and view it. I do not know how to do that...any help from anyone? Thanks

JudyEddy said...

Here I still sit and play I posted a 4 pic album of the osprey that hatched yesterday the one that was taken from the nest this was on the news last nite waiting for the other two to hatch now

hedgie said...

Hoda, send me your email address and I can tell you how to make a blue link! Just click on my profile and then on Email. DON'T post your addy on here!

hedgie said...

Glo, will check out your page after I finish cleaning house! LOL---is that chore ever "finished"????

Leona finally has internet back up, so bet she'll be back here before too long.

JudyEddy said...

Glo I loved it was absolutely beautiful the tribute Just think I've been watching since 2007 when I got my computer

PammySue said...

The doctor's office just called and resceduled my appointment til next Friday. Good. I was not in the mood to go today anyway.

I hope Robyn is doing OK.

Lynn, thanks for the info from Peter at PVAS>

glo said...


how to make a link

look near middle of page for example . Can't just type it on here as it tries to make the link :-(

magpie said...

Headed to Berkeley Springs for some Kid Fun...
no silver or grey or any color alerts needed

will check back much much later on, will look forward to seeing what everyone has been up to...hope all is well..
What a Day !! The weather, that is...
xoxoxox ♥

magpie said...

That avatar is a scream !
or, a Hoot !
either way, I like it !!! ☺

okay, byesie byesie

glo said...

Well Judy if you want to send me something and remind me in your email it was 2007 I will post it to the 2007 thread. Yes there is one sitting there for you.

Oh Hedgie does that mean you aren't ever going to look at it. Nah you will take a break and take a peak I hope :-)

There is a thread made for Palmer's year too. Many of you even if it wasn't your first year may want to send me something for that one. Up to you but first timers that year when you found out the eaglet hatched with a name might really want to tell us how it was for you as you watched and Blogged with us. Many of course still mention how much Deb is missed on here.

glo said...

Magpie So if "Truder" saw it and knew there are now hundreds if not thousands of us guarding that nest, do you think he would go away and leave us all alone?

Leona said...

Hello everyone. That was the longest day and a half with out internet. I worried about all my eaglets. I am hoping to find them all fine.

I am not going to try to catch up with postings. If anything has happened that you think I would like to know or need to know please tell me.

JudyEddy said...

Glo I posted your tribute on Nctc eagle cam face book page Hope you don't mind other may want to see it BBL No more lurking got to get busy

Hoda said...

Thanks Glo, I am headed off to yoga practice and when I come back I will try it. I printed the instructions from your link and I am grateful.hedgie also sent me an email so do you see why this site is so many helpful and friendly people...
On Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily blog it does not give me the options on your link...oh no!!! I will look into it more when I come back. Bye all

Robyn said...

I'm home and treatment went very well, only thing is I started to feel tired halfway thru which is normal. I go back in 2 weeks. Thanks to all for the well wishes I was a bit nervous but it was easy-peasy.

I am glad to hear there was no brood patch, there is still hope...

Grannybit we have Pileated's that are always around my woods most of the time we even get to see them go from tree to tree eating insects.

Now I am going to bring the kids to Dubbie's for lunch, Tori, Bre, Kyle and Jason.

PammySue said...

Due to the confusion about the Facebook page, whose name cannot be altered, I am deleting it. Also, I do not have the time to monitor it as much as need be, which is a problem.

My Mom recently told me that she will be needing my help to care for my grandmother much more often, so I will be away from the internet for days at a time.

Perhaps someone with more time will create a properly-named fan page for the cam. I apologize for the confusion as well as for creating a page that I did not have time to appropriately manage in the first place.
I’m sorry.

Mema Jo said...

Just returning home - need to read quite a few comments


glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

So there I was strolling down memory lane on the 2009 thread of GLO's first season stories Blog, revealing my love affair with Belle, Lib and Hidey. I was almost done, feeling happy to have accomplished something and Parker, my largest and most affectionate cat comes to the desk to visit, steps on the keyboard and ZAP! It's gone. There's no "undo" and it didn't post that I know of. Guess I get a do-over.

Any of you with cats could see that one coming.

Lori O. said...

