Wednesday, November 17, 2010


New thread.  Cam goes up next Wednesday, weather permitting.


movin said...


GooD MorninG,

EveryonE ! !


Very good camera news, Steve. Thanks a much.

Does that indicate that the present camera is down until that time?? I'm getting blue screens on both this morning.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

There was a pair of eagles, now just the female I think, on BWO.

I don't "think" it's the pair from BWE this time. In fact I'm not sure I've seen them before.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOO Happy Thanksgiving to us!!

Thanks Steve! Will the old cam be offline from now on?

Thanks for the callover Jim!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread. Glad to be over here--think I made it in one piece!
Mornin', Jim!
I don't have anything but blue screens this morning, either. Hope we don't have to wait a whole WEEK. Is the old cam completely disabled, or will it come back on at all before the new cam is installed?

Lynne2 said...

OK, well I have got to get busy making my dogs really mad....BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

Say, Lynne,
Sure glad you are feeling more like yourself! Glad to hear the storm has passed, too! Thanks--I still can't believe my good fortune regarding my grades! Could've knocked me over with an eagle feather!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--yes, Jim!
Pardon my manners--Thanks for the callover!...Just went and turned my porch and patio lights off. Weather report from my roost: Overcast and 52 degrees, so far. No sign of fog this morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - we had a real thunder buster last night. Of course I didn't hear it.
Great news, Steve!
Lynne, glad you are back to feeling like yourself.
Congratulations Again & Again, Andy
Sounds like you surprised yourself
You put so much work into getting those grades - Enjoy our praises to you
I need to read earlier am remarks and clean up the emails. I really don't like blue cam... Have to try live feed

movin said...

Both members of the pair mentioned are on BWO again. She apparently was fishing, and now she's eating one.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Dana's Day
Prayers for Judie's pain to leave her body! Hope she gets to go home soon.
I think they have a 2 story home and hope Frank has help getting things prepared for her. The portable pot was my life saver during the night!
Pray that Frank is holding up which I suspect he is.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Mema Jo,
How are things at your roost this morning? No storms, I hope! Feeling better? Am hoping the cold has left you, too!

Ms Bookworm said...

Saying some prayers for Judie and Dana. Sure hope that the pain that Judie has experienced leaves for good, and that she can begin to move around some. Suspect that they won't let her go home until she's able to ambulate. Hope we hear from Darth this morning!

Praying for Dana, too. Hope the surgery goes well, and we hear from her once she's back home!

Well, need coffee badly, AND some breakfast. Going to the kitchen. Wish everyone a VERY good Wednesday!
Will check back in here once the coffee kicks in. :o]

NatureNut said...

Happy Wednesday Everyone. Great news about new cam~~~thx, Steve, and all the crew.

Just checking in before leaving. Didn't get on last night---konked out in chair after dinner!

Forgot to mention that we saw ISS at stepson's house Sunday. Very clear & first time for grandson.
Gotta run---have a great day ☺

NCSuzan said...

Good Breezy morning to all. We were on the backside of that storm and had rain and were under tornado warnings, but fortunately, have not heard of anyone that had severe weather here.

Andy, kudos to you. What an accomplishment. You should be very proud.

Lynn, are you really feeling better? I hope so. That kind of ailment can really put you down for a while.

Jo, happy to hear you are feeling improved.

And I also hope Dana's surgery goes smoothly with instant relief for her.

Dana, what a touching moment for you and your mother. It is difficult to be a caretaker. I see it in my daughter. Hang in there.

No plans for the day. Stacy and Rob are thinking of driving home(OBX) to visit a dear sick friend. Because of religious beliefs he will not consider a blood transfusion. It is a three hour trip one way for them. Guess my plan is to worry until they come home tonight!

NCSuzan said...

Can't believe I did not mention the new cam. What a special Thanksgiving gift to all who love and follow Belle and Lib.

Please forgive me if there was someone I missed. Still trying to put names to stories. Will improve I hope.

movin said...

Adult eagle with no wing markers is on the Two Harbors nest on Catalina.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

It turned around and I saw a dirty, yellow marker ... couldn't read the number.

It seems to be trying a set in the egg cup though.

Looks smaller than the pair at that nest to me ... but that could be off.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Good morning!

STEVE, we are soooo excited about the new cam. Let's hope the weather is "permitting"! THANKS!

Had a great time in Dallas last night. Had fun with Zach and then enjoyed the STARS win! Hockey games are exciting!

