Pammy, it was great while it lasted but there is a time and place for everything and now is your grandmother's time :), she is most important FB can wait.
Looks like the weather is changing clouds are starting to roll in, looks like the kids will be stuck indoors this weekend as we are expecting rain tonight and throughout tomorrow.
Now I may be able to catch up on some cams and the blog even with my final this coming week.
Paula I saw lots of redbuds today, such a beautiful color
Red enjoy your anniversary
Luckily I don't need to file taxes it has it's good and bad points I suppose...
Pretty much what I said several days ago, Pammy Sue. There is no such thing as an ugly eagle, but he has a lot of maturing to do before he'll even approach the class Liberty has. He needs to go to Finishing School !
Just want you to know that we are not buring up! Smoke is in the air from TX fires but we are not threatened. However, the sky is grey and you can smell the smoke.
I have LEAVES---the good kind ON the trees! A few trees that I don't know species, and a couple of small maples! Spring IS here!
I did cut my puny hyacinths and brought them in before the deluge comes tonight. Flood watch until tomorrow evening. UGH! Waters are still up from earlier in the week.
Lori If its for the Blog I made today with a thread for 2009, you will need to send the message to me in email. I will post it to the blog then. Folks can comment in the comment area as we do here but the thread post will need to be entered by me. So I need an email from you with your 2009 entry for the thread. I hope that makes sense. Kind of like when Steve posts a new thread and then we add the comments.
OMG! Just opened phone cost over $17 to call Scotland to order the Lady of the Loch book! Ridiculous!!! That's almost as much as the price of the book ($22).
We worked in the yard all day. Mowed and had the lawn looking great and then the wind picked up! OMG You would not believe the leaves, twigs and even branches on the ground now. The wind is awful! One time is was even frightening. We have had peak winds up to 60 mph. And, just west of us major fires.
If Truder is to stay and be "it" Belle no doubt will teach him well. She always had Liberty under control and I will never be able to forget how they were together. I can only hope this relationship will turn out as well UNLESS LIBERTY COMES BACK !
Different book, Robyn. The one that wv sUSAn had is the one from SWT. It's a compilation of posts, thoughts, pics, poems, prose by viewers and bloggers. The one from Amazon is actually a "novel" about Isla, or Lady as some call her by a Helen Armitage. Amazon still has not notified me that it's been released yet, but it's supposed to be this month.
I think that black spot on his head is a "soul patch"--all the rage among young male eagles these days. Only place they could figure on having one that would be seen.
Hedgie when I wrote Jonathan the email I received was that the book was sold out, that was like 3 weeks ago or so. Can you email me the number I would love to order that book for mom
Hello ladies. I'm playing catch up here. How ya doin??
Lynn. U r so right about the Lady book. I did my exchange thru email and PayPal. But it's done and u know u will b thrilled when it's n your hands.
KayIM. Oh my gosh, soul patch has me crying here. That's hilarious!
Jo. I was thinking on the same line. We may have a new pair next season and despite the sad outcome this year, T appears to b a strong and capable male and we are just observers.
Whatever the outcome, I hope Lib is happy and healthy.
Wonder what Anne Marie is up to? we sure haven't heard from her in a long time! Anyone seen her on FB? I don't think I have. Of course, I "hid" all of her games and maybe that's all she does.
Evening Everybody. Just saw tornado film on TV.Was trying to read some comments before asking how all our midwest, south people are, but see Red is going to a party, so know N. Alabama is safe. How about OK & TX?
Pulling a Wanda and got some crab legs steamed at grocery, so should start picking before they're cold!! I suppose they aren't going out tonight, but hope GG is OK.
Stupid question I know they stay in the nest when they have eggs etc but on a normal basis how long do normal eagle stay Hes been there over an hour now Is this norm
Hedgie Yes your Tribute has been copied and posted into the 2008 Tributes. Thanks for writing it. I did copy and paste it to the thread where it goes and then deleted it from the comments area.
If you want to participate and I hope that you will then you need to email the Tribute to me for posting to the proper thread. Folks wanting to comment on those tributes can do that in the comment area BUT the main part of the different threads is your actual Tributes. All of those from 2006 and now Hedgies for 2008 are put in the main body by me. Take a look its just like here. Steve opens a thread with whatever "in this case I will enter your words" and then we comment on whatever has been entered. If we want to add further comments.
Dana I have entered yours into the 2006 Tribute.
My email is on my profile for my Blogs if you don't already have it.
Lolly email me your Tribute so I can post it where it needs to go. Its not going to let you post it there only comment area as we do here. I can copy and paste as I did Hedgie's, but it would be easier if you would email it to me. My email is on my profile
Sorry for confusion. You can not post in the main part of a Blog just like we can't start a new thread here when we need one. I have set the threads aside for the various years BUT you need to send me the Tribute you want entered onto that thread My email is on my Profile.
