Thursday, November 11, 2010


Evening thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Thank you, Steve for the new thread:)

Costume Lady said...

I believe I have not checked in today...GG called this morning and was in distress. Went to her house and she said she had been in pain all night. Gave her what I usually give her when she is in VERY bad pain, plus half of a nerve pill. Made her some Brunch and she rallied around and seemed much better. She had a 4:00pm appointment to get a new do. We got that over with and went to the car. At that time, we saw 4 police cars with lights flashing and a car up on the sidewalk, which looked as if it had been wrecked...maybe fleeing and that would explain why so many police cars?? Never see anything in the Journal about such things, for some reason. Maybe Lynn has heard something on the scanner. I was aroun 5pm.

Got GG home and settled in with her new do and she's looking forward to seeing the family tomorrow!

Haven't read the blog...hope you all had a great day. I was absolutely beautiful here; 66° and wind:)

Costume Lady said...

LMBO...I wasn't beautiful, the WEATHER was beautiful!:)

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Did you see the Crescent Moon? Thanks, Steve and Wanda, you'll always be beautiful.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like lots of new 'dos' were gotten today. I have to wait another week.

Costume Lady said...

AWWW, Jo, how sweet you are!
Had to chuckle at Alexis and her demo of soft and hard...sounds like she must like school and pays attention. No wonder you love her so:) I still remember her calling the car dealership and ordering a car for her dad. Hysterical!

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Wanda that was a high point!

Mema Jo said...

I am heading into the TV
Bones, CSI, and The Mentalist

See you during commercials.....

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

I have copied Kathryn's FB picture of Hunter's football team. I posted it on FB and will try to post it on my blog as well.

hedgie said...

No, Wanda, didn't hear what was happening at 5---Charlie was here with a load of wood.

wvgal_dana said...

I have been in family fb working there.

Emails like Christmas mail coming in.
By the way the snail mail Christmas list of address's. Can someone email me the list made up last year. As you know I wasn't on it due to Ed's passing.

I got my do yesterday.

Thanks Steve for new thread and WAnda for call over. Glad GG got back to her feeling better self.

Going to get feet up and some tv bbl

hedgie said...

Glad that GG is doing okay now.

paula eagleholic said...

My do is set for next week too :)

I don't remember that story about Alexis...too funny~

paula eagleholic said...

Talked to Michael, he won't be here for Cohen's party, he has to work. But he, John, John's FIL and some nephews are all going to the Redskins/Eagles games Monday night, so he will be down on Sunday night. I bought John his ticket for his birthday present. They are sitting in the corner endzone with the tunnel.

stronghunter said...

Hunter's team picture is posted on my blog.

Costume Lady said...

Good looking bunch of WINNERS!
Aren't we proud of our grand-children's accomplishments?!

stronghunter said...

Very proud, Wanda. Hunter is a good kid.

I am going to check my bedsheets in the dryer and get ready to head upstairs as soon as I can. I need to put my bed together first.

See you tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pic , Shirley. It's always cool to see kids in the newspaper.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad GG is doing better, Wanda.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Happy Veterans Day!

Very fun day at Irvine...seems a Northern Shrike was spotted on the grounds. Rare to be found this far south. Birders were swarming in all day! They all saw it and got some good pictures.

The dogs and I ran into a large 4 pt buck and a doe this morning on our walk. The dogs went NUTS, really NUTS. Barking, lunging....and the deer were not the least bit concerned! They were no more than 20ft in front of us. And they just calmly wandered across the trail and down the hill. Think they had other "things" on their mind ;)

Wanda, poor GG! Glad you were able to get her back to her old self!

Going to run...have some chores to do before bed. Will be taking some animals from Irvine to the vet with Tracey tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good evening and prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

here is a link about the N. Shrike
Northern Shrike

Think I may head back over there on Sunday and see if I can spot it!

Judie said...

Good evening, all.

Thank you, Steve.

So nice to know that Lolly, Lowreeda, and GG got their "dos' dos'es dosses" done today. Bet you three look even more beauteous than ever. Now Dana is beauteous also.

Wanda, glad to know GG perked up. Worrisome to be sure.

How did Alexis manage to "order" a car? What a hilarious situation that must have been.

Missed our royal couple. Maybe I'll wake up early enough tomorrow.

Paula, happy birthday early for Cohen. Will check out the tunnel end zone -- have your guys wear some "hog" noses so we can recognize them.

Did check the pot owls earlier. Two were there jousting for space on a rail. So cute.

Not so cute is the hawk that has taken up residence near the psyc. dept. Scaring off the birds and squirrels and I am not happy about the feathers strewn about.

Tired tonight so will be turning my light off early. Will leave the night light on for others stumbling around after t.v., headed back the hallway, headed to the tub, up the stairs, or just wandering around in the dark.

Pleasant dreams.

Lynne2 said...

Steve is watching the Pres. address the troops in Korea. He served there for a year on the DMZ.