Just glanced back a bit at the blog. Looking for an update on Judie. Did not see anything.

So, it is today Dana is having her knee worked on. Prayers that this does the trick for her.

Wanda, enjoyed your description of your day with GG. God bless her!

Do have to say to Andy... "Smarty Pants!!" Wow, what grades!

Had the car worked on, Jack wants to go pick it up. Gotta go!

movin said...

3 Eeuuwies have landed on BWO.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

2 Eagles at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear about the cam, still would like to know about the current situation....HELLO

Andy, no prayers helped you with your grades, you did that all by yourself!

Sounds like a fun evening, Lolly!

I heard those thunderstorms....right about midnight or so.

movin said...

You can see the baby Panda at Atlanta right now. Lun Lun just walked away for a minute.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Good late morning.
Wow, I logged off last night just in time----fierce storm here, and it lasted for an hour. Was afraid to get in my cast iron claw-foot tub until it was over, so I was up quite late. No damage noted here (as in trees down or power out) but LEAVES are blanketimg everything AGAIN!

Frank asked me to call Judie this morning, so just talked to her. Her voice got stronger as we talked. She is getting some better pain relief, but is unable to eat. Has not been able to since admission. She is going to ask the nurse for some Ensure. She said that gettinng up yesterday was basically a no-go. Of course, they will try again today. No, she won't be able to go home until she does, so rooting for her to be able to so and get moving! Will let you know when she is up to more calls.

I, too, wonder if we will be without cam completely until conversion next week...????? As active as the BWE birds are, feel like we are missing some good nest action here.

Lynne, glad you are feeling better!

Suzan, hope your kids have a safe trip.

NCSuzan said...

Hedgie, thanks tho they decided that driving six hours in one day might not be the best idea with only one day off. That's great that you spoke with Judie. You are a good friend as everyone on here is a friend to one another.

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks so much for the update on Judie! Hope she is able to get some kind of nourishment down! Prayers that her appetite will improve, and that the painkillers will not cause any nausea. Hang in there, Judie!

Just had a most interesting occurrence in our back yard! A whole bunch of sparrows, finches, and doves were out there chowing down on breakfast, when they all suddenly panicked and flew off--one dove bounced off the patio window! Ran to the window, and saw a large, dark slate-colored hawk on the wires. It was an even, dark slate grey all over. Had a long tail. Didn't get a picture, because I was having to look at it through the lattice of our patio cover. NOW I know why we have fewer birds! Hesitate to say, but think it was a Zone-tailed Hawk. They are NOT supposed to be in this area, but that's the only one I can find in the bird books or online that looks anything like what I saw. Dark Red-tailed hawks are brown, not slate grey, and this one was solid slate grey all over. Big hawk, too.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks so much for the report on Judie, Lynn We needed to hear that. Constant Prayers for her!

Mema Jo said...

The Food and Drug Administration is expected to announce a virtual ban of alcoholic energy drinks, even as a leading manufacturer is pulling its products off the market.
A very wise decision

Judie said...

Hi Ya'll, Darth here.

Judie had a much better day yesterday. She at least got out of the bed and over to a chair and then back again. That's progress. Unfortunately, albeit at a lower level, the pain is still with her.

The bone surgeon who operated on her and put her ankle back together stopped by to see her and was pleased with the results from his perspective.

As soon as she can take a few steps and get into a wheel chair, she should be good to go. They have already arranged for a physical therapist to come to the house. We have our own wheel chair, and I also repaired a walker that someone had thrown away. The nurses tell me she should be able to get up and down the stairs on her butt using her good leg for propulsion and braking. If need be I will set up a bed downstairs. I am hopeful that in two days or less she should be out of the hospital. She so very much wants to get home and work on her courses. So, I think we are ready at home.

She has been dictating Emails that I have been sending to her classes to cancel the one on Tuesday and the one tonight for the police. The university administrators have been very supportive of her and very understanding.

It’s like I said before Eagle lovers, it is one day at a time. And your thoughts and prayers do help us get to the next day.

Many Thanks,
Darth [aka Frank]

stronghunter said...

Hi Frank,

Thank you for your news about Judie.

It is good to know that she is improving.

I'm in class right now, so this must be brief.

Bless you and Judie.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn went up and downstairs on her butt for quite awhile. They instructed her on how to use crutches to go up and down stairs, but she felt much safer sitting down and scooting.