Take a look at what we have so far. I think it will help you understand once you see it. Look at 2008 and 2006 for now as that is all that has any tributes entered as of yet.
Lolly, the wound theory holds not any water with me. How deep would the head wound have to be for it to be the area that it is for such a long time and with all the rain that WV has had and how soaked the eagles have been of late...he would be one dead bird if he was constantly bleeding from a head wound for such a long time I figure!!!
Good Evening in the world of "The Way to a Female Eagles Heart...actors Female Belle and male actor "Trud".
JudyE insurance companies know we have to have them. So yes they can just keep taking the policy price up. Terrible!!!
DanaMo glad the chick is ok. ( :
Wanda I know you are excited about the porch and do I recall a window???
Margy hope you had fun with James. The avatar Glo has she had something like that years ago.
Pam your heart was in the right place when you started that page. No apologizing!! Thank you for what you tried to do. Prayers for you, your Mother and your Grandmother.
Thank you have prayers from me always. I just don't see how you do it. All that school work and other things you do. Lord knows you should get all A's with as hard as you really have done so well Andy. Contragulations. ( :
Shirley so glad taxes are getting out of the way for you. Don't want you having hives!!! Darn bet hives went away when you gained that $1000.00 lol
Oh I didn't catch in the comments in catching up. Until I read Andy's comment Fri 3:06pm our avatars are to be of our favorite bird (except for eagles) this weekend.
Meaning starting Saturday and Sunday????
I have caught up!!! Plus I am cracking up comment glo writes "Well if you are observing HP then the new bird is almost certainly a male. I have that info from a good source.
Well I have maybe the same source as Glo---it is not a head wound. He is still in teenage years and has dyed that place ontop of his head. That is what is attracting Belle to him LOL LOL LOL
A few on OC still think it is a wound, but you can clearly see the streaks, and they have not changed since he arrived. I have given up posting over there.
Remember we r seeing a silly teenage boy. They always pick first because they like a girl... Just don't know. Those dark feathers on his head are still there because he's still a silly boy.
Well, it is interesting to see how much practice he needs to get things right. If he is going to become the "resident male eagle" if ts better for him to get the practice now.
Trying to catch up, did see the news, no brood patch on eagle found. Now if someone would make a sighting of Lib, wouldn't that be great. Wonder what other tests they will run besides gender...?
Judie, I was wondering when you were going to pop in! Hope you were mimicking Belle and NOT talking to Darth!!! LOL..... sleep tight, dear girl. See you tomorrow!
Good evening Eagle friends!! I've really missed being here with you!
Tax season is almost done and things are finally winding down. Hurray!
I only have had the chance to read through eaglet momsters emails and did read through some of yesterday's posts. Didn't get through today's yet.
KayIM - So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend. I am happy, though, that you have found this wonderful place with such wonderful warm loving people. This is really a group that cares.
Lynn - Since you have it fresh, could you plese send me the WAX story, too? I'd appreciate it.
Wanda - what you said about the Lord bringing us all here for a purpose was beautiful. I believe that as well.
So sad to hear about the news of the dead eagle and I pray there is some evidence that proves it isn't Liberty.
And poor little Jason. How sad that was, too.
Paula - Thanks for missing me!! It's nice to know you're missed!!
Robyn - I hope your treatment went well today and that you're feeling okay this evening. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Shirley - Great to see the hopes and dreams of retirement are still moving forward!! Go for it!
Lynne2 - How are those knees doing this week??
Robyn - Glad to hear your treatment went well. I'm not even sure I know what is going on. Some type of arthritis, right? Are you in some type of an acute attack or is this to help the daily pain?
Jo I listened to podcasts. Very interesting. I still don't think it's a done deal but bonding IS in progress. Truder is a strapping young male and Belles instincts to choose a mate is up to her. She rules the roost.
Re the podcast, Jay really seemed to be knowledgable. Can we contact him w inquries? The dear intern wasn't mentioned by name and she is doing research on an important biological study.
Please remind us to check the updates as the study progresses. So helpful to understand what we are OBSERVING :-)
Linda....well, the injections didn't work as well as I (or the Dr) had hoped. About 50% in the left and only about 30% in the right, but the pain seems to be in different places in the knees now...hard to explain. So, I have my NSAIDS, Tramadol if needed and I am working very hard now at getting some weight off. It's a process! I'm not too discouraged, just a little disappointed.
Did anybody get a video of tonight HP??? gonna watch the news God Bless this nest and all whom watch it.I don't want to go to work tomorrow ok I don't feel any better saying it LOL NIGHT ALL
Jo, I love your little House Finch! Ours have returned in full force after being absent most of the winter, at least at the feeders, which was strange. Usually they hang all winter.
Oh Lynne2, I'm so sorry the injections didn't do the trick. I know some people have had great success, but you have some serious damage in your knees! You poor thing. I'll keep you in my prayers......and I'll be trying to lose weight right with ya!
