Monday, November 15, 2010


New week thread.


paula eagleholic said...


Mema Jo said...

Belle went poof

paula eagleholic said...

now just one....

Mema Jo said...

I know you repeated Frank's comments from this early early morning,Paula... ButI still have his original post on the blog. ?? Are you deleting it?

Mema Jo said...

You think Belle told Lib to 'stay put'?

Mema Jo said...

Lib has been there for almost 15 min

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

I have a few pics for the album &
I did place on on FB

Thanks for the fresh thread, Steve
and thanks Paula for the call over.


Mema Jo said...

Oh Paula - they canceled

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm back. Thanks, Steve, for the new thread. Bringing this over from the old thread:

Oh, what fun! Had to make our house payment online, and have been experiencing problems getting logged onto the website. Finally made it this morning, and scheduled the payment. Before I could print a confirmation number, got an "error message"! Called their cust. svc., and they show no record of a payment. Said I need to reschedule a payment, but I want to be sure it doesn't get paid TWICE. Don't you just love computers?! Sigh....

Monday, November 15, 2010 1:11:00 PM

Costume Lady said...

Gene just brought in the "photo card" from our Trail Cam. I uploaded it and downloaded it. Not much action, but there was one deer, one raccoon and one cat.
Poted photos on Wild and Wonderful blog.
Hoping for something more exciting, like a fox, coyote or maybe even a bear:)

Mema Jo said...

Very clear pictures Wanda
I mentioned on your blog that I bet you would love to get a Fox front and center!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Wanda,
I like your pictures! Wish Hubby and I had a critter cam on our roof! Might be a raccoon or two up there.

Still trying to resolve whether the house payment went through or not. Will be back later. :o[

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and Lynne, I agree with you about the Christmas music...after Thanksgiving for me...and I'm tired of the stations that play the Christmas music 24/7...I always find another station to listen to.

paula eagleholic said...

JO, I can't delete Frank's comment but just wanted it reposted without the you know what before he deleted it.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo...I went to the AMC blog for Rubicon, maybe if we let them know, as others have, what a good show it is, they will bring it back.

hedgie said...

Reposting note from Darth from early this AM:

Hi Gang, Darth here.

Monday, 1:30 AM. Just woke up. Fell asleep in front of the TV since about 8:30 PM after spending most of the day with Judie.

She started the day in a lot of pain, with "more than 10" on a scale of 0 to 10. She has not been out of bed yet. I am told the surgery went well, but I have yet to talk directly to the surgeon who performed the operation.

They weaned her off of the morphine pump and now have her on some powerful pain killers administered orally.

When I left this evening, she said her pain was 5 on a scale of ten. She finally started to get some sleep.

She very much wants to go home and is very worried about her classes. She says she will be going to therapy today [but could not tell me what that means]. When you are drugged up, it is hard to remember things.

Not much more than that I can tell you. We are taking things a day at a time. I told her about you and your messages, your thoughts and your prayers. She sends you her love and her thanks. I pray she will be sitting here and writing you before too much longer.

I guess in her absence I am supposed to turn on some night light and send around the sand man. Consider it done. I will set it on automatic until she gets back.

God Bless you all.


Monday, November 15, 2010 1:56:00 AM

NatureNut said...

POOEY! I just wrote a message & got Service Unavailable!!!!

What do we have to do???Write in Word & then copy & paste???

NatureNut said...

TY for posting Darth's comment. Bless their hearts. ☺
Hope she feels better soon.

Gotta get out and plant a few little kales in some pots & got 2 new African violets. I have bad luck w/them, but they're the only live plants in the house now w/kitties.

Mema Jo said...

Oh my, I am getting a head cold - all those little fizzes in your head. Off to the doc I go if I don't lose it in
3 days!

Paula - I will do that (about Rubicon)
Ed and I both will miss it - we really enjoyed it.

Thanks Hedgie I see you were able to delete the previous Frank comment.
Tricky you!

I sure hope Judie does okay with whatever therapy they have scheduled.
As soon as she can move around a little I hope she comes home.

paula eagleholic said...

Where oh where did the day go?