NCSuzan said...

The Sutton eagles are perched above their nest.

NCSuzan said...

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Frank
Your update sounds promising & you sound like you have a good handle on things! Hopefully all the support for Judie from yourself, her friends and the college staff will help in getting her up/running! We really love her!
And you can also count on lots of Hugs & maybe a kiss or two on the check to show you how much we love you too!

Mema Jo said...

Sutton Eagles

Thanks so much for this alert, Suzan
Lolly and Jack last year visited this sight. She will be thrilled to see them again.

Mema Jo said...

Having trouble getting my 'blue' link to open.

Cut and paste here or on Suzan's remark

NCSuzan said...

Jo, that's some serious sticks on that nest,isn't there?

hedgie said...

Frank, glad you got on and posted. Jo is right...couldn't have said it better.

Mema Jo said...

Feet up for a while


wvgal_dana said...

Home surgery went well. Said he is glad we did it. MRI didn't show all that was needed even another tear on opposite side of knee from where he knew there was a tear. Dopped up good. Will not be on because laptop in kitchen. I need to be in recliner two pillow under knee. Got pain and inflamatory meds. He lectured me on keeping pain meds regular whether think I need them on not TAKE THEM at precrised times. If I need in between TAKE THEM AGAIN!!!He is a no nonsense doctor.

So heading back to recliner with my pillows and ice. I'm sure I am going to fall asleep.

Doctor thinks this surgery on right knee will straighten out left foot.

Thank you ALL for prayers. God sure is a blessing.

Thinking of Judie and all others that need prayer; Kathryn, Hedgie, Faye, Carole, Diann and anyone I told God I would pray for and any new prayer request.

Mom did a GREAT JOB was very comforting having her there with me.

God Bless will be back before you know it. (:

wvgal_dana said...

bye and hugs

Costume Lady said...

So glad the wind didn't blow you away,and that everything went just the way it should, DANA♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back to check in.

Hi, Darth!
Thank you SO much for the update on Judie! Sounds like quite a bit of progress has been made! Really glad to hear that Judie is moving around a bit--hope that will improve even more today! Sounds as if the surgeon is pleased, and that's good, too. Hope that Judie is able to eat something today. She is using up precious energy moving around, and needs to replenish her reserves! Prayers are going up that it will happen. Sounds like all is ready on the home front. Good job, Darth! Prayers and wishes for healing continue. Will be waiting to hear another encouraging update! (((HUGS)))) for Judie, and for you!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Wow!
Good to hear from Dana! SOOO glad that the surgery went well, and that you are home OK and resting! That's a blessing that your Mom was such a help and comfort to you! Prayers for a speedy, pain-free recovery for you!
Encouraging that the doctor thinks the surgery will straighten out your foot that's been bothering you so much! That's wonderful! Be sure to follow doctor's orders (I'm sure that you will!). Take care, and rest up now. Hope to hear from you later, if you're up to it. (((HUGS)))!! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

I've been busy looking through my bird books and at online bird ID sites. I would be willing to bet money that the hawk I saw this morning was a Zone-Tailed Hawk! The bird book says it's "rare" in this area, but nothing else looks like it, and I'm SURE that's it! Got a really good look at it. It turned around several times, so saw both sides of it. WISH I could have gotten a picture! Hope it comes back so I can try again. We have a lot of Turkey Vultures in our area, and this hawk sometimes flies with them, according to the bird books and online sites. I've added another big sticker to my patio window, in the hope that no more birds will try to knock themselves silly. Praying that it helps! When this big hawk shows up, they all totally panic!

Lolly said...

got the car, stopped and worked in the garden at church, bought a few groceries and now home for the day.

Suzan thanks for saying something about the Sutton eagles and thanks, Jo, for the link. Still building my favorites on this computer. Anyway, went to Sutton right now and there they are. I am so excited to get my eagle fix!!

Lolly said...

Lynn, thanks for letting us know about Judie and then thanks to Darth for giving us an update.
Does anyone still have last years Christmas list on their computer where you could send it to me? I would certainly appreciate it.

And, I also need Judie's last name. I think I know it, but not sure of the spelling. Help!

Lolly said...

Sutton/OK eagles are still there. Oh, I do hope they go back to this nest this year! Just told Jack that I want to go back there this spring. There are so many nests in that area! Remember I saw my first piliated woodpecker on that trip. Saw another one in Virginia a few weeks ago. Saw it flying and makingh a racket!