Saw Hunter's team pic on FB!

Paula what a great gift to get John! They'll have a blast!

Judie, I hate to see the "circle of death" feathers after a hawk attack. Maybe he won't stick around too long.

Lynne2 said...

awesome pictures
Human Eagle

Mema Jo said...

Commercial time...... hope all is well
Not taking time to read comments until next show is finished......


NatureNut said...

Probably nighty-night time for most.
Typed my yam yum recipe into Word. Will attempt to copy & paste into blog. LOL I know Lynne2 wanted any sweet potato recipes, so can email, too & to anyone else who wants it.

hedgie said...

Good shows tonight!
Hope everyone has had a good evening.

hedgie said...

Me, too, please Lowreeda!!!

hedgie said...

Paula, tell the kids to take umbrellas and ponchos......forecast has changed. Now rain to start early Mon. evening. :(

hedgie said...

Love that Human Eagle, Lynne!
Great Hunter team pic, Shirley!

Mema Jo said...

I had a great TV evening......

Loretta Put it on Eaglet_Momsters email for all of us.

Need to look at the Human Eagle

Mema Jo said...

I can't imagine that many persons making up the eagle.
Another article there was Bride and Groom release Bald Eagle. Cool....

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - the Northern Shrike is beautiful. Thanks for the link.

hedgie said...

So glad that some of you are getting deer sightings. So far, none here for quite some time. Think I did see a red fox at dusk....but can't swear to it.

Hope everyone gets a nice sleep. Beginning to wonder if we need to send out a Magpie alert.......hope everything is okay with her. If she doesn't pop in before work hours tomorrow, will text her---she'll see it sometime during the day. Goodnight. Prayers going up.

Mema Jo said...

I guess my day has come to an end
only to begin again tomorrow...

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

NatureNut said...

Yikes. Got recipe on blog, but will email to E_M. Took forever---had ingredients in two columns and Blogger squished them all together WRONG!!!!

Nighty night.
Pleasant Feather Dreams

NatureNut said...

P.S. ;>)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, thanks for setting me straight on Criminal Minds last night. Understand now!
Grey's and PP were both good tonight.


Lolly said...

Guess everyone has gone to bed, so I will whisper. Got home from church and watched Grey's and PP that was recorded. Then watched another PP that I had missed.

Yepper, look better with the do done! However, our Wanda knows she is beautiful and that can't be beat! :)

Hope GG gets a good peaceful night of sleep tonight. Bless her!

Going to say goodnight now, Up late as Jack is watching the STARS hockey game which started late.

Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here VERY late. Fell asleep in front of the TV after dinner. Was sleeping so soundly that I had to figure out what day and time it was when I woke up!

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread.

Wanda, I'm really glad that GG got to feeling better, and is more like herself now. Bet her new "do" is just beauteous! Also, bet you're relieved that she's better! ((HUGS))
LMBO at the thought of Alexis calling and "ordering" a new car! Wish I could've been a fly on the wall at the dealership! LOL :oD

Shirley, that's a great picture of Hunter and his teammates! This last football season will be a lifetime memory for all of them, I'm sure!

What fun to see that buck and doe! I bet you had fun trying to hang onto the dogs, too! Hope you are able to get back to Irvine to see the shrike.
I have some very special memories of a family of Loggerhead Shrikes who lived at my Grandma's house in Southern California many, many moons ago. I was about 9 years old at the time. We had to rescue one of the babies from a neighborhood cat, and had it in the house in a cotton-lined wooden berry basket, where we fed it until it recovered. We then put the basket on the garage roof, in the shelter of a big tree. The parents found the baby, and continued to care for it until it fledged. When it finally made its first flight, it came straight down toward me, and landed in my surprised hands! Settled there for several minutes, then took off again and followed its mother to the back of the yard. It was like it came to say "Thank you" before it went on with its life! It's something I've never forgotten.

Ms Bookworm said...

I know what you mean about seeing a lot of feathers on the ground. I haven't seen our Cooper's Hawks in a few weeks, but when they were here, it was not unusual to see feathers on the grass. Relieved that I haven't seen any lately. Do you know what kind of hawk is at the school?
By the way, thanks for the night light. I was able to wander in here without klonking my shins on the furniture.
Have Bambi and his family been back to visit you? Bet they are just beautiful!

Oh, Lynne, the picture of the "Human Eagle" is just amazing! Can't imagine the careful planning that took!

Well, it's pretty late, so think I'd better call it a night. Thanks again, Judie, for the night light. The porch light is on, too. Have said prayers for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Hope everyone's sleeping "all snug in their beds." I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Just opened and one was in the nest. Made picture bigger gone. dang didn't get a picture

Can't get comment to go

wvgal_dana said...