Friends of Blackwater NWR We just got word that Blackwater Refuge will be featured during the Volunteer-A-Thon airing on April 17 between 6-8pm, during Chesapeake Bay Week on Maryland Public Television. MPT taped footage at our recent Eagle Festival, including part of an Eagle Prowl, and they'll be airing a short video about our wonderful volunteers!
How can it get this late this soon???? We saw a kind of neat show about Lee Petty, Richard's father & Kyle's G'dad. He was considererd the first pro racer to do it for a living. Of course, now my eyes are tired. I had to type some at work----hate it! Glad to see Robyn made out OK w/med procedure today. And, Lynne, what did you get?? Shots in knees, like Wanda? My knees are shot, but not from the Dr! (gymnastics)
Try to BBL, but if not, to all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Lynne2 - That is about where I need to be as well. I will definitely have to get more active, because it is is nearly impossible to do it just by eating less and more healthy!
Lynne, you can do it. Saw where you are exercising, that is great! Drink lots of water. To help myself remember this I drink a glass before every meal and another glass during the meal, and some times afterwards. Fill you up, that's for sure. I also drink room temp water as I can drink more of it. Eat lots and lots of veggies. I use the spray "I can't believe it's not butter" on the veggies. Or, I really like lemon juice on my steamed broccoli. I think I may turn into squash and broccoli I have been eating so much.
My Gosh. Just checked Decorah & wind sounds awful. Mom looks bad w/dark shadows around eyes. Trouble is probably the one chick that is out under her head. When she lifted up, he/she tried to bury it's head in her belly.
The only knee problem I have had was when I was 40 pounds heavier. Had a shot in one knee. Have not had a problem since I lost weight. Oh, I have an occasional twinge and I really like a knee brace when hiking.
Linda, best advice I got was not to think of the total amount that I need to loose, but rather to just loose 10lbs at a time. AND to not think of exercise as something that has to be time consuming...even 10 minutes of marching in place with a soup can in each hand and raising them up and out a couple of times a day when you can't do a whole routine will make a difference.
Good advice Lolly, I never seem to drink enough water. So, I came up with a new idea. Seltzer water! I love the bubbles and drink more of it than regular. And my regular water, I also prefer at room temp!
Lolly is my inspiration! Lolly, you should post your before and after pics from when you lost all your weight....AND she's done a great job maintaining!
Portion control! Tonight we had smoked hen (Jack slaved today over a hot smoker! LOL) rice, broccoli and squash. I ate a small amount of chicken, a small amount of rice with sprayed butter, and lots of veggies. And, of course the water!Down now 17 pounds since Feb.7. Oh, and I had a small amount of fresh fruit, too. (Strawberries, grapes and pineapple. Yummy!)
Jack has helped with the dieting in that he says it is okay if I do not cook. He gets along and has lost weight too. He "walks" right along with me. Bless him!
Well, I have no problem with sweets, but right now I am craving a chili dog! I would also like some pop corn however 19 more days to go! I want to get down 5 more pounds.
Dennis wants to lose weight, but I am not sure he wants to change the way we cook and eat.... He will have to, when I come back into the kitchen. I've been on a cooking hiatus because of my long working hours, but that will change next week.
Also, I weigh every day. There are arguments against that, but it is what I like to do. There are days where the scales do not budge for several days, might even go up, and then all of a sudden it drops. Yea!
I usually weigh daily when I'm dieting, too. I have gotten away from it because our master bathroom where the scale is is too cold to use in the winter. I use the guest bath in the hall and it's too small for the scale! I should make room for it so I can keep up with where my weight is. If you see it creeping up, it's a lot easier to start doing something about it rather than finding out you've gained another 10 pounds by not checking it!
That is how I feel, Linda. My weight crept up though last fall as we were gone for 5 weeks on a trip, and then the holiday hit. But, I have lost that now. Just trying now to go lower.
I lost around 12 lbs. since Thanksgiving. Dr. wanted to know why! I told him that I had lost my most favorite treat, and that I spent 3 mos. chasing a new puppy....he laughed, and siad not to lose anymore! THAT was surprise!
Can't get caught up on this blog. I keep doing keyboard face-plants!
RED, Gene and I have been married 52 separation...a solid 52 years. Sounds boring, doesn't it? I have loved every minute of our marriage. Not boring at all.
Hi Wanda - Have been catching up since being gone for quite a while working.
Just wanted to tell you how beautiful I thought some of the things you said over the past couple days were. I'm way behind, but with all the emotions of yesterday, your words shine through with hope and love for all!
Raced home to get some mowing done in the back....then Michael and Laura arrived tonight...Gianni's party is tomorrow. They just went out to meet a couple of friends.
They were in here watching Belle and Truder in the nest earlier, they were LOL at the exorcism comments!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 600 Newer› Newest»Great idea, Kay! Not that I want him to suffer pain, but want to chase him away!!!!