Pammy Sue, it's okay about the FaceBook Fan Page. There are plenty of people who can do it. I could try if you tell me where to begin. I think it's great that you help take care of your grandmother. That's truly far more important.

hedgie said...

Oh, Glo, I'll get to it, I promise! ALready have it open in new tab!

Robyn, glad things went well. Now enjoy your lunch!!

Pammie, too nice a day to spend in the drs. office anyway!! Now your weekend can start early!
We understand about the FB page. Not a problem. Your heart was in the right place. But I know where you are coming from---wish I didn't have the one that I am responsible for for a group, too!!!

There's Leona!!! I knew you'd make it!

Vacuuming is finished. Now to dust and do the bathroom!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Had a few scary "download moments" this morning when my computer tried to update my Firefox--there was a virus in the download! Thank God, the Norton 360 took care of it, and the computer is working well!

Well, it's taken me forever to try to get caught up here! Will make a few comments, then have to hit the road running and do some urgent errands:

DanaMO, I'm so happy the chick is OK!
Hope the little rascal can get caught up with the others.

Robyn, you're in my prayers and on my mind today! ((HUGS))!

Lori, a Pileated Woodpecker?! I'm SO jealous!!

Wanda, how's GG? She, you, and Capt. Gene are in my prayers!...A new porch soon? WooHoo!!!! YAY!

WV Dana, Prayers & (((HUGE HUGS))) for you!...And, Lord, since nobody and no thing is ever lost to you, please show WV Dana where her camera is. Thank you, Lord!

PammySue, prayers for your Dr. appt. next Friday! Glad it was changed to then.

Shirley, hope your tax prep. goes well--prayers and (((HUGS)))! Know what a relief it will be to get the job done!

stronghunter said...

Yay, I have gotten through most of the tax stuff. Just need to figure out what credit I can get for the furnace and heat pump. I have to find the paperwork for that. I also might call my investment person.

So far, I already have a refund for both state and fed, but nowhere near that $3,000 they say is the average. And I do have to pay a quarterly tax that will probably eat up more than the entire refund. But the knot in my stomach is a little better. Still there, though. I break out in hives when I do my taxes.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta change into RED street clothes and get going.

Will check back in later.



stronghunter said...

PammySue, please do not even think it is necessary to apologize for the FB thing. You tried to do something good. Feel good about it.

We all know that family comes first. Take care of your grandmother and feel good about that, too.

God bless.

stronghunter said...

For awhile, I paid someone to do the taxes, but I still broke out in hives when I had to fill out the forms for the preparer. I had to pay them to transfer the information into the format that I can do myself on Turbo Tax. Did not make sense.

stronghunter said...

Team Liberty!!!

Lori O. said...

Andy!!! How are you? Emma?

Lori O. said...

I'm searching for my first post and came across this so I am close. I was just gushing love:

Lori said...
I'm so glad you all are watching one would believe me!
Isn't Hidey the cutest, smartest, most amazing eaglet? I love this baby.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 6:41:00 AM

glo said...

Lori Bless you . I am glad you were writing something for me. Hmmm maybe kitty needs a real mouse to play with while you redo.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, hi, Shirley!
Boy, you really WILL be relieved when the tax preparations are over, won't you! I certainly understand!

Since we're apparently doing avatars of our favorite bird (except for eagles) this weekend, here is a spectacular picture collage that our Chrissy did of (who else?) Isla! You just HAVE to love Isla! :o] OK, I really am going now. Back later!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, if I didn't accomplish another thing today, I got Glo busy! :)

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.~~I'm pulling a "Margy"LOL!

Lori, I'm fine, and Emma is feeling spectacular today. I'll give her a doggy peanut butter cookie for you!

Gotta run. Later, alligators! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Good News Robyn

Sad News PammySue - It was a place where you could post pics/videos/announcements quickly and presented to most of the people involved. I'll miss that page. Thank you so much for keeping it open and updated as you did.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops, here I go again!

Do you remember that you are the one who got me interested in medical transcription? Have to thank you again--I absolutely LOVE it! ((HUGS))

TEAM LIBERTY!!!!!!! OK, absolutely MUST get busy!!! Later, gang! ;o]

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I do remember that Andy but was afraid you would be hating me by now! :)

Mema Jo said...