Duh me haven't had my coffee yet. I got to the picture Shirley and right away zoomed in reading names to find Hunter. I did was so happy of myself ha ha GREAT PICTURE OF HUNTER #71....<<<<<<<this is what I was even going to write. Looked back after changing picture back. You already had writing by picture Hunter #71. Boy you can make things so easy for some people Shirley (like me) but when they haven't had their coffee they make a problem for themselves SICLMBO=sitting in chair laughing my butt off.

wvgal_dana said...

Great sighting of the s
Lynne2 great sighting of the loggerhead shrike.

Andy love that story of the baby shrike.

There are a lot of pictures out there. That was once sent around last year. Of early 1900's where they used people like in the statue of Liberty and plenty of others. I am not sure though I remember "the eagle". I was always amazed by the number of people they used in those pictures. Eagle is Beautiful!! Thank you for positng Lynne2.

Still tring to see how that would have been like with "the ordering of the new car from the dealership". Wouldn't that have been need to have tapped. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Thinking of GG and so glad she is bck to normal again. How confusing for her. God Bless she, Wanda, Gene and the family. I just know they worry about GG.

Well we should get to see some pictures because tonight is their Friday night "home adventures" I cll them.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I checked Herald Mail and Martinsburg paper online. So far haven't found out anything about your 5pm flashing police lights. Maybe someone else can lead us to the answer.

wvgal_dana said...

Ice on my front door temp is 24° it says on my front porch.

wvgal_dana said...

I tried yesterday and the same thing is happening today. When I go to the facebook page to vote. It shows I have already voted for Dexter. So yesterday I didn't get to vote for him and today it is saying same thing.I have even tried refresh??

wvgal_dana said...

Here we go again this AM---nobody on but I did get to see one of our eagles.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! Sunny and beautiful and only the slightest hint of a breeze this morning!

Glad you got to see one of our eagles this morning Dana!

Andy, what a great story about the loggerhead shrike...that must have been magical!

Well, I'm off and running....hope everyone had a great day!

hedgie said...

Sounds like Bill just found his Mom dead.........sounds like she has probably been dead for several hours.....what should he do? Call 911....jsut dispatching now. Asked if he needed me to come and he said no. He just left here a few minutes ago after bringing me gaas for the mower, and said he had to pick her up for a drs. apptmt.

Costume Lady said...

How sad to find your Mother dead...condolences to your Bill and you, Lynn♥

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lynn-Hedgie I am so sorry for you and Bill. He took such good care of his Mother. Yes right to call 911. ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))

hedgie said...

BTW----got an email from Margy (and just talked to her a few minutes ago). She is having puter problems and could not get online. She said to let you all know that the missing service dachshund has been FOUND! It was in another room at the info yet on those circumstances.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't know if this month of November should be called "God's peace for those that are ill month" or what. Deb, Ed, Bill's Mom....just here since 2009. Sad for those that remain on earth without those that have gone ahead. Although I felt such PEACE FOR ED.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you St. Anthony for finding that doggie...I just knew it was going to be found for that person...PRAISES TO GOD ALMIGHTY IN THE HIGHEST!

wvgal_dana said...

Add a Brian Stephens off of fb to your prayer list. He has a family and his job end tomorrow due to company downsizing.

wvgal_dana said...

God as one door closes for Brian Stephens as we have seen in our own groups families you WILL OPEN ANOTHER DOOR. So with your GODLY POWERS please open another door for Brian Stephens and his family.Amen

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, we were supposed to get rain and cooler temps. It is 68 and just damp! Leaves started turning this week. We have yellow leaves but did see one pretty tree coming home yesterday. And, they are really falling now, mowed yesterday but you would never know it!

Today I am working on Christmas ornaments for grandchildren and grand nieces and grand nephews. Also, working on Christmas cards. Years ago, my sister and my sister in law and I started making ornaments for our children every Christmas. Every year they got three new ornanments. That way, when they married they took with them a box of ornaments. Well, that tradition has continued with the grands.

Lolly said...

Thank you for the prayer for Brian, Dana. He is my cousin's grandson. He is also the husband of Natalie. She is the one I asked prayer for as she had breast cancer. She is doing well, cancer free and presently under going breast reconstuction surgery. (This is done in stages.) But, they have 3 young children and are financially struggling.

NatureNut said...

TGIF--just had to share this before I go out the door.
Recently got my Panda hat out and it's been on the coffee table. No one has bothered it. This AM, Fubby found it in the kitchen by the cat food dishes!!!Binky, the older cat, likes to feed her toys, mostly stuffed animals! She does this in the dead of night!
Have a good day!!~~~~

NCSuzan said...

Hi! Everyone. Thank you so very much for remembering my birthday. Jo, you and chrissy sent such beautiful cards. I have been terribly lazy for not being on here tho I do lurk now and again. I am no longer "eggcited" as I could not remember my g-mail account. Age does wonderful things to one's mind. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta Binky is smart cat she "likes pandas" lol

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Friday RED

Lynn - Sorry to hear of Bill's mom passing. Prayers to all

You better hold onto your hat, Loretta.

