Sunday, November 21, 2010


Evening thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Good Evening and Thank you Steve.

I'll call others over

We are all anxious for Wednesday and praying the weather stays dry.

Mema Jo said...

I feel certain Wanda will place on her blog Jayden's party happenings.
He loved the Tunnel....

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch some taped shows with hubby.


Lynne2 said...

Judie, SO glad to have you back with us!!! Hope the mending process gets easier each day!

Prayers for your friend Barb,Lynn.

Dana, how nice that your daughter is coming! That sure is a nice Christmas present!

Lolly said...

Wow! So excited to see Judie post on the blog. Jo took the words right out of my mouth "Wahoooooo!"

Judie, we have missed you and have felt so badly for you!! Know your classes have been a big worry. Been there done that! So glad you will be able to take of things on line. Have never broken a bone (knock on wood!)But, have really felt for you. We love you!

Have to tell y'all, I did miss the last steps coming down stairs at Laurel's. AND, I was carrying a baby Joseph!!! He hit the back of his head but not too hard that he was injured. I did not injure myself, but felt so bad for my Joseph. I was not feeling too well, it was early morning light, and her stairs are carpeted, but the bottom step is not, it looks like the wood floor. Dumb idea!!!!
Laurel heard me fall and I called out..."Laurel, I fell!" I did have bruises!

Lolly said...

Laurel visited Faye this afternoon. She is NOT doing well. Laurel said she was a lot worse than the last time she saw her. She still has pain and nausua and is not getting up. She is retaining fluid. Laurel said her stomach is VERY swollen as is her feet. Laurel said she is not watching any TV and her hands are shaking. She looked at two of her cards and could not do the rest. Prayers please for Faye!!!

hedgie said...

Bringing over from old thread:

YIPPEEE!!! Judie is BACK! So good to hear from you, girlfriend. I am relieved that you can finish teaching your classes online. I KNEW that you would be so worried about that. You just take it slow and easy and get to feeling better every day! We love you!!

Dana, what a wonderful Christmas present from Rashada (sp?). Can imagine how excited you are!

Jo, puppy date is not set yet...about 3 weeks......

Paula, have your tissues handy for The Bucket List! It's a good one.

hedgie said...

Poor Faye. I hope that the nurses have told the dr. about all this. Prayers continue.
And thanks to all for yours for Barb.

Lolly said...

You have our prayers, Lynn. Where is Barb?

BEagle said...

Happy Blue Moon to everyone.

And a special hello to Judie. May your foot heal well and your bones knit perfectly is my prayer for you.

stronghunter said...

I need to finish up some things down here and get ready for bed. Hunter and Kathryn have already gone up for the night.

Doggies are sleeping soundly on their new beds. Kathryn had bought a new bed at Target so there would be two, but they both wanted the new one until it got flatter than the old one, so now there two new equally fluffy beds.

stronghunter said...

Hi BEagle!

I second your wishes for Judie.

And, Judie, dear friend, please do not stress too much over your classes. Enjoy them.

NatureNut said...

A New Thread!!!
In honor of Judie's return to blog!!! So good to hear from you & thank Darth for a superb reporting job.

We've had on Giants & Eagles game. Altho I love E's, I don't like these Phila. ones!!!Vick did get sacked a couple times---take that!
(He should still be in jail!)

movin said...

Well, I finally gave up on my cable Internet, shut it down and went out on an errand.

I don't know if it's permanent, but I'm hoping it is; it's back up to speed now.

The cable was down for a while a day or two, and I think they were working on it today. The bypass obviously couldn't handle it all very well.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

I posted a picture of Flash and Luna on their new beds.

stronghunter said...

Happy to see you back on here, Jim. The Internet can be a mysterious place.

NatureNut said...

Oh Lolly, sorry about the Faye report, the poor lady.

Hi BEagle~~~hope you're doing OK.

Gonna watch a little more TV, so if I konk out in chair want to say
Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for all ;>)

movin said...

Hoping you all have a good week.


GooD NighT, aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Hi, Loretta!

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Faye, Lolly. I hope things turn around and are better for her very soon.

stronghunter said...

I hope you have a good week, too, Jim.

BEagle said...

Luna and Flash look stunning on their new beds.
Is George coping?

Doing much, much better NatureN! Thank you. Dana helped.

The Skins final score wasn't posted!!!

Prayers for Faye.

stronghunter said...

I got another one of those plug-in things that are supposed to calm cats. I gave him a good sniff. We will see. He already has them intimidated. He can relax now. They will not mess with him.

stronghunter said...

Of course, George is allowed on the recliner and sofa. He has privileges the dogs do not enjoy. After all he is the CAT.

stronghunter said...

That's THE CAT.

hedgie said...