Lori - May 2009 is when you joined the Momsters - We were together for the first time at the nest visit
of May 23 2009 when you and Kate came.

JudyEddy said...

Just read about bird week so here is the new osprey from the crane story

JudyEddy said...

I left a good bye mssg on the facebook page dumb huh Sort of feel its my fault because I had mentioned the other page Cap NCTC wasn't posting to anyone's news wall but you still could go on it and them Pammysue made the new page Nctc which is great and don't feel bad about it We appreciated what you have done and I wish the best for you and your mom its great for those of you that have your parents cherish the time you have with them I'm so glad I did with mine before they passed BBL Jordyn call want to play Need to buy a bigger children play chairs my butt doesn't like to sit on it LOL What we to to please our grand kids BBL

glo said...

LOL Sharon Yes but it is rainy and stormy here and I have enjoyed looking back a little and then also trying to get folks who weren't there then but are here now to join in and create more of that kind of stuff for the future. We need that. It is part of our history and nice to have in one place.

glo said...

LOL I can tell from the stats that a few of you are looking for and checking the threads for other years on the Soaring Through Time Blog. Well there are no posts there yet because well No one has sent me anything yet. But Lori's cat is helping her and a couple are in the inspiration mode :-)

Mema Jo said...


PammySue said...

Robyn, glad the treatment went well. :)

Lori, not sure whether to laugh or groan at your cat and keyboard story. LOL
As far as a page goes, Facebook has a Group Page feature, but the updates do not show up in the news feed unless you are friends with whoever started the page. People have to go to the page if they want an update. Lots of people have complained to Facebook about it, but so far they have not fixed it.
It would be up to you if you would want to take it on. Maybe you could enlist some friends to help with the monitoring. Not doing that was one of the mistakes I made. Also, make sure you put 'fans' or 'fan page' or 'unofficial' in the name to avoid confusion.

Lynn, thank you. My heart was in the right place, but I let it get ahead of my brain--typical of me.

Shirley, thank you also. I just feel the need to apologize for the confusion it caused and the fact that I created the page but did not have time to update it. :( Just makes me feel like a jackass.

Judy, don't be silly! The Facebook thing was not your fault, it was mine. You pointed out a flaw in the old page that I did not even know was there--nothing wrong with that. I LOVE your enthusiasm!!

Lori O. said...

I just posted my first blog AND, the best part, a picture of Hidey the first day he did his "mug shot" trick.

It's on my blog here - only one so just click the name.

Glo, what a great idea.

For all you Barbra Streisand fans... sing it: M E M O R I E S, like the corners of my mind...

Leona said...

Yes I am back and so happy to be back. Being without internet I stayed in my photography area, will be upload new picture to my blog. Right now I am jumping in and out of all the websites I missed trying to catch up. BB

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Misty water-colored memories. . .

Scattered pictures, of the smiles we left behind!

JudyEddy said...

PammySue the other facebook page disappeared about two days ago it was the NCTC eagle cam page is there another

Red said...

I believe the worse part of the storms are over for me. We just had lots of rain and thunder and lighning. Some tornado watches but no warnings.

PammySue said...

Judy the old Facebook page was only there because I wanted to transfer the pictures to the new page. But I could never get the name situation fixed, so I did not transfer the pictures over.

stronghunter said...

Okay, got the taxes done, but waiting to find out about the furnace thing. I think I have done everything I can for now, thank goodness.

No more hives.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Pammy, I'm embarrassed to say but the Cam Fan Page already over my head. I have a FB page but don't do much with it. :(

On the otherhand, someone who has been doing a lot is Shirley. I'm so proud of you getting all that stuff done. I need to kick myself in the behind to get moving.

Lori O. said...

OK - who has the Facebook for Dummies book?

Leona said...

Ok... got my photo's on my blog.

My Photography

stronghunter said...

Shirley should have done her taxes long ago.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has found someone to mow the lawn on Sunday, which is a good thing because we might lose one of the dogs or even Hunter out there in the jungle that is growing.

Someday I might buy a riding mower. Someday.

stronghunter said...

I would not venture to do anything else on Facebook. I just have my own page, and that is enough.

paula eagleholic said...