Hoda, try again!!! You'll get it!!
Don't know what the yoga move you mentioned is, but it sounds painful!!
Pammy, it was great while it lasted but there is a time and place for everything and now is your grandmother's time :), she is most important FB can wait.
Looks like the weather is changing clouds are starting to roll in, looks like the kids will be stuck indoors this weekend as we are expecting rain tonight and throughout tomorrow.
Now I may be able to catch up on some cams and the blog even with my final this coming week.
Paula I saw lots of redbuds today, such a beautiful color
Red enjoy your anniversary
Luckily I don't need to file taxes it has it's good and bad points I suppose...
Pretty much what I said several days ago, Pammy Sue. There is no such thing as an ugly eagle, but he has a lot of maturing to do before he'll even approach the class Liberty has. He needs to go to Finishing School !
Just want you to know that we are not buring up! Smoke is in the air from TX fires but we are not threatened. However, the sky is grey and you can smell the smoke.
Wind is really stiff.
I have LEAVES---the good kind ON the trees! A few trees that I don't know species, and a couple of small maples! Spring IS here!
I did cut my puny hyacinths and brought them in before the deluge comes tonight. Flood watch until tomorrow evening. UGH! Waters are still up from earlier in the week.
Lori If its for the Blog I made today with a thread for 2009, you will need to send the message to me in email. I will post it to the blog then. Folks can comment in the comment area as we do here but the thread post will need to be entered by me. So I need an email from you with your 2009 entry for the thread. I hope that makes sense. Kind of like when Steve posts a new thread and then we add the comments.
For those of you who aren't here right now t. is just sitting at 11 o'clock, feathers blowing in the breeze.
OMG! Just opened phone cost over $17 to call Scotland to order the Lady of the Loch book! Ridiculous!!! That's almost as much as the price of the book ($22).
wow over 20 min now Here Belle
Glo, I posted earlier and then I lost it. The blog looks great. I will be posting on 2008, my first year. Thanks for creating it!
Here is some reading and listening:
Friends of NCTC Newsletter
Hedgie I paid 13 for mine through Amazon, I also ordered mom one
Lori, while you're at DQ, I'll take a peanut butter sundae, please!
Glo, I don't understand......I posted my 2008 item...did it not come through?
JudyE, sweet avatar !
Lolly, glad you're safe, don't go outside and breathe that stuff in !
We worked in the yard all day. Mowed and had the lawn looking great and then the wind picked up! OMG You would not believe the leaves, twigs and even branches on the ground now. The wind is awful! One time is was even frightening. We have had peak winds up to 60 mph. And, just west of us major fires.
If Truder is to stay and be "it"
Belle no doubt will teach him well.
She always had Liberty under control
and I will never be able to forget
how they were together.
I can only hope this relationship
will turn out as well UNLESS LIBERTY COMES BACK !
Going over to son's for a while.
Different book, Robyn. The one that wv sUSAn had is the one from SWT. It's a compilation of posts, thoughts, pics, poems, prose by viewers and bloggers. The one from Amazon is actually a "novel" about Isla, or Lady as some call her by a Helen Armitage. Amazon still has not notified me that it's been released yet, but it's supposed to be this month.
I think that black spot on his head is a "soul patch"--all the rage among young male eagles these days. Only place they could figure on having one that would be seen.
Gee, Lolly, I didn't know about the fires. Glad you are not in the path! But stay in if the smoke heads your way.
Yes, Lolly, stay inside. They say "smoke follows beauty" !
LOL Then I am perfectly safe, Kay!
Maybe Professor Belle has him practicing The Brooding Position ??
Hey, Lolly.....we get're perfectly safe!! LOL. NOT---you are a beauty!
Well, I stuttered big time. Deleted one post but no trash can presently on my other posts.????
Now the trash cans are back. This blog is crazy! LOL
Hedgie when I wrote Jonathan the email I received was that the book was sold out, that was like 3 weeks ago or so. Can you email me the number I would love to order that book for mom
Wow, supposed to get down to 43 tonight.
Leaving now. Dinner is ready!
Will, HE's still sitting......
Robyn, you've got mail!
Hello ladies. I'm playing catch up here. How ya doin??
Lynn. U r so right about the Lady book. I did my exchange thru email and PayPal. But it's done and u know u will b thrilled when it's n your hands.
KayIM. Oh my gosh, soul patch has me crying here. That's hilarious!
Jo. I was thinking on the same line. We may have a new pair next season and despite the sad outcome this year, T appears to b a strong and capable male and we are just observers.
Whatever the outcome, I hope Lib is happy and healthy.
Wonder what Anne Marie is up to? we sure haven't heard from her in a long time! Anyone seen her on FB? I don't think I have. Of course, I "hid" all of her games and maybe that's all she does.
Time for Jeopardy. BBS.
Lynn. There a way to hide the games????? I need to check that out!!!