Thanks for finding Margy, Lynn

Still going thru emails.. BBILW

NCSuzan said...

Just read back. So sorry for Bill and his family. Extra, extra hugs for Bill.

Lynne2 said...

Oh dear Lord awful for Bill to find his mother dead. The poor man must be a mess. Prayers for you both :(

Lynne2 said...

Hi NCSuzan....must be a long time since you've been on here because I don't think I even remember seeing you since I've been on! Hope you'll visit more soon...nesting season approaches! Do you live in a wonderful place like MAYBERRY? LOL!! Wish I lived in Mayberry! It's a fantasy I have......

NCSuzan said...

Lynne2, I was on only briefly. I was in the hospital and you guys rescued me. When they finally sent me home it was hours of therapy, etc. and I never got back here. No true excuses. I don't live in Mayberry but I did live in the OBX for about 20 years. More like heaven than country. Though it did have simpler ways. That has long gone now.

Lynne2 said...

OH YES I remember now! How are you doing??

Mema Jo said...

Suzan, I am so happy you came in today.
It was a pleasure remembering you on your birthday and I hope you had a good one. Come in more often please.

hedgie said...

Happy belated birthday, Suzan!
You have missed the news that I (along with some friends) am in the process of trying to buy a vacation house on the OBX!

Bill says he's doing okay. Of course, we know how men can hide their emotions---and he is the best at doing it.

NCSuzan said...

Lynne2, i have end stage COPD. The doctors did not think I would live this long but I do not believe them. In my opinion I am ok and thank you for asking. And Jo, I am going to try and be here more often. I am house bound quite a lot and I need people! And you guys are good people with your pulse on the important things of the day and I like that! LOL

NCSuzan said...

Hedgie, that's wonderful. It is not like it used to be but Dare Co. is still a beautiful place. The people are varied and the locals are colorful and the fresh seafood is to die for.

NCSuzan said...

Well, I have to go for now. My daughter and son-in-law are taking me out, and I am hoping to find some beauty hiding in my beauty products today! Thank you all again for your hospitality and I will be back.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, you have come to the right place, if you need companionship, understanding, love and prayers...we've got it all!
We are due to get a new cam soon, so stick around for our unveiling!

hedgie said...

Hurray for DC!
Wildlife Protection

wvgal_dana said...



wvgal_dana said...

This is a great place to be if you are homebound.

Do you have a facebook page? Seems everyone is doing one.

Eagle was in this morning.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Lynn, so very sad for Bill. Can only imagine the emotions he must be experiencing. Please let him know we all care and send sympathy.

I am happy the service Dachshound was located and safe.

Hi NCSuzan. Wishing you a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Wow, that was great to hear from Suzan. Hit those beauty products, Suzan. I am sure you will find the beauty there! Just like I did at the beauty shop yesterday!

Okay, here's the deal. Laurel just called. Panic...when we get a call from school. They are moving Faye today to a rehabilitation hospital. Scan yesterday did show damage to the gall bladder, the cyst is smaller but not shrinking as fast as they would like. Two more weeks and then possibly surgery. Jacob is now home sick with a cold, Laurel has a cold...she can NOT go to their house. So, I am on call to go to Denton.

So, now I am going to seek beauty in the beauty products.

Mema Jo said...

I have been searching the for the lion cubs on those cams at NZ but I can't catch up to them. I see a red and a blue ball in the dens. I'll keep checking on them because their playfulness really makes my day.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, I'm not getting what you mean when you say.....she can NOT go to their house... ?

movin said...




I'm hoping you have a
great weekend.


[:~D] Jim

Lolly said...

Jo, as sick as Faye is she does not need to be around sick children.

Lolly said...

Times like this I really wish they were not an hour away. However, Laurel said the rehab hosp is very nice. They are hopeful that the nurses will be getting Faye up more. Also, more attention will help with Faye's attitude.

Mema Jo said...

Great cam shot of the Owls

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim - Thanks for reminding this is Friday and the start of the weekend.
I hope you enjoy your weekend also!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagle in the nest!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hope somebody else is watching too!

Mema Jo said...

I voted for Days End Horse Rescue
on my Click to Give site......

Mema Jo said...

Sure am - heard you call -
Must be Lib

Mema Jo said...

He is on his perch

Mema Jo said...

I see feetsies and a good shadow....

Mema Jo said...

Momsters - Lib is in our nest

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim! Hope your sinuses let you have a good weekend!

Suzan, I have COPD, too, but have not been classified end-stage. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Have been lovin' the OBX for almost 38 yrs.---my very most favorite place. The house we made an offer on is in Waves.

Lolly, too bad that Faye has to wait. Is her general health good enough to survive the surgery when the time comes?

Mema Jo said...

Lib went poof! Sharon got a very good photo and it's over on FB

glo said...