So should have Paula :)

I'm waiting til Sunday ☺

PammySue said...

Lori, that book would do you no good. lol Facebook changes things every five minutes without fixing prior problems. I think that's why most people have a love/hate relationship with it.

DanaMo said...

All is well with the little chicks. The kids got to hold them today and have their pictures taken.

stronghunter said...

Got everything else done but the furnace deduction, and I do not see how I can claim it. I will find out.

I hope you don't get hives, Paula!!

stronghunter said...

It is helpful that you can just pick up most info online. That is were I got the mortgage stuff.

stronghunter said...

I'll bet you got some cute pictures, DanaMo.

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, no hives Shirley

Not sure if the furnace would fall under the energy tax credit or not.

stronghunter said...

Oh, my, I think I might have figured out the furnace thing, and it increased my refund by over $1,000. I knew I needed to think about that some more. Wow.

stronghunter said...

The guy who sold me the furnace said it did, and he is a friend of Kathryn's. I have the paperwork, but I don't have tax info on it. I have the bill, etc.

stronghunter said...

I was afraid it might increase the possibility of an audit, but it does not seem to.

paula eagleholic said...

Our nest is really swaying in the breeze!

stronghunter said...

Been noticing that, Paula. It is pretty windy here, too.

stronghunter said...

Time to get up and move around. Going to try to find a working vacuum around here.

hedgie said...

Glo, I'm working on it! Loved 2006! Some names I wasn't at all familiar with. Some I miss big time. Never knew that Jim was here then!! Cool!

nene said...

I know they have to confirm what sex the dead eagle was and they've confirmed it did not have a brood patch. My question is... If it is a male for almost a month has not sat on a nest on eggs or eaglets, would the brood patch go away so soon? In other words, would Liberty still have his brood patch after all this time?

hedgie said...

Glad you missed out on severe weather, Red.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Starling alert, our nest.

Red said...

I have an anniversary party to attend. I'll be gone probably until tomorrow

stronghunter said...

Yes, I see that little birdie in our nest.

Guess what? I messed with the vacuum some more, and it is not dead after all. It still had a clog, despite all of my efforts. I had even pushed a coathanger through the hose, but it just sucked up a mess of stuff when I shook the hose, and now it is working.

stronghunter said...

Hello, nene. Nice to see you on here.

JudyEddy said...

being the eagles has been dead two
weeks now I would think he would have it and it was about the 20th or so when he was seen last --I think so that would have been ten days or so before that eagle died I'm no expert just my thought throwing it out there

stronghunter said...

I am not sure anyone really knows, nene.

stronghunter said...

I tend to agree with JudyE, but I am not an expert, either.

JudyEddy said...

I thought we could use a laugh I told my daughter about the facebook page of Nctc being deleted eventually and she advised me to tell PammySue just to do it quickly like a bandage it won't hurt so bad LOL BBL got to forage for some food

Hoda said...

Back from yoga and was very pleased I managed to do a shoulder stand and was balanced!!! I see there were no visits to the nest but it is windy. I am sorry to see the Facebook page go I was working on trying to work with it. Thanks for all the work there. You all are doing your taxes too...they must be due sooner than ours, we are due the first of May...I keep it to the last minute and have to have cookies as a way to deal with their stress...baking now is part of the ritual to do taxes!!!It works to calm the nerves.We get to elect a new Prime MInister the second of May and I hope the chap who is in right now does not get back in, but something tells me it will be another minority government...oh the more important things I'll go for a look out of nest activities. The White Rock eagles are beautiful... she is on her second mate, her first colided with a plane out of Victoria which is across from Boundary Bay...

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

My bad there.

Just thought that was pretty cool that Shirley could get an extra thousand bucks just thinking about something for a little bit. That's great money!

hedgie said...

Okay, Glo, I'm finished!!!

Lori O. said...

Talking about old names in the archives . . . what happened to Ceil and NormaByrd?

hedgie said...

Hoda, our taxes are normally due by MN today. Extension until Mon. night because the District of Columbia has a holiday today!!!
Good luck with your election.....won't say any more about that situation!!!
Welcome Nene.

Shirley, I was fairly sure you would find that the furnace met the criteria for a deduction/credit. WhoooHoo!!