Hopefully the royal couple will put in an appearance for us this evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, try some Zicam (nasal swab) or cold-eeze (lozenges) immediately.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles in the nest!!!

NCSuzan said...


paula eagleholic said...

What did they dig up?

paula eagleholic said...

Belle left a couple of minutes ago, now Lib just poofed too.

Hi Suzan!

NCSuzan said...

What a nce visit. I do not know how to take pics of the nest! Can someone help me?

NCSuzan said...

Hi! Paula. Guess we were the lucky ones this afternoon!

NCSuzan said...

hey! Eagle!!

NCSuzan said...

Must be Lib.....moving tiny sticks!

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - have you gone into the
Eaglet_Momsters site recently. You are in there but you may need to sign in with your Yahoo user name and ID
If you don't remember it - create a new one. If you get in, look over the albums. OR when you learn to take pics you could put them in your personal blog!

I need to leave for a couple hours - I'll try to help you when I get back.

Mema Jo said...

That spider's web really makes it hard to see - I did catch his white tail
when you called out...

Now, BBL

NCSuzan said...

Another nice visit.

NCSuzan said...

Thanks Jo. I will do that. Have a safe evening.

NatureNut said...

Nuts, I was 10 min. too late to see our beauties! Cloudy today anyway & guess getting darker earlier. BOO

Hope I see something at Park. Did a test fix w/camera on nest if I'm in a hurry from the road. "Nest to left of dead tree!!" Someday the blocking leaves will fall ☺

Lynne2 said...

Evening all....testing my new "turkeagle" avatar! Or maybe it's a "bald turkey"

hedgie said...

Suzan.....keep still cam open, too, and when you want a pic, just right click on the image and choose Save Picture. Then you can go to the Momsters album (we are currently on one that goes through the end of the year) and open it a nd choose Add Photo---just follow the directions!

hedgie said...

Got all the leaves blown and mown before the rain! Yea, me!

Service was nice....but short. All over in an hour including travel time from church to cemetery (6 miles). And found out that I don't like my flashers on my truck.....they make that stupid turn signal noise the whole time!

Lolly said...

Good evening! Jack and I just got home and once again I have missed the eagles!

Jack got the washer fixed. It was a fuse. Left the bill for $1.35 on Laurel's bar. So thankful that was all it was! Laurel asked if I sat and twiddled my thumbs. She thanked me knowing I had done something while there. Let's see...I cleaned two bathrooms, dusted, cleaned a few windows, folded clothes, made beds, used Resolve on some carpet spots, and generally picked up. I feel good helping her out. We also fixed a lamp and hauled away some wood that she has wanted removed. I worked today!

hedgie said...

Your web cam does a fantastic job, Wanda!! Wish I had one!

hedgie said...

Mac and cheese in the oven. Need some comfort food!! Just realized, too, that I haven't eaten since 9am----no wonder I'm hungry!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, thank you. Those are simple instructions I can follow. Know you are tired from the funeral. Those events can take a toll on us physically and emotionally. Now it is time for you i hope.

Costume Lady said...

Hey Lynn, I got the leaves out front blown and it looks so nice, but you know we will have to do that again and again:(
We have the woods in the back of the house and that is a never ending job!

I'm glad some of you saw the trail cam photos. I hope to be able to share some exciting or unusual footage with you. It does video, too...don't know why Gene set it on still photos, but I will let him have his way, for now, then it will be my turn. I WANT MOVEMENT!:)

hedgie said...

Lolly, you DID a heck of a lot more than twiddling your thumbs....think Laurel will notice??

Wanda, is the cam set like a motion detector?

Costume Lady said...

Yes it is, Lynn. We moved it to a different area in the woods, today. We'll see if there is more action tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Movement on your cam Wanda would really be nice.

Lolly said...

I think the cam is very exciting, Wanda. Told Jack I would love one by the pond.

Lynn, Laurel knew me, she knew I did not twiddle my thumbs. That is not me to sit and read a magazine or watch TV. Not when there are things to do!

Lolly said...