Well, at least we know he's not harrassing Belle right now, bbut he is a rather boring fellow !
Sorry for the stutter.
I think Belle stood him up and he is sulking
Evening Everybody. Just saw tornado film on TV.Was trying to read some comments before asking how all our midwest, south people are, but see Red is going to a party, so know N. Alabama is safe. How about OK & TX?
Pulling a Wanda and got some crab legs steamed at grocery, so should start picking before they're cold!!
I suppose they aren't going out tonight, but hope GG is OK.
Stupid question I know they stay in the nest when they have eggs etc but on a normal basis how long do normal eagle stay Hes been there over an hour now Is this norm
Thanks Hedgie, I use vonage and get the UK for free, I almost forgot as I never use my home phone.
BTW, I never got my reminder from Amazon about the LOL book written by the English author, but it's out. Ordered it yesterday--$9.62.
(I suspect my notice got trashed!)
Hedgie Yes your Tribute has been copied and posted into the 2008 Tributes. Thanks for writing it. I did copy and paste it to the thread where it goes and then deleted it from the comments area.
If you want to participate and I hope that you will then you need to email the Tribute to me for posting to the proper thread. Folks wanting to comment on those tributes can do that in the comment area BUT the main part of the different threads is your actual Tributes. All of those from 2006 and now Hedgies for 2008 are put in the main body by me. Take a look its just like here. Steve opens a thread with whatever "in this case I will enter your words" and then we comment on whatever has been entered. If we want to add further comments.
Dana I have entered yours into the 2006 Tribute.
My email is on my profile for my Blogs if you don't already have it.
I think this is an unusualy long stay. Maybe she sent him there for a "time out". He certainly deserves it for being such a bad boy !
Lolly email me your Tribute so I can post it where it needs to go. Its not going to let you post it there only comment area as we do here. I can copy and paste as I did Hedgie's, but it would be easier if you would email it to me.
My email is on my profile
Winds are picking up. Storms are suppose to be coming in. Rain again all day tomorrow.
Nest is swaying pretty good.
Turd just hanging out! Anyone see Belle around? I haven't been on much today.
Sorry for confusion. You can not post in the main part of a Blog just like we can't start a new thread here when we need one. I have set the threads aside for the various years BUT you need to send me the Tribute you want entered onto that thread My email is on my Profile.
Take a look at what we have so far. I think it will help you understand once you see it. Look at 2008 and 2006 for now as that is all that has any tributes entered as of yet.
Soaring Through Time Tribute Blog
Understand, Glo. Will do!
Belle just arrived!
Belle has arrived
Belle joins him
Guess he was waiting for Belle.
Well, hello, Belle!
DanaMo just let my lab in and heard the winds getting stronger, I hope we have thunder and lightning tonight at least thunder.
Susan glad to hear from ya and all is going well
Hedgie I haven't seen Anne-Marie on FB eithe for some time, Tori and I were just discussing her last night
Wam Bam thank you mam
Well dang. There ya go HP
He pics at flugg and then mounts her---HP for sure
You know when HP is coming. He announces it by flapping those wings.
So I see Belle decided to show up!
Beaking?? UGH!
Good evening everyone! The wind blew me here. Whew! Saw Truder on the nest tonight, did anyone see Belle?
No, Anne Marie has not been on for a long time and have not seen her on facebook either.
Now both picking at flugg, minor nestorations
sUSAn.....put cursor over right hand top corner of a post and a little x will show on it and it asks what you want to hide!
Belle is in the nest now, Marilyn.
This boys calendar is off but his instincts are churning.
He's going for the HP again I think. He chkg her out.
Went to Anne Marie's facebook page. She has not been on there either. Now, I am worried.
that was a quick hen pick
Now look at him picking on Belle. Bad boy.
he just sat there for over an hour, now he has to look all busy and industrious. More beaking.
look like a fight
Now she's giving it back to him!! GO GIRL!
Belle need to whoop his behind. Did you see him peck at her? He is not nice!
Guess I don't need an answer about Belle. Terrible wind in Iowa today, and rain. Yuck!
or is that love duh
kind of angry looking beaking ?
Night light just came on.
They do not have a great relationship. Come on, Lib!!
Well if you are observing HP then the
new bird is almost certainly a male. I have that info from a good source.
Yeah, that was not sweet smooching.
Beauty and the Beast!
Three more days to go
roflmbo, Glo!
Jez and Jerk! Double arrgghhh!!!
Love it Glo!
LOL, Glo !!!!
So, are we all sitting here grinning from Glo's remark? Love it!
I really wonder, realistically, if it is possible for her to lay more eggs! OMG, I shudder at the thought!
Poof Truder
He left!!
Poof, he's gone
Guess we will loose color when we get the sound back.
Turd poofed!
Think Belle is thinking about it, too.
typical male move out the door after hittin it
Belle poof!
Poof. Bye-bye.