And you fixed the vacuum. You're on a roll!

Red, if it's your anniversary, hope it's a good one!!!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, it was one reason I bought the furnace in 2010. It was the last year for such a deduction. Of course, I was also afraid the old system might quit on me at any time.

Hoda said...

White Rock male eagle just brought a fish to the nest and she is eating it as he is incubating.


Thanks Lynn your instructions worked. :)

Lori O. said...

For some reason I am not supposed to post my thoughts on Hidey and my first season in 2009. I had finished, was happy with it, then got the sign in AGAIN and figure out the squiggley letters confirmation box then "We're sorry we could not process your request at this time." AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

And it's gone again.

Lori O. said...

Fine - I'm going to DQ for dinner. Well, a Blizzard. I'll get some Dilly Bars so we can share. :)


hedgie said...

Lori, Norma apparently has irreparable computer problems. Ceil and Mits "dropped out". Suz can't access from work anymore, and doesn't have a puter at home.

Kay said...

It's a relief to know there was no brood patch. Sorry, dear departed Eagle, we mourn your loss, but ask that you understand how precious Liberty is to us.

DanaMo, so glad the little rescued chick is doing well. I'm sure the pics of the kids with all the chicks are very sweet !

WVDana, it's a shame so much has crushed in on you in the last two years. Better days are ahead, really. My prayers are with you.

It's been wonderful reading about your early blogs--historical and sometimes hysterical ! The early committment to support the eagles and each other has apparently never wavered. It's a beautiful thing !

Speaking of beautiful things, how bout that Nu ? Hubba, Hubba, Ding, Ding !!!!!!

Oh, Red, Happy Anniversary and if it isn't yours hope its happy anyway !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Suz has a computer at home but it is lost in "the room"!

Hoda said...

Sorry The White Rock Eagles link does not life is so full of mystery right now I do not know more than to say, when I clicked on it it sent me back to the blog leave a comment site...
:( Oh My!!!

Kay said...

Robyn, so relieved to know the day went that well for you ! Had you on my mind all day.

PammySue, you are doing a wonderful thing. You'll never regret having helped your mother and having cared for your grandmother. Years from now you'll be comfortable in the knowledge that you did everything you could do to help your loved ones. I'm sure we'll look forward to seeing you check in whenever you can !

Leona, good to see you back. The news out of OK had us worried !

JudyEddy said...

Truder on Nest

JudyEddy said...

Truder on Nest

JudyEddy said...

Truder on Nest

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


hedgie said...

Truder in nest. :(

hedgie said...

I agree, Sharon....he is not a pretty bird at all.

JudyEddy said...

Now now be nice he still hasn't grown in to his body yet LOL this may be future dad for our grandeagle LOL

Mema Jo said...

Truder in nest
Waiting for Belle I presume

Kay said...

Thanks for the heads up, made me realize I needed to refresh !

Leona said...

Kay IM I am glad to be back and happy the storm didn't do any damage.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I would be accepting of any eaglet but never have to be accepting of their daggone daddy. I have family like that! :)

Kay said...

Beauty is only feather deep ? ☺ He must have some redeeming value or our Belle would not be putting up with him ?????

Lolly said...

I see a Turd Bird!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is possessed by demons right now, I will forgive her.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like a statue --atleast he could tidy up some

Lolly said...

Wish we could figure out what is that on his head. A feather not turned white? A wound?

Kay said...

Can we somehow arrange an exorcism ?

JudyEddy said...

We could have a exorcism for her LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is stupidity seeping out his head. He is a statue because he is skeered of the wind. Wienie!

JudyEddy said...

that was so funny we both thought of the same thing

Lolly said...

Exorcism...great idea! When?

Mema Jo said...

I think Truder needs to look busy
because Belle is out there nearby

Kay said...

Hey, here's another idea. Let's all make Turder voodoo dolls and poke pins in em' all at the same time !

hedgie said...

Wonder where Belle is? Maybe having a tryst with Lib?

LORI---you've gotta remember to copy!!!! Then you won't lose it!

PammySue said...

Don't hate me, but Truder is an eagle, and so by default, he is a beautiful creature.

Do I love him like Liberty, though? No.

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