Lolly said...

I think they, meaning humans, have made improvements to the support of the eagle nest at OK to encourage them back to this nest.

hedgie said...

Lolly, I'll email the list when I get on the PC. Judie's spelling is Vajda.

Andy, what a neat bird you had visit! You sure seem to have your very own aviary there!

Dana, hope you are resting comfortably and glad that everything went well!

hedgie said...

I can't get the Sutton cam to open. Argh! Will try it on PC and see because I know I had it before....

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles at BWO

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Must be corncobs in the BWO nest

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

I'm back again. Have watered all my outdoor plants really well, and they look happy now.

Only have a few birds coming to the feeders. Apparently they are not very fond of the new hawk in the neighborhood! So far it hasn't caught anyone that I am aware of--no feathers on the ground anywhere here.

Hubby called, and says he's taking me out to dinner tonight! Not sure where we will end up going, but sounds good to me!

Have some wash to get done, so will be back later tonight, after dinner. Have a good evening! :o]

Mema Jo said...

So glad to see Dana on the blog and that all went well today. I hope Little Man takes care of her real well!

Lolly I am so glad you got the Sutton cam up. I sure hope they rebuild the nest right there above the water.

Getting something (?) on the table

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, did not know you watched that nest. They had a very sad year but I hope they will have better luck in the upcoming season. I also watch the Oregon nest. I wll put the address here for anyone who needs it. Hold on!

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles are at BWE

They sure are elegant looking!

hedgie said...

Lolly, you have mail.
I can't get the Sutton to open on other puter, either.
Can't help but wonder if Frontier is behind this in some way. Making me mad!

NCSuzan said...

The camera requires Quicktime to watch just like Caltrans.

hedgie said...

Looking good at BWO!

Jo, do you mean that your dinner is a surprise??? Who's cooking?

paula eagleholic said...


NCSuzan said...

Hedgie, I just got the cams to open using my URL. So maybe it is your ISP. I do not know how to make an URL blue. I just copied and pasted.

Dana, so thrilled your surgery is over and that you are home safe and sound. Hope recovery is swift and complete for you. Well done!

paula eagleholic said...

I hope the Sutton pair goes back to their water nest...

paula eagleholic said...

So glad everything went well for Dana and she is back home. Hope the pain meds help and that she recovers quickly

paula eagleholic said...

I posted an article about Sutton a couple of weeks ago...they were putting a new cam at the nest, but I think they were putting it on the nest in the tree.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - I mean what ever I find in the frig - it's going to surprise me!
Leftover night! :)

magpie said...

Hi Eagle Pals

Good to read reports on Judie (Thanks Lynn and Frank!) and Dana,

and always nice to see all your smiling faces on here

lost power this morning - Blotto! just like that...from 6:40 am to 7:15 am
was interesting getting ready for work
lucky had a little morning light coming in the East side windows, some candles and a flashlight or two

NCSuzan said...

Tomorrow morning is the last day to view the meteor showers. Don't know if I am brave enough to be alert at that time!

"From the time of moonset until around 5:15 a.m. when the first streaks of dawn begin to appear in the east the sky will be dark and moonless," advises Joe Rao, skywatching columnist. "That interval will provide you with your best opportunity to see any Leonid meteors."

hedgie said...

I'll be able to see the meteors now that so many leaves are off the trees. Had no luck with the Perseids in Aug.!

Tried go....and my Quicktime is up-to-date. Don't know what else to do.

Lynne2 said...

evening all.

First, I just want to say that I am praying extra hard for Bev and Tom and their families on the anniversary of their very tragic loss. For those on FB, please read her recent post.

Dana, I'm so glad surgery went well and I hope you listen to the DR regarding the pain meds. No time to be brave!

And glad to hear that Judie is improving. Sure hope she gets home for the weekend!

Lolly said...

Headed outside to blow a few leaves, few....Hah! Anyway ended up mowing after blowing. Had to put on a face mask, it is so dusty!

Thanks, Lynn, for Judie's name.
And appreciate the Christmas list.

I can not get the Sutton cam now. Must be down, but earlier the eagles were there for a long time. I was so excited!

Suzan, we visited that nest a couple of years ago. I like to watch it as I can picture it there. Yes, last year was very sad!

magpie said...

glad to read that you saw ISS Sunday night...for a first viewing for your grandson, that was a spectacular flyover !