<Poof Belle</b.
Oh, Sharon, don't even think it ! Ugh !
I do believe I got WAX. Groan!
ROFL, Glo!!!!!! Yep.....SO smart, huh? Stifle, Edith!
I suppose we are all thinking it, Kay.
I guess we will find out. I have been wondering that myself, what with all the HP and HP attempts.
So long for a while, I haven't even had dinner yet. Too engrossed with nestcapades !
Shhhh! Do not tell anyone but my cam has now been going for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Well, I need to leave for a short while myself. Washed my hair after yard work. Now I need to "fix" it. is broken.
I want a t-shirt like my avatar!
In all reality it it too late for eggs, guess he is attempting to bond, just not real good at his attempts.
Lolly, the wound theory holds not any water with me. How deep would the head wound have to be for it to be the area that it is for such a long time and with all the rain that WV has had and how soaked the eagles have been of late...he would be one dead bird if he was constantly bleeding from a head wound for such a long time I figure!!!
Ssshhh...don't tell cam is at 8 hrs. 9 mins.!
Good Evening in the world of "The Way to a Female Eagles Heart...actors Female Belle and male actor "Trud".
JudyE insurance companies know we have to have them. So yes they can just keep taking the policy price up. Terrible!!!
DanaMo glad the chick is ok. ( :
Wanda I know you are excited about the porch and do I recall a window???
Margy hope you had fun with James.
The avatar Glo has she had something like that years ago.
Pam your heart was in the right place when you started that page. No apologizing!!
Thank you for what you tried to do. Prayers for you, your Mother and your Grandmother.
Thank you have prayers from me always. I just don't see how you do it. All that school work and other things you
do. Lord knows you should get all A's with as hard as you really have done so well Andy. Contragulations. ( :
Shirley so glad taxes are getting out of the way for you. Don't want you having hives!!! Darn bet hives went away when you gained that $1000.00 lol
Oh I didn't catch in the comments in catching up. Until I read Andy's comment Fri 3:06pm
our avatars are to be of our favorite bird (except for eagles) this weekend.
Meaning starting Saturday and Sunday????
I have caught up!!! Plus I am cracking up comment glo writes "Well if you are observing
HP then the new bird is almost certainly a male.
I have that info from a good source.
Friday, April 15, 2011 8:05:00 PM
LMBO Glo you crack me up Lady!!!!
Well I have maybe the same source as Glo---it is not a head wound. He is still in teenage years and has dyed that place ontop of his head. That is what is attracting Belle to him LOL LOL LOL
A few on OC still think it is a wound, but you can clearly see the streaks, and they have not changed since he arrived. I have given up posting over there.
Don't worry about a "wound". He is so tired of us not appreciating him. He is going to have an "eagle tattooed up there!!!!!!
The light is fading away.
Glo who is wva_vicky??? In 2006??
*!@!* Stop! Go Away! Leave me alone! I don't want to! You can't make me!
The sandperson has arrived and I tried my best to fight him/her off but I have lost the battle. Need to head to the pillows very early tonight.
Did see the interloper with Belle. In a way, I feel a bit sorry for him. He's trying to do big eagle behaviors.
Am relieved the deceased eagle is not Liberty. At least some good news.
Decorah very windy and looks unpleasant there.
Phoebe is tending her nest and looking very lovely.
Too much to catch up on and really very tired tonight. The night light is set for 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.
Remember we r seeing a silly teenage boy. They always pick first because they like a girl... Just don't know. Those dark feathers on his head are still there because he's still a silly boy.
Good night, Judie. Rest well.
Niters Judie ( :
Oh my can't forget I have a date tonight!!!!! Yep he and I have reservations....hoo la la
Well, it is interesting to see how much practice he needs to get things right. If he is going to become the "resident male eagle" if ts better for him to get the practice now.
Trying to catch up, did see the news, no brood patch on eagle found. Now if someone would make a sighting of Lib, wouldn't that be great. Wonder what other tests they will run besides gender...?
Have returned from son's home. Getting windy and is COLD. I missed all the HP
Do take time this evening to click on
link about NCTC eagles at my 7:00pm
I am going to watch a tape with Hubby.
It's pouring here now. At least the wind is better than earlier. Decorah is soaking wet, but they did miss some of the heaviest rain.
Thanks for the link, Jo.
Judie, I was wondering when you were going to pop in! Hope you were mimicking Belle and NOT talking to Darth!!! LOL.....
sleep tight, dear girl. See you tomorrow!
She was talking to the Sandperson, Lynn.
DanaWV---sorry to say that Tom is repeating tonight. :(
Heading back to 7PM to see what Jo wants us to see????
Thanks, Jo....I missed your post somehow.
Storming here time to shut down
Take care, Glo.
Oh...okay, Shirley. Thanks!!!
Aha....Jay says they "called in experts"........
Steve got 2nd egg laying date wrong.....he was a day late.