Lolly, Barb isn't really too far....Winchester, VA.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - Skins had 19 and Titans had 16

Close one but we'll take it as a WIN !

BEagle said...

CATS do like to flaunt their superiority.

Thanks for the score Mema Jo.

hedgie said...

BEagle, score was 19-16!!! SKINS!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, prayers for Faye. At first I felt this was going to be for her best interest... I hope they take special attention to her.

BEagle said...

Yea! Skins!!

stronghunter said...

Well, the truth is that a determined dog could usually take out a cat, at least as long as the dog is bigger than a cat. The cat has to make sure the dog does not realize this.

BEagle said...

Went to Wally World and got my oysters for stuffing. It was amazingly slow this evening.

stronghunter said...

I got amused at the line-up at the water bowl at Kathryn's house one day. The two dogs were lined up and waiting patiently while Lucky, Kathryn's cat, was drinking. They waited quietly until Lucky was finished. Then, they drank together.

stronghunter said...

The grocery store (Giant) was very busy this afternoon.

stronghunter said...

I have to say good night. Can't keep going any longer. I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well. Judie's night light will come on automatically.

BEagle said...

I am glad George thinks it all through very carefully.

We don't have Giants here.

BEagle said...

I will say good night also.

Prayers for all of you and your loved ones.... plus feet.

Feet were special in the Bible.
Good night♥

magpie said...

Okay Rochester NY here, and there is a recent hit from Greensboro NC

just can't figure all that out!

Better think about saying Hello and Good Night at the same time, it's late

Prayers for Faye, sounds rough and serious for her, and prayers for your friend Barb, Lynn...
hope there is comfort and relief on the way for both

Sure was great to see Judie posting

magpie said...

sure hope the weather holds out through Wednesday, wouldn't be so had if good weather holds out through the Holiday week...
lots of traveling and visiting and kids that would have fun playing outside in nice weather

paula eagleholic said...

Hi BEagle!

Love and Hugs to our Judie!

Bucket list was good! Got all the laundry done, gonna hit it for tonight.

The grocery store here too was busy over the weekend.

Can you believe the GS cookies were $4 a box...almost $8 a pound...might be the last box I buy!

Mema Jo said...

Well in Germany it is already the 22nd.
Granddaughter Christine turns 28!
I left her greetings on FB! My grandkids are getting up there!

I am going to close down earlier than
usual. Some little shuffling to do on
my dinning room table.. My catch all

paula eagleholic said...

Hello Rochester!

Pretty moon out there tonight!

magpie said...

Moon was pale pink and shrouded in gauzy clouds when we first saw it nice and bright as the darkness progressed.
Liked Loretta's pic of it!

Liked Jim's word "coold," guess that could be new word for cool and cold combined, or actually, maybe just a mis-type ☺
glad that, or at least hope that, the cable problems are over and done with

Wonder how Megan is doing these days!

Tough to hear about the Facebook problems...much as I would like to be savvy enough to "do" Facebook, right about now, I think I am better off NOT...

Best wishes for good healing and restorative sleep for all

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo ♥

magpie said...

Ha! East Aurora NY now on the revolving globe...wonder if that is YOU Paula ☺

okay, nighty night everyone...

magpie said...

ooops just remembered:

Happy Birthday to Jo's granddaughter Christine ! And soon to be Stateside ! That's a birthday present for the whole family ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you had a nice day, Margy.

I'm outta here again.

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Margy, I suspect that the Greeensboro might be NCSuzan. She must be reading, but not posting tonight! Hope her family made it home. And that she got along well while they were gone!

BEagle, no Giants here, either. Or Safeways. Love 'em both---grew up with them. But not traveling 50 miles to go to one!!

hedgie said...

News will be over soon, so I will say night-night, too. Heading for the tub as soon as it ends. Moonlight is lovely...full moon glow makes everything so bright.
Prayers and peace.

Mema Jo said...

Good night to everyone
Good health & healing to everyone
Lots of Hugs for everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Too late to chat about Jayden's Birthday Party...other than it was a TYPICAL child's party. Kids running from everywhere and completely uninhibited.
I posted a few videos on facebook and will put them on my Blog in the morning.
So good to see Judie on here, in person and not disguised as DARTH!


Lolly said...

Hi Margy! Looked at that beautiful moon tonight and thought of you! You really do not have to be savvy to do facebook. You google facebook and give it your email address and a password. Let us know you are on and we will start seeking you out and asking you to be our friend. Very easy! We can help you make your settings to friends only. And, if you never click on things from friends you will do well. We can help you!

Heading to the shower. Fell asleep a little while ago sitting here with the laptop on my lap. lol

Thanks so much for the prayers for Faye. It is such a sad situation. It is so stressful for Joey. I understand that Will, her other son is coming the first of January and will be here for several days. He lives in N. Carolina.