So, it was "tongue in cheek", when she asked if I twiddled my thumbs. LOL

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. I'm in the kitchen preparing dinner. I no longer like cooking.

Wanda love the cam pics.

Lolly, I can give you my address.

Thanks to Paula for posting darth's update on Judie. I was going "nuts" trying to find it when reading the posts thanking for the update. TY Lynn too. I even went to Yahoo looking for it.

Sorry to hear of her pain and hope she gets some relief.

... gotta go now. Will try to get back later.

paula eagleholic said...

The blog is moving at a snail's pace tonight. Hope to catch some of the game tonight...John and Michael are there!

wvgal_dana said...

Is anyone having trouble getting the live cam?

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals

going to check those picture links for Gianni and the wildlife cam of Wanda and Gene's

saw the very last post on prior thread was from

"Judie" with one word:

and have not seen another post since then...well, it seemed like it was a good posted

magpie said...

glad to hear the funeral service went okay, and the weather cooperated

also, prayers for your family friend Lynn, Lynn

Nice to read there were two eagle visits during the day

Lolly, if I tell you my washing machine is broken, will you and Jack come by to fix it and you can "twiddle your thumbs" while Jack is working on it ?

magpie said...

co-worker didn't realize the phone was turned off, he is okay, will come in at noon Tuesday and I will get off at noon on Tuesday

someone else had gotten sick and the dayshift needed to be covered today.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, mine is running OK

magpie said...


I like your bald turkey turkeagle avatar

hedgie said...

Margy, that was me TESTING for Darth. He couldn't find the trashcan to delete the post, so Judie has given me her login info before to help her with her avatar, so Darth gave it to me again, and I had to post something in order to access the original post!! So it was ME. Darth hasn't posted since the 1:59AM post.

Wow, what a convoluted mess you had playing musical people!! Carolyn told me about the sick gal---sure hope she's doing better.
1/2 day off on a rainy day sounds good----you can sleep or you can get indoor stuff done!

hedgie said...

It's almost game time......GO SKINS!!!! Important game....and wonder if the dog biscuit throwers are in the stands: every time Vick either completes a pass or throws a TD pass----can't remember which----dog lovers are supposed to throw them at him. Don't know whether it's ever happened or not.

paula eagleholic said...

AHH too funny Lynn...wish I knew about that, would have sent some along...

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - your work today was labors of love - That kind is so rewarding!

Mema Jo said...

Watching a Hallmark movie


paula eagleholic said...

An exciting game so far...for the Eagles

hedgie said...

This game is stinking big time..........

Lolly said...

And, I am not saying one thing.

Watching TV!

hedgie said...

FINALLY on the scoreboard! A very long way to go to pull this one out. 35-7, 45 seconds into 2nd half.

hedgie said...

In 1940 the Bears beat the Skins 73-0 in the NFC Championship game---only football game my folks ever attended!

paula eagleholic said...


hedgie said...

Raining there now.....still not here.

NatureNut said...

OH, Good Grief!!!!Yucky game, but there's still hope!!!!
Was gonna get on here before game, but was trying to attach a pic to an email, and hourglass locked up! DUH!!!! Rebooted and most things are OK.
It's raining a little here---about 5-6 miles from game.

paula eagleholic said...

oH IT is raining at the game...they kept saying rain, no rain....

paula eagleholic said...

oH IT is raining at the game...they kept saying rain, no rain....

hedgie said...

It's raining! SO glad I got the leaves done.
42-14....half almost over, thank goodness.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I respect you for that -

I'm not saying anything either and I don't know if Prayer Power works any miracles at football games...

Mema Jo said...

Not a drop of rain here -- yet

Lynne2 said...

Popping in to say goodnight. Prayers for all!

hedgie said... the rain.

magpie said...

Your pictures from today's daytime visit are spectacular!

It's late, it's raining in Martinsburg
I'm not watching the game

I'm wishing that Shirley would hop on and tell us how Kathryn is doing

and maybe another post from Frank regarding Judie...
or maybe in the wee hours of the morning

Headed to bed here now though
Prayers for healing and comfort

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Maybe Shanahan better worry about HIS job...........59-21.....absolutely criminal.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Lynne and Margy.