:-) Are we talking eagle in the nest. I hope i am not too late but Hi everyone.

glo said...

Well a minute too late is better than a day late and a dollar short. I have pop up cam on now. Think that will work for me.

hedgie said...

Heading out to get new blower. And vacuum repair is completed so can pick it up, too.

Judie said...

Wow, Lynn is going to have the cleanest yard and home in town. Hope both are really repaired.

Hi Glo, hugs for you and Dexter♥

Lolly, you really need all this drama on a daytime soap. Contact ABC: The Denton Drama.

Hi Sharon.

movin said...

tHERE'S an eagle on BWE.

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

I am gong to head Westward

Trees should be beautiful!


wvgal_dana said...

"I voted for Days End Horse Rescue
on my Click to Give site." Jo you must mean on your facebook page. Cause I looked on the blog page not there.

glo said...

Hi Judie thanks

Lolly said...

Okay, have another prayer request for powerful Eaglet Momster prayer's. One of my best friends has three sons. The middle son, Ky, in in the Marines and is now stationed in Virginia. His youngest daughter, Kali, had a small seizure last month. They thought it was due to a fever. However, she had a long drawn out seizure yesterday evening. They called 911 and got her to the hospital. Tests do not show anything. She is still in the hospital. Please lift Kali up in prayer...and the family. Kaye, my friend, cried all evening, feeling so helpless. Have posted a picture on Family Pics Blog so you can see this wonderful familly. Kali is 7 months old.

glo said...

Prayers for Kali That is a scary thing to happen. Hope it really was just do to fever with no lasitng effects or ongoing problems.

movin said...

Interesting Catalina Report this week with some wonderful photos of the coastal areas.

I'm outa here for now, talk later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Dana I thought I said my Click To Give site. That is where I find it.. Glad you found it and voted.

stronghunter said...

Oh no!

A stinkbug in my classroom!

In block 4.

It is now a dead stinkbug.

My shoe may not smell very good, but the stinkbug is dead.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for little Kali to be diagnosed and treated and healed.
Beautiful family picture Lolly.

stronghunter said...

I've skimmed over the posts, but will have to wait a bit to comment. I want to go home. I want to go . . . I want to . . .

Bye for now!

Mema Jo said...

Is it just me - does anyone think that the cam has been shifted.. ?
I am probably just imagining it with all the shadows........

Mema Jo said...

Feet up for awhile.....

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here late today, but have been accomplishing much around the house. When I have to study a lot for school, the housework gets neglected. Now (between semesters) is the best time to try to catch up on it a bit!

Lynn, I'm so sorry to hear about Bill's Mom! Must have been awful for him to be the one to find her. Please relay my sympathies to him. ((HUGS)) for you, too! Prayers for both of you!

Prayers for little Kali, too. Hope they find out what's wrong really quickly, and can fix it right away. What a frightening situation! Prayers for the whole family!

THANK GOD the service doxie was found!
Yippee! That really makes my day! Bet that was a joyful reunion!

Lolly, prayers for the whole family for the Faye situation. Sounds like a good move to put Faye in a rehab hospital. Hope all works out well.

Well, need to hit the road running and do some grocery shopping. Will check back in later once I'm back home. Have a good afternoon! :o]

hedgie said...

Well, did not get new blower. Bill and Frank fixed the old one......NOT. TOld me not to go buy one, so just went a got my vac back. Came home, Frank brought the blower and plugged it up and it ran. He left, I went to get started....and it ran for about 2 seconds and went kaput. I must have a jinx touch. Did get some leaves done with the mower.....but already shuffling through a pile on the deck. So back to town tomorrow. ARGH!

Judie said...

So sorry about Kali. Prayers for her recovery and good health.

Jim is correct. Catalina report has really lovely pictures.

Lynn, so sorry you are having technical problems -- I mean the kind one gets sometimes when m_n take over.

Yes, Jo, I thought something looked different but think it's just my imagination/shadows.

Off to the kitchen to look for inspiration.

paula eagleholic said...


Lynne2 said...


paula eagleholic said...

Stickorations happening.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle at the back, Lib in the middle

paula eagleholic said...

Lib took off, and there she went too

Lynne2 said...

one poof two poof

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagles in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Beautiful. My cam page is probably 20 seconds behind or more.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Dear Lynn, so sorry to hear about Bill's Mom. Please give him a big hug from all of us.

Lynne2 said...

well that was a brief visit, glad I happened to pass by the computer when I did!

Lolly said...

Okay, I am going to set a timer to go off to remind me to get the cam going at 3:45. Gishhhhh! I am usually busy and forget the cam at that time of day. Thought of it 10 minutes ago, but that was too late.

Have finished the ornanments except the hanging ribbon. They have to dry first. Feel so smart getting them done.

Temp is dropping like a rock. Just a short time ago it was 77, now down to 61 and still dropping. Going to be quite chilly at the game tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Oh, my.....quandry. See that Bill's daughter is on facebook; she is in Atlantic City for weekend. By what she has posted, she apparently doesn't know about her Grandma (no love lost there). Should I say "call home"?