Thanks for the Meteor news, NCSuzan, might try to see a few in the early morning

Mema Jo said...

It is really windy here - I think it has cleared my deck of all leaves and peanut shells..........

Mema Jo said...

Headed out


magpie said...

Special thoughts for Tom and Sissy and all the family ♥
thank you for the reminder Lynne

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone. Finally home~~~read some of last night's comments that I missed, haven't read all today's yet.
I knew A was for Algebra and congrats to Andy for ALL A's!!!! ☺
Margy, that ISS sure was brilliant and almost straight up. No one else went out w/me. Grandson is 20+ !!
Hope Dana/s knee procedure went well, Judie is feeling better and both Lynns, too.
Prayers for Tom & Sissy.

NatureNut said...

BBL~~~gonna eat & watch some boob tube.

Great message from Darth==TY ☺
Glad Dana is recuperating well!! ☺

magpie said...

big bright beautiful object to the right of the Moon, is Jupiter!
kinda of like ISS-bright but not moving

Mema Jo said...

Jupiter is as bright as the moon
Very beautiful

Back from CVS
Not sure if I am watching Criminal Minds - Don't think I like the
theme of tonight's show.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Garth. Glad to hear she should be home soon and has made some progress!

NCSuzan said...

Hedgie, wonder why the cam did not come up? It came up for me but it has been a while since you tried. Hope it will come on for you next time.

magpie said...

Wow cool new avatar Wanda put up...

Like that, Paula, Garth...
and Jo has a kiss or two on the check for him!

Judie would have fun with this, no doubt....

God Bless Our Friendships !

magpie said...

also got a kick and a chuckle out of "Poofarino" earlier, Paula...regarding eagles at BWO

Mema Jo said...

Headed into the 9:00 show..

hedgie said...

I noticed how very bright Jupiter is, too, Margy!!

Think I'll call my techie over the weekend and ask him about the cams. I just can't figure out why some play and others don't.

Back to Criminal Minds.

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, meant "Darth" :)

magpie said...

yeah but Garth has a nice sound to it Paula

wow, C5 just sailed through the sky over the apartment, headed North, East.....

magpie said...

I can hear the pillows and blankies calling my name

think I am moving in that direction

Hope this evening is a good one for everyone in our Eagle Corners, and that
Wellness, is Swelling

God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Eyes trying to close in that comfy loungechair! So, time to say
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in. Sleep tight!!
Wind has died down substantially, finally! Lots of damage done to the mid-atlantic by last night storms and the winds today.

Costume Lady said...

Sleepieness has set in early here, so will say good night, early. Capt. Gene is leaving for Hunt Camp in the early morning hours, so he has already turned in.


Mema Jo said...

I watched Criminal Minds - wish they would have caught that monster! At least the children were safe.

Don't feel sleepy yet but with the cold leaving, my eyes are still burning. Going to take some Tylenol.


Costume Lady said...

JO, Criminal Minds made me nauseaus tonight...didn't like it:(

Video of Jayden chowing down on Wanda's Wishes blog. What a piggy!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say goodnight.

Lynne and Margy, thanks for the reminder. Prayers for Sissy and Tom, and their whole family. Will have you in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS))!

Gosh, sounds extremely windy back east! Guess you need to put rocks in your pockets. No Santa Ana winds here at my roost--thank God! The gardeners finally rid us of most of the leaves yesterday, but had to leave some of them in a big pile in the far corner of the yard.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hope you sleep extremely well tonight!

Hope that Judie, Darth, and Dana all sleep well, too. Dana, is Little Man taking good care of you? Bet he is!
Prayers for speedy healing all around.

Darth has the night light set to go on automatically in Judie's absence, so no worries there. I'm checking the porch light. Have said prayers for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep snug as a bug in a rug, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. You folks back east, watch out for the sandman! He's been known to sneak up on people! God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

FB friends - vote for Dex's Cool Clear Water
And vote for Beautiful - Gianni

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

Rest well.

hedgie said...

Lynne or Jo or someone remind me that I have a "do" apptmt. tomorrow afternoon! Color and cut time.

Wanda, how long are you going to be a hunting widow?? :( Tell him to be safe and to tell Jerry I said hi!

Time for the news and then off I go for bath and bed. See all y'all in the morning light. Hope Shirley won her bridge game!
Prayers for all in need.

Mema Jo said...

Just read Pot Plant Owl Diary
Quite amusing what this young couple have taken own by having the owls on their patio/balcony.

stronghunter said...