NatureNut said...

Game is not worth watching anymore. Gotta get up early anyway.

For all hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for all, esp. Judie & any under the weather

hedgie said...

59-28.....whoopdedoo. :(

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, I feel the is not worth staying up for:(
Early morning for me too...GG is having blood work done (quarterly, routine).


Mema Jo said...

Hope I can sleep tonight - Can't breathe too well out of my stuffed
up nose. I'll do my best!

Good Night Everyone - Would love to stick out the game until the very end but my eyes are blurry.

Prayers for so many - I pray Judie's pain has gone away. Praying for Lynn's friend Lynn suffering from cancer - for Barb's daughter's condition to be know - and I'm sure the Good Lord knows all other's wants/needs.
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

I've had all of this I can take for one game. Heading for my bath. Will be nice to fall asleep listening to the rain on the roof.
I, too, wish that Shirley and Darth would check in with updates on our injured gals. Prayers going up for all. G'night.

Mema Jo said...

Talk about a sleep over !!!

Mema Jo said...

Talk about a Pig Out

Mema Jo said...

I guess I should look at my cams earlier in the evening so that others could have the enjoyment of seeing them

Shutting down now for sure... promise.

magpie said...

oh oh, blue screen on both live and still cams

haven't seen that in a looong time

I was passing through and just happened to check

Lolly said...

Love the sleepover, Jo! That is wild!

Stuck my nose in my book and finished it. Now off to shower and get ready for bed.

Plans for tomorrow....heading to Dallas in the afternoon. Finally going to see my Zach! Yea! Then we are going out to eat and to the hockey game.

In Dallas I do not clean, just play with Zach. They have a maid. Missed seeing my Denton boys today but left them a note and put play snakes in their beds when I made them, LOL

Heading to the shower. Nite all!
Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Oh, Hi and Bye, Margy! Get to bed!:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Just getting home from school. Have read back just a bit on the blog--sure sounds like a lousy football game! Yikes!

Mema Jo, sure hope you get to feeling MUCH better, really quickly! Prayers to that effect, for sure!

Hoping that we'll hear a good report on Judie either really late tonight or in the morning. Sure am missing her! Darth, if you see this, please pass along a big ((HUG)) from me!
Prayers continue that she will have a pain-free, speedy, and complete recovery!

Oh, Golly--found out at school that today Jean Gonzalez, the Director of my school, South Coast College,fell off a curb outside the school entrance, just missed getting hit by a passing car, and broke her femur (not sure which leg) at the top, near the hip joint. She had successful surgical repair, but will still be in the hospital for a few days. She had been walking with someone and carrying on a conversation, and just misstepped off the curb. Thank God the car was able to avoid hitting her! Gosh, hope EVERYONE will be extra careful! Don't want to hear of any more tumbles from ANYONE! Just kinda scary.

I finally got my house payment made today, but not online. Got 2 more error messages there, and gave up. I called it in. Hafta pay a little extra, but at least got the job done. My project for tomorrow is to call them and see if they will refund the extra charge, since the website was having such issues.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'll hit the hay. Have said prayers for everyone, including Judie, Lynn's friend, Lynn, Barbara's daughter, Shirley's Kathryn, Lynne2 (is your tummy better yet?), and all those not feeling 100%. If I remember correctly, Darth has set the night light to come on automatically, and I'm double-checking the porch light. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Have sweet dreams, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Lolly,
I love that you put play snakes in the boys' beds! Too funny! LOL :oD

Lynne2 said...

wee hours wandering and NO CAM. Read back and see Margy had blue screen but I've got nothing! Just a grey square where my picture used to be. No sound, no static, no blue screen, nothing. So it really begs the question, is it weather, technical OR.....are they putting up the new cam under cover of darkness while the birds are gone tonight??

Tummy NOT doing too well yet. I've had nothing but toast and a bowl of chicken soup for 4 days. UGH. Keep feeling OK, then nauseous, in waves.

Was hoping for a Judie report. Maybe she is coming home tomorrow (today)and Darth was busy with work, visiting and preparations for her needs for her return. Prayers that all is well!