Lolly said...

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here sort of late tonight. Have been pretty busy today. Hubby & I had to go shopping this afternoon for some jeans for him. His old ones were pretty worn out. We are going to Minden, NV to visit our friend Andrea for Thanksgiving. We have known her for many years. We got a text message from her tonight that it has snowed there, so we are hoping it will clear up by Wednesday. That's when we are leaving to go there. I don't have any classes that day, so we can get a fairly early start. We're renting a car to go there, and will have to pick it up that morning.

Ms Bookworm said...

WAHOOO!!!! SO glad to see that Judie was here today! Have missed you so very much, and have been SO concerned for you! Glad you have settled in at home, and are feeling somewhat better!
Prayers that you will feel better each day, and will be 100% before you know it! Many, many thanks to Darth for keeping all of us posted about you! He has done a wonderful job.

Praying, too, for Lynn's friend Barb. Hope her situation gets better really quickly! God bless her!

Prayers for Faye, too. Lolly, so sorry to hear that things are not as improved as we had hoped! Sure am hoping that the situation improves there, too!

Ms Bookworm said...

Glad to hear that Jim's cable internet is behaving much better. There's not much that's as frustrating as that is!

Didn't see any of our hawks today. Did see lots and lots of our smaller birds, though. They are very grateful for the feeders!

Forgot to mention--really happy that Judie will be able to finish out her classes online! Judie, that's GREAT!
Hope you are less worried about that now.

Well, it's getting a bit late here, so think I will go watch one more TV show, and call it a night.

The night light is on automatically, thanks to Darth and Judie. I'm checking to make sure the porch light is on. Have said prayers for everyone, especially those who are healing from injuries, surgery, or from illness. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Hope everyone has sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lolly said...

Good morning! Amazed that I am the first on this morning. Got up earlier than usual this morning. We have the house wide open and the birds singing their morning songs woke me. Love it! So, I have been up for a while, read the paper and checked on fb and now here.

Today I am doing last minute cleaning and some cooking. Jack is going to mow leaves so I am going to blow leaves off the patio, but really stay inside and work. 68 this morning, rain and cold coming Wed and Thurs.

Have a great day everyone...I'll be checking in occasionally.

Costume Lady said...

Today, in Nestville, it is 43° and foggy, going up to a glorious 68°. I did note that 68° is Lolly's STARTING temperature in Texas:)
The fog was so dense and lasted so long that the leaves are as wet as if we had a rain...not a good day for blowing them away.

hedgie said...

Happy Monday morning. Hope everyone's day is off to a good start.

ON THIS DAY....1963: Pres. Kennedy was assassinated. Do you remember what you were doing and where you were when you heard?
I was in freshman history class. You could have heard a pin drop as we all filed out to our buses. Seems like we were glued to the TV for days---B&W, of course.

Have my drs. apptmt. for 2:30.

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to Jo's gd Christine!

Costume Lady said...

Today is the first day of the Deer Hunting Seasn, here in WV. I can hear gunshots all around me and if the nest cam was up and running, you would hear shots from there too.
Just looked out the window and the fog is nearly gone, sun is shinging brightly. Maybe the leaves will dry some.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

A quick hello while the students are watching their movie.

See you later.

hedgie said...

I was up around 2am and things looked strange outside. Went ut on fog at that point, but cloud cover heavy with only occassional glimpses of moon. Sky was SO light that I could have seen to walk without any artificial light. Very strange. It was as if the hidden moon was lighting up the entire sky. I guess that was the beginnng of the fog. Several accidents earlier this AM because of it.

Lolly said...

Have been doing some on line shopping. Better get busy!

Kennedy assassination....I was a sophomore at TCU. I was in a sewing lab. (My major was vocational home economics) Word trickled in, one by one students left. I finally went back to my dorm room. First thing I encountered when entering my room was a message scrawled by room mate on our chalk board. She was from Florida and blamed all Texans, me included. She was not there, girls in the dorm said she had gone crazy! Interesting day, to say the least.

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning!

I was in the hallway changing classes in elementary school when they announced over the PA that Kennedy was shot.

I haven't posted photos in a while. These are from my last three times at BW:

Recent Photos

Mema Jo said...

Good foggy morning. It's starting to burn off. I mentioned it is Christine's (Germany gd) birthday today. She is elated that it is
snowing on her birthday!! What more could she have asked for!

Grocery shopping for a few items
Dusting to do around the house
Small amount of food preparations
Turkey day will be here before you know it or sadder that it will be over before we know it!
Enjoy Life To The Fullest While You Can

hedgie said...

Hi, Bob! Thanks for sharing more lovely pics!
Ha, ha.....getting to know ages better with the answers to my question!!! Bob, you are still just a youngster!
Lolly, how incredibly rude of that Floridian to blame Texans! I feel really bad for those who weren't at home with family during those dark days.

Mema Jo said...

Loved all of your pictures, Bob.
Hoping that you and Sarah enjoy your turkey day - so much to be thankful for.

Hedgie, I was a young mother and when it was announced I flew to the phone in disbelief to call my sister-inlaw.
I think the 3 young ones were napping.

hedgie said...

Jo, I'm sure it was hard for you to try to hold it together in front of the little ones.

movin said...





Weather's fair and coolish in So Cal today. Looks pretty nice outside.

I've got to make this short and get ready to go out and move my car for the day. They are going to "power wash" loose paint and whatever off the carports in my line.

Cable is fast again...TG.
Talk to you later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

'Morning Eagle Pals

foggy here earlier this morning, clear and beautiful right now and approaching 50.

Wanda and everyone in "Hunt Country":
be careful going out into the wild, or even on your own back or front porch or yard:
wear blaze orange if you have it.....

have diagnostic tests this morning, headed out for that, just the routine annual kinds of things :(

Best wishes for a grand and glorious day....


NCSuzan said...

Good morning! Hope everyone had a good and healthy weekend. I had computer issues but I think all is fixed now.

NCSuzan said...

With everyone talking about their Thanksgiving plans I just want to start with this...In case you did not know this, you are special. You have bonded together as a group, as friends, as support for one another and as prayer partners for all. I am thankful that you have allowed me in now and then to share the comraderie and friendship. Happy Early Turkey Day !

hedgie said...

Jim, glad your net is back to normal!!

stronghunter said...


I was leaving the dorm to go to my Shakespeare class. My roommate was listening to the radio with a friend and called to me as I walked into the hall.

I went on to class, and when I got back to the dorm, the President's death was confirmed.

I was on duty at the dorm office that weekend. I watched as much television as possible. (Most people did not have televisions in their rooms then.)We had a television in the parlor and in the basement.

My brother (Jim) and I went to see the grave and the eternal flame right after it had been lit when we were out of school for Thanksgiving break. We'd gone to Washington with our parents because my father had business there.

Kennedy had visited our campus when he was campaigning, and I almost got to shake hands with him. He passed right by me.

stronghunter said...

Lunch bell just rang.


Mema Jo said...

Heading up westward for a little

NatureNut said...

Good Monday Afternoon to All.
Just called Ledo's for an order. It's in MY name, but Fubby is picking it up. Person on phone did have a foreign accent, so can't wait to hear if Lowreeda rides again!!

NatureNut said...

On a more somber note, I was working for a Credit Union in a shopping center when Pres. Kennedy was shot. Was on lunch break at the dime store & they had TV which informed us. I drove home real fast and got my transistor radio for work.
Fubby had just come back to Senate from Army and had temp. job as doorkeeeper. He saw the news on the ticker tape and took it down on floor to Teddy Kennedy.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Suzan. Thanksgiving blessings to you, too, and glad to have you as a part of our little family!

Shirley, it was a horrible week, for sure. It wasn't too log after the eternal flame was in place that we went, too. Of course, we lived just down the road.

stronghunter said...

We lived in North Carolina then.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Loretta. Your husband took the news to Teddy Kennedy?

NatureNut said...

Correction on Senate story---Frank told his boss, Richard Rydell, about the ticker tape news and Richard went down and told Teddy.

NCSuzan said...

The day Kennedy died.....I was in third grade in a Catholic school. The nuns told us right away and then school was let out. You could tell the nuns had been crying.

hedgie said...

Guess I better get ready to head out. BBL. Gotta stop at the grocery, too....can do that while waiting for Rx.

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Loretta....that must have been one of Frank's hardest jobs to do. :(

hedgie said...

Oh, okay....see the correction. Still had to have been an awful day at the Capitol.

Gee, Suzan, you are really a youngster!

Bye again.

wvgal_dana said...

Good pictures there Bob.

Happy Birthday Jo's Christine but she can keep the snow over there.

Hope Wednesday is a nice day. Tomorrow it is suppose to rain. Hope that doesn't make ground to wet for Wednesday.

Mema Jo said...

Back again - Hope all is well and that everyone is keeping busy.

Traffic isn't bad but I'm sure that it will pick up as we get closer to Turkey Day.

Got my cup of coffee and my feet are going up.


BEagle said...

Hello to everyone.

Sad day for the nation back in '63.
I was in my second year of junior high school.

My English teacher announced the assassination and that we were excused from school for the day.

BEagle said...

New Thread.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...