Have been voting whenever I could, Jo. For both of them.

stronghunter said...

Didn't win, Lynn. The cards were not kind to me tonight.

stronghunter said...

Libraries Will Survive

Thought you might enjoy this. It's the short version.

The lady in the light blue dress with the flower in her hair is Midge, one of my bridge buddies. We were at her house tonight.

It seems that their little production has been quite popular.

stronghunter said...

Midge is at the Central Library.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow. Good night, all.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - that will be easy for me. I will remind you as I get ready to get my new do around 1:30...

I must go to bed - my votes are in!

Good Night all my friends
Prayers for everyone with pain and ills. Pray for Judie to take that 1st step (which is scary as the devil) so she can go home! Dana, hope you aren't having any discomfort. Take those meds! When in pain the healing doesn't happen quickly!
Hugs to all of you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Been doing different things tonight.

Shirley, loved the video! Have sent it on to two librarian friends. They will get a laugh out of it. One is a high school librarian and the other is elementary.

Faye was moved to a rehab hospital yesterday. Laurel and Joey are thrilled. Faye is getting a lot of the appropriate attention. Laurel heard the therapist say "We are going to do some things that you do not want to do, but in the end you will find that on those days you make the most progress." Yea! Joey said that after they moved he wanted to go around and hug all the nurses. They were so much more cheerful, attentive, and helpful. It is a noisy place but things are happening there. Wahoo! She was just vegetating in the hospital. Hopefully surgery in 2 to 3 weeks.

Heading to the shower now. Having a cold night tonight, down into the 30's.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

That's good news, Lolly
for the first time, it sounds encouraging and hopeful

Best wishes to the Captain on his Wilderness Journey....should be pretty good weather for the next few days....Happy Trails and Safe Travels

magpie said...

I enjoyed your report about that Hawk...I looked up Zone-Tailed Hawk, what an unusual name and a fabulous bird. You could report your unusual sighting to Cornell or another Bird site.....

It's always great fun to find and identify a new bird ☺

magpie said...

I was outside for a little while, did not see any meteors this morning

Best wishes for a good, safe, healthful day for everyone

headed to work pretty soon

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

speed boat zipping this way and that at Finland Water nest

magpie said...

glorious sunrise sky here in West Virginia

site map has me in Rochester New York this morning - kooky !

okay, bye

magpie said...

I take that back, I am back in Martinsburg now ☺

Costume Lady said...

Where are my friends this morning? nest, no husband, no friends...I might as well go back to bed:)

45° here in Nestville, going up to mid 50's, maybe a shower, but mostly sunny.

Have a good day:)

hedgie said...

Good morning all. Only us, Wanda?

Big announcement this morning: Atlanta panda cub is a MALE!

I did not see any meteor shower activity....was out looking for about 15 min. around 4.

Hey, Jo----don't forget WE have hair apptmts. this aftenoon!!!

Fun video, Shirley. Sorry you lost bridge. :(

Lolly said...

Good morning! Chilly morning here but still no freeze for us yet. Heading to the doctor this morning. My turn for my yearly gyn check up. More fun! Time for the yearly mammo too, but interestingly I have not had my yearly reminder. Guess I will have to call them after my appointment today.

Think I may do a little shopping after the appointment. I will be up in Fort Worth, so might as well.

Have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

Forgot to mention...I got a Thank You letter from Days End Horse Farm and Rescue, yesterday, thanking us for our $103.00 donation. They want us to adopt a horse...any takers:)

Lynn, seems like it took a lot longer to know the sex of Atlanta's last baby panda. Maybe it is easier to tell if it is a male.

I must look for Shirley's video.

hedgie said...

Beginning to worry about my safety a bit. Went to bed and found that control to electric blanket died. Sure glad I already had my flannel sheets on! But many more appliances/tools can die around here?? ARGH!

hedgie said...

This was the baby's second exam...think he's what? 3 wks. old?

Have fun, Lolly!! Don't envy you one bit! I'll settle for my hair apptmt.

hedgie said...

Nope, baby is only 2 weeks old!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Guy and Gals.

I'm a the table with breaKfast so I can get on. Pain meds are doing the trip. I know if I cut back what happens. Did that trick with
total knee replacement. Learn't my lesson.
I am truly doing good and moving very well. Using walker slow easy steps.