NCSuzan said...

Hello! All. Just passing through and I have the same camera issues Lynne2. Hopefully you are right and the new camera is going to be installed. You guys have deserved this for a long time! Here's hoping! You have certainly been ill long enough. Hope you are better today.

magpie said...

Blue and Blue on the still and live cams
here for me.

I have sound at the live feed, but I believe it is not Nest sound, but just static sound.

I sent an email to Steve about it

Good Morning Eagle Pals ☺
Misty rainy morning here in Martinsburg

magpie said...


Sounds like a great day ahead for you and your family ☺
Bet the Denton Boys will find a way to pay you back for putting those rubber snakes in their beds !

magpie said...

Hoping that Lynne and Jo and Judie and everyone else with ailments, aches and pains have some relief today

cold and dampness always adds a few more discomforts :(

magpie said...

that is a Royal shade of blue in the cams though

magpie said...

Going to sign off before heading out to work

with Best Wishes for a good day, to all

xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

No working NCTC cams this morning, must certainly mean that we are getting our new one?! Oh please, please, please!

Taking GG for her routine blood work now. BBL

hedgie said...

Morning all.
Thank you for your prayers for my former babysitter, Lynn. She passed, and I'm sure we all helped make it easier for her.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just stopping in for a moment this morning. I was tired and busy grading papers last night. I watched a tiny bit of the Redskins game, but I just could not stand it.

Kathryn is doing okay. She's still sore. Not sure if she will go to a doctor about her shoulder.

Talked to the furnace man last night. He will install the new system this weekend. I decided I'd better go ahead and get it done before really cold weather sets in. I also want to get it done this calendar year because I will qualify for a tax break on this system. I need all the help I can get.

Lynn, so sorry to read about the passing of your former babysitter.

Wish we would hear from Frank.

BBL. Almost time for students.

Hope we are getting a new cam installed today.

Judie said...

Hi: Darth here.

Judie remains in the hospital. Yesterday, they started a therapy session. They got her to sit up and sit on the edge of the bed. They were hoping to get her into a wheel chair. However, when she tried to put her foot down on the floor the pain was so intense that she had to stop. So, they ended the session and assume they will try again today.

She is concerned about her classes. She taught me how to use the GWU email system and I mailed out a message canceling today's class.

I do not know where we go from here. It is one day at a time.

She thanks you all for all the hugs, kisses, thoughts, and prayers you have been sending and sends a bunch back.

The same goes for me. [Except the kisses are for the gals, not the guys.] I hope you and yours are well, and thank you for being such a wonderful support group for Judie.

16 Nov 10/0941

Lynne2 said...

Thank you so much Frank for letting us know how Judie is doing. I'm so sorry she is having so much pain. Prayers and hugs to you both!

hedgie said...

Sure sending lots of encouragement to Judie and Frank. Thanks for the update. I feel Judie's pain, and sure pray that they can get it under control. Mobility---as much as possible---is essential for many reasons. Can't let her be bedbound for long! (((HUGS))) coming her way...and for you, too, Darth!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Hope the gray screen on the live cam and the blue screen on the still cam mean that we're about to get new cam equipment! Can't wait!

Darth, thank you so much for the update on Judie! Hope they are able to get her up out of bed VERY soon--not good to veg in one spot for too long. (I'm sure you both already know that!) Are the oral pain meds working? Maybe they need to up the dose so Judie can stand to move around. I can certainly feel her pain!
Know how upset she must be about her classes, too. There's not much she can do about it at this time, though, and I HOPE the big schoolhouse can deal with it for her. Sending (((HUGS))), Darth. Please pass them along to Judie, and keep one for yourself. Am very grateful that you're keeping us posted. Hope you are able to get some rest--am sure you could use some by now. Hang in there!

Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, it's foggy here this morning! Went to pick up a couple of prescriptions at about 7 a.m., and it was practically socked in here. Visibility was about 1/2 a block. Sun is now trying to burn through, but it's only 50 degrees here so far. Gotta say, I'm loving this weather!