I am going to listen to the podcasts later.
About to head upstairs now. I have to put sheets on my bed.
evening all...trying to catch up on post via my email.
Good evening Eagle friends!! I've really missed being here with you!
Tax season is almost done and things are finally winding down. Hurray!
I only have had the chance to read through eaglet momsters emails and did read through some of yesterday's posts. Didn't get through today's yet.
KayIM - So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend. I am happy, though, that you have found this wonderful place with such wonderful warm loving people. This is really a group that cares.
Lynn - Since you have it fresh, could you plese send me the WAX story, too? I'd appreciate it.
Wanda - what you said about the Lord bringing us all here for a purpose was beautiful. I believe that as well.
So sad to hear about the news of the dead eagle and I pray there is some evidence that proves it isn't Liberty.
And poor little Jason. How sad that was, too.
Paula - Thanks for missing me!! It's nice to know you're missed!!
Robyn - I hope your treatment went well today and that you're feeling okay this evening. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Shirley - Great to see the hopes and dreams of retirement are still moving forward!! Go for it!
Lynne2 - How are those knees doing this week??
I do wish the blog had a like button. I would have used it just now, Linda. ☺
Thanks Linda, feeling pretty good looking forward to next treatment
Thanks, Lolly!!
Robyn - Glad to hear your treatment went well. I'm not even sure I know what is going on. Some type of arthritis, right? Are you in some type of an acute attack or is this to help the daily pain?
Time for my date with "Tom"
Good night prayers for those that need them.
Jo I listened to podcasts. Very interesting. I still don't think it's a done deal but bonding IS in progress. Truder is a strapping young male and Belles instincts to choose a mate is up to her. She rules the roost.
Re the podcast, Jay really seemed to be knowledgable. Can we contact him w inquries? The dear intern wasn't mentioned by name and she is doing research on an important biological study.
Please remind us to check the updates as the study progresses. So helpful to understand what we are OBSERVING :-)
Good Lord, I am NEVER going to get caught up!
Linda....well, the injections didn't work as well as I (or the Dr) had hoped. About 50% in the left and only about 30% in the right, but the pain seems to be in different places in the knees now...hard to explain. So, I have my NSAIDS, Tramadol if needed and I am working very hard now at getting some weight off. It's a process! I'm not too discouraged, just a little disappointed.
Did anybody get a video of tonight HP??? gonna watch the news God Bless this nest and all whom watch it.I don't want to go to work tomorrow ok I don't feel any better saying it LOL NIGHT ALL
Jo, I love your little House Finch! Ours have returned in full force after being absent most of the winter, at least at the feeders, which was strange. Usually they hang all winter.
Oh Lynne2, I'm so sorry the injections didn't do the trick. I know some people have had great success, but you have some serious damage in your knees! You poor thing. I'll keep you in my prayers......and I'll be trying to lose weight right with ya!
From FB
Friends of Blackwater NWR
We just got word that Blackwater Refuge will be featured during the Volunteer-A-Thon airing on April 17 between 6-8pm, during Chesapeake Bay Week on Maryland Public Television. MPT taped footage at our recent Eagle Festival, including part of an Eagle Prowl, and they'll be airing a short video about our wonderful volunteers!
thanks Linda....glad to have someone else to loose weight with! I want to be 70lbs down by this time next year. And not just that, but healthy!
No eggs in the BB box yet, I checked when I got home. I can't wait!!
How can it get this late this soon????
We saw a kind of neat show about Lee Petty, Richard's father & Kyle's G'dad. He was considererd the first pro racer to do it for a living.
Of course, now my eyes are tired. I had to type some at work----hate it!
Glad to see Robyn made out OK w/med procedure today. And, Lynne, what did you get?? Shots in knees, like Wanda? My knees are shot, but not from the Dr! (gymnastics)
Try to BBL, but if not, to all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Scott has entered a photo in a contest. Let's get out the Momster vote!
Vote for Scott's photo!
Lynne2 - That is about where I need to be as well. I will definitely have to get more active, because it is is nearly impossible to do it just by eating less and more healthy!
whoa, that picture is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for posting that link Lynn!
Lynne, you can do it. Saw where you are exercising, that is great! Drink lots of water. To help myself remember this I drink a glass before every meal and another glass during the meal, and some times afterwards. Fill you up, that's for sure. I also drink room temp water as I can drink more of it. Eat lots and lots of veggies. I use the spray "I can't believe it's not butter" on the veggies. Or, I really like lemon juice on my steamed broccoli. I think I may turn into squash and broccoli I have been eating so much.
Okay, Linda, I'll email it to you!
My Gosh. Just checked Decorah & wind sounds awful. Mom looks bad w/dark shadows around eyes. Trouble is probably the one chick that is out under her head. When she lifted up, he/she tried to bury it's head in her belly.