Lynne2 said...

JMHO but if she is chatting with you directly, then yes. If you just happened to notice she is on, then no, let Bill call her.

hedgie said...

You work fast, Lolly! What kind of ornaments do you make? I still have many that my Grams made, along with the ones I made when the kids were little. Haven't used them in a long time.

hedgie said...

Yea! Two students were arrested at a Jefferson Co. high school today after 2 bomb threats this morning---the 4th or 5th day it's happened in the last couple of weeks!

Lolly said...

I'll post a picture later, Lynn. After making then for about 40 years, you run out of ideas. I went to Michael's looking for an idea. I found clear plastic, round ornaments. They look like glass. I put "snow" in them, then with glitter paint, painted their names and year. Then with "snow" paint, painted snow flakes on the ornaments. Very simple and inexpensive. Made 15 of them.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Bill should tell them. JMHO.

hedgie said...

Can't believe he hasn't...

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I feel you should ask Bill if he
wants you to say anything to his daughter like - "call home"...
You don't want to be in the dog house
after the being asked "Why didn't you say something" JMHO

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Just here to say hi and let you know though I'm not here often ♫♪you're always on my mind. ♫♪

Mema Jo said...

I love your turkey! I guess that is what is coming up next! How are you doing!

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful Sleeping Clouded Leopard

PA Nana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

I agree Lynn-Hedgie you should say something to Bill. That way you won't feel dishonest about not sharing with him about fb. It really is for him to tell her. JMO

Lolly said...

Margy, received my snail mail today. Thank you so very much! Now have proof the police let me go. LOL You are such a blessing. Thank you for being the person that you are!

To everyone, Margy sent us pictures of us getting out of the police car. What a fantastic memory. Judie, knows how to get around! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

If I didn't have Little Man I would put in to adopt this poodle.
I had a poodle so I know the care and type of love they need. Plus he would need more and I have that "more to give him". Problem is I have Little Man and he doesn't and couldn't take another dog in the house. Plus I feel this dog needs just one on one. Oh how I wish I could adopt him

Lolly said...

Off to prepare dinner. Thinking of preparing oven fries to go with Jack's smoked meats of brisket, brats, and chicken. I do believe dinner is going to be yummy!

Judie said...

Just checking in after dinner.

Lynn, might be best to let Bill take the lead with telling his family. JMHO. Again, please let him know we are saddened.

Going to put my feet, and the remainder of my body up for some t.v. Have a police exam to prepare tomorrow. Will need some "fire" power.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Oh, Lynn, so sorry to learn of Bill's mother's death. It would be a real shock to have that happen.

hedgie said...

Agree with you all. Wish he would call and let me know what's happening....if he's trying to not ruin Billie's weekend, I think he's barking up the wrong tree.

Mema Jo said...

Going to head in for 2 TV shows...


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Oh, Lolly. I haven't seen Margy's pictures yet.

I felt like we were being surrounded by the paparazzi when we arrived at the nest!

stronghunter said...

I don't know enough about Bill to say. Maybe you should call him?

wvgal_dana said...

Look out Judie needs "fire power"....Smith & Wesson, 357 or maybe she is looking for a TANK!!! now that would impress her class lol Judie

stronghunter said...

Nice to hear from NCSuzan.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I are spending the evening together, though he is off in computer gameland. Kathryn went out with a girlfriend for supper and shopping.

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back NCSuzan...and Happy Birthday! Glad you've rejoined us!

stronghunter said...

Yes, happy birthday Suzan!

NatureNut said...

So sorry to read about Bill's mother, Lynn. Prayers for the family.

Happy Birthday to NCSuzan!! Sorry I missed you earlier today. Come back soon & often. There's always somebody around!

Sorry to hear about little Kali. Hope they find out what's wrong soon! And Lolly, hope Faye's situation is resolved soon.
Gotta eat---BBL

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Kali and her family, and continued prayers for Faye and her family.

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night and head upstairs soon.

I'll see you tomorrow.

NCSuzan said...

Before everyone heads to bed, I want to thank you again for the Birthday wishes. I have had a very good day with lots of fun. hope you guys sleep well and that your prayers are answered. 'nite

Lolly said...

Nite Suzan! Glad you had a great day. Hope to see you on here often.

Going to read for a while. Going to be a late night again tonight. Jack has a hockey game to watch in 15 minutes and I am already sleepy. Time to go get comfy and put my nose in my book.

Lolly said...

From my friend Kaye....

Thank you Lolly. Kali is still in the hospital. They never saw the doctor today. I think that stinks. The kids need someone to tell them something. Thanks to all for the prayers. Love you too.

hedgie said...

CSI was pretty it's Tom Selleck time!
Good night to all turning in.
Still no call from Bill...
Guess Margy still can't get her puter up... :(

NatureNut said...