I have been so troubled about Judie. I was in tears last night. Thinking of her stil in the hospital. Wish I knew it would probably be maybe 3 days at worst.

I could take the laptop in the living room. I just don't feel comfortable with it not
being on a flap surface. I think it was Loretta someone sent a link around with a table that
might fit under recline when it is out for leg rest. Just can't spend money yet. Need to see about what this surgery is going to bill me.

Lolly so glad Faye is in a REHAB.
seeing instead of a hospital. They
will get moving and she will be bette prepared for the surgery. So glady Joey was so excited. I know he and Laurel truly care and want the best for Faye.

Marvelous rare hawk sighting Andy. Hope you do capture a picture to share with us.

Glad to read Sutton is in the nest. Lolly had the periscope up there during her visit LOL

Thanks Steve so new HD cam set to go Nov. 24th on Wednesday. Hope it is nice and clear and they can get her done!! (:

Margy not sure I'll see those. I read will others do. and I think it is so funny. Makes me chuckle
show you somewhere then show you Martinsburg---you take fast "free" trips and don't go no where LOL

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn about baby cub at Atlanta. So we have a little boy awww

NCSuzan I once was with a religious group when I was in
my first marriage. They didn't believe in doctors and especially blood transfusion. After getting out of that group. I have kept that in my prayers that people

Oh I see there is a good UPDATE ON JUDIE!!
TO GO HOME. Darth might be could to get potty chair and bed for downstairs.

Wnda that was nice of Days End to send the thank you. I think they are sure caring people. I so wished we had a "GOOD ANIMAL RESUCE AROUND HERE".

Hedgie-Lynn WalMart has electric blanket. Have to ask not where they would normal put them. Remember I just brought Little Man one.

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, a boy cub for Atlanta...thanks Lynn for the news.

FYI researchers will be at the Two Harbors nest today, they are conducting a study on the prey that the eagles eat...they will be digging into the nest for bones, etc. They are being escorted by Dr Sharpe. They will return the nest to normal when they are done! They did this on the West End nest last week, I forgot to post about it.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh , and great news about Faye, Lolly.

Hair appointment here today too :)

paula eagleholic said...

3 Eewwies at BWO

Mema Jo said...

Good Chilly Morning to all! I see that Lynn, Paula and I all are going to be made beautiful today! I might get some curls..
It's a Boy! Thanks Lynn for getting out the good news. Could someone refresh my memory as to what sex were Lun Lun's 1st 2...
Trying to get the food organized for next Thursday - like who brings what?
It's working out well.

Mema Jo said...

I think that the new boy is nursing & is visible now

Mema Jo said...

General Motors stock is rising sharply as the icon of American manufacturing
returns to life as a publicly traded company.

Mema Jo said...

All 7 lion cubs napping together

Cam 6 W seems to be the best location for seeing them.......

hedgie said...

ROFL, Jo. They sent us GM folks offering us a chance to buy the new stock at $29/share, minimum of $1000 investment. I (and many others) were like WTH??? We lost so much in our 401k's before....they honestly think we are stupid enough to put any back in??? Not this chick!

Dana, glad you are doing so well.
Yep, WalMart after hairdo!

Paula, I don't remember what sexes the other AZ pandas were. :(

hedgie said...

Got apptmt. made for carpet cleaning....don't want a new puppy smelling old smells---Cinnie unfortunately had some accidents (besides the GI bleed) and I don't think the little green machine did much for down in the padding....they will be coming Dec. 1st.

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Lolly, I'm glad, too, that Faye is getting settled in where she can get the care she needs. Big relief for the kids.

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone! A little chilly today, but wind is gone!!!!!Got some stuff to do outside later.

Been trying to watch Panda cam, but it stops quickly.
Read that several are getting their dos done today!!!
Good that Faye is going to rehab---that's the best place.
Hope Judie, Dana and all under the weather are doing much better.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I really understand what you're saying about GM!

Mema Jo said...

Going to go and get ready to leave for my new do.


paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Lynn, I hear on the getting screwed by GM...have stock of my Mom's...think it's preferred, not sure if we'll get anything out of it or not...

hedgie said...

Sorry to say, Paula, but I don't think you will get ANYTHING for it. Think the cut-off for "redemption" was in July (something like $4/share) and then General Motors Corp. ceased to exist as an entity. The "new" GM is Company.

hedgie said...

Time to get ready to head out for a while. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, probably missed that in all the paperwork...thanks, Lynn

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...