The only knee problem I have had was when I was 40 pounds heavier. Had a shot in one knee. Have not had a problem since I lost weight. Oh, I have an occasional twinge and I really like a knee brace when hiking.
A 2nd D bobblehead is out on Mom's right!
Linda, best advice I got was not to think of the total amount that I need to loose, but rather to just loose 10lbs at a time. AND to not think of exercise as something that has to be time consuming...even 10 minutes of marching in place with a soup can in each hand and raising them up and out a couple of times a day when you can't do a whole routine will make a difference.
Thanks, Lynn!
Those Decorah eagles were pretty wet today!
Good advice Lolly, I never seem to drink enough water. So, I came up with a new idea. Seltzer water! I love the bubbles and drink more of it than regular. And my regular water, I also prefer at room temp!
Dr Oz also said that about water before a 8oz glass. It helps!
That's a good idea Lynne. I sort of think of a "pants size" at a time, too!! Makes me feel good when I can go down a size instead of the other way!!
Lolly is my inspiration! Lolly, you should post your before and after pics from when you lost all your weight....AND she's done a great job maintaining!
Portion control! Tonight we had smoked hen (Jack slaved today over a hot smoker! LOL) rice, broccoli and squash. I ate a small amount of chicken, a small amount of rice with sprayed butter, and lots of veggies. And, of course the water!Down now 17 pounds since Feb.7. Oh, and I had a small amount of fresh fruit, too. (Strawberries, grapes and pineapple. Yummy!)
Another puppy cam!
Shiba Inu pups
I know that is a biggie!! Portion control is a must, lots of water and for me the stop the sweets!!
Jack has helped with the dieting in that he says it is okay if I do not cook. He gets along and has lost weight too. He "walks" right along with me. Bless him!
Well, I have no problem with sweets, but right now I am craving a chili dog! I would also like some pop corn however 19 more days to go! I want to get down 5 more pounds.
Dennis wants to lose weight, but I am not sure he wants to change the way we cook and eat.... He will have to, when I come back into the kitchen. I've been on a cooking hiatus because of my long working hours, but that will change next week.
Popcorn is okay, isn't it?
Also, I weigh every day. There are arguments against that, but it is what I like to do. There are days where the scales do not budge for several days, might even go up, and then all of a sudden it drops. Yea!
A small amount might be okay, but I LOVE pop corn and would not be able to eat just a small amount. It is calories!
Back from the anniversary party. NO it wasn't ours. Diane and I had our 34th last month.
I usually weigh daily when I'm dieting, too. I have gotten away from it because our master bathroom where the scale is is too cold to use in the winter. I use the guest bath in the hall and it's too small for the scale! I should make room for it so I can keep up with where my weight is. If you see it creeping up, it's a lot easier to start doing something about it rather than finding out you've gained another 10 pounds by not checking it!
Got you beat, Red. Ours will be 46 this coming June. Man, that is a long time to go "steady".☺
That is how I feel, Linda. My weight crept up though last fall as we were gone for 5 weeks on a trip, and then the holiday hit. But, I have lost that now. Just trying now to go lower.
Wow.....congrats to Red and Lolly!
My fantasy is to go to the doctor and have her say "Lolly, you need to gain weight." LOL In my dreams!
I lost around 12 lbs. since Thanksgiving. Dr. wanted to know why! I told him that I had lost my most favorite treat, and that I spent 3 mos. chasing a new puppy....he laughed, and siad not to lose anymore! THAT was surprise!
Hey I lost 17 years with another marriage. 17 + 34. Wow I've been married 51 years.
Red, that does not count!!!! LOL
Lynn, you lived my fantasy!☺
I'm with you, Lolly!! I could only wish that my doctor would want me to gain weight!!
Lynn that's funny. I don't think I'll go the "puppy" route just yet!
Red. 34 yrs is awesome. True love!!
Heads up, gang! We are nearing a split.
Anxious to hear from Wanda tonight. Have been thinking about GG and hoping she is better.
Can't get caught up on this blog. I keep doing keyboard face-plants!
RED, Gene and I have been married 52 separation...a solid 52 years. Sounds boring, doesn't it? I have loved every minute of our marriage. Not boring at all.
Well, speak of the devil! No, I did not mean that! LOL Hi Wanda! How is GG?
Hi Wanda - Have been catching up since being gone for quite a while working.
Just wanted to tell you how beautiful I thought some of the things you said over the past couple days were. I'm way behind, but with all the emotions of yesterday, your words shine through with hope and love for all!
I'll be keeping GG in my prayers. Any news?
Evening, all!
Raced home to get some mowing done in the back....then Michael and Laura arrived tonight...Gianni's party is tomorrow. They just went out to meet a couple of friends.
They were in here watching Belle and Truder in the nest earlier, they were LOL at the exorcism comments!
Gotta get some things done, bbialw
News starts soon. Need to hear update on fires. Around dinner time the sky what an eerie color due to the smoke in the air.
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