I haven't read much of earlier today, but was informed and just saw on TV that PG Co. Exec. & wife were arrested for taking big bribe money!!! I'm not surprised. Aren't you glad you don't live here???LOL

Mema Jo said...

Loretta we are so blessed that we don't get into those big money deals!

I see I missed a good many friends already heading to their pillows.

Mema Jo said...

2 of the little Pot Plant owls are in view. Soon they will be flying off to their new air space. They have made their 1st flights - except Teeny has only flown from the floor up to the

Mema Jo said...

The 3 newest lion cubs had their swimming test today and all passed. There are slide pics on NZ lion site.

Mema Jo said...

Nothing happening on Snowman Cam

Not a thing in the PA woods

Nothing on the wildlife cam - the wild boars (pigs) must come to the feeders later.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Hubby and I got almost all our grocery shopping done tonight. We're meeting my Sis-in-law for breakfast at a German restaurant tomorrow morning, and wanted to get the shopping out of the way.

To throw in my two cents worth, Lynn, I'd call Bill and see whether he would prefer that you ask his daughter to call him. I think he should be the one to break the news to her. JMHO, though.

Golly, prayers continue for little Kali. Hope they see the doctor very soon!
Hope that the situation with Faye gets resolved satisfactorily, too.

Oh--pardon my manners! Before it's too late,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUZAN!!! Hope it's been a wonderful day for you!

Well, have some more to do around the house before I hit the sack, so will say goodnight, and be back in the morning. Not sure whether Judie turned on the night light, so turning it on just to be sure. The porch light is on, too. Prayers have been said for everyone, including a special one for that little rescued poodle that Dana is so fond of. Wish you could adopt him, Dana! Know you want to be loyal to Little Man, though. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you SO much! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Good night Andy and all others headed to la la land.

Prayers for so many needs/wants
especially for little Kali and for
Faye. Prayers for everyone's
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Everyone is heading to bed. I am comfy and reading. Jack is watching the STARS! LOL Michael called. He is at the game and on the glass just behind the goalie. Not his usual seat. So, we occasionally see our Michael. Too funny! He is going to Tuesday's game and we are going over to Dallas to Zach sit! Yea!

Time to say good night and sweet dreams! Thanks for the prayers!(((HUGS)))

PA Nana said...

Happy Birthday NCSuzan. Good to see you here again. Come back often. Goodnight to all heading to the pillows.

Prayers for all needs and wants.

God bless!

hedgie said...

Well gang, it has been a l-o-n-g day and I am slam wore out, as our southern delegation says. Peaceful rest for all....prayers for all.
See you tomorrow. Thanks again for all of your care and concern, dear friends.

Costume Lady said...

I am presently cooking a turkey. I am cooking it for our church Thanksgiving dinner, Sunday. Gene will take it into the church in the morning and carve it, along with 11 others (volunteers took a turkey home and roasted them there). Then the slices will have broth poured over them so that they can be warmed up Sunday morning and will be juicy.
I will go into church later in the morning and make dressing for 100+ people...have never made that much before! Don't know how many helpers will be there, but we need plenty!
Turkey should be done now...
Good thing, because I am nodding off:)


stronghunter said...

Brrrr! Good early and frosty morning. I was summoned by two dogs to come down and take care of outdoor trips and breakfast.

Of course, George was happy to have his breakfast, too. He would not have gotten such an early Saturday treat if it hadn't been for his canine buddies.

Going back to my warm bed now. Had to stay up long enough to keep George from stealing dog food.

stronghunter said...

Flash is still crying for his mother. I don't know if Kathryn can hear him.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Good to make it back!

can't get still cam up yet this morning, but "Life Feed" is up and running
I'm waiting to see some morning beauties in the nest....

Any early risers: Check out brilliant bright Venus in the Eastern Sky...Wow !

magpie said...

I have a lot of catching up to do, but I know there are some prayer requests throughout the last few days of posts....
You have mine !

hoping that today will reflect some comfort from the prayers

magpie said...

I thought I just heard an eagle

magpie said...

Venus is so bright you can still see it in the morning light

magpie said...

I had to sneak in the side door to the blog off the E-M site link
still cannot get Still Cam...

Best wishes for a good day everyone....

I hope to catch up on all the news when I get home tonight if computer is still working...
I think the Pix Pa links is what got things all slowed down on here for me, not sure

took a lot of disc cleaning and all that

Thanks Lynn for finding me, and I am sorry for Bill's loss....I hope there is comfort for him and his family in the days to come

Shirley, your pictures should be in your mailbox any day now!@ I sent them all on the same day...yours, Judie's and Lolly's


magpie said...

Better say that a little louder:


magpie said...

AND, I have still cam again, will put a couple of pix up before I leave for work

magpie said...

The pair is not doing much so far this morning, just sitting and looking around, Liberty has been plucking at a few sticks in the top of the nest

magpie said...