Ms Bookworm said...

SO sorry that you're not feeling all better by now! Might want to try the "BRAT" diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) if still nauseous. Have you contacted the County about your plight? Wonder if anyone else got sick too.

Prayers are continuing for you, as well as for Judie, Kathryn, and Mema Jo.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thanks Darth for keeping us up on Judie. More prayers going up. Gosh, the pain must be awful!

Hoping we are getting our new cam. Hoping Hoping Hoping!

Have been trying to type and Annie really thinks I should pet her instead. She keeps rubbing against my hand on the mouse. I just die laughing it is so funny.
She has now given up and has departed.

Going to do a bit of house cleaning befor heading to Dallas.

Laurel pulled back the covers last night on Jacob's bed. "Oh, Jacob there is a snake in your bed!" Jacob..."Oh Mommy, it is a fake". Joseph, Laurel said went to sleep on top of his covers cause he was warm. So, no tricking my guys!

Paula, we need the link to go vote for Gianni.

Have a great day everyone. Time to get busy! Slept in this morning!

Lolly said...

Lynne, so sorry you are not feeling well. This is going on too long! Prayers that you get to feeling better fast! (((hugs)))

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm so sorry to read that your former babysitter, Lynn, has passed away.
(((HUGS)))!! Prayers for her family!

Hope you get a HUGE tax break for the new furnace! Pray that Kathryn feels much better, really soon!

Forgot to mention that I really like your "Turkeagle/Bald Turkey" avatar!

hedgie said...

I could be wrong, but seriously doubt that any outdoor cam work is happening today. It is raining steadily. Don't think it would be safe thing to go up in the tree today.

Lolly, I think Annie and Shirleys' George are the puter mouse rulers!

Ms Bookworm said...

Am hoping for a good report regarding GG's blood work today!

Well, need more coffee. Have some housework to do, too. Will check back in a little later. Have a great day, everyone, and take care--no tripping or tumbling allowed! :o]

NCSuzan said...

Good late morning to all. Was good to hear news of Judie. Hope she will be able to get up today. Hedgie, so sorry for the loss of a friend. It is never easy. Going to hunt down something to eat. Take care one and all.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, before I are you and your cold? You definitely do not need that aggravation. Breathing is highly under rated isn't it? Please feel better quickly.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly. Does Annie lie down or sit down on top of the mouse?

George does!


Can you guess I'm showing a movie right now? The Last of the Mohicans--an example of American Romanticism.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, almost forgot about your new furnace. Heard on the news this morning that the average utility bill in the US is 2200.00 a year. Hopefully your new furnace will begin to pay off soon and that your utility company has reasonable rates.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - I've been visiting with daughter on such a bleak dismal day - she is my sunshine.
I slept through the night and do feel better today with very little coughing.
Thanks for asking Suzan.
Suzan/Candy sent you both an email for
some info on cell phones in your area.
Granddaughter will be locating there very soon. 23 days and a wake up and they will be on the flight from Germany. Headed here to see family before going to Ft Bragg.

Thank you Frank for the update
Maybe today will be better.

hedgie said...

Oh, the music from L. of M. But gotta say it was probably one of the most realistically violent movies---along with Braveheart---that I ever watched.
Glad that Kathryn is doing okay, and also glad that JO is doing better!! Now if Lynne could get her tummy to behave and Judie could get some pain relief, I wouldn't have to worry about our peeps so much!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for your 'worrying' Lynn
I was sorry to hear of Lynn's passing.
It is very upsetting because I feel that cancer research should have a cure by now - I know there are so many different kinds of cancer - but I just pray the answers are soon coming.
I am thankful Lynn is at peace

movin said...





C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo and everyone. Much easier to accept when it is someone older, but a young person with teens who need her is especially sad. Her family lived two houses up the road from us when kids were young. Her mom and dad still live there and he also retired from GM.

movin said...

Are the cameras down in your area back East??

Neither one seems to be working here.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Didn't mean to take so long to answer you, Jim
Brilliant Blue and Live cam is nothing

It is raining here and we don't realistically think they would be installing a new cam - BUT you never

movin said...