And now they are gone -

magpie said...

By the way, today the Audubon Society is hosting a bird watch at NCTC - maybe someone already mentioned that....

I couldn't get on to post that...advance registration was required due to security reasons...

hope the bird-watchers see some eagles !

Starts at 8 am

might be too late but here is number and a name: Sandy Sagalkin 240-291-6465

hear gunshots.., guess turkey and/or squirrel season might be on

Judie said...

Hi Gang:

This is Frank [aka Darth] Vajda. As you might suspect since I am writing this, Judie has been up to no good.

Around 1030 PM last night she was coming down the stairs doing quite well until she forgot about the last three steps. Responding to her subsequent wail of excruciating pain, I saw one ugly left ankle. Except for the skin around her foot, I was not sure what was holding every thing together.

We took an ambulance to the hospital and x-rays confirmed multiple fractures. She was very close to having a compound fracture [where the bone pokes through the skin].

The doctor lined all the bones back up the way they should be and put a splint on there to hold everything in place. She would be needing surgery, but the splint would suffice for now. She was going to be released. However, the doctor took more x-rays, consulted with others and decided that, despite the splint, the ankle was unstable. Too much risk to let her go home.

The decision was to admit her and schedule her for surgery at the earliest possible time --- more than likely today.

I got home about one-half hour ago; it is now 7 AM, and I am dog-tired.

That's all I know. She is resting comfortably in Fairfax Hospital with the aid of pain killers.

Warmest regards to one and all. When I know more, so will you.


Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Margy...

I did get to see that short and sweet visit, but my computer would not allow me to type and let you know that you had company!

magpie said...

I had a feeling you were watching, Wanda...
Oh yes tell me about computer problems ! ☺
make that ):

Hope that today is a good day for GG

okay, time to get the bibs on for the day...

ttfn xoxox

Judie said...

Don't know if my original message made it. Here's a second attempt:

Hi Gang:

This is Frank [aka Darth] Vajda. As you might suspect since I am writing this, Judie has been up to no good.

Around 1030 PM last night she was coming down the stairs doing quite well until she forgot about the last three steps. Responding to her subsequent wail of excruciating pain, I saw one ugly left ankle. Except for the skin around her foot, I was not sure what was holding every thing together.

We took an ambulance to the hospital and x-rays confirmed multiple fractures. She was very close to having a compound fracture [where the bone pokes through the skin].

The doctor lined all the bones back up the way they should be and put a splint on there to hold everything in place. She would be needing surgery, but the splint would suffice for now. She was going to be released. However, the doctor took more x-rays, consulted with others and decided that, despite the splint, the ankle was unstable. Too much risk to let her go home.

The decision was to admit her and schedule her for surgery at the earliest possible time --- more than likely today.

I got home about one-half hour ago; it is now 7 AM, and I am dog-tired.

That's all I know. She is resting comfortably in Fairfax Hospital with the aid of pain killers.

Warmest regards to one and all. When I know more, so will you.


Costume Lady said...

Oh No! Frank, I am so sorry to hear of Judie's fall. She must be in terrible pain...or maybe they have her medicated (hope so). Please keep us udated and tell Judie that we love her and are praying for a good outcome, Pronto!
Thank You so much for letting us know.

magpie said...

Oh Frank!

I just read your post, I am so sorry to hear of Judie's fall!

Thank you for letting us know....this is terribly unfortunate news

Please give her our (( hugs )) and let her know we are praying for her

floralgirl said...

Well, geez, hard time posting here today. Anyway, I was gonna say eagles in the nest, but of course they have flown now, and then I read Darth's post. So sorry to hear about Judie. Please let her know how sorry I am to hear of her fall. Hope her surgery goes well.
Hello all:) Have a great weekend, the weather will be beautiful!

grannyblt said...

Sorry to hear about Judie. Please let her know we are thinking about her.

Costume Lady said...

I wonder if you were having the same problem as I, Megan? I had the volumn bar across the screen and couldn't get it off...also couldn't type. Had to reboot.

I feel so badly for Judie...that could happen to anyone of us!
We will all be more careful when going down the stairs:(
Wonder if her leg gave way on her?
Mine does that eagle cane helps.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...


Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Lynne
It's good to know that our eagles are coming more frequently now:)

Lynne2 said...

Just read Darth's post.....oh poor Judie! How terrible! I hope she is resting comfortably with pain meds while waiting for surgery. Prayers for her.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Wanda! I was lucky AGAIN and happened to hear the eagle on my way past the kitchen. Been up very sick all night long. Hit me fast around dinner time. I had a Wendys Jr bacon cheeseburger late in the afternoon and I think that may be what did it. Feel better, but not great. SO I'm heading up to lay down for a while.

Costume Lady said...

Hope a nap will make it all go away, Lynne.
I'm out the door, very shortly to help with the church dinner, tomorrow. Preparing everything today.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...