Maybe they're doing some work indoors getting ready for the change; or maybe it's one of those "the truck is here and they're's only raining lightly..." things, Mema Jo.

How are you today?

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

I am much better then yesterday.
The head cold symptoms are disappearing

All our beautifully colored leaves are falling with the rain. Yard is covered again.

Yesterday around lunch time, both our eagles were in the nest. No sightings today as far as I know.

Mema Jo said...

One eagle on the BWO platform
There are sprigs of pine in the BWE nest

movin said...

Two eagles and a fish landed at BWO.

C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...

I think it's our BWE pair.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

4:16pm 1 eagle in the BWE nest

Lolly said...

Getting ready to head to Dallas. Mexican food tonight and then heading to the STARS game! More fun! Anxious to see Zach.

Shirley, Annie sits on the arm of my recliner and rubs her head on my hand and mouse if I stop petting her. She has been known to sit on my arm and hand.

Is today the day Dana was having surgery on her knee? Prayers for her healing.

We are outta here! I'll be on much later if at all! Nite!

wvgal_dana said...

No tomorrow Lolly have to be in Winchester by 6:30AM. Janet was going to take me but Mom was so upset over how she had acted. Since I haven't been picking her up in my car. I have been making her meet me places. She begged to please let her take me tomorrow for the surgery. So I called Janet and told her "thank you" and Mom was going to take me. She knew why I made that decision.

NOT A LINK I can't get the live feed up all day I have tried. Was Margy's turn now I guess it is mine boo boo..still cam is all BLUE

Margy what back door did you use to get in. I seem to have tried all I can think of??????

wvgal_dana said...

Evening friends of nature.

Andy prayers for Jean Gonzalez at your school.
Thank God HE was watching over her and she didn't get hit by the car.

Shirley yes if you get furnace put in this year you get that tax break. Plus you'll know you will be warm.

Glad Frank sent kisses to the girls and not the guys LOL that Darth. Poor Judie sounds like the pain is terrible. Hope they can give her something so they can get her up. Need to be up and out of that bed.

Love the Lioncub cam both Moms asleep with ALL the cubs too. ( :

Mema Jo don't let that stuffed nose go too long!!

hedgie said...

Dana, glad that you and your mom have made amends.
No one is getting the is not working.

hedgie said...

Bed changed. Sheets washed. Some sunroom windows washed. Some damp dusting done. Think I'm done for today. Leftovers for dinner, so that will be easy. Will read while listening to news and waiting for Tues. eve TV!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn sorry for the lose of your babysitter Lynn. She was under Hospice care. I see her mother was a Minghini. Fimaliar with many Minghini's from Back Creek valley and Central Chapel.
Although I am glad GOD has let her rest now in HIS LOVING ARMS.

hedgie said...

In case one of us disappears, Dana, just want to wish you well tomorrow. It will be a breeze. Arthroscopy is such a cool way of doing things! No big incisions, very little pain. No heavy drugs to have to take! Just pop on and let us know when you get home!

hedgie said...

Dana, don't believe that Lynn's mom is related to any Minghini's here----they transferred in from MI with GM.

hedgie said...

She was older than I thought she was. I don't see any Minghini mention in obit, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn what was her name?

Mema Jo said...

Daughter, Jenny just left - she brought dinner in - what a treat!
She also did a no-no and brought the sample version of all their desserts!

Dana - So glad Lynn said your procedure is a breeze! I am just as pleased as you must be about Mom going along with you.

Well I have my shows tonight. Helen told me that both NCIS & NCIS:LA were the Part 1 of Part 2 shows. Oh No!
I like them soooo much that it's okay

Mema Jo said...

Going to check some cams
Let you know if I find any good ones..

Mema Jo said...

For You Viewing Pleasure - The Lions Sleep Tonight

stronghunter said...


NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mema Jo said...

Please note: If you don't see any cubs, keep in mind there's a section of the dens out of the camera view

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - glad to hear you and Mom are good and that she is taking you tomorrow. Good luck, I'm sure everything will go fine! Please check in with us when you